Status DeleteDirectory(const OsPath& path)
	// note: we have to recursively empty the directory before it can
	// be deleted (required by Windows and POSIX rmdir()).

	CFileInfos files; DirectoryNames subdirectoryNames;
	RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERR(GetDirectoryEntries(path, &files, &subdirectoryNames));

	// delete files
	for(size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++)
		const OsPath pathname = path / files[i].Name();
		errno = 0;
		if(wunlink(pathname) != 0)

	// recurse over subdirectoryNames
	for(size_t i = 0; i < subdirectoryNames.size(); i++)
		RETURN_STATUS_IF_ERR(DeleteDirectory(path / subdirectoryNames[i]));

	errno = 0;
	if(wrmdir(path) != 0)

	return INFO::OK;
void FileSystem::GetAllDirectoryEntries(const String& directoryName, std::vector<String>& entries) const
	// получить (нерекурсивно) файлы и каталоги в заданном каталоге
	size_t size1 = entries.size();
	GetDirectoryEntries(directoryName, entries);
	size_t size2 = entries.size();

	// перебрать полученные файлы и каталоги
	for(size_t i = size1; i < size2; ++i)
		// получить файл
		String& entry = entries[i];
		// добавить к имени имя текущего каталога, чтобы сделать абсолютные имена
		entry = directoryName + entry;
		// если это каталог
		if(entry.length() && entry[entry.length() - 1] == '/')
			// рекурсивно получить файлы и каталоги в нём
			// копия имени делается, так как ссылка может стать недействительной
			GetAllDirectoryEntries(String(entry), entries);
 * Returns a JS object containing a listing of available mods that
 * have a modname.json file in their modname folder. The returned
 * object looks like { modname1: json1, modname2: json2, ... } where
 * jsonN is the content of the modnameN/modnameN.json file as a JS
 * object.
 * @return JS object with available mods as the keys of the modname.json
 *         properties.
JS::Value JSI_Mod::GetAvailableMods(ScriptInterface::CxPrivate* pCxPrivate)
	ScriptInterface* scriptInterface = pCxPrivate->pScriptInterface;
	JSContext* cx = scriptInterface->GetContext();
	JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
	JS::RootedObject obj(cx, JS_NewObject(cx, nullptr, JS::NullPtr(), JS::NullPtr()));

	const Paths paths(g_args);

	// loop over all possible paths
	OsPath modPath = paths.RData()/"mods";
	OsPath modUserPath = paths.UserData()/"mods";

	DirectoryNames modDirs;
	DirectoryNames modDirsUser;

	GetDirectoryEntries(modPath, NULL, &modDirs);
	// Sort modDirs so that we can do a fast lookup below
	std::sort(modDirs.begin(), modDirs.end());

	PIVFS vfs = CreateVfs(1); // No cache needed; TODO but 0 crashes

	for (DirectoryNames::iterator iter = modDirs.begin(); iter != modDirs.end(); ++iter)
		if (vfs->Mount(L"", modPath / *iter, VFS_MOUNT_MUST_EXIST) < 0)

		CVFSFile modinfo;
		if (modinfo.Load(vfs, L"mod.json", false) != PSRETURN_OK)

		JS::RootedValue json(cx);
		if (!scriptInterface->ParseJSON(modinfo.GetAsString(), &json))

		// Valid mod, add it to our structure
		JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, utf8_from_wstring(iter->string()).c_str(), json);

	GetDirectoryEntries(modUserPath, NULL, &modDirsUser);
	bool dev = InDevelopmentCopy();

	for (DirectoryNames::iterator iter = modDirsUser.begin(); iter != modDirsUser.end(); ++iter)
		// If we are in a dev copy we do not mount mods in the user mod folder that
		// are already present in the mod folder, thus we skip those here.
		if (dev && std::binary_search(modDirs.begin(), modDirs.end(), *iter))

		if (vfs->Mount(L"", modUserPath / *iter, VFS_MOUNT_MUST_EXIST) < 0)

		CVFSFile modinfo;
		if (modinfo.Load(vfs, L"mod.json", false) != PSRETURN_OK)

		JS::RootedValue json(cx);
		if (!scriptInterface->ParseJSON(modinfo.GetAsString(), &json))

		// Valid mod, add it to our structure
		JS_SetProperty(cx, obj, utf8_from_wstring(iter->string()).c_str(), json);

	return JS::ObjectValue(*obj);