void mainConvert(void){

 yaxis = GetJoystickAnalog( 1 , 3 ) ;
 xaxis = GetJoystickAnalog( 1 , 4 ) ;
 axaxis = GetJoystickAnalog( 1 , 1 ) ;
 ayaxis = GetJoystickAnalog( 1 , 2 ) ;
 lt = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 5 , 2 ) ;
 ls = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 5 , 1 ) ;
 rt = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 6 , 2 ) ;
 rs = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 6 , 1 ) ;
 tu = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 2 ) ;
 td = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 1 ) ;
 tl = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 3 ) ;
 tr = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 7 , 4 ) ;
 b1 = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 1 ) ;
 b2 = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 3 ) ;
 b3 = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 2 ) ;
 b4 = GetJoystickDigital ( 1 , 8 , 4 ) ;
 bateryV = GetMainBattery ( ) ; 
 rotation = GetQuadEncoder ( 5 , 6 ) ;  
 gyro = GetGyroAngle ( 1 ) ; 

if(cal == 0){

if(gyro < 1408){
SetMotor ( 6 , 120 ) ; 
Wait ( 1600 ) ;

SetMotor ( 6 , 20 ) ;


cal = 1;

scal = 1;
if(scal == 1){
StartQuadEncoder ( 5 , 6 , 0 ) ;
scal =0;

if(b4 == 1){
shift = 3;
shift = 1;

if(bateryV >= 7.5){
SetDigitalOutput ( 10 , 1 ) ;
SetDigitalOutput ( 12 , 0 ) ; 
//dis = GetUltrasonic ( 8 , 9 ) ;  
//PrintToScreen ( "%d\n" , dis ) ; 
//PrintToScreen ( "%d\n" , gyro ) ;
//PrintToScreen ( "%d\n" , rotation) ;
//Wait ( 500 ) ; 
if(axaxis <= 20 && axaxis >= -20){
Arcade4 ( 1 , 3 , 4 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; 
SetDigitalOutput ( 12 , 1 ) ;

if(axaxis >= 20 || axaxis <= -20){
SetDigitalOutput ( 12 , 1 ) ;

SetMotor ( 2 , axaxis ) ;
SetMotor ( 3 , axaxis ) ;
SetMotor ( 4 , axaxis * -1) ;
SetMotor ( 5 , axaxis * -1) ;
// input1 + input2 = xplimit
// imput1 - input2 = xnlimit
if(rs == 1){
SetMotor ( 6 , 127/shift) ;
//gyroP = gyro;
rotationP = rotation;
else if(rt == 1){
SetMotor ( 6 , -127/shift) ;
//gyroP = gyro;
rotationP = rotation;
SetMotor ( 6 , 0) ;

if(ls == 1){
SetMotor ( 7 , 127) ;
close = 0;
else if(lt == 1){
SetMotor ( 7 , -127) ;
close = 1;
else if(close == 1){
SetMotor ( 7 , -50) ;
SetMotor ( 7 , 0) ;

if(rs == 0 && rt == 0){

if(rotation < rotationP){
SetMotor ( 6 , -20) ;
}else if(rotation > rotationP){
SetMotor ( 6 , 20) ;


 * Return the actual angle in degrees that the robot is currently facing.
 * The angle is based on the current accumulator value corrected by the oversampling rate, the
 * gyro type and the A/D calibration values.
 * The angle is continuous, that is can go beyond 360 degrees. This make algorithms that wouldn't
 * want to see a discontinuity in the gyro output as it sweeps past 0 on the second time around.
 * @param channel The analog channel the gyro is plugged into
 * @return the current heading of the robot in degrees. This heading is based on integration
 * of the returned rate from the gyro.
float GetGyroAngle(UINT32 channel)
	return GetGyroAngle(SensorBase::GetDefaultAnalogModule(), channel);
void Drive::Actuate(){

        flPID->SetSource( ( 1 / flEncoder->GetPeriod() ) / Drive::VEL_PID_MULTIPLIER );
        blPID->SetSource( -( 1 / blEncoder->GetPeriod() ) / Drive::VEL_PID_MULTIPLIER );
        frPID->SetSource( -( 1 / frEncoder->GetPeriod() ) / Drive::VEL_PID_MULTIPLIER );
        brPID->SetSource( ( 1 / brEncoder->GetPeriod() ) / Drive::VEL_PID_MULTIPLIER );

        double flVel = 1 / flEncoder->GetPeriod() / Drive::VEL_PID_MULTIPLIER;
        double blVel = 1 / flEncoder->GetPeriod() / Drive::VEL_PID_MULTIPLIER;
        double frVel = -1 / flEncoder->GetPeriod() / Drive::VEL_PID_MULTIPLIER;
        double brVel = -1 / flEncoder->GetPeriod() / Drive::VEL_PID_MULTIPLIER;

        /*xPID->SetSource( flVel + brVel - blVel - frVel );
        yPID->SetSource( flVel + brVel + blVel + frVel );
        turnPID->SetSource( flVel - brVel + blVel - frVel );*/
        double x = driverX;
        double y = driverY;
        double turn = driverTurn;

		if( isFieldOriented ){
			double gAngle = GetGyroAngle();
			double cosA = cos( gAngle * 3.14159 / 180 );
			double sinA = sin( gAngle * 3.14159 / 180 );
			x = driverX*cosA - driverY*sinA;
			y = driverX*sinA + driverY*cosA;

		if( isHoldAngle ){
			double gyroAngle = fmod( GetGyroAngle(), 360.0 );
			double relativeAngle = gyroAngle - targetAngle;
			if( relativeAngle > 180 ){
				relativeAngle = ( 180 - ( relativeAngle - 180 ) );
			turn = Drive::ANGLE_P * relativeAngle;

        double fl = ( y + x + turn ) * ( isSlowDrive ? Drive::SLOW_DRIVE_MULTIPLIER : 1.0 );
        double bl = ( y - x + turn ) * ( isSlowDrive ? Drive::SLOW_DRIVE_MULTIPLIER : 1.0 );
        double fr = ( y - x - turn ) * ( isSlowDrive ? Drive::SLOW_DRIVE_MULTIPLIER : 1.0 );
        double br = ( y + x - turn ) * ( isSlowDrive ? Drive::SLOW_DRIVE_MULTIPLIER : 1.0 );

		if( isPIDControl ){
			flPID->SetSetpoint( fl, fl );
			blPID->SetSetpoint( bl, bl );
			frPID->SetSetpoint( fr, fr );
			brPID->SetSetpoint( br, br );
			fl = flPID->GetOutput();
			bl = blPID->GetOutput();
			fr = frPID->GetOutput();
			br = brPID->GetOutput();

			//fl = xPID->GetOutput() + yPID->GetOutput() + turnPID->GetOutput() ;
			//bl = -xPID->GetOutput() + yPID->GetOutput() + turnPID->GetOutput() ;
			//fr = -xPID->GetOutput() + yPID->GetOutput() - turnPID->GetOutput() ;
			//br = xPID->GetOutput() + yPID->GetOutput() - turnPID->GetOutput() ;

        flMotor->Set( fl * motorInverters[0] );
        blMotor->Set( bl * motorInverters[1] );
        frMotor->Set( fr * motorInverters[2] );
        brMotor->Set( br * motorInverters[3] );
