* This function takes a graph and produces a bisection of it
void MlevelNestedDissection(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph, idxtype *order, float ubfactor, int lastvtx)
  int i, j, nvtxs, nbnd, tvwgt, tpwgts2[2];
  idxtype *label, *bndind;
  GraphType lgraph, rgraph;

  nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;

  /* Determine the weights of the partitions */
  tvwgt = idxsum(nvtxs, graph->vwgt);
  tpwgts2[0] = tvwgt/2;
  tpwgts2[1] = tvwgt-tpwgts2[0];

  switch (ctrl->optype) {
    case OP_OEMETIS:
      MlevelEdgeBisection(ctrl, graph, tpwgts2, ubfactor);

      IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, starttimer(ctrl->SepTmr));
      ConstructMinCoverSeparator(ctrl, graph, ubfactor);
      IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_TIME, stoptimer(ctrl->SepTmr));

    case OP_ONMETIS:
      MlevelNodeBisectionMultiple(ctrl, graph, tpwgts2, ubfactor);

      IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_SEPINFO, printf("Nvtxs: %6d, [%6d %6d %6d]\n", graph->nvtxs, graph->pwgts[0], graph->pwgts[1], graph->pwgts[2]));


  /* Order the nodes in the separator */
  nbnd = graph->nbnd;
  bndind = graph->bndind;
  label = graph->label;
  for (i=0; i<nbnd; i++) 
    order[label[bndind[i]]] = --lastvtx;

  SplitGraphOrder(ctrl, graph, &lgraph, &rgraph);

  /* Free the memory of the top level graph */
  /*GKfree(&graph->gdata, &graph->rdata, &graph->label, LTERM);*/
  GKfree3((void **)&graph->gdata, (void**)&graph->rdata, (void **)&graph->label);

  if (rgraph.nvtxs > MMDSWITCH) 
    MlevelNestedDissection(ctrl, &rgraph, order, ubfactor, lastvtx);
  else {
    MMDOrder(ctrl, &rgraph, order, lastvtx); 
    /*GKfree(&rgraph.gdata, &rgraph.rdata, &rgraph.label, LTERM);*/
    GKfree3((void**)&rgraph.gdata, (void**)&rgraph.rdata, (void**)&rgraph.label);
  if (lgraph.nvtxs > MMDSWITCH) 
    MlevelNestedDissection(ctrl, &lgraph, order, ubfactor, lastvtx-rgraph.nvtxs);
  else {
    MMDOrder(ctrl, &lgraph, order, lastvtx-rgraph.nvtxs); 
    /*GKfree(&lgraph.gdata, &lgraph.rdata, &lgraph.label, LTERM);*/
    GKfree3((void**)&lgraph.gdata, (void**)&lgraph.rdata, (void**)&lgraph.label);
* This function takes a graph and produces a bisection of it
void MlevelNestedDissectionCC(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph, idxtype *order, float ubfactor, int lastvtx)
  int i, j, nvtxs, nbnd, tvwgt, tpwgts2[2], nsgraphs, ncmps, rnvtxs;
  idxtype *label, *bndind;
  idxtype *cptr, *cind;
  GraphType *sgraphs;

  nvtxs = graph->nvtxs;

  /* Determine the weights of the partitions */
  tvwgt = idxsum(nvtxs, graph->vwgt);
  tpwgts2[0] = tvwgt/2;
  tpwgts2[1] = tvwgt-tpwgts2[0];

  MlevelNodeBisectionMultiple(ctrl, graph, tpwgts2, ubfactor);
  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_SEPINFO, printf("Nvtxs: %6d, [%6d %6d %6d]\n", graph->nvtxs, graph->pwgts[0], graph->pwgts[1], graph->pwgts[2]));

  /* Order the nodes in the separator */
  nbnd = graph->nbnd;
  bndind = graph->bndind;
  label = graph->label;
  for (i=0; i<nbnd; i++) 
    order[label[bndind[i]]] = --lastvtx;

  cptr = idxmalloc(nvtxs, "MlevelNestedDissectionCC: cptr");
  cind = idxmalloc(nvtxs, "MlevelNestedDissectionCC: cind");
  ncmps = FindComponents(ctrl, graph, cptr, cind);

  if (ncmps > 2)
    printf("[%5d] has %3d components\n", nvtxs, ncmps);

  sgraphs = (GraphType *)GKmalloc(ncmps*sizeof(GraphType), "MlevelNestedDissectionCC: sgraphs");

  nsgraphs = SplitGraphOrderCC(ctrl, graph, sgraphs, ncmps, cptr, cind);

  /*GKfree(&cptr, &cind, LTERM);*/
  GKfree2((void **)&cptr, (void **)&cind);

  /* Free the memory of the top level graph */
  /*GKfree(&graph->gdata, &graph->rdata, &graph->label, LTERM);*/
  GKfree3((void**)&graph->gdata, (void**)&graph->rdata, (void**)&graph->label);

  /* Go and process the subgraphs */
  for (rnvtxs=i=0; i<nsgraphs; i++) {
    if (sgraphs[i].adjwgt == NULL) {
      MMDOrder(ctrl, sgraphs+i, order, lastvtx-rnvtxs);
      /*GKfree(&sgraphs[i].gdata, &sgraphs[i].label, LTERM);*/
      GKfree2((void**)&sgraphs[i].gdata, (void**)&sgraphs[i].label);
    else {
      MlevelNestedDissectionCC(ctrl, sgraphs+i, order, ubfactor, lastvtx-rnvtxs);
    rnvtxs += sgraphs[i].nvtxs;

* This function partitions a finite element mesh by partitioning its nodal
* graph using KMETIS and then assigning elements in a load balanced fashion.
void METIS_PartMeshNodal(int *ne, int *nn, idxtype *elmnts, int *etype, int *numflag, 
                         int *nparts, int *edgecut, idxtype *epart, idxtype *npart)
  int i, j, k, me;
  idxtype *xadj, *adjncy, *pwgts;
  int options[10], pnumflag=0, wgtflag=0;
  int nnbrs, nbrind[200], nbrwgt[200], maxpwgt;
  int esize, esizes[] = {-1, 3, 4, 8, 4};

  esize = esizes[*etype];

  if (*numflag == 1)
    ChangeMesh2CNumbering((*ne)*esize, elmnts);

  xadj = idxmalloc(*nn+1, "METIS_MESHPARTNODAL: xadj");
  adjncy = idxmalloc(20*(*nn), "METIS_MESHPARTNODAL: adjncy");

  METIS_MeshToNodal(ne, nn, elmnts, etype, &pnumflag, xadj, adjncy);

  adjncy = realloc(adjncy, xadj[*nn]*sizeof(idxtype));

  options[0] = 0;
  METIS_PartGraphKway(nn, xadj, adjncy, NULL, NULL, &wgtflag, &pnumflag, nparts, options, edgecut, npart);

  /* OK, now compute an element partition based on the nodal partition npart */
  idxset(*ne, -1, epart);
  pwgts = idxsmalloc(*nparts, 0, "METIS_MESHPARTNODAL: pwgts");
  for (i=0; i<*ne; i++) {
    me = npart[elmnts[i*esize]];
    for (j=1; j<esize; j++) {
      if (npart[elmnts[i*esize+j]] != me)
    if (j == esize) {
      epart[i] = me;

  maxpwgt = 1.03*(*ne)/(*nparts);
  for (i=0; i<*ne; i++) {
    if (epart[i] == -1) { /* Assign the boundary element */
      nnbrs = 0;
      for (j=0; j<esize; j++) {
        me = npart[elmnts[i*esize+j]];
        for (k=0; k<nnbrs; k++) {
          if (nbrind[k] == me) {
        if (k == nnbrs) {
          nbrind[nnbrs] = me;
          nbrwgt[nnbrs++] = 1;
      /* Try to assign it first to the domain with most things in common */
      j = iamax(nnbrs, nbrwgt);
      if (pwgts[nbrind[j]] < maxpwgt) {
        epart[i] = nbrind[j];
      else {
        /* If that fails, assign it to a light domain */
        for (j=0; j<nnbrs; j++) {
          if (pwgts[nbrind[j]] < maxpwgt) {
            epart[i] = nbrind[j];
        if (j == nnbrs) 
          epart[i] = nbrind[iamax(nnbrs, nbrwgt)];

  if (*numflag == 1)
    ChangeMesh2FNumbering2((*ne)*esize, elmnts, *ne, *nn, epart, npart);

  /*GKfree(&xadj, &adjncy, &pwgts, LTERM);*/
  GKfree3((void**)&xadj, (void**)&adjncy, (void **)&pwgts);

* This function compresses a graph by merging identical vertices
* The compression should lead to at least 10% reduction.
void CompressGraph(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph, int nvtxs, idxtype *xadj, idxtype *adjncy, idxtype *cptr, idxtype *cind)
  int i, ii, iii, j, jj, k, l, cnvtxs, cnedges;
  idxtype *cxadj, *cadjncy, *cvwgt, *mark, *map;
  KeyValueType *keys;

  mark = idxsmalloc(nvtxs, -1, "CompressGraph: mark");
  map = idxsmalloc(nvtxs, -1, "CompressGraph: map");
  keys = (KeyValueType *)GKmalloc(nvtxs*sizeof(KeyValueType), "CompressGraph: keys");

  /* Compute a key for each adjacency list */
  for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
    k = 0;
    for (j=xadj[i]; j<xadj[i+1]; j++)
      k += adjncy[j];
    keys[i].key = k+i; /* Add the diagonal entry as well */
    keys[i].val = i;

  ikeysort(nvtxs, keys);

  l = cptr[0] = 0;
  for (cnvtxs=i=0; i<nvtxs; i++) {
    ii = keys[i].val;
    if (map[ii] == -1) { 
      mark[ii] = i;  /* Add the diagonal entry */
      for (j=xadj[ii]; j<xadj[ii+1]; j++) 
        mark[adjncy[j]] = i;

      cind[l++] = ii;
      map[ii] = cnvtxs;

      for (j=i+1; j<nvtxs; j++) {
        iii = keys[j].val;

        if (keys[i].key != keys[j].key || xadj[ii+1]-xadj[ii] != xadj[iii+1]-xadj[iii])
          break; /* Break if keys or degrees are different */

        if (map[iii] == -1) { /* Do a comparison if iii has not been mapped */ 
          for (jj=xadj[iii]; jj<xadj[iii+1]; jj++) {
            if (mark[adjncy[jj]] != i)

          if (jj == xadj[iii+1]) { /* Identical adjacency structure */
            map[iii] = cnvtxs;
            cind[l++] = iii;

      cptr[++cnvtxs] = l;

  /* printf("Original: %6d, Compressed: %6d\n", nvtxs, cnvtxs); */


  if (cnvtxs >= COMPRESSION_FRACTION*nvtxs) {
    graph->nvtxs = nvtxs;
    graph->nedges = xadj[nvtxs];
    graph->ncon = 1;
    graph->xadj = xadj;
    graph->adjncy = adjncy;

    graph->gdata = idxmalloc(3*nvtxs+graph->nedges, "CompressGraph: gdata");
    graph->vwgt    	= graph->gdata;
    graph->adjwgtsum    = graph->gdata+nvtxs;
    graph->cmap		= graph->gdata+2*nvtxs;
    graph->adjwgt	= graph->gdata+3*nvtxs;

    idxset(nvtxs, 1, graph->vwgt);
    idxset(graph->nedges, 1, graph->adjwgt);
    for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++)
      graph->adjwgtsum[i] = xadj[i+1]-xadj[i];

    graph->label = idxmalloc(nvtxs, "CompressGraph: label");
    for (i=0; i<nvtxs; i++)
      graph->label[i] = i;
  else { /* Ok, form the compressed graph  */
    cnedges = 0;
    for (i=0; i<cnvtxs; i++) {
      ii = cind[cptr[i]];
      cnedges += xadj[ii+1]-xadj[ii];

    /* Allocate memory for the compressed graph*/
    graph->gdata = idxmalloc(4*cnvtxs+1 + 2*cnedges, "CompressGraph: gdata");
    cxadj = graph->xadj		= graph->gdata;
    cvwgt = graph->vwgt         = graph->gdata + cnvtxs+1;
    graph->adjwgtsum        	= graph->gdata + 2*cnvtxs+1;
    graph->cmap                 = graph->gdata + 3*cnvtxs+1;
    cadjncy = graph->adjncy     = graph->gdata + 4*cnvtxs+1;
    graph->adjwgt            	= graph->gdata + 4*cnvtxs+1 + cnedges;

    /* Now go and compress the graph */
    idxset(nvtxs, -1, mark);
    l = cxadj[0] = 0;
    for (i=0; i<cnvtxs; i++) {
      cvwgt[i] = cptr[i+1]-cptr[i];
      mark[i] = i;  /* Remove any dioganal entries in the compressed graph */
      for (j=cptr[i]; j<cptr[i+1]; j++) {
        ii = cind[j];
        for (jj=xadj[ii]; jj<xadj[ii+1]; jj++) {
          k = map[adjncy[jj]];
          if (mark[k] != i) 
            cadjncy[l++] = k;
          mark[k] = i;
      cxadj[i+1] = l;

    graph->nvtxs = cnvtxs;
    graph->nedges = l;
    graph->ncon = 1;

    idxset(graph->nedges, 1, graph->adjwgt);
    for (i=0; i<cnvtxs; i++)
      graph->adjwgtsum[i] = cxadj[i+1]-cxadj[i];

    graph->label = idxmalloc(cnvtxs, "CompressGraph: label");
    for (i=0; i<cnvtxs; i++)
      graph->label[i] = i;


  /*GKfree(&keys, &map, &mark, LTERM);*/
  GKfree3((void**)&keys, (void**)&map, (void**)&mark);