// =============================================================================
// TextUtilities::GetFont
// Load or get the desired font
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CFont * GetFont(EFontType fontType)
    // If this is the first time we're loading a font initialise smFonts
    static bool firstRun = true;
    if (firstRun)
        firstRun = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < kFontTypeMax; i++)
            theFonts[i] = NULL;
    // Load the font file if we haven't already
    if (theFonts[fontType] == NULL)
        theFonts[fontType] = new CFont(GetFontFileName(fontType));
    return theFonts[fontType];
bool xFT2Font::init( xXmlNode* pFontNode)
	xFontLoader* pFontLoader = m_pFontLoader;

	const wchar_t*  pFontName    = pFontNode->value(L"name");
	const wchar_t*  famillyName  = pFontNode->value(L"familly" ) ;
	wstring         fullFontName = wstring( famillyName ) + pFontName; 
	const  wchar_t* pFiltertName   = pFontNode->value(L"filter");

	xFontInitor fi;
	fi.height     = pFontNode->int_value(L"height");
	fi.width      = pFontNode->int_value(L"width");
	fi.antialias  = pFontNode->bool_value(L"antialias");
	fi.bold       = pFontNode->bool_value(L"bold");
	fi.italic     = pFontNode->bool_value(L"italic");
	fi.underline  = pFontNode->bool_value(L"underline");
	fi.maxcache   = pFontNode->int_value(L"maxcache");
	fi.filter =     pFontLoader->getFontSamplerFilter(pFiltertName);
	fi.linepitch  = 0;
		fi.linepitch = pFontNode->int_value(L"line_pitch");

	wchar_t fileName[512]={0};
	GetFontFileName(pFontNode->value(L"file") , fileName);
	wstring AbsFontFile = _XEVOL_ABSPATH_(fileName);

	createFontCharManager( fullFontName.c_str() ) ;
	xFT2FontCharMgr* pFontCharMgr = getFontCharManager();

	pFontCharMgr->m_UnderLine = fi.underline;
	pFontCharMgr->m_bBold     = fi.bold;
	pFontCharMgr->m_Italic    = fi.italic;
	pFontCharMgr->m_bAntilias = fi.antialias;

	int maxCache = fi.maxcache;
	if(maxCache == 0) maxCache = 1024;

	if( pFontCharMgr->load_font(AbsFontFile.c_str(), fi.width , fi.height) ==false)
		delete pFontCharMgr;
		return NULL; 



	m_Filter          = fi.filter;
	m_Info.bAntialias = fi.antialias;
	m_Info.bBold      = fi.bold;
	m_Info.bItalic    = fi.italic;
	m_Info.bUnderLine = fi.underline;

	m_Info.nMaxWidth  = GetBoldenSize(fi.bold,fi.width );
	m_Info.nMaxHeight = GetBoldenSize(fi.bold,fi.height);
	wcsncpy(m_Info.strFamilly , famillyName , 32);
	wcsncpy(m_Info.strName    , pFontName,         16);
	m_Info.nHeight =  fi.height;
	m_Info.nWidth  =  fi.width;
	m_LinePitch = fi.linepitch;

    setCacheSize(maxCache );
	return true;