 * Function UpdateTitleAndInfo
 * displays the filename (if exists) of the current page layout descr file.
void PL_EDITOR_FRAME::UpdateTitleAndInfo()
    wxString title;
    title.Printf( wxT( "Pl_Editor %s [%s]" ), GetChars( GetBuildVersion() ),
        GetChars( GetCurrFileName() ) );
    SetTitle( title );
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::UpdateTitle()
    wxString title;

    if( GetScreen()->GetFileName() == m_DefaultSchematicFileName )
        title.Printf( wxT( "Eeschema %s [%s]" ), GetChars( GetBuildVersion() ),
                            GetChars( GetScreen()->GetFileName() ) );
        wxFileName fn( GetScreen()->GetFileName() );

        // Often the /path/to/filedir is blank because of the FullFileName argument
        // passed to LoadOneEEFile() which omits the path on non-root schematics.
        // Making the path absolute solves this problem.
        title.Printf( wxT( "[ %s %s] (%s)" ),
                      GetChars( fn.GetName() ),
                      GetChars( m_CurrentSheet->PathHumanReadable() ),
                      GetChars( fn.GetPath() ) );

        if( fn.FileExists() )
            if( !fn.IsFileWritable() )
                title << _( " [Read Only]" );
            title << _( " [no file]" );


    SetTitle( title );
// Creates the header section
static bool CreateHeaderInfoData( FILE* aFile, PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aFrame )
    wxString    msg;
    BOARD *board = aFrame->GetBoard();

    fputs( "$HEADER\n", aFile );
    fputs( "GENCAD 1.4\n", aFile );

    // Please note: GenCAD syntax requires quoted strings if they can contain spaces
    msg.Printf( wxT( "USER \"%s %s\"\n" ),
               GetChars( Pgm().App().GetAppName() ),
               GetChars( GetBuildVersion() ) );
    fputs( TO_UTF8( msg ), aFile );

    msg = wxT( "DRAWING \"" ) + board->GetFileName() + wxT( "\"\n" );
    fputs( TO_UTF8( msg ), aFile );

    const TITLE_BLOCK&  tb = aFrame->GetTitleBlock();

    msg = wxT( "REVISION \"" ) + tb.GetRevision() + wxT( " " ) + tb.GetDate() + wxT( "\"\n" );

    fputs( TO_UTF8( msg ), aFile );
    fputs( "UNITS INCH\n", aFile );

    msg.Printf( wxT( "ORIGIN %g %g\n" ),
                MapXTo( aFrame->GetAuxOrigin().x ),
                MapYTo( aFrame->GetAuxOrigin().y ) );
    fputs( TO_UTF8( msg ), aFile );

    fputs( "INTERTRACK 0\n", aFile );
    fputs( "$ENDHEADER\n\n", aFile );

    return true;
 * Function start_plot
 * Write GERBER header to file
 * initialize global variable g_Plot_PlotOutputFile
 * @param aFile: an opened file to write to
bool GERBER_PLOTTER::start_plot( FILE* aFile )
    wxASSERT( !output_file );
    final_file  = aFile;

    // Create a temporary filename to store gerber file
    // note tmpfile() does not work under Vista and W7 in user mode
    m_workFilename = filename + wxT(".tmp");
    work_file   = wxFopen( m_workFilename, wxT( "wt" ));
    output_file = work_file;
    wxASSERT( output_file );

    if( output_file == NULL )
        return false;

    wxString Title = creator + wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion();
    fprintf( output_file, "G04 (created by %s) date %s*\n",
             TO_UTF8( Title ), TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ) );

    // Specify linear interpol (G01), unit = INCH (G70), abs format (G90):
    fputs( "G01*\nG70*\nG90*\n", output_file );
    fputs( "%MOIN*%\n", output_file );     // set unites = INCHES

    /* Set gerber format to 3.4 */
    fputs( "G04 Gerber Fmt 3.4, Leading zero omitted, Abs format*\n%FSLAX34Y34*%\n",
           output_file );

    fputs( "G04 APERTURE LIST*\n", output_file );
    /* Select the default aperture */
    set_current_line_width( -1 );

    return true;
        const wxString& title, const wxPoint&  pos, const wxSize&   size ) :
    EDA_BASE_FRAME( parent, KICAD_MAIN_FRAME_T, title, pos, size,
    KIWAY_HOLDER( &::Kiway )
    m_active_project = false;
    m_leftWinWidth = 60;
    m_manager_Hotkeys_Descr = NULL;

    // Create the status line (bottom of the frame)
    static const int dims[3] = { -1, -1, 100 };

    CreateStatusBar( 3 );
    SetStatusWidths( 3, dims );

    // Give an icon
    wxIcon icon;
    icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_kicad_xpm ) );
    SetIcon( icon );

    // Give the last size and pos to main window
    LoadSettings( config() );
    SetSize( m_FramePos.x, m_FramePos.y, m_FrameSize.x, m_FrameSize.y );

    // Left window: is the box which display tree project
    m_LeftWin = new TREE_PROJECT_FRAME( this );

    // Right top Window: buttons to launch applications
    m_Launcher = new LAUNCHER_PANEL( this );

    // Add the wxTextCtrl showing all messages from KiCad:
    m_MessagesBox = new wxTextCtrl( this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString,
                                    wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
                                    wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY | wxBORDER_NONE );


    m_auimgr.SetManagedWindow( this );

    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_mainToolBar, EDA_PANE().HToolbar().Name( "MainToolbar" ).Top().Layer(6) );

    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_LeftWin, EDA_PANE().Palette().Name( "ProjectTree" ).Left().Layer(3)
                      .CaptionVisible( false ).PaneBorder( false )
                      .MinSize( 150, -1 ).BestSize( m_leftWinWidth, -1 ) );

    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_Launcher, EDA_PANE().HToolbar().Name( "Launcher" ).Top().Layer(1)
                      .MinSize( m_Launcher->GetPanelWidth(), m_Launcher->GetPanelHeight() ) );

    m_auimgr.AddPane( m_MessagesBox, EDA_PANE().Messages().Name( "MsgPanel" ).Center() );


    SetTitle( wxString( "KiCad " ) + GetBuildVersion() );
bool GERBER_PLOTTER::StartPlot()
    wxASSERT( outputFile );

    finalFile = outputFile;     // the actual gerber file will be created later

    // Create a temporary filename to store gerber file
    // note tmpfile() does not work under Vista and W7 in user mode
    m_workFilename = filename + wxT(".tmp");
    workFile   = wxFopen( m_workFilename, wxT( "wt" ));
    outputFile = workFile;
    wxASSERT( outputFile );

    if( outputFile == NULL )
        return false;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_headerExtraLines.GetCount(); ii++ )
        if( ! m_headerExtraLines[ii].IsEmpty() )
            fprintf( outputFile, "%s\n", TO_UTF8( m_headerExtraLines[ii] ) );

    // Set coordinate format to 3.6 or 4.5 absolute, leading zero omitted
    // the number of digits for the integer part of coordintes is needed
    // in gerber format, but is not very important when omitting leading zeros
    // It is fixed here to 3 (inch) or 4 (mm), but is not actually used
    int leadingDigitCount = m_gerberUnitInch ? 3 : 4;

    fprintf( outputFile, "%%FSLAX%d%dY%d%d*%%\n",
             leadingDigitCount, m_gerberUnitFmt,
             leadingDigitCount, m_gerberUnitFmt );
    fprintf( outputFile,
             "G04 Gerber Fmt %d.%d, Leading zero omitted, Abs format (unit %s)*\n",
             leadingDigitCount, m_gerberUnitFmt,
             m_gerberUnitInch ? "inch" : "mm" );

    wxString Title = creator + wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion();
    fprintf( outputFile, "G04 Created by KiCad (%s) date %s*\n",
             TO_UTF8( Title ), TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ) );

    /* Mass parameter: unit = INCHES/MM */
    if( m_gerberUnitInch )
        fputs( "%MOIN*%\n", outputFile );
        fputs( "%MOMM*%\n", outputFile );

    // Be sure the usual dark polarity is selected:
    fputs( "%LPD*%\n", outputFile );

    // Specify linear interpol (G01):
    fputs( "G01*\n", outputFile );

    fputs( "G04 APERTURE LIST*\n", outputFile );

    return true;
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::UpdateTitleAndInfo()
    GERBER_FILE_IMAGE* gerber = GetGbrImage( getActiveLayer() );
    wxString text;

    // Display the gerber filename
    if( gerber == NULL )
        text.Printf( wxT( "GerbView %s" ), GetChars( GetBuildVersion() ) );
        SetTitle( text );
        SetStatusText( wxEmptyString, 0 );
        text.Printf( _( "Drawing layer %d not in use" ), getActiveLayer() + 1 );
        m_TextInfo->SetValue( text );

        if( EnsureTextCtrlWidth( m_TextInfo, &text ) )  // Resized


    text = _( "File:" );
    text << wxT( " " ) << gerber->m_FileName;

    if( gerber->m_IsX2_file )
        text << wxT( " " ) << _( "(with X2 Attributes)" );

    SetTitle( text );

    gerber->DisplayImageInfo( this );

    // Display Image Name and Layer Name (from the current gerber data):
    text.Printf( _( "Image name: '%s'  Layer name: '%s'" ),
                 GetChars( gerber->m_ImageName ),
                 GetChars( gerber->GetLayerParams().m_LayerName ) );
    SetStatusText( text, 0 );

    // Display data format like fmt in X3.4Y3.4 no LZ or fmt mm X2.3 Y3.5 no TZ in main toolbar
    text.Printf( wxT( "fmt: %s X%d.%d Y%d.%d no %cZ" ),
                 gerber->m_GerbMetric ? wxT( "mm" ) : wxT( "in" ),
                 gerber->m_FmtLen.x - gerber->m_FmtScale.x, gerber->m_FmtScale.x,
                 gerber->m_FmtLen.y - gerber->m_FmtScale.y, gerber->m_FmtScale.y,
                 gerber->m_NoTrailingZeros ? 'T' : 'L' );

    if( gerber->m_IsX2_file )
        text << wxT(" ") << _( "X2 attr" );

    m_TextInfo->SetValue( text );

    if( EnsureTextCtrlWidth( m_TextInfo, &text ) )  // Resized
文件: backanno.cpp 项目: jerkey/kicad
bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LoadCmpToFootprintLinkFile()
    wxString path = wxGetCwd();

    wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Load Component-Footprint Link File" ),
                      path, wxEmptyString,
                      wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
        return false;

    wxString filename = dlg.GetPath();
    wxString title  = wxGetApp().GetAppName() + wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion();
    title += wxT( " " ) + filename;
    SetTitle( title );

    int response = wxMessageBox( _( "Do you want to force all the footprint fields visibility?" ),
                                 _( "Field Visibility Change" ),
                                 wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION | wxCANCEL, this );

    if( response == wxCANCEL )
        return false;

    bool changevisibility = response == wxYES;
    bool visible = false;

    if( changevisibility )
        response = wxMessageBox( _( "Do you want to make all the footprint fields visible?" ),
                                     _( "Field Visibility Option" ),
                                     wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION | wxCANCEL, this );
        if( response == wxCANCEL )
            return false;

        visible = response == wxYES;

    if( ! ProcessCmpToFootprintLinkFile( filename, changevisibility, visible ) )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "Failed to open component-footprint link file <%s>" ), filename.GetData() );
        DisplayError( this, msg );
        return false;

    return true;
bool WinEDA_App::OnInit(void)
	EDA_Appl = this;
	InitEDA_Appl( wxT("kicad"));
	/* init kicad */
	GetSettings();					// read current setup

	m_MainFrame = new WinEDA_MainFrame(this, NULL, wxT("KiCad"),
				 wxPoint(0,0), wxSize(600,400) );
	if(argc > 1 ) m_MainFrame->m_PrjFileName = argv[1];
	else if ( m_EDA_Config )
		m_MainFrame->m_PrjFileName = m_EDA_Config->Read(wxT("LastProject"),
				wxT("noname.pro") );
	else m_MainFrame->m_PrjFileName = wxT("noname.pro");

	wxString Title = g_Main_Title + wxT(" ") + GetBuildVersion();
	Title += wxT(" ") + m_MainFrame->m_PrjFileName;


	/* Preparation Affichage du logo */
#ifdef SPLASH_OK
wxString logoname( wxString(m_BinDir) + wxT("logokicad.png") );
wxBitmap image;
	if ( image.LoadFile( logoname, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ) )
		wxSplashScreen * logoscreen = new wxSplashScreen( image,
				500, m_MainFrame, -1,
				wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,

	if ( wxFileExists(m_MainFrame->m_PrjFileName) )

	return TRUE;
 * Initializes the <code>AboutAppInfo</code> object with application specific information.
 * This the object which holds all information about the application
static void InitKiCadAboutNew( AboutAppInfo& info )
    // Set application specific icon
    const wxTopLevelWindow* const tlw = wxDynamicCast( Pgm().App().GetTopWindow(), wxTopLevelWindow );

    if( tlw )
        info.SetIcon( tlw->GetIcon() );
        wxBitmap    bitmap = KiBitmap( icon_kicad_xpm  );
        wxIcon      icon;

        icon.CopyFromBitmap( bitmap );

        info.SetIcon( icon );

    /* Set title */
    info.SetAppName( wxT( ".: " ) + Pgm().App().GetAppName() + wxT( " :." ) );

    /* Copyright information */
    info.SetCopyright( wxT( "(C) 1992-2015 KiCad Developers Team" ) );

    /* KiCad build version */
    wxString version;
    version << wxT( "Version: " ) << GetBuildVersion()
#ifdef DEBUG
            << wxT( ", debug" )
            << wxT( ", release" )
            << wxT( " build" );

    info.SetBuildVersion( version );

    /* wxWidgets version */
    wxString libVersion;
        << wxT( "wxWidgets " )
        << wxMAJOR_VERSION << wxT( "." )
        << wxMINOR_VERSION << wxT( "." )
        << wxRELEASE_NUMBER

    /* Unicode or ANSI version */
        << wxT( " Unicode " );
        << wxT( " ANSI " );
 * CreatePartsAndLabelsFullList()
 * Main function to create the list of components and/or labels
 * (global labels, hierarchical labels and pin sheets )
void DIALOG_BUILD_BOM::CreatePartsAndLabelsFullList( bool aIncludeSubComponents )
    FILE*    f;
    wxString msg;

    if( ( f = wxFopen( m_listFileName, wxT( "wt" ) ) ) == NULL )
        msg = _( "Failed to open file " );
        msg << m_listFileName;
        DisplayError( this, msg );

    BOM_LISTER bom_lister;
    bom_lister.SetIncludeSubCmp( aIncludeSubComponents );
    bom_lister.SetPrintLocation( s_Add_Location );
    // Set the list of fields to add to list
    for( int ii = FOOTPRINT; ii < FIELD8; ii++ )
        if( IsFieldChecked( ii ) )
            bom_lister.AddFieldIdToPrintList( ii );

    // creates the list file
    wxString Title = wxGetApp().GetAppName() + wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion();

    fprintf( f, "%s  >> Creation date: %s\n", TO_UTF8( Title ), TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ) );

    if( m_ListCmpbyRefItems->GetValue() )
        bom_lister.PrintComponentsListByReferenceHumanReadable( f );

    if( m_ListCmpbyValItems->GetValue() )
        bom_lister.PrintComponentsListByValue( f );

    // Create list of global labels, hierachical labels and pins sheets

    if( m_GenListLabelsbySheet->GetValue() )
        bom_lister.PrintGlobalAndHierarchicalLabelsList( f, true );

    if( m_GenListLabelsbyVal->GetValue() )
        bom_lister.PrintGlobalAndHierarchicalLabelsList( f, false );

    msg = _( "\n#End List\n" );
    fprintf( f, "%s", TO_UTF8( msg ) );
    fclose( f );
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::LoadProject( const wxFileName& aProjectFileName )
    // The project file should be valid by the time we get here or something has gone wrong.
    if( !aProjectFileName.Exists() )

    // Any open KIFACE's must be closed if they are not part of the new project.
    // (We never want a KIWAY_PLAYER open on a KIWAY that isn't in the same project.)
    // User is prompted here to close those KIWAY_PLAYERs:
    if( !Kiway().PlayersClose( false ) )

    SetTitle( wxString( "KiCad " ) + GetBuildVersion() );

    // Save the project file for the currently loaded project.
    if( m_active_project )
        Prj().ConfigLoad( PgmTop().SysSearch(), GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );

    m_active_project = true;
    SetProjectFileName( aProjectFileName.GetFullPath() );
    Prj().ConfigLoad( PgmTop().SysSearch(), GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );

    wxString title = GetTitle() + " " + aProjectFileName.GetFullPath();

    if( !aProjectFileName.IsDirWritable() )
        title += _( " [Read Only]" );
        SetMruPath( Prj().GetProjectPath() ); // Only set MRU path if we have write access. Why?

    SetTitle( title );

    UpdateFileHistory( aProjectFileName.GetFullPath(), &PgmTop().GetFileHistory() );


    // Rebuild the list of watched paths.
    // however this is possible only when the main loop event handler is running,
    // so we use it to run the rebuild function.

    wxPostEvent( this, cmd );

bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::LoadCmpToFootprintLinkFile()
    wxString path = wxPathOnly( Prj().GetProjectFullName() );

    wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Load Component Footprint Link File" ),
                      path, wxEmptyString,
                      wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
        return false;

    wxString filename = dlg.GetPath();
    wxString title    = wxT( "Eeschema " ) + GetBuildVersion() + wxT( ' ' ) + filename;

    SetTitle( title );

    wxArrayString choices;
    choices.Add( _( "Keep existing footprint field visibility" ) );
    choices.Add( _( "Show all footprint fields" ) );
    choices.Add( _( "Hide all footprint fields" ) );

    wxSingleChoiceDialog choiceDlg( this, _( "Select the footprint field visibility setting." ),
                                    _( "Change Visibility" ), choices );

    if( choiceDlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
        return false;

    bool forceVisibility = (choiceDlg.GetSelection() != 0 );
    bool visibilityState = (choiceDlg.GetSelection() == 1 );

    if( !ProcessCmpToFootprintLinkFile( filename, forceVisibility, visibilityState ) )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Failed to open component-footprint link file '%s'" ),
                                         filename.GetData() );

        DisplayError( this, msg );
        return false;

    return true;
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::UpdateTitle()
    wxFileName  fileName = GetBoard()->GetFileName();
    wxString    title = wxString::Format( wxT( "Pcbnew %s " ), GetChars( GetBuildVersion() ) );

    if( fileName.IsOk() && fileName.FileExists() )
        title << fileName.GetFullPath();

        if( !fileName.IsFileWritable() )
            title << _( " [Read Only]" );
        title << _( " [new file]" ) << wxT(" ") << fileName.GetFullPath();

    SetTitle( title );
void WinEDA_MainFrame::Load_Prj_Config(void)

	if ( ! wxFileExists(m_PrjFileName) )
		wxString msg = _("Project File <") + m_PrjFileName + _("> not found");
		DisplayError(this, msg);

	wxSetWorkingDirectory(wxPathOnly(m_PrjFileName) );
	SetTitle(g_Main_Title + wxT(" ") + GetBuildVersion() + wxT(" ") + m_PrjFileName);

	wxString msg = _("\nWorking dir: ") + wxGetCwd();
	msg << _("\nProject: ") << m_PrjFileName << wxT("\n");
void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::UpdateTitle()
    wxString    title = wxString::Format( wxT( "Cvpcb %s  " ), GetChars( GetBuildVersion() ) );
    PROJECT&    prj = Prj();
    wxFileName fn = prj.GetProjectFullName();

    if( fn.IsOk() && !prj.GetProjectFullName().IsEmpty() && fn.FileExists() )
        title += wxString::Format( _("Project: '%s'"),
                                   GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() )

        if( !fn.IsFileWritable() )
            title += _( " [Read Only]" );
        title += _( "[no project]" );

    SetTitle( title );
 * Function UpdateTitleAndInfo
 * displays the short filename (if exists) of the selected layer
 *  on the caption of the main GerbView window
 * displays image name and the last layer name (found in the gerber file: LN <name> command)
 *  in the status bar
 * Note layer name can change when reading a gerber file, and the layer name is the last found.
 * So, show the layer name is not very useful, and can be seen as a debug feature.
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::UpdateTitleAndInfo()
    GERBER_IMAGE*   gerber = g_GERBER_List[ getActiveLayer() ];
    wxString        text;

    // Display the gerber filename
    if( gerber == NULL )
        text.Printf( wxT( "GerbView %s" ), GetChars( GetBuildVersion() ) );
        SetTitle( text );
        SetStatusText( wxEmptyString, 0 );
        text.Printf( _( "Layer %d not in use" ), getActiveLayer() + 1 );
        m_TextInfo->SetValue( text );

    text = _( "File:" );
    text << wxT( " " ) << gerber->m_FileName;
    SetTitle( text );


    // Display Image Name and Layer Name (from the current gerber data):
    text.Printf( _( "Image name: '%s'  Layer name: '%s'" ),
                 GetChars( gerber->m_ImageName ),
                 GetChars( gerber->GetLayerParams().m_LayerName ) );
    SetStatusText( text, 0 );

    // Display data format like fmt in X3.4Y3.4 no LZ or fmt mm X2.3 Y3.5 no TZ in main toolbar
    text.Printf( wxT( "fmt: %s X%d.%d Y%d.%d no %cZ" ),
                 gerber->m_GerbMetric ? wxT( "mm" ) : wxT( "in" ),
                 gerber->m_FmtLen.x - gerber->m_FmtScale.x, gerber->m_FmtScale.x,
                 gerber->m_FmtLen.y - gerber->m_FmtScale.y, gerber->m_FmtScale.y,
                 gerber->m_NoTrailingZeros ? 'T' : 'L' );

    m_TextInfo->SetValue( text );
void GBR_TO_PCB_EXPORTER::writePcbHeader()
    fprintf( m_fp, "PCBNEW-BOARD Version 1 date %s\n\n# Created by GerbView %s\n\n",
             TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ), TO_UTF8( GetBuildVersion() ) );
    fprintf( m_fp, "$GENERAL\n" );
    fprintf( m_fp, "encoding utf-8\n" );
    fprintf( m_fp, "Units deci-mils\n" );

    // Write copper layer count
    fprintf( m_fp, "LayerCount %d\n", m_pcbCopperLayersCount );
    // Write enabled layer mask:

    for( int ii = 0; ii < m_pcbCopperLayersCount - 2; ii++ )
        lmask |= 2 << ii;

    fprintf( m_fp, "EnabledLayers %08X\n", lmask );
    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndGENERAL\n\n" );

    // Creates void setup
    fprintf( m_fp, "$SETUP\n" );
    fprintf( m_fp, "$EndSETUP\n\n" );
 * Initializes the <code>AboutAppInfo</code> object with application specific information.
 * This the object which holds all information about the application
static void InitKiCadAboutNew( AboutAppInfo& info )
    // Set application specific icon
    const wxTopLevelWindow* const tlw = wxDynamicCast( Pgm().App().GetTopWindow(),
                                                       wxTopLevelWindow );

    if( tlw )
        info.SetIcon( tlw->GetIcon() );
        wxBitmap    bitmap = KiBitmap( icon_kicad_xpm  );
        wxIcon      icon;

        icon.CopyFromBitmap( bitmap );

        info.SetIcon( icon );

    /* Set title */
    info.SetAppName( Pgm().App().GetAppName() );

    /* Copyright information */
    info.SetCopyright( wxT( "(C) 1992-2016 KiCad Developers Team" ) );

    /* KiCad build version */
    wxString version;
    version << GetBuildVersion()
#ifdef DEBUG
            << wxT( ", debug" )
            << wxT( ", release" )
            << wxT( " build" );

    info.SetBuildVersion( version );

    /* wxWidgets version */
    wxString libVersion;
    libVersion << wxGetLibraryVersionInfo().GetVersionString();

    /* Unicode or ANSI version */
    libVersion << wxT( " Unicode " );
    libVersion << wxT( " ANSI " );

    // Just in case someone builds KiCad with the platform native of Boost instead of
    // the version included with the KiCad source.
    libVersion << wxT( "and Boost " ) << ( BOOST_VERSION / 100000 ) << wxT( "." )
               << ( BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000 ) << wxT( "." ) << ( BOOST_VERSION % 100 )
               << wxT( "\n" );

    // Operating System Information

    wxPlatformInfo platformInfo;

    libVersion << wxT( "Platform: " ) << wxGetOsDescription() << wxT( ", " )
               << platformInfo.GetArchName();

    info.SetLibVersion( libVersion );

    /* info/description part HTML formatted */

    wxString description;

    /* short description */
    description << wxT( "<p>" );
    description << wxT( "<b><u>" )
                << _( "Description" )
                << wxT( "</u></b>" ); // bold & underlined font for caption

    description << wxT( "<p>" )
                << _( "The KiCad EDA Suite is a set of open source applications for the "
                      "creation of electronic schematics and to design printed circuit boards." )
                << wxT( "</p>" );

    description << wxT( "</p>" );

    /* websites */
    description << wxT( "<p><b><u>" )
                << _( "KiCad on the web" )
                << wxT( "</u></b>" ); // bold & underlined font for caption

    // bullet-ed list with some http links
    description << wxT( "<ul>" );
    description << wxT( "<li>" )
                << HtmlHyperlink( wxT( "http://www.kicad-pcb.org" ),
                                  _( "The official KiCad site" ) )
                << wxT( "</li>" );
    description << wxT( "<li>" )
                << HtmlHyperlink( wxT( "https://launchpad.net/kicad" ),
                                  _( "Developer's website on Launchpad" ) )
                << wxT("</li>" );

    description << wxT( "<li>" )
                << HtmlHyperlink( wxT( "https://github.com/KiCad/" ),
                                  _( "Our official Repository for component and footprint libraries" ) )
                << wxT( "</li>" );

    description << wxT( "<li>" )
                << HtmlHyperlink( wxT( "https://github.com/KiCad/Footprint_Wizards" ),
                                  _( "Footprint wizards info on our official repository " ) )
                << wxT( "</li>" );

    description << wxT( "<p><u>" )
                << _( "Non official repositories" )
                << wxT( "</u>" );
    description << wxT( "<li>" )
                << HtmlHyperlink( wxT( "http://www.kicadlib.org" ),
                                  _( "Additional component libraries repository (kicadlib)" ) )
                << wxT( "</li>" );
    description << wxT( "<li>" )
                << HtmlHyperlink( wxT( "http://smisioto.no-ip.org/elettronica/kicad/kicad-en.htm" ),
                                  _( "Additional component libraries repository (smisioto)" ) )
                << wxT( "</li>" );
    description << wxT( "</ul>" );
    description << wxT( "</p>" );

    description << wxT( "<p><b><u>" )
                << _( "Bug tracker" )
                << wxT( "</u></b>" ); // bold & underlined font caption

    // bullet-ed list with some http links
    description << wxT( "<ul>" );
    description << wxT( "<li>" )
                <<HtmlHyperlink( wxT( "https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=0" ),
                                 _( "Report or examine bugs" ) )
                << wxT( "</li>" );
    description << wxT( "</ul></p>" );

    description << wxT( "<p><b><u>" )
                << _( "KiCad user group and community" )
                << wxT( "</u></b>" ); // bold & underlined font caption

    description << wxT( "<ul>" );
    description << wxT( "<li>" )
                << HtmlHyperlink( wxT( "https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/kicad-users/info" ),
                                  _( "KiCad user group" ) )
                << wxT( "</li>" );

    description << wxT( "<li>" )
                << HtmlHyperlink( wxT( "https://forum.kicad.info" ),
                                  _( "KiCad forum" ) )
                << wxT( "</li>" );

    description << wxT( "</ul></p>" );

    info.SetDescription( description );

    // License information also HTML formatted:
    wxString license;
        << wxT( "<div align='center'>" )
        << HtmlNewline( 4 )
        << _( "The complete KiCad EDA Suite is released under the" ) << HtmlNewline( 2 )
        << HtmlHyperlink( wxT( "http://www.gnu.org/licenses" ),
                          _( "GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or any later version" ) )
        << wxT( "</div>" );

    info.SetLicense( license );

    /* A contributor consists of the following information:
     * Mandatory:
     * - Name
     * - EMail address
     * Optional:
     * - Category
     * - Category specific icon
     * All contributors of the same category will be enumerated under this category
     * which should be represented by the same icon.

    // The core developers
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Jean-Pierre Charras" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Dick Hollenbeck" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Wayne Stambaugh" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );

    // alphabetically by last name after main 3 above:
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Frank Bennett" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Cirilo Bernardo" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Jonas Diemer" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Torsten Hüter" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Jerry Jacobs" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Mario Luzeiro" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Daniel Majewski" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Lorenzo Marcantonio" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Marco Mattila" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Chris Pavlina" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Miguel Angel Ajo Pelayo" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Jacobo Aragunde Perez" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Simon Richter" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Mark Roszko" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Marco Serantoni" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Brian Sidebotham" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Mateusz Skowroński" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Rafael Sokolowski" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Vesa Solonen" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Bernhard Stegmaier" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Orson (Maciej Sumiński)" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Tomasz Wlostowski" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Adam Wolf" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Alexander Zakamaldin" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Henner Zeller" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Andrew Zonenberg" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDeveloper( new Contributor( wxT( "Nick Østergaard" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );

    // The document writers
    info.AddDocWriter( new Contributor( wxT( "Jean-Pierre Charras" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDocWriter( new Contributor( wxT( "Marco Ciampa" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDocWriter( new Contributor( wxT( "Dick Hollenbeck" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDocWriter( new Contributor( wxT( "Igor Plyatov" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDocWriter( new Contributor( wxT( "Wayne Stambaugh" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddDocWriter( new Contributor( wxT( "Fabrizio Tappero" ),
                                        wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );

    /* The translators
     * As category the language to which the translation was done is used
     * and as icon the national flag of the corresponding country.
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Robert Buj" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Catalan (CA)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_catalan_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Martin Kratoška" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Czech (CZ)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_cs_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Jerry Jacobs" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Dutch (NL)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_nl_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Vesa Solonen" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Finnish (FI)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_fi_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Jean-Pierre Charras" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "French (FR)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_fr_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Mateusz Skowroński" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Polish (PL)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_pl_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Kerusey Karyu" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Polish (PL)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_pl_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Renie Marquet" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Portuguese (PT)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_pt_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Igor Plyatov" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Russian (RU)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_ru_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Andrey Fedorushkov" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Russian (RU)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_ru_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Eldar Khayrullin" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Russian (RU)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_ru_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Pedro Martin del Valle" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Spanish (ES)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_es_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Iñigo Zuluaga" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Spanish (ES)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_es_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Iñigo Figuero" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Spanish (ES)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_es_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Rafael Sokolowski" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "German (DE)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_de_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Kenta Yonekura" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Japanese (JA)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_jp_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Manolis Stefanis" ),
                                         wxT( "" ),
                                         wxT( "Greek (el_GR)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_gr_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Athanasios Vlastos" ),
                                         wxT( "" ),
                                         wxT( "Greek (el_GR)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_gr_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Milonas Kostas" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Greek (el_GR)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_gr_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Michail Misirlis" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Greek (el_GR)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_gr_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Massimo Cioce" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Italian (IT)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_it_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Marco Ciampa" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Italian (IT)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_it_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Evgeniy Ivanov" ),
                                         wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                         wxT( "Bulgarian (BG)" ),
                                         KiBitmapNew( lang_bg_xpm ) ) );

    // Maintainer who helper in translations, but not in a specific translation
    #define OTHERS_IN_TRANSLATION _( "Others" )
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Remy Halvick" ),
                                         OTHERS_IN_TRANSLATION ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "David Briscoe" ),
                                         OTHERS_IN_TRANSLATION ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Dominique Laigle" ),
                                         OTHERS_IN_TRANSLATION ) );
    info.AddTranslator( new Contributor( wxT( "Paul Burke" ),
                                         OTHERS_IN_TRANSLATION ) );

    // Programm credits for icons
    #define ICON_CONTRIBUTION _( "Icons by" )
    info.AddArtist( new Contributor( wxT( "Iñigo Zuluaga" ),
                                     wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                     KiBitmapNew( edit_module_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddArtist( new Contributor( wxT( "Konstantin Baranovskiy" ),
                                     wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                     KiBitmapNew( edit_module_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddArtist( new Contributor( wxT( "Fabrizio Tappero" ),
                                     wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                     KiBitmapNew( edit_module_xpm ) ) );

    // Programm credits for 3d models
    #define MODELS_3D_CONTRIBUTION _( "3D models by" )
    info.AddArtist( new Contributor( wxT( "Christophe Boschat" ),
                                     wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                     KiBitmapNew( three_d_xpm ) ) );
    info.AddArtist( new Contributor( wxT( "Renie Marquet" ),
                                     wxT( "*****@*****.**" ),
                                     KiBitmapNew( three_d_xpm ) ) );

    // Programm credits for package developers.
    info.AddPackager( new Contributor( wxT( "Jean-Samuel Reynaud" ),
                                       wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddPackager( new Contributor( wxT( "Bernhard Stegmaier" ),
                                       wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddPackager( new Contributor( wxT( "Adam Wolf" ),
                                       wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
    info.AddPackager( new Contributor( wxT( "Nick Østergaard" ),
                                       wxT( "*****@*****.**" ) ) );
void AddGerberX2Header( PLOTTER * aPlotter,
            const BOARD *aBoard, bool aUseX1CompatibilityMode )
    wxString text;

    // Creates the TF,.GenerationSoftware. Format is:
    // %TF,.GenerationSoftware,<vendor>,<application name>[,<application version>]*%
    text.Printf( wxT( "%%TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,%s*%%" ), GetBuildVersion() );
    aPlotter->AddLineToHeader( makeStringCompatX1( text, aUseX1CompatibilityMode ) );

    // creates the TF.CreationDate attribute:
    text = GbrMakeCreationDateAttributeString( aUseX1CompatibilityMode ?
                                                    GBR_NC_STRING_FORMAT_X1 :
                                                    GBR_NC_STRING_FORMAT_X2 );
    aPlotter->AddLineToHeader( text );

    // Creates the TF,.ProjectId. Format is (from Gerber file format doc):
    // %TF.ProjectId,<project id>,<project GUID>,<revision id>*%
    // <project id> is the name of the project, restricted to basic ASCII symbols only,
    // Rem: <project id> accepts only ASCII 7 code (only basic ASCII codes are allowed in gerber files).
    // and comma not accepted
    // All illegal chars will be replaced by underscore
    // <project GUID> is a string which is an unique id of a project.
    // However Kicad does not handle such a project GUID, so it is built from the board name
    wxFileName fn = aBoard->GetFileName();
    wxString msg = fn.GetFullName();

    // Build a <project GUID>, from the board name
    wxString guid = GbrMakeProjectGUIDfromString( msg );

    // build the <project id> string: this is the board short filename (without ext)
    // and all non ASCII chars and comma are replaced by '_'
    msg = fn.GetName();
    msg.Replace( wxT( "," ), wxT( "_" ) );

    // build the <rec> string. All non ASCII chars and comma are replaced by '_'
    wxString rev = ((BOARD*)aBoard)->GetTitleBlock().GetRevision();
    rev.Replace( wxT( "," ), wxT( "_" ) );

    if( rev.IsEmpty() )
        rev = wxT( "rev?" );

    text.Printf( wxT( "%%TF.ProjectId,%s,%s,%s*%%" ), msg.ToAscii(), GetChars( guid ), rev.ToAscii() );
    aPlotter->AddLineToHeader( makeStringCompatX1( text, aUseX1CompatibilityMode ) );

    // Add the TF.SameCoordinates, that specify all gerber files uses the same
    // origin and orientation, and the registration between files is OK.
    // The parameter of TF.SameCoordinates is a string that is common
    // to all files using the same registration and has no special meaning:
    // this is just a key
    // Because there is no mirroring/rotation in Kicad, only the plot offset origin
    // can create incorrect registration.
    // So we create a key from plot offset options.
    // and therefore for a given board, all Gerber files having the same key have the same
    // plot origin and use the same registration
    // Currently the key is "Original" when using absolute Pcbnew coordinates,
    // and te PY ans PY position od auxiliary axis, when using it.
    // Please, if absolute Pcbnew coordinates, one day, are set by user, change the way
    // the key is built to ensure file only using the *same* axis have the same key.
    wxString registration_id = "Original";
    wxPoint auxOrigin = aBoard->GetAuxOrigin();

    if( aBoard->GetPlotOptions().GetUseAuxOrigin() && auxOrigin.x && auxOrigin.y )
        registration_id.Printf( "PX%xPY%x", auxOrigin.x, auxOrigin.y );

    text.Printf( "%%TF.SameCoordinates,%s*%%", registration_id.GetData() );
    aPlotter->AddLineToHeader( makeStringCompatX1( text, aUseX1CompatibilityMode ) );
void AddGerberX2Attribute( PLOTTER * aPlotter,
            const BOARD *aBoard, LAYER_NUM aLayer, bool aUseX1CompatibilityMode )
    wxString text;

    // Creates the TF,.GenerationSoftware. Format is:
    // %TF,.GenerationSoftware,<vendor>,<application name>[,<application version>]*%
    text.Printf( wxT( "%%TF.GenerationSoftware,KiCad,Pcbnew,%s*%%" ), GetBuildVersion() );
    aPlotter->AddLineToHeader( makeStringCompatX1( text, aUseX1CompatibilityMode ) );

    // creates the TF.CreationDate ext:
    // The attribute value must conform to the full version of the ISO 8601
    // date and time format, including time and time zone. Note that this is
    // the date the Gerber file was effectively created,
    // not the time the project of PCB was started
    wxDateTime date( wxDateTime::GetTimeNow() );
    // Date format: see http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime
    wxString msg = date.Format( wxT( "%z" ) );  // Extract the time zone offset
    // The time zone offset format is + (or -) mm or hhmm  (mm = number of minutes, hh = number of hours)
    // we want +(or -) hh:mm
    if( msg.Len() > 3 )
        msg.insert( 3, ":", 1 ),
    text.Printf( wxT( "%%TF.CreationDate,%s%s*%%" ), GetChars( date.FormatISOCombined() ), GetChars( msg ) );
    aPlotter->AddLineToHeader( makeStringCompatX1( text, aUseX1CompatibilityMode ) );

    // Creates the TF,.ProjectId. Format is (from Gerber file format doc):
    // %TF.ProjectId,<project id>,<project GUID>,<revision id>*%
    // <project id> is the name of the project, restricted to basic ASCII symbols only,
    // and comma not accepted
    // All illegal chars will be replaced by underscore
    // <project GUID> is a 32 hexadecimal digits string which is an unique id of a project.
    // This is a random 128-bit number expressed in 32 hexadecimal digits.
    // See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GUID for more information
    // However Kicad does not handle such a project GUID, so it is built from the board name
    // Rem: <project id> accepts only ASCII 7 code (only basic ASCII codes are allowed in gerber files).
    wxFileName fn = aBoard->GetFileName();
    msg = fn.GetFullName();
    wxString guid;

    // Build a 32 digits GUID from the board name:
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < msg.Len(); ii++ )
        int cc1 = int( msg[ii] ) & 0x0F;
        int cc2 = ( int( msg[ii] ) >> 4) & 0x0F;
        guid << wxString::Format( wxT( "%X%X" ), cc2, cc1 );

        if( guid.Len() >= 32 )

    // guid has 32 digits, so add missing digits
    int cnt = 32 - guid.Len();

    if( cnt > 0 )
        guid.Append( '0', cnt );

    // build the <project id> string: this is the board short filename (without ext)
    // and all non ASCII chars and comma are replaced by '_'
    msg = fn.GetName();
    msg.Replace( wxT( "," ), wxT( "_" ) );

    // build the <rec> string. All non ASCII chars and comma are replaced by '_'
    wxString rev = ((BOARD*)aBoard)->GetTitleBlock().GetRevision();
    rev.Replace( wxT( "," ), wxT( "_" ) );

    if( rev.IsEmpty() )
        rev = wxT( "rev?" );

    text.Printf( wxT( "%%TF.ProjectId,%s,%s,%s*%%" ), msg.ToAscii(), GetChars( guid ), rev.ToAscii() );
    aPlotter->AddLineToHeader( makeStringCompatX1( text, aUseX1CompatibilityMode ) );

    // Add the TF.FileFunction
    text = GetGerberFileFunctionAttribute( aBoard, aLayer );
    aPlotter->AddLineToHeader( makeStringCompatX1( text, aUseX1CompatibilityMode ) );

    // Add the TF.FilePolarity (for layers which support that)
    text = GetGerberFilePolarityAttribute( aLayer );

    if( !text.IsEmpty() )
        aPlotter->AddLineToHeader( makeStringCompatX1( text, aUseX1CompatibilityMode ) );
    fputs( "M48\n", m_file );    // The beginning of a header

    if( !m_minimalHeader )
        // The next 2 lines in EXCELLON files are comments:
        wxString msg;
        msg << wxT("KiCad") << wxT( " " ) << GetBuildVersion();

        fprintf( m_file, ";DRILL file {%s} date %s\n", TO_UTF8( msg ),
                 TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ) );
        msg = wxT( ";FORMAT={" );

        // Print precision:
        if( m_zeroFormat != DECIMAL_FORMAT )
            msg << m_precision.GetPrecisionString();
            msg << wxT( "-:-" );  // in decimal format the precision is irrelevant

        msg << wxT( "/ absolute / " );
        msg << ( m_unitsDecimal ? wxT( "metric" ) :  wxT( "inch" ) );

        /* Adding numbers notation format.
         * this is same as m_Choice_Zeros_Format strings, but NOT translated
         * because some EXCELLON parsers do not like non ASCII values
         * so we use ONLY English (ASCII) strings.
         * if new options are added in m_Choice_Zeros_Format, they must also
         * be added here
        msg << wxT( " / " );

        const wxString zero_fmt[4] =
            wxT( "decimal" ),
            wxT( "suppress leading zeros" ),
            wxT( "suppress trailing zeros" ),
            wxT( "keep zeros" )

        msg << zero_fmt[m_zeroFormat];
        msg << wxT( "}\n" );
        fputs( TO_UTF8( msg ), m_file );
        fputs( "FMAT,2\n", m_file );     // Use Format 2 commands (version used since 1979)

    fputs( m_unitsDecimal ? "METRIC" : "INCH", m_file );

    switch( m_zeroFormat )
        fputs( ",TZ\n", m_file );

        fputs( ",LZ\n", m_file );

    case KEEP_ZEROS:
        fputs( ",TZ\n", m_file ); // TZ is acceptable when all zeros are kept
    SCH_SCREEN* screen;
    XNODE*     xdesign = node( wxT( "design" ) );
    XNODE*     xtitleBlock;
    XNODE*     xsheet;
    XNODE*     xcomment;
    wxString   sheetTxt;
    wxFileName sourceFileName;

    // the root sheet is a special sheet, call it source
    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "source" ), g_RootSheet->GetScreen()->GetFileName() ) );

    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "date" ), DateAndTime() ) );

    // which Eeschema tool
    xdesign->AddChild( node( wxT( "tool" ), wxT( "Eeschema " ) + GetBuildVersion() ) );

        Export the sheets information
    SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList( g_RootSheet );

    for( unsigned i = 0;  i < sheetList.size();  i++ )
        screen = sheetList[i].LastScreen();

        xdesign->AddChild( xsheet = node( wxT( "sheet" ) ) );

        // get the string representation of the sheet index number.
        // Note that sheet->GetIndex() is zero index base and we need to increment the
        // number by one to make it human readable
        sheetTxt.Printf( wxT( "%u" ), i + 1 );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "number" ), sheetTxt );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "name" ), sheetList[i].PathHumanReadable() );
        xsheet->AddAttribute( wxT( "tstamps" ), sheetList[i].Path() );

        TITLE_BLOCK tb = screen->GetTitleBlock();

        xsheet->AddChild( xtitleBlock = node( wxT( "title_block" ) ) );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "title" ), tb.GetTitle() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "company" ), tb.GetCompany() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "rev" ), tb.GetRevision() ) );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "date" ), tb.GetDate() ) );

        // We are going to remove the fileName directories.
        sourceFileName = wxFileName( screen->GetFileName() );
        xtitleBlock->AddChild( node( wxT( "source" ), sourceFileName.GetFullName() ) );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("1") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment1() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("2") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment2() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("3") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment3() );

        xtitleBlock->AddChild( xcomment = node( wxT( "comment" ) ) );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT("number"), wxT("4") );
        xcomment->AddAttribute( wxT( "value" ), tb.GetComment4() );

    return xdesign;
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    int n;
    g.dsn = "version.db";
    g.build_id = INVALID_INDEX;
    g.flags.use_common_build = 1;  // force this flag...
    for( n = 1; n < argc; n++ )
        if( argv[n][0] == '-' )
            switch( argv[n][1] )
            case 'n':
            case 'N':
                g.flags.skip_push = 1;
            case 'b':
            case 'B':
                if( argv[n][2] )
                    g.build_id = atoi( argv[n] + 2);
                else if( n < (argc-1) )
                    g.build_id = atoi( argv[++n] );

            case 'u':
            case 'U':
                if( !l.odbc )
                    l.odbc = ConnectToDatabase( g.dsn );
                IncrementBuild( l.odbc );
            case 'd':
            case 'D':
                if( argv[n][2] )
                    g.dsn = argv[n] + 2;
                else if( n < (argc-1) )
                    g.dsn = argv[++n];

                if( l.odbc )
                    CloseDatabase( l.odbc );
                l.odbc = ConnectToDatabase( g.dsn );
                lprintf( "new db %p", l.odbc );

            case 'v':
            case 'V':
                if( !l.odbc )
                    l.odbc = ConnectToDatabase( g.dsn );

                if( argv[n][2] )
                    SetCurrentVersion( l.odbc, argv[n]+2 );
                else if( n < (argc-1) )
                    SetCurrentVersion( l.odbc, argv[++n] );
            PPROJECT_ROOT project_root = New( PROJECT_ROOT );
            if( !l.odbc )
                l.odbc = ConnectToDatabase( g.dsn );

            project_root->root_path = argv[n];
            project_root->project_id = CheckProjectTable( l.odbc, argv[n] );
            SetCurrentPath( project_root->root_path );
            // GetBuildVersion also does the hg tag....
            project_root->build_id = GetBuildVersion( l.odbc, project_root->project_id );
            if( !g.flags.skip_push )
                System( "hg push", NULL, 0 );
    if( n == 1 )
        printf( "Usage: %s [-b build_id] [-u] [-v version] [-d dsn] [-n] [project]\n", argv[0] );
        printf( "  option order matters; such that - option must preceed the project otherwise does not matter\n" );
        printf( " -b sets the current build number\n" );
        printf( "  build_id is an integer; it specifies the least significant build digits\n" );
        printf( " -v sets the major version part\n" );
        printf( "  version is a string; it specifies the major part of the version\n" );
        printf( " -d specifies the database; if not specified will be version.db in the current working directory.\n" );
        printf( "  dsn is a string; it is the data source name (.db extension will trigger sqlite)\n" );
        printf( "  project is a string; it specifies the application name for the versioning\n" );
        printf( " -u increments the current build number.\n" );
        printf( " -n skips running 'hg push' after 'hg tag'\n" );
        printf( " using -v will set the current default for the next update\n" );
        printf( " using -b sets the current so the tool can be called without -u to rebuild.\n" );

    return 0;
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnLoadProject( wxCommandEvent& event )
    // Any open KIFACE's must be closed if they are not part of the new project.
    // (We never want a KIWAY_PLAYER open on a KIWAY that isn't in the same project.)
    // User is prompted here to close those KIWAY_PLAYERs:
    if( !Kiway.PlayersClose( false ) )

    // evt_id can be one of:
    //   wxID_ANY from 3 different places.
    int evt_id = event.GetId();

    wxString    title;


    bool newProject = ( evt_id == ID_NEW_PROJECT ) ||
                      ( evt_id == ID_NEW_PROJECT_FROM_TEMPLATE );

    if( evt_id != wxID_ANY )
        int  style;

        if( newProject )
            title = _( "Create New Project" );
            style = wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT;
            title = _( "Open Existing Project" );
            style = wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST;

        wxString        default_dir = GetMruPath();
        wxFileDialog    dlg( this, title, default_dir, wxEmptyString,
                             ProjectFileWildcard, style );

        if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

        //DBG( printf( "%s: wxFileDialog::GetPath=%s\n", __func__, TO_UTF8( dlg.GetPath() ) );)

        wxFileName pro( dlg.GetPath() );
        pro.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension );     // enforce extension

        if( !pro.IsAbsolute() )

        if( newProject )
            // Check if the project directory is empty
            wxDir directory( pro.GetPath() );

            if( directory.HasFiles() )
                wxString msg = _( "The selected directory is not empty.  We recommend you "
                                  "create projects in their own clean directory.\n\nDo you "
                                  "want to create a new empty directory for the project?" );

                if( IsOK( this, msg ) )
                    // Append a new directory with the same name of the project file
                    // and try to create it
                    pro.AppendDir( pro.GetName() );

                    if( !wxMkdir( pro.GetPath() ) )
                        // There was a problem, undo

            if( evt_id == ID_NEW_PROJECT )
                CreateNewProject( pro.GetFullPath() );
            else if( evt_id == ID_NEW_PROJECT_FROM_TEMPLATE )
                // Launch the template selector dialog
                CreateNewProject( pro.GetFullPath(), true );

        SetProjectFileName( pro.GetFullPath() );

    wxString prj_filename = GetProjectFileName();

    wxString nameless_prj = NAMELESS_PROJECT  wxT( ".pro" );

    wxLogDebug( wxT( "%s: %s" ),
                GetChars( wxFileName( prj_filename ).GetFullName() ),
                GetChars( nameless_prj ) );

    // Check if project file exists and if it is not noname.pro
    if( !wxFileExists( prj_filename )
            && !wxFileName( prj_filename ).GetFullName().IsSameAs( nameless_prj ) )
        wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
                                             "KiCad project file '%s' not found" ),
                                         GetChars( prj_filename ) );

        DisplayError( this, msg );

    // Either this is the first time kicad has been run or one of the projects in the
    // history list is no longer valid.  This prevents kicad from automatically creating
    // a noname.pro file in the same folder as the kicad binary.
    if( wxFileName( prj_filename ).GetFullName().IsSameAs( nameless_prj ) && !newProject )
        m_active_project = false;
        m_MessagesBox->SetValue( _( "To proceed, you can use the File menu to start a new project." ) );
        m_active_project = true;

    Prj().ConfigLoad( Pgm().SysSearch(), GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );

    title = wxT( "KiCad " ) + GetBuildVersion() +  wxT( ' ' ) + prj_filename;

    if( !wxFileName( prj_filename ).IsDirWritable() )
        title += _( " [Read Only]" );
        SetMruPath( Prj().GetProjectPath() );    // Only set MRU path if we have write access.

    SetTitle( title );

    if( !prj_filename.IsSameAs( nameless_prj ) )
        UpdateFileHistory( prj_filename, &Pgm().GetFileHistory() );


    // Rebuild the list of watched paths.
    // however this is possible only when the main loop event handler is running,
    // so we use it to run the rebuild function.

    wxPostEvent( this, cmd );

// returns the full text corresponding to the aTextbase,
// after replacing format symbols by the corresponding value
wxString WS_DRAW_ITEM_LIST::BuildFullText( const wxString& aTextbase )
    wxString msg;

    /* Known formats
     * %% = replaced by %
     * %K = Kicad version
     * %Z = paper format name (A4, USLetter)
     * %Y = company name
     * %D = date
     * %R = revision
     * %S = sheet number
     * %N = number of sheets
     * %Cx = comment (x = 0 to 9 to identify the comment)
     * %F = filename
     * %P = sheet path (sheet full name)
     * %T = title

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aTextbase.Len(); ii++ )
        if( aTextbase[ii] != '%' )
            msg << aTextbase[ii];

        if( ++ii >= aTextbase.Len() )

        wxChar format = aTextbase[ii];
        switch( format )
            case '%':
                msg += '%';

            case 'D':
                msg += m_titleBlock->GetDate();

            case 'R':
                msg += m_titleBlock->GetRevision();

            case 'K':
                msg += productName + Pgm().App().GetAppName();
                msg += wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion();

            case 'Z':
                msg += *m_paperFormat;

            case 'S':
                msg << m_sheetNumber;

            case 'N':
                msg << m_sheetCount;

            case 'F':
                    wxFileName fn( m_fileName );
                    msg += fn.GetFullName();

            case 'P':
                msg += *m_sheetFullName;

            case 'Y':
                msg = m_titleBlock->GetCompany();

            case 'T':
                msg += m_titleBlock->GetTitle();

            case 'C':
                format = aTextbase[++ii];
                switch( format )
                case '0':
                case '1':
                case '2':
                case '3':
                case '4':
                case '5':
                case '6':
                case '7':
                case '8':
                case '9':
                    msg += m_titleBlock->GetComment( format - '0');



    return msg;
 * Function Export_IDF3
 * generates IDFv3 compliant board (*.emn) and library (*.emp)
 * files representing the user's PCB design.
bool Export_IDF3( BOARD* aPcb, const wxString& aFullFileName, bool aUseThou,
                  double aXRef, double aYRef )
    IDF3_BOARD idfBoard( IDF3::CAD_ELEC );

    // Switch the locale to standard C (needed to print floating point numbers)
    LOCALE_IO toggle;

    bool ok = true;
    double scale = MM_PER_IU;   // we must scale internal units to mm for IDF
    IDF3::IDF_UNIT idfUnit;

    if( aUseThou )
        idfUnit = IDF3::UNIT_THOU;
        idfBoard.SetUserPrecision( 1 );
        idfUnit = IDF3::UNIT_MM;
        idfBoard.SetUserPrecision( 5 );

    wxFileName brdName = aPcb->GetFileName();

    idfBoard.SetUserScale( scale );
    idfBoard.SetBoardThickness( aPcb->GetDesignSettings().GetBoardThickness() * scale );
    idfBoard.SetBoardName( TO_UTF8( brdName.GetFullName() ) );
    idfBoard.SetBoardVersion( 0 );
    idfBoard.SetLibraryVersion( 0 );

    std::ostringstream ostr;
    ostr << "KiCad " << TO_UTF8( GetBuildVersion() );
    idfBoard.SetIDFSource( ostr.str() );

        // set up the board reference point
        idfBoard.SetUserOffset( -aXRef, aYRef );

        // Export the board outline
        idf_export_outline( aPcb, idfBoard );

        // Output the drill holes and module (library) data.
        for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules; module != 0; module = module->Next() )
            idf_export_module( aPcb, module, idfBoard );

        if( !idfBoard.WriteFile( aFullFileName, idfUnit, false ) )
            wxString msg;
            msg << _( "IDF Export Failed:\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( idfBoard.GetError().c_str() );
            wxMessageBox( msg );

            ok = false;
    catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
        wxString msg;
        msg << _( "IDF Export Failed:\n" ) << ioe.errorText;
        wxMessageBox( msg );

        ok = false;
    catch( const std::exception& e )
        wxString msg;
        msg << _( "IDF Export Failed:\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( e.what() );
        wxMessageBox( msg );
        ok = false;

    return ok;
void EDA_BASE_FRAME::CopyVersionInfoToClipboard( wxCommandEvent&  event )
    if( !wxTheClipboard->Open() )
        wxMessageBox( _( "Could not open clipboard to write version information." ),
                      _( "Clipboard Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION, this );

    wxString tmp;
    wxPlatformInfo info;

    tmp = wxT( "Application: " ) + Pgm().App().GetAppName() + wxT( "\n" );
    tmp << wxT( "Version: " ) << GetBuildVersion()
#ifdef DEBUG
        << wxT( " Debug" )
        << wxT( " Release" )
        << wxT( " build\n" );
    tmp << wxT( "wxWidgets: Version " ) << FROM_UTF8( wxVERSION_NUM_DOT_STRING )
        << FROM_UTF8( KICAD_BUILD_OPTIONS_SIGNATURE() ) << wxT( "\n" )
        << wxT( "Platform: " ) << wxGetOsDescription() << wxT( ", " )
        << info.GetArchName() << wxT( ", " ) << info.GetEndiannessName() << wxT( ", " )
        << info.GetPortIdName() << wxT( "\n" );

    // Just in case someone builds KiCad with the platform native of Boost instead of
    // the version included with the KiCad source.
    tmp << wxT( "Boost version: " ) << ( BOOST_VERSION / 100000 ) << wxT( "." )
        << ( BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000 ) << wxT( "." ) << ( BOOST_VERSION % 100 ) << wxT( "\n" );

    tmp << wxT( "         USE_WX_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT=" );
    tmp << wxT( "ON\n" );
    tmp << wxT( "OFF\n" );

    tmp << wxT( "         USE_WX_OVERLAY=" );
    tmp << wxT( "ON\n" );
    tmp << wxT( "OFF\n" );

    tmp << wxT( "         KICAD_SCRIPTING=" );
    tmp << wxT( "ON\n" );
    tmp << wxT( "OFF\n" );

    tmp << wxT( "         KICAD_SCRIPTING_MODULES=" );
    tmp << wxT( "ON\n" );
    tmp << wxT( "OFF\n" );

    tmp << wxT( "         KICAD_SCRIPTING_WXPYTHON=" );
    tmp << wxT( "ON\n" );
    tmp << wxT( "OFF\n" );

    tmp << wxT( "         USE_FP_LIB_TABLE=HARD_CODED_ON\n" );

    tmp << wxT( "         BUILD_GITHUB_PLUGIN=" );
    tmp << wxT( "ON\n" );
    tmp << wxT( "OFF\n" );

    wxMessageBox( tmp, _("Version Information (copied to the clipboard)") );

    wxTheClipboard->SetData( new wxTextDataObject( tmp ) );
bool NETLIST_EXPORTER_CADSTAR::Write( const wxString& aOutFileName, unsigned aNetlistOptions )
    (void)aNetlistOptions;      //unused
    int ret = 0;
    FILE* f = NULL;

    if( ( f = wxFopen( aOutFileName, wxT( "wt" ) ) ) == NULL )
        wxString msg;
        msg.Printf( _( "Failed to create file '%s'" ),
                    GetChars( aOutFileName ) );
        DisplayError( NULL, msg );
        return false;

    wxString StartCmpDesc = StartLine + wxT( "ADD_COM" );
    wxString msg;
    wxString footprint;
    SCH_SHEET_PATH* sheet;
    EDA_ITEM* DrawList;
    SCH_COMPONENT* component;
    wxString title = wxT( "Eeschema " ) + GetBuildVersion();

    ret |= fprintf( f, "%sHEA\n", TO_UTF8( StartLine ) );
    ret |= fprintf( f, "%sTIM %s\n", TO_UTF8( StartLine ), TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ) );
    ret |= fprintf( f, "%sAPP ", TO_UTF8( StartLine ) );
    ret |= fprintf( f, "\"%s\"\n", TO_UTF8( title ) );
    ret |= fprintf( f, "\n" );

    // Prepare list of nets generation
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_masterList->size(); ii++ )
        m_masterList->GetItem( ii )->m_Flag = 0;

    // Create netlist module section

    SCH_SHEET_LIST SheetList;

    for( sheet = SheetList.GetFirst(); sheet != NULL; sheet = SheetList.GetNext() )
        for( DrawList = sheet->LastDrawList(); DrawList != NULL; DrawList = DrawList->Next() )
            DrawList = component = findNextComponentAndCreatePinList( DrawList, sheet );

            if( component == NULL )

            doing nothing with footprint
            if( !component->GetField( FOOTPRINT )->IsVoid() )
                footprint = component->GetField( FOOTPRINT )->m_Text;
                footprint.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
                footprint = wxT( "$noname" );

            msg = component->GetRef( sheet );
            ret |= fprintf( f, "%s     ", TO_UTF8( StartCmpDesc ) );
            ret |= fprintf( f, "%s", TO_UTF8( msg ) );

            msg = component->GetField( VALUE )->GetText();
            msg.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
            ret |= fprintf( f, "     \"%s\"", TO_UTF8( msg ) );
            ret |= fprintf( f, "\n" );

    ret |= fprintf( f, "\n" );


    if( ! writeListOfNets( f ) )
        ret = -1;   // set error

    ret |= fprintf( f, "\n%sEND\n", TO_UTF8( StartLine ) );

    fclose( f );

    return ret >= 0;
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::TraceWorkSheet( wxDC* DC, BASE_SCREEN* screen, int line_width )
    if( !m_showBorderAndTitleBlock )

    const PAGE_INFO&  pageInfo = GetPageSettings();
    wxSize  pageSize = pageInfo.GetSizeMils();

    int ii, jj, xg, yg, ipas, gxpas, gypas;
    wxPoint pos;
    int refx, refy;
    EDA_Colors Color;
    wxString Line;
    Ki_WorkSheetData* WsItem;
    int scale = m_internalUnits / 1000;
    wxSize size( SIZETEXT * scale, SIZETEXT * scale );
#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
    wxSize size2( SIZETEXT * scale * 2, SIZETEXT * scale * 2);
    wxSize size3( SIZETEXT * scale * 3, SIZETEXT * scale * 3);
    wxSize size1_5( SIZETEXT * scale * 1.5, SIZETEXT * scale * 1.5);
    wxSize size_ref( SIZETEXT_REF * scale, SIZETEXT_REF * scale );

    wxString msg;
    int width = line_width;

    Color = RED;

    // if not printing, draw the page limits:
    if( !screen->m_IsPrinting && g_ShowPageLimits )
        GRSetDrawMode( DC, GR_COPY );
        GRRect( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, 0, 0,
                pageSize.x * scale, pageSize.y * scale, width,
                g_DrawBgColor == WHITE ? LIGHTGRAY : DARKDARKGRAY );

    GRSetDrawMode( DC, GR_COPY );

    // Draw the border.

    // Upper left corner
    refx = pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils();
    refy = pageInfo.GetTopMarginMils();

    // lower right corner
    xg   = pageSize.x - pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils();
    yg   = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils();

#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
    GRRect( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, refx * scale, refy * scale,
            xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );

    for( ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++ )
        GRRect( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, refx * scale, refy * scale,
                xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );

        refx += GRID_REF_W; refy += GRID_REF_W;
        xg   -= GRID_REF_W; yg -= GRID_REF_W;


    // Draw the reference legends.
    refx = pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils();

#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
    refy = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils(); // Lower left corner
    for( WsItem = &WS_Segm1_LU; WsItem != NULL; WsItem = WsItem->Pnext )
        pos.x = ( refx - WsItem->m_Posx ) * scale;
        pos.y = ( refy - WsItem->m_Posy ) * scale;
        switch( WsItem->m_Type )
        case WS_CADRE:

        case WS_PODPIS_LU:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, size,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_SEGMENT_LU:
            xg = pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endx;
            yg = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endy;
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, pos.x, pos.y,
                    xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );

    refy = pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils(); // Left Top corner
    for( WsItem = &WS_Segm1_LT; WsItem != NULL; WsItem = WsItem->Pnext )
        pos.x = ( refx + WsItem->m_Posx ) * scale;
        pos.y = ( refy + WsItem->m_Posy ) * scale;
        switch( WsItem->m_Type )
        case WS_SEGMENT_LT:
            xg = pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils() + WsItem->m_Endx;
            yg = pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() + WsItem->m_Endy;
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, pos.x, pos.y,
                    xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );


    // Upper left corner
    refy = pageInfo.GetTopMarginMils();

    // lower right corner
    xg   = pageSize.x - pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils();
    yg   = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils();

    ipas  = ( xg - refx ) / PAS_REF;
    gxpas = ( xg - refx ) / ipas;
    for( ii = refx + gxpas, jj = 1; ipas > 0; ii += gxpas, jj++, ipas-- )
        Line.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), jj );

        if( ii < xg - PAS_REF / 2 )
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, ii * scale, refy * scale,
                    ii * scale, ( refy + GRID_REF_W ) * scale, width, Color );
        DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC,
                         wxPoint( ( ii - gxpas / 2 ) * scale,
                                  ( refy + GRID_REF_W / 2 ) * scale ),
                         Color, Line, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size_ref,
                         width, false, false );

        if( ii < xg - PAS_REF / 2 )
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, ii * scale, yg * scale,
                    ii * scale, ( yg - GRID_REF_W ) * scale, width, Color );
        DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC,
                         wxPoint( ( ii - gxpas / 2 ) * scale,
                                  ( yg - GRID_REF_W / 2) * scale ),
                         Color, Line, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size_ref,
                         width, false, false );

    ipas  = ( yg - refy ) / PAS_REF;
    gypas = ( yg - refy ) / ipas;

    for( ii = refy + gypas, jj = 0; ipas > 0; ii += gypas, jj++, ipas-- )
        if( jj < 26 )
            Line.Printf( wxT( "%c" ), jj + 'A' );
        else    // I hope 52 identifiers are enought...
            Line.Printf( wxT( "%c" ), 'a' + jj - 26 );

        if( ii < yg - PAS_REF / 2 )
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, refx * scale, ii * scale,
                    ( refx + GRID_REF_W ) * scale, ii * scale, width, Color );

        DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC,
                         wxPoint( ( refx + GRID_REF_W / 2 ) * scale,
                                  ( ii - gypas / 2 ) * scale ),
                         Color, Line, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size_ref,
                         width, false, false );

        if( ii < yg - PAS_REF / 2 )
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, xg * scale, ii * scale,
                    ( xg - GRID_REF_W ) * scale, ii * scale, width, Color );
        DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC,
                         wxPoint( ( xg - GRID_REF_W / 2 ) * scale,
                                  ( ii - gxpas / 2 ) * scale ),
                         Color, Line, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size_ref,
                         width, false, false );


#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
    // lower right corner
    refx = pageSize.x - pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils();
    refy = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils();

    if( screen->m_ScreenNumber == 1 )
        for( WsItem = &WS_Date; WsItem != NULL; WsItem = WsItem->Pnext )
            pos.x = (refx - WsItem->m_Posx) * scale;
            pos.y = (refy - WsItem->m_Posy) * scale;
            switch( WsItem->m_Type )
            case WS_DATE:

            case WS_REV:

            case WS_KICAD_VERSION:

            case WS_PODPIS:
                if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                    msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );

            case WS_SIZESHEET:

            case WS_IDENTSHEET:
                if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                    msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
                if( screen->m_NumberOfScreen > 1 )
                    msg << screen->m_ScreenNumber;
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color, msg,
                                 TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT,
                                 GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, width, false, false );

            case WS_SHEETS:
                if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                    msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
                msg << screen->m_NumberOfScreen;
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color, msg,
                                 TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT,
                                 GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, width, false, false );

            case WS_COMPANY_NAME:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetCompany();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size1_5,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );

            case WS_TITLE:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetTitle();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size1_5,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );

            case WS_COMMENT1:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetComment1();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size3,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );
                    pos.x = (pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils() + 1260) * scale;
                    pos.y = (pageInfo.GetTopMarginMils() + 270) * scale;
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, 1800, size2,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );

            case WS_COMMENT2:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetComment2();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     width, false, false );

            case WS_COMMENT3:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetComment3();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     width, false, false );

            case WS_COMMENT4:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetComment4();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     width, false, false );

            case WS_UPPER_SEGMENT:
            case WS_LEFT_SEGMENT:
                WS_MostUpperLine.m_Posy = WS_MostUpperLine.m_Endy =
                    WS_MostLeftLine.m_Posy = STAMP_OY;
                pos.y = ( refy - WsItem->m_Posy ) * scale;

            case WS_SEGMENT:
                xg = pageSize.x -
                     pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endx;
                yg = pageSize.y -
                     pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endy;
                GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, pos.x, pos.y,
                        xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );
        for( WsItem = &WS_CADRE_D; WsItem != NULL; WsItem = WsItem->Pnext )
            pos.x = ( refx - WsItem->m_Posx ) * scale;
            pos.y = ( refy - WsItem->m_Posy ) * scale;

            switch( WsItem->m_Type )
            case WS_CADRE:
            // Begin list number > 1
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetComment1();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size3,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );
                    pos.x = (pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils() + 1260) * scale;
                    pos.y = (pageInfo.GetTopMarginMils() + 270) * scale;
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, 1800, size2,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );

            case WS_PODPIS_D:
                if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                    msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 false, false );

            case WS_IDENTSHEET_D:
                if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                    msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
                msg << screen->m_ScreenNumber;
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );

            case WS_LEFT_SEGMENT_D:
                pos.y = ( refy - WsItem->m_Posy ) * scale;

            case WS_SEGMENT_D:
                xg = pageSize.x -
                     pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endx;
                yg = pageSize.y -
                     pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endy;
                GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, pos.x, pos.y,
                        xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );


    refx = pageSize.x - pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils()  - GRID_REF_W;
    refy = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() - GRID_REF_W;

    for( WsItem = &WS_Date; WsItem != NULL; WsItem = WsItem->Pnext )
        pos.x = (refx - WsItem->m_Posx) * scale;
        pos.y = (refy - WsItem->m_Posy) * scale;

        switch( WsItem->m_Type )
        case WS_DATE:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetDate();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, true );

        case WS_REV:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetRevision();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             GetPenSizeForBold( MIN( size.x, size.y ) ),
                             false, true );

        case WS_KICAD_VERSION:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += g_ProductName + wxGetApp().GetAppName();
            msg += wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_SIZESHEET:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += pageInfo.GetType();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_IDENTSHEET:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg << screen->m_ScreenNumber << wxT( "/" ) << screen->m_NumberOfScreen;
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_FILENAME:
            wxString fname, fext;
            wxFileName::SplitPath( screen->GetFileName(), (wxString*) NULL, &fname, &fext );

            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;

            msg << fname << wxT( "." ) << fext;
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_FULLSHEETNAME:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetScreenDesc();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_COMPANY_NAME:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetCompany();
            if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 GetPenSizeForBold( MIN( size.x, size.y ) ),
                                 false, true );
                UpperLimit = MAX( UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy + SIZETEXT );

        case WS_TITLE:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetTitle();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             GetPenSizeForBold( MIN( size.x, size.y ) ),
                             false, true );

        case WS_COMMENT1:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetComment1();
            if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );
                UpperLimit = MAX( UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy + SIZETEXT );

        case WS_COMMENT2:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetComment2();
            if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );
                UpperLimit = MAX( UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy + SIZETEXT );

        case WS_COMMENT3:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetComment3();
            if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );
                UpperLimit = MAX( UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy + SIZETEXT );

        case WS_COMMENT4:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetComment4();
            if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );
                UpperLimit = MAX( UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy + SIZETEXT );

        case WS_UPPER_SEGMENT:
            if( UpperLimit == 0 )

        case WS_LEFT_SEGMENT:
            WS_MostUpperLine.m_Posy =
                WS_MostUpperLine.m_Endy    =
                    WS_MostLeftLine.m_Posy = UpperLimit;
            pos.y = (refy - WsItem->m_Posy) * scale;

        case WS_SEGMENT:
            xg = pageSize.x -
                 GRID_REF_W - pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endx;
            yg = pageSize.y -
                 GRID_REF_W - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endy;
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, pos.x, pos.y,
                    xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );
