rserr_t GLimp_SetMode( int mode, int colorbits, bool fullscreen ) {
	if ( !XInitThreads() ) {
		common->Printf( "...XInitThreads() failed, disabling r_smp\n" );
		Cvar_Set( "r_smp", "0" );

	// set up our custom error handler for X failures
	XSetErrorHandler( &qXErrorHandler );

	if ( fullscreen && in_nograb->value ) {
		common->Printf( "Fullscreen not allowed with in_nograb 1\n" );
		Cvar_Set( "r_fullscreen", "0" );
		r_fullscreen->modified = false;
		fullscreen = false;

	common->Printf( "...setting mode %d:", mode );

	if ( !R_GetModeInfo( &glConfig.vidWidth, &glConfig.vidHeight, &glConfig.windowAspect, mode ) ) {
		common->Printf( " invalid mode\n" );
	common->Printf( " %d %d\n", glConfig.vidWidth, glConfig.vidHeight );

	// open the display
	if ( !( dpy = XOpenDisplay( NULL ) ) ) {
		fprintf( stderr, "Error couldn't open the X display\n" );

	scrnum = DefaultScreen( dpy );
	Window root = RootWindow( dpy, scrnum );

	// Get video mode list
	if ( !XF86VidModeQueryVersion( dpy, &vidmode_MajorVersion, &vidmode_MinorVersion ) ) {
		vidmode_ext = false;
	} else {
		common->Printf( "Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version %d.%d\n", vidmode_MajorVersion, vidmode_MinorVersion );
		vidmode_ext = true;

	// Check for DGA
	int dga_MajorVersion = 0;
	int dga_MinorVersion = 0;
	if ( in_dgamouse->value ) {
		if ( !XF86DGAQueryVersion( dpy, &dga_MajorVersion, &dga_MinorVersion ) ) {
			// unable to query, probalby not supported
			common->Printf( "Failed to detect XF86DGA Mouse\n" );
			Cvar_Set( "in_dgamouse", "0" );
		} else {
			common->Printf( "XF86DGA Mouse (Version %d.%d) initialized\n", dga_MajorVersion, dga_MinorVersion );

	int actualWidth = glConfig.vidWidth;
	int actualHeight = glConfig.vidHeight;

	if ( vidmode_ext ) {
		int best_fit, best_dist, dist, x, y;

		XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines( dpy, scrnum, &num_vidmodes, &vidmodes );

		// Are we going fullscreen?  If so, let's change video mode
		if ( fullscreen ) {
			best_dist = 9999999;
			best_fit = -1;

			for ( int i = 0; i < num_vidmodes; i++ ) {
				if ( glConfig.vidWidth > vidmodes[ i ]->hdisplay ||
					 glConfig.vidHeight > vidmodes[ i ]->vdisplay ) {

				x = glConfig.vidWidth - vidmodes[ i ]->hdisplay;
				y = glConfig.vidHeight - vidmodes[ i ]->vdisplay;
				dist = ( x * x ) + ( y * y );
				if ( dist < best_dist ) {
					best_dist = dist;
					best_fit = i;

			if ( best_fit != -1 ) {
				actualWidth = vidmodes[ best_fit ]->hdisplay;
				actualHeight = vidmodes[ best_fit ]->vdisplay;

				// change to the mode
				XF86VidModeSwitchToMode( dpy, scrnum, vidmodes[ best_fit ] );
				vidmode_active = true;

				// Move the viewport to top left
				XF86VidModeSetViewPort( dpy, scrnum, 0, 0 );

				common->Printf( "XFree86-VidModeExtension Activated at %dx%d\n",
					actualWidth, actualHeight );
			} else {
				fullscreen = 0;
				common->Printf( "XFree86-VidModeExtension: No acceptable modes found\n" );
		} else {
			common->Printf( "XFree86-VidModeExtension:  Ignored on non-fullscreen\n" );

	if ( !colorbits ) {
		colorbits = !r_colorbits->value ? 24 : r_colorbits->value;
	int depthbits = !r_depthbits->value ? 24 : r_depthbits->value;
	int stencilbits = r_stencilbits->value;

	XVisualInfo* visinfo = NULL;
	for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
		// 0 - default
		// 1 - minus colorbits
		// 2 - minus depthbits
		// 3 - minus stencil
		if ( ( i % 4 ) == 0 && i ) {
			// one pass, reduce
			switch ( i / 4 ) {
			case 2:
				if ( colorbits == 24 ) {
					colorbits = 16;
			case 1:
				if ( depthbits == 24 ) {
					depthbits = 16;
				} else if ( depthbits == 16 ) {
					depthbits = 8;
			case 3:
				if ( stencilbits == 24 ) {
					stencilbits = 16;
				} else if ( stencilbits == 16 ) {
					stencilbits = 8;

		int tcolorbits = colorbits;
		int tdepthbits = depthbits;
		int tstencilbits = stencilbits;

		if ( ( i % 4 ) == 3 ) {
			// reduce colorbits
			if ( tcolorbits == 24 ) {
				tcolorbits = 16;

		if ( ( i % 4 ) == 2 ) {
			// reduce depthbits
			if ( tdepthbits == 24 ) {
				tdepthbits = 16;
			} else if ( tdepthbits == 16 ) {
				tdepthbits = 8;

		if ( ( i % 4 ) == 1 ) {
			// reduce stencilbits
			if ( tstencilbits == 24 ) {
				tstencilbits = 16;
			} else if ( tstencilbits == 16 ) {
				tstencilbits = 8;
			} else {
				tstencilbits = 0;

		int attrib[] =
			GLX_RGBA,			// 0
			GLX_RED_SIZE, 4,		// 1, 2
			GLX_GREEN_SIZE, 4,		// 3, 4
			GLX_BLUE_SIZE, 4,		// 5, 6
			GLX_DEPTH_SIZE, 1,		// 8, 9
			GLX_STENCIL_SIZE, 1,	// 10, 11
			//GLX_SAMPLES_SGIS, 4, /* for better AA */
		// these match in the array
			ATTR_RED_IDX = 2,

		if ( tcolorbits == 24 ) {
			attrib[ ATTR_RED_IDX ] = 8;
			attrib[ ATTR_GREEN_IDX ] = 8;
			attrib[ ATTR_BLUE_IDX ] = 8;
		} else {
			// must be 16 bit
			attrib[ ATTR_RED_IDX ] = 4;
			attrib[ ATTR_GREEN_IDX ] = 4;
			attrib[ ATTR_BLUE_IDX ] = 4;

		attrib[ ATTR_DEPTH_IDX ] = tdepthbits;	// default to 24 depth
		attrib[ ATTR_STENCIL_IDX ] = tstencilbits;

		visinfo = glXChooseVisual( dpy, scrnum, attrib );
		if ( !visinfo ) {

		common->Printf( "Using %d/%d/%d Color bits, %d depth, %d stencil display.\n",
			attrib[ ATTR_RED_IDX ], attrib[ ATTR_GREEN_IDX ], attrib[ ATTR_BLUE_IDX ],
			attrib[ ATTR_DEPTH_IDX ], attrib[ ATTR_STENCIL_IDX ] );

		glConfig.colorBits = tcolorbits;
		glConfig.depthBits = tdepthbits;
		glConfig.stencilBits = tstencilbits;

	if ( !visinfo ) {
		common->Printf( "Couldn't get a visual\n" );

	//	Window attributes
	XSetWindowAttributes attr;
	unsigned long mask;
	attr.background_pixel = BlackPixel( dpy, scrnum );
	attr.border_pixel = 0;
	attr.colormap = XCreateColormap( dpy, root, visinfo->visual, AllocNone );
	attr.event_mask = X_MASK;
	if ( vidmode_active ) {
		mask = CWBackPixel | CWColormap | CWSaveUnder | CWBackingStore |
			   CWEventMask | CWOverrideRedirect;
		attr.override_redirect = True;
		attr.backing_store = NotUseful;
		attr.save_under = False;
	} else {
		mask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWColormap | CWEventMask;

	win = XCreateWindow( dpy, root, 0, 0,
		actualWidth, actualHeight,
		0, visinfo->depth, InputOutput,
		visinfo->visual, mask, &attr );

	XStoreName( dpy, win, R_GetTitleForWindow() );

	/* GH: Don't let the window be resized */
	XSizeHints sizehints;
	sizehints.flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize;
	sizehints.min_width = sizehints.max_width = actualWidth;
	sizehints.min_height = sizehints.max_height = actualHeight;

	XSetWMNormalHints( dpy, win, &sizehints );

	XMapWindow( dpy, win );

	if ( vidmode_active ) {
		XMoveWindow( dpy, win, 0, 0 );
		//XRaiseWindow(dpy, win);
		//XWarpPointer(dpy, None, win, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		// Move the viewport to top left
		//XF86VidModeSetViewPort(dpy, scrnum, 0, 0);

	//	hook to window close
	wm_protocols = XInternAtom( dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False );
	wm_delete_window = XInternAtom( dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False );
	XSetWMProtocols( dpy, win, &wm_delete_window, 1 );

	XFlush( dpy );

	XSync( dpy, False );	// bk001130 - from cvs1.17 (mkv)
	ctx = glXCreateContext( dpy, visinfo, NULL, True );
	XSync( dpy, False );	// bk001130 - from cvs1.17 (mkv)

	/* GH: Free the visinfo after we're done with it */
	XFree( visinfo );

	glXMakeCurrent( dpy, win, ctx );

	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = false;
	if ( vidmode_ext ) {
		if ( vidmode_MajorVersion < GAMMA_MINMAJOR ||
			 ( vidmode_MajorVersion == GAMMA_MINMAJOR && vidmode_MinorVersion < GAMMA_MINMINOR ) ) {
			common->Printf( "XF86 Gamma extension not supported in this version\n" );
		} else {
			XF86VidModeGetGamma( dpy, scrnum, &vidmode_InitialGamma );
			common->Printf( "XF86 Gamma extension initialized\n" );
			glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = true;

	//	Check for software GL implementation.
	const char* glstring = ( char* )glGetString( GL_RENDERER );
	if ( !String::ICmp( glstring, "Mesa X11" ) ||
		 !String::ICmp( glstring, "Mesa GLX Indirect" ) ) {
		if ( !r_allowSoftwareGL->integer ) {
			common->Printf( "\n\n***********************************************************\n" );
			common->Printf( " You are using software Mesa (no hardware acceleration)!\n" );
			common->Printf( " If this is intentional, add\n" );
			common->Printf( "       \"+set r_allowSoftwareGL 1\"\n" );
			common->Printf( " to the command line when starting the game.\n" );
			common->Printf( "***********************************************************\n" );
		} else {
			common->Printf( "...using software Mesa (r_allowSoftwareGL==1).\n" );


	return RSERR_OK;
//	Responsible for creating the Win32 window and initializing the OpenGL driver.
static bool GLW_CreateWindow( int width, int height, int colorbits, bool fullscreen ) {
	// register the window class if necessary
	if ( !s_classRegistered ) {
		vid_xpos = Cvar_Get( "vid_xpos", "3", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
		vid_ypos = Cvar_Get( "vid_ypos", "22", CVAR_ARCHIVE );


		Com_Memset( &wc, 0, sizeof ( wc ) );

		wc.style = 0;
		wc.lpfnWndProc = MainWndProc;
		wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
		wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
		wc.hInstance = global_hInstance;
		wc.hIcon = LoadIcon( global_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE( IDI_ICON1 ) );
		wc.hCursor = LoadCursor( NULL, IDC_ARROW );
		wc.hbrBackground = ( HBRUSH )COLOR_GRAYTEXT;
		wc.lpszMenuName = 0;
		wc.lpszClassName = WINDOW_CLASS_NAME;

		if ( !RegisterClass( &wc ) ) {
			common->FatalError( "GLW_CreateWindow: could not register window class" );
		s_classRegistered = true;
		common->Printf( "...registered window class\n" );

	// create the HWND if one does not already exist
	if ( !GMainWindow ) {
		// compute width and height
		RECT r;
		r.left = 0;
		r.top = 0;
		r.right  = width;
		r.bottom = height;

		int exstyle;
		int stylebits;
		if ( fullscreen ) {
			exstyle = WS_EX_TOPMOST;
			stylebits = WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_SYSMENU;
		} else {
			exstyle = 0;
			AdjustWindowRect( &r, stylebits, FALSE );

		int w = r.right - r.left;
		int h = r.bottom - r.top;

		int x, y;
		if ( fullscreen ) {
			x = 0;
			y = 0;
		} else {
			x = vid_xpos->integer;
			y = vid_ypos->integer;

			// adjust window coordinates if necessary
			// so that the window is completely on screen
			if ( x < 0 ) {
				x = 0;
			if ( y < 0 ) {
				y = 0;

			if ( w < desktopWidth && h < desktopHeight ) {
				if ( x + w > desktopWidth ) {
					x = ( desktopWidth - w );
				if ( y + h > desktopHeight ) {
					y = ( desktopHeight - h );

		GMainWindow = CreateWindowEx( exstyle, WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, R_GetTitleForWindow(),
			stylebits, x, y, w, h, NULL, NULL, global_hInstance, NULL );

		if ( !GMainWindow ) {
			common->FatalError( "GLW_CreateWindow() - Couldn't create window" );

		ShowWindow( GMainWindow, SW_SHOW );
		UpdateWindow( GMainWindow );
		common->Printf( "...created window@%d,%d (%dx%d)\n", x, y, w, h );
	} else {
		common->Printf( "...window already present, CreateWindowEx skipped\n" );

	if ( !GLW_InitDriver( colorbits ) ) {
		ShowWindow( GMainWindow, SW_HIDE );
		DestroyWindow( GMainWindow );
		GMainWindow = NULL;

		return false;

	SetForegroundWindow( GMainWindow );
	SetFocus( GMainWindow );


	// initialise default lists

	return true;
** GLimp_Init
** This is the platform specific OpenGL initialization function.  It
** is responsible for loading OpenGL, initializing it, setting
** extensions, creating a window of the appropriate size, doing
** fullscreen manipulations, etc.  Its overall responsibility is
** to make sure that a functional OpenGL subsystem is operating
** when it returns to the ref.
void GLimp_Init( void ) {
	char buf[1024];
	cvar_t *lastValidRenderer = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_lastValidRenderer", "(uninitialized)", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	cvar_t  *cv;

	ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "Initializing OpenGL subsystem\n" );

	// check OS version to see if we can do fullscreen display changes
	if ( !GLW_CheckOSVersion() ) {
		ri.Error( ERR_VID_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - incorrect operating system\n" );

	// save off hInstance and wndproc
	cv = ri.Cvar_Get( "win_hinstance", "", 0 );
	sscanf( cv->string, "%i", (int *)&g_wv.hInstance );

	cv = ri.Cvar_Get( "win_wndproc", "", 0 );
	sscanf( cv->string, "%i", (int *)&glw_state.wndproc );

	r_allowSoftwareGL = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowSoftwareGL", "0", CVAR_LATCH );
	r_maskMinidriver = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_maskMinidriver", "0", CVAR_LATCH );

	// load appropriate DLL and initialize subsystem

	// get our config strings
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.vendor_string, qglGetString( GL_VENDOR ), sizeof( glConfig.vendor_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.renderer_string, qglGetString( GL_RENDERER ), sizeof( glConfig.renderer_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.version_string, qglGetString( GL_VERSION ), sizeof( glConfig.version_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.extensions_string, qglGetString( GL_EXTENSIONS ), sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ) );
	// TTimo - safe check
	if ( strlen( qglGetString( GL_EXTENSIONS ) ) >= sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ) ) {
		Com_Printf( S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNNING: GL extensions string too long (%d), truncated to %d\n", strlen( qglGetString( GL_EXTENSIONS ) ), sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ) );

	// chipset specific configuration
	Q_strncpyz( buf, glConfig.renderer_string, sizeof( buf ) );
	Q_strlwr( buf );

	// NOTE: if changing cvars, do it within this block.  This allows them
	// to be overridden when testing driver fixes, etc. but only sets
	// them to their default state when the hardware is first installed/run.
	if ( Q_stricmp( lastValidRenderer->string, glConfig.renderer_string ) ) {
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;

		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_textureMode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" );

		if ( strstr( buf, "voodoo graphics/1 tmu/2 mb" ) ) {
			ri.Cvar_Set( "r_picmip", "2" );
			ri.Cvar_Get( "r_picmip", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
		} else

//----(SA)	FIXME: RETURN TO DEFAULT  Another id build change for DK/DM
			ri.Cvar_Set( "r_picmip", "1" );   //----(SA)	was "1" // JPW NERVE back to 1

			if ( strstr( buf, "rage 128" ) || strstr( buf, "rage128" ) ) {
				ri.Cvar_Set( "r_finish", "0" );
			// Savage3D and Savage4 should always have trilinear enabled
			else if ( strstr( buf, "savage3d" ) || strstr( buf, "s3 savage4" ) ) {
				ri.Cvar_Set( "r_texturemode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR" );

	// this is where hardware specific workarounds that should be
	// detected/initialized every startup should go.
	if ( strstr( buf, "banshee" ) || strstr( buf, "voodoo3" ) ) {
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_3DFX_2D3D;
	else if ( strstr( buf, "voodoo graphics/1 tmu/2 mb" ) ) {
	} else if ( strstr( buf, "glzicd" ) )    {
	} else if ( strstr( buf, "rage pro" ) /*|| strstr( buf, "Rage Pro")*/ || strstr( buf, "ragepro" ) )     {
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_RAGEPRO;
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: Rage Pro hardware is unsupported. Rendering errors may occur.\n" );
	} else if ( strstr( buf, "rage 128" ) )    {
	} else if ( strstr( buf, "permedia2" ) )    {
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_PERMEDIA2;
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: Permedia hardware is unsupported. Rendering errors may occur.\n" );
	} else if ( strstr( buf, "riva 128" ) )    {
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_RIVA128;
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "WARNING: Riva 128 hardware is unsupported. Rendering errors may occur.\n" );
	} else if ( strstr( buf, "matrox" ) )     {
	} else if ( strstr( buf, "riva tnt " ) )    {

	if ( strstr( buf, "geforce3" ) ||
		 strstr( buf, "geforce4 ti" ) ||
		 strstr( buf, "geforce fx 5600" ) ||
		 strstr( buf, "geforce fx 5800" ) ||
		 strstr( buf, "radeon 8500" ) ||
		 strstr( buf, "radeon 9000" ) ||
		 strstr( buf, "radeon 9500" ) ||
		 strstr( buf, "radeon 9600" ) ||
		 strstr( buf, "radeon 9700" ) ||
		 strstr( buf, "radeon 9800" ) ||
		 strstr( buf, "nv20" ) ||
		 strstr( buf, "nv30" ) ) {
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_highQualityVideo", "1" );
	} else {
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_highQualityVideo", "0" );

	ri.Cvar_Set( "r_lastValidRenderer", glConfig.renderer_string );


	// initialise default lists