PCRYPTO_INFO crypto_open () { #ifndef GST_WINDOWS_BOOT /* Do the crt allocation */ PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo = (PCRYPTO_INFO) GSTalloc (sizeof (CRYPTO_INFO)); if (cryptoInfo == NULL) return NULL; memset (cryptoInfo, 0, sizeof (CRYPTO_INFO)); #ifndef DEVICE_DRIVER VirtualLock (cryptoInfo, sizeof (CRYPTO_INFO)); #endif cryptoInfo->ea = -1; return cryptoInfo; #else // GST_WINDOWS_BOOT #if 0 if (CryptoInfoBufferInUse) GST_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; #endif CryptoInfoBufferInUse = 1; return &CryptoInfoBuffer; #endif // GST_WINDOWS_BOOT }
/* Init the random number generator, setup the hooks, and start the thread */ int Randinit () { if (GetMaxPkcs5OutSize() > RNG_POOL_SIZE) GST_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; if(bRandDidInit) return 0; InitializeCriticalSection (&critRandProt); bRandDidInit = TRUE; if (pRandPool == NULL) { pRandPool = (unsigned char *) GSTalloc (RANDOMPOOL_ALLOCSIZE); if (pRandPool == NULL) goto error; bDidSlowPoll = FALSE; RandomPoolEnrichedByUser = FALSE; memset (pRandPool, 0, RANDOMPOOL_ALLOCSIZE); VirtualLock (pRandPool, RANDOMPOOL_ALLOCSIZE); } hKeyboard = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_KEYBOARD, (HOOKPROC)&KeyboardProc, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId ()); if (hKeyboard == 0) handleWin32Error (0); hMouse = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_MOUSE, (HOOKPROC)&MouseProc, NULL, GetCurrentThreadId ()); if (hMouse == 0) { handleWin32Error (0); goto error; } if (!CryptAcquireContext (&hCryptProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, 0) && !CryptAcquireContext (&hCryptProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET)) CryptoAPIAvailable = FALSE; else CryptoAPIAvailable = TRUE; if (!(PeriodicFastPollThreadHandle = (HANDLE) _beginthreadex (NULL, 0, PeriodicFastPollThreadProc, NULL, 0, NULL))) goto error; return 0; error: RandStop (TRUE); return 1; }
NTSTATUS GSTOpenVolume (PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PEXTENSION Extension, MOUNT_STRUCT *mount, PWSTR pwszMountVolume, BOOL bRawDevice) { FILE_STANDARD_INFORMATION FileStandardInfo; FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION FileBasicInfo; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oaFileAttributes; UNICODE_STRING FullFileName; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfoPtr = NULL; PCRYPTO_INFO tmpCryptoInfo = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER lDiskLength; __int64 partitionStartingOffset = 0; int volumeType; char *readBuffer = 0; NTSTATUS ntStatus = 0; BOOL forceAccessCheck = (!bRawDevice && !(OsMajorVersion == 5 &&OsMinorVersion == 0)); // Windows 2000 does not support OBJ_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK attribute BOOL disableBuffering = TRUE; BOOL exclusiveAccess = mount->bExclusiveAccess; Extension->pfoDeviceFile = NULL; Extension->hDeviceFile = NULL; Extension->bTimeStampValid = FALSE; RtlInitUnicodeString (&FullFileName, pwszMountVolume); InitializeObjectAttributes (&oaFileAttributes, &FullFileName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | (forceAccessCheck ? OBJ_FORCE_ACCESS_CHECK : 0) | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL); KeInitializeEvent (&Extension->keVolumeEvent, NotificationEvent, FALSE); if (Extension->SecurityClientContextValid) { ntStatus = SeImpersonateClientEx (&Extension->SecurityClientContext, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) goto error; } mount->VolumeMountedReadOnlyAfterDeviceWriteProtected = FALSE; // If we are opening a device, query its size first if (bRawDevice) { PARTITION_INFORMATION pi; PARTITION_INFORMATION_EX pix; LARGE_INTEGER diskLengthInfo; DISK_GEOMETRY dg; ntStatus = IoGetDeviceObjectPointer (&FullFileName, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, &Extension->pfoDeviceFile, &Extension->pFsdDevice); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) goto error; ntStatus = GSTSendHostDeviceIoControlRequest (DeviceObject, Extension, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY, (char *) &dg, sizeof (dg)); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) goto error; lDiskLength.QuadPart = dg.Cylinders.QuadPart * dg.SectorsPerTrack * dg.TracksPerCylinder * dg.BytesPerSector; Extension->HostBytesPerSector = dg.BytesPerSector; // Drive geometry is used only when IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO fails if (NT_SUCCESS (GSTSendHostDeviceIoControlRequest (DeviceObject, Extension, IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX, (char *) &pix, sizeof (pix)))) { lDiskLength.QuadPart = pix.PartitionLength.QuadPart; partitionStartingOffset = pix.StartingOffset.QuadPart; } // Windows 2000 does not support IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO_EX else if (NT_SUCCESS (GSTSendHostDeviceIoControlRequest (DeviceObject, Extension, IOCTL_DISK_GET_PARTITION_INFO, (char *) &pi, sizeof (pi)))) { lDiskLength.QuadPart = pi.PartitionLength.QuadPart; partitionStartingOffset = pi.StartingOffset.QuadPart; } else if (NT_SUCCESS (GSTSendHostDeviceIoControlRequest (DeviceObject, Extension, IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO, &diskLengthInfo, sizeof (diskLengthInfo)))) { lDiskLength = diskLengthInfo; } ProbingHostDeviceForWrite = TRUE; if (!mount->bMountReadOnly && GSTSendHostDeviceIoControlRequest (DeviceObject, Extension, IsHiddenSystemRunning() ? GST_IOCTL_DISK_IS_WRITABLE : IOCTL_DISK_IS_WRITABLE, NULL, 0) == STATUS_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECTED) { mount->bMountReadOnly = TRUE; DeviceObject->Characteristics |= FILE_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; mount->VolumeMountedReadOnlyAfterDeviceWriteProtected = TRUE; } ProbingHostDeviceForWrite = FALSE; // Some Windows tools (e.g. diskmgmt, diskpart, vssadmin) fail or experience timeouts when there is a raw device // open for exclusive access. Therefore, exclusive access is used only for file-hosted volumes. // Applications requiring a consistent device image need to acquire exclusive write access first. This is prevented // when a device-hosted volume is mounted. exclusiveAccess = FALSE; } else { // Limit the maximum required buffer size if (mount->BytesPerSector > 128 * BYTES_PER_KB) { ntStatus = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error; } Extension->HostBytesPerSector = mount->BytesPerSector; if (Extension->HostBytesPerSector != GST_SECTOR_SIZE_FILE_HOSTED_VOLUME) disableBuffering = FALSE; } // Open the volume hosting file/device if (!mount->bMountReadOnly) { ntStatus = ZwCreateFile (&Extension->hDeviceFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE | SYNCHRONIZE, &oaFileAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM, exclusiveAccess ? 0 : FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN, FILE_RANDOM_ACCESS | FILE_WRITE_THROUGH | (disableBuffering ? FILE_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING : 0) | FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL, 0); } /* 26-4-99 NT for some partitions returns this code, it is really a access denied */ if (ntStatus == 0xc000001b) ntStatus = STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; mount->VolumeMountedReadOnlyAfterAccessDenied = FALSE; if (mount->bMountReadOnly || ntStatus == STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED) { ntStatus = ZwCreateFile (&Extension->hDeviceFile, GENERIC_READ | SYNCHRONIZE, &oaFileAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM, exclusiveAccess ? FILE_SHARE_READ : FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN, FILE_RANDOM_ACCESS | FILE_WRITE_THROUGH | (disableBuffering ? FILE_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING : 0) | FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL, 0); if (NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus) && !mount->bMountReadOnly) mount->VolumeMountedReadOnlyAfterAccessDenied = TRUE; Extension->bReadOnly = TRUE; DeviceObject->Characteristics |= FILE_READ_ONLY_DEVICE; } else Extension->bReadOnly = FALSE; /* 26-4-99 NT for some partitions returns this code, it is really a access denied */ if (ntStatus == 0xc000001b) { /* Partitions which return this code can still be opened with FILE_SHARE_READ but this causes NT problems elsewhere in particular if you do FILE_SHARE_READ NT will die later if anyone even tries to open the partition (or file for that matter...) */ ntStatus = STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION; } if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) { goto error; } // If we have opened a file, query its size now if (bRawDevice == FALSE) { ntStatus = ZwQueryInformationFile (Extension->hDeviceFile, &IoStatusBlock, &FileBasicInfo, sizeof (FileBasicInfo), FileBasicInformation); if (NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) { if (mount->bPreserveTimestamp) { Extension->fileCreationTime = FileBasicInfo.CreationTime; Extension->fileLastAccessTime = FileBasicInfo.LastAccessTime; Extension->fileLastWriteTime = FileBasicInfo.LastWriteTime; Extension->fileLastChangeTime = FileBasicInfo.ChangeTime; Extension->bTimeStampValid = TRUE; } ntStatus = ZwQueryInformationFile (Extension->hDeviceFile, &IoStatusBlock, &FileStandardInfo, sizeof (FileStandardInfo), FileStandardInformation); } if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) { Dump ("ZwQueryInformationFile failed while opening file: NTSTATUS 0x%08x\n", ntStatus); goto error; } lDiskLength.QuadPart = FileStandardInfo.EndOfFile.QuadPart; if (FileBasicInfo.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED) { Dump ("File \"%ls\" is marked as compressed - not supported!\n", pwszMountVolume); mount->nReturnCode = ERR_COMPRESSION_NOT_SUPPORTED; ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error; } ntStatus = ObReferenceObjectByHandle (Extension->hDeviceFile, FILE_ALL_ACCESS, *IoFileObjectType, KernelMode, &Extension->pfoDeviceFile, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) { goto error; } /* Get the FSD device for the file (probably either NTFS or FAT) */ Extension->pFsdDevice = IoGetRelatedDeviceObject (Extension->pfoDeviceFile); } else { // Try to gain "raw" access to the partition in case there is a live filesystem on it (otherwise, // the NTFS driver guards hidden sectors and prevents mounting using a backup header e.g. after the user // accidentally quick-formats a dismounted partition-hosted GostCrypt volume as NTFS). PFILE_OBJECT pfoTmpDeviceFile = NULL; if (NT_SUCCESS (ObReferenceObjectByHandle (Extension->hDeviceFile, FILE_ALL_ACCESS, *IoFileObjectType, KernelMode, &pfoTmpDeviceFile, NULL)) && pfoTmpDeviceFile != NULL) { GSTFsctlCall (pfoTmpDeviceFile, FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); ObDereferenceObject (pfoTmpDeviceFile); } } // Check volume size if (lDiskLength.QuadPart < GST_MIN_VOLUME_SIZE_LEGACY || lDiskLength.QuadPart > GST_MAX_VOLUME_SIZE) { mount->nReturnCode = ERR_VOL_SIZE_WRONG; ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error; } Extension->DiskLength = lDiskLength.QuadPart; Extension->HostLength = lDiskLength.QuadPart; readBuffer = GSTalloc (max (max (GST_VOLUME_HEADER_EFFECTIVE_SIZE, PAGE_SIZE), Extension->HostBytesPerSector)); if (readBuffer == NULL) { ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto error; } // Go through all volume types (e.g., normal, hidden) for (volumeType = GST_VOLUME_TYPE_NORMAL; volumeType < GST_VOLUME_TYPE_COUNT; volumeType++) { Dump ("Trying to open volume type %d\n", volumeType); if (mount->bPartitionInInactiveSysEncScope && volumeType == GST_VOLUME_TYPE_HIDDEN_LEGACY) continue; /* Read the volume header */ if (!mount->bPartitionInInactiveSysEncScope || (mount->bPartitionInInactiveSysEncScope && volumeType == GST_VOLUME_TYPE_HIDDEN)) { // Header of a volume that is not within the scope of system encryption, or // header of a system hidden volume (containing a hidden OS) LARGE_INTEGER headerOffset; if (mount->UseBackupHeader && lDiskLength.QuadPart <= GST_TOTAL_VOLUME_HEADERS_SIZE) continue; switch (volumeType) { case GST_VOLUME_TYPE_NORMAL: headerOffset.QuadPart = mount->UseBackupHeader ? lDiskLength.QuadPart - GST_VOLUME_HEADER_GROUP_SIZE : GST_VOLUME_HEADER_OFFSET; break; case GST_VOLUME_TYPE_HIDDEN: if (lDiskLength.QuadPart <= GST_VOLUME_HEADER_GROUP_SIZE) continue; headerOffset.QuadPart = mount->UseBackupHeader ? lDiskLength.QuadPart - GST_HIDDEN_VOLUME_HEADER_OFFSET : GST_HIDDEN_VOLUME_HEADER_OFFSET; break; case GST_VOLUME_TYPE_HIDDEN_LEGACY: if (mount->UseBackupHeader) continue; if (bRawDevice && Extension->HostBytesPerSector != GST_SECTOR_SIZE_LEGACY) continue; headerOffset.QuadPart = lDiskLength.QuadPart - GST_HIDDEN_VOLUME_HEADER_OFFSET_LEGACY; break; } Dump ("Reading volume header at %I64d\n", headerOffset.QuadPart); ntStatus = ZwReadFile (Extension->hDeviceFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, readBuffer, bRawDevice ? max (GST_VOLUME_HEADER_EFFECTIVE_SIZE, Extension->HostBytesPerSector) : GST_VOLUME_HEADER_EFFECTIVE_SIZE, &headerOffset, NULL); } else { // Header of a partition that is within the scope of system encryption WCHAR parentDrivePath [47+1] = {0}; HANDLE hParentDeviceFile = NULL; UNICODE_STRING FullParentPath; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oaParentFileAttributes; LARGE_INTEGER parentKeyDataOffset; _snwprintf (parentDrivePath, sizeof (parentDrivePath) / sizeof (WCHAR) - 1, WIDE ("\\Device\\Harddisk%d\\Partition0"), mount->nPartitionInInactiveSysEncScopeDriveNo); Dump ("Mounting partition within scope of system encryption (reading key data from: %ls)\n", parentDrivePath); RtlInitUnicodeString (&FullParentPath, parentDrivePath); InitializeObjectAttributes (&oaParentFileAttributes, &FullParentPath, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL); ntStatus = ZwCreateFile (&hParentDeviceFile, GENERIC_READ | SYNCHRONIZE, &oaParentFileAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, FILE_OPEN, FILE_RANDOM_ACCESS | FILE_WRITE_THROUGH | FILE_NO_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFERING | FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL, 0); if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus)) { if (hParentDeviceFile != NULL) ZwClose (hParentDeviceFile); Dump ("Cannot open %ls\n", parentDrivePath); goto error; } parentKeyDataOffset.QuadPart = GST_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR_OFFSET; ntStatus = ZwReadFile (hParentDeviceFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, readBuffer, max (GST_VOLUME_HEADER_EFFECTIVE_SIZE, Extension->HostBytesPerSector), &parentKeyDataOffset, NULL); if (hParentDeviceFile != NULL) ZwClose (hParentDeviceFile); } if (!NT_SUCCESS (ntStatus) && ntStatus != STATUS_END_OF_FILE) { Dump ("Read failed: NTSTATUS 0x%08x\n", ntStatus); goto error; } if (ntStatus == STATUS_END_OF_FILE || IoStatusBlock.Information < GST_VOLUME_HEADER_EFFECTIVE_SIZE) { Dump ("Read didn't read enough data\n"); // If FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO failed and there is a live filesystem on the partition, then the // filesystem driver may report EOF when we are reading hidden sectors (when the filesystem is // shorter than the partition). This can happen for example after the user quick-formats a dismounted // partition-hosted GostCrypt volume and then tries to mount the volume using the embedded backup header. memset (readBuffer, 0, GST_VOLUME_HEADER_EFFECTIVE_SIZE); } /* Attempt to recognize the volume (decrypt the header) */ ReadVolumeHeaderRecoveryMode = mount->RecoveryMode; if ((volumeType == GST_VOLUME_TYPE_HIDDEN || volumeType == GST_VOLUME_TYPE_HIDDEN_LEGACY) && mount->bProtectHiddenVolume) { mount->nReturnCode = ReadVolumeHeaderWCache ( FALSE, mount->bCache, readBuffer, &mount->ProtectedHidVolPassword, &tmpCryptoInfo); } else { mount->nReturnCode = ReadVolumeHeaderWCache ( mount->bPartitionInInactiveSysEncScope && volumeType == GST_VOLUME_TYPE_NORMAL, mount->bCache, readBuffer, &mount->VolumePassword, &Extension->cryptoInfo); } ReadVolumeHeaderRecoveryMode = FALSE; if (mount->nReturnCode == 0 || mount->nReturnCode == ERR_CIPHER_INIT_WEAK_KEY) { /* Volume header successfully decrypted */ Dump ("Volume header decrypted\n"); Dump ("Required program version = %x\n", (int) Extension->cryptoInfo->RequiredProgramVersion); Dump ("Legacy volume = %d\n", (int) Extension->cryptoInfo->LegacyVolume); if (IsHiddenSystemRunning() && !Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolume) { Extension->bReadOnly = mount->bMountReadOnly = TRUE; HiddenSysLeakProtectionCount++; } Extension->cryptoInfo->bProtectHiddenVolume = FALSE; Extension->cryptoInfo->bHiddenVolProtectionAction = FALSE; Extension->cryptoInfo->bPartitionInInactiveSysEncScope = mount->bPartitionInInactiveSysEncScope; if (volumeType == GST_VOLUME_TYPE_NORMAL) { if (mount->bPartitionInInactiveSysEncScope) { if (Extension->cryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaStart.Value > (unsigned __int64) partitionStartingOffset || Extension->cryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaStart.Value + Extension->cryptoInfo->VolumeSize.Value <= (unsigned __int64) partitionStartingOffset) { // The partition is not within the key scope of system encryption mount->nReturnCode = ERR_PASSWORD_WRONG; ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error; } if (Extension->cryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.Value != Extension->cryptoInfo->VolumeSize.Value) { // Partial encryption is not supported for volumes mounted as regular mount->nReturnCode = ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED; ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error; } } else if (Extension->cryptoInfo->HeaderFlags & GST_HEADER_FLAG_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC) { if (Extension->cryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.Value != Extension->cryptoInfo->VolumeSize.Value) { // Non-system in-place encryption process has not been completed on this volume mount->nReturnCode = ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE; ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error; } } } Extension->cryptoInfo->FirstDataUnitNo.Value = 0; if (Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolume && IsHiddenSystemRunning()) { // Prevent mount of a hidden system partition if the system hosted on it is currently running if (memcmp (Extension->cryptoInfo->master_keydata, GetSystemDriveCryptoInfo()->master_keydata, EAGetKeySize (Extension->cryptoInfo->ea)) == 0) { mount->nReturnCode = ERR_VOL_ALREADY_MOUNTED; ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error; } } switch (volumeType) { case GST_VOLUME_TYPE_NORMAL: Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolume = FALSE; if (mount->bPartitionInInactiveSysEncScope) { Extension->cryptoInfo->volDataAreaOffset = 0; Extension->DiskLength = lDiskLength.QuadPart; Extension->cryptoInfo->FirstDataUnitNo.Value = partitionStartingOffset / ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE; } else if (Extension->cryptoInfo->LegacyVolume) { Extension->cryptoInfo->volDataAreaOffset = GST_VOLUME_HEADER_SIZE_LEGACY; Extension->DiskLength = lDiskLength.QuadPart - GST_VOLUME_HEADER_SIZE_LEGACY; } else { Extension->cryptoInfo->volDataAreaOffset = Extension->cryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaStart.Value; Extension->DiskLength = Extension->cryptoInfo->VolumeSize.Value; } break; case GST_VOLUME_TYPE_HIDDEN: case GST_VOLUME_TYPE_HIDDEN_LEGACY: cryptoInfoPtr = mount->bProtectHiddenVolume ? tmpCryptoInfo : Extension->cryptoInfo; if (volumeType == GST_VOLUME_TYPE_HIDDEN_LEGACY) Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeOffset = lDiskLength.QuadPart - cryptoInfoPtr->hiddenVolumeSize - GST_HIDDEN_VOLUME_HEADER_OFFSET_LEGACY; else Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeOffset = cryptoInfoPtr->EncryptedAreaStart.Value; Dump ("Hidden volume offset = %I64d\n", Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeOffset); Dump ("Hidden volume size = %I64d\n", cryptoInfoPtr->hiddenVolumeSize); Dump ("Hidden volume end = %I64d\n", Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeOffset + cryptoInfoPtr->hiddenVolumeSize - 1); // Validate the offset if (Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeOffset % ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE != 0) { mount->nReturnCode = ERR_VOL_SIZE_WRONG; ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error; } // If we are supposed to actually mount the hidden volume (not just to protect it) if (!mount->bProtectHiddenVolume) { Extension->DiskLength = cryptoInfoPtr->hiddenVolumeSize; Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolume = TRUE; Extension->cryptoInfo->volDataAreaOffset = Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeOffset; } else { // Hidden volume protection Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolume = FALSE; Extension->cryptoInfo->bProtectHiddenVolume = TRUE; Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeProtectedSize = tmpCryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeSize; if (volumeType == GST_VOLUME_TYPE_HIDDEN_LEGACY) Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeProtectedSize += GST_VOLUME_HEADER_SIZE_LEGACY; Dump ("Hidden volume protection active: %I64d-%I64d (%I64d)\n", Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeOffset, Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeProtectedSize + Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeOffset - 1, Extension->cryptoInfo->hiddenVolumeProtectedSize); } break; } Dump ("Volume data offset = %I64d\n", Extension->cryptoInfo->volDataAreaOffset); Dump ("Volume data size = %I64d\n", Extension->DiskLength); Dump ("Volume data end = %I64d\n", Extension->cryptoInfo->volDataAreaOffset + Extension->DiskLength - 1); if (Extension->DiskLength == 0) { Dump ("Incorrect volume size\n"); continue; } // If this is a hidden volume, make sure we are supposed to actually // mount it (i.e. not just to protect it) if (volumeType == GST_VOLUME_TYPE_NORMAL || !mount->bProtectHiddenVolume) { // Validate sector size if (bRawDevice && Extension->cryptoInfo->SectorSize != Extension->HostBytesPerSector) { mount->nReturnCode = ERR_PARAMETER_INCORRECT; ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto error; } // Calculate virtual volume geometry Extension->TracksPerCylinder = 1; Extension->SectorsPerTrack = 1; Extension->BytesPerSector = Extension->cryptoInfo->SectorSize; Extension->NumberOfCylinders = Extension->DiskLength / Extension->BytesPerSector; Extension->PartitionType = 0; Extension->bRawDevice = bRawDevice; memset (Extension->wszVolume, 0, sizeof (Extension->wszVolume)); if (wcsstr (pwszMountVolume, WIDE ("\\??\\UNC\\")) == pwszMountVolume) { /* UNC path */ _snwprintf (Extension->wszVolume, sizeof (Extension->wszVolume) / sizeof (WCHAR) - 1, WIDE ("\\??\\\\%s"), pwszMountVolume + 7); } else { wcsncpy (Extension->wszVolume, pwszMountVolume, sizeof (Extension->wszVolume) / sizeof (WCHAR) - 1); } } // If we are to protect a hidden volume we cannot exit yet, for we must also // decrypt the hidden volume header. if (!(volumeType == GST_VOLUME_TYPE_NORMAL && mount->bProtectHiddenVolume)) { GSTfree (readBuffer); if (tmpCryptoInfo != NULL) { crypto_close (tmpCryptoInfo); tmpCryptoInfo = NULL; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } else if ((mount->bProtectHiddenVolume && volumeType == GST_VOLUME_TYPE_NORMAL) || mount->nReturnCode != ERR_PASSWORD_WRONG) { /* If we are not supposed to protect a hidden volume, the only error that is tolerated is ERR_PASSWORD_WRONG (to allow mounting a possible hidden volume). If we _are_ supposed to protect a hidden volume, we do not tolerate any error (both volume headers must be successfully decrypted). */ break; } } /* Failed due to some non-OS reason so we drop through and return NT SUCCESS then nReturnCode is checked later in user-mode */ if (mount->nReturnCode == ERR_OUTOFMEMORY) ntStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; else ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; error: if (mount->nReturnCode == ERR_SUCCESS) mount->nReturnCode = ERR_PASSWORD_WRONG; if (tmpCryptoInfo != NULL) { crypto_close (tmpCryptoInfo); tmpCryptoInfo = NULL; } if (Extension->cryptoInfo) { crypto_close (Extension->cryptoInfo); Extension->cryptoInfo = NULL; } if (Extension->bTimeStampValid) { RestoreTimeStamp (Extension); } /* Close the hDeviceFile */ if (Extension->hDeviceFile != NULL) ZwClose (Extension->hDeviceFile); /* The cryptoInfo pointer is deallocated if the readheader routines fail so there is no need to deallocate here */ /* Dereference the user-mode file object */ if (Extension->pfoDeviceFile != NULL) ObDereferenceObject (Extension->pfoDeviceFile); /* Free the tmp IO buffers */ if (readBuffer != NULL) GSTfree (readBuffer); return ntStatus; }