/** * @brief Let an actor fall down if e.g. the func_breakable the actor was standing on was destroyed. * @param[in,out] ent The actor that should fall down * @todo Handle cases where the grid position the actor would fall to is occupied by another actor already. */ void G_ActorFall (edict_t *ent) { edict_t* entAtPos; const int oldZ = ent->pos[2]; ent->pos[2] = gi.GridFall(gi.routingMap, ent->fieldSize, ent->pos); if (oldZ == ent->pos[2]) return; entAtPos = G_GetEdictFromPos(ent->pos, ET_NULL); if (entAtPos != NULL && (G_IsBreakable(entAtPos) || G_IsBlockingMovementActor(entAtPos))) { const int diff = oldZ - ent->pos[2]; G_TakeDamage(entAtPos, (int)(FALLING_DAMAGE_FACTOR * (float)diff)); } G_EdictCalcOrigin(ent); gi.LinkEdict(ent); G_CheckVis(ent, true); G_EventActorFall(ent); gi.EndEvents(); }
/** * @brief Do the shooting * @param ent The entity that is doing the shooting * @param visMask the vis mask to determine the clients from this event is send to * @param fd The firedefinition to use for the shoot * @param firstShoot Is this the first shoot * @param shootType The type of the shoot * @param flags Define some flags in a bitmask: @c SF_BODY, @c SF_IMPACT, @c SF_BOUNCING and @c SF_BOUNCING * @param trace The trace what was used to determine whether this shot has hit something * @param from The position the entity shoots from * @param impact The impact world vector for the shot */ void G_EventShoot (const edict_t* ent, vismask_t visMask, const fireDef_t* fd, bool firstShoot, shoot_types_t shootType, int flags, const trace_t* trace, const vec3_t from, const vec3_t impact) { const edict_t *targetEdict = trace->ent; G_EventAdd(G_VisToPM(visMask), EV_ACTOR_SHOOT, ent->number); if (targetEdict && G_IsBreakable(targetEdict)) gi.WriteShort(targetEdict->number); else gi.WriteShort(SKIP_LOCAL_ENTITY); gi.WriteByte(firstShoot ? 1 : 0); gi.WriteShort(fd->obj->idx); gi.WriteByte(fd->weapFdsIdx); gi.WriteByte(fd->fdIdx); gi.WriteByte(shootType); gi.WriteByte(flags); gi.WriteByte(trace->contentFlags); gi.WritePos(from); gi.WritePos(impact); gi.WriteDir(trace->plane.normal); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Do the shooting * @param ent The entity that is doing the shooting * @param teamMask the vis mask to determine the clients from this event is send to * @param fd The firedefinition to use for the shoot * @param firstShoot Is this the first shoot * @param shootType The type of the shoot * @param flags Define some flags in a bitmask: @c SF_BODY, @c SF_IMPACT, @c SF_BOUNCING and @c SF_BOUNCING * @param trace The trace what was used to determine whether this shot has hit something * @param from The position the entity shoots from * @param impact The impact world vector for the shot */ void G_EventShoot (const Edict& ent, teammask_t teamMask, const fireDef_t* fd, bool firstShoot, shoot_types_t shootType, int flags, const trace_t* trace, const vec3_t from, const vec3_t impact) { const Edict* targetEdict = G_EdictsGetByNum(trace->entNum); /* the ent possibly hit by the trace */ G_EventAdd(G_VisToPM(teamMask), EV_ACTOR_SHOOT, ent.number); if (targetEdict && G_IsBreakable(targetEdict)) gi.WriteShort(targetEdict->number); else gi.WriteShort(SKIP_LOCAL_ENTITY); gi.WriteByte(firstShoot ? 1 : 0); gi.WriteShort(fd->obj->idx); gi.WriteByte(fd->weapFdsIdx); gi.WriteByte(fd->fdIdx); gi.WriteByte(shootType); gi.WriteByte(flags); gi.WriteByte(trace->contentFlags); gi.WritePos(from); gi.WritePos(impact); gi.WriteDir(trace->plane.normal); G_EventEnd(); }
/** * @brief Deals splash damage to a target and its surroundings. * @param[in] ent The shooting actor * @param[in] fd The fire definition that defines what type of damage is dealt and how big the splash radius is. * @param[in] impact The impact vector where the grenade is exploding * @param[in,out] mock pseudo shooting - only for calculating mock values - NULL for real shots * @param[in] tr The trace where the grenade hits something (or not) */ static void G_SplashDamage (edict_t *ent, const fireDef_t *fd, vec3_t impact, shot_mock_t *mock, const trace_t* tr) { edict_t *check = NULL; vec3_t center; float dist; int damage; const bool shock = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damShock); assert(fd->splrad > 0.0); while ((check = G_EdictsGetNextInUse(check))) { /* If we use a blinding weapon we skip the target if it's looking * away from the impact location. */ if (shock && !G_FrustumVis(check, impact)) continue; if (G_IsBrushModel(check) && G_IsBreakable(check)) VectorCenterFromMinsMaxs(check->absmin, check->absmax, center); else if (G_IsLivingActor(check) || G_IsBreakable(check)) VectorCopy(check->origin, center); else continue; /* check for distance */ dist = VectorDist(impact, center); dist = dist > UNIT_SIZE / 2 ? dist - UNIT_SIZE / 2 : 0; if (dist > fd->splrad) continue; if (fd->irgoggles) { if (G_IsActor(check)) { /* check whether this actor (check) is in the field of view of the 'shooter' (ent) */ if (G_FrustumVis(ent, check->origin)) { if (!mock) { const unsigned int playerMask = G_TeamToPM(ent->team) ^ G_VisToPM(check->visflags); G_AppearPerishEvent(playerMask, true, check, ent); G_VisFlagsAdd(check, G_PMToVis(playerMask)); } } } continue; } /* check for walls */ if (G_IsLivingActor(check) && !G_ActorVis(impact, ent, check, false)) continue; /* do damage */ if (shock) damage = 0; else damage = fd->spldmg[0] * (1.0 - dist / fd->splrad); if (mock) mock->allow_self = true; G_Damage(check, fd, damage, ent, mock, NULL); if (mock) mock->allow_self = false; } /** @todo splash might also hit other surfaces and the trace doesn't handle that */ if (tr && G_FireAffectedSurface(tr->surface, fd)) { /* move a little away from the impact vector */ VectorMA(impact, 1, tr->plane.normal, impact); G_SpawnParticle(impact, tr->contentFlags >> 8, "burning"); }
/** * @brief Deals damage of a give type and amount to a target. * @param[in,out] target What we want to damage. * @param[in] fd The fire definition that defines what type of damage is dealt. * @param[in] damage The value of the damage. * @param[in] attacker The attacker. * @param[in] mock pseudo shooting - only for calculating mock values - NULL for real shots * @param[in] impact impact location - @c NULL for splash damage * @sa G_SplashDamage * @sa G_TakeDamage * @sa G_PrintActorStats */ static void G_Damage (edict_t *target, const fireDef_t *fd, int damage, edict_t *attacker, shot_mock_t *mock, const vec3_t impact) { const bool stunEl = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damStunElectro); const bool stunGas = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damStunGas); const bool shock = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damShock); const bool smoke = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damSmoke); bool isRobot; assert(target); /* Breakables */ if (G_IsBrushModel(target) && G_IsBreakable(target)) { /* Breakables are immune to stun & shock damage. */ if (stunEl || stunGas || shock || mock || smoke) return; if (damage >= target->HP) { /* don't reset the HP value here, this value is used to distinguish * between triggered destroy and a shoot */ assert(target->destroy); target->destroy(target); /* maybe the attacker is seeing something new? */ G_CheckVisTeamAll(attacker->team, 0, attacker); /* check if attacker appears/perishes for any other team */ G_CheckVis(attacker); } else { G_TakeDamage(target, damage); } return; } /* Actors don't die again. */ if (!G_IsLivingActor(target)) return; /* only actors after this point - and they must have a teamdef */ assert(target->chr.teamDef); isRobot = CHRSH_IsTeamDefRobot(target->chr.teamDef); /* Apply armour effects. */ if (damage > 0) { damage = G_ApplyProtection(target, fd->dmgweight, damage); } else if (damage < 0) { /* Robots can't be healed. */ if (isRobot) return; } Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_GAME, " Total damage: %d\n", damage); /* Apply difficulty settings. */ if (sv_maxclients->integer == 1) { if (G_IsAlien(attacker) && !G_IsAlien(target)) damage *= pow(1.18, g_difficulty->value); else if (!G_IsAlien(attacker) && G_IsAlien(target)) damage *= pow(1.18, -g_difficulty->value); } assert(attacker->team >= 0 && attacker->team < MAX_TEAMS); assert(target->team >= 0 && target->team < MAX_TEAMS); if (g_nodamage != NULL && !g_nodamage->integer) { /* hit */ if (mock) { G_UpdateShotMock(mock, attacker, target, damage); } else if (stunEl) { target->STUN += damage; } else if (stunGas) { if (!isRobot) /* Can't stun robots with gas */ target->STUN += damage; } else if (shock) { /* Only do this if it's not one from our own team ... they should have known that there was a flashbang coming. */ if (!isRobot && target->team != attacker->team) { /** @todo there should be a possible protection, too */ /* dazed entity wont reaction fire */ G_RemoveReaction(target); G_ActorReserveTUs(target, 0, target->chr.reservedTus.shot, target->chr.reservedTus.crouch); /* flashbangs kill TUs */ G_ActorSetTU(target, 0); G_SendStats(target); /* entity is dazed */ G_SetDazed(target); G_ClientPrintf(G_PLAYER_FROM_ENT(target), PRINT_HUD, _("Soldier is dazed!\nEnemy used flashbang!")); return; } } else { if (damage < 0) { /* The 'attacker' is healing the target. */ G_TreatActor(target, fd, damage, attacker->team); } else { /* Real damage was dealt. */ G_DamageActor(target, damage, impact); /* Update overall splash damage for stats/score. */ if (!mock && damage > 0 && fd->splrad) /**< Check for >0 and splrad to not count this as direct hit. */ G_UpdateHitScore(attacker, target, fd, damage); } } } if (mock) return; G_CheckDeathOrKnockout(target, attacker, fd, damage); }
/** * @brief Applies the given damage value to an edict that is either an actor or has * the @c FL_DESTROYABLE flag set. * @param ent The edict to apply the damage to. * @param damage The damage value. * @note This function assures, that the health points of the edict are never * getting negative. * @sa G_Damage */ void G_TakeDamage (edict_t *ent, int damage) { if (G_IsBreakable(ent) || G_IsActor(ent)) ent->HP = max(ent->HP - damage, 0); }
/** * @brief Deals splash damage to a target and its surroundings. * @param[in] ent The shooting actor * @param[in] fd The fire definition that defines what type of damage is dealt and how big the splash radius is. * @param[in] impact The impact vector where the grenade is exploding * @param[in,out] mock pseudo shooting - only for calculating mock values - nullptr for real shots * @param[in] tr The trace where the grenade hits something (or not) */ static void G_SplashDamage (Actor* ent, const fireDef_t* fd, vec3_t impact, shot_mock_t* mock, const trace_t* tr) { assert(fd->splrad > 0.0f); const bool shock = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damShock); Edict* check = nullptr; while ((check = G_EdictsGetNextInUse(check))) { /* If we use a blinding weapon we skip the target if it's looking * away from the impact location. */ if (shock && !G_FrustumVis(check, impact)) continue; const bool isActor = G_IsLivingActor(check); vec3_t center; if (G_IsBrushModel(check) && G_IsBreakable(check)) check->absBox.getCenter(center); else if (isActor || G_IsBreakable(check)) VectorCopy(check->origin, center); else continue; /* check for distance */ float dist = VectorDist(impact, center); dist = dist > UNIT_SIZE / 2 ? dist - UNIT_SIZE / 2 : 0.0f; if (dist > fd->splrad) continue; if (fd->irgoggles) { if (isActor) { /* check whether this actor (check) is in the field of view of the 'shooter' (ent) */ if (G_FrustumVis(ent, check->origin)) { if (!mock) { vec3_t eyeEnt; G_ActorGetEyeVector(ent, eyeEnt); if (!G_SmokeVis(eyeEnt, check)) { const unsigned int playerMask = G_TeamToPM(ent->getTeam()) ^ G_VisToPM(check->visflags); G_AppearPerishEvent(playerMask, true, *check, ent); G_VisFlagsAdd(*check, G_PMToVis(playerMask)); } } } } continue; } /* check for walls */ if (isActor && G_TestLine(impact, check->origin)) continue; /* do damage */ const int damage = shock ? 0 : fd->spldmg[0] * (1.0f - dist / fd->splrad); if (mock) mock->allow_self = true; /* Send hurt sounds for actors, but only if they'll recieve damage from this attack */ if (G_Damage(check, fd, damage, ent, mock, nullptr) && isActor && (G_ApplyProtection(check, fd->dmgweight, damage) > 0) && !shock) { const teamDef_t* teamDef = check->chr.teamDef; const int gender = check->chr.gender; const char* sound = teamDef->getActorSound(gender, SND_HURT); G_EventSpawnSound(G_VisToPM(check->visflags), *check, nullptr, sound); } if (mock) mock->allow_self = false; } /** @todo splash might also hit other surfaces and the trace doesn't handle that */ if (tr && G_FireAffectedSurface(tr->surface, fd)) { /* move a little away from the impact vector */ VectorMA(impact, 1, tr->plane.normal, impact); G_SpawnParticle(impact, tr->contentFlags >> 8, "burning"); }
/** * @brief Deals damage of a give type and amount to a target. * @param[in,out] target What we want to damage. * @param[in] fd The fire definition that defines what type of damage is dealt. * @param[in] damage The value of the damage. * @param[in] attacker The attacker. * @param[in] mock pseudo shooting - only for calculating mock values - nullptr for real shots * @param[in] impact impact location - @c nullptr for splash damage * @return @c true if damage could be dealt (even if it was 0) @c false otherwise * @sa G_SplashDamage * @sa G_TakeDamage * @sa G_PrintActorStats */ static bool G_Damage (Edict* target, const fireDef_t* fd, int damage, Actor* attacker, shot_mock_t* mock, const vec3_t impact) { assert(target); const bool stunEl = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damStunElectro); const bool stunGas = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damStunGas); const bool shock = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damShock); const bool smoke = (fd->obj->dmgtype == gi.csi->damSmoke); /* Breakables */ if (G_IsBrushModel(target) && G_IsBreakable(target)) { /* Breakables are immune to stun & shock damage. */ if (stunEl || stunGas || shock || mock || smoke) return false; if (damage >= target->HP) { /* don't reset the HP value here, this value is used to distinguish * between triggered destroy and a shoot */ assert(target->destroy); target->destroy(target); /* maybe the attacker is seeing something new? */ G_CheckVisTeamAll(attacker->getTeam(), 0, attacker); /* check if attacker appears/perishes for any other team */ G_CheckVis(attacker); } else { G_TakeDamage(target, damage); } return true; } /* Actors don't die again. */ if (!G_IsLivingActor(target)) return false; /* Now we know that the target is an actor */ Actor* victim = makeActor(target); /* only actors after this point - and they must have a teamdef */ assert(victim->chr.teamDef); const bool isRobot = CHRSH_IsTeamDefRobot(victim->chr.teamDef); /* Apply armour effects. */ if (damage > 0) { damage = G_ApplyProtection(victim, fd->dmgweight, damage); } else if (damage < 0) { /* Robots can't be healed. */ if (isRobot) return false; } Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_GAME, " Total damage: %d\n", damage); /* Apply difficulty settings. */ if (G_IsSinglePlayer()) { if (G_IsAlien(attacker) && !G_IsAlien(victim)) damage *= pow(1.18f, g_difficulty->value); else if (!G_IsAlien(attacker) && G_IsAlien(victim)) damage *= pow(1.18f, -g_difficulty->value); } assert(attacker->getTeam() >= 0 && attacker->getTeam() < MAX_TEAMS); assert(victim->getTeam() >= 0 && victim->getTeam() < MAX_TEAMS); if ((g_nodamage != nullptr && !g_nodamage->integer) || mock) { /* hit */ if (mock) { G_UpdateShotMock(mock, attacker, victim, damage); } else if (stunEl) { victim->addStun(damage); } else if (stunGas) { if (!isRobot) /* Can't stun robots with gas */ victim->addStun(damage); } else if (shock) { /* Only do this if it's not one from our own team ... they should have known that there was a flashbang coming. */ if (!isRobot && !victim->isSameTeamAs(attacker)) { /** @todo there should be a possible protection, too */ /* dazed entity wont reaction fire */ victim->removeReaction(); G_ActorReserveTUs(victim, 0, victim->chr.reservedTus.shot, victim->chr.reservedTus.crouch); /* flashbangs kill TUs */ G_ActorSetTU(victim, 0); G_SendStats(*victim); /* entity is dazed */ victim->setDazed(); G_EventSendState(G_VisToPM(victim->visflags), *victim); return !mock; } else { return false; } } else { if (damage < 0) { /* The 'attacker' is healing the victim. */ G_TreatActor(victim, fd, damage, attacker->getTeam()); } else { /* Real damage was dealt. */ G_DamageActor(victim, damage, impact); /* Update overall splash damage for stats/score. */ if (!mock && damage > 0 && fd->splrad) /**< Check for >0 and splrad to not count this as direct hit. */ G_UpdateHitScore(attacker, victim, fd, damage); } } } if (mock) return false; G_CheckDeathOrKnockout(victim, attacker, fd, damage); return true; }