ht_neuron::update( Time const& origin, const long_t from, const long_t to )
  assert( to >= 0 && ( delay ) from < Scheduler::get_min_delay() );
  assert( from < to );

  for ( long_t lag = from; lag < to; ++lag )
    double tt = 0.0; // it's all relative!

    // adaptive step integration
    while ( tt < B_.step_ )
      const int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply( B_.e_,
        &B_.sys_,             // system of ODE
        &tt,                  // from t...
        B_.step_,             // ...to t=t+h
        &B_.IntegrationStep_, // integration window (written on!)
        S_.y_ );              // neuron state

      if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )
        throw GSLSolverFailure( get_name(), status );

    // Deactivate potassium current after spike time have expired
    if ( S_.r_potassium_ && --S_.r_potassium_ == 0 )
      S_.g_spike_ = false; // Deactivate potassium current.

    // Add new spikes to node state array
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < B_.spike_inputs_.size(); ++i )
      S_.y_[ 2 + 2 * i ] += V_.cond_steps_[ i ] * B_.spike_inputs_[ i ].get_value( lag );

    // A spike is generated when the membrane potential (V) exceeds
    // the threshold (Theta).
    if ( !S_.g_spike_ && S_.y_[ State_::VM ] >= S_.y_[ State_::THETA ] )
      // Set V and Theta to the sodium reversal potential.
      S_.y_[ State_::VM ] = P_.E_Na;
      S_.y_[ State_::THETA ] = P_.E_Na;

      // Activate fast potassium current. Drives the
      // membrane potential towards the potassium reversal
      // potential (activate only if duration is non-zero).
      S_.g_spike_ = V_.PotassiumRefractoryCounts_ > 0;
      S_.r_potassium_ = V_.PotassiumRefractoryCounts_;

      set_spiketime( Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 ) );

      SpikeEvent se;
      network()->send( *this, se, lag );

    // set new input current
    B_.I_stim_ = B_.currents_.get_value( lag );

    B_.logger_.record_data( origin.get_steps() + lag );
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
 * Update and spike handling functions
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
nest::hh_cond_exp_traub::update( Time const& origin, const long_t from, const long_t to )
  assert( to >= 0 && ( delay ) from < kernel().connection_builder_manager.get_min_delay() );
  assert( from < to );

  for ( long_t lag = from; lag < to; ++lag )

    double tt = 0.0; // it's all relative!
    V_.U_old_ = S_.y_[ State_::V_M ];

    // adaptive step integration
    while ( tt < B_.step_ )
      const int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply( B_.e_,
        &B_.sys_,             // system of ODE
        &tt,                  // from t...
        B_.step_,             // ...to t=t+h
        &B_.IntegrationStep_, // integration window (written on!)
        S_.y_ );              // neuron state

      if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )
        throw GSLSolverFailure( get_name(), status );

    S_.y_[ State_::G_EXC ] += B_.spike_exc_.get_value( lag );
    S_.y_[ State_::G_INH ] += B_.spike_inh_.get_value( lag );

    // sending spikes: crossing 0 mV, pseudo-refractoriness and local maximum...
    // refractory?
    if ( S_.r_ )
      // (threshold   &&    maximum    )
      if ( S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] >= P_.V_T + 30. && V_.U_old_ > S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] )
        S_.r_ = V_.RefractoryCounts_;

        set_spiketime( Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 ) );

        SpikeEvent se;
        kernel().event_delivery_manager.send( *this, se, lag );

    // set new input current
    B_.I_stim_ = B_.currents_.get_value( lag );

    // log state data
    B_.logger_.record_data( origin.get_steps() + lag );
nest::iaf_cond_alpha::update( Time const& origin,
  const long from,
  const long to )

    to >= 0 && ( delay ) from < kernel().connection_manager.get_min_delay() );
  assert( from < to );

  for ( long lag = from; lag < to; ++lag )

    double t = 0.0;

    // numerical integration with adaptive step size control:
    // ------------------------------------------------------
    // gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply performs only a single numerical
    // integration step, starting from t and bounded by step;
    // the while-loop ensures integration over the whole simulation
    // step (0, step] if more than one integration step is needed due
    // to a small integration step size;
    // note that (t+IntegrationStep > step) leads to integration over
    // (t, step] and afterwards setting t to step, but it does not
    // enforce setting IntegrationStep to step-t; this is of advantage
    // for a consistent and efficient integration across subsequent
    // simulation intervals
    while ( t < B_.step_ )
      const int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply( B_.e_,
        &B_.sys_,             // system of ODE
        &t,                   // from t
        B_.step_,             // to t <= step
        &B_.IntegrationStep_, // integration step size
        S_.y );               // neuronal state
      if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )
        throw GSLSolverFailure( get_name(), status );

    // refractoriness and spike generation
    if ( S_.r )
    { // neuron is absolute refractory
      S_.y[ State_::V_M ] = P_.V_reset; // clamp potential
      // neuron is not absolute refractory
      if ( S_.y[ State_::V_M ] >= P_.V_th )
      S_.r = V_.RefractoryCounts;
      S_.y[ State_::V_M ] = P_.V_reset;

      // log spike with Archiving_Node
      set_spiketime( Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 ) );

      SpikeEvent se;
      kernel().event_delivery_manager.send( *this, se, lag );

    // add incoming spikes
    S_.y[ State_::DG_EXC ] += B_.spike_exc_.get_value( lag ) * V_.PSConInit_E;
    S_.y[ State_::DG_INH ] += B_.spike_inh_.get_value( lag ) * V_.PSConInit_I;

    // set new input current
    B_.I_stim_ = B_.currents_.get_value( lag );

    // log state data
    B_.logger_.record_data( origin.get_steps() + lag );
nest::iaf_cond_exp::update( Time const& origin, const long_t from, const long_t to )

  assert( to >= 0 && ( delay ) from < Scheduler::get_min_delay() );
  assert( from < to );

  for ( long_t lag = from; lag < to; ++lag )

    double t = 0.0;

    // numerical integration with adaptive step size control:
    // ------------------------------------------------------
    // gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply performs only a single numerical
    // integration step, starting from t and bounded by step;
    // the while-loop ensures integration over the whole simulation
    // step (0, step] if more than one integration step is needed due
    // to a small integration step size;
    // note that (t+IntegrationStep > step) leads to integration over
    // (t, step] and afterwards setting t to step, but it does not
    // enforce setting IntegrationStep to step-t; this is of advantage
    // for a consistent and efficient integration across subsequent
    // simulation intervals
    while ( t < B_.step_ )
      const int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply( B_.e_,
        &B_.sys_,             // system of ODE
        &t,                   // from t
        B_.step_,             // to t <= step
        &B_.IntegrationStep_, // integration step size
        S_.y_ );              // neuronal state

      if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )
        throw GSLSolverFailure( get_name(), status );

    S_.y_[ State_::G_EXC ] += B_.spike_exc_.get_value( lag );
    S_.y_[ State_::G_INH ] += B_.spike_inh_.get_value( lag );

    // absolute refractory period
    if ( S_.r_ )
    { // neuron is absolute refractory
      S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] = P_.V_reset_;
      // neuron is not absolute refractory
      if ( S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] >= P_.V_th_ )
      S_.r_ = V_.RefractoryCounts_;
      S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] = P_.V_reset_;

      set_spiketime( Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 ) );

      SpikeEvent se;
      network()->send( *this, se, lag );

    // set new input current
    B_.I_stim_ = B_.currents_.get_value( lag );

    // log state data
    B_.logger_.record_data( origin.get_steps() + lag );
void nest::aeif_cond_exp::update(const Time &origin, const long_t from, const long_t to)
  assert ( to >= 0 && (delay) from < Scheduler::get_min_delay() );
  assert ( from < to );
  assert ( State_::V_M == 0 );

  for ( long_t lag = from; lag < to; ++lag )
    double t = 0.0;

    if ( S_.r_ > 0 )

    // numerical integration with adaptive step size control:
    // ------------------------------------------------------
    // gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply performs only a single numerical
    // integration step, starting from t and bounded by step;
    // the while-loop ensures integration over the whole simulation
    // step (0, step] if more than one integration step is needed due
    // to a small integration step size;
    // note that (t+IntegrationStep > step) leads to integration over
    // (t, step] and afterwards setting t to step, but it does not
    // enforce setting IntegrationStep to step-t
    while ( t < B_.step_ )
      const int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply(B_.e_, B_.c_, B_.s_, 
						&B_.sys_,             // system of ODE
						&t,                   // from t
						B_.step_,             // to t <= step
						&B_.IntegrationStep_, // integration step size
						S_.y_);               // neuronal state
      if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )
        throw GSLSolverFailure(get_name(), status);

      // check for unreasonable values; we allow V_M to explode
      if ( S_.y_[State_::V_M] < -1e3 ||
	   S_.y_[State_::W  ] <    -1e6 || S_.y_[State_::W] > 1e6    )
	throw NumericalInstability(get_name());
      // spikes are handled inside the while-loop
      // due to spike-driven adaptation
      if ( S_.r_ > 0 )
	S_.y_[State_::V_M] = P_.V_reset_;
      else if ( S_.y_[State_::V_M] >= P_.V_peak_ )
	  S_.y_[State_::V_M]  = P_.V_reset_;
	  S_.y_[State_::W]   += P_.b; // spike-driven adaptation
	  S_.r_               = V_.RefractoryCounts_;
	  set_spiketime(Time::step(origin.get_steps() + lag + 1));
	  SpikeEvent se;
	  network()->send(*this, se, lag);
    S_.y_[State_::G_EXC] += B_.spike_exc_.get_value(lag);
    S_.y_[State_::G_INH] += B_.spike_inh_.get_value(lag);
    // set new input current
    B_.I_stim_ = B_.currents_.get_value(lag);
    // log state data
    B_.logger_.record_data(origin.get_steps() + lag);
nest::iaf_cond_alpha_mc::update( Time const& origin,
  const long from,
  const long to )

    to >= 0 && ( delay ) from < kernel().connection_manager.get_min_delay() );
  assert( from < to );

  for ( long lag = from; lag < to; ++lag )

    double t = 0.0;

    // numerical integration with adaptive step size control:
    // ------------------------------------------------------
    // gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply performs only a single numerical
    // integration step, starting from t and bounded by step;
    // the while-loop ensures integration over the whole simulation
    // step (0, step] if more than one integration step is needed due
    // to a small integration step size;
    // note that (t+IntegrationStep > step) leads to integration over
    // (t, step] and afterwards setting t to step, but it does not
    // enforce setting IntegrationStep to step-t; this is of advantage
    // for a consistent and efficient integration across subsequent
    // simulation intervals
    while ( t < B_.step_ )
      const int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply( B_.e_,
        &B_.sys_,             // system of ODE
        &t,                   // from t
        B_.step_,             // to t <= step
        &B_.IntegrationStep_, // integration step size
        S_.y_ );              // neuronal state
      if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )
        throw GSLSolverFailure( get_name(), status );

    // add incoming spikes at end of interval
    // exploit here that spike buffers are compartment for compartment,
    // alternating between excitatory and inhibitory
    for ( size_t n = 0; n < NCOMP; ++n )
      S_.y_[ n * State_::STATE_VEC_COMPS + State_::DG_EXC ] +=
        B_.spikes_[ 2 * n ].get_value( lag ) * V_.PSConInit_E_[ n ];
      S_.y_[ n * State_::STATE_VEC_COMPS + State_::DG_INH ] +=
        B_.spikes_[ 2 * n + 1 ].get_value( lag ) * V_.PSConInit_I_[ n ];

    // refractoriness and spiking
    // exploit here that plain offset enum value V_M indexes soma V_M
    if ( S_.r_ )
    { // neuron is absolute refractory
      S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] = P_.V_reset;
    else if ( S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] >= P_.V_th )
    { // neuron fires spike
      S_.r_ = V_.RefractoryCounts_;
      S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] = P_.V_reset;

      set_spiketime( Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 ) );

      SpikeEvent se;
      kernel().event_delivery_manager.send( *this, se, lag );

    // set new input currents
    for ( size_t n = 0; n < NCOMP; ++n )
      B_.I_stim_[ n ] = B_.currents_[ n ].get_value( lag );

    // log state data
    B_.logger_.record_data( origin.get_steps() + lag );
nest::hh_psc_alpha_gap::update_( Time const& origin,
  const long from,
  const long to,
  const bool wfr_update )

    to >= 0 && ( delay ) from < kernel().connection_manager.get_min_delay() );
  assert( from < to );

  bool done = true;
  const size_t interpolation_order =
  const double wfr_tol = kernel().simulation_manager.get_wfr_tol();

  // allocate memory to store the new interpolation coefficients
  // to be sent by gap event
  const size_t quantity =
    kernel().connection_manager.get_min_delay() * ( interpolation_order + 1 );
  std::vector< double > new_coefficients( quantity, 0.0 );

  // parameters needed for piecewise interpolation
  double y_i = 0.0, y_ip1 = 0.0, hf_i = 0.0, hf_ip1 = 0.0;
  double f_temp[ State_::STATE_VEC_SIZE ];

  for ( long lag = from; lag < to; ++lag )

    // B_.lag is needed by hh_psc_alpha_gap_dynamics to
    // determine the current section
    B_.lag_ = lag;

    if ( wfr_update )
      y_i = S_.y_[ State_::V_M ];
      if ( interpolation_order == 3 )
          0, S_.y_, f_temp, reinterpret_cast< void* >( this ) );
        hf_i = B_.step_ * f_temp[ State_::V_M ];

    double t = 0.0;
    const double U_old = S_.y_[ State_::V_M ];

    // numerical integration with adaptive step size control:
    // ------------------------------------------------------
    // gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply performs only a single numerical
    // integration step, starting from t and bounded by step;
    // the while-loop ensures integration over the whole simulation
    // step (0, step] if more than one integration step is needed due
    // to a small integration step size;
    // note that (t+IntegrationStep > step) leads to integration over
    // (t, step] and afterwards setting t to step, but it does not
    // enforce setting IntegrationStep to step-t; this is of advantage
    // for a consistent and efficient integration across subsequent
    // simulation intervals
    while ( t < B_.step_ )
      const int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply( B_.e_,
        &B_.sys_,             // system of ODE
        &t,                   // from t
        B_.step_,             // to t <= step
        &B_.IntegrationStep_, // integration step size
        S_.y_ );              // neuronal state

      if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )
        throw GSLSolverFailure( get_name(), status );

    if ( not wfr_update )
      S_.y_[ State_::DI_EXC ] +=
        B_.spike_exc_.get_value( lag ) * V_.PSCurrInit_E_;
      S_.y_[ State_::DI_INH ] +=
        B_.spike_inh_.get_value( lag ) * V_.PSCurrInit_I_;
      // sending spikes: crossing 0 mV, pseudo-refractoriness and local
      // maximum...
      // refractory?
      if ( S_.r_ > 0 )
        // (    threshold    &&     maximum       )
        if ( S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] >= 0 && U_old > S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] )
        S_.r_ = V_.RefractoryCounts_;

        set_spiketime( Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 ) );

        SpikeEvent se;
        kernel().event_delivery_manager.send( *this, se, lag );

      // log state data
      B_.logger_.record_data( origin.get_steps() + lag );

      // set new input current
      B_.I_stim_ = B_.currents_.get_value( lag );
    else // if(wfr_update)
      S_.y_[ State_::DI_EXC ] +=
        B_.spike_exc_.get_value_wfr_update( lag ) * V_.PSCurrInit_E_;
      S_.y_[ State_::DI_INH ] +=
        B_.spike_inh_.get_value_wfr_update( lag ) * V_.PSCurrInit_I_;
      // check deviation from last iteration
      done = ( fabs( S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] - B_.last_y_values[ lag ] )
               <= wfr_tol ) && done;
      B_.last_y_values[ lag ] = S_.y_[ State_::V_M ];

      // update different interpolations

      // constant term is the same for each interpolation order
      new_coefficients[ lag * ( interpolation_order + 1 ) + 0 ] = y_i;

      switch ( interpolation_order )
      case 0:

      case 1:
        y_ip1 = S_.y_[ State_::V_M ];

        new_coefficients[ lag * ( interpolation_order + 1 ) + 1 ] = y_ip1 - y_i;

      case 3:
        y_ip1 = S_.y_[ State_::V_M ];
          B_.step_, S_.y_, f_temp, reinterpret_cast< void* >( this ) );
        hf_ip1 = B_.step_ * f_temp[ State_::V_M ];

        new_coefficients[ lag * ( interpolation_order + 1 ) + 1 ] = hf_i;
        new_coefficients[ lag * ( interpolation_order + 1 ) + 2 ] =
          -3 * y_i + 3 * y_ip1 - 2 * hf_i - hf_ip1;
        new_coefficients[ lag * ( interpolation_order + 1 ) + 3 ] =
          2 * y_i - 2 * y_ip1 + hf_i + hf_ip1;

        throw BadProperty( "Interpolation order must be 0, 1, or 3." );

  } // end for-loop

  // if !wfr_update perform constant extrapolation and reset last_y_values
  if ( not wfr_update )
    for ( long temp = from; temp < to; ++temp )
      new_coefficients[ temp * ( interpolation_order + 1 ) + 0 ] =
        S_.y_[ State_::V_M ];

    B_.last_y_values.resize( kernel().connection_manager.get_min_delay(), 0.0 );

  // Send gap-event
  GapJunctionEvent ge;
  ge.set_coeffarray( new_coefficients );
  kernel().event_delivery_manager.send_secondary( *this, ge );

  // Reset variables
  B_.sumj_g_ij_ = 0.0;
  B_.interpolation_coefficients.resize( quantity, 0.0 );

  return done;
nest::aeif_psc_alpha::update( Time const& origin,
  const long from,
  const long to )
    to >= 0 && ( delay ) from < kernel().connection_manager.get_min_delay() );
  assert( from < to );
  assert( State_::V_M == 0 );

  for ( long lag = from; lag < to; ++lag )
    double t = 0.0;

    // numerical integration with adaptive step size control:
    // ------------------------------------------------------
    // gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply performs only a single numerical
    // integration step, starting from t and bounded by step;
    // the while-loop ensures integration over the whole simulation
    // step (0, step] if more than one integration step is needed due
    // to a small integration step size;
    // note that (t+IntegrationStep > step) leads to integration over
    // (t, step] and afterwards setting t to step, but it does not
    // enforce setting IntegrationStep to step-t; this is of advantage
    // for a consistent and efficient integration across subsequent
    // simulation intervals

    while ( t < B_.step_ )
      const int status = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply( B_.e_,
        &B_.sys_,             // system of ODE
        &t,                   // from t
        B_.step_,             // to t <= step
        &B_.IntegrationStep_, // integration step size
        S_.y_ );              // neuronal state
      if ( status != GSL_SUCCESS )
        throw GSLSolverFailure( get_name(), status );

      // check for unreasonable values; we allow V_M to explode
      if ( S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] < -1e3 || S_.y_[ State_::W ] < -1e6
        || S_.y_[ State_::W ] > 1e6 )
        throw NumericalInstability( get_name() );

      // spikes are handled inside the while-loop
      // due to spike-driven adaptation
      if ( S_.r_ > 0 )
        S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] = P_.V_reset_;
      else if ( S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] >= V_.V_peak )
        S_.y_[ State_::V_M ] = P_.V_reset_;
        S_.y_[ State_::W ] += P_.b; // spike-driven adaptation

        /* Initialize refractory step counter.
         * - We need to add 1 to compensate for count-down immediately after
         *   while loop.
         * - If neuron has no refractory time, set to 0 to avoid refractory
         *   artifact inside while loop.
        S_.r_ = V_.refractory_counts_ > 0 ? V_.refractory_counts_ + 1 : 0;

        set_spiketime( Time::step( origin.get_steps() + lag + 1 ) );
        SpikeEvent se;
        kernel().event_delivery_manager.send( *this, se, lag );

    // decrement refractory count
    if ( S_.r_ > 0 )

    // apply spikes
    S_.y_[ State_::DI_EXC ] += B_.spike_exc_.get_value( lag ) * V_.i0_ex_;
    S_.y_[ State_::DI_INH ] += B_.spike_inh_.get_value( lag ) * V_.i0_in_;

    // set new input current
    B_.I_stim_ = B_.currents_.get_value( lag );

    // log state data
    B_.logger_.record_data( origin.get_steps() + lag );