static LRESULT CALLBACK ListViewWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { struct PickerInfo *pPickerInfo; LRESULT rc = 0; BOOL bHandled = FALSE; WNDPROC pfnParentWndProc; HWND hwndHeaderCtrl = NULL; HFONT hHeaderCtrlFont = NULL; pPickerInfo = GetPickerInfo(hWnd); pfnParentWndProc = pPickerInfo->pfnParentWndProc; switch(message) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (MouseHasBeenMoved()) ShowCursor(TRUE); break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: if (GetBackgroundBitmap()) { rc = ListViewOnErase(hWnd, (HDC) wParam); bHandled = TRUE; } break; case WM_NOTIFY: bHandled = ListViewNotify(hWnd, (LPNMHDR) lParam); break; case WM_SETFONT: hwndHeaderCtrl = ListView_GetHeader(hWnd); if (hwndHeaderCtrl) hHeaderCtrlFont = GetWindowFont(hwndHeaderCtrl); break; case WM_CONTEXTMENU: bHandled = ListViewContextMenu(hWnd, lParam); break; case WM_DESTROY: // Received WM_DESTROY; time to clean up if (pPickerInfo->pCallbacks->pfnSetViewMode) pPickerInfo->pCallbacks->pfnSetViewMode(pPickerInfo->nCurrentViewID); Picker_Free(pPickerInfo); SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) pfnParentWndProc); SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) NULL); break; } if (!bHandled) rc = CallParentWndProc(pfnParentWndProc, hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); // If we received WM_SETFONT, reset header ctrl font back to original font if (hwndHeaderCtrl) SetWindowFont(hwndHeaderCtrl, hHeaderCtrlFont, TRUE); return rc; }
static BOOL ListViewOnErase(HWND hWnd, HDC hDC) { RECT rcClient; HRGN rgnBitmap; HPALETTE hPAL; int i = 0, j = 0; HDC htempDC; POINT ptOrigin; POINT pt = {0,0}; HBITMAP hOldBitmap; MYBITMAPINFO *pbmDesc = GetBackgroundInfo(); HBITMAP hBackground = GetBackgroundBitmap(); HPALETTE hPALbg = GetBackgroundPalette(); // this does not draw the background properly in report view GetClientRect(hWnd, &rcClient); htempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(htempDC, hBackground); rgnBitmap = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcClient); SelectClipRgn(hDC, rgnBitmap); DeleteBitmap(rgnBitmap); hPAL = (!hPALbg) ? CreateHalftonePalette(hDC) : hPALbg; if (GetDeviceCaps(htempDC, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE && hPAL != NULL) { SelectPalette(htempDC, hPAL, FALSE); RealizePalette(htempDC); } // Get x and y offset MapWindowPoints(hWnd, GetTreeView(), &pt, 1); GetDCOrgEx(hDC, &ptOrigin); ptOrigin.x -= pt.x; ptOrigin.y -= pt.y; ptOrigin.x = -GetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_HORZ); ptOrigin.y = -GetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT); if (pbmDesc->bmWidth && pbmDesc->bmHeight) { for (i = ptOrigin.x; i < rcClient.right; i += pbmDesc->bmWidth) for (j = ptOrigin.y; j < rcClient.bottom; j += pbmDesc->bmHeight) BitBlt(hDC, i, j, pbmDesc->bmWidth, pbmDesc->bmHeight, htempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); } SelectObject(htempDC, hOldBitmap); DeleteDC(htempDC); if (!pbmDesc->bmColors) { DeletePalette(hPAL); hPAL = 0; } return TRUE; }
void wxWindow::EraseBackground(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect) { if ( GetBackgroundBitmap().IsOk() ) { // Get the bitmap and the flags int alignment; wxStretch stretch; wxBitmap bmp = GetBackgroundBitmap(&alignment, &stretch); wxControlRenderer::DrawBitmap(dc, bmp, rect, alignment, stretch); } else { // Just fill it with bg colour if no bitmap m_renderer->DrawBackground(dc, wxTHEME_BG_COLOUR(this), rect, GetStateFlags()); } }
bool wxButton::DoDrawBackground(wxDC& dc) { wxRect rect; wxSize size = GetSize(); rect.width = size.x; rect.height = size.y; if ( GetBackgroundBitmap().Ok() ) { // get the bitmap and the flags int alignment; wxStretch stretch; wxBitmap bmp = GetBackgroundBitmap(&alignment, &stretch); wxControlRenderer::DrawBitmap(dc, bmp, rect, alignment, stretch); } else { m_renderer->DrawButtonSurface(dc, wxTHEME_BG_COLOUR(this), rect, GetStateFlags()); } return true; }
/* Header code - Directional Arrows */ static LRESULT CALLBACK TreeWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (GetBackgroundBitmap() != NULL) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { if (MouseHasBeenMoved()) ShowCursor(TRUE); break; } case WM_KEYDOWN : if (wParam == VK_F2) { if (lpCurrentFolder->m_dwFlags & F_CUSTOM) { TreeView_EditLabel(hWnd,TreeView_GetSelection(hWnd)); return TRUE; } } break; case WM_ERASEBKGND: return TRUE; break; case WM_PAINT: TreeCtrlOnPaint(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); break; } } /* message not handled */ return CallWindowProc(g_lpTreeWndProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); }
static void TreeCtrlOnPaint(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hDC; RECT rcClip, rcClient; HDC memDC; HBITMAP bitmap; HBITMAP hOldBitmap; HBITMAP hBackground = GetBackgroundBitmap(); MYBITMAPINFO *bmDesc = GetBackgroundInfo(); hDC = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); GetClipBox(hDC, &rcClip); GetClientRect(hWnd, &rcClient); // Create a compatible memory DC memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); // Select a compatible bitmap into the memory DC bitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, rcClient.right - rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom -; hOldBitmap = SelectObject(memDC, bitmap); // First let the control do its default drawing. CallWindowProc(g_lpTreeWndProc, hWnd, uMsg, (WPARAM)memDC, 0); // Draw bitmap in the background { HPALETTE hPAL; HDC maskDC; HBITMAP maskBitmap; HDC tempDC; HDC imageDC; HBITMAP bmpImage; HBITMAP hOldBmpImage; HBITMAP hOldMaskBitmap; HBITMAP hOldHBitmap; int i, j; RECT rcRoot; // Now create a mask maskDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); // Create monochrome bitmap for the mask maskBitmap = CreateBitmap(rcClient.right - rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom -, 1, 1, NULL); hOldMaskBitmap = SelectObject(maskDC, maskBitmap); SetBkColor(memDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); // Create the mask from the memory DC BitBlt(maskDC, 0, 0, rcClient.right - rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom -, memDC, rcClient.left,, SRCCOPY); tempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); hOldHBitmap = SelectObject(tempDC, hBackground); imageDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); bmpImage = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC, rcClient.right - rcClient.left, rcClient.bottom -; hOldBmpImage = SelectObject(imageDC, bmpImage); hPAL = GetBackgroundPalette(); if (hPAL == NULL) hPAL = CreateHalftonePalette(hDC); if (GetDeviceCaps(hDC, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE && hPAL != NULL) { SelectPalette(hDC, hPAL, FALSE); RealizePalette(hDC); SelectPalette(imageDC, hPAL, FALSE); } // Get x and y offset TreeView_GetItemRect(hWnd, TreeView_GetRoot(hWnd), &rcRoot, FALSE); rcRoot.left = -GetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_HORZ); // Draw bitmap in tiled manner to imageDC for (i = rcRoot.left; i < rcClient.right; i += bmDesc->bmWidth) for (j =; j < rcClient.bottom; j += bmDesc->bmHeight) BitBlt(imageDC, i, j, bmDesc->bmWidth, bmDesc->bmHeight, tempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); // Set the background in memDC to black. Using SRCPAINT with black and any other // color results in the other color, thus making black the transparent color SetBkColor(memDC, RGB(0,0,0)); SetTextColor(memDC, RGB(255,255,255)); BitBlt(memDC, rcClip.left,, rcClip.right - rcClip.left, rcClip.bottom -, maskDC, rcClip.left,, SRCAND); // Set the foreground to black. See comment above. SetBkColor(imageDC, RGB(255,255,255)); SetTextColor(imageDC, RGB(0,0,0)); BitBlt(imageDC, rcClip.left,, rcClip.right - rcClip.left, rcClip.bottom -, maskDC, rcClip.left,, SRCAND); // Combine the foreground with the background BitBlt(imageDC, rcClip.left,, rcClip.right - rcClip.left, rcClip.bottom -, memDC, rcClip.left,, SRCPAINT); // Draw the final image to the screen BitBlt(hDC, rcClip.left,, rcClip.right - rcClip.left, rcClip.bottom -, imageDC, rcClip.left,, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(maskDC, hOldMaskBitmap); SelectObject(tempDC, hOldHBitmap); SelectObject(imageDC, hOldBmpImage); DeleteDC(maskDC); DeleteDC(imageDC); DeleteDC(tempDC); DeleteObject(bmpImage); DeleteObject(maskBitmap); if (GetBackgroundPalette() == NULL) { DeleteObject(hPAL); hPAL = 0; } } SelectObject(memDC, hOldBitmap); DeleteObject(bitmap); DeleteDC(memDC); EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC); }
void Picker_HandleDrawItem(HWND hWnd, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct) { struct PickerInfo *pPickerInfo; HDC hDC = lpDrawItemStruct->hDC; RECT rcItem = lpDrawItemStruct->rcItem; UINT uiFlags = ILD_TRANSPARENT; HIMAGELIST hImageList; int nItem = lpDrawItemStruct->itemID; COLORREF clrTextSave = 0; COLORREF clrBkSave = 0; COLORREF clrImage = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); static TCHAR szBuff[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bFocus = (GetFocus() == hWnd); LPCTSTR pszText; UINT nStateImageMask = 0; BOOL bSelected = 0; LV_COLUMN lvc; LV_ITEM lvi; RECT rcAllLabels; RECT rcLabel; RECT rcIcon; int offset = 0; SIZE size; int i = 0, j = 0; int nColumn = 0; int nColumnMax = 0; int *order; BOOL bDrawAsChild = 0; int indent_space = 0; BOOL bColorChild = FALSE; BOOL bParentFound = FALSE; int nParent = 0; HBITMAP hBackground = GetBackgroundBitmap(); MYBITMAPINFO *pbmDesc = GetBackgroundInfo(); BOOL res = 0; pPickerInfo = GetPickerInfo(hWnd); order = (int*)malloc(pPickerInfo->nColumnCount * sizeof(*order)); if (!order) return; nColumnMax = Picker_GetNumColumns(hWnd); if (GetUseOldControl()) { pPickerInfo->pCallbacks->pfnGetColumnOrder(order); } else { /* Get the Column Order and save it */ res = ListView_GetColumnOrderArray(hWnd, nColumnMax, order); /* Disallow moving column 0 */ if (order[0] != 0) { for (i = 0; i < nColumnMax; i++) { if (order[i] == 0) { order[i] = order[0]; order[0] = 0; } } res = ListView_SetColumnOrderArray(hWnd, nColumnMax, order); } } /* Labels are offset by a certain amount */ /* This offset is related to the width of a space character */ GetTextExtentPoint32(hDC, TEXT(" "), 1, &size); offset =; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_STATE | LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = nItem; lvi.iSubItem = order[0]; lvi.pszText = szBuff; lvi.cchTextMax = sizeof(szBuff) / sizeof(szBuff[0]); lvi.stateMask = 0xFFFF; /* get all state flags */ res = ListView_GetItem(hWnd, &lvi); bSelected = ((lvi.state & LVIS_DROPHILITED) || ( (lvi.state & LVIS_SELECTED) && ((bFocus) || (GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS)))); /* figure out if we indent and draw grayed */ if (pPickerInfo->pCallbacks->pfnFindItemParent) nParent = pPickerInfo->pCallbacks->pfnFindItemParent(hWnd, lvi.lParam); else nParent = -1; bDrawAsChild = (pPickerInfo->pCallbacks->pfnGetViewMode() == VIEW_GROUPED && (nParent >= 0)); /* only indent if parent is also in this view */ if ((nParent >= 0) && bDrawAsChild) { for (i = 0; i < ListView_GetItemCount(hWnd); i++) { lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = i; res = ListView_GetItem(hWnd, &lvi); if (lvi.lParam == nParent) { bParentFound = TRUE; break; } } } if (pPickerInfo->pCallbacks->pfnGetOffsetChildren && pPickerInfo->pCallbacks->pfnGetOffsetChildren()) { if (!bParentFound && bDrawAsChild) { /*Reset it, as no Parent is there*/ bDrawAsChild = FALSE; bColorChild = TRUE; } else { nParent = -1; bParentFound = FALSE; } } res = ListView_GetItemRect_Modified(hWnd, nItem, &rcAllLabels, LVIR_BOUNDS); res = ListView_GetItemRect_Modified(hWnd, nItem, &rcLabel, LVIR_LABEL); rcAllLabels.left = rcLabel.left; if (hBackground != NULL) { RECT rcClient; HRGN rgnBitmap; RECT rcTmpBmp = rcItem; RECT rcFirstItem; HPALETTE hPAL; HDC htempDC; HBITMAP oldBitmap; htempDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); oldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(htempDC, hBackground); GetClientRect(hWnd, &rcClient); rcTmpBmp.right = rcClient.right; /* We also need to check whether it is the last item The update region has to be extended to the bottom if it is */ if (nItem == ListView_GetItemCount(hWnd) - 1) rcTmpBmp.bottom = rcClient.bottom; rgnBitmap = CreateRectRgnIndirect(&rcTmpBmp); SelectClipRgn(hDC, rgnBitmap); DeleteBitmap(rgnBitmap); hPAL = GetBackgroundPalette(); if (hPAL == NULL) hPAL = CreateHalftonePalette(hDC); if (GetDeviceCaps(htempDC, RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE && hPAL != NULL) { SelectPalette(htempDC, hPAL, FALSE); RealizePalette(htempDC); } res = ListView_GetItemRect_Modified(hWnd, 0, &rcFirstItem, LVIR_BOUNDS); for (i = rcFirstItem.left; i < rcClient.right; i += pbmDesc->bmWidth) for (j =; j < rcClient.bottom; j += pbmDesc->bmHeight) BitBlt(hDC, i, j, pbmDesc->bmWidth, pbmDesc->bmHeight, htempDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(htempDC, oldBitmap); DeleteDC(htempDC); if (GetBackgroundPalette() == NULL) { DeletePalette(hPAL); hPAL = NULL; } } indent_space = 0; if (bDrawAsChild) { RECT rect; res = ListView_GetItemRect_Modified(hWnd, nItem, &rect, LVIR_ICON); /* indent width of icon + the space between the icon and text * so left of clone icon starts at text of parent */ indent_space = rect.right - rect.left + offset; } rcAllLabels.left += indent_space; if (bSelected) { HBRUSH hBrush; HBRUSH hOldBrush; if (bFocus) { clrTextSave = SetTextColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); clrBkSave = SetBkColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); } else { clrTextSave = SetTextColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT)); clrBkSave = SetBkColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); } hOldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hDC, hBrush); FillRect(hDC, &rcAllLabels, hBrush); SelectObject(hDC, hOldBrush); DeleteBrush(hBrush); } else { if (hBackground == NULL) { HBRUSH hBrush; hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); FillRect(hDC, &rcAllLabels, hBrush); DeleteBrush(hBrush); } if (pPickerInfo->pCallbacks->pfnGetOffsetChildren && pPickerInfo->pCallbacks->pfnGetOffsetChildren()) { if (bDrawAsChild || bColorChild) clrTextSave = SetTextColor(hDC, GetListCloneColor()); else clrTextSave = SetTextColor(hDC, GetListFontColor()); } else { if (bDrawAsChild) clrTextSave = SetTextColor(hDC, GetListCloneColor()); else clrTextSave = SetTextColor(hDC, GetListFontColor()); } clrBkSave = SetBkColor(hDC, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW)); } if (lvi.state & LVIS_CUT) { clrImage = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); uiFlags |= ILD_BLEND50; } else if (bSelected) { if (bFocus) clrImage = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); else clrImage = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE); uiFlags |= ILD_BLEND50; } nStateImageMask = lvi.state & LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK; if (nStateImageMask) { int nImage = (nStateImageMask >> 12) - 1; hImageList = ListView_GetImageList(hWnd, LVSIL_STATE); if (hImageList) ImageList_Draw(hImageList, nImage, hDC, rcItem.left,, ILD_TRANSPARENT); } res = ListView_GetItemRect_Modified(hWnd, nItem, &rcIcon, LVIR_ICON); rcIcon.left += indent_space; res = ListView_GetItemRect_Modified(hWnd, nItem, &rcItem, LVIR_LABEL); hImageList = ListView_GetImageList(hWnd, LVSIL_SMALL); if (hImageList) { UINT nOvlImageMask = lvi.state & LVIS_OVERLAYMASK; if (rcIcon.left + 16 + indent_space < rcItem.right) { ImageList_DrawEx(hImageList, lvi.iImage, hDC, rcIcon.left,, 16, 16, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW), clrImage, uiFlags | nOvlImageMask); } } res = ListView_GetItemRect_Modified(hWnd, nItem, &rcItem, LVIR_LABEL); pszText = MakeShortString(hDC, szBuff, rcItem.right - rcItem.left, 2*offset + indent_space); rcLabel = rcItem; rcLabel.left += offset + indent_space; rcLabel.right -= offset; DrawText(hDC, pszText, -1, &rcLabel, DT_LEFT | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_VCENTER); for (nColumn = 1; nColumn < nColumnMax; nColumn++) { int nRetLen; UINT nJustify; LV_ITEM lvItem; lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH; res = ListView_GetColumn(hWnd, order[nColumn], &lvc); lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT; lvItem.iItem = nItem; lvItem.iSubItem = order[nColumn]; lvItem.pszText = szBuff; lvItem.cchTextMax = sizeof(szBuff) / sizeof(szBuff[0]); if (ListView_GetItem(hWnd, &lvItem) == FALSE) continue; rcItem.left = rcItem.right; rcItem.right +=; nRetLen = _tcslen(szBuff); if (nRetLen == 0) continue; pszText = MakeShortString(hDC, szBuff, rcItem.right - rcItem.left, 2 * offset); nJustify = DT_LEFT; if (pszText == szBuff) { switch (lvc.fmt & LVCFMT_JUSTIFYMASK) { case LVCFMT_RIGHT: nJustify = DT_RIGHT; break; case LVCFMT_CENTER: nJustify = DT_CENTER; break; default: break; } } rcLabel = rcItem; rcLabel.left += offset; rcLabel.right -= offset; DrawText(hDC, pszText, -1, &rcLabel, nJustify | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_NOPREFIX | DT_VCENTER); } if (lvi.state & LVIS_FOCUSED && bFocus) DrawFocusRect(hDC, &rcAllLabels); SetTextColor(hDC, clrTextSave); SetBkColor(hDC, clrBkSave); free(order); res++; }