void CWeaponDrainGrenade::Detonate()
	trace_t		tr;
	Vector		vecSpot;// trace starts here!

	SetThink( NULL );

	vecSpot = GetAbsOrigin() + Vector ( 0 , 0 , 8 );
	UTIL_TraceLine ( vecSpot, vecSpot + Vector ( 0, 0, -32 ), MASK_SHOT_HULL, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, & tr);

	if( tr.startsolid )
		// Since we blindly moved the explosion origin vertically, we may have inadvertently moved the explosion into a solid,
		// in which case nothing is going to be harmed by the grenade's explosion because all subsequent traces will startsolid.
		// If this is the case, we do the downward trace again from the actual origin of the grenade. (sjb) 3/8/2007  (for ep2_outland_09)
		UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + Vector( 0, 0, -32), MASK_SHOT_HULL, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );

#if !defined( CLIENT_DLL )

	Explode( GetThrower(), 

	//CSoundEnt::InsertSound ( SOUND_COMBAT, GetAbsOrigin(), BASEGRENADE_EXPLOSION_VOLUME, 3.0 );

#endif //!defined( CLIENT_DLL )

// Purpose:
void CTFGrenadeMirvProjectile::Explode( trace_t *pTrace, int bitsDamageType )
	// Pass through.
	BaseClass::Explode( pTrace, bitsDamageType );
// Server specific.
#ifdef GAME_DLL

	// Create the bomblets.
	for ( int iBomb = 0; iBomb < TF_WEAPON_GRENADE_MIRV_BOMB_COUNT; ++iBomb )
		Vector vecSrc = pTrace->endpos + Vector( 0, 0, 1.0f ); 
		Vector vecVelocity( random->RandomFloat( -75.0f, 75.0f ) * 3.0f,
			                random->RandomFloat( -75.0f, 75.0f ) * 3.0f,
							random->RandomFloat( 30.0f, 70.0f ) * 5.0f );
		Vector vecZero( 0,0,0 );
		CTFPlayer *pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( GetThrower() );
		float flTime = 2.0f + random->RandomFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f );

		CTFGrenadeMirvBomb *pBomb = CTFGrenadeMirvBomb::Create( vecSrc, GetAbsAngles(), vecVelocity, vecZero, pPlayer, flTime );
		pBomb->SetDamage( GetDamage() * 0.5f );
		pBomb->SetDamageRadius( GetDamageRadius() );

	void Explode( float magnitude )
		//Create a concussive explosion
		CPASFilter filter( GetAbsOrigin() );

		Vector vecForward;
		AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vecForward );
		TE_ConcussiveExplosion( filter, 0.0,
			1.0f,	//scale
			GetDamageRadius()*magnitude,	//radius
			175*magnitude,	//magnitude
			&vecForward );	//normal
		int	colorRamp = random->RandomInt( 128, 255 );

		CBroadcastRecipientFilter filter2;
		te->BeamRingPoint( filter2, 0, 
			GetAbsOrigin(),	//origin
			16,			//start radius
			GetDamageRadius()*1.17f*magnitude,		//end radius
			m_spriteTexture, //texture
			0,			//halo index
			0,			//start frame
			2,			//framerate
			0.3f,		//life
			128,		//width
			16,			//spread
			0,			//amplitude
			colorRamp,	//r
			colorRamp,	//g
			255,		//g
			24,			//a
			128			//speed

		//Do the radius damage
		RadiusDamage( CTakeDamageInfo( this, GetOwnerEntity(), GetDamage(), DMG_BLAST|DMG_DISSOLVE ), GetAbsOrigin(), GetDamageRadius(), CLASS_NONE, NULL );

		UTIL_Remove( this );
// Purpose: 
void CTFWeaponBaseGrenadeProj::Explode( trace_t *pTrace, int bitsDamageType )
	SetModelName( NULL_STRING );//invisible
	AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );

	m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;

	// Pull out of the wall a bit
	if ( pTrace->fraction != 1.0 )
		SetAbsOrigin( pTrace->endpos + ( pTrace->plane.normal * 1.0f ) );

	CSoundEnt::InsertSound ( SOUND_COMBAT, GetAbsOrigin(), BASEGRENADE_EXPLOSION_VOLUME, 3.0 );

	// Explosion effect on client
	Vector vecOrigin = GetAbsOrigin();
	CPVSFilter filter( vecOrigin );
	if ( UseImpactNormal() )
		if ( pTrace->m_pEnt && pTrace->m_pEnt->IsPlayer() )
			TE_TFExplosion( filter, 0.0f, vecOrigin, GetImpactNormal(), GetWeaponID(), pTrace->m_pEnt->entindex() );
			TE_TFExplosion( filter, 0.0f, vecOrigin, GetImpactNormal(), GetWeaponID(), -1 );
		if ( pTrace->m_pEnt && pTrace->m_pEnt->IsPlayer() )
			TE_TFExplosion( filter, 0.0f, vecOrigin, pTrace->plane.normal, GetWeaponID(), pTrace->m_pEnt->entindex() );
			TE_TFExplosion( filter, 0.0f, vecOrigin, pTrace->plane.normal, GetWeaponID(), -1 );

	// Use the thrower's position as the reported position
	Vector vecReported = GetThrower() ? GetThrower()->GetAbsOrigin() : vec3_origin;

	CTakeDamageInfo info( this, GetThrower(), GetBlastForce(), GetAbsOrigin(), m_flDamage, bitsDamageType, 0, &vecReported );

	float flRadius = GetDamageRadius();

	if ( tf_grenade_show_radius.GetBool() )
		DrawRadius( flRadius );

	RadiusDamage( info, vecOrigin, flRadius, CLASS_NONE, NULL );

	// Don't decal players with scorch.
	if ( pTrace->m_pEnt && !pTrace->m_pEnt->IsPlayer() )
		UTIL_DecalTrace( pTrace, "Scorch" );

	SetThink( &CBaseGrenade::SUB_Remove );
	SetTouch( NULL );

	AddEffects( EF_NODRAW );
	SetAbsVelocity( vec3_origin );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );