void DXShader::SetConstantMatrix(const String& name, int shaderType, const mat4x4& matrix)
	ShaderConstant* con = GetConstant(name, shaderType);
	if(con == nullptr) return;

	con->type = ShaderConstant::MAT4X4;
	mat4x4 transMat = transpose_matrix((mat4x4) matrix);
	for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
		con->constant[i] = transMat[i];
void DXShader::SetConstantVec4(const String& name, int shaderType, const vec4& vec)
	ShaderConstant* con = GetConstant(name, shaderType);
	if(con == nullptr) return;

	con->type = ShaderConstant::VEC4;
	con->constant[0] = vec.x;
	con->constant[1] = vec.y;
	con->constant[2] = vec.z;
	con->constant[3] = vec.w;
int LuaConstants::GetConstantFromArg(lua_State *l, const char *ns, int idx)
	if (lua_type(l, idx) != LUA_TSTRING) {
		// heuristic assumption that positive (absolute) stack indexes refer to function args
		if (idx > 0) {
			const char *emsg = lua_pushfstring(l, "argument #%d is invalid (expected a constant in namespace '%s')", idx, ns);
			return luaL_argerror(l, idx, emsg);
		} else {
			return luaL_error(l, "value (stack #%d) is invalid (expected a constant in namespace '%s')", idx, ns);

	return GetConstant(l, ns, lua_tostring(l, idx));
SQInteger SQFuncState::GetNumericConstant(const SQFloat cons)
	return GetConstant(SQObjectPtr(cons));
bool FxCompiler::Process (const Program& program, InputArray& inputs,
    OutputArray& outputs, ConstantArray& constants, SamplerArray& samplers)
    // Variable lines are one of the following:
    //   var TYPE NAME : $vin.SEMANTIC  : inputType           : index : 1
    //   var TYPE NAME : $vout.SEMANTIC : outputType          : index : 1
    //   var TYPE NAME :                : c[REGISTER]         : index : 1
    //   var TYPE NAME :                : c[REGISTER], NUMREG : index : 1
    //   var TYPE NAME :                : texunit UNITNUMBER  : -1    : 1
    // The last field is "used", a value of "0" or "1".  However, the parser
    // stored in 'program' only those variables with a used value "1".  The
    // all-capitals identifiers are needed by the Wild Magic FX system.

    TokenArrays::const_iterator iter = program.Variables.begin();
    TokenArrays::const_iterator end = program.Variables.end();
    for (/**/; iter != end; ++iter)
        const TokenArray& tokens = *iter;

        // The token array has 10 or 11 tokens.
        if (tokens.size() < 10 || tokens.size() > 11)
            ReportError("Invalid number of tokens", &tokens);
            return false;

        // Get the variable type.
        Shader::VariableType vartype = Shader::VT_NONE;
        Shader::SamplerType samtype = Shader::ST_NONE;
        std::string::size_type begin = tokens[1].find("sampler", 0);
        if (begin != std::string::npos)
            SamplerTypeMap::iterator iter = mSamplerTypes.find(tokens[1]);
            if (iter == mSamplerTypes.end())
                ReportError("Invalid sampler type", &tokens);
                return false;
            samtype = iter->second;
            VariableTypeMap::iterator iter = mVariableTypes.find(tokens[1]);
            if (iter == mVariableTypes.end())
                ReportError("Invalid variable type", &tokens);
                return false;
            vartype = iter->second;

        // Get the variable name.
        std::string name = tokens[2];

        // Test whether the variable is a singleton or was declared as an
        // array.  If it is an array, we need to determine how many registers
        // it uses.  This requires processing variable lines with the same
        // variable index.
        bool varArray;
        begin = name.find("[", 0);
        if (begin != std::string::npos)
            varArray = true;
            name = name.substr(0, begin);  // strip off "[register]"
            varArray = false;

        // Get the separator before the classifier.
        if (tokens[3] != ":")
            ReportError("Expecting separator character at index 3", &tokens);
            return false;

        // Get the classifier.
        begin = tokens[4].find("$vin.", 0);
        if (begin != std::string::npos)
            // The variable is a shader input.
            if (!GetInput(tokens, name, vartype, inputs))
                return false;

        begin = tokens[4].find("$vout.", 0);
        if (begin != std::string::npos)
            // The variable is a shader output.
            if (!GetOutput(tokens, name, vartype, outputs))
                return false;

        if (tokens[4] == ":")
            begin = tokens[1].find("sampler", 0);
            if (begin != std::string::npos)
                // The variable is a shader sampler.
                if (!GetSampler(tokens, name, samtype, samplers))
                    return false;
                // The variable is a shader constant.
                if (varArray)
                    if (constants.size() > 0 && name == constants.back().Name)
                        // This is another occurrence of the array variable.
                        // Just increment the register count.
                        // Create the constant with the first occurrence of
                        // the array variable.
                        if (!GetConstant(tokens, name, vartype, constants))
                            return false;
                    if (!GetConstant(tokens, name, vartype, constants))
                        return false;

        ReportError("Failed to find classifier", &tokens);
        return false;

    return true;