// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
//	ROUTINE:	CAIGoalCatch::ActivateGoal
//	PURPOSE:	Activate goal.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void CAIGoalCatch::ActivateGoal(void)

	if (m_hStimulusTarget==LTNULL)
		AITRACE(AIShowGoals, ( m_pAI->m_hObject, "Aborting Goal %s\n", s_aszGoalTypes[GetGoalType()] ) );

	// Ignore senses other than see enemy.
	m_pAI->SetCurSenseFlags( kSense_SeeEnemy | kSense_SeeDangerousProjectile | kSense_SeeCatchableProjectile );


	m_pAI->SetState( kState_HumanCatch );

	// Set state specific information..
	CAIHumanStateCatch* pCatchInstance = (CAIHumanStateCatch*)m_pAI->GetState();

	// Save the object we intend to catch
	pCatchInstance->SetObjectToCatch( m_hStimulusTarget );

	// Set the animations to use
	pCatchInstance->SetAnimationSequence( kAP_StartCatch, kAP_HoldCatch, kAP_EndCatch );
void CAIGoalGuard::RecalcImportance()
	// Find a node.


	// Check status.

	AINodeGuard* pGuardNode = (AINodeGuard*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(m_hGuardNode);
	if( pGuardNode )
		m_bInRadius = LTTRUE;

		LTFLOAT fDistSqr = m_pAI->GetPosition().DistSqr( pGuardNode->GetPos() );

		// There is a guard node, and we are outside of the return radius,
		// so guard goal gets its base importance.

		if( fDistSqr > pGuardNode->GetRadiusSqr() )
			// Ignore the Guard node's radius while AI is assigned a Talk node.

			if( ( GetGoalType() == kGoal_Guard ) &&
				( g_pAINodeMgr->FindOwnedNode( kNode_Talk, m_pAI->m_hObject ) ) )
				m_fCurImportance = 0.f;

			m_bInRadius = LTFALSE;

		// We are inside the guard radius, so guard goal has minimum importance.
		// Only give goal any importance if it was previously at base importance.
		else if( m_fCurImportance > m_fMinImportance )
			m_fCurImportance = m_fMinImportance;


	// No guard node.

	m_bInRadius = LTFALSE;
	m_fCurImportance = 0.f;
void CAIGoalAbstractUseObject::SetStateUseObject()
	m_pAI->SetState( GetUseObjectState() );

	AINodeUseObject* pNodeUseObject = (AINodeUseObject*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(m_hNodeUseObject);
	if( !pNodeUseObject )
		AIASSERT( NULL, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalAbstractUseObject::SetStateUseObject: AINodeUseObject is NULL.");

	CAIHumanStateUseObject* pStateUseObject = (CAIHumanStateUseObject*)(m_pAI->GetState());
	pStateUseObject->StateHandlesNodeLocking( LTFALSE );

	// Bail if there is any problem setting the node.

	if( !pStateUseObject->SetNode(pNodeUseObject) )
		AITRACE(AIShowGoals, ( m_pAI->m_hObject, "Unable to set UseObject node %s.", ::ToString( pNodeUseObject->GetName() ) ) );
		m_hLastNodeUseObject = pNodeUseObject->m_hObject;

	pStateUseObject->SetRequireBareHands( m_bRequireBareHands );
	pStateUseObject->TurnOnLights( m_bTurnOnLights );
	pStateUseObject->TurnOffLights( m_bTurnOffLights );

	// Find command string for AINodeType matching UseObject.
	AIGBM_GoalTemplate* pTemplate = g_pAIGoalButeMgr->GetTemplate( GetGoalType() );
	AIASSERT(pTemplate->cAttractors > 0, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalAbstractUseObject::ActivateGoal: Goal has no attractors.");

	HSTRING hstrCmd;
	for(uint32 iAttractor=0; iAttractor < pTemplate->cAttractors; ++iAttractor)
		hstrCmd = pNodeUseObject->GetSmartObjectCommand(pTemplate->aAttractors[iAttractor]);
		if(hstrCmd != LTNULL)

	// Ensure that node is setup to be requested type of attractor.

	if( !hstrCmd )
		AIASSERT( 0, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalAbstractUseObject::ActivateGoal: No command string found for attractors.");
		m_fCurImportance = 0.f;
void CAIGoalDisappearReappear::DeactivateGoal()

	// Goals DisappearReappear and DisappearReappearEvasive should share timing info.

	if( GetGoalType() != kGoal_DisappearReappearEvasive )
		CAIGoalAbstract* pGoal = m_pGoalMgr->FindGoalByType( kGoal_DisappearReappearEvasive );
		if( pGoal && ( m_fNextUpdateTime > pGoal->GetNextUpdateTime() ) )
			pGoal->SetNextUpdateTime( m_fNextUpdateTime );
void CAIGoalDisappearReappearEvasive::ResetNextDisappearTime()
	// All AIs using this goal share timing info.
	AIGBM_GoalTemplate* pTemplate = g_pAIGoalButeMgr->GetTemplate( GetGoalType() );

	LTFLOAT fNextDisappearTime = 0.f;
	if( pTemplate->fFrequencyMax > 0.f )
		LTFLOAT fCurTime = g_pLTServer->GetTime();
		fNextDisappearTime = fCurTime + GetRandom(pTemplate->fFrequencyMin, pTemplate->fFrequencyMax);

	g_pAICentralKnowledgeMgr->RemoveAllKnowledge( kCK_NextDisappearTime, m_pAI );
	g_pAICentralKnowledgeMgr->RegisterKnowledge( kCK_NextDisappearTime, m_pAI, g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(m_hStimulusSource), LTFALSE, fNextDisappearTime, LTTRUE);
AINode* CAIGoalAttackProp::HandleGoalAttractors()
	// Check if already attacking a prop.
	if( m_pAI->GetState()->GetStateType() != kState_HumanAttackProp )
		CAIHuman* pAIHuman = (CAIHuman*)m_pAI;
		if( pAIHuman->HasHolsterString() || pAIHuman->GetPrimaryWeapon())
			AIGBM_GoalTemplate* pTemplate = g_pAIGoalButeMgr->GetTemplate( GetGoalType() );
			AIASSERT(pTemplate->cAttractors > 0, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalAbstract::HandleGoalAttractors: Goal has no attractors.");

			// Check if attractors are triggering activateability.
			AINode* pNode;
			for(uint32 iAttractor=0; iAttractor < pTemplate->cAttractors; ++iAttractor)
				pNode = g_pAINodeMgr->FindNearestNodeInRadius(m_pAI, pTemplate->aAttractors[iAttractor], m_pAI->GetPosition(), pTemplate->fAttractorDistSqr * m_fBaseImportance, LTTRUE);
				if(pNode != LTNULL)
					HOBJECT hObject;
					if ( LT_OK == FindNamedObject(pNode->GetObject(), hObject) )
						Prop* pProp = (Prop*)g_pLTServer->HandleToObject(hObject);
						if(pProp->GetState() != kState_PropDestroyed)
							AIASSERT(pNode->GetType() == kNode_UseObject, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalAttackProp::HandleGoalAttractors: AINode is not of type UseObject.");
							m_hNode = pNode->m_hObject;
							return pNode;
					// Disable node if prop has been destroyed.

		m_hNode = LTNULL;
	return LTNULL;
LTBOOL CAIGoalGuard::HandleNameValuePair(const char *szName, const char *szValue)
	AIASSERT(szName && szValue, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalGuard::HandleNameValuePair: Name or value is NULL.");

	if( super::HandleNameValuePair(szName, szValue) )
		return LTTRUE;

	if ( !_stricmp(szName, "NODE") )
		// If Goal was already active (walking to previous guard node)
		// Reset the goal.

		if( m_pGoalMgr->IsCurGoal( this ) )
			m_pAI->SetState( kState_HumanIdle );

		AINode* pNode = g_pAINodeMgr->GetNode(szValue);
		if( pNode )
			SetGuardNode( pNode );

			AITRACE( AIShowGoals, ( m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoal%s: NODE=%s", s_aszGoalTypes[GetGoalType()], ::ToString( pNode->GetName() ) ) );
		else {
			AIError( "%s Cannot find node! CAIGoal%s: NODE=%s", m_pAI->GetName(), s_aszGoalTypes[GetGoalType()], szValue );

		return LTTRUE;

	return LTFALSE;
//	ROUTINE:	CAIGoalResurrecting::HandleNameValuePair()
/*virtual*/ LTBOOL CAIGoalResurrecting::HandleNameValuePair(const char* szName,const char* szValue)
	if ( !strcmp( szName, "RESETGOAL" ))

		const CAIGoalAbstract* pCurGoal = m_pAI->GetGoalMgr()->GetCurrentGoal();
		bool bIsThisGoalAIsCurrentGoal = ( (pCurGoal==NULL) ? (false) : (pCurGoal->GetGoalType()==GetGoalType()) );
		if ( !bIsThisGoalAIsCurrentGoal )
			return LTFALSE;

//		const CAIGoalAbstract* pCurGoal = m_pAI->GetGoalMgr()->GetCurrentGoal();
//		bool bIsThisGoalAIsCurrentGoal = ( (pCurGoal==NULL) ? (false) : (pCurGoal->GetGoalType()==GetGoalType()) );
//		if ( !bIsThisGoalAIsCurrentGoal )
//		{
//			CAIGoalAbstract* pGoal = GetGoalMgr()->FindGoalByType( kGoal_Resurrecting );
//			if ( pGoal != NULL )
//			{
//				// If we have the goal, but it is not active, then do nothing
//				// because the Resurrecting goal either has not started, or
//				// some other goal has trumped it.
//			}
//			else
//			{
//				// If we do not have the goal, then this is an error condition
//				// because we cannot legally be here!
//				AIASSERT( 0, m_pAI->m_hObject, "Reseting Resurrect Goal when not active." );
//			}
//		}

		CAIState* pState = m_pAI->GetState();
		if ( !pState )
			AIASSERT( 0, m_pAI->m_hObject, "Reseting Resurrect Goal with no state." );
			return LTFALSE;

			case kState_HumanResurrecting:
				// If we are still resurrecting, do nothing!

			case kState_HumanAware:
				// If we are currently aware, then reset the Goal
				m_bReactivateGoalOnUpdate = LTTRUE;

			case kState_HumanSearch:
				// If we are currently searching, then reset the Goal
				m_bReactivateGoalOnUpdate = LTTRUE;

			// Unexpected State.
				AIASSERT(0, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalResurrecting::UpdateGoal: Unexpected State.");

	return LTFALSE;
//	ROUTINE:	CAIGoalResurrecting::HandleGoalSenseTrigger()
//	PURPOSE:	TEMP -- allow a trigger to cause goal entry.
/*virtual*/ LTBOOL CAIGoalResurrecting::HandleGoalSenseTrigger(AISenseRecord* pSenseRecord )
	if ( !CAIGoalAbstractSearch::HandleGoalSenseTrigger( pSenseRecord ))
		return LTFALSE;
		const CAIGoalAbstract* pCurGoal = m_pAI->GetGoalMgr()->GetCurrentGoal();
		bool bIsThisGoalAIsCurrentGoal = ( (pCurGoal==NULL) ? (false) : (pCurGoal->GetGoalType()==GetGoalType()) );

		if ( !bIsThisGoalAIsCurrentGoal )
			return LTTRUE;
		if( m_pAI->GetState() && m_pAI->GetState()->GetStateType() != kState_HumanResurrecting )
			return LTTRUE;

	return LTFALSE;
AINode* CAIGoalAbstractUseObject::HandleGoalAttractors()
	// Do not search for attractors if goal is already active.
	// Do not search on first update, to allow commands a chance to disable nodes.
	// Do not search if AI has any damage flags set (e.g. sleeping damage).

	if(	m_pGoalMgr->IsCurGoal(this) || 
		m_pAI->IsFirstUpdate() ||
		m_pAI->GetDamageFlags() )
		return LTNULL;

	// If this goal reacts to stimulus, check if it has been too 
	// long since stimulation.

	AIGBM_GoalTemplate* pTemplate = g_pAIGoalButeMgr->GetTemplate( GetGoalType() );
	if( ( pTemplate->flagSenseTriggers != kSense_None )
		&& ( !m_hStimulusSource ) )
		return LTNULL;

	// Lock the last UseObject node, so that we don't try to use it again.
	BlockAttractorNodeFromSearch( m_hLastNodeUseObject );

	// Find the nearest attractor.
	AINode* pNode = FindNearestAttractorNode();
	if(pNode != LTNULL)
		AIASSERT(pNode->GetType() == kNode_UseObject, m_pAI->m_hObject, "CAIGoalAbstractUseObject::HandleGoalAttractors: AINode is not of type UseObject.");

		AINodeUseObject* pNodeUseObject = (AINodeUseObject*)pNode;
		if( pNodeUseObject->HasObject() && !pNodeUseObject->GetHObject() )
			pNode = LTNULL;
			m_fCurImportance = 0.f;
			AIASSERT( 0, pNodeUseObject->m_hObject, "CAIGoalAbstractUseObject::HandleGoalAttractors: AINodeUseObject points to invalid object" );
		else if( pNodeUseObject->IsOneWay() && ( pNodeUseObject->GetForward().Dot( m_pAI->GetForwardVector() ) < 0.0f ) )
			pNode = LTNULL;
			m_fCurImportance = 0.f;
		else {
			AITRACE(AIShowGoals, ( m_pAI->m_hObject, "Setting node: %s", ::ToString( pNode->GetName() ) ) );
			m_hNodeUseObject = pNode->m_hObject;

	if( !pNode )
		m_hStimulusSource = LTNULL;

	// If we locked a node prior to the search, unlock it.
	UnblockAttractorNodeFromSearch( m_hLastNodeUseObject );

	return pNode;