int GTHTTP_verifyTimestampHash(const GTTimestamp *ts,
                               const GTDataHash *hash,
                               const char *ext_url, GTTimestamp **ext_ts,
                               const GTPublicationsFile *pub, const char *pub_url,
                               int parse, GTVerificationInfo **ver)
    int res = GT_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
    GTPublicationsFile *pub_tmp = NULL;
    GTPubFileVerificationInfo *pub_ver = NULL;
    GTVerificationInfo *ver_tmp = NULL;
    GTTimestamp *ext = NULL;
    int is_ext = 0, is_new = 0;

    if (ts == NULL || hash == NULL || ver == NULL) {
        res = GT_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
        goto cleanup;
    if ((pub != NULL) + (pub_url != NULL) != 1) {
        res = GT_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
        goto cleanup;

    /* Ensure we have a valid publications file. */
    if (pub == NULL) {
        res = GTHTTP_getPublicationsFile(pub_url, &pub_tmp);
        if (res != GT_OK) {
            goto cleanup;
        pub = pub_tmp;
    res = GTPublicationsFile_verify(pub, &pub_ver);
    if (res != GT_OK) {
        goto cleanup;

    /* Check internal consistency of the timestamp. */
    res = GTTimestamp_verify(ts, parse, &ver_tmp);
    if (res != GT_OK) {
        goto cleanup;
    if (ver_tmp == NULL || ver_tmp->implicit_data == NULL) {
        res = GT_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
        goto cleanup;
    if (ver_tmp->verification_errors != GT_NO_FAILURES) {
        goto cleanup;

    /* Check document hash.
     * GT_WRONG_DOCUMENT means the hash did not match.
     * Everything else is some sort of system error. */
    res = GTTimestamp_checkDocumentHash(ts, hash);
    if (res == GT_OK) {
        ver_tmp->verification_status |= GT_DOCUMENT_HASH_CHECKED;
    } else if (res == GT_WRONG_DOCUMENT) {
        ver_tmp->verification_status |= GT_DOCUMENT_HASH_CHECKED;
        ver_tmp->verification_errors |= GT_WRONG_DOCUMENT_FAILURE;
        res = GT_OK;
        goto cleanup;
    } else {
        goto cleanup;

    /* Whether the timestamp is extended. */
    is_ext = ((ver_tmp->verification_status & GT_PUBLIC_KEY_SIGNATURE_PRESENT) == 0);
    /* Whether it is too new to be extended. */
    is_new = (ver_tmp->implicit_data->registered_time > pub_ver->last_publication_time);

    /* If the timestamp is already extended, "promote" it.
     * If it is not extended, but is old enough, attempt to extend it. */
    if (is_ext) {
        ext = (GTTimestamp *) ts;
    } else if (!is_new && ext_url != NULL) {
        res = GTHTTP_extendTimestamp(ts, ext_url, &ext);
        /* If extending fails because of infrastructure failure, fall
         * back to signing key check. Else report errors. */
                (res >= GTHTTP_IMPL_BASE && res <= GTHTTP_HIGHEST)) {
            res = GT_OK;
        if (res != GT_OK) {
            goto cleanup;

    /* If we now have a new timestamp, check internal consistency and document hash. */
    if (ext != NULL && ext != ts) {
        /* Release the old verification info. */
        ver_tmp = NULL;
        /* Re-check consistency. */
        res = GTTimestamp_verify(ext, parse, &ver_tmp);
        if (res != GT_OK) {
            goto cleanup;
        if (ver_tmp == NULL || ver_tmp->implicit_data == NULL) {
            res = GT_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
            goto cleanup;
        if (ver_tmp->verification_errors != GT_NO_FAILURES) {
            goto cleanup;
        /* Re-check document hash. */
        res = GTTimestamp_checkDocumentHash(ts, hash);
        if (res == GT_OK) {
            ver_tmp->verification_status |= GT_DOCUMENT_HASH_CHECKED;
        } else if (res == GT_WRONG_DOCUMENT) {
            ver_tmp->verification_status |= GT_DOCUMENT_HASH_CHECKED;
            ver_tmp->verification_errors |= GT_WRONG_DOCUMENT_FAILURE;
            res = GT_OK;
            goto cleanup;
        } else {
            goto cleanup;

    if (ext != NULL) {
        /* If we now have an extended timestamp, check publication.
         * GT_TRUST_POINT_NOT_FOUND and GT_INVALID_TRUST_POINT mean it did not match.
         * Everything else is some sort of system error. */
        res = GTTimestamp_checkPublication(ext, pub);
        if (res == GT_OK) {
            ver_tmp->verification_status |= GT_PUBLICATION_CHECKED;
        } else if (res == GT_TRUST_POINT_NOT_FOUND || res == GT_INVALID_TRUST_POINT) {
            ver_tmp->verification_status |= GT_PUBLICATION_CHECKED;
            ver_tmp->verification_errors |= GT_NOT_VALID_PUBLICATION;
            res = GT_OK;
    } else {
        /* Otherwise, check signing key.
         * GT_KEY_NOT_PUBLISHED and GT_CERT_TICKET_TOO_OLD mean key not valid.
         * Everything else is some sort of system error. */
        res = GTTimestamp_checkPublicKey(ts, ver_tmp->implicit_data->registered_time, pub);
        if (res == GT_OK) {
            ver_tmp->verification_status |= GT_PUBLICATION_CHECKED;
        } else if (res == GT_KEY_NOT_PUBLISHED || res == GT_CERT_TICKET_TOO_OLD) {
            ver_tmp->verification_status |= GT_PUBLICATION_CHECKED;
            ver_tmp->verification_errors |= GT_NOT_VALID_PUBLIC_KEY_FAILURE;
            res = GT_OK;


    if (res == GT_OK) {
        if (ext_ts != NULL && ext != NULL && ext != ts &&
                ver_tmp->verification_errors == GT_NO_FAILURES) {
            *ext_ts = ext;
            ext = NULL;
        *ver = ver_tmp;
        ver_tmp = NULL;

    if (ext != ts) {

    return res;
int GTPublicationsFile_DERDecode(const void *data, size_t data_length,
		GTPublicationsFile **publications_file)
	int retval = GT_UNKNOWN_ERROR;
	GTPublicationsFile *tmp_publications_file = NULL;

	if ((data == NULL && data_length != 0) || publications_file == NULL) {
		goto cleanup;

	tmp_publications_file = GT_malloc(sizeof(GTPublicationsFile));
	if (tmp_publications_file == NULL) {
		retval = GT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
		goto cleanup;

	/* Do not waste time with copying of data until we are sure that input data
	 * is correct. */
	tmp_publications_file->data = data;
	tmp_publications_file->data_length = data_length;
	tmp_publications_file->data_owner = 0;
	tmp_publications_file->publication_cells = NULL;
	tmp_publications_file->key_hash_cells = NULL;
	tmp_publications_file->pub_reference = NULL;
	tmp_publications_file->signature = NULL;

	retval = decodeHeader(tmp_publications_file);
	if (retval != GT_OK) {
		goto cleanup;

	retval = decodePublicationCells(tmp_publications_file);
	if (retval != GT_OK) {
		goto cleanup;

	retval = decodeKeyHashCells(tmp_publications_file);
	if (retval != GT_OK) {
		goto cleanup;

	retval = decodePubReference(tmp_publications_file);
	if (retval != GT_OK) {
		goto cleanup;

	retval = decodeSignature(tmp_publications_file);
	if (retval != GT_OK) {
		goto cleanup;


	tmp_publications_file->data = GT_malloc(data_length);
	if (tmp_publications_file->data == NULL) {
		retval = GT_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
		goto cleanup;

	memcpy((void*) tmp_publications_file->data, data, data_length);
	tmp_publications_file->data_owner = 1;

	*publications_file = tmp_publications_file;
	tmp_publications_file = NULL;

	retval = GT_OK;



	return retval;