static void radio_bus_init() { status = RF_IDLE; SPI2_Init_Advanced( _SPI_FPCLK_DIV64, _SPI_MASTER | _SPI_8_BIT | _SPI_CLK_IDLE_LOW | _SPI_FIRST_CLK_EDGE_TRANSITION | _SPI_MSB_FIRST | _SPI_SS_DISABLE | _SPI_SSM_ENABLE | _SPI_SSI_1, &_GPIO_MODULE_SPI2_PB13_14_15 ); GPIO_Digital_Output( &GPIOG_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_12 | _GPIO_PINMASK_9 ); GPIO_Digital_Input( &GPIOG_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_10 ); // Set input for IRQ // Enable clock for alternate pin functions RCC_APB2ENR |= ( 1 << RCC_APB2ENR ); //SYSCFGEN_bit = 1; // Map external interrupt on PG10 SYSCFG_EXTICR3 |= ( 1 << EXTI81 ) | ( 1 << EXTI82 ); EXTI_RTSR &= ~( 1 << TR10 ); // Set interrupt on Rising edge (none) EXTI_FTSR |= ( 1 << TR10 ); // Set Interrupt on Falling edge (PG10) EXTI_IMR |= ( 1 << MR10 ); // Set mask NVIC_IntEnable( IVT_INT_EXTI15_10 ); // Enable External interrupt bus_initialized = true; // Note: Radio - By default all IRQ sources are enabled. }
void Initialize() { short int i = 0; // variable initialization LQI = 0; RSSI2 = 0; SEQ_NUMBER = 0x23; lost_data = 0; address_RX_FIFO = 0x300; address_TX_normal_FIFO = 0; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ADDRESS_short_1[i] = 1; ADDRESS_short_2[i] = 2; PAN_ID_1[i] = 3; PAN_ID_2[i] = 3; } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ADDRESS_long_1[i] = 1; ADDRESS_long_2[i] = 2; } // Set Chip Select pin as Output GPIO_Digital_Output(&GPIOD_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_13); GPIO_Digital_Output(&GPIOD_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_10); GPIO_Digital_Output(&GPIOC_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_2); // Set PD0 and PD1 as digital input GPIO_Digital_Input(&GPIOD_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_0); Delay_ms(5); // SPI config SPI3_Init_Advanced(_SPI_FPCLK_DIV4, _SPI_MASTER | _SPI_8_BIT | _SPI_CLK_IDLE_LOW | _SPI_FIRST_CLK_EDGE_TRANSITION | _SPI_MSB_FIRST | _SPI_SS_DISABLE | _SPI_SSM_ENABLE | _SPI_SSI_1, &_GPIO_MODULE_SPI3_PC10_11_12); TFT_BLED = 1; // Turn on TFT Backlight TFT_Init(320, 240); // Initialize TFT display TFT_Fill_Screen(CL_WHITE); // Clear Screen pin_reset(); // Activate reset from pin software_reset(); // Activate software reset RF_reset(); // RF reset set_WAKE_from_pin(); // Set wake from pin set_long_address(ADDRESS_long_2); // Set long address set_short_address(ADDRESS_short_2); // Set short address set_PAN_ID(PAN_ID_2); // Set PAN_ID init_ZIGBEE_nonbeacon(); // Initialize ZigBee module nonbeacon_PAN_coordinator_device(); set_TX_power(31); // Set max TX power set_frame_format_filter(1); // 1 all frames, 3 data frame only set_reception_mode(1); // 1 normal mode pin_wake(); // Wake from pin }
void UI_Setup() { GPIO_Config(&GPIO_PORTA, 0b00001000, _GPIO_DIR_OUTPUT, _GPIO_CFG_DIGITAL_ENABLE | _GPIO_CFG_DRIVE_8mA, 0); // Init back light GPIO TFT_BACKLIGHT = 0; // We need to Unlock PR7 before we can use it as GPIO (MCU specific) GPIO_Unlock(_GPIO_COMMIT_PIN_B7); GPIO_Digital_Input(&GPIO_PORTB, _GPIO_PINMASK_0 | _GPIO_PINMASK_7); // Set Up and Left as digital input GPIO_Digital_Input(&GPIO_PORTE, _GPIO_PINMASK_4 | _GPIO_PINMASK_5); // Set Right and Down as digital input GPIO_Digital_Input(&GPIO_PORTH, _GPIO_PINMASK_2); // Set Center as digital input Delay_100ms(); TFT_Init(320, 240); TFT_Fill_Screen(0); InitializeObjects(); display_width = LoadingScreen.Width; display_height = LoadingScreen.Height; UI_LoadingScreen("Fetching IP address"); TFT_BACKLIGHT = 1; }
void InitModules(void) { GPIO_Digital_Input( &PTB_PDOR, _GPIO_PINMASK_13 ); OLED_Init(); OLED_SetFont( guiFont_Tahoma_8_Regular, OLED_COLOR_WHITE, 0 ); // OLED_DrawImage( &hexiwearLogo_bmp, 0, 0 ); OLED_DrawImage( &fire_off_bmp, 0, 0 ); ADC0_Init(); }
/* FUNCTIONS ******************************************************************************/ void system_init() { GPIO_Digital_Input( &GPIO_PORT_24_31, _GPIO_PINMASK_4 ); /* Button pin */ GPIO_Digital_Output( &GPIO_PORT_08_15, _GPIO_PINMASK_1 ); /* STB pin */ Delay_ms( 200 ); /* DBG UART */ UART1_Init( 115200 ); Delay_ms( 200 ); /* MODULE UART */ UART2_Init( 115200 ); Delay_ms( 200 ); UART1_Write_Text( "System Initialized\r\n" ); }
void system_setup( uint8_t width, uint8_t height, panel_size_t panel_size ) { GPIO_Digital_Output( &GPIOD_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_13); // Set Chip Select pin as output GPIO_Digital_Output( &GPIOC_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_2 ); // Set Reset pin to output GPIO_Digital_Input( &GPIOD_BASE, _GPIO_PINMASK_10); // Set Ready to input // Initialize SPI SPI3_Init_Advanced(_SPI_FPCLK_DIV2, _SPI_MASTER | _SPI_8_BIT | _SPI_CLK_IDLE_LOW | _SPI_FIRST_CLK_EDGE_TRANSITION | _SPI_MSB_FIRST | _SPI_SS_DISABLE | _SPI_SSM_DISABLE | _SPI_SSI_1, &_GPIO_MODULE_SPI3_PC10_11_12); MATRIXRGB_RST = 0; //Reset slave ( toggle ) Delay_ms(20); MATRIXRGB_RST = 1; Delay_ms(200); matrixrgb_init( width, height, panel_size ); Delay_ms(200); }
/* * System initialization * * This function initializes the system */ static int system_init() { DisableInterrupts(); GPIO_Digital_Input( &PTB_PDOR, _GPIO_PINMASK_13 ); I2C0_Init_Advanced(400000, &_GPIO_Module_I2C0_PD8_9); Delay_ms( 100 ); // Initialize APDS-9960 (configure I2C and initial values) ir_gesture_init( APDS9960_I2C_ADDR ); ir_gesture_enable_gesture_sensor( true ); // Initialize screen OLED_Init(); OLED_DrawImage( irgesture_bmp, 0, 0 ); OLED_SetFont( guiFont_Tahoma_8_Regular, OLED_COLOR_WHITE, 0 ); PORTB_PCR13bits.IRQC = 0xB; NVIC_IntEnable( IVT_INT_PORTB ); EnableInterrupts(); return 0; }
void main() { int index=0; int b=15; unsigned long* output[4]={&GPIOA_ODR,&GPIOB_ODR,&GPIOC_ODR,&GPIOD_ODR}; GPIO_Digital_Input(&GPIOE_IDR,_GPIO_PINMASK_11|_GPIO_PINMASK_12); GPIO_Digital_Output(&GPIOA_ODR,_GPIO_PINMASK_ALL); GPIO_Digital_Output(&GPIOB_ODR,_GPIO_PINMASK_ALL); GPIO_Digital_Output(&GPIOC_ODR,_GPIO_PINMASK_ALL); GPIO_Digital_Output(&GPIOD_ODR,_GPIO_PINMASK_ALL); GPIO_Digital_Input(&GPIOD_IDR,_GPIO_PINMASK_2|_GPIO_PINMASK_4); GPIO_Digital_Input(&GPIOA_IDR,_GPIO_PINMASK_6); GPIO_Digital_Input(&GPIOB_IDR,_GPIO_PINMASK_5); while(1) { if(Button(&GPIOE_IDR, 11, 1, 1)) { *output[index]=0; b--; if(b==-1) { index++; index&=3; if(index==0)b=15; else if(index==1)b=12; else if(index==2)b=13; else if(index==3)b=15; } *output[index]|=1<<b; while(Button(&GPIOE_IDR, 11, 1, 1)) {} } else if(Button(&GPIOE_IDR, 12, 1, 1)) { *output[index]=0; b++; if(index==0 && b==16){b=0;index=3;} else if(index==1&&b==13){b=0;index=0;} else if(index==2&&b==14){b=0;index=1;} else if(index==3&&b==16){b=0;index=2;} *output[index]|=1<<b; while(Button(&GPIOE_IDR, 12, 1, 1)) {} } else if(Button(&GPIOD_IDR, 4, 1, 1)) { while(Button(&GPIOD_IDR, 4, 1, 1)) {} if(b==3||b==7||b==11||b==15) { blank(output[index],b); } else { *output[index]=0; b++; *output[index]|=(1<<b); } } else if(Button(&GPIOB_IDR, 5, 1, 1)) { while(Button(&GPIOB_IDR, 5, 1, 1)) {} if(b==0||b==4||b==8||b==12) { blank(output[index],b); } else { *output[index]=0; b--; *output[index]|=(1<<b); } } else if(Button(&GPIOD_IDR, 2, 1, 1)) { while(Button(&GPIOD_IDR, 2, 1, 1)) {} if(b<12) { *output[index]=0; b=b+4; *output[index]|=(1<<b); } else { if(index==0) { blank(output[index],b); } else { *output[index]=0; b=b-12; index--; *output[index]|=(1<<b); } } } else if(Button(&GPIOA_IDR, 6, 1, 1)) { while(Button(&GPIOA_IDR, 6, 1, 1)) {} if(b>3) { *output[index]=0; b=b-4; *output[index]|=(1<<b); } else { if(index==3) { blank(output[index],b); } else { *output[index]=0; b=b+12; index++; *output[index]|=(1<<b); } } } } }