 * Start the timer running.
 * Just set the running flag to true indicating that all time requests should be
 * relative to the system clock.
void Timer::Start() {
  std::lock_guard<priority_mutex> sync(m_mutex);
  if (!m_running) {
    m_startTime = GetFPGATimestamp();
    m_running = true;
 * Start the timer running.
 * Just set the running flag to true indicating that all time requests should be
 * relative to the system clock.
void Timer::Start()
    Synchronized sync(m_semaphore);
    if (!m_running)
        m_startTime = GetFPGATimestamp();
        m_running = true;
 * Get the current time from the timer. If the clock is running it is derived from
 * the current system clock the start time stored in the timer class. If the clock
 * is not running, then return the time when it was last stopped.
 * @return unsigned Current time value for this timer in seconds
double Timer::Get()
	double result;
	double currentTime = GetFPGATimestamp();

	Synchronized sync(m_semaphore);
		// This math won't work if the timer rolled over (71 minutes after boot).
		// TODO: Check for it and compensate.
		result = (currentTime - m_startTime) + m_accumulatedTime;
		result = m_accumulatedTime;

	return result;
 * Get the current time from the timer. If the clock is running it is derived
 * from
 * the current system clock the start time stored in the timer class. If the
 * clock
 * is not running, then return the time when it was last stopped.
 * @return Current time value for this timer in seconds
double Timer::Get() const {
  double result;
  double currentTime = GetFPGATimestamp();

  std::lock_guard<priority_mutex> sync(m_mutex);
  if (m_running) {
    // If the current time is before the start time, then the FPGA clock
    // rolled over.  Compensate by adding the ~71 minutes that it takes
    // to roll over to the current time.
    if (currentTime < m_startTime) {
      currentTime += kRolloverTime;

    result = (currentTime - m_startTime) + m_accumulatedTime;
  } else {
    result = m_accumulatedTime;

  return result;
 * Get the current time from the timer. If the clock is running it is derived from
 * the current system clock the start time stored in the timer class. If the clock
 * is not running, then return the time when it was last stopped.
 * @return Current time value for this timer in seconds
double Timer::Get()
    double result;
    double currentTime = GetFPGATimestamp();

    Synchronized sync(m_semaphore);
        // If the current time is before the start time, then the FPGA clock
        // rolled over.  Compensate by adding the ~71 minutes that it takes
        // to roll over to the current time.
        if(currentTime < m_startTime) {
            currentTime += kRolloverTime;

        result = (currentTime - m_startTime) + m_accumulatedTime;
        result = m_accumulatedTime;

    return result;
 * Reset the timer by setting the time to 0.
 * Make the timer startTime the current time so new requests will be relative to
 * now
void Timer::Reset() {
  std::lock_guard<priority_mutex> sync(m_mutex);
  m_accumulatedTime = 0;
  m_startTime = GetFPGATimestamp();
 * Reset the timer by setting the time to 0.
 * Make the timer startTime the current time so new requests will be relative to now
void Timer::Reset()
    Synchronized sync(m_semaphore);
    m_accumulatedTime = 0;
    m_startTime = GetFPGATimestamp();