BOOL COXMonthCalCtrl::SetRange(const COleDateTime* pMinRange, const COleDateTime* pMaxRange) { ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); ASSERT(pMinRange == NULL || pMinRange->GetStatus() != COleDateTime::invalid); ASSERT(pMaxRange == NULL || pMaxRange->GetStatus() != COleDateTime::invalid); SYSTEMTIME sysTimes[2]; WPARAM wFlags = 0; if (pMinRange != NULL && pMinRange->GetStatus() != COleDateTime::null) { if (GetAsSystemTime(*pMinRange,sysTimes[0])) wFlags |= GDTR_MIN; } if (pMaxRange != NULL && pMaxRange->GetStatus() != COleDateTime::null) { if (GetAsSystemTime(*pMaxRange,sysTimes[1])) wFlags |= GDTR_MAX; } return (BOOL) ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, MCM_SETRANGE, wFlags, (LPARAM) &sysTimes); }
BOOL COXMonthCalCtrl::SetRange(const CTime* pMinRange, const CTime* pMaxRange) { ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); SYSTEMTIME sysTimes[2]; WPARAM wFlags = 0; if (pMinRange != NULL && GetAsSystemTime(*pMinRange,sysTimes[0])) wFlags |= GDTR_MIN; if (pMaxRange != NULL && GetAsSystemTime(*pMaxRange,sysTimes[1])) wFlags |= GDTR_MAX; return (BOOL) ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, MCM_SETRANGE, wFlags, (LPARAM) &sysTimes); }
void CDateTime::Archive(CArchive& ar) { if (ar.IsStoring()) { ar<<(int)m_state; if (m_state==valid) { SYSTEMTIME st; GetAsSystemTime(st); ar<<st; } } else { Reset(); int state; ar >> (int &)state; m_state = CDateTime::STATE(state); if (m_state==valid) { SYSTEMTIME st; ar>>st; ToFileTime(st, m_time); } }
BOOL COXMonthCalCtrl::SetSelRange(const CTime& refMinRange, const CTime& refMaxRange) { // control must have multiple select ASSERT((GetStyle() & MCS_MULTISELECT)); ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); SYSTEMTIME sysTimes[2]; BOOL bResult = FALSE; if (GetAsSystemTime(refMinRange,sysTimes[0]) && GetAsSystemTime(refMaxRange,sysTimes[1])) { bResult = (BOOL) ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, MCM_SETSELRANGE, 0, (LPARAM)sysTimes); } return bResult; }
void CXTPPropertyGridItemDate::OnInplaceButtonDown(CXTPPropertyGridInplaceButton* pButton) { if (m_pGrid->SendNotifyMessage(XTP_PGN_INPLACEBUTTONDOWN, (LPARAM)pButton) == TRUE) return; if (!OnRequestEdit()) return; CXTPPropertyGridInplaceMonthCal* pMonthCtrl = new CXTPPropertyGridInplaceMonthCal(this); #if _MSC_VER < 1200 // MFC 5.0 INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icex; icex.dwSize = sizeof(icex); icex.dwICC = ICC_DATE_CLASSES; VERIFY(InitCommonControlsEx(&icex)); #else VERIFY(AfxDeferRegisterClass(AFX_WNDCOMMCTL_DATE_REG)); #endif // _MSC_VER < 1200 CRect rect(0, 0, 0, 0); pMonthCtrl->CreateEx(WS_EX_TOPMOST | (m_pGrid->GetExStyle() & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL), MONTHCAL_CLASS, NULL, WS_BORDER | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE, rect, m_pGrid, 0); SYSTEMTIME sysTime; if (GetAsSystemTime(sysTime)) pMonthCtrl->SendMessage(MCM_SETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &sysTime); if (pMonthCtrl->GetMinReqRect(rect)) { CRect rcItem = GetItemRect(); rect.SetRect(rcItem.right - rect.Width(), rcItem.bottom, rcItem.right, rcItem.bottom + rect.Height()); m_pGrid->ClientToScreen(&rect); CRect rcWork = XTPMultiMonitor()->GetWorkArea(rect); if (rect.bottom > rcWork.bottom && > rcWork.CenterPoint().y) rect.OffsetRect(0, - rect.Height() - rcItem.Height() - 1); if (rect.left < rcWork.left) rect.OffsetRect(rcWork.left - rect.left, 0); if (rect.right > rcWork.right) rect.OffsetRect(rcWork.right - rect.right, 0); pMonthCtrl->SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.left,, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } pMonthCtrl->SetOwner(m_pGrid); pMonthCtrl->SetFocus(); }
BOOL COXMonthCalCtrl::SetCurSel(const CTime& refTime) { ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); SYSTEMTIME sysTime; BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; if (GetAsSystemTime(refTime,sysTime)) { bRetVal = (BOOL) ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, MCM_SETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &sysTime); } return bRetVal; }
BOOL COXMonthCalCtrl::SetCurSel(const COleDateTime& refTime) { ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); SYSTEMTIME sysTime; BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; // if the passed time is null or out of range, // we'll set the control to NULL if (GetAsSystemTime(refTime,sysTime) && refTime.GetStatus() == COleDateTime::valid) { bRetVal = (BOOL) ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, MCM_SETCURSEL, 0, (LPARAM) &sysTime); } return bRetVal; }
BOOL UpdateMonthDay(COleDateTime &refDate, int nMonthDay) { if (nMonthDay > 28) { int nMaxDay = GetMaxMonthDay(refDate); if (!nMaxDay) { return FALSE; } nMonthDay = min(nMonthDay, nMaxDay); } SYSTEMTIME sysDate; if (!GetAsSystemTime(refDate, sysDate)) return FALSE; int nRes = refDate.SetDate(sysDate.wYear, sysDate.wMonth, nMonthDay); return nRes == 0; }
int GetMaxMonthDay(COleDateTime dtDate) { SYSTEMTIME sysDate; if (!GetAsSystemTime(dtDate, sysDate)) return 0; // days per month - _ jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec static int arDays[13] = {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; if (sysDate.wMonth == 2 && sysDate.wYear % 4 == 0) { if (sysDate.wYear % 100 != 0 || sysDate.wYear % 400 == 0) return 29; else return 28; } else { return arDays[sysDate.wMonth]; } }
void COXMonthCalCtrl::SetToday(const CTime* pDateTime) { ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); ASSERT_VALID(this); // if the passed time is NULL, we'll set the // control to NULL WPARAM wParam = GDT_NONE; LPSYSTEMTIME pSysTime = NULL; SYSTEMTIME sysTime; if (pDateTime != NULL && GetAsSystemTime(*pDateTime,sysTime)) { wParam = GDT_VALID; pSysTime = &sysTime; } if (::IsWindow(m_hWnd)) ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, MCM_SETTODAY, wParam, (LPARAM) pSysTime); }
void COXMonthCalCtrl::SetToday(const COleDateTime& refTime) { ASSERT_VALID(this); // make sure the time isn't invalid ASSERT(refTime.GetStatus() != COleDateTime::invalid); ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); SYSTEMTIME sysTime; LPSYSTEMTIME pSysTime = NULL; WPARAM wParam = GDT_NONE; // if the passed time is null or out of range, // we'll set the control to NULL if (GetAsSystemTime(refTime,sysTime)) { pSysTime = &sysTime; wParam = GDT_VALID; } if (::IsWindow(m_hWnd)) ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, MCM_SETTODAY, wParam, (LPARAM) pSysTime); }
BOOL ShiftDate_Month(COleDateTime &refDate, int nMonthCount) { SYSTEMTIME sysDate; if (!GetAsSystemTime(refDate, sysDate)) return FALSE; int nYearNew = sysDate.wYear + nMonthCount / 12; int nMonthNew = sysDate.wMonth + nMonthCount % 12; if (nMonthNew > 12) { nMonthNew -= 12 * (nMonthCount / abs(nMonthCount)); nYearNew++; } else if (nMonthNew <= 0) { nYearNew--; nMonthNew += 12; DXASSERT(nMonthNew >= 1 && nMonthNew <= 12); } return COleDateTime::valid == refDate.SetDate(nYearNew, nMonthNew, 1); }