static WebSearchServiceData *AllocateWebSearchServiceData (json_t *op_json_p) { WebSearchServiceData *service_data_p = (WebSearchServiceData *) AllocMemory (sizeof (WebSearchServiceData)); if (service_data_p) { WebServiceData *data_p = & (service_data_p -> wssd_base_data); if (InitWebServiceData (data_p, op_json_p)) { service_data_p -> wssd_link_selector_s = GetJSONString (op_json_p, "link_selector"); if (service_data_p -> wssd_link_selector_s) { service_data_p -> wssd_title_selector_s = GetJSONString (op_json_p, "title_selector"); return service_data_p; } ClearWebServiceData (data_p); } FreeMemory (service_data_p); } return NULL; }
ExternalBlastTool :: ExternalBlastTool (BlastServiceJob *job_p, const BlastServiceData *data_p, const json_t *root_p) : BlastTool (job_p, data_p, root_p, BS_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FORMAT) { ebt_blast_s = GetJSONString (root_p, EBT_COMMAND_LINE_EXECUTABLE_S); if (!ebt_blast_s) { throw std :: invalid_argument ("blast executable name not set"); } ebt_working_directory_s = GetJSONString (root_p, EBT_WORKING_DIR_S); if (!ebt_working_directory_s) { throw std :: invalid_argument ("working directory not set"); } const char *result_s = GetJSONString (root_p, EBT_RESULTS_FILE_S); if (result_s) { ebt_results_filename_s = CopyToNewString (result_s, 0, false); if (!ebt_results_filename_s) { throw std :: invalid_argument ("failed to copy results filename"); } } else { throw std :: invalid_argument ("results filename not set"); } }
VJSONObject* VValueBag::BuildJSONObject(VError& outError) const { // will use stringify until redone in a more elegant way VJSONObject* result = nil; VString jsonstr; outError = GetJSONString(jsonstr); if (outError == VE_OK) { VJSONValue val; outError = val.ParseFromString(jsonstr); if (val.IsObject() && outError == VE_OK) result = RetainRefCountable(val.GetObject()); } return result; }
void CSendHost_Imgur::SendThread(void* obj) { CSendHost_Imgur* self = (CSendHost_Imgur*)obj; /// send DATA and wait for m_nlreply NETLIBHTTPREQUEST* reply = (NETLIBHTTPREQUEST*)CallService(MS_NETLIB_HTTPTRANSACTION, (WPARAM)g_hNetlibUser, (LPARAM)&self->m_nlhr); self->HTTPFormDestroy(&self->m_nlhr); if (reply) { if (reply->dataLength) { char buf[128]; if (GetJSONBool(reply->pData, reply->dataLength, "success")) { GetJSONString(reply->pData, reply->dataLength, "data[link]", buf, sizeof(buf)); mir_free(self->m_URL), self->m_URL = mir_strdup(buf); char* ext = strrchr(self->m_URL, '.'); if (ext) { size_t thumblen = mir_strlen(self->m_URL) + 2; mir_free(self->m_URLthumb), self->m_URLthumb = (char*)mir_alloc(thumblen); thumblen = ext - self->m_URL; memcpy(self->m_URLthumb, self->m_URL, thumblen); self->m_URLthumb[thumblen] = 'm'; // 320x320, see mir_strcpy(self->m_URLthumb + thumblen + 1, self->m_URL + thumblen); } CallService(MS_NETLIB_FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT, 0, (LPARAM)reply); self->svcSendMsgExit(self->m_URL); return; } else self->Error(SS_ERR_RESPONSE, self->m_pszSendTyp, GetJSONInteger(reply->pData, reply->dataLength, "status", 0)); } else self->Error(SS_ERR_RESPONSE, self->m_pszSendTyp, reply->resultCode); CallService(MS_NETLIB_FREEHTTPREQUESTSTRUCT, 0, (LPARAM)reply); } else self->Error(SS_ERR_NORESPONSE, self->m_pszSendTyp, self->m_nlhr.resultCode); self->Exit(ACKRESULT_FAILED); }
static drbClient *CreateClient (char *token_key_s, char *token_secret_s) { drbClient *client_p = NULL; const json_t *dropbox_json_p = GetGlobalConfigValue ("dropbox"); if (dropbox_json_p) { const char *key_s = GetJSONString (dropbox_json_p, "key"); const char *secret_s = GetJSONString (dropbox_json_p, "secret"); if (key_s && secret_s) { /* Global initialisation */ drbInit (); client_p = drbCreateClient ((char *) key_s, (char *) secret_s, token_key_s, token_secret_s); if (client_p) { // Request a AccessToken if undefined (NULL) if (! (token_key_s && token_secret_s)) { bool success_flag = false; drbOAuthToken *req_token_p = drbObtainRequestToken (client_p); if (req_token_p) { drbOAuthToken *acc_token_p = NULL; char *url_s = drbBuildAuthorizeUrl (req_token_p); printf("Please visit %s\nThen press Enter...\n", url_s); free (url_s); fgetc (stdin); acc_token_p = drbObtainAccessToken (client_p); if (acc_token_p) { // This key and secret can replace the NULL value in t_key and // t_secret for the next time. printf("key: %s\nsecret: %s\n", acc_token_p -> key, acc_token_p -> secret); success_flag = true; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to obtain an AccessToken...\n"); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to obtain a RequestToken...\n"); } if (success_flag) { /* Set default arguments to not repeat them on each API call */ drbSetDefault (client_p, DRBOPT_ROOT, DRBVAL_ROOT_AUTO, DRBOPT_END); } else { drbDestroyClient (client_p); client_p = NULL; } } /* if (! (token_key_s && token_secret_s) */ } /* if (client_p) */ } /* if (key_s && secret_s) */ } /* if (dropbox_json_p) */ return client_p; }
ExternalServer *CreateExternalServerFromJSON (const json_t *json_p) { ExternalServer *server_p = NULL; const char *name_s = GetJSONString (json_p, SERVER_NAME_S); if (name_s) { const char *uri_s = GetJSONString (json_p, SERVER_URI_S); if (uri_s) { const char *uuid_s = GetJSONString (json_p, SERVER_UUID_S); ConnectionType ct = CT_WEB; const char *type_s = GetJSONString (json_p, SERVER_CONNECTION_TYPE_S); if (type_s) { if (strcmp (type_s, CONNECTION_RAW_S) == 0) { ct = CT_RAW; } } /* if (type_s) */ server_p = AllocateExternalServer (name_s, uri_s, uuid_s, ct); if (server_p) { json_t *paired_services_json_p = json_object_get (json_p, SERVER_PAIRED_SERVICES_S); if (paired_services_json_p) { if (json_is_array (paired_services_json_p)) { size_t i; json_t *paired_service_json_p; json_array_foreach (paired_services_json_p, i, paired_service_json_p) { if (!AddPairedServiceFromJSON (server_p, paired_service_json_p)) { char *dump_s = json_dumps (paired_service_json_p, JSON_INDENT (2)); if (dump_s) { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to add paired service from \"%s\"", dump_s); free (dump_s); } else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to add paired service from json"); } } } } else if (json_is_object (paired_services_json_p)) { if (!AddPairedServiceFromJSON (server_p, paired_services_json_p)) { char *dump_s = json_dumps (paired_services_json_p, JSON_INDENT (2)); if (dump_s) { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to add paired service from \"%s\"", dump_s); free (dump_s); } else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to add paired service from json"); } } } else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, "%s is of type %d", SERVER_PAIRED_SERVICES_S, json_typeof (paired_services_json_p)); } } /* if (paired_services_json_p) */ } /* if (server_p) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to allocate external server %s on %s", name_s, uri_s); } } /* if (uri_s) */
bool ServicePrefsWidget :: SetServiceParams (const json_t *service_config_p) { bool success_flag = true; const json_t *json_p = json_object_get (service_config_p, SERVICE_RUN_S); if (json_p && (json_is_true (json_p))) { SetRunFlag (true); } else { SetRunFlag (false); } /* Set the params */ json_p = json_object_get (service_config_p, PARAM_SET_KEY_S); if (json_p) { const json_t *params_json_p = json_object_get (json_p, PARAM_SET_PARAMS_S); if (params_json_p) { if (json_is_array (params_json_p)) { json_t *param_p; size_t i; json_array_foreach (params_json_p, i, param_p) { const char *param_name_s = GetJSONString (param_p, PARAM_NAME_S); if (param_name_s) { BaseParamWidget *widget_p = spw_params_widget_p -> GetWidgetForParameter (param_name_s); if (widget_p) { const json_t *param_value_p = json_object_get (param_p, PARAM_CURRENT_VALUE_S); if (param_value_p) { if (! (widget_p -> SetValueFromJSON (param_value_p))) { PrintJSONToErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, param_value_p, "Failed to set %s -> %s from json", spw_service_name_s, param_name_s); } } else { PrintJSONToErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, param_p, "Failed to get parameter value %s -> %s from json", spw_service_name_s, PARAM_CURRENT_VALUE_S); } } /* if (widget_p) */ else { PrintJSONToErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, param_p, "Failed to get widget for %s -> %s from json", spw_service_name_s, param_name_s); } } /* if (param_name_s) */ else { PrintJSONToErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, param_p, "Failed to get parameter name %s -> %s from json", spw_service_name_s, PARAM_NAME_S); } } /* json_array_foreach (params_json_p, i, param_p) */ } /* if (json_is_array (params_json_p)) */ } else { PrintJSONToErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, json_p, "Failed to get child %s from json", PARAM_SET_PARAMS_S); } }
static int32 AddRemoteResultsToServiceJobs (const json_t *server_response_p, ServiceJobSet *jobs_p, const char * const remote_service_s, const char * const remote_uri_s, const BlastServiceData *blast_data_p) { int32 num_successful_runs = 0; if (server_response_p) { const json_t *service_results_p = json_object_get (server_response_p, SERVICE_RESULTS_S); if (service_results_p) { if (json_is_array (service_results_p)) { size_t i; json_t *service_result_p; if (remote_service_s) { json_array_foreach (service_results_p, i, service_result_p) { const char *service_name_s = GetJSONString (service_result_p, SERVICE_NAME_S); if (service_name_s) { if (strcmp (service_name_s, remote_service_s) == 0) { OperationStatus status; if (GetStatusFromJSON (service_result_p, &status)) { switch (status) { case OS_SUCCEEDED: { /* Get the results and add them to our list of jobs */ json_t *results_p = json_object_get (service_result_p, SERVICE_RESULTS_S); if (results_p) { if (json_is_array (results_p)) { bool id_flag = false; uuid_t remote_id; size_t j; json_t *job_json_p; Service *service_p = jobs_p -> sjs_service_p; const char *name_s = GetJSONString (service_result_p, JOB_NAME_S); const char *description_s = GetJSONString (service_result_p, JOB_DESCRIPTION_S); const char *remote_id_s = GetJSONString (service_result_p, JOB_UUID_S); if (remote_id_s) { if (uuid_parse (remote_id_s, remote_id) == 0) { id_flag = true; } } json_array_foreach (results_p, j, job_json_p) { RemoteServiceJob *job_p = CreateRemoteServiceJobFromResultsJSON (job_json_p, service_p, name_s, description_s, status); if (job_p) { bool added_flag = false; /* * Save the details to access the remote service with a file named using * the local uuid */ if ((job_p -> rsj_uri_s = CopyToNewString (remote_uri_s, 0, false)) != NULL) { if ((job_p -> rsj_service_name_s = CopyToNewString (remote_service_s, 0, false)) != NULL) { if (id_flag) { uuid_copy (job_p -> rsj_job_id, remote_id); if (AddServiceJobToServiceJobSet (jobs_p, & (job_p -> rsj_job))) { if (!SaveRemoteJobDetails (job_p, blast_data_p)) { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to save remote info file for \"%s\"", remote_id_s); } added_flag = true; ++ num_successful_runs; } else { PrintJSONToErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, service_results_p, "Failed to add ServiceJob to ServiceJobSet "); } } } else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to add remote service name \"%s\"", remote_service_s); } /* if (! (job_p -> bsj_job.sj_remote_uri_s)) */ } else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to add remote uri \"%s\"", remote_uri_s); } /* if (! (job_p -> bsj_job.sj_remote_uri_s)) */ if (!added_flag) { FreeServiceJob (& (job_p -> rsj_job)); } } /* if (job_p) */ else { PrintJSONToErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, service_results_p, "Failed to create ServiceJob "); } } /* json_array_foreach (results_p, j, job_json_p) */ } /* if (json_is_array (results_p)) */ } /* if (results_p) */ else { PrintJSONToErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, service_results_p, "Failed to get SERVICE_RESULTS_S "); } } /* case OS_SUCCEEDED: */ break; default: break; } /* switch (status) */ } /* if (GetStatusFromJSON (service_results_p, &status)) */ else { PrintJSONToErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, service_results_p, "Failed to get OperationStatus"); } } /* if (strcmp (service_name_s = service_p -> ps_name_s) == 0) */ } /* if (service_name_s) */ else { PrintJSONToErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, service_results_p, "Failed to get service name"); } } /* json_array_foreach (server_response_p, i, service_results_p) */
char *GetPreviousRemoteBlastServiceJob (const char *local_job_id_s, const uint32 output_format_code, const BlastServiceData *blast_data_p) { char *result_s = NULL; char *job_filename_s = GetLocalJobFilename (local_job_id_s, blast_data_p); if (job_filename_s) { json_error_t e; json_t *remote_p = json_load_file (job_filename_s, 0, &e); if (remote_p) { /* * This json_t should consist of the remote server's uri and the uuid * of the job on that server */ const char *uri_s = GetJSONString (remote_p, JOB_REMOTE_URI_S); if (uri_s) { const char *remote_job_id_s = GetJSONString (remote_p, JOB_REMOTE_UUID_S); if (remote_job_id_s) { /* * Make the call to the remote server for the previous results * using this id */ ParameterSet *param_set_p = AllocateParameterSet ("Blast service parameters", "The parameters used for the Blast service"); ParameterGroup *group_p = NULL; if (param_set_p) { Parameter *param_p = SetUpPreviousJobUUIDParamater (blast_data_p, param_set_p, group_p); if (param_p) { if (SetParameterValue (param_p, remote_job_id_s, true)) { param_p = SetUpOutputFormatParamater (blast_data_p, param_set_p, group_p); if (param_p) { if (SetParameterValue (param_p, &output_format_code, true)) { Service *service_p = blast_data_p -> bsd_base_data.sd_service_p; if (service_p) { const char *service_name_s = GetServiceName (blast_data_p -> bsd_base_data.sd_service_p); if (service_name_s) { json_t *res_p = MakeRemotePairedServiceCall (service_name_s, param_set_p, uri_s, NULL); if (res_p) { int32 num_added = AddRemoteResultsToServiceJobs (res_p, service_p -> se_jobs_p, service_name_s, uri_s, blast_data_p); #if PAIRED_BLAST_SERVICE_DEBUG >= STM_LEVEL_FINE PrintLog (STM_LEVEL_FINE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Added " INT32_FMT " jobs from remote results"); #endif json_decref (res_p); } /* if (res_p) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "MakeRemotePairedServiceCall to \"%s\" at \"%s\" with param set to \"%s\" returned NULL", service_name_s, uri_s, param_p -> pa_current_value.st_string_value_s); } } /* if (service_name_s) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to get Blast service name"); } } /* if (service_p) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to set get Blast service"); } } /* if (SetParameterValue (param_p, &output_format_code, true)) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to set Parameter value for out put format to " UINT32_FMT, output_format_code); } } else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to create Parameter for output format"); } } /* if (SetParameterValue (param_p, remote_job_id_s, true)) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to set Parameter value for previous job ids to \"%s\"", remote_job_id_s); } } /* if (param_p) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to create Parameter for previous job ids"); } FreeParameterSet (param_set_p); } /* if (param_set_p) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to allocate ParamaterSet"); } } /* if (remote_job_id_s) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to get \"%s\" from \"%s\"", JOB_REMOTE_UUID_S, job_filename_s); } } /* if (uri_s) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to get \"%s\" from \"%s\"", JOB_REMOTE_UUID_S, job_filename_s); } json_decref (remote_p); } /* if (remote_p) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to load remote json data from \"%s\", error at line %d, col %d, \"%s\"", job_filename_s, e.line, e.column, e.text); } FreeCopiedString (job_filename_s); } /* if (job_filename_s) */ else { PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to get output filename for \"%s\"", local_job_id_s); } return result_s; }