int wctlp_x(wctlp *lp, double *x, int first) { int val = 0; int ncols; int solstat; val = GRBgetintattr(lp->model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &solstat); CHECK_VAL_GRB(val, "Failed to the status of model", lp->env); if (solstat == GRB_INFEASIBLE) { fprintf(stderr, "Problem is infeasible\n"); val = 1; return val; } val = GRBgetintattr(lp->model, GRB_INT_ATTR_NUMVARS , &ncols); CHECK_VAL_GRB(val, "", lp->env); if (ncols == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Lp has no variables\n"); val = 1; return val; } val = GRBgetdblattrarray(lp->model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, first, ncols - first, x); CHECK_VAL_GRB(val, "Failed in GRB_DBL_ATTR_X", lp->env); return val; }
int wctlp_get_rhs(wctlp *lp, double *rhs) { int val = 0; int nconstr; val = GRBgetintattr(lp->model, GRB_INT_ATTR_NUMCONSTRS, &nconstr); CHECK_VAL_GRB(val, "Failed in getting the number of variables", lp->env); val = GRBgetdblattrarray(lp->model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_RHS, 0, nconstr, rhs); CHECK_VAL_GRB(val, "Failed in getting the RHS", lp->env); return val; }
double gurobi_getSol(int32_t i) { int error; double sol[1]; error = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, (int)i - 1, 1, sol); ERRORCHECK(error); return sol[0]; }
int wctlp_pi_inf(wctlp *lp, double *pi) { int val = 0; int nrows; int solstat; val = GRBgetintattr(lp->model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &solstat); CHECK_VAL_GRB(val, "failed to get attribute status gurobi", lp->env); val = GRBgetintattr(lp->model, GRB_INT_ATTR_NUMCONSTRS, &nrows); CHECK_VAL_GRB(val, "Failed to get nrows", lp->env); if (nrows == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No rows in the LP\n"); val = 1; return val; } val = GRBgetdblattrarray(lp->model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_FARKASDUAL, 0, nrows, pi); CHECK_VAL_GRB(val, "Failed to get the dual prices", lp->env); return val; }
void GurobiInterface:: eval(void* mem, const double** arg, double** res, int* iw, double* w) const { auto m = static_cast<GurobiMemory*>(mem); // Inputs const double *h=arg[CONIC_H], *g=arg[CONIC_G], *a=arg[CONIC_A], *lba=arg[CONIC_LBA], *uba=arg[CONIC_UBA], *lbx=arg[CONIC_LBX], *ubx=arg[CONIC_UBX], *x0=arg[CONIC_X0], *lam_x0=arg[CONIC_LAM_X0]; // Outputs double *x=res[CONIC_X], *cost=res[CONIC_COST], *lam_a=res[CONIC_LAM_A], *lam_x=res[CONIC_LAM_X]; // Temporary memory double *val=w; w+=nx_; int *ind=iw; iw+=nx_; int *ind2=iw; iw+=nx_; int *tr_ind=iw; iw+=nx_; // Greate an empty model GRBmodel *model = 0; try { int flag = GRBnewmodel(m->env, &model, name_.c_str(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); // Add variables for (int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) { // Get bounds double lb = lbx ? lbx[i] : 0., ub = ubx ? ubx[i] : 0.; if (isinf(lb)) lb = -GRB_INFINITY; if (isinf(ub)) ub = GRB_INFINITY; // Get variable type char vtype; if (!vtype_.empty()) { // Explicitly set 'vtype' takes precedence vtype =; } else if (!discrete_.empty() && { // Variable marked as discrete (integer or binary) vtype = lb==0 && ub==1 ? GRB_BINARY : GRB_INTEGER; } else { // Continious variable vtype = GRB_CONTINUOUS; } // Pass to model flag = GRBaddvar(model, 0, 0, 0, g ? g[i] : 0., lb, ub, vtype, 0); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); } flag = GRBupdatemodel(model); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); // Add quadratic terms const int *H_colind=sparsity_in(CONIC_H).colind(), *H_row=sparsity_in(CONIC_H).row(); for (int i=0; i<nx_; ++i) { // Quadratic term nonzero indices int numqnz = H_colind[1]-H_colind[0]; casadi_copy(H_row, numqnz, ind); H_colind++; H_row += numqnz; // Corresponding column casadi_fill(ind2, numqnz, i); // Quadratic term nonzeros if (h) { casadi_copy(h, numqnz, val); casadi_scal(numqnz, 0.5, val); h += numqnz; } else { casadi_fill(val, numqnz, 0.); } // Pass to model flag = GRBaddqpterms(model, numqnz, ind, ind2, val); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); } // Add constraints const int *A_colind=sparsity_in(CONIC_A).colind(), *A_row=sparsity_in(CONIC_A).row(); casadi_copy(A_colind, nx_, tr_ind); for (int i=0; i<na_; ++i) { // Get bounds double lb = lba ? lba[i] : 0., ub = uba ? uba[i] : 0.; // if (isinf(lb)) lb = -GRB_INFINITY; // if (isinf(ub)) ub = GRB_INFINITY; // Constraint nonzeros int numnz = 0; for (int j=0; j<nx_; ++j) { if (tr_ind[j]<A_colind[j+1] && A_row[tr_ind[j]]==i) { ind[numnz] = j; val[numnz] = a ? a[tr_ind[j]] : 0; numnz++; tr_ind[j]++; } } // Pass to model if (isinf(lb)) { if (isinf(ub)) { // Neither upper or lower bounds, skip } else { // Only upper bound flag = GRBaddconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, ub, 0); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); } } else { if (isinf(ub)) { // Only lower bound flag = GRBaddconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, lb, 0); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); } else if (lb==ub) { // Upper and lower bounds equal flag = GRBaddconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, GRB_EQUAL, lb, 0); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); } else { // Both upper and lower bounds flag = GRBaddrangeconstr(model, numnz, ind, val, lb, ub, 0); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); } } } // Solve the optimization problem flag = GRBoptimize(model); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); int optimstatus; flag = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); // Get the objective value, if requested if (cost) { flag = GRBgetdblattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL, cost); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); } // Get the optimal solution, if requested if (x) { flag = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, nx_, x); casadi_assert_message(!flag, GRBgeterrormsg(m->env)); } // Free memory GRBfreemodel(model); } catch (...) { // Free memory if (model) GRBfreemodel(model); throw; } }
int engine(int numassets, int numfactors, double *ub, double *lb, double *mu, double *sigma2, double *V, double *F, double lambda) { int retcode = 0; GRBenv *env = NULL; GRBmodel *model = NULL; int n, i, j, k; double *x; int *qrow, *qcol, Nq; double *qval; int *cind; double rhs; char sense; double *cval; int numnonz; char **names, bigname[100]; double expectedreturnval; printf("running solver engine\n"); n = numassets + numfactors; retcode = GRBloadenv(&env, "engine.log"); if (retcode) goto BACK; /* Create initial model */ retcode = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "factors", n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (retcode) goto BACK; names = (char **) calloc(n, sizeof(char *)); /** next we create the remaining attributes for the n columns **/ x = (double *) calloc (n, sizeof(double)); for(j = 0; j < numassets; j++){ names[j] = (char *)calloc(3, sizeof(char)); if(names[j] == NULL){ retcode = 1; goto BACK; } sprintf(names[j],"x%d", j); } for(j = numassets; j < numassets + numfactors; j++){ names[j] = (char *)calloc(3, sizeof(char)); if(names[j] == NULL){ retcode = 1; goto BACK; } sprintf(names[j],"F%d", j - numassets); } /* initialize variables */ for(j = 0; j < n; j++){ retcode = GRBsetstrattrelement(model, "VarName", j, names[j]); if (retcode) goto BACK; retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "Obj", j, -mu[j]); if (retcode) goto BACK; retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "LB", j, lb[j]); if (retcode) goto BACK; retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "UB", j, ub[j]); if (retcode) goto BACK; } /** next, the quadratic -- there are numassets + numfactors*numfactors nonzeroes: numassets residual variances plus the numfactors x numfactors factor covariance matrix**/ Nq = numassets + numfactors*numfactors; qrow = (int *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(int)); /** row indices **/ qcol = (int *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(int)); /** column indices **/ qval = (double *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(double)); /** values **/ if( ( qrow == NULL) || ( qcol == NULL) || (qval == NULL) ){ printf("could not create quadratic\n"); retcode = 1; goto BACK; } for (j = 0; j < numassets; j++){ qval[j] = lambda*sigma2[j]; qrow[j] = qcol[j] = j; } for (i = 0; i < numfactors; i++){ for (j = 0; j < numfactors; j++){ k = i*numfactors + j; qval[k + numassets] = lambda*F[k]; qrow[k + numassets] = numassets + i; qcol[k + numassets] = numassets + j; } } retcode = GRBaddqpterms(model, Nq, qrow, qcol, qval); if (retcode) goto BACK; /** now we will add one constraint at a time **/ /** we need to have a couple of auxiliary arrays **/ cind = (int *)calloc(n, sizeof(int)); /** n is over the top since no constraint is totally dense; but it's not too bad here **/ cval= (double *)calloc(n, sizeof(double)); if(!cval){ printf("cannot allocate cval\n"); retcode = 2; goto BACK; } for(i = 0; i < numfactors; i++){ for(j = 0; j < numassets; j++){ cval[j] = V[i*numassets + j]; cind[j] = j; } cind[numassets] = /* j */ numassets + i; cval[numassets] = -1; numnonz = numassets + 1; rhs = 0; sense = GRB_EQUAL; sprintf(bigname,"factor%d",i); retcode = GRBaddconstr(model, numnonz, cind, cval, sense, rhs, bigname); if (retcode) goto BACK; } /** sum of x variables = 1 **/ for (j = 0; j < numassets; j++){ cval[j] = 1.0; cind[j] = j; } numnonz = numassets; rhs = 1.0; sense = GRB_EQUAL; /* let's reuse some space */ sprintf(bigname, "sum"); retcode = GRBaddconstr(model, numnonz, cind, cval, sense, rhs, bigname); if (retcode) goto BACK; retcode = GRBupdatemodel(model); if (retcode) goto BACK; /** optional: write the problem **/ retcode = GRBwrite(model, "engine.lp"); if (retcode) goto BACK; retcode = GRBoptimize(model); if (retcode) goto BACK; /** get solution **/ retcode = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, n, x); if(retcode) goto BACK; /** now let's see the values **/ expectedreturnval = 0; for(j = 0; j < numassets; j++){ if( x[j] > 1.0e-09){ printf("%s = %g\n", names[j], x[j]); expectedreturnval += x[j]*mu[j]; } } printf("\n*** expected portfolio return: %g\n", expectedreturnval); GRBfreemodel(model); GRBfreeenv(env); BACK: printf("engine exits with code %d\n", retcode); return retcode; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GRBenv *env = NULL; GRBmodel *model = NULL; int error = 0; double sol[3]; int ind[3]; double val[3]; double obj[] = {1, 0, 0}; int qrow[3]; int qcol[3]; double qval[3]; int optimstatus; double objval; /* Create environment */ error = GRBloadenv(&env, "qcp.log"); if (error || env == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not create environment\n"); exit(1); } /* Create an empty model */ error = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "qcp", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Add variables */ error = GRBaddvars(model, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, obj, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Change sense to maximization */ error = GRBsetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_MODELSENSE, GRB_MAXIMIZE); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Integrate new variables */ error = GRBupdatemodel(model); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Linear constraint: x + y + z = 1 */ ind[0] = 0; ind[1] = 1; ind[2] = 2; val[0] = 1; val[1] = 1; val[2] = 1; error = GRBaddconstr(model, 3, ind, val, GRB_EQUAL, 1.0, "c0"); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Cone: x^2 + y^2 <= z^2 */ qrow[0] = 0; qcol[0] = 0; qval[0] = 1.0; qrow[1] = 1; qcol[1] = 1; qval[1] = 1.0; qrow[2] = 2; qcol[2] = 2; qval[2] = -1.0; error = GRBaddqconstr(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 3, qrow, qcol, qval, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 0.0, "qc0"); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Rotated cone: x^2 <= yz */ qrow[0] = 0; qcol[0] = 0; qval[0] = 1.0; qrow[1] = 1; qcol[1] = 2; qval[1] = -1.0; error = GRBaddqconstr(model, 0, NULL, NULL, 2, qrow, qcol, qval, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 0.0, "qc1"); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Optimize model */ error = GRBoptimize(model); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Write model to 'qcp.lp' */ error = GRBwrite(model, "qcp.lp"); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Capture solution information */ error = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus); if (error) goto QUIT; error = GRBgetdblattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL, &objval); if (error) goto QUIT; error = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, 3, sol); if (error) goto QUIT; printf("\nOptimization complete\n"); if (optimstatus == GRB_OPTIMAL) { printf("Optimal objective: %.4e\n", objval); printf(" x=%.2f, y=%.2f, z=%.2f\n", sol[0], sol[1], sol[2]); } else if (optimstatus == GRB_INF_OR_UNBD) { printf("Model is infeasible or unbounded\n"); } else { printf("Optimization was stopped early\n"); } QUIT: /* Error reporting */ if (error) { printf("ERROR: %s\n", GRBgeterrormsg(env)); exit(1); } /* Free model */ GRBfreemodel(model); /* Free environment */ GRBfreeenv(env); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GRBenv *env = NULL; GRBmodel *model = NULL; int i, j, len, n, solcount; int error = 0; char name[100]; double *x = NULL; double *y = NULL; int *ind = NULL; double *val = NULL; struct callback_data mydata; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: tsp_c size\n"); exit(1); } n = atoi(argv[1]); if (n == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Argument must be a positive integer.\n"); } else if (n > 30) { printf("It will be a challenge to solve a TSP this large.\n"); } x = (double *) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); y = (double *) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); ind = (int *) malloc(n*sizeof(int)); val = (double *) malloc(n*sizeof(double)); if (x == NULL || y == NULL || ind == NULL || val == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); exit(1); } /* Create random points */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { x[i] = ((double) rand())/RAND_MAX; y[i] = ((double) rand())/RAND_MAX; } /* Create environment */ error = GRBloadenv(&env, "tsp.log"); if (error || env == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not create environment\n"); exit(1); } /* Create an empty model */ error = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "tsp", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Add variables - one for every pair of nodes */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { sprintf(name, "x_%d_%d", i, j); error = GRBaddvar(model, 0, NULL, NULL, distance(x, y, i, j), 0.0, 1.0, GRB_BINARY, name); if (error) goto QUIT; } } /* Integrate new variables */ error = GRBupdatemodel(model); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Degree-2 constraints */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { ind[j] = i*n+j; val[j] = 1.0; } sprintf(name, "deg2_%d", i); error = GRBaddconstr(model, n, ind, val, GRB_EQUAL, 2, name); if (error) goto QUIT; } /* Forbid edge from node back to itself */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { error = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_UB, i*n+i, 0); if (error) goto QUIT; } /* Symmetric TSP */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { ind[0] = i*n+j; ind[1] = i+j*n; val[0] = 1; val[1] = -1; error = GRBaddconstr(model, 2, ind, val, GRB_EQUAL, 0, NULL); if (error) goto QUIT; } } /* Set callback function */ mydata.n = n; error = GRBsetcallbackfunc(model, subtourelim, (void *) &mydata); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Turn off dual reductions - required when using lazy constraints */ error = GRBsetintparam(GRBgetenv(model), GRB_INT_PAR_DUALREDUCTIONS, 0); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Optimize model */ error = GRBoptimize(model); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Extract solution */ error = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_SOLCOUNT, &solcount); if (error) goto QUIT; if (solcount > 0) { int *tour = NULL; double *sol = NULL; sol = (double *) malloc(n*n*sizeof(double)); tour = (int *) malloc(n*sizeof(int)); if (sol == NULL || tour == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); exit(1); } error = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, n*n, sol); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Print tour */ findsubtour(n, sol, &len, tour); printf("Tour: "); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) printf("%d ", tour[i]); printf("\n"); free(tour); free(sol); } QUIT: /* Free data */ free(x); free(y); free(ind); free(val); /* Error reporting */ if (error) { printf("ERROR: %s\n", GRBgeterrormsg(env)); exit(1); } /* Free model */ GRBfreemodel(model); /* Free environment */ GRBfreeenv(env); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { GRBenv *env = NULL; GRBmodel *model = NULL; int error = 0; double sol[3]; int ind[3]; double val[3]; double obj[3]; char vtype[3]; int optimstatus; double objval; /* Create environment */ error = GRBloadenv(&env, "mip1.log"); if (error || env == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not create environment\n"); exit(1); } /* Create an empty model */ error = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "mip1", 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Add variables */ obj[0] = -1; obj[1] = -1; obj[2] = -2; vtype[0] = GRB_BINARY; vtype[1] = GRB_BINARY; vtype[2] = GRB_BINARY; error = GRBaddvars(model, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, obj, NULL, NULL, vtype, NULL); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Integrate new variables */ error = GRBupdatemodel(model); if (error) goto QUIT; /* First constraint: x + 2 y + 3 z <= 4 */ ind[0] = 0; ind[1] = 1; ind[2] = 2; val[0] = 1; val[1] = 2; val[2] = 3; error = GRBaddconstr(model, 3, ind, val, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 4.0, "c0"); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Second constraint: x + y >= 1 */ ind[0] = 0; ind[1] = 1; val[0] = 1; val[1] = 1; error = GRBaddconstr(model, 2, ind, val, GRB_GREATER_EQUAL, 1.0, "c1"); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Optimize model */ error = GRBoptimize(model); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Write model to 'mip1.lp' */ error = GRBwrite(model, "mip1.lp"); if (error) goto QUIT; /* Capture solution information */ error = GRBgetintattr(model, GRB_INT_ATTR_STATUS, &optimstatus); if (error) goto QUIT; error = GRBgetdblattr(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_OBJVAL, &objval); if (error) goto QUIT; error = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, 3, sol); if (error) goto QUIT; printf("\nOptimization complete\n"); if (optimstatus == GRB_OPTIMAL) { printf("Optimal objective: %.4e\n", objval); printf(" x=%.0f, y=%.0f, z=%.0f\n", sol[0], sol[1], sol[2]); } else if (optimstatus == GRB_INF_OR_UNBD) { printf("Model is infeasible or unbounded\n"); } else { printf("Optimization was stopped early\n"); } QUIT: /* Error reporting */ if (error) { printf("ERROR: %s\n", GRBgeterrormsg(env)); exit(1); } /* Free model */ GRBfreemodel(model); /* Free environment */ GRBfreeenv(env); return 0; }
int main(void) { int retcode = 0; GRBenv *env = NULL; GRBmodel *model = NULL; int n, j; double *obj = NULL; double *lb = NULL; double *ub = NULL; double *x; int *qrow, *qcol, Nq; double *qval; int *cind; double rhs; char sense; double *cval; int numnonz; char **names; n = 9; /** 7 'x' variables, 2 factor variables **/ retcode = GRBloadenv(&env, "factormodel.log"); if (retcode) goto BACK; /* Create initial model */ retcode = GRBnewmodel(env, &model, "second", n, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (retcode) goto BACK; names = (char **) calloc(n, sizeof(char *)); /** next we create the remaining attributes for the n columns **/ obj = (double *) calloc (n, sizeof(double)); ub = (double *) calloc (n, sizeof(double)); lb = (double *) calloc (n, sizeof(double)); x = (double *) calloc (n, sizeof(double)); for(j = 0; j < 7; j++){ names[j] = (char *)calloc(3, sizeof(char)); if(names[j] == NULL){ retcode = 1; goto BACK; } sprintf(names[j],"x%d", j); } for(j = 7; j < 9; j++){ names[j] = (char *)calloc(3, sizeof(char)); if(names[j] == NULL){ retcode = 1; goto BACK; } sprintf(names[j],"y%d", j - 7); } obj[0] = -.233; obj[1] = -3.422; obj[2] = -.1904; obj[3] = -.5411; obj[4] = -.045; obj[5] = -1.271; obj[6] = -0.955; /** calloc initializes memory to zero, so all other obj[j] are zero **/ /**next, the upper bounds on the x variables **/ ub[0] = 0.6; ub[1] = 0.8; ub[2] = 0.8; ub[3] = 0.5; ub[4] = 0.5; ub[5] = 0.26; ub[6] = 0.99; /** the upper bounds on the two factor variables -- we make them large **/ ub[7] = 100; ub[8] = 100; /** the lower bounds on the factor variables **/ lb[7] = -100; lb[8] = -100; /* initialize variables */ for(j = 0; j < n; j++){ retcode = GRBsetstrattrelement(model, "VarName", j, names[j]); if (retcode) goto BACK; retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "Obj", j, obj[j]); if (retcode) goto BACK; retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "LB", j, lb[j]); if (retcode) goto BACK; retcode = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "UB", j, ub[j]); if (retcode) goto BACK; } /** next, the quadratic -- there are 11 nonzeroes: 7 residual variances plus the 2x2 factor covariance matrix**/ Nq = 11; qrow = (int *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(int)); /** row indices **/ qcol = (int *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(int)); /** column indices **/ qval = (double *) calloc(Nq, sizeof(double)); /** values **/ if( ( qrow == NULL) || ( qcol == NULL) || (qval == NULL) ){ printf("could not create quadratic\n"); retcode = 1; goto BACK; } qval[0] = 10.0; qrow[0] = 0; qcol[0] = 0; qval[1] = 20.0; qrow[1] = 1; qcol[1] = 1; qval[2] = 30.0; qrow[2] = 2; qcol[2] = 2; qval[3] = 40.0; qrow[3] = 3; qcol[3] = 3; qval[4] = 50.0; qrow[4] = 4; qcol[4] = 4; qval[5] = 60.0; qrow[5] = 5; qcol[5] = 5; qval[6] = 70.0; qrow[6] = 6; qcol[6] = 6; qval[7] = 100.0; qrow[7] = 7; qcol[7] = 7; qval[8] = 200.0; qrow[8] = 8; qcol[8] = 8; qval[9] = 0.1; qrow[9] = 7; qcol[9] = 8; qval[10] = 0.1; qrow[10] = 8; qcol[10] = 7; retcode = GRBaddqpterms(model, 11, qrow, qcol, qval); if (retcode) goto BACK; /** now we will add one constraint at a time **/ /** we need to have a couple of auxiliary arrays **/ cind = (int *)calloc(n, sizeof(int)); /** n is over the top since no constraint is totally dense; but it's not too bad here **/ cval= (double *)calloc(n, sizeof(double)); /** two factor constraints, first one is next**/ cval[0] = 1.508; cval[1] = .7802; cval[2] = 1.8796; cval[3] = 4.256; cval[4] = 1.335; cval[5] = 2.026; cval[6] = 1.909; cval[7] = -1; for(j = 0; j < 7; j++) cind[j] = j; cind[7] = 7; numnonz = 8; rhs = 0; sense = GRB_EQUAL; retcode = GRBaddconstr(model, numnonz, cind, cval, sense, rhs, "first_constraint"); if (retcode) goto BACK; /** second factor constraint **/ cval[0] = 4.228; cval[1] = 1.2945; cval[2] = .827; cval[3] = 2.149; cval[4] = 2.353; cval[5] = 0.3026; cval[6] = 1.487; cval[7] = -1; for(j = 0; j < 7; j++) cind[j] = j; /** redundant! but let's keep it here so that we know it will be used **/ cind[7] = 7; numnonz = 8; rhs = 0; sense = GRB_EQUAL; retcode = GRBaddconstr(model, numnonz, cind, cval, sense, rhs, "second_constraint"); if (retcode) goto BACK; /** sum of x variables = 1 **/ cval[0] = 1.0; cval[1] = 1.0; cval[2] = 1.0; cval[3] = 1.0; cval[4] = 1.0; cval[5] = 1.0; cval[6] = 1.0; for(j = 0; j < 7; j++) cind[j] = j; numnonz = 7; rhs = 1.0; sense = GRB_EQUAL; retcode = GRBaddconstr(model, numnonz, cind, cval, sense, rhs, "convexity"); if (retcode) goto BACK; retcode = GRBupdatemodel(model); if (retcode) goto BACK; /** optional: write the problem **/ retcode = GRBwrite(model, "factorqp.lp"); if (retcode) goto BACK; retcode = GRBoptimize(model); if (retcode) goto BACK; /** get solution **/ retcode = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, GRB_DBL_ATTR_X, 0, n, x); if(retcode) goto BACK; /** now let's see the values **/ for(j = 0; j < n; j++){ printf("%s = %g\n", names[j], x[j]); } GRBfreemodel(model); GRBfreeenv(env); BACK: printf("\nexiting with retcode %d\n", retcode); return retcode; }