bool GPUAsyncLoader::_processCommands( bool& sleepWait )
    GPUCommand gpuCommand;
    bool   paused = false;
    while( paused || _commands.tryPop( gpuCommand ))
        if( paused ) // wait for next command if was paused
            gpuCommand = _commands.pop();

        switch( gpuCommand.type )
            case GPUCommand::PAUSE:
                paused = true;
            case GPUCommand::PAUSE_AND_REPORT:
                paused = true;
                _loadResponds.push( GPULoadRespond( GPULoadRequest(), GPULoadStatus::PAUSED ));

            case GPUCommand::RESUME:
                paused    = false;
                sleepWait = false;

            case GPUCommand::UPDATE:

            case GPUCommand::EXIT:
                LBINFO << "Exiting GPU fetcher." << std::endl;
                LBINFO << "++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==++==" << std::endl;
                return true;

                LBERROR << "Unknown command to gpuAsyncLoader: " << static_cast<uint>(gpuCommand.type) << std::endl;
    return false;
 *  Function for creating and holding of shared context.
 *  Generation and uploading of new textures over some period with sleep time.
void GPUAsyncLoader::runLocal()
    LBASSERT( !_storageTexture3D );
    EQ_GL_CALL( glGenTextures( 1, &_storageTexture3D ));

    // confirm successfull loading
    _loadResponds.push( GPULoadRespond( GPULoadRequest(), GPULoadStatus::INITIALIZED ));

    // start fresh in paused state
    postCommand( GPUCommand::PAUSE );

    std::string name = std::string( "GPU_Loader " ).append( strUtil::toString<>(this) );
    util::EventLogger* events = util::StatLogger::instance().createLogger( name );
    LBASSERT( events );
    uint64_t blocksLoaded = 0;

    LBINFO << "async GPU fetcher initialized: " << getWindow() << std::endl;
    LBINFO << "=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+" << std::endl;

    lunchbox::Clock clock;
    while( true )
        // try to read new loading request
        bool sleepWait = true;

        GPULoadRequest loadRequestTmp;

        if( _loadRequests.getFront( loadRequestTmp ))
//            LBWARN << "GPUAsyncLoader: trying to load request" << std::endl;
            sleepWait = false;
            _loadResponds.push( GPULoadRespond( loadRequestTmp, GPULoadStatus::STARTED ));

            GPULoadRequest loadRequest;

            bool loadingFailed = true;
            if( _decompressor && _ramPool &&
                _loadRequests.tryPop( loadRequest ) &&
                loadRequest == loadRequestTmp )
                // load / request new texture
                const RAMDataElement* dataEl = _ramPool->getData( loadRequest.nodeId, _dataVersion, loadRequest.reload );

                bool sizePassed = true;
                if( dataEl && dataEl->size() < _compressedBS )
                    LBERROR << "size of the data returned by RAM Pool is smaller than required by GPU" << std::endl;
                    sizePassed = false;

                if( dataEl && sizePassed )

                    // LBWARN << "GPUAsyncLoader: got positive feedback from RAM Pool" << std::endl;
                    const Box_i32 coords = _cacheIndex->getBlockCoordinates( loadRequest.posOnGPU );

                    if( coords != Box_i32( ))
                        if( blocksLoaded == 0 )
                            LBWARN << "Loaded blocks to GPU: " << blocksLoaded << std::endl;

//                        LBWARN << loadRequest << std::endl;
                        _decompressor->load( dataEl, loadRequest );

                        const uint32_t blockDim = _cacheIndex->getBlockDim();
                        EQ_GL_CALL( glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_3D, _storageTexture3D ));
                        EQ_GL_CALL( glTexSubImage3D( GL_TEXTURE_3D, 0,
                                            coords.s.x, coords.s.y, coords.s.z,
                                            blockDim, blockDim, blockDim,
                                            GL_ALPHA, _byteFormat3D, NULL ));

                        EQ_GL_CALL( glFinish( ));

                        _loadResponds.push( GPULoadRespond( loadRequest, GPULoadStatus::FINISHED ));
                        loadingFailed = false;

                        const uint32_t compressedSize = _ramPool->getDataHDDIO()->getBlockSize_( loadRequest.treePos );

                        double timeD = clock.getTimed();
                        double speedC = (compressedSize                             / (1024.f * 1024.f)) / timeD;
                        double speedD = ((blockDim*blockDim*blockDim*sizeof(float)) / (1024.f * 1024.f)) / timeD;

                        *events << "GBL (GPU_Block_Loaded) " << (++blocksLoaded) << " in " << timeD << " ms, at " 
                                << speedC << " MB/s (" << speedD << " MB/s)" <<std::endl;

                        if( blocksLoaded % 100 == 0 )
                            LBWARN << "Loaded blocks to GPU: " << blocksLoaded << std::endl;
            if( loadingFailed )
                _loadResponds.push( GPULoadRespond( loadRequestTmp, GPULoadStatus::FAILED ));

        // check for commands
        if( _processCommands( sleepWait )) return;

        // in case there were no commands it will sleep a bit till the next check
        if( sleepWait )
            lunchbox::sleep( 20 ); // time in ms
            if( _processCommands( sleepWait )) return; // check again for new commands
void GPUCacheManager::updateFront( const NodeIdPosVec& desiredIds )
    _gpuLoader->postCommand( GPUCommand::PAUSE );



    // update GPU iterations of currently used data and find not loaded Ids
    _newIds.reserve( desiredIds.size() );

    // protect GPU slot that is being used for async loading
    if( _nodeIdBeingLoaded != 0 )
        _cacheValues[ _cachePosBeingLoaded ].iteration = _iteration;

    for( size_t i = 0; i < desiredIds.size(); ++i )
        const NodeIdPos& testNodeId = desiredIds[i];
        NodeIdHash::const_iterator nodeIdIterator = _usedElements.find( testNodeId.id );
        if( nodeIdIterator != _usedElements.end() )
            const GpuLocation& nodeId = nodeIdIterator->second;
            const uint32_t cachePos = nodeId.posOnGpu;
            LBASSERT( cachePos < _cacheValues.size() );
            LBASSERT( _cacheValues[ cachePos ].nodeId == testNodeId.id );

            _cacheValues[ cachePos ].iteration = _iteration;
            _newIds.push_back( desiredIds[i] );

    // allocate space on GPU (find what will not be used and can be pushed away)
    _releaseIds.reserve( _newIds.size() );

    LBASSERT( _cacheValuesTmp.size() == _cacheValues.size() );
    memcpy( &_cacheValuesTmp[0], &_cacheValues[0], sizeof(GPUCacheValue) * _cacheValues.size());
    qsort( &_cacheValuesTmp[0], _cacheValuesTmp.size(), sizeof(GPUCacheValue), GPUCacheValueIterationCmp );

    uint32_t releaseCount = 0;
    while( _cacheValuesTmp[ releaseCount ].iteration < _iteration && // remove only older data
           releaseCount < _cacheValuesTmp.size() &&                  // remove less than cache size
           releaseCount < _newIds.size())                            // remove not more than necessary
        if( !_cacheValuesTmp[ releaseCount ].isFree() )
            _releaseIds.push_back( _cacheValuesTmp[ releaseCount ].nodeId );

    // remove unused Ids
    for( size_t i = 0; i < _releaseIds.size(); ++i )
        NodeIdHash::iterator nodeIdIterator = _usedElements.find( _releaseIds[i] );
        if( nodeIdIterator == _usedElements.end() )
            LBERROR << "element is not in the cache - not possible to release it" << std::endl;
            const uint32_t cachePos = nodeIdIterator->second.posOnGpu;
            LBASSERT( cachePos < _cacheValues.size( ));
            LBASSERT( _cacheValues[ cachePos ].nodeId == _releaseIds[i] );

            _cacheValues[ cachePos ].reset();
            _usedElements.erase( nodeIdIterator );

    // unlock data in RAM
    if( _releaseIds.size() > 0 )
        _gpuLoader->releaseRAMData( _releaseIds );

    // schedule new loadings
    _requests.reserve( _requests.size() + releaseCount );

    LBASSERT( releaseCount <= _cacheValues.size() );
    LBASSERT( releaseCount <= _newIds.size() );

    for( size_t i = 0; i < releaseCount; ++i )
        if( _newIds[i].id == _nodeIdBeingLoaded )

        const uint32_t cachePos = _cacheValuesTmp[i].getPos();
        LBASSERT( _cacheValues[ cachePos ].isFree() );
            GPULoadRequest( _newIds[i].id, cachePos, _newIds[i].treePos, false ));


    if( _requests.size() > 0 )
        _gpuLoader->postLoadRequestVec( _requests );

    _gpuLoader->postCommand( GPUCommand::RESUME );