BOOL CCpDialog::OnInitDialog() { CString strAppRootFolder = GetHomeFolder() + String(GetFolderId()); CString strContentRootFolder; CRegKey regkey; if (regkey.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, REGKEY_APP) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ULONG nLen = 255; char* pszValue = new char[nLen+1]; *pszValue = 0; nLen = 256; if (regkey.QueryStringValue(REGVAL_CONTENT_FOLDER, pszValue, &nLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pszValue[nLen] = 0; strContentRootFolder = CString(pszValue); } delete [] pszValue; } if (strContentRootFolder.IsEmpty()) strContentRootFolder = GetHomeFolder() + String(IDS_CONTENT_FOLDER); DWORD dwCount = CheckForUiUpdates(strAppRootFolder); CheckForNewContent(strContentRootFolder, strAppRootFolder, (dwCount > 0)/*bForceCreate*/); // Update the variables.xsl and linelist.xml files SaveAppVariablesFile(strContentRootFolder, strAppRootFolder); SaveContentVariablesFile(strContentRootFolder, strAppRootFolder); CString strCaption; strCaption.LoadString(GetTitleId()); SetWindowText(strCaption); // Initialize the url prior to calling CDHtmlDialog::OnInitDialog() if (m_strCurrentUrl.IsEmpty()) m_strCurrentUrl = "about:blank"; CDHtmlDialog::OnInitDialog(); // This magically makes the scroll bars appear and dis-allows text selection DWORD dwFlags = DOCHOSTUIFLAG_NO3DBORDER | DOCHOSTUIFLAG_THEME | DOCHOSTUIFLAG_DIALOG; // DOCHOSTUIFLAG_NO3DOUTERBORDER; SetHostFlags(dwFlags); // Add "About..." menu item to system menu. // IDM_ABOUTBOX must be in the system command range. ASSERT((IDM_ABOUTBOX & 0xFFF0) == IDM_ABOUTBOX); ASSERT(IDM_ABOUTBOX < 0xF000); CMenu* pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(false); if (pSysMenu != NULL) { CString strAboutMenu; strAboutMenu.LoadString(IDS_ABOUTBOX); if (!strAboutMenu.IsEmpty()) { pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR); pSysMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING, IDM_ABOUTBOX, strAboutMenu); } } // Set the icons for this dialog SetIcon(m_hIcon, true); // Set big icon SetIcon(m_hIcon, false); // Set small icon // Set the window size and position CRect rect; rect.SetRect(0, 0, 800, 600); if (0) // Restore the saved window size and position { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(rect); regkey.QueryBinaryValue(REGVAL_LOCATION, &rect, &dwSize); //j Someday, clip the rect to the display SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.left,, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); } else { SetWindowPos(NULL, rect.left,, rect.Width(), rect.Height(), SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); CenterWindow(); } CString strHomePage = strAppRootFolder + String(IDS_HOME_PAGE); if (FileExists(strHomePage)) Navigate(strHomePage); ShowWindow(SW_NORMAL); DragAcceptFiles(false); return true; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control }
HRESULT CCpDialog::WindowOpen(IHTMLElement* pElement, int l, int t, int w, int h, LPCSTR pstrName) { if (!pElement) return E_FAIL; CComBSTR bstrURL; pElement->get_className(&bstrURL); CString strURL(bstrURL); int iProtocol = strURL.Find(':'); if (iProtocol < 0 || iProtocol > 5) { CString strAppRootFolder = GetHomeFolder() + String(GetFolderId()); strURL = strAppRootFolder + strURL; } // Get the desired window size and location if (l < 0) l = (::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - w) / 2; if (l < 0) l = 0; if (t < 0) t = (::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - h) / 2; if (t < 0) t = 0; RECT Rect = {l, t, l+w, t+h}; CWorkspaceDialog* pWorkspace = CWorkspaceDialog::CreateModeless(GetDesktopWindow()/*pParent*/, strURL, &Rect, pstrName); if (pWorkspace) m_WorkspaceArray.Add(pWorkspace); return S_OK; }
bstr_t GetProgramFilesPath() { PWSTR path; SHGetKnownFolderPath(GetFolderId(), 0, nullptr, &path); bstr_t ret = path; CoTaskMemFree(path); return ret; }
// <qmail> // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CFSMailMessage::AddNewAttachmentL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPORT_C TInt CFSMailMessage::AddNewAttachmentL( const TDesC& aFilePath, MFSMailRequestObserver& aOperationObserver) { NM_FUNCTION; TFSPendingRequest request; if(CFSMailPlugin* plugin = iRequestHandler->GetPluginByUid(GetMessageId())) { // init asynchronous request request = iRequestHandler->InitAsyncRequestL( GetMessageId().PluginId(), aOperationObserver ); MFSMailRequestObserver* observer = request.iObserver; // use recognizer to find out ContentType RApaLsSession apaSession; TDataRecognitionResult dataType; TBufC8<KMaxDataTypeLength> buf; User::LeaveIfError(apaSession.Connect()); User::LeaveIfError(apaSession.RecognizeData(aFilePath, buf, dataType)); apaSession.Close(); // Create new message part with correct Content-Type TBuf<KMaxDataTypeLength> contentType; contentType.Copy(dataType.iDataType.Des()); TRAPD( err, plugin->NewChildPartFromFileL( GetMailBoxId(), GetFolderId(), GetMessageId(), GetPartId(), contentType, aFilePath, *observer, request.iRequestId) ); if( err != KErrNone ) { iRequestHandler->CompleteRequest( request.iRequestId ); User::Leave( err ); } } else { User::Leave( KErrNotFound ); } return request.iRequestId; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CFSMailMessage::AddNewAttachmentL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart* CFSMailMessage::AddNewAttachmentL( RFile& aFile, const TDesC8& aMimeType ) { NM_FUNCTION; CFSMailMessagePart* newPart(NULL); if(CFSMailPlugin* plugin = iRequestHandler->GetPluginByUid(GetMessageId())) { TBuf<KMaxDataTypeLength> contentType; if(aMimeType.Length() > 0) { // use user given content type contentType.Copy(aMimeType); } else { // try to find out content type using recognizers RApaLsSession apaSession; TDataRecognitionResult dataType; User::LeaveIfError(apaSession.Connect()); User::LeaveIfError(apaSession.RecognizeData(aFile, dataType)); apaSession.Close(); contentType.Copy(dataType.iDataType.Des()); } // get file name TFileName fileName; aFile.FullName( fileName ); // get new part from plugin newPart = plugin->NewChildPartFromFileL( GetMailBoxId(), GetFolderId(), GetMessageId(), GetPartId(), contentType, aFile ); if (newPart) { CleanupStack::PushL(newPart); // set attachment name newPart->SetAttachmentNameL(fileName); // store new message part newPart->SaveL(); // set flag SetFlag(EFSMsgFlag_Attachments); CleanupStack::Pop(newPart); } } return newPart; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CFSMailMessage::AddNewAttachmentL // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart* CFSMailMessage::AddNewAttachmentL( const TDesC& aFilePath, const TFSMailMsgId /*aInsertBefore*/ ) { NM_FUNCTION; CFSMailMessagePart* newPart(NULL); if(CFSMailPlugin* plugin = iRequestHandler->GetPluginByUid(GetMessageId())) { // use recognizer to find out ContentType RApaLsSession apaSession; TDataRecognitionResult dataType; TBufC8<KMaxDataTypeLength> buf; User::LeaveIfError(apaSession.Connect()); User::LeaveIfError(apaSession.RecognizeData(aFilePath, buf, dataType)); apaSession.Close(); // Create new message part with correct Content-Type TBuf<KMaxDataTypeLength> contentType; contentType.Copy(dataType.iDataType.Des()); newPart = plugin->NewChildPartFromFileL( GetMailBoxId(), GetFolderId(), GetMessageId(), GetPartId(), contentType, aFilePath ); if (newPart) { CleanupStack::PushL(newPart); // set attachment name newPart->SetAttachmentNameL(aFilePath); // store new message part newPart->SaveL(); // set flag SetFlag(EFSMsgFlag_Attachments); CleanupStack::Pop(newPart); } } return newPart; }