void CMainFrame::OnUpdateCmd(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { if( !GetActiveFrame() ) return; pCmdUI->Enable( GetActiveFrame()->GetActiveDocument() != NULL ); }
void CPromFrame::OnUpdateViewTbDLPRtree(CCmdUI* pCmdUI) { pCmdUI->SetCheck((dt_fileBar.GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE) != 0); CGraphFrame *frame=(CGraphFrame *)GetActiveFrame(); pCmdUI->SetText(frame && ((CGraphView *)(frame->GetActiveView()))->GetDocument()->is_drainage? "Drainage &tree":"Divide &tree"); }
void CMainFrame::OnViewFullscreen() { if (m_fullscreen) { ModifyStyle(0,WS_CAPTION|WS_THICKFRAME); ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); ShowControlBar(&m_wndToolBar, TRUE, FALSE); ShowControlBar(&m_wndCmdBar, TRUE, FALSE); ShowControlBar(&m_wndStatusBar, TRUE, FALSE); } else { ModifyStyle(WS_CAPTION|WS_THICKFRAME,0); ShowWindow(SW_MAXIMIZE); CFrameWnd* pChild = GetActiveFrame(); if (pChild) pChild->ShowWindow(SW_MAXIMIZE); ShowControlBar(&m_wndToolBar, FALSE, FALSE); ShowControlBar(&m_wndCmdBar, FALSE, FALSE); ShowControlBar(&m_wndStatusBar, FALSE, FALSE); } m_fullscreen = !m_fullscreen; }
//**************************************************************************** COleClientItem* CBCGPFrameWnd::GetInPlaceActiveItem () { CFrameWnd* pActiveFrame = GetActiveFrame (); if (pActiveFrame == NULL) { return NULL; } ASSERT_VALID (pActiveFrame); CView* pView = pActiveFrame->GetActiveView (); if (pView == NULL || pView->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (CBCGPPrintPreviewView))) { return NULL; } ASSERT_VALID (pView); COleDocument* pDoc = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST (COleDocument, pView->GetDocument ()); if (pDoc == NULL) { return NULL; } ASSERT_VALID (pDoc); return pDoc->GetInPlaceActiveItem (pView); }
virtual CDocument* OpenDocumentFile(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, BOOL /*bMakeVisible*/) { CWnd* parent = GetActiveFrame(); CDocument* doc = NULL; CStringArray newfile; CString tablename; #ifdef x_DEBUG tablename = _T("årstal"); //tablename = _T("tur_tur"); //tablename = _T("Adresser"); #endif bool ok = ::mdb2dbf(parent, lpszPathName, &newfile, tablename); if (ok) { if (newfile.GetSize()) { for (int i = 0; i < newfile.GetSize(); i++) { doc = theApp.m_doctemplate->OpenDocumentFile(newfile.ElementAt(i)); } } else // user chose csv { AfxMessageBox(_T("Done")); } AfxGetApp()->AddToRecentFileList(lpszPathName); } else AfxMessageBox(_T("Error")); return doc; }
void CMainFrame::OnUpdateImageInfo(CCmdUI *pCmdUI) { // Get the active MDI child window. CMDIChildWnd *pChild = (CMDIChildWnd *)GetActiveFrame(); if (pChild != NULL) { // Get the active view attached to the active MDI child window. CDtxViewView *pView = (CDtxViewView*)pChild->GetActiveView(); CDtxViewDoc *pDoc = pView->GetDocument(); CString strInfo; if (pDoc->GetImageInfoString(&strInfo)) { pCmdUI->Enable(); pCmdUI->SetText(strInfo); } else { pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); } } else { pCmdUI->Enable(FALSE); } }
void CMainFrame::OnBnClickedButtonPlay() { CRecordeOperatorDoc* pDoc = NULL; CChildFrame* pChild = NULL; pChild = (CChildFrame*)GetActiveFrame(); if (!pChild) return; pDoc = (CRecordeOperatorDoc*)pChild->GetActiveDocument(); if (!pDoc) return; IERecPlayer* pRecord = pDoc->GetRecord(); if (pRecord) { if (pRecord->RePlay() == S_OK) { m_wndProgressDialogBar.m_buttonPlay.SetWindowText("Pause"); } else if (pRecord->PauseRePlay() == S_OK) { m_wndProgressDialogBar.m_buttonPlay.SetWindowText("Play"); } } else MessageBox("»¹Î´°ó¶¨Â¼Ïñ¶ÔÏó£¡","ѽ",MB_OK); }
void CMainFrame::OnExpandingTree(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NMTREEVIEW* pTreeView = (NMTREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; HTREEITEM hSelected = pTreeView->itemNew.hItem; if (pTreeView->action == TVE_EXPAND) { int nDeep = 0; HTREEITEM hTempItem = m_wndMasterlistDialogBar.m_treeMasters.GetParentItem(hSelected); while (hTempItem) { nDeep++; hTempItem = m_wndMasterlistDialogBar.m_treeMasters.GetParentItem(hTempItem); } if (nDeep == 2) { CRecordeOperatorDoc* pDoc = NULL; CChildFrame* pChild = NULL; pChild = (CChildFrame*)GetActiveFrame(); if (!pChild) return; pDoc = (CRecordeOperatorDoc*)pChild->GetActiveDocument(); if (!pDoc) return; IERecPlayer* pRecord = pDoc->GetRecord(); if (pRecord) { g_RecordUITools.FillEvent(pRecord, hSelected, m_wndMasterlistDialogBar.m_treeMasters); } } } }
void CMainFrame::OnSelChangedTree(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NMTREEVIEW* pTreeView = (NMTREEVIEW*)pNMHDR; HTREEITEM hSelected = pTreeView->itemNew.hItem; int nDeep = 0; HTREEITEM hTempItem = m_wndMasterlistDialogBar.m_treeMasters.GetParentItem(hSelected); while (hTempItem) { nDeep++; hTempItem = m_wndMasterlistDialogBar.m_treeMasters.GetParentItem(hTempItem); } DWORD_PTR pPoint = m_wndMasterlistDialogBar.m_treeMasters.GetItemData(hSelected); CRecordeOperatorDoc* pDoc = NULL; CChildFrame* pChild = NULL; pChild = (CChildFrame*)GetActiveFrame(); if (!pChild) return; pDoc = (CRecordeOperatorDoc*)pChild->GetActiveDocument(); if (!pDoc) return; IERecPlayer* pRecord = pDoc->GetRecord(); if (pRecord) { g_RecordUITools.FillListCtrl(pRecord, nDeep,pPoint,m_wndMasterlistDialogBar.m_listCtrl); } }
CDocument *CFrameWnd::GetActiveDocument() /***************************************/ { CFrameWnd *pFrame = GetActiveFrame(); if( pFrame != NULL ) { CView *pView = pFrame->GetActiveView(); if( pView != NULL ) { return( pView->GetDocument() ); } } return( NULL ); }
void CMainFrame::OnCmdBuild() { CDocument *pDoc = GetActiveFrame()->GetActiveDocument(); pDoc->DoFileSave(); CString strFolder = theApp.CombinePath( theApp.GetPath(), theApp.m_strSDKOutput ); CString strApp = theApp.CombinePath( theApp.GetPath(), theApp.m_strCompilerApp ); SetEnvironmentVariable( _T("NEWPAS"), '"' + strApp + '"' ); CString strArgs; // using an environ. var. because cmd /C doesn't support more than 1 quoted path strArgs.Format( _T("/C %%NEWPAS%% \"%s\" outvm || pause"), (LPCTSTR)pDoc->GetPathName() ); ::ShellExecute( 0, _T("open"), _T("cmd"), strArgs, strFolder, SW_SHOW ); }
void CMainFrame::OnReleaseCapture(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { int nRunTime = m_wndProgressDialogBar.m_sliderProgress.GetPos(); g_bSlider = TRUE; CRecordeOperatorDoc* pDoc = NULL; CChildFrame* pChild = NULL; pChild = (CChildFrame*)GetActiveFrame(); if (!pChild) return; pDoc = (CRecordeOperatorDoc*)pChild->GetActiveDocument(); if (!pDoc) return; IERecPlayer* pRecord = pDoc->GetRecord(); if (pRecord) pRecord->StepToEvent(nRunTime); }
void CMainFrame::OnCmdRun() { CDocument *pDoc = GetActiveFrame()->GetActiveDocument(); pDoc->DoFileSave(); CString strApp = theApp.CombinePath( theApp.GetPath(), theApp.m_strCompilerApp ); SetEnvironmentVariable( _T("NEWPAS"), '"' + strApp + '"' ); CString strArgs; // using an environ. var. because cmd /C doesn't support more than 1 quoted path strArgs.Format( _T("/C %%NEWPAS%% \"%s\" execvm & pause"), (LPCTSTR)pDoc->GetPathName() ); TCHAR szFolder[MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy_s( szFolder, MAX_PATH, pDoc->GetPathName() ); PathRemoveFileSpec( szFolder ); ::ShellExecute( 0, _T("open"), _T("cmd"), strArgs, szFolder, SW_SHOW ); }
void CMainFrame::OnBnClickedButtonFree() { CRecordeOperatorDoc* pDoc = NULL; CChildFrame* pChild = NULL; pChild = (CChildFrame*)GetActiveFrame(); if (!pChild) return; pDoc = (CRecordeOperatorDoc*)pChild->GetActiveDocument(); if (!pDoc) return; IERecPlayer* pRecord = pDoc->GetRecord(); if (pRecord) { if (pRecord->FreeCamera() == S_OK) { if (pRecord->IsFreeCamera()) m_wndProgressDialogBar.m_buttonFreeCamera.SetWindowText("RestoreCamera"); else m_wndProgressDialogBar.m_buttonFreeCamera.SetWindowText("FreeCamera"); } } else MessageBox("»¹Î´°ó¶¨Â¼Ïñ¶ÔÏó£¡","ѽ",MB_OK); }
void CDBFExplorerDoc::OnFileStructure() { USES_CONVERSION; CStructureDlg dlg(AfxGetMainWnd()); // copy fieldnames for (size_t i = 0; i < m_dBaseFile->GetFieldCount(); i++) { DBF_FIELD_INFO info; if (m_dBaseFile->GetFieldInfo(i, &info)) { CString strFieldData; strFieldData.Format(_T("%s,%c,%d,%d"), A2CT(info.name), dbf_gettype_ext2int(info.type), info.length, info.decimals); dlg.m_strFieldArray.Add(strFieldData); } } if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { if(MessageBox(GetFocus(), _T("The database structure has been changed.\nSome data may be lost during the conversion of the database.\nAre you sure you want to apply the changes?"), _T("DBF Explorer"), MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDYES) { // close database m_dBaseFile->Close(); CString strFileName, strFileBackup, strMemoBackup; // temp file ? if (_tcscmp(m_szTempFileName, _T("")) != 0) { strFileName = m_szTempFileName; } else strFileName = GetPathName(); strFileBackup = strFileName; strMemoBackup = m_dBaseFile->GetMemoFileName(strFileName); // make backup names int nPos = strFileBackup.ReverseFind('\\'); if (nPos != -1) { strFileBackup.SetAt(nPos+1, '_'); strMemoBackup.SetAt(nPos+1, '_'); } // delete existing backups DeleteFile(strFileBackup); DeleteFile(strMemoBackup); // make backup copy of existing file if (!MoveFile(strFileName, strFileBackup)) { MessageBox(GetFocus(), _T("Error while making backup"), _T("Updating structure"), MB_ICONSTOP); return; } // make backup copy of memo file MoveFile(m_dBaseFile->GetMemoFileName(strFileName), strMemoBackup); // create file with new structure if (m_dBaseFile->Create(strFileName, dlg.m_strFieldArray) == DBASE_SUCCESS) { if (OnOpenDocument(strFileName)) { CopyBackupData(strFileBackup); if (_tcscmp(m_szTempFileName, _T("")) != 0) SetModifiedFlag(); // reload records POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition(); while (pos) ((CDBFExplorerView *)GetNextView(pos))->ShowRecords(GetActiveFrame()->m_bShowDeletedRecords); } } } } }
void CDBFExplorerDoc::ExportToText(LPCTSTR lpszFileName) { USES_CONVERSION; try { CFile file; // Create "progress bar" CProgressCtrl wndProgress; GetActiveFrame()->ShowProgressBar(&wndProgress, _T("Exporting records, press Esc to cancel...")); // Initialize progress control range and step size wndProgress.SetRange(0, 100); int nCount = m_dBaseFile->GetRecordCount(); if (file.Open(lpszFileName, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareExclusive | CFile::modeCreate, NULL)) { // show all records for(int rc=m_dBaseFile->GetFirstRecord(); rc==DBASE_SUCCESS; rc=m_dBaseFile->GetNextRecord()) { // Test for "Esc" key if( ::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) < 0) { break; } int nItem = m_dBaseFile->GetPosition(); // do not show deleted records if (m_dBaseFile->IsRecordDeleted() && !GetActiveFrame()->m_bShowDeletedRecords) continue; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_dBaseFile->GetFieldCount(); i++) { CString szBuff; DBF_FIELD_INFO info; m_dBaseFile->GetFieldInfo(i, &info); if (info.type == DBF_DATA_TYPE_MEMO) { szBuff = _T("MEMO"); } else { m_dBaseFile->Read(i, &szBuff); } if (i != 1) file.Write(",", 1); file.Write(T2CA(szBuff), szBuff.GetLength()); } file.Write("\r\n", 2); // Update progress control int nPos = (nItem*100)/nCount; wndProgress.SetPos(nPos); } } } catch(CFileException *e) { e->Delete(); MessageBox(GetFocus(), _T("Failed to export database!"), _T("Export Database"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); } // Ensures that idle message is displayed again GetActiveFrame()->PostMessage(WM_SETMESSAGESTRING, (WPARAM) AFX_IDS_IDLEMESSAGE, 0L); }
void CDBFExplorerDoc::ExportToHTML(LPCTSTR lpszFileName) { USES_CONVERSION; try { CFile file; CString strHTML; // Create "progress bar" CProgressCtrl wndProgress; GetActiveFrame()->ShowProgressBar(&wndProgress, _T("Exporting records, press Esc to cancel...")); // Initialize progress control range and step size wndProgress.SetRange(0, 100); int nCount = m_dBaseFile->GetRecordCount(); if (file.Open(lpszFileName, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareExclusive | CFile::modeCreate, NULL)) { strHTML = "<HTML>\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); strHTML = "<HEAD>\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); strHTML = "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html;charset=windows-1252\">\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); strHTML.Format(_T("<TITLE>%s</TITLE>\r\n"), GetTitle()); file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); strHTML = "</HEAD>\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); strHTML = "<BODY>\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); strHTML.Format(_T("<TABLE BORDER=1 BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF CELLSPACING=0><FONT FACE=\"Arial\" COLOR=#000000><CAPTION><B>%s</B></CAPTION></FONT>\r\n"), GetTitle().operator LPCTSTR()); file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); strHTML = "<THEAD>\r\n<TR>\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); // show fieldnames for (size_t i = 0; i < m_dBaseFile->GetFieldCount(); i++) { DBF_FIELD_INFO info; if (m_dBaseFile->GetFieldInfo(i, &info)) { strHTML.Format(_T("<TH BGCOLOR=#c0c0c0 BORDERCOLOR=#000000 ><FONT SIZE=2 FACE=\"Arial\" COLOR=#000000>%s</FONT></TH>\r\n"), A2CT(info.name)); file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); } } strHTML = "</TR>\r\n</THEAD>\r\n\r\n<TBODY>\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); // show all records for(int rc=m_dBaseFile->GetFirstRecord(); rc==DBASE_SUCCESS; rc=m_dBaseFile->GetNextRecord()) { // Test for "Esc" key if( ::GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) < 0) { break; } int nItem = m_dBaseFile->GetPosition(); // do not show deleted records if (m_dBaseFile->IsRecordDeleted() && !GetActiveFrame()->m_bShowDeletedRecords) continue; strHTML = "<TR VALIGN=TOP>\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_dBaseFile->GetFieldCount(); i++) { CString szBuff; DBF_FIELD_INFO info; m_dBaseFile->GetFieldInfo(i, &info); if (info.type == DBF_DATA_TYPE_MEMO) { szBuff = _T("MEMO"); } else { m_dBaseFile->Read(i, &szBuff); } strHTML.Format(_T("<TD BORDERCOLOR=#c0c0c0 ><FONT SIZE=2 FACE=\"Arial\" COLOR=#000000>%s</FONT></TD>\r\n"), szBuff.operator LPCTSTR()); file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); } strHTML = "</TR>\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); // Update progress control int nPos = (nItem*100)/nCount; wndProgress.SetPos(nPos); } strHTML = "</TBODY>\r\n<TFOOT></TFOOT>\r\n</TABLE>\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); strHTML = "</BODY>\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); strHTML = "</HTML>\r\n"; file.Write(strHTML, strHTML.GetLength()); } } catch(CFileException *e) { e->Delete(); MessageBox(GetFocus(), _T("Failed to export database!"), _T("Export Database"), MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); } // Ensures that idle message is displayed again GetActiveFrame()->PostMessage(WM_SETMESSAGESTRING, (WPARAM) AFX_IDS_IDLEMESSAGE, 0L); }
// CMainFrame message handlers void CMainFrame::OnViewFullScreen() { RECT rectDesktop; WINDOWPLACEMENT wpNew; if (!IsFullScreen()) { // need to hide all status bars m_wndStatusBar.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); m_wndToolBar.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); m_wndProgressDialogBar.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); m_wndMasterlistDialogBar.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); // We'll need these to restore the original state. GetWindowPlacement (&m_wpPrev); m_wpPrev.length = sizeof m_wpPrev; //Adjust RECT to new size of window ::GetWindowRect(::GetDesktopWindow(), &rectDesktop); ::AdjustWindowRectEx(&rectDesktop, GetStyle(), TRUE, GetExStyle()); // Remember this for OnGetMinMaxInfo() m_FullScreenWindowRect = rectDesktop; wpNew = m_wpPrev; wpNew.showCmd = SW_SHOWNORMAL; wpNew.rcNormalPosition = rectDesktop; m_pwndFullScrnBar=new CToolBar; if (!m_pwndFullScrnBar->Create(this,CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC|CBRS_FLOATING) || !m_pwndFullScrnBar->LoadToolBar(IDR_FULLSCREEN)) { // TRACE0("Failed to create toolbar\n"); return; // fail to create } //don't allow the toolbar to dock m_pwndFullScrnBar->EnableDocking(0); m_pwndFullScrnBar->SetWindowPos(0, 100,100, 0,0,SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_SHOWWINDOW); m_pwndFullScrnBar->SetWindowText(_T("Full Screen")); FloatControlBar(m_pwndFullScrnBar, CPoint(100,100)); m_bFullScreen=TRUE; } else { m_pwndFullScrnBar->DestroyWindow(); delete m_pwndFullScrnBar; m_bFullScreen=FALSE; m_wndStatusBar.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); m_wndToolBar.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); m_wndProgressDialogBar.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); m_wndMasterlistDialogBar.ShowWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL); wpNew = m_wpPrev; } //pView = (CRecordeOperatorDoc*)pChild->GetActiveDocument(); //if (!pDoc) // return; SetWindowPlacement(&wpNew); CChildFrame* pChild = NULL; pChild = (CChildFrame*)GetActiveFrame(); if (pChild) pChild->FullScreen(m_FullScreenWindowRect); }
LRESULT CMainFrame::OnHighlightRibbonListItem(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { int nIndex = (int) wp; CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pElem = (CMFCRibbonBaseElement*) lp; ASSERT_VALID(pElem); const UINT uiCommand = pElem->GetID(); CFrameWnd* pFrame = GetActiveFrame(); if (pFrame == NULL) { return 0; } CDrawDoc* pDoc = (CDrawDoc*)pFrame->GetActiveDocument(); if (pDoc == NULL) { return 0; } ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); CDrawView* pView = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CDrawView, pFrame->GetActiveView()); if (pView == NULL) { return 0; } if (uiCommand != ID_VIEW_PAPERCOLOR) { if (nIndex != -1) { pView->StorePreviewState(); } else { pView->RestorePreviewState(); } } switch (uiCommand) { case ID_VIEW_PAPERCOLOR: case ID_OBJECT_FILLCOLOR: case ID_OBJECT_LINECOLOR: { COLORREF color = ((CMFCRibbonColorButton*) pElem)->GetHighlightedColor(); if (uiCommand == ID_VIEW_PAPERCOLOR) { pDoc->SetPreviewColor(color); } else if (nIndex != -1) { if (uiCommand == ID_OBJECT_FILLCOLOR) { pView->PreviewFillColor(color); } else { pView->PreviewLineColor(color); } } CMFCPopupMenu::UpdateAllShadows(); } break; case ID_OBJECT_LINEWEIGHT: if (nIndex != -1) { pView->PreviewLineWeight(nIndex + 1); CMFCPopupMenu::UpdateAllShadows(); } break; case ID_OBJECT_STYLES: if (nIndex != -1) { pView->PreviewStyle(c_Styles[nIndex].clrFill, c_Styles[nIndex].clrLine); CMFCPopupMenu::UpdateAllShadows(); } break; } return 0; }
void CMainFrame::AdjustObjectSubmenu(CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPopup) { ASSERT(pMenuPopup != NULL); if (pMenuPopup->GetParentPopupMenu() != NULL) { return; } // <snippet7> // CMFCPopupMenu* pMenuPopup CMFCPopupMenuBar* pMenuBar = pMenuPopup->GetMenuBar(); // </snippet7> ASSERT(pMenuBar != NULL); // <snippet10> // CMFCPopupMenuBar* pMenuBar CMFCCustomizeMenuButton* pBtn = (CMFCCustomizeMenuButton*)pMenuBar->GetButton(0); pBtn->EnableCustomization(true); pBtn->SetSeparator(); // </snippet10> int iIndex = pMenuBar->CommandToIndex(ID_OLE_VERB_FIRST); if (iIndex < 0) { return; } CFrameWnd* pFrame = GetActiveFrame(); if (pFrame == NULL) { return; } CDrawDoc* pDoc = (CDrawDoc*)pFrame->GetActiveDocument(); ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); // check for single selection COleClientItem* pItem = pDoc->GetPrimarySelectedItem(pFrame->GetActiveView()); if (pItem == NULL || pItem->GetType() == OT_STATIC) { // no selection, or is 'static' item return; } // only include Convert... if there is a handler for ID_OLE_EDIT_CONVERT UINT nConvertID = ID_OLE_EDIT_CONVERT; AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO info; if (!pDoc->OnCmdMsg(ID_OLE_EDIT_CONVERT, CN_COMMAND, NULL, &info)) nConvertID = 0; HMENU hMenu = pMenuBar->ExportToMenu(); ASSERT(hMenu != NULL); // update the menu AfxOleSetEditMenu(pItem, CMenu::FromHandle(hMenu), iIndex, ID_OLE_VERB_FIRST, ID_OLE_VERB_LAST, nConvertID); pMenuBar->ImportFromMenu(hMenu); ::DestroyMenu(hMenu); }
void CMainFrame::OnWindowCloseall() { CWnd *pWnd=GetActiveFrame(), *tt; if(pWnd==this) return; //there are no child windows for(;pWnd;pWnd=tt) { tt=pWnd->GetNextWindow(); pWnd->SendMessage(WM_CLOSE); } }
bool LayerVolumeBase::SetVoxelByIndex( int* n_in, int nPlane, bool bAdd ) { int* nDim = m_imageData->GetDimensions(); /* for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( n_in[i] < 0 || n_in[i] >= nDim[i] ) return false; } */ // float* ptr = ( float* )m_imageData->GetScalarPointer( n ); // if ( !ptr ) // return false; int nBrushSize = m_propertyBrush->GetBrushSize(); int n[3], nsize[3] = { nBrushSize/2+1, nBrushSize/2+1, nBrushSize/2+1 }; nsize[nPlane] = 1; int nActiveComp = GetActiveFrame(); double* draw_range = m_propertyBrush->GetDrawRange(); double* exclude_range = m_propertyBrush->GetExcludeRange(); LayerVolumeBase* ref_layer = m_propertyBrush->GetReferenceLayer(); vtkImageData* ref = m_imageData; int nActiveCompRef = 0; if ( ref_layer != NULL ) { ref = ref_layer->GetImageData(); nActiveCompRef = ref_layer->GetActiveFrame(); } for ( int i = -nsize[0]+1; i < nsize[0]; i++ ) { for ( int j = -nsize[1]+1; j < nsize[1]; j++ ) { for ( int k = -nsize[2]+1; k < nsize[2]; k++ ) { n[0] = n_in[0] + i; n[1] = n_in[1] + j; n[2] = n_in[2] + k; if ( n[0] >= 0 && n[0] < nDim[0] && n[1] >= 0 && n[1] < nDim[1] && n[2] >= 0 && n[2] < nDim[2] && MyUtils::GetDistance<int>( n, n_in ) <= nBrushSize/2.0 ) { if ( bAdd ) { double fvalue = ref->GetScalarComponentAsDouble( n[0], n[1], n[2], nActiveCompRef ); if ( ( m_propertyBrush->GetDrawRangeEnabled() && ( fvalue < draw_range[0] || fvalue > draw_range[1] ) ) || ( m_propertyBrush->GetExcludeRangeEnabled() && ( fvalue >= exclude_range[0] && fvalue <= exclude_range[1] ) ) || ( m_propertyBrush->GetDrawConnectedOnly() && ( !GetConnectedToOld( m_imageData, nActiveComp, n, nPlane ) ) ) ) { ; } else { m_imageData->SetScalarComponentFromFloat( n[0], n[1], n[2], nActiveComp, m_fFillValue ); UpdateVoxelValueRange( m_fFillValue ); } } else { m_imageData->SetScalarComponentFromFloat( n[0], n[1], n[2], nActiveComp, m_fBlankValue ); } } } } } return true; }
void TemplateFrame::UpdateTitle() { if (template_canvas) SetTitle(template_canvas->GetCanvasTitle()); if (GetActiveFrame()==this) GdaFrame::GetGdaFrame()->SetTitle(GetTitle()); }
void CDBFExplorerDoc::OnFileExport() { static TCHAR szFilters[] = _T("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv)|*.txt;*.csv|HTML Files (*.html;*.htm)|*.html;*.htm||"); CString strFileName = GetTitle(); int nPos = strFileName.ReverseFind('.'); if (nPos != -1) strFileName = strFileName.Left(nPos); CExportFileDialog dlg(FALSE, NULL, strFileName, OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | OFN_HIDEREADONLY, szFilters, GetActiveFrame()); dlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle = _T("Export database"); if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { strFileName = dlg.GetPathName(); CString strExtension = dlg.GetFileExt(); if (dlg.m_strType == _T("Text Files (*.txt;*.csv)")) { if (strExtension.IsEmpty()) strFileName += _T(".txt"); ExportToText(strFileName); } else if (dlg.m_strType == _T("HTML Files (*.html;*.htm)")) { if (strExtension.IsEmpty()) strFileName += _T(".html"); ExportToHTML(strFileName); } } }