static void gimp_cage_tool_cursor_update (GimpTool *tool, const GimpCoords *coords, GdkModifierType state, GimpDisplay *display) { GimpCageTool *ct = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL (tool); GimpCageOptions *options = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (ct); GimpCursorModifier modifier = GIMP_CURSOR_MODIFIER_PLUS; if (tool->display) { if (ct->hovering_handle != -1) { modifier = GIMP_CURSOR_MODIFIER_MOVE; } else if (ct->hovering_edge != -1 && options->cage_mode == GIMP_CAGE_MODE_CAGE_CHANGE) { modifier = GIMP_CURSOR_MODIFIER_PLUS; } else { if (gimp_cage_tool_is_complete (ct)) modifier = GIMP_CURSOR_MODIFIER_BAD; } } gimp_tool_control_set_cursor_modifier (tool->control, modifier); GIMP_TOOL_CLASS (parent_class)->cursor_update (tool, coords, state, display); }
static void gimp_cage_tool_motion (GimpTool *tool, const GimpCoords *coords, guint32 time, GdkModifierType state, GimpDisplay *display) { GimpCageTool *ct = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL (tool); GimpCageOptions *options = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (ct); gimp_draw_tool_pause (GIMP_DRAW_TOOL (tool)); ct->cursor_x = coords->x; ct->cursor_y = coords->y; switch (ct->tool_state) { case CAGE_STATE_MOVE_HANDLE: case CAGE_STATE_CLOSING: case DEFORM_STATE_MOVE_HANDLE: gimp_cage_config_add_displacement (ct->config, options->cage_mode, ct->cursor_x - ct->movement_start_x, ct->cursor_y - ct->movement_start_y); break; } gimp_draw_tool_resume (GIMP_DRAW_TOOL (tool)); }
static void gimp_cage_tool_create_render_node (GimpCageTool *ct) { GimpCageOptions *options = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (ct); GeglNode *coef, *cage, *render; /* Render nodes */ GeglNode *input, *output; /* Proxy nodes*/ GeglNode *node; /* wraper to be returned */ GObject *transform; g_return_if_fail (ct->render_node == NULL); /* render_node is not supposed to be recreated */ node = gegl_node_new (); input = gegl_node_get_input_proxy (node, "input"); output = gegl_node_get_output_proxy (node, "output"); coef = gegl_node_new_child (node, "operation", "gegl:buffer-source", "buffer", ct->coef, NULL); cage = gegl_node_new_child (node, "operation", "gimp:cage-transform", "config", ct->config, "fill_plain_color", options->fill_plain_color, NULL); render = gegl_node_new_child (node, "operation", "gegl:map-absolute", NULL); gegl_node_connect_to (input, "output", cage, "input"); gegl_node_connect_to (coef, "output", cage, "aux"); gegl_node_connect_to (input, "output", render, "input"); gegl_node_connect_to (cage, "output", render, "aux"); gegl_node_connect_to (render, "output", output, "input"); ct->render_node = node; ct->cage_node = cage; ct->coef_node = coef; g_object_get (cage, "gegl-operation", &transform, NULL); g_signal_connect (transform, "notify::progress", G_CALLBACK (gimp_cage_tool_transform_progress), ct); g_object_unref (transform); }
static gint gimp_cage_tool_is_on_edge (GimpCageTool *ct, gdouble x, gdouble y, gint handle_size) { GimpCageOptions *options = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (ct); GimpCageConfig *config = ct->config; gint i; guint n_cage_vertices; GimpVector2 A, B, C, AB, BC, AC; gdouble lAB, lBC, lAC, lEB, lEC; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CAGE_TOOL (ct), -1); n_cage_vertices = gimp_cage_config_get_n_points (config); if (n_cage_vertices < 2) return -1; A = gimp_cage_config_get_point_coordinate (config, options->cage_mode, n_cage_vertices-1); B = gimp_cage_config_get_point_coordinate (config, options->cage_mode, 0); C.x = x; C.y = y; for (i = 0; i < n_cage_vertices; i++) { gimp_vector2_sub (&AB, &A, &B); gimp_vector2_sub (&BC, &B, &C); gimp_vector2_sub (&AC, &A, &C); lAB = gimp_vector2_length (&AB); lBC = gimp_vector2_length (&BC); lAC = gimp_vector2_length (&AC); lEB = lAB / 2 + (SQR (lBC) - SQR (lAC)) / (2 * lAB); lEC = sqrt (SQR (lBC) - SQR (lEB)); if ((lEC < handle_size / 2) && (abs (SQR (lBC) - SQR (lAC)) <= SQR (lAB))) return i; A = B; B = gimp_cage_config_get_point_coordinate (config, options->cage_mode, (i+1) % n_cage_vertices); } return -1; }
static gint gimp_cage_tool_is_on_handle (GimpCageTool *ct, GimpDrawTool *draw_tool, GimpDisplay *display, gdouble x, gdouble y, gint handle_size) { GimpCageOptions *options = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (ct); GimpCageConfig *config = ct->config; gdouble dist = G_MAXDOUBLE; gint i; GimpVector2 cage_point; guint n_cage_vertices; g_return_val_if_fail (GIMP_IS_CAGE_TOOL (ct), -1); n_cage_vertices = gimp_cage_config_get_n_points (config); if (n_cage_vertices == 0) return -1; for (i = 0; i < n_cage_vertices; i++) { cage_point = gimp_cage_config_get_point_coordinate (config, options->cage_mode, i); cage_point.x += ct->offset_x; cage_point.y += ct->offset_y; dist = gimp_draw_tool_calc_distance_square (GIMP_DRAW_TOOL (draw_tool), display, x, y, cage_point.x, cage_point.y); if (dist <= SQR (handle_size / 2)) return i; } return -1; }
static void gimp_cage_tool_render_node_update (GimpCageTool *ct) { GimpCageOptions *options = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (ct); gboolean option_fill, node_fill; GeglBuffer *buffer; g_object_get (options, "fill-plain-color", &option_fill, NULL); gegl_node_get (ct->cage_node, "fill-plain-color", &node_fill, NULL); if (option_fill != node_fill) { gegl_node_set (ct->cage_node, "fill_plain_color", option_fill, NULL); } gegl_node_get (ct->coef_node, "buffer", &buffer, NULL); if (buffer != ct->coef) { gegl_node_set (ct->coef_node, "buffer", ct->coef, NULL); } /* This just unref buffer, since gegl_node_get add a refcount on it */ if (buffer) { g_object_unref (buffer); } }
static void gimp_cage_tool_draw (GimpDrawTool *draw_tool) { GimpCageTool *ct = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL (draw_tool); GimpCageOptions *options = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (ct); GimpCageConfig *config = ct->config; GimpCanvasGroup *stroke_group; gint n_vertices; gint i; GimpHandleType handle; n_vertices = gimp_cage_config_get_n_points (config); if (n_vertices == 0) return; if (ct->tool_state == CAGE_STATE_INIT) return; stroke_group = gimp_draw_tool_add_stroke_group (draw_tool); gimp_draw_tool_push_group (draw_tool, stroke_group); /* If needed, draw line to the cursor. */ if (! gimp_cage_tool_is_complete (ct)) { GimpVector2 last_point; last_point = gimp_cage_config_get_point_coordinate (ct->config, options->cage_mode, n_vertices - 1); gimp_draw_tool_add_line (draw_tool, last_point.x + ct->offset_x, last_point.y + ct->offset_y, ct->cursor_x, ct->cursor_y); } gimp_draw_tool_pop_group (draw_tool); /* Draw the cage with handles. */ for (i = 0; i < n_vertices; i++) { GimpVector2 point1, point2; point1 = gimp_cage_config_get_point_coordinate (ct->config, options->cage_mode, i); point1.x += ct->offset_x; point1.y += ct->offset_y; if (i > 0 || gimp_cage_tool_is_complete (ct)) { gint index_point2; if (i == 0) index_point2 = n_vertices - 1; else index_point2 = i - 1; point2 = gimp_cage_config_get_point_coordinate (ct->config, options->cage_mode, index_point2); point2.x += ct->offset_x; point2.y += ct->offset_y; gimp_draw_tool_push_group (draw_tool, stroke_group); gimp_draw_tool_add_line (draw_tool, point1.x, point1.y, point2.x, point2.y); gimp_draw_tool_pop_group (draw_tool); } if (i == ct->hovering_handle) handle = GIMP_HANDLE_FILLED_CIRCLE; else handle = GIMP_HANDLE_CIRCLE; gimp_draw_tool_add_handle (draw_tool, handle, point1.x, point1.y, GIMP_TOOL_HANDLE_SIZE_CIRCLE, GIMP_TOOL_HANDLE_SIZE_CIRCLE, GIMP_HANDLE_ANCHOR_CENTER); if (gimp_cage_config_point_is_selected (ct->config, i)) { gimp_draw_tool_add_handle (draw_tool, GIMP_HANDLE_SQUARE, point1.x, point1.y, GIMP_TOOL_HANDLE_SIZE_CIRCLE, GIMP_TOOL_HANDLE_SIZE_CIRCLE, GIMP_HANDLE_ANCHOR_CENTER); } } if (ct->tool_state == DEFORM_STATE_SELECTING || ct->tool_state == CAGE_STATE_SELECTING) { gimp_draw_tool_add_rectangle (draw_tool, FALSE, MIN (ct->selection_start_x, ct->cursor_x), MIN (ct->selection_start_y, ct->cursor_y), abs (ct->selection_start_x - ct->cursor_x), abs (ct->selection_start_y - ct->cursor_y)); } }
void gimp_cage_tool_button_release (GimpTool *tool, const GimpCoords *coords, guint32 time, GdkModifierType state, GimpButtonReleaseType release_type, GimpDisplay *display) { GimpCageTool *ct = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL (tool); GimpCageOptions *options = GIMP_CAGE_TOOL_GET_OPTIONS (ct); gimp_draw_tool_pause (GIMP_DRAW_TOOL (ct)); gimp_tool_control_halt (tool->control); if (release_type == GIMP_BUTTON_RELEASE_CANCEL) { /* Cancelling */ switch (ct->tool_state) { case CAGE_STATE_CLOSING: ct->tool_state = CAGE_STATE_WAIT; break; case CAGE_STATE_MOVE_HANDLE: gimp_cage_config_remove_last_cage_point (ct->config); ct->tool_state = CAGE_STATE_WAIT; break; case CAGE_STATE_SELECTING: ct->tool_state = CAGE_STATE_WAIT; break; case DEFORM_STATE_MOVE_HANDLE: gimp_cage_tool_image_map_update (ct); ct->tool_state = DEFORM_STATE_WAIT; break; case DEFORM_STATE_SELECTING: ct->tool_state = DEFORM_STATE_WAIT; break; } gimp_cage_config_reset_displacement (ct->config); } else { /* Normal release */ switch (ct->tool_state) { case CAGE_STATE_CLOSING: ct->dirty_coef = TRUE; gimp_cage_config_commit_displacement (ct->config); if (release_type == GIMP_BUTTON_RELEASE_CLICK) g_object_set (options, "cage-mode", GIMP_CAGE_MODE_DEFORM, NULL); break; case CAGE_STATE_MOVE_HANDLE: ct->dirty_coef = TRUE; ct->tool_state = CAGE_STATE_WAIT; gimp_cage_config_commit_displacement (ct->config); break; case CAGE_STATE_SELECTING: { GeglRectangle area = { MIN (ct->selection_start_x, coords->x) - ct->offset_x, MIN (ct->selection_start_y, coords->y) - ct->offset_y, abs (ct->selection_start_x - coords->x), abs (ct->selection_start_y - coords->y) }; if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) { gimp_cage_config_select_add_area (ct->config, GIMP_CAGE_MODE_CAGE_CHANGE, area); } else { gimp_cage_config_select_area (ct->config, GIMP_CAGE_MODE_CAGE_CHANGE, area); } ct->tool_state = CAGE_STATE_WAIT; } break; case DEFORM_STATE_MOVE_HANDLE: ct->tool_state = DEFORM_STATE_WAIT; gimp_cage_config_commit_displacement (ct->config); gimp_cage_tool_image_map_update (ct); break; case DEFORM_STATE_SELECTING: { GeglRectangle area = { MIN (ct->selection_start_x, coords->x) - ct->offset_x, MIN (ct->selection_start_y, coords->y) - ct->offset_y, abs (ct->selection_start_x - coords->x), abs (ct->selection_start_y - coords->y) }; if (state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) { gimp_cage_config_select_add_area (ct->config, GIMP_CAGE_MODE_DEFORM, area); } else { gimp_cage_config_select_area (ct->config, GIMP_CAGE_MODE_DEFORM, area); } ct->tool_state = DEFORM_STATE_WAIT; } break; } } gimp_draw_tool_resume (GIMP_DRAW_TOOL (tool)); }