CAboutDlg::CAboutDlg() : CDialog(CAboutDlg::IDD) { CWaitCursor wait; CString v; v.Format(_T("Version %s"), GetAppVersion()); #ifdef _DEBUG v += _T(" ***DEBUG***"); #endif //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CAboutDlg) m_Version = v; //}}AFX_DATA_INIT m_Email.SetURL(_T("mailto:") + CString(STIEVIE_MAIL)); m_NilsEmail.SetURL(_T("mailto:") + CString(NILS_MAIL)); m_Web.SetURL(CString(BIBEDT_URL) + _T("?version=") + GetAppVersion()); m_btnDonate.LoadBitmaps(IDB_DONATE); }
void PoeditApp::OpenPoeditWeb(const wxString& path) { wxLaunchDefaultBrowser ( wxString::Format("", path, GetAppVersion()) ); }
void PoeditApp::SetDefaultCfg(wxConfigBase *cfg) { SetDefaultParsers(cfg); if (cfg->Read("version", wxEmptyString) == GetAppVersion()) return; if (cfg->Read("TM/search_paths", wxEmptyString).empty()) { wxString paths; #if defined(__UNIX__) paths = wxGetHomeDir() + ":/usr/share/locale:/usr/local/share/locale"; #elif defined(__WXMSW__) paths = "C:"; #endif cfg->Write("TM/search_paths", paths); } cfg->Write("version", GetAppVersion()); }
const char *LoadVersionFromResource() { WORD MajorVersion =0; WORD MinorVersion =0; WORD BuildNumber =0; WORD RevisionNumber =0; GetAppVersion(szModulePath, &MajorVersion, &MinorVersion, &BuildNumber, &RevisionNumber); sprintf_s( szBufferVersion, RESOURCE_STRING_BUFFER_SIZE, "%d.%d.%d.%d", MajorVersion, MinorVersion, BuildNumber, RevisionNumber ); return szBufferVersion; }
void ShowHelp() { #if defined(_WIN64) int platformId = 64; #else int platformId = 32; #endif wstring appVersion = GetAppVersion(g_moduleFilePath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); OutputConsole(L"ic%d.exe (ver %s)\n", platformId, appVersion.c_str()); OutputConsole(L"ic%d.exe -h\n", platformId); OutputConsole(L"ic%d.exe -key [apikey] -s [hostaddress] -id [agentid] -d [interval-sec,[...]]\n", platformId); OutputConsole(L"\n"); OutputConsole(L"samples:\n"); OutputConsole(L" ic%d.exe -key 8CFDDE2478 -s\n", platformId); OutputConsole(L" apikey: 8CFDDE2478\n"); OutputConsole(L" data server:\n"); OutputConsole(L" (optional: agent id by default - machine name)\n"); OutputConsole(L"\n"); OutputConsole(L" ic%d.exe -key 8CFDDE2478 -s -port 8282\n", platformId); OutputConsole(L" apikey: 8CFDDE2478\n"); OutputConsole(L" data server:\n"); OutputConsole(L" (optional: agent id by default - machine name)\n"); OutputConsole(L"\n"); OutputConsole(L" ic%d.exe -key 8CFDDE2478 -s -id mypc100\n", platformId); OutputConsole(L" apikey: 8CFDDE2478\n"); OutputConsole(L" data server:\n"); OutputConsole(L" id: mypc100\n"); OutputConsole(L"\n"); OutputConsole(L" ic%d.exe -key 8CFDDE2478 -s -id mypc100 -regservice\n", platformId); OutputConsole(L" Register as NT Service with this info,\n"); OutputConsole(L" apikey: 8CFDDE2478\n"); OutputConsole(L" data server:\n"); OutputConsole(L" id: mypc100\n"); OutputConsole(L"\n"); OutputConsole(L" ic%d.exe -unreg\n", platformId); OutputConsole(L" Unregister NT Service\n"); }
bool InjectorApp::OnInit() { ::wxInitAllImageHandlers(); //wxXmlResource::Get()->InitAllHandlers(); wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxArchiveFSHandler); wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxFilterFSHandler); wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxMemoryFSHandler); m_appdir = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath(); if (!m_appdir.IsAbsolute()) m_appdir.MakeAbsolute(); m_title = GetAppVersion(); m_installdir = ""; if (!wxApp::OnInit()) return false; #ifdef _WIN32 if (m_installdir.IsEmpty()) { wxRegKey key("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\{907B4640-266B-4A21-92FB-CD1A86CD0F63}"); if (key.Exists()) key.QueryValue("InstallLocation", m_installdir); } #endif if (m_installdir.IsEmpty() || (!CheckInstallDir())) { ::wxMessageBox("Could not determine RCT3 installation folder. Please give the correct folder with the command line option '--installdir'.", "Error",wxICON_ERROR|wxOK); return false; } frmMain* main = new frmMain(NULL); main->Show(true); SetTopWindow(main); return true; }
int main(int argc, char**argv) #endif { #if defined WIN32 #ifndef _DEBUG CreateMutexA(0, FALSE, "Local\\Domoticz"); if(GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,"Another instance of Domoticz is already running!","Domoticz",MB_OK); return 1; } #endif //_DEBUG bool bStartWebBrowser = true; RedirectIOToConsole(); #endif //WIN32 szStartupFolder = ""; szWWWFolder = ""; szWebRoot = ""; CCmdLine cmdLine; // parse argc,argv #if defined WIN32 cmdLine.SplitLine(__argc, __argv); #else cmdLine.SplitLine(argc, argv); //ignore pipe errors signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); #endif if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-log")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-log") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify an output log file"); return 1; } logfile = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-log", 0, "domoticz.log"); _log.SetOutputFile(logfile.c_str()); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-loglevel")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-loglevel") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify logfile output level (0=All, 1=Status+Error, 2=Error)"); return 1; } int Level = atoi(cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-loglevel", 0, "").c_str()); _log.SetVerboseLevel((_eLogFileVerboseLevel)Level); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-notimestamps")) { _log.EnableLogTimestamps(false); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-approot")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-approot") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a APP root path"); return 1; } std::string szroot = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-approot", 0, ""); if (szroot.size() != 0) szStartupFolder = szroot; } if (szStartupFolder == "") { #if !defined WIN32 char szStartupPath[255]; getExecutablePathName((char*)&szStartupPath,255); szStartupFolder=szStartupPath; if (szStartupFolder.find_last_of('/')!=std::string::npos) szStartupFolder=szStartupFolder.substr(0,szStartupFolder.find_last_of('/')+1); #else #ifndef _DEBUG char szStartupPath[255]; char * p; GetModuleFileName(NULL, szStartupPath, sizeof(szStartupPath)); p = szStartupPath + strlen(szStartupPath); while (p >= szStartupPath && *p != '\\') p--; if (++p >= szStartupPath) *p = 0; szStartupFolder=szStartupPath; size_t start_pos = szStartupFolder.find("\\Release\\"); if(start_pos != std::string::npos) { szStartupFolder.replace(start_pos, 9, "\\domoticz\\"); _log.Log(LOG_STATUS,"%s",szStartupFolder.c_str()); } #endif #endif } GetAppVersion(); _log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "Domoticz V%s (c)2012-%d GizMoCuz", szAppVersion.c_str(), ActYear); _log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "Build Hash: %s, Date: %s", szAppHash.c_str(), szAppDate.c_str()); #if !defined WIN32 //Check if we are running on a RaspberryPi std::string sLine = ""; std::ifstream infile;"/proc/cpuinfo"); if (infile.is_open()) { while (!infile.eof()) { getline(infile, sLine); if ( (sLine.find("BCM2708")!=std::string::npos)|| (sLine.find("BCM2709")!=std::string::npos) ) { //Core temperature of BCM2835 SoC _log.Log(LOG_STATUS,"System: Raspberry Pi"); szInternalTemperatureCommand="/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp"; bHasInternalTemperature=true; break; } } infile.close(); } if (!bHasInternalTemperature) { if (file_exist("/sys/devices/platform/sunxi-i2c.0/i2c-0/0-0034/temp1_input")) { _log.Log(LOG_STATUS,"System: Cubieboard/Cubietruck"); szInternalTemperatureCommand="cat /sys/devices/platform/sunxi-i2c.0/i2c-0/0-0034/temp1_input | awk '{ printf (\"temp=%0.2f\\n\",$1/1000); }'"; bHasInternalTemperature = true; } else if (file_exist("/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp")) { //_log.Log(LOG_STATUS,"System: ODroid"); szInternalTemperatureCommand="cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp | awk '{ printf (\"temp=%0.2f\\n\",$1/1000); }'"; bHasInternalTemperature = true; } } if (file_exist("/sys/class/power_supply/ac/voltage_now")) { szInternalVoltageCommand = "cat /sys/class/power_supply/ac/voltage_now | awk '{ printf (\"volt=%0.2f\\n\",$1/1000000); }'"; bHasInternalVoltage = true; } if (file_exist("/sys/class/power_supply/ac/current_now")) { szInternalCurrentCommand = "cat /sys/class/power_supply/ac/current_now | awk '{ printf (\"curr=%0.2f\\n\",$1/1000000); }'"; bHasInternalCurrent = true; } _log.Log(LOG_STATUS,"Startup Path: %s", szStartupFolder.c_str()); #endif szWWWFolder = szStartupFolder + "www"; if ((cmdLine.HasSwitch("-h")) || (cmdLine.HasSwitch("--help")) || (cmdLine.HasSwitch("/?"))) { _log.Log(LOG_NORM, szHelp); return 0; } szUserDataFolder=szStartupFolder; if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-userdata")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-userdata") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a path for user data to be stored"); return 1; } std::string szroot = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-userdata", 0, ""); if (szroot.size() != 0) szUserDataFolder = szroot; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-startupdelay")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-startupdelay") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a startupdelay"); return 1; } int DelaySeconds = atoi(cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-startupdelay", 0, "").c_str()); _log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "Startup delay... waiting %d seconds...", DelaySeconds); sleep_seconds(DelaySeconds); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-wwwbind")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-wwwbind") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify an address"); return 1; } std::string wwwbind = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-wwwbind", 0, ""); m_mainworker.SetWebserverAddress(wwwbind); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-www")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-www") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a port"); return 1; } std::string wwwport = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-www", 0, "8080"); if (wwwport == "0") wwwport.clear();//HTTP server disabled m_mainworker.SetWebserverPort(wwwport); } #ifdef NS_ENABLE_SSL if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-sslwww")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-sslwww") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a port"); return 1; } std::string wwwport = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-sslwww", 0, "443"); if (wwwport == "0") wwwport.clear();//HTTPS server disabled m_mainworker.SetSecureWebserverPort(wwwport); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-sslcert")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-sslcert") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify the file path"); return 1; } std::string ca_cert = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-sslcert", 0, "./server_cert.pem"); m_mainworker.SetSecureWebserverCert(ca_cert); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-sslpass")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-sslpass") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a passphrase for your certificate file"); return 1; } std::string ca_passphrase = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-sslpass", 0, ""); m_mainworker.SetSecureWebserverPass(ca_passphrase); } #endif if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-nowwwpwd")) { m_mainworker.m_bIgnoreUsernamePassword = true; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-nocache")) { g_bDontCacheWWW = true; } std::string dbasefile = szUserDataFolder + "domoticz.db"; #ifdef WIN32 #ifndef _DEBUG if (!IsUserAnAdmin()) { char szPath[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, NULL, 0, szPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { std::string sPath = szPath; sPath += "\\Domoticz"; DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(sPath.c_str()); BOOL bDirExists = (dwAttr != 0xffffffff && (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)); if (!bDirExists) { BOOL bRet = CreateDirectory(sPath.c_str(), NULL); if (bRet == FALSE) { MessageBox(0, "Error creating Domoticz directory in program data folder (%ProgramData%)!!", "Error:", MB_OK); } } sPath += "\\domoticz.db"; dbasefile = sPath; } } #endif #endif if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-dbase")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-dbase") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a Database Name"); return 1; } dbasefile = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-dbase", 0, "domoticz.db"); } m_sql.SetDatabaseName(dbasefile); if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-wwwroot")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-wwwroot") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a WWW root path"); return 1; } std::string szroot = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-wwwroot", 0, ""); if (szroot.size() != 0) szWWWFolder = szroot; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-webroot")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-webroot") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a web root path"); return 1; } std::string szroot = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-webroot", 0, ""); if (szroot.size() != 0) szWebRoot = szroot; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-verbose")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-verbose") != 1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Please specify a verbose level"); return 1; } int Level = atoi(cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-verbose", 0, "").c_str()); m_mainworker.SetVerboseLevel((eVerboseLevel)Level); } #if defined WIN32 if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-nobrowser")) { bStartWebBrowser = false; } //Init WinSock WSADATA data; WORD version; version = (MAKEWORD(2, 2)); int ret = WSAStartup(version, &data); if (ret != 0) { ret = WSAGetLastError(); if (ret == WSANOTINITIALISED) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR, "Error: Winsock could not be initialized!"); } } CoInitializeEx(0, COINIT_MULTITHREADED); CoInitializeSecurity(NULL, -1, NULL, NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT, RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL_IMPERSONATE, NULL, EOAC_NONE, NULL); #endif #ifndef WIN32 if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-daemon")) { g_bRunAsDaemon = true; } std::string daemonname = DAEMON_NAME; if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-daemonname")) { daemonname = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-daemonname", 0, DAEMON_NAME); } std::string pidfile = PID_FILE; if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-pidfile")) { pidfile = cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-pidfile", 0, PID_FILE); } if ((g_bRunAsDaemon)||(g_bUseSyslog)) { setlogmask(LOG_UPTO(LOG_INFO)); openlog(daemonname.c_str(), LOG_CONS | LOG_PERROR, LOG_USER); syslog(LOG_INFO, "Domoticz is starting up...."); } if (g_bRunAsDaemon) { /* Deamonize */ daemonize(szStartupFolder.c_str(), pidfile.c_str()); } if ((g_bRunAsDaemon) || (g_bUseSyslog)) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Domoticz running..."); } #endif if (!g_bRunAsDaemon) { signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); signal(SIGTERM, signal_handler); } if (!m_mainworker.Start()) { return 1; } m_StartTime = time(NULL); /* now, lets get into an infinite loop of doing nothing. */ #if defined WIN32 #ifndef _DEBUG RedirectIOToConsole(); //hide console #endif InitWindowsHelper(hInstance, hPrevInstance, nShowCmd, m_mainworker.GetWebserverAddress(), atoi(m_mainworker.GetWebserverPort().c_str()), bStartWebBrowser); MSG Msg; while (!g_bStopApplication) { if (PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE)) { if (GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); } } else sleep_milliseconds(100); } TrayMessage(NIM_DELETE, NULL); #else while ( !g_bStopApplication ) { sleep_seconds(1); } #endif _log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "Closing application!..."); fflush(stdout); _log.Log(LOG_STATUS, "Stopping worker..."); try { m_mainworker.Stop(); } catch (...) { } #ifndef WIN32 if (g_bRunAsDaemon) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Domoticz stopped..."); daemonShutdown(); // Delete PID file remove(pidfile.c_str()); } #else // Release WinSock WSACleanup(); CoUninitialize(); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc, char**argv) #endif { #if defined WIN32 CreateMutexA(0, FALSE, "Local\\Domoticz"); if(GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,"Another instance of Domoticz is already running!","Domoticz",MB_OK); return -1; } bool bStartWebBrowser=true; RedirectIOToConsole(); #endif szStartupFolder=""; szWWWFolder=""; #if !defined WIN32 char szStartupPath[255]; getExecutablePathName((char*)&szStartupPath,255); szStartupFolder=szStartupPath; if (szStartupFolder.find_last_of('/')!=std::string::npos) szStartupFolder=szStartupFolder.substr(0,szStartupFolder.find_last_of('/')+1); #else #ifndef _DEBUG char szStartupPath[255]; char * p; GetModuleFileName(NULL, szStartupPath, sizeof(szStartupPath)); p = szStartupPath + strlen(szStartupPath); while(p >= szStartupPath && *p != '\\') p--; if(++p >= szStartupPath) *p = 0; szStartupFolder=szStartupPath; size_t start_pos = szStartupFolder.find("\\Release\\"); if(start_pos != std::string::npos) { szStartupFolder.replace(start_pos, 9, "\\domoticz\\"); _log.Log(LOG_NORM,"%s",szStartupFolder.c_str()); } #endif #endif GetAppVersion(); _log.Log(LOG_NORM,"Domoticz V%s (c)2012-2014 GizMoCuz",szAppVersion.c_str()); #if !defined WIN32 //Check if we are running on a RaspberryPi std::string sLine = ""; std::ifstream infile;"/proc/cpuinfo"); if (infile.is_open()) { while (!infile.eof()) { getline(infile, sLine); if (sLine.find("BCM2708")!=std::string::npos) { _log.Log(LOG_NORM,"System: Raspberry Pi"); bIsRaspberryPi=true; break; } } infile.close(); } _log.Log(LOG_NORM,"Startup Path: %s", szStartupFolder.c_str()); #endif szWWWFolder=szStartupFolder+"www"; CCmdLine cmdLine; // parse argc,argv #if defined WIN32 cmdLine.SplitLine(__argc, __argv); #else cmdLine.SplitLine(argc, argv); #endif if ((cmdLine.HasSwitch("-h"))||(cmdLine.HasSwitch("--help"))||(cmdLine.HasSwitch("/?"))) { _log.Log(LOG_NORM,szHelp); return 0; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-startupdelay")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-startupdelay")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify a startupdelay"); return 0; } int DelaySeconds=atoi(cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-startupdelay",0,"").c_str()); _log.Log(LOG_NORM,"Startup delay... waiting %d seconds...",DelaySeconds); sleep_seconds(DelaySeconds); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-www")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-www")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify a port"); return 0; } std::string wwwport=cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-www",0,"8080"); _mainworker.SetWebserverPort(wwwport); } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-nowwwpwd")) { _mainworker.m_bIgnoreUsernamePassword=true; } std::string dbasefile=szStartupFolder + "domoticz.db"; #ifdef WIN32 if (!IsUserAnAdmin()) { char szPath[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr = SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA, NULL, 0, szPath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { std::string sPath=szPath; sPath+="\\Domoticz"; DWORD dwAttr = GetFileAttributes(sPath.c_str()); BOOL bDirExists=(dwAttr != 0xffffffff && (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)); if (!bDirExists) { BOOL bRet=CreateDirectory(sPath.c_str(),NULL); if (bRet==FALSE) { MessageBox(0,"Error creating Domoticz directory in program data folder (%ProgramData%)!!","Error:",MB_OK); } } sPath+="\\domoticz.db"; dbasefile=sPath; } } #endif if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-dbase")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-dbase")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify a Database Name"); return 0; } dbasefile=cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-dbase",0,"domoticz.db"); } _mainworker.m_sql.SetDatabaseName(dbasefile); if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-wwwroot")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-wwwroot")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify a WWW root path"); return 0; } std::string szroot=cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-wwwroot",0,""); if (szroot.size()!=0) szWWWFolder=szroot; } if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-verbose")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-verbose")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify a verbose level"); return 0; } int Level=atoi(cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-verbose",0,"").c_str()); _mainworker.SetVerboseLevel((eVerboseLevel)Level); } #if defined WIN32 if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-nobrowser")) { bStartWebBrowser=false; } #endif if (cmdLine.HasSwitch("-log")) { if (cmdLine.GetArgumentCount("-log")!=1) { _log.Log(LOG_ERROR,"Please specify an output log file"); return 0; } std::string logfile=cmdLine.GetSafeArgument("-log",0,"domoticz.log"); _log.SetOutputFile(logfile.c_str()); } if (!_mainworker.Start()) { return 0; } signal(SIGINT, catch_intterm); signal(SIGTERM,catch_intterm); /* now, lets get into an infinite loop of doing nothing. */ #if defined WIN32 #ifndef _DEBUG RedirectIOToConsole(); //hide console #endif InitWindowsHelper(hInstance,hPrevInstance,nShowCmd,DQuitFunction,atoi(_mainworker.GetWebserverPort().c_str()),bStartWebBrowser); MSG Msg; while(GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0) > 0) { TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); } #else for ( ;; ) sleep_seconds(1); #endif return 0; }
bool PoeditApp::IsBetaVersion() const { wxString v = GetAppVersion(); return v.Contains("beta") || v.Contains("rc"); }
void PoeditApp::SetDefaultParsers(wxConfigBase *cfg) { ParsersDB pdb; bool changed = false; wxString defaultsVersion = cfg->Read("Parsers/DefaultsVersion", "1.2.x"); pdb.Read(cfg); // Add parsers for languages supported by gettext itself (but only if the // user didn't already add language with this name himself): static struct { const char *name; const char *exts; } s_gettextLangs[] = { { "C/C++", "*.c;*.cpp;*.h;*.hpp;*.cc;*.C;*.cxx;*.hxx" }, { "C#", "*.cs" }, { "Java", "*.java" }, { "Perl", "*.pl" }, { "PHP", "*.php" }, { "Python", "*.py" }, { "TCL", "*.tcl" }, { NULL, NULL } }; for (size_t i = 0; s_gettextLangs[i].name != NULL; i++) { // if this lang is already registered, don't overwrite it: if (pdb.FindParser(s_gettextLangs[i].name) != -1) continue; wxString langflag; if ( wxStrcmp(s_gettextLangs[i].name, "C/C++") == 0 ) langflag = " --language=C++"; else langflag = wxString(" --language=") + s_gettextLangs[i].name; // otherwise add new parser: Parser p; p.Name = s_gettextLangs[i].name; p.Extensions = s_gettextLangs[i].exts; p.Command = wxString("xgettext") + langflag + " --add-comments=TRANSLATORS --force-po -o %o %C %K %F"; p.KeywordItem = "-k%k"; p.FileItem = "%f"; p.CharsetItem = "--from-code=%c"; pdb.Add(p); changed = true; } // If upgrading Poedit to 1.2.4, add dxgettext parser for Delphi: #ifdef __WINDOWS__ if (defaultsVersion == "1.2.x") { Parser p; p.Name = "Delphi (dxgettext)"; p.Extensions = "*.pas;*.dpr;*.xfm;*.dfm"; p.Command = "dxgettext --so %o %F"; p.KeywordItem = wxEmptyString; p.FileItem = "%f"; pdb.Add(p); changed = true; } #endif // If upgrading Poedit to 1.2.5, update C++ parser to handle --from-code: if (defaultsVersion == "1.2.x" || defaultsVersion == "1.2.4") { int cpp = pdb.FindParser("C/C++"); if (cpp != -1) { if (pdb[cpp].Command == "xgettext --force-po -o %o %K %F") { pdb[cpp].Command = "xgettext --force-po -o %o %C %K %F"; pdb[cpp].CharsetItem = "--from-code=%c"; changed = true; } } } // Poedit 1.5.6 had a breakage, it add --add-comments without space in front of it. // Repair this automatically: for (size_t i = 0; i < pdb.GetCount(); i++) { wxString& cmd = pdb[i].Command; if (cmd.Contains("--add-comments=") && !cmd.Contains(" --add-comments=")) { cmd.Replace("--add-comments=", " --add-comments="); changed = true; } } if (changed) { pdb.Write(cfg); cfg->Write("Parsers/DefaultsVersion", GetAppVersion()); } }
void ProcessLatestUpdate() { WORD majorVersion = 0; WORD minorVersion = 0; WORD buildNumber = 0; WORD revisionNumber = 0; wchar_t szTempFileName[MAX_PATH] { 0 }; wchar_t lpTempPathBuffer[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; wstring thisFileName = g_moduleFilePath; wstring currentVersion; currentVersion = GetAppVersion(thisFileName.c_str(), &majorVersion, &minorVersion, &buildNumber, &revisionNumber); IWinHttpRequest * pIWinHttpRequest = NULL; BSTR bstrResponse = NULL; HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL); do { VARIANT varFalse; VARIANT varEmpty; CLSID clsid; VariantInit(&varFalse); V_VT(&varFalse) = VT_BOOL; V_BOOL(&varFalse) = VARIANT_FALSE; VariantInit(&varEmpty); V_VT(&varEmpty) = VT_ERROR; hr = CLSIDFromProgID(L"WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1", &clsid); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) == FALSE) { break; } hr = CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IWinHttpRequest, (void **)&pIWinHttpRequest); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) == FALSE) { break; } BSTR bstrMethod = SysAllocString(L"GET"); BSTR bstrUrl = SysAllocString(UPDATE_CHECK_URL); hr = pIWinHttpRequest->Open(bstrMethod, bstrUrl, varFalse); SysFreeString(bstrMethod); SysFreeString(bstrUrl); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) == FALSE) { break; } hr = pIWinHttpRequest->Send(varEmpty); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) == FALSE) { break; } hr = pIWinHttpRequest->get_ResponseText(&bstrResponse); wstring txt = bstrResponse; wstring newUpdateVersion = GetNewVersion(txt); if (newUpdateVersion.length() == 0) { break; } if (newUpdateVersion == currentVersion) { if (g_isConsoleApp == TRUE) { OutputConsole(L"This is the latest version (%s)\n", currentVersion.c_str()); } break; } if (IsNewVersion(majorVersion, minorVersion, buildNumber, revisionNumber, newUpdateVersion) == FALSE) { if (g_isConsoleApp == TRUE) { OutputConsole(L"This is the latest version (%s)\n", L""); // currentVersion.c_str()); } break; } // if new, update latest version. // if old, roll-back last stable version. bool is32bit = sizeof(char *) == 4; wstring location = GetUpdateLocation(txt, is32bit); VariantInit(&varEmpty); V_VT(&varEmpty) = VT_ERROR; bstrMethod = SysAllocString(L"GET"); bstrUrl = SysAllocString(location.c_str()); pIWinHttpRequest->Open(bstrMethod, bstrUrl, varFalse); SysFreeString(bstrMethod); SysFreeString(bstrUrl); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) == FALSE) { break; } hr = pIWinHttpRequest->Send(varEmpty); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) == FALSE) { break; } VARIANT varResponse; VariantInit(&varResponse); hr = pIWinHttpRequest->get_ResponseStream(&varResponse); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) == FALSE) { break; } txt = pIWinHttpRequest->GetResponseHeader(L"Content-Type").operator const wchar_t *(); if (txt.find(L"text/html") != -1) { OutputError(L"file not found: %s", location.c_str()); break; } IStream* pStream = NULL; BYTE bBuffer[8192]; DWORD cb, cbRead, cbWritten; if (VT_UNKNOWN == V_VT(&varResponse) || VT_STREAM == V_VT(&varResponse)) { hr = V_UNKNOWN(&varResponse)->QueryInterface(IID_IStream, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pStream)); } else { break; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr) == FALSE) { break; } DWORD dwRetVal = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, // length of the buffer lpTempPathBuffer); // buffer for path if (dwRetVal > MAX_PATH || (dwRetVal == 0)) { OutputError(L"GetTempPath failed (%d)", GetLastError()); break; } dwRetVal = GetTempFileName(lpTempPathBuffer, // directory for tmp files L"straw", // temp file name prefix 0, // create unique name szTempFileName); // buffer for name if (dwRetVal == 0) { OutputError(L"GetTempFileName failed (%d)", GetLastError()); break; } bool succeed = true; HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szTempFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, // Open for writing. 0, // Do not share. NULL, // No security. CREATE_ALWAYS, // Overwrite existing. FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // Normal file. NULL); // No attribute template. if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { OutputError(L"Can't open a file: %s", szTempFileName); break; } else { cb = sizeof(bBuffer); hr = pStream->Read(bBuffer, cb, &cbRead); while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && 0 != cbRead) { if (!WriteFile(hFile, bBuffer, cbRead, &cbWritten, NULL)) { OutputError(L"WriteFile fails with 0x%08lx\n", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError())); succeed = false; break; } hr = pStream->Read(bBuffer, cb, &cbRead); } } CloseHandle(hFile); pStream->Release(); VariantClear(&varResponse); if (succeed == true) { wstring oldFileName = thisFileName; oldFileName += currentVersion + L".bak"; ::DeleteFile(oldFileName.c_str()); if (MoveFile(thisFileName.c_str(), oldFileName.c_str()) == FALSE) { OutputError(L"Backup fails (%d)", GetLastError()); break; } if (MoveFile(szTempFileName, thisFileName.c_str()) == FALSE) { OutputError(L"Update fails (%d)", GetLastError()); break; } FireRestartCommand(); } } while (false); if (::PathFileExists(szTempFileName) == TRUE) { ::DeleteFile(szTempFileName); } if (pIWinHttpRequest) { pIWinHttpRequest->Release(); } if (bstrResponse) { SysFreeString(bstrResponse); } CoUninitialize(); }
DWORD ServiceExecutionThread(LPDWORD param) { #if _DEBUG ::OutputDebugString(L"ServiceExecutionThread\n"); #endif if (IntializeSystemInfo() == FALSE) { return IC_NO_INITIALIZE; } WORD wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1, 1); WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData); SOCKET udpSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; int result = IC_NOERROR; bool showHelp = false; do { g_killServiceEvent = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0); if (!g_killServiceEvent) { OutputError(L"CreateEvent fails! (%d)", GetLastError()); result = IC_EVENT_CREATE_FAIL; break; } wstring apiKey; wstring envInfo; vector<int> intervalTimes; ConnectionInfo connection; g_debugMode = GetDebugMode(g_argc, g_argv); if (cmdOptionExists(g_argv, g_argv + g_argc, L"-h") == true || cmdOptionExists(g_argv, g_argv + g_argc, L"/h") == true) { showHelp = true; break; } if (cmdOptionExists(g_argv, g_argv + g_argc, L"-unreg") == true) { DoUnregistration(); break; } if (cmdOptionExists(g_argv, g_argv + g_argc, L"-start") == true) { DoStartService(); break; } if (cmdOptionExists(g_argv, g_argv + g_argc, L"-stop") == true) { DoStopService(); break; } if (cmdOptionExists(g_argv, g_argv + g_argc, L"-update") == true) { ProcessLatestUpdate(); break; } if (cmdOptionExists(g_argv, g_argv + g_argc, L"-restart") == true) { RestartService(); break; } apiKey = GetApiKey(g_argc, g_argv); envInfo = GetEnvInfo(g_argc, g_argv); intervalTimes = GetIntervalTime(g_argc, g_argv); if (apiKey.length() == 0) { OutputError(L"NO ApiKey\n"); result = IC_NO_APIKEY; showHelp = true; break; } if (envInfo.length() == 0) { OutputError(L"NO AgentID Info\n"); result = IC_NO_AGENTIDINFO; showHelp = true; break; } string address = GetHostAddress(g_argc, g_argv, connection); struct hostent *host = gethostbyname(address.c_str()); if (host == nullptr) { OutputError(L"Can't resolve host address: %s\n", address.c_str()); result = IC_NO_RESOLVE_HOSTADDR; break; } SetupHostPort(g_argc, g_argv, connection); if (cmdOptionExists(g_argv, g_argv + g_argc, L"-regservice") == true) { DoRegistration(apiKey, envInfo, address, connection.Getport(), intervalTimes); break; } struct sockaddr_in remoteServAddr; remoteServAddr.sin_family = host->h_addrtype; memcpy((char *)&remoteServAddr.sin_addr.s_addr, host->h_addr_list[0], host->h_length); remoteServAddr.sin_port = htons((u_short)connection.Getport()); /* socket creation */ udpSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (udpSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { OutputError(L"socket failed with error: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError()); break; } wstring appVersion = GetAppVersion(g_moduleFilePath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); OutputConsole(L"(%s) ServiceExecutionThread - data collect thread - start\n", appVersion.c_str()); { thread processCpuMemThread([apiKey, envInfo, udpSocket, remoteServAddr, intervalTimes]() { ProcessCpuMemInfo(apiKey, envInfo, udpSocket, remoteServAddr, intervalTimes[0]); }); thread processDiskThread([apiKey, envInfo, udpSocket, remoteServAddr, intervalTimes]() { ProcessDiskInfo(apiKey, envInfo, udpSocket, remoteServAddr, intervalTimes[1]); }); thread updateThread([]() { DWORD oneday = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; while (true) { ProcessLatestUpdate(); if (::WaitForSingleObject(g_killServiceEvent, oneday) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { continue; } break; } }); if (g_isConsoleApp == TRUE) { printf("Press any key to exit...\n"); getchar(); } else { #if _DEBUG ::OutputDebugString(L"Service thread - WaitForSingleObject...\n"); #endif WaitForSingleObject(g_killServiceEvent, INFINITE); } #if _DEBUG ::OutputDebugString(L"Service thread waiting...\n"); Sleep(1000); #endif if (processCpuMemThread.joinable() == true) { processCpuMemThread.join(); } if (processDiskThread.joinable() == true) { processDiskThread.join(); } if (updateThread.joinable() == true) { updateThread.join(); } #if _DEBUG ::OutputDebugString(L"All Service-threads exited...\n"); #endif } ::SetEvent(g_killSafeExitEvent); #if _DEBUG ::OutputDebugString(L"Service thread detached\n"); #endif } while (false); #if _DEBUG ::OutputDebugString(L"ServiceExecutionThread - data collect thread - ending\n"); #endif if (udpSocket != INVALID_SOCKET) { closesocket(udpSocket); } if (showHelp == true) { ShowHelp(); } WSACleanup(); #if _DEBUG ::OutputDebugString(L"ServiceExecutionThread - data collect thread - ended\n"); #endif return result; }
int SDLShell::Run(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("*** %s, V%s ***\n", GetAppName(), GetAppVersion()); int done; Uint8 *keys; if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)) { printf("Unable to initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 0; } ProcessCommandLine(argc, argv); if (!InitApp()) { Exit(EXIT_INIT_APP); } SDL_Surface *screen; if (Verbose(VerboseAll)) { printf("Setting width = %d, height = %d, bpp = %d\n", ShellGet(SDLShell::SHELL_WIDTH), ShellGet(SDLShell::SHELL_HEIGHT), ShellGet(SDLShell::SHELL_BPP)); } screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(ShellGet(SDLShell::SHELL_WIDTH), ShellGet(SDLShell::SHELL_HEIGHT), ShellGet(SDLShell::SHELL_BPP), Flags()); if (!screen) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set %dx%d GL video mode: %s\n", ShellGet(SDLShell::SHELL_WIDTH), ShellGet(SDLShell::SHELL_HEIGHT), SDL_GetError()); Exit(EXIT_NO_SCREEN); } char tempString[100]; sprintf(tempString, "%s V%s", GetAppName(), GetAppVersion()); SDL_WM_SetCaption(tempString, GetAppName()); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_SWAP_CONTROL, ShellGet(SHELL_VSYNC)); if (RequiresOpenGL2()) { // Initialize GLEW and make sure OpenGL 2.0 is supported GLenum err = glewInit(); if(GLEW_OK != err) { fprintf(stderr, "[ Fail ] - Error: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err)); Exit(EXIT_NO_GL2_SUPPORT); } if(!GLEW_VERSION_2_0 && !(GLEW_ARB_shading_language_100 && GLEW_ARB_shader_objects && GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader && GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader)) { fprintf(stderr, "[ Fail ] - Shaders not supported\n"); Exit(EXIT_NO_GL2_SUPPORT); } if(!GLEW_ARB_vertex_buffer_object) { fprintf(stderr, "[ Fail ] - VBO objects are not supported\n"); Exit(EXIT_NO_GL2_SUPPORT); } } if (RequiresTTF()) { if (TTF_Init() == -1) { printf("Unable to initialize SDL_ttf: %s \n", TTF_GetError()); Exit(EXIT_NO_FONT); } } CreatePointer(); if (!InitGL()) { Exit(EXIT_INIT_GL); } done = 0; while (!done) { pPointer->Input(); ResetPressed(); ResetMouse(); SDL_Event event; while ( SDL_PollEvent(&event) ) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_VIDEORESIZE: if (ShellGet(SDLShell::SHELL_RESIZABLE)) { screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(event.resize.w, event.resize.h, ShellGet(SDLShell::SHELL_BPP), Flags()); if (screen) { Reshape(screen->w, screen->h); } else { /* Uh oh, we couldn't set the new video mode?? */; } } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: pPointer->UpdateMouseMotion(event.motion); /*if (Verbose(VerboseAll)) { printf("Mouse moved by %d,%d to (%d,%d)\n", event.motion.xrel, event.motion.yrel, event.motion.x, event.motion.y); }*/ break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) { scrollDown = true; } pPointer->UpdateMouseButton(event.button); /*if (Verbose(VerboseAll)) { printf("Mouse button %d pressed at (%d,%d)\n", event.button.button, event.button.x, event.button.y); }*/ break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) { scrollUp = true; } if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) { leftClick = true; } if (event.button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) { rightClick = true; } pPointer->UpdateMouseButton(event.button); /*if (Verbose(VerboseAll)) { printf("Mouse button %d released at (%d,%d)\n", event.button.button, event.button.x, event.button.y); }*/ break; case SDL_KEYUP: SetPressed(event.key.keysym.scancode, false); SetPressing(event.key.keysym.scancode, false); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: if (Verbose(VerboseInfo)) { printf("Pressed key %d\n", (int)event.key.keysym.scancode); } if (!KeyPressing(event.key.keysym.scancode)) { SetPressed(event.key.keysym.scancode, true); } SetPressing(event.key.keysym.scancode, true); break; case SDL_QUIT: done = 1; break; } } keys = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); if (keys[SDLK_ESCAPE]) { done = 1; } if (!Render()) break; SDL_GL_SwapBuffers(); shellFrame++; } ReleaseGL(); ReleaseApp(); SDL_Quit(); return 0; /* ANSI C requires main to return int. */ }
unsigned WINAPI BR_SearchObject::StartSearch (void* searchObject) { BR_SearchObject* _this = (BR_SearchObject*)searchObject; JNL::open_socketlib(); BR_Version versionL; LineParser lp(false); lp.parse(SWS_VERSION_STR); versionL.maj = lp.gettoken_int(0); versionL.min = lp.gettoken_int(1); versionL.rev = lp.gettoken_int(2); = lp.gettoken_int(3); // When searching by user request, lookup both official and beta bool searchO = true, searchB = true; if (_this->IsStartup()) GetStartupSearchOptions(&searchO, &searchB, NULL); // Get official version and compare double runningReaVer = atof(GetAppVersion()); BR_Version versionO, reaperO; int statusO = NO_CONNECTION; if (searchO && !_this->GetKillFlag()) { JNL_HTTPGet web; web.addheader("User-Agent:SWS (Mozilla)"); web.addheader("Accept:*/*"); web.connect(SWS_URL_VERSION_H); time_t startTime = time(NULL); while (time(NULL) - startTime <= SEARCH_TIMEOUT && !_this->GetKillFlag()) { _this->SetProgress((double)(time(NULL) - startTime) / (SEARCH_TIMEOUT*2)); // Try to get version.h int run =; if (run < 0 || web.get_status() < 0 || web.getreplycode() >= 400) break; if (run == 1 && web.getreplycode() == 200) // get data only after the connection has closed { int size = web.bytes_available(); if (char* buf = new (nothrow) char[size]) { web.get_bytes(buf, size); char* token = strtok(buf, "\n"); while (token != NULL) { if (sscanf(token, "#define SWS_VERSION %10d,%10d,%10d,%10d", &versionO.maj, &versionO.min, &versionO.rev, & > 0) {} else if (sscanf(token, "#define REA_VERSION %10d,%10d,%10d,%10d", &reaperO.maj, &reaperO.min, &reaperO.rev, & > 0) break; token = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } double compatibleReaVerO = (double)reaperO.maj + (double)reaperO.min*0.1 + (double)reaperO.rev*0.01 + (double)*0.001; if (runningReaVer >= compatibleReaVerO && _this->CompareVersion(versionO, versionL) == 1) statusO = OFFICIAL_AVAILABLE; else statusO = UP_TO_DATE; delete[] buf; break; } } } } // Get beta version and compare BR_Version versionB, reaperB; int statusB = NO_CONNECTION; if (searchB && !_this->GetKillFlag()) { JNL_HTTPGet web; web.addheader("User-Agent:SWS (Mozilla)"); web.addheader("Accept:*/*"); web.connect(SWS_URL_BETA_VERSION_H); time_t startTime = time(NULL); while (time(NULL) - startTime <= SEARCH_TIMEOUT && !_this->GetKillFlag()) { _this->SetProgress((double)(time(NULL) - startTime) / (SEARCH_TIMEOUT*2) + 0.5); // Try to get version.h int run =; if (run < 0 || web.get_status() < 0 || web.getreplycode() >= 400) break; else if (run == 1 && web.getreplycode() == 200) // get data only after the connection has closed { int size = web.bytes_available(); if (char* buf = new (nothrow) char[size]) { web.get_bytes(buf, size); char* token = strtok(buf, "\n"); while (token != NULL) { if (sscanf(token, "#define SWS_VERSION %10d,%10d,%10d,%10d", &versionB.maj, &versionB.min, &versionB.rev, & > 0) {} else if (sscanf(token, "#define REA_VERSION %10d,%10d,%10d,%10d", &reaperB.maj, &reaperB.min, &reaperB.rev, & > 0) break; token = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } double compatibleReaVerB = (double)reaperB.maj + (double)reaperB.min*0.1 + (double)reaperB.rev*0.01 + (double)*0.001; if (runningReaVer >= compatibleReaVerB && _this->CompareVersion(versionB, versionL) == 1) statusB = BETA_AVAILABLE; else statusB = UP_TO_DATE; delete[] buf; break; } } } } _this->SetProgress(1); // Give some breathing space to hwndDlg (i.e. SNM startup action may load screenset that repositions Reaper...) if (_this->IsStartup() && !_this->GetKillFlag()) Sleep(1500); // When both versions are available and are identical, ignore beta if (statusO == OFFICIAL_AVAILABLE && statusB == BETA_AVAILABLE) if (!_this->CompareVersion(versionO, versionB)) statusB = UP_TO_DATE; int status; if (statusO == NO_CONNECTION && statusB == NO_CONNECTION) status = NO_CONNECTION; else if (statusO == OFFICIAL_AVAILABLE && statusB == BETA_AVAILABLE) status = BOTH_AVAILABLE; else if (statusO == OFFICIAL_AVAILABLE) status = OFFICIAL_AVAILABLE; else if (statusB == BETA_AVAILABLE) status = BETA_AVAILABLE; else status = UP_TO_DATE; _this->SetStatus(versionO, versionB, status); JNL::close_socketlib(); return 0; }
//++ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Details: Check the arguments given on the command line. The main purpose of this // function is to check for the presence of the --interpreter option. Having // this option present tells *this manager to set the CMIDriver to do work. If // not use the LLDB driver. The following are options that are only handled by // the CMIDriverMgr are: // --help or -h // --interpreter // --version // --versionLong // --noLog // --executable // The above arguments are not handled by any driver object except for --executable. // The options --interpreter and --executable in code act very similar. The // --executable is necessary to differentiate whither the MI Driver is being using // by a client i.e. Eclipse or from the command line. Eclipse issues the option // --interpreter and also passes additional arguments which can be interpreted as an // executable if called from the command line. Using --executable tells the MI // Driver is being called the command line and that the executable argument is indeed // a specified executable an so actions commands to set up the executable for a // debug session. Using --interpreter on the commnd line does not action additional // commands to initialise a debug session and so be able to launch the process. // Type: Method. // Args: argc - (R) An integer that contains the count of arguments that follow in // argv. The argc parameter is always greater than or equal to 1. // argv - (R) An array of null-terminated strings representing command-line // arguments entered by the user of the program. By convention, // argv[0] is the command with which the program is invoked. // vwbExiting - (W) True = *this want to exit, Reasons: help, invalid arg(s), // version information only. // False = Continue to work, start debugger i.e. Command // interpreter. // Return: lldb::SBError - LLDB current error status. // Throws: None. //-- bool CMIDriverMgr::ParseArgs( const int argc, const char * argv[], bool & vwbExiting ) { bool bOk = MIstatus::success; vwbExiting = false; // Print MI application path to the Log file const CMIUtilString appPath( CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC( IDS_MI_APP_FILEPATHNAME ), argv[ 0 ] ) ); bOk = m_pLog->Write( appPath, CMICmnLog::eLogVerbosity_Log ); // Print application arguments to the Log file const bool bHaveArgs( argc >= 2 ); CMIUtilString strArgs( MIRSRC( IDS_MI_APP_ARGS ) ); if( !bHaveArgs ) { strArgs += MIRSRC( IDS_WORD_NONE ); bOk = bOk && m_pLog->Write( strArgs, CMICmnLog::eLogVerbosity_Log ); } else { for( MIint i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { strArgs += CMIUtilString::Format( "%d:'%s' ", i, argv[ i ] ); } bOk = bOk && m_pLog->Write( strArgs, CMICmnLog::eLogVerbosity_Log ); } // Look for the command line options bool bHaveArgInterpret = false; bool bHaveArgVersion = false; bool bHaveArgVersionLong = false; bool bHaveArgNoLog = false; bool bHaveArgHelp = false; // Hardcode the use of the MI driver #if MICONFIG_DEFAULT_TO_MI_DRIVER bHaveArgInterpret = true; #endif // MICONFIG_DEFAULT_TO_MI_DRIVER if( bHaveArgs ) { // CODETAG_MIDRIVE_CMD_LINE_ARG_HANDLING for( MIint i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { // *** Add args to help in GetHelpOnCmdLineArgOptions() *** const CMIUtilString strArg( argv[ i ] ); // Argument "--executable" is also check for in CMIDriver::ParseArgs() if( (0 == "--interpreter" )) || // Given by the client such as Eclipse (0 == "--executable" )) ) // Used to specify that there is executable argument also on the command line { // See fn description. bHaveArgInterpret = true; } if( 0 == "--version" ) ) { bHaveArgVersion = true; } if( 0 == "--versionLong" ) ) { bHaveArgVersionLong = true; } if( 0 == "--noLog" ) ) { bHaveArgNoLog = true; } if( (0 == "--help" )) || (0 == "-h" )) ) { bHaveArgHelp = true; } } } if( bHaveArgNoLog ) { CMICmnLog::Instance().SetEnabled( false ); } // Todo: Remove this output when MI is finished. It is temporary to persuade Ecllipse plugin to work. // Eclipse reads this literally and will not work unless it gets this exact version text. // Handle --version option (ignore the --interpreter option if present) if( bHaveArgVersion ) { vwbExiting = true; bOk = bOk && CMICmnStreamStdout::Instance().WriteMIResponse( MIRSRC( IDE_MI_VERSION_GDB ) ); return bOk; } // Todo: Make this the --version when the the above --version version is removed // Handle --versionlong option (ignore the --interpreter option if present) if( bHaveArgVersionLong ) { vwbExiting = true; bOk = bOk && CMICmnStreamStdout::Instance().WriteMIResponse( GetAppVersion() ); return bOk; } // Both '--help' and '--intepreter' means give help for MI only. Without // '--interpreter' help the LLDB driver is working and so help is for that. if( bHaveArgHelp && bHaveArgInterpret ) { vwbExiting = true; bOk = bOk && CMICmnStreamStdout::Instance().WriteMIResponse( GetHelpOnCmdLineArgOptions() ); return bOk; } // This makes the assumption that there is at least one MI compatible // driver registered and one LLDB driver registerd and the CMIDriver // is the first one found. // ToDo: Implement a better solution that handle any order, any number // of drivers. Or this 'feature' may be removed if deemed not required. IDriver * pLldbDriver = GetFirstNonMIDriver(); IDriver * pMi2Driver = GetFirstMIDriver(); if( bHaveArgInterpret && (pMi2Driver != nullptr) ) bOk = bOk && SetUseThisDriverToDoWork( *pMi2Driver ); else if( pLldbDriver != nullptr ) bOk = bOk && SetUseThisDriverToDoWork( *pLldbDriver ); else { if( bOk ) { vwbExiting = true; const CMIUtilString msg( MIRSRC( IDS_DRIVER_ERR_NON_REGISTERED ) ); bOk = bOk && CMICmnStreamStdout::Instance().WriteMIResponse( msg ); } } return bOk; }
void SettingsDlg::OnButtonCheckForUpdates(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { CheckForUpdates(m_settings, GetAppVersion(), true); }