    void Program::Init(const char *name, const Shader::Defines &defines)
        string sn(name);
        sn += ".geom";
        ifstream f(sn.c_str());

            Init(VertexShader(name, defines), GeometryShader(name, defines), FragmentShader(name, defines), name);
            Init(VertexShader(name, defines), FragmentShader(name, defines), name);

bool Rasterizer::VInit(DXDriver* _driver)
    if (m_pVertexShaderStage || m_pPixelShaderStage || m_pGeometryShaderStage)
        PrintError(AT, "shader stages already created");
        return false;

    m_pVertexShaderStage	= VNEW VertexShader();
    m_pGeometryShaderStage	= VNEW GeometryShader();
    m_pPixelShaderStage		= VNEW PixelShader();

    if (!m_pVertexShaderStage->Init(L"Assets/Shaders/RasterNodeVS.hlsl", _driver->GetDevice()))
        //if (!m_pVertexShaderStage->Init(L"Assets/Shaders/vtest.hlsl", _driver->GetDevice()))
        PrintError(AT, "failed to create vertex shader stage");
        return false;

    if (!m_pGeometryShaderStage->Init(L"Assets/Shaders/RasterNodeGS.hlsl", _driver->GetDevice()))
        //if (!m_pGeometryShaderStage->Init(L"Assets/Shaders/gtest.hlsl", _driver->GetDevice()))
        PrintError(AT, "failed to create geometry shader stage");
        return false;

    if (!m_pPixelShaderStage->Init(L"Assets/Shaders/RasterNodePS.hlsl", _driver->GetDevice()))
        //if (!m_pPixelShaderStage->Init(L"Assets/Shaders/ptest.hlsl", _driver->GetDevice()))
        PrintError(AT, "failed to create pixel shader stage");
        return false;

    RenderTarget* renderTarget = nullptr;
    for (unsigned int i = RT_COLOR; i < RENDERTARGET_COUNT; ++i)
        _driver->GetRenderTarget(i, renderTarget);
        if (!renderTarget)
            return false;


        if (!m_pDeferredRenderTargets[i])
            return false;

    return true;
文件: Shader.cpp 项目: Clever-Boy/XLE
 ShaderProgram::ShaderProgram(   const ResChar vertexShaderInitializer[], 
                                 const ResChar geometryShaderInitializer[],
                                 const ResChar fragmentShaderInitializer[],
                                 const ResChar definesTable[])
 :   _compiledVertexShader(&::Assets::GetAssetComp<CompiledShaderByteCode>(vertexShaderInitializer, definesTable)) // (odd..?)
 ,   _compiledPixelShader(&::Assets::GetAssetComp<CompiledShaderByteCode>(fragmentShaderInitializer, definesTable)) // (odd..?)
 ,   _vertexShader(*_compiledVertexShader)
 ,   _pixelShader(*_compiledPixelShader)
 ,   _compiledGeometryShader(nullptr)
     if (geometryShaderInitializer && geometryShaderInitializer[0]) {
         _compiledGeometryShader = &::Assets::GetAssetComp<CompiledShaderByteCode>(geometryShaderInitializer, definesTable);
         _geometryShader = GeometryShader(*_compiledGeometryShader);
     _validationCallback = std::make_shared<Assets::DependencyValidation>();
     Assets::RegisterAssetDependency(_validationCallback, _compiledVertexShader->GetDependencyValidation());
     Assets::RegisterAssetDependency(_validationCallback, _compiledPixelShader->GetDependencyValidation());
     if (_compiledGeometryShader) {
         Assets::RegisterAssetDependency(_validationCallback, _compiledGeometryShader->GetDependencyValidation());
void FLightPropagationVolume::Visualise(FRHICommandList& RHICmdList, const FViewInfo& View) const
    SCOPED_DRAW_EVENT(RHICmdList, LpvVisualise);
    check(View.GetFeatureLevel() == ERHIFeatureLevel::SM5);

    TShaderMapRef<FLpvVisualiseVS> VertexShader(View.ShaderMap);
    TShaderMapRef<FLpvVisualiseGS> GeometryShader(View.ShaderMap);
    TShaderMapRef<FLpvVisualisePS> PixelShader(View.ShaderMap);

    RHICmdList.SetDepthStencilState(TStaticDepthStencilState<false, CF_Always>::GetRHI());
    RHICmdList.SetRasterizerState(TStaticRasterizerState<FM_Solid, CM_None>::GetRHI());
    RHICmdList.SetBlendState(TStaticBlendState<CW_RGB, BO_Add, BF_One, BF_One>::GetRHI());

    SetGlobalBoundShaderState(RHICmdList, View.GetFeatureLevel(), LpvVisBoundShaderState, GSimpleElementVertexDeclaration.VertexDeclarationRHI, *VertexShader, *PixelShader, *GeometryShader);

    VertexShader->SetParameters(RHICmdList, View);
    GeometryShader->SetParameters(RHICmdList, View);
    PixelShader->SetParameters(RHICmdList, this, View);

    RHICmdList.SetStreamSource(0, NULL, 0, 0);
    RHICmdList.DrawPrimitive(PT_PointList, 0, 1, 32 * 3);

	RippleTexProg(GLuint ripple_tex_size)
	 : tex_1(prog(), "Tex1")
	 , tex_2(prog(), "Tex2")
	 , new_drop(prog(), "NewDrop")
			ObjectDesc("Ripple texture vertex shader"),
				"#version 330\n"
				"void main(void)"
				"	gl_Position = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);"

			ObjectDesc("Ripple texture geometry shader"),
				"#version 330\n"
				"layout (points) in;"
				"layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 4) out;"

				"uniform int TexSize;"

				"out vec2 geomTexCoord;"

				"void make_vertex(vec2 pos, vec2 tc)"
				"	gl_Position = vec4(pos, 0.0, 1.0);"
				"	geomTexCoord = tc;"
				"	EmitVertex();"

				"void main(void)"
				"	float rts = TexSize;"
				"	make_vertex(vec2(-1.0,-1.0), vec2(  0,   0));"
				"	make_vertex(vec2(-1.0, 1.0), vec2(  0, rts));"
				"	make_vertex(vec2( 1.0,-1.0), vec2(rts,   0));"
				"	make_vertex(vec2( 1.0, 1.0), vec2(rts, rts));"
				"	EndPrimitive();"

			ObjectDesc("Ripple texture fragment shader"),
				"#version 330\n"

				"uniform ivec2 NewDrop;"
				"uniform sampler2D Tex1, Tex2;"
				"uniform int TexSize;"

				"in vec2 geomTexCoord;"

				"layout (location = 0) out vec4 fragBump;"
				"layout (location = 1) out float fragHeight;"

				"ivec2 wrap_tc(ivec2 tc)"
				"	if(tc.x < 0) tc.x = TexSize-1;"
				"	if(tc.x >= TexSize) tc.x = 0;"
				"	if(tc.y < 0) tc.y = TexSize-1;"
				"	if(tc.y >= TexSize) tc.y = 0;"
				"	return tc;"

				"float height_at(sampler2D tex, ivec2 tc, float factor)"
				"	return texelFetch(tex, wrap_tc(tc), 0).r * factor;"

				"void main(void)"
				"	ivec2 TC = ivec2(geomTexCoord);"

				"	float  ch = height_at(Tex2, TC, 1.0);"
				"	float xp1 = height_at(Tex2, TC+ivec2( 1, 0), 0.25);"
				"	float xm1 = height_at(Tex2, TC+ivec2(-1, 0), 0.25);"
				"	float yp1 = height_at(Tex2, TC+ivec2( 0, 1), 0.25);"
				"	float ym1 = height_at(Tex2, TC+ivec2( 0,-1), 0.25);"

				"	fragHeight = xp1 + xm1 + yp1 + ym1;"
				"	fragHeight += height_at(Tex2, TC+ivec2( 1,-1), 0.25);"
				"	fragHeight += height_at(Tex2, TC+ivec2( 1, 1), 0.25);"
				"	fragHeight += height_at(Tex2, TC+ivec2(-1,-1), 0.25);"
				"	fragHeight += height_at(Tex2, TC+ivec2(-1, 1), 0.25);"
				"	fragHeight -= height_at(Tex1, TC, 1.0);"
				"	vec2 d = NewDrop - TC;"
				"	fragHeight += length(d)<8?1.0:0.0;"
				"	vec3 fragNormal = vec3("
				"		(xm1 - ch) + (ch - xp1),"
				"		(ym1 - ch) + (ch - yp1),"
				"		0.1"
				"	);"
				"	fragBump = vec4("
				"		normalize(fragNormal),"
				"		fragHeight"
				"	);"

		ProgramUniform<GLint>(prog(), "TexSize").Set(ripple_tex_size);
	static Program make(void)
		Program prog;

		prog << VertexShader(ObjectDesc("Draw"),
			"#version 330\n"
			"uniform mat4 CameraMatrix;"
			"in vec4 Position;"
			"out vec3 vertColor;"

			"void main(void)"
			"	gl_Position = CameraMatrix * Position;"
			"	vertColor = normalize(vec3(1)-Position.rgb);"

		prog << GeometryShader(ObjectDesc("Draw"),
			"#version 330\n"
			"layout(points) in;"
			"layout(triangle_strip, max_vertices = 4) out;"

			"uniform mat4 ProjectionMatrix;"
			"in vec3 vertColor[1];"
			"out vec3 geomColor;"

			"void main(void)"
			"	geomColor = vertColor[0];"
			"	float s = 0.1;"
			"	float yo[2] = float[2](-1.0, 1.0);"
			"	float xo[2] = float[2](-1.0, 1.0);"
			"	for(int j=0;j!=2;++j)"
			"	for(int i=0;i!=2;++i)"
			"	{"
			"		float xoffs = xo[i]*s;"
			"		float yoffs = yo[j]*s;"
			"		gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * vec4("
			"			gl_in[0].gl_Position.x-xoffs,"
			"			gl_in[0].gl_Position.y-yoffs,"
			"			gl_in[0].gl_Position.z,"
			"			1.0"
			"		);"
			"		EmitVertex();"
			"	}"
			"	EndPrimitive();"

		prog << FragmentShader(ObjectDesc("Draw"),
			"#version 330\n"
			"in vec3 geomColor;"
			"out vec4 fragColor;"

			"void main(void)"
			"	float a = 1.0/16.0;"
			"	fragColor = vec4(geomColor, a);"


		return prog;