/* copy the entire file to the player's memory space and parse the
 * out the boundaries */
int crPlayerLoadFile(void *context, const char *filename, unsigned char *data,
    int size)
    aosdkContext *aosdk = (aosdkContext*)context;
    int i;
    unsigned char *fileTable;

    /* save the input */
    aosdk->dataBuffer = data;
    aosdk->dataBufferSize = size;

    /* minimally validate the file */
    if (strncmp((char *)aosdk->dataBuffer, PSFARCHIVE_SIG, PSFARCHIVE_SIG_LEN) == 0)
        aosdk->isPsfArchive = 1;
    else if (strncmp((char *)aosdk->dataBuffer, PSF_XZ_SIG, PSF_XZ_SIG_LEN) == 0)
#if defined(AOSDK_SSF)
        if (aosdk->dataBuffer[3] != 0x11)
#elif defined(AOSDK_DSF)
        if (aosdk->dataBuffer[3] != 0x12)
    #error No valid PSF type specified during compilation
            return 0;

        aosdk->isPsfArchive = 0;
        return 1;
        return 0;

    /* load the virtual file system within the psfarchive file */
    aosdk->entryCount = GET_BE32(&aosdk->dataBuffer[16]);
    aosdk->entries = (fileEntry*)malloc(aosdk->entryCount * sizeof(fileEntry));
    if (!aosdk->entries)
        return 0;
    fileTable = aosdk->dataBuffer + 20;
    for (i = 0; i < aosdk->entryCount; i++)
        aosdk->entries[i].offset = GET_BE32(fileTable);
        fileTable += 4;
        aosdk->entries[i].size = GET_BE32(fileTable);
        fileTable += 4;
        aosdk->entries[i].name = (char *)(aosdk->dataBuffer + GET_BE32(fileTable));
        fileTable += 4;

    return 1;
void ovListener (ovStruct_t *ovP) {
	int sock;
    uchar buff[5000];  // uchar is important
    int bytes_recv, index, i, j;
    int set = 0;
    int remBytes = 0;
    ushort RecordHdrLengthRecvd = 0;
	jsonData_t* jsonData = ovP->jsonData;
	int ssl_len;
	int saveLen = 0;
	uchar saveBuff[5000];

	log_info(fp, "Entering OpenVPN Listener Loop..."); fflush(fp);
	while(1) {
        bytes_recv = recv(ovP->sock,&buff[0], 3000, 0);
        log_debug(fp, "OpenVPN Bytes_recv = %d, ", bytes_recv); fflush(fp);
        if (bytes_recv == -1) { perror("-1: Error during recv: "); exit(1); }
        if (bytes_recv == 0) {
            log_error(fp, "OpenVPN: Error: recvFunction: sock closed in recv, bytes_Recv = 0"); fflush(fp);
            sleep(10); // This is so that the main has time to gather stats
            exit(1); // No point keeping this since the sock is gone
        switch((buff[0] & P_KEYID_MASK) >> 3) {
            log_info(fp, "  <- OV: P_CONTROL_HARD_RESET_SERVER_V2"); 
			ovP->toAck = GET_BE32(&buff[50]);
			memcpy(ovP->toSessionID, &buff[1], 8);
			log_info(fp, "toAck = %d", ovP->toAck); fflush(fp);
			log_info(fp, "\nOpenVPN toSession ID: ");
			for (j=0;j<8;j++)
				printf("%2x ", ovP->toSessionID[j]);
			sendAckV1(ovP, jsonData);
			sendClientHello(ovP, jsonData);
        case P_ACK_V1:
            log_info(fp, "  <- OV: P_ACK_V1"); 
        case P_CONTROL_V1:
            log_info(fp, "  <- OV: P_CONTROL_V1"); fflush(fp);
			// Note that if saveLen is non Zero, then we have a continued 
			// SSL packet and we need to keep collecting the SSL pkt till
			// we get the complete pkt.
			if (saveLen != 0) {
				// Continuing pkts do not have ACK data, and thus their
				// len is 42 bytes.
				ovP->toAck = GET_BE32(&buff[38]);
				log_info(fp, "toAck: %d", ovP->toAck); fflush(fp);
				memcpy(&saveBuff[saveLen], &buff[42], bytes_recv-42);
				saveLen = saveLen + bytes_recv - 42;
				saveBuff[3] = saveBuff[3] & 0x7F; // clears the MSB flag
				if (saveLen >= (ssl_len+5)) {
					log_info(fp, "We have complete SSL pkt %d of %d",
						saveLen, ssl_len+5); fflush(fp);
					// Control falls down to decoding the SSL hdr
					memcpy(buff, saveBuff, (ssl_len+5));
					// But, first set the next ssl pkt if partially recvd.
					memcpy(saveBuff, &saveBuff[ssl_len+5], saveLen-(ssl_len+5));
					saveLen = saveLen - (ssl_len+5);
					log_info(fp, "We have next partial SSL pkt of size %d",
						saveLen); fflush(fp);
				} else {
					log_info(fp, "We have partial SSL pkt %d of %d",
						saveLen, ssl_len+5); fflush(fp);
					sendAckV1(ovP, jsonData);
			} else {
				ovP->toAck = GET_BE32(&buff[50]);
				// This occurs 1st time only for a complete or a partial pkt
				index = 54;
				buff[index+3] = buff[index+3] & 0x7F; // clears the MSB flag
				ssl_len = GET_BE16(&buff[index+3]);
				// If there is more than ssl_len+54+5 then we need to look for the 
				// 2nd SSL pkt now.
				if (bytes_recv > ssl_len+54+5) {
					int left =  bytes_recv - (ssl_len+54+5);
					log_info(fp, "Left over bytes: %d", left);
					memcpy(&saveBuff[saveLen], &buff[ssl_len+54+5], left);
					saveLen += left;
			// Check in the pkt now to see the SSL Pkt type
			// Assuming 54 bytes OpenVPN Hdr, it the peer also is acking
			// the Client Hello pkt, we need to jump these many bytes to 
			// start decoding the SSL header.
        	switch(buff[index]) {
	        case change_cipher_spec:
   	             log_info(fp, "  <- SSL: Change Cipher: %d", ssl_len+5); break;
   	     	case alert:
   	             log_info(fp, "  <- SSL: Alert: %d", ssl_len+5); break;
   	     	case handshake:
   	             log_info(fp, "  <- SSL: Handshake: %d", ssl_len+5); break;
   	     	case application_data:
   	             log_info(fp, "  <- SSL: App data: %d", ssl_len+5); break;
   	             log_error(fp, " <- SSL: Error pkt recvd: %d, ", buff[0]);
        	if (buff[index] == change_cipher_spec) { break; }
        	if (buff[index] == alert) { break; }
			// TBD: Logic needed to read multiple Handshake msgs in 1 msg
			switch(buff[index+5]) {
        	case hello_request:
                log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type: Hello Request"); break;
        	case client_hello:
                log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type: Client Hello"); break;
        	case server_hello:
                log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type:  Server Hello");
        	case certificate:
                log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type: Certificate");
                //recvCertificate (ovP);
        	case server_key_exchange:
                log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type: Server Key Exchange");
                //ovP->handshakeResp |= set;
        	case certificate_request:
                log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type: Certificate Request");
				// TBD: Check if Server Hello Done is also in this message
				// We need a smarter way to parse multiple handshake msgs
				// so that we dont use this kludge here
				if (buff[bytes_recv-4] == 0x0E) {
                	log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type: Server Hello Done");
					ovSendClientCertificate(ovP, jsonData);
					ovSendClientKeyExchange(ovP, jsonData);
        	case server_hello_done:
                log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type:  Server Hello Done");
        	case certificate_verify:
                log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type: Certificate Verify"); break;
        	case client_key_exchange:
                log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type: Client Key Exchange"); break;
        	case finished:
                log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type: Finished");
                log_info(fp, "      <- Handshake Type: Unknown");
			sendAckV1(ovP, jsonData);
            log_error(fp, " <- OV: Error pkt recvd: %d, ", buff[0]);
            // We have some junk data. Throw it away
            log_info(fp, "..discarding %d len data\n", bytes_recv); continue;
#ifdef DEBUG
		for (j=0;j<i;j++)
			printf("%2x ", buff[j]);