// *****************************************************************************
                                uint16_t            ID,
                                uint16_t            left,
                                uint16_t            top,
                                uint16_t            right,
                                uint16_t            bottom,
                                uint16_t            state,
                                GFX_XCHAR           *pText,
                                uint16_t            charMax,
                                GFX_ALIGNMENT       alignment,
                                GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME  *pScheme)
    // ending zero is not included into charMax
    pEb = (GFX_GOL_EDITBOX*) GFX_malloc(sizeof(GFX_GOL_EDITBOX) + (charMax + 1)*sizeof(GFX_XCHAR));

    if (pEb == NULL)
        return pEb;

    // allocate space for the text buffer
    pEb->pText    = (GFX_XCHAR*)((uint8_t*)pEb + sizeof(GFX_GOL_EDITBOX));
    // initialize to contain nothing
    *pEb->pText             = 0;
    pEb->length             = 0;
    pEb->charMax            = charMax;

    pEb->hdr.ID      	    = ID;
    pEb->hdr.pNxtObj 	    = NULL;
    pEb->hdr.type    	    = GFX_GOL_EDITBOX_TYPE;
    pEb->hdr.left    	    = left;
    pEb->hdr.top     	    = top;
    pEb->hdr.right   	    = right;
    pEb->hdr.bottom  	    = bottom;
    pEb->hdr.state   	    = state;

    pEb->hdr.DrawObj        = GFX_GOL_EditBoxDraw;      // draw function
    pEb->hdr.FreeObj        = NULL;                     // free function
    pEb->hdr.actionGet      = GFX_GOL_EditBoxActionGet; // action get function
    pEb->hdr.actionSet      = GFX_GOL_EditBoxActionSet; // default action function

    // copy the text to the buffer
    if(pText != NULL)
        GFX_GOL_EditBoxTextSet(pEb, pText);

    // set the alignment
    GFX_GOL_EditBoxTextAlignmentSet(pEb, alignment);

    // Set the style scheme to be used
    pEb->hdr.pGolScheme = (GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME *)pScheme;

    pEb->textHeight = GFX_TextStringHeightGet(pEb->hdr.pGolScheme->pFont);

    GFX_GOL_ObjectAdd((GFX_GOL_OBJ_HEADER *)pEb);

    return pEb;
* Function: SLIDER *SldCreate(WORD ID, SHORT left, SHORT top, SHORT right, 
*							  SHORT bottom, WORD state, SHORT range, 
*							  SHORT page, SHORT pos, GOL_SCHEME *pScheme)
* Notes: Creates a SLIDER object and adds it to the current active list.
*        If the creation is successful, the pointer to the created Object 
*        is returned. If not successful, NULL is returned.
SLIDER *SldCreate
    WORD        ID,
    SHORT       left,
    SHORT       top,
    SHORT       right,
    SHORT       bottom,
    WORD        state,
    WORD        range,
    WORD        page,
    WORD        pos,
    GOL_SCHEME  *pScheme
    SLIDER  *pSld = NULL;

    pSld = (SLIDER *)GFX_malloc(sizeof(SLIDER));
    if(pSld == NULL)
        return (pSld);

    pSld->hdr.ID        = ID;                           // unique id assigned for referencing
    pSld->hdr.pNxtObj   = NULL;
    pSld->hdr.type      = OBJ_SLIDER;                   // set object type
    pSld->hdr.left      = left;                         // left and right should be equal when oriented vertically
    pSld->hdr.top       = top;                          // top and bottom should be equal when oriented horizontally
    pSld->hdr.right     = right;
    pSld->hdr.bottom    = bottom;
    pSld->hdr.state     = state;
    pSld->hdr.DrawObj      = SldDraw;     				// draw function
    pSld->hdr.MsgObj         = SldTranslateMsg;       	// message function
    pSld->hdr.MsgDefaultObj  = SldMsgDefault;  			// default message function
    pSld->hdr.FreeObj  = NULL;  						// default free function

    // Parameters in the user defined range system (pos, page and range)
    pSld->range = range;                            // range of the slider movement (always measured from 0 to range)

    // 0 refers to pSld->minPos and
    // range refers to pSld->maxpos where: minPos and maxPos are
    // the coordinate equivalent of 0 and range value
    pSld->page = page;                              // set the resolution
    pSld->pos = pos;                                // set the initial position

    // calculate the thumb width and height
    pSld->thWidth = SldGetWidth(pSld);
    pSld->thHeight = SldGetHeight(pSld);

    // Set the color scheme to be used
    if(pScheme == NULL)
        pSld->hdr.pGolScheme = _pDefaultGolScheme;  // use default scheme
        pSld->hdr.pGolScheme = (GOL_SCHEME *)pScheme;   // user defined scheme
    GOLAddObject((OBJ_HEADER *)pSld);                   // add the new object to the current list
    return (pSld);
* Function: ANALOGCLOCK  *AcCreate(WORD ID, SHORT left,SHORT top,
*                        SHORT right,SHORT bottom,SHORT hour,SHORT minute,
*                        SHORT radius,BOOL sechand,WORD state,void *pBitmap,
*                        GOL_SCHEME  *pScheme)
* Notes: Creates an ANALOGCLOCK object and adds it to the current active list.
*        If the creation is successful, the pointer to the created Object 
*        is returned. If not successful, NULL is returned.
    WORD        ID,
    SHORT       left,
    SHORT       top,
    SHORT       right,
    SHORT       bottom,
    SHORT       hour,
    SHORT       minute,
    SHORT       radius,
    BOOL		sechand,
    WORD        state,
    void        *pBitmap,
    GOL_SCHEME  *pScheme
    pAc = (ANALOGCLOCK *)GFX_malloc(sizeof(ANALOGCLOCK));
    if(pAc == NULL)
        return (NULL);

    pAc->hdr.ID = ID;                   // unique id assigned for referencing
    pAc->hdr.pNxtObj = NULL;            // initialize pointer to NULL
    pAc->hdr.type = OBJ_ANALOGCLOCK;    // set object type
    pAc->hdr.left = left;               // left position
    pAc->hdr.top = top;                 // top position
    pAc->hdr.right = left;              // left position
    pAc->hdr.bottom = top;              // top position
    pAc->radius = radius;
    pAc->valueS = 0;
    pAc->prev_valueS = pAc->valueS;
    pAc->valueM = minute;
    pAc->prev_valueM = pAc->valueM-1;
    pAc->valueH = (hour*5) + (minute/12);
    pAc->prev_valueH = pAc->valueH-1;
    pAc->centerx = (left + ((right-left)>>1)); 
    pAc->centery = (top + ((bottom-top)>>1));
    pAc->pBitmap = pBitmap;             // location of bitmap
    pAc->hdr.state = state;             // state
    pAc->hdr.DrawObj = AcDraw;			// draw function
    pAc->hdr.MsgObj = NULL;             // no message function
    pAc->hdr.MsgDefaultObj = NULL;		// no default message function
    pAc->hdr.FreeObj = NULL;
    // Set the color scheme to be used
    if(pScheme == NULL)
        pAc->hdr.pGolScheme = _pDefaultGolScheme;
        pAc->hdr.pGolScheme = (GOL_SCHEME *)pScheme;

    GOLAddObject((OBJ_HEADER *)pAc);

    return (pAc);
* Function: DIGITALMETER  *DmCreate(WORD ID, SHORT left, SHORT top, SHORT right, SHORT bottom, WORD state,
*                               DWORD Value, BYTE NoOfDigits, BYTE DotPos, GOL_SCHEME *pScheme)
* Notes: Creates a DIGITALMETER object and adds it to the current active list.
*        If the creation is successful, the pointer to the created Object
*        is returned. If not successful, NULL is returned.
    WORD        ID,
    SHORT       left,
    SHORT       top,
    SHORT       right,
    SHORT       bottom,
    WORD        state,
    DWORD       Value,
    BYTE        NoOfDigits,
    BYTE        DotPos,
    GOL_SCHEME  *pScheme
    pDm = GFX_malloc(sizeof(DIGITALMETER));
    if(pDm == NULL)
        return (pDm);

    pDm->hdr.ID = ID;                   // unique id assigned for referencing
    pDm->hdr.pNxtObj = NULL;            // initialize pointer to NULL
    pDm->hdr.type = OBJ_DIGITALMETER;   // set object type
    pDm->hdr.left = left;               // left,top corner
    pDm->hdr.top = top;
    pDm->hdr.right = right;             // right buttom corner
    pDm->hdr.bottom = bottom;
    pDm->Cvalue = Value;                // initial value to be displayed
    pDm->hdr.state = state;
    pDm->NoOfDigits = NoOfDigits;       // number of digits to be displayed
    pDm->DotPos = DotPos;               // position of decimal point
    pDm->hdr.DrawObj = DmDraw;			// draw function
    pDm->hdr.MsgObj = DmTranslateMsg;   // message function
    pDm->hdr.MsgDefaultObj = NULL;		// default message function
    pDm->hdr.FreeObj = NULL;			// free function

    // Set the color scheme to be used
    if(pScheme == NULL)
        pDm->hdr.pGolScheme = _pDefaultGolScheme;
        pDm->hdr.pGolScheme = (GOL_SCHEME *)pScheme;

    pDm->textHeight = 0;
    if(pDm->Cvalue != 0)

        // Set the text height
        pDm->textHeight = GetTextHeight(pDm->hdr.pGolScheme->pFont);

    GOLAddObject((OBJ_HEADER *)pDm);

    return (pDm);
 * Function: GFX_GOL_SCROLLBAR *GFX_GOL_Slider_Create(uint16_t ID, uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right,
 *							  uint16_t bottom, uint16_t state, uint16_t range,
 *							  uint16_t page, uint16_t pos, GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME *pScheme)
 * Notes: Creates a SLIDER object and adds it to the current active list.
 *        If the creation is successful, the pointer to the created Object
 *        is returned. If not successful, NULL is returned.
        uint16_t ID,
        uint16_t left,
        uint16_t top,
        uint16_t right,
        uint16_t bottom,
        uint16_t state,
        uint16_t range,
        uint16_t page,
        uint16_t pos,
        GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME *pScheme

    pSld = (GFX_GOL_SCROLLBAR *) GFX_malloc(sizeof (GFX_GOL_SCROLLBAR));
    if (pSld == NULL)
        return (pSld);

    //pSld->hdr.instance = instance; //Device Instance set
    pSld->hdr.ID = ID; // unique id assigned for referencing
    pSld->hdr.pNxtObj = NULL;
    pSld->hdr.type = GFX_GOL_SCROLLBAR_TYPE; // set object type
    pSld->hdr.left = left; // left and right should be equal when oriented vertically
    pSld->hdr.top = top; // top and bottom should be equal when oriented horizontally
    pSld->hdr.right = right;
    pSld->hdr.bottom = bottom;
    pSld->hdr.state = state;
    pSld->hdr.DrawObj = GFX_GOL_ScrollBarDraw; // draw function
    pSld->hdr.actionGet = GFX_GOL_ScrollBarActionGet; // message function
    pSld->hdr.actionSet = GFX_GOL_ScrollBarActionSet; // default message function
    pSld->hdr.FreeObj = NULL; // default free function

    // Parameters in the user defined range system (pos, page and range)
    pSld->range = range; // range of the slider movement (always measured from 0 to range)

    // 0 refers to pSld->minPos and
    // range refers to pSld->maxpos where: minPos and maxPos are
    // the coordinate equivalent of 0 and range value
    pSld->page = page; // set the resolution
    pSld->pos = pos; // set the initial position

    // calculate the thumb width and height
    pSld->thWidth = SldGetWidth(pSld);
    pSld->thHeight = SldGetHeight(pSld);

    // Set the color scheme to be used
    pSld->hdr.pGolScheme = (GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME *) pScheme; // user defined scheme

    GFX_GOL_ObjectAdd((GFX_GOL_OBJ_HEADER *) pSld); // add the new object to the current list
    return (pSld);
文件: GOL.c 项目: varesa/SnakePIC32
* Function: GOL_SCHEME *GOLCreateScheme(void)
* PreCondition: none
* Input: none
* Output: pointer to scheme object
* Side Effects: none
* Overview: creates a color scheme object and assign default colors
* Note: none
GOL_SCHEME *GOLCreateScheme(void)
    GOL_SCHEME  *pTemp;

    pTemp = (GOL_SCHEME *)GFX_malloc(sizeof(GOL_SCHEME));

    if(pTemp != NULL)
        memcpy(pTemp, &GFX_SCHEMEDEFAULT, sizeof(GOL_SCHEME));

    return (pTemp);
文件: app.c 项目: ctapang/v0_70_01b
GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME *GFX_GOL_SchemeCreate(void)

    pTemp = (GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME *)GFX_malloc(sizeof(GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME));

    if(pTemp != NULL)
        memcpy(pTemp, &GOLSchemeDefault, sizeof(GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME));

    return (pTemp);
// *****************************************************************************
                                uint16_t            ID,
                                uint16_t            left,
                                uint16_t            top,
                                uint16_t            right,
                                uint16_t            bottom,
                                uint16_t            state,
                                GFX_XCHAR           *pText,
                                GFX_ALIGNMENT       alignment,
                                GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME  *pScheme)

    if(pSt == NULL)
        return (pSt);

    pSt->hdr.ID        = ID;                        // unique id assigned for referencing
    pSt->hdr.pNxtObj   = NULL;                      // initialize pointer to NULL
    pSt->hdr.type      = GFX_GOL_STATICTEXT_TYPE;   // set object type
    pSt->hdr.left      = left;                      // left,top corner
    pSt->hdr.top       = top;
    pSt->hdr.right     = right;                     // right buttom corner
    pSt->hdr.bottom    = bottom;
    pSt->hdr.state     = state;
    pSt->hdr.DrawObj   = GFX_GOL_StaticTextDraw;    // draw function
    pSt->hdr.actionGet = GFX_GOL_StaticTextActionGet; // action get function
    pSt->hdr.actionSet = NULL;                      // default action function
    pSt->hdr.FreeObj   = NULL;                      // free function

    // set the text if it exists
    if(pText != NULL)
        GFX_GOL_StaticTextSet(pSt, pText);
        pSt->pText = NULL;
    GFX_GOL_StaticTextAlignmentSet(pSt, alignment);

    // Set the color scheme to be used
    pSt->hdr.pGolScheme = (GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME *)pScheme;

    GFX_GOL_ObjectAdd((GFX_GOL_OBJ_HEADER *)pSt);
    return (pSt);
* Function: PICTURE  *PictCreate(uint16_t ID, uint16_t left, uint16_t top, uint16_t right,
*                              uint16_t bottom, uint16_t state, char scale, void *pImage,
*                              GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME *pScheme)
* Overview: creates the picture control
    uint16_t        ID,
    uint16_t       left,
    uint16_t       top,
    uint16_t       right,
    uint16_t       bottom,
    uint16_t        state,
    int8_t        scale,
    GFX_RESOURCE_HDR        *pBitmap,
    GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME  *pScheme

    if(pPict == NULL)
        return (pPict);

    //pPict->hdr.instance = instance;
    pPict->hdr.ID = ID;
    pPict->hdr.pNxtObj = NULL;
    pPict->hdr.type = GFX_GOL_PICTURECONTROL_TYPE;
    pPict->hdr.left = left;
    pPict->hdr.top = top;
    pPict->hdr.right = right;
    pPict->hdr.bottom = bottom;
    pPict->pImage = pBitmap;
    pPict->hdr.state = state;
    pPict->scaleFactor = scale;
    pPict->count = 0;                             //Hard coded for now
    pPict->hdr.DrawObj = GFX_GOL_PictureControlDraw;	          // draw function
    pPict->hdr.actionGet = GFX_GOL_PictureControlActionGet;         // message function
    pPict->hdr.actionSet = NULL;		  // default message function
    pPict->hdr.FreeObj = NULL;		          // free function
    pPict->delay = 0;

    pPict->partial.width=0;                       //This voids the partial image

    // Set the style scheme to be used
    pPict->hdr.pGolScheme = (GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME *)pScheme;

    GFX_GOL_ObjectAdd((GFX_GOL_OBJ_HEADER *)pPict);

    return (pPict);
// *****************************************************************************
                                uint16_t            ID,
                                uint16_t            left,
                                uint16_t            top,
                                uint16_t            right,
                                uint16_t            bottom,
                                uint16_t            state,
                                GFX_XCHAR           *pText,
                                GFX_ALIGNMENT       alignment,
                                GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME  *pScheme)

    pObject = (GFX_GOL_CHECKBOX *)GFX_malloc(sizeof(GFX_GOL_CHECKBOX));
    if(pObject == NULL)
        return (pObject);

    pObject->hdr.ID         = ID;
    pObject->hdr.pNxtObj    = NULL;
    pObject->hdr.type       = GFX_GOL_CHECKBOX_TYPE;
    pObject->hdr.left       = left;
    pObject->hdr.top        = top;
    pObject->hdr.right      = right;
    pObject->hdr.bottom     = bottom;
    pObject->pText          = pText;
    pObject->alignment      = alignment;
    pObject->hdr.state      = state;

    pObject->hdr.DrawObj    = GFX_GOL_CheckBoxDraw;      // draw function
    pObject->hdr.FreeObj    = NULL;                      // free function
    pObject->hdr.actionGet  = GFX_GOL_CheckBoxActionGet; // action get function
    pObject->hdr.actionSet  = GFX_GOL_CheckBoxActionSet; // default action function

    // Set the style scheme
    pObject->hdr.pGolScheme = pScheme;

    // Set the text height
    // Set the text and the alignment
    GFX_GOL_CheckBoxTextSet(pObject, pText);
    GFX_GOL_CheckBoxTextAlignmentSet(pObject, alignment);

    GFX_GOL_ObjectAdd((GFX_GOL_OBJ_HEADER *)pObject);

    return (pObject);
* Function: PICTURE  *PictCreate(WORD ID, SHORT left, SHORT top, SHORT right, 
*                              SHORT bottom, WORD state, char scale, void *pBitmap, 
*                              GOL_SCHEME *pScheme)
* Overview: creates the picture control
PICTURE *PictCreate
    WORD        ID,
    SHORT       left,
    SHORT       top,
    SHORT       right,
    SHORT       bottom,
    WORD        state,
    char        scale,
    void        *pBitmap,
    GOL_SCHEME  *pScheme
    PICTURE *pPict = NULL;

    pPict = (PICTURE *)GFX_malloc(sizeof(PICTURE));
    if(pPict == NULL)
        return (pPict);

    pPict->hdr.ID = ID;
    pPict->hdr.pNxtObj = NULL;
    pPict->hdr.type = OBJ_PICTURE;
    pPict->hdr.left = left;
    pPict->hdr.top = top;
    pPict->hdr.right = right;
    pPict->hdr.bottom = bottom;
    pPict->pBitmap = pBitmap;
    pPict->hdr.state = state;
    pPict->scale = scale;
    pPict->hdr.DrawObj = PictDraw;			// draw function
    pPict->hdr.MsgObj = PictTranslateMsg;   // message function
    pPict->hdr.MsgDefaultObj = NULL;		// default message function
    pPict->hdr.FreeObj = NULL;				// free function

    // Set the style scheme to be used
    if(pScheme == NULL)
        pPict->hdr.pGolScheme = _pDefaultGolScheme;
        pPict->hdr.pGolScheme = (GOL_SCHEME *)pScheme;

    GOLAddObject((OBJ_HEADER *)pPict);

    return (pPict);
* Function: GFX_GOL_ROUNDDIAL  *GFX_GOL_RoundDialCreate(uint16_t ID, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t radius,
*						uint16_t state, uint16_t res, uint16_t value, uint16_t max,
*						GFX_GOL_SCHEME *pScheme)
* Notes: Creates a ROUNDDIAL object and adds it to the current active list.
*        If the creation is successful, the pointer to the created Object 
*        is returned. If not successful, NULL is returned.
    uint16_t ID, int16_t left, int16_t top, int16_t right, int16_t bottom, uint8_t rad, uint16_t state,
    const ROUNDDIALITEM* pItems, uint16_t nItems, uint16_t startPos, GFX_ALIGNMENT alignment,
    GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME  *pScheme

    int16_t txtHeight, txtWidth;


    // sanity check
    if ((pItems == NULL) || (nItems == 0))
        return NULL;

    // allocate memory for the control
    pDia = (GFX_GOL_ROUNDDIAL*) GFX_malloc(sizeof (GFX_GOL_ROUNDDIAL));
    if (pDia == NULL)
        return (pDia);

    pDia->hdr.imageStored = false;
    if (startPos >= nItems)
        startPos = nItems - 1;

    pDia->hdr.ID = ID;
    pDia->hdr.pNxtObj = NULL;
    pDia->hdr.type = GFX_GOL_ROUNDDIAL_TYPE;
    pDia->hdr.state = state; // set state

    pDia->hdr.left = left;
    pDia->hdr.top = top;
    pDia->hdr.right = right;
    pDia->hdr.bottom = bottom;

    pDia->hdr.DrawObj = GFX_GOL_RoundDialDraw;		        // draw function
    pDia->hdr.actionGet = GFX_GOL_RoundDailActionGet;		// message function
    pDia->hdr.actionSet = GFX_GOL_RoundDailActionSet;	       // default message function
    pDia->alignment = alignment;

    pDia->radius = rad;

    // record the data items
    pDia->pItems = pItems;
    pDia->nItems = nItems;

    // current position bit shifted to allow rotational steps
    pDia->pos = startPos;
    pDia->posOffset = startPos;

    // Set the style scheme to be used
     pDia->hdr.pGolScheme = (GFX_GOL_OBJ_SCHEME *) pScheme;

    // calculate the range of values either side of the current one that will be visible
    if (pDia->alignment == GFX_ALIGN_VCENTER) {
        txtHeight = GFX_TextStringHeightGet(pDia->hdr.pGolScheme->pFont) + ROUNDDIAL_VALUE_GAP;
        pDia->bandHeight = txtHeight;
        pDia->numericRange = (bottom - top) / txtHeight;

        pDia->center = (top + bottom) >> 1;
    } else {