void CollectionLinkItem::Inspect_(std::ostream& os) const
    bool good_labels = true;
    for (auto& lbl : GetLabels())
        if (lbl.ptr.offset % sizeof(Entry) != 0 ||
            lbl.ptr.offset / sizeof(Entry) >= entries.size())
            good_labels = false;
    if (!good_labels)

    size_t i = 0;
    for (const auto& e : entries)
        if (good_labels)
            auto x = GetLabels().equal_range(i);
            for (auto it = x.first; it != x.second; ++it)
                os << '@' << it->name << ":\n";
            i += sizeof(Entry);

        os << "collection_link(@" << e.name_0->name << ", @" << e.name_1->name
           << ")\n";
void pgLanguage::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	if (properties)

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
			properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
		properties->AppendItem(_("ACL"), GetAcl());
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Trusted?"), GetTrusted());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Handler function"), GetHandlerProc());
		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 0))
			properties->AppendItem(_("Inline function"), GetInlineProc());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Validator function"), GetValidatorProc());
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("System language?"), GetSystemObject());
		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(7, 5))
			properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));
void pgSequence::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	if (properties)

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
		properties->AppendItem(_("ACL"), GetAcl());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Current value"), GetLastValue());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Next value"), GetNextValue());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Minimum"), GetMinValue());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Maximum"), GetMaxValue());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Increment"), GetIncrement());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Cache"), GetCacheValue());
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Cycled?"), GetCycled());
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Called?"), GetCalled());
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("System sequence?"), GetSystemObject());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));
void pgView::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	if (!expandedKids)
		expandedKids = true;

		browser->AppendCollection(this, columnFactory);

		pgCollection *collection = browser->AppendCollection(this, ruleFactory);
		treeObjectIterator colIt(browser, collection);

		pgRule *rule;
		while (!hasInsertRule && !hasUpdateRule && !hasDeleteRule && (rule = (pgRule *)colIt.GetNextObject()) != 0)
			if (rule->GetEvent().Find(wxT("INSERT")) >= 0)
				hasInsertRule = true;
			if (rule->GetEvent().Find(wxT("UPDATE")) >= 0)
				hasUpdateRule = true;
			if (rule->GetEvent().Find(wxT("DELETE")) >= 0)
				hasDeleteRule = true;

		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
			browser->AppendCollection(this, triggerFactory);
	if (properties)
		wxString def = GetDefinition().Left(250);
		def.Replace(wxT("\n"), wxT(" "));

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
		properties->AppendItem(_("ACL"), GetAcl());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Definition"), def);
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("System view?"), GetSystemObject());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));
		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 2) && GetSecurityBarrier().Length() > 0)
			properties->AppendItem(_("Security barrier?"), GetSecurityBarrier());

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));
void PlotImages()
string filename[1];
char buffer[100];
char buffertext[100];

for (int seed=55; seed<56; seed++)
    int n=sprintf(buffer, "/home/les67/locust_faketrack_waterfall.root");

    const char *file = buffer;

    TFile* f = TFile::Open(file);
    if (!((!f)||f->IsZombie()))

    TH2D* hspectrogram = GetSpectrogram(file);
    TH2D* hlabels = GetLabels(hspectrogram, 40e-21);  // threshold for labeling goes here.
//    TGraph* grlabels = GetLabelGraph(hlabels);
//    PrintLabels(grlabels);  // print labels to terminal.

    hspectrogram->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(149.e6, 170.e6);

    TCanvas *c = new TCanvas;
    n=sprintf(buffertext, "hspectrogram_%d.png", seed);
    const char *pngname = buffertext;


    TImage *img = TImage::Create();
    delete img;
    delete hspectrogram;
    delete c;


	sig.Printf("%s %s",APP_TITLE,APP_VERSION);
	// wxInitAllImageHandlers(); // png fails on cygwin
	// so instead only init what we need:
	wxImage::AddHandler(new wxBMPHandler);
	wxImage::AddHandler(new wxXPMHandler);

void pgDomain::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
    if (!expandedKids)
        expandedKids = true;


        // Log
        wxLogInfo(wxT("Adding child object to domain %s"), GetIdentifier().c_str());
        if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(7, 4))
            browser->AppendCollection(this, constraintFactory);

    if (properties)

        properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
        properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
        properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
        properties->AppendItem(_("Base type"), GetBasetype());
        if (GetDimensions())
            properties->AppendItem(_("Dimensions"), GetDimensions());
        if (GetCollationOid() > 0)
            properties->AppendItem(_("Collation"), GetQuotedCollation());
        properties->AppendItem(_("Default"), GetDefault());
        properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Not NULL?"), GetNotNull());
        properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("System domain?"), GetSystemObject());
        properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));

        if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
            wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
            if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
                for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
                    properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void guJamendoLibrary::UpdateAlbumsLabels( const guArrayListItems &labelsets )
  guListItems   LaItems;

  // The ArtistLabels string is the same for all songs so done out of the loop
  GetLabels( &LaItems, true );

  int           ItemIndex;
  int           ItemCount = labelsets.Count();
  for( ItemIndex = 0; ItemIndex < ItemCount; ItemIndex++ )
    wxArrayInt ItemLabels = labelsets[ ItemIndex ].GetData();

    //guLogMessage( wxT( "Artist Labels : '%s'" ), ArtistLabelStr.c_str() );
    // Update the Database
    wxArrayInt ItemIds;
    ItemIds.Add( labelsets[ ItemIndex ].GetId() );
    SetAlbumsLabels( ItemIds, ItemLabels );
void pgTablespace::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	if (!expandedKids)
		expandedKids = true;

	if (properties)

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Location"), GetLocation());
		size_t i;
		for (i = 0 ; i < variables.GetCount() ; i++)
			wxString item = variables.Item(i);
			properties->AppendItem(item.BeforeFirst('='), item.AfterFirst('='));
		properties->AppendItem(_("ACL"), GetAcl());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));
void pgFunction::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	if (properties)

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Argument count"), GetArgCount());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Arguments"), GetArgListWithNames());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Signature arguments"), GetArgSigList());
		if (!GetIsProcedure())
			properties->AppendItem(_("Return type"), GetReturnType());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Language"), GetLanguage());
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Returns a set?"), GetReturnAsSet());
		if (GetLanguage().IsSameAs(wxT("C"), false))
			properties->AppendItem(_("Object file"), GetBin());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Link symbol"), GetSource());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Source"), firstLineOnly(GetSource()));

		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
			properties->AppendItem(_("Estimated cost"), GetCost());
			if (GetReturnAsSet())
				properties->AppendItem(_("Estimated rows"), GetRows());

		properties->AppendItem(_("Volatility"), GetVolatility());
		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 2))
			properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Leak proof?"), GetIsLeakProof());
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Security of definer?"), GetSecureDefiner());
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Strict?"), GetIsStrict());
		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 4))
			properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Window?"), GetIsWindow());

		size_t i;
		for (i = 0 ; i < configList.GetCount() ; i++)
			wxString item = configList.Item(i);
			properties->AppendItem(item.BeforeFirst('='), item.AfterFirst('='));

		properties->AppendItem(_("ACL"), GetAcl());
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("System function?"), GetSystemObject());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));
void pgSchemaBase::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)


	if (!expandedKids)
		expandedKids = true;


		// Log
		wxLogInfo(wxT("Adding child object to schema %s"), GetIdentifier().c_str());

		if (!(GetMetaType() == PGM_CATALOG && (GetFullName() == wxT("dbo") || GetFullName() == wxT("sys") || GetFullName() == wxT("information_schema"))))
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Aggregates")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, aggregateFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Collations")) && GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, collationFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Conversions")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, conversionFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Domains")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, domainFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Foreign Tables")) && GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, foreignTableFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("FTS Configurations")))
				if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
					browser->AppendCollection(this, textSearchConfigurationFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("FTS Dictionaries")))
				if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
					browser->AppendCollection(this, textSearchDictionaryFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("FTS Parsers")))
				if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
					browser->AppendCollection(this, textSearchParserFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("FTS Templates")))
				if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
					browser->AppendCollection(this, textSearchTemplateFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Functions")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, functionFactory);

			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Operators")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, operatorFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Operator Classes")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, operatorClassFactory);

			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Operator Families")))
				if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
					browser->AppendCollection(this, operatorFamilyFactory);

			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Packages")) && GetConnection()->EdbMinimumVersion(8, 1))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, packageFactory);

			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Procedures")))
				if (GetConnection()->EdbMinimumVersion(8, 0))
					browser->AppendCollection(this, procedureFactory);

			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Sequences")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, sequenceFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Tables")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, tableFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("External Tables")))
				if (GetConnection() != 0 && GetConnection()->GetIsGreenplum())
					browser->AppendCollection(this, extTableFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Trigger Functions")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, triggerFunctionFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Types")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, typeFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Views")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, viewFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Synonyms")) && GetConnection()->EdbMinimumVersion(8, 4))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, edbPrivFactory);
			browser->AppendCollection(this, catalogObjectFactory);

	if (properties)

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
		properties->AppendItem(_("ACL"), GetAcl());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Default table ACL"), m_defPrivsOnTables);
		properties->AppendItem(_("Default sequence ACL"), m_defPrivsOnSeqs);
		properties->AppendItem(_("Default function ACL"), m_defPrivsOnFuncs);

		if (GetMetaType() != PGM_CATALOG)
			properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("System schema?"), GetSystemObject());

		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));
void pgForeignTable::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	wxString constraint;

	if (!expandedKids)
		expandedKids = true;
		pgSet *set = ExecuteSet(
		                 wxT("SELECT attname, format_type(t.oid,NULL) AS typname, attndims, atttypmod, nspname, attnotnull,\n")
		                 wxT("       (SELECT COUNT(1) from pg_type t2 WHERE t2.typname=t.typname) > 1 AS isdup\n")
		                 wxT("  FROM pg_attribute att\n")
		                 wxT("  JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid=atttypid\n")
		                 wxT("  JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON t.typnamespace=nsp.oid\n")
		                 wxT("  LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_type b ON t.typelem=b.oid\n")
		                 wxT(" WHERE att.attrelid=") + GetOidStr() + wxT("\n")
		                 wxT(" AND attnum>0\n")
		                 wxT(" ORDER by attnum"));
		if (set)
			int anzvar = 0;
			while (!set->Eof())
				pgDatatype dt(set->GetVal(wxT("nspname")), set->GetVal(wxT("typname")),
				              set->GetBool(wxT("isdup")), set->GetLong(wxT("attndims")) > 0, set->GetLong(wxT("atttypmod")));
				constraint = set->GetBool(wxT("attnotnull")) ? wxT("NOT NULL") : wxT("");

				if (anzvar++)
					typesList += wxT(", ");
					quotedTypesList += wxT(",\n    ");

				typesList += set->GetVal(wxT("attname")) + wxT(" ")
				             + dt.GetSchemaPrefix(GetDatabase()) + dt.FullName() + wxT(" ")
				             + constraint;

				quotedTypesList += qtIdent(set->GetVal(wxT("attname"))) + wxT(" ")
				                   + dt.GetQuotedSchemaPrefix(GetDatabase()) + dt.QuotedFullName() + wxT(" ")
				                   + constraint;

				typesArray.Add(dt.GetSchemaPrefix(GetDatabase()) + dt.FullName());

			delete set;

	if (properties)

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Server"), GetForeignServer());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Columns"), GetQuotedTypesList());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Options"), GetOptionsList());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));
void pgDatabase::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	if (Connect() == PGCONN_OK)
		// Set the icon if required

		// Add child nodes if necessary
		if (browser->GetChildrenCount(GetId(), false) == 0)
			wxLogInfo(wxT("Adding child object to database %s"), GetIdentifier().c_str());

			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Catalogs")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, catalogFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Casts")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, castFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Extensions")) && GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, extensionFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Foreign Data Wrappers")) && GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 4))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, foreignDataWrapperFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Languages")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, languageFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Synonyms")) && connection()->EdbMinimumVersion(8, 0))
				if (!GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 4))
					browser->AppendCollection(this, synonymFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Schemas")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, schemaFactory);
			if (settings->GetDisplayOption(_("Slony-I Clusters")))
				browser->AppendCollection(this, slClusterFactory);

			wxString missingFKsql = wxT("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM\n")
			                        wxT("   (SELECT tgargs from pg_trigger tr\n")
			                        wxT("      LEFT JOIN pg_depend dep ON dep.objid=tr.oid AND deptype = 'i'\n")
			                        wxT("      LEFT JOIN pg_constraint co ON refobjid = co.oid AND contype = 'f'\n")
			                        wxT("     WHERE \n");
			if (connection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 0))
				missingFKsql += wxT("tgisinternal\n");
				missingFKsql += wxT("tgisconstraint\n");

			missingFKsql += wxT("     AND co.oid IS NULL\n")
			                wxT("     GROUP BY tgargs\n")
			                wxT("    HAVING count(1) = 3) AS foo");
			missingFKs = StrToLong(connection()->ExecuteScalar(missingFKsql));


	if (properties)
		// Setup listview

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), NumToStr(GetOid()));
		properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
		properties->AppendItem(_("ACL"), GetAcl());
		if (!GetPath().IsEmpty())
			properties->AppendItem(_("Path"), GetPath());

		// We may not actually be connected...
		if (GetConnection() && GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 0))
			properties->AppendItem(_("Tablespace"), GetTablespace());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Default tablespace"), GetDefaultTablespace());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Encoding"), GetEncoding());

		if (GetConnection() && GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 4))
			properties->AppendItem(_("Collation"), GetCollate());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Character type"), GetCType());

		properties->AppendItem(_("Default schema"), defaultSchema);

		properties->AppendItem(_("Default table ACL"), m_defPrivsOnTables);
		properties->AppendItem(_("Default sequence ACL"), m_defPrivsOnSeqs);
		properties->AppendItem(_("Default function ACL"), m_defPrivsOnFuncs);

		size_t i;
		wxString username;
		wxString varname;
		wxString varvalue;
		for (i = 0 ; i < variables.GetCount() ; i++)
			wxStringTokenizer tkz(variables.Item(i), wxT("="));
			while (tkz.HasMoreTokens())
				username = tkz.GetNextToken();
				varname = tkz.GetNextToken();
				varvalue = tkz.GetNextToken();

			if (username.Length() == 0)
				properties->AppendItem(varname, varvalue);
				// should we add the parameters for the username?
				// I don't think so
				// but if we want this, how will we display that?
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Allow connections?"), GetAllowConnections());
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Connected?"), GetConnected());
		if (GetConnection() && GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 1))
			wxString strConnLimit;
			strConnLimit.Printf(wxT("%ld"), GetConnectionLimit());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Connection limit"), strConnLimit);
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("System database?"), GetSystemObject());
		if (GetMissingFKs())
			properties->AppendItem(_("Old style FKs"), GetMissingFKs());
		if (!GetSchemaRestriction().IsEmpty())
			properties->AppendItem(_("Schema restriction"), GetSchemaRestriction());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));
	if (form && GetCanHint() && !hintShown)
		ShowHint(form, false);
int sci_param3d(char * fname, void *pvApiCtx)
    SciErr sciErr;
    int izcol = 0, isfac = 0;
    static double  ebox_def[6] = { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1};
    double *ebox = ebox_def;
    static int iflag_def[3] = {1, 2, 4};
    int iflag[3], *ifl = NULL, ix1 = 0, one = 1;
    double  alpha_def = 35.0 , theta_def = 45.0;
    double *alpha = &alpha_def, *theta = &theta_def;
    int m1 = 0, n1 = 0, m2 = 0, n2 = 0, m3 = 0, n3 = 0;
    int m3n = 0, n3n = 0; /* F.Leray 19.03.04*/

    static rhs_opts opts[] =
        { -1, "alpha", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "ebox", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "flag", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "leg", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "theta", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, NULL, -1, 0, 0, NULL}

    char * labels = NULL;

    int* piAddr1 = NULL;
    int* piAddr2 = NULL;
    int* piAddr3 = NULL;

    double* l1 = NULL;
    double* l2 = NULL;
    double* l3 = NULL;

    if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) <= 0)
        sci_demo(fname, pvApiCtx);
        return 0;

    CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 3, 8);

    if (getOptionals(pvApiCtx, fname, opts) == 0)
        return 0;
    if (FirstOpt(pvApiCtx) < 4)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Misplaced optional argument: #%d must be at position %d.\n"), fname, 1, 4);

    //get variable address
    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr1);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 1.
    sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &m1, &n1, &l1);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 1);
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    if (m1 * n1 == 0)
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 0;
        return 0;
    //get variable address
    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddr2);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 2.
    sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &m2, &n2, &l2);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 2);
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    //get variable address
    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 3, &piAddr3);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 3.
    sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &m3, &n3, &l3);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 3);
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    if (m1 != m2 || n1 != n2)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"), fname, 1, m1, n1);
        return 1;

    if (m2 != m3 || n2 != n3)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"), fname, 2, m2, n2);
        return 1;

    GetOptionalDoubleArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 4, "theta", &theta, 1, opts);
    GetOptionalDoubleArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 5, "alpha", &alpha, 1, opts);
    GetLabels(pvApiCtx, fname, 6, opts, &labels);

    iflag_def[1] = 8;
    ifl = &(iflag_def[1]);
    GetOptionalIntArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 7, "flag", &ifl, 2, opts);
    iflag[0] = iflag_def[0];
    iflag[1] = ifl[0];
    iflag[2] = ifl[1];
    GetOptionalDoubleArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 8, "ebox", &ebox, 6, opts);


    ix1 = m1 * n1;

    /* NG beg */
    isfac = -1;
    izcol = 0;

    Objplot3d (fname, &isfac, &izcol, (l1), (l2), (l3), (double *) NULL, &ix1, &one, theta, alpha, labels, iflag, ebox, &m1, &n1, &m2, &n2, &m3, &n3, &m3n, &n3n); /*Adding F.Leray 12.03.04 */

    /* NG end */
    AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 0;
    return 0;
int sci_param3d1(char *fname, void *pvApiCtx)
    SciErr sciErr;
    int izcol = 0, isfac = 0;
    double *zcol = NULL;
    static double  ebox_def [6] = { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1};
    double *ebox = ebox_def;
    static int iflag_def[3] = {1, 2, 4};
    int iflag[3] , *ifl = NULL;
    double  alpha_def = 35.0 , theta_def = 45.0;
    double *alpha = &alpha_def, *theta = &theta_def;
    int m1 = 0, n1 = 0, m2 = 0, n2 = 0, m3 = 0, n3 = 0;
    int m3n = 0, n3n = 0, m3l = 0;
    static rhs_opts opts[] =
        { -1, "alpha", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "ebox", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "flag", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "leg", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "theta", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, NULL, -1, 0, 0, NULL}

    char * labels = NULL;

    int* piAddr1  = NULL;
    int* piAddr2  = NULL;
    int* piAddr3  = NULL;
    int* piAddr31 = NULL;
    int* piAddr32 = NULL;

    double* l1  = NULL;
    double* l2  = NULL;
    double* l3  = NULL;
    double* l3n = NULL;

    if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) <= 0)
        sci_demo(fname, pvApiCtx);
        return 0;

    CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 3, 8);

    if (getOptionals(pvApiCtx, fname, opts) == 0)
        return 0;

    if (FirstOpt(pvApiCtx) < 4)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Misplaced optional argument: #%d must be at position %d.\n"), fname, 1, 4);
        return (0);

    //get variable address
    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr1);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 1.
    sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &m1, &n1, &l1); /* x */
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 1);
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    if (m1 == 1 && n1 > 1)
        m1 = n1;
        n1 = 1;

    //get variable address
    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddr2);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 2.
    sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &m2, &n2, &l2); /* y */
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 2);
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    if (m2 == 1 && n2 > 1)
        m2 = n2;
        n2 = 1;

    if (m1 * n1 == 0)
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 0;
        return 0;
    if (m1 != m2 || n1 != n2)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"), fname, 1, m1, n1);
        return 1;

    //get variable address
    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 3, &piAddr3);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    switch (getInputArgumentType(pvApiCtx, 3))
        case 1 :
            izcol = 0;

            // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 3.
            sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &m3, &n3, &l3); /* z */
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 3);
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                return 1;

        case 15 :
            izcol = 1;
            /* z = list(z,colors) */
            sciErr = getListItemNumber(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &m3l);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 3);
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                return 1;

            if (m3l != 2)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: List of size %d expected.\n"),
                         fname, 2, m3l, 2);
                return 0;

            sciErr = getListItemAddress(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, 1, &piAddr31);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                return 1;

            sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr31, &m3, &n3, &l3); /* z */
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 3);
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                return 1;

            sciErr = getListItemAddress(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, 2, &piAddr32);
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                return 1;

            sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr32, &m3n, &n3n, &l3n); /* z */
            if (sciErr.iErr)
                Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument #%d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 3);
                printError(&sciErr, 0);
                return 1;

            zcol  = (l3n);
            if (m3n * n3n != n3)
                Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d expected.\n"), fname, 3, n3);
                return 0;
        default :
            return 0;

    if (m3 == 1 && n3 > 1)
        m3 = n3;
        n3 = 1;
    if (m1 != m3 || n1 != n3)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d-by-%d matrix expected.\n"), fname, 1, m1, n1);
        return 1;

    GetOptionalDoubleArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 4, "theta", &theta, 1, opts);
    GetOptionalDoubleArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 5, "alpha", &alpha, 1, opts);
    GetLabels(pvApiCtx, fname, 6, opts, &labels);
    iflag_def[1] = 8;
    ifl = &(iflag_def[1]);
    GetOptionalIntArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 7, "flag", &ifl, 2, opts);
    iflag[0] = iflag_def[0];
    iflag[1] = ifl[0];
    iflag[2] = ifl[1];

    GetOptionalDoubleArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 8, "ebox", &ebox, 6, opts);

    if (m1 == 1 && n1 > 1)
        m1 = n1;
        n1 = 1;


    /* NG beg */
    isfac = -1;

    Objplot3d (fname, &isfac, &izcol, (l1), (l2), (l3), zcol, &m1, &n1, theta, alpha, labels, iflag, ebox, &m1, &n1, &m2, &n2, &m3, &n3, &m3n, &n3n); /*Adding F.Leray 12.03.04*/

    AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 0;
    return 0;
void pgView::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	if (!expandedKids)
		expandedKids = true;

		browser->AppendCollection(this, columnFactory);

		pgCollection *collection = browser->AppendCollection(this, ruleFactory);
		treeObjectIterator colIt(browser, collection);

		pgRule *rule;
		while (!hasInsertRule && !hasUpdateRule && !hasDeleteRule && (rule = (pgRule *)colIt.GetNextObject()) != 0)
			if (rule->GetEvent().Find(wxT("INSERT")) >= 0)
				hasInsertRule = true;
			if (rule->GetEvent().Find(wxT("UPDATE")) >= 0)
				hasUpdateRule = true;
			if (rule->GetEvent().Find(wxT("DELETE")) >= 0)
				hasDeleteRule = true;

		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
			browser->AppendCollection(this, triggerFactory);
	if (properties)
		wxString def = GetDefinition().Left(250);
		def.Replace(wxT("\n"), wxT(" "));

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
		properties->AppendItem(_("ACL"), GetAcl());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Definition"), def);
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("System view?"), GetSystemObject());
		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 2) && GetSecurityBarrier().Length() > 0)
			properties->AppendItem(_("Security barrier?"), GetSecurityBarrier());

		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 3))
			properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Materialized view?"), GetMaterializedView());

		/* Custom AutoVacuum Settings */
		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 3) && GetMaterializedView())
			if (!GetFillFactor().IsEmpty())
				properties->AppendItem(_("Fill factor"), GetFillFactor());

			if (GetCustomAutoVacuumEnabled())
				if (GetAutoVacuumEnabled() != 2)
					properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum enabled?"), GetAutoVacuumEnabled() == 1 ? _("Yes") : _("No"));
				if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum VACUUM base threshold"), GetAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold());
				if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum VACUUM scale factor"), GetAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor());
				if (!GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeThreshold().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum ANALYZE base threshold"), GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeThreshold());
				if (!GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum ANALYZE scale factor"), GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor());
				if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum VACUUM cost delay"), GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay());
				if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum VACUUM cost limit"), GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit());
				if (!GetAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum FREEZE minimum age"), GetAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge());
				if (!GetAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum FREEZE maximum age"), GetAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge());
				if (!GetAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum FREEZE table age"), GetAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge());

			if (GetHasToastTable() && GetToastCustomAutoVacuumEnabled())
				if (GetToastAutoVacuumEnabled() != 2)
					properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum enabled?"), GetToastAutoVacuumEnabled() == 1 ? _("Yes") : _("No"));
				if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum VACUUM base threshold"), GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold());
				if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum VACUUM scale factor"), GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor());
				if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum VACUUM cost delay"), GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay());
				if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum VACUUM cost limit"), GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit());
				if (!GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum FREEZE minimum age"), GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge());
				if (!GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum FREEZE maximum age"), GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge());
				if (!GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge().IsEmpty())
					properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum FREEZE table age"), GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge());

			properties->AppendItem(_("Tablespace"), tablespace);

			if (GetIsPopulated().Cmp(wxT("t")) == 0)
				properties->AppendItem(_("With data?"), _("Yes"));
				properties->AppendItem(_("With data?"), _("No"));

		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 4))
			properties->AppendItem(_("Check Option"), GetCheckOption());

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));

		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));
int sci_plot3d(char * fname, unsigned long fname_len)
    SciErr sciErr;
    static double  ebox_def [6] = { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1};
    double *ebox = ebox_def;
    static int iflag_def[3] = {2, 2, 4};
    int *iflag = iflag_def;
    double  alpha_def = 35.0 , theta_def = 45.0;
    double *alpha = &alpha_def, *theta = &theta_def;
    int m1 = 0, n1 = 0,  m2 = 0, n2 = 0, m3 = 0, n3 = 0;
    int m3n = 0, n3n = 0, m3l = 0;

    int izcol = 0,  isfac = 0;
    double *zcol = NULL;

    static rhs_opts opts[] =
        { -1, "alpha", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "ebox", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "flag", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "leg", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, "theta", -1, 0, 0, NULL},
        { -1, NULL, -1, 0, 0, NULL}

    char * legend = NULL;

    int* piAddr1  = NULL;
    int* piAddr2  = NULL;
    int* piAddr3  = NULL;
    int* piAddr31 = NULL;
    int* piAddr32 = NULL;

    double* l1  = NULL;
    double* l2  = NULL;
    double* l3  = NULL;
    double* l3n = NULL;

    ** This overload the function to call demo script
    ** the demo script is called %_<fname>
    if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) <= 0)
        sci_demo(fname, fname_len);
        return 0;

    CheckInputArgument(pvApiCtx, 3, 8);

    if (getOptionals(pvApiCtx, fname, opts) == 0)
        return 0;

    if (FirstOpt() < 4)
        Scierror(999, _("%s: Misplaced optional argument: #%d must be at position %d.\n"), fname, 1, 4);
        return -1;

    //get variable address
    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 1, &piAddr1);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 1.
    sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr1, &m1, &n1, &l1);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument %d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 1);
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    //get variable address
    sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 2, &piAddr2);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 2.
    sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr2, &m2, &n2, &l2);
    if (sciErr.iErr)
        Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument %d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 2);
        printError(&sciErr, 0);
        return 1;

    if (m1 * n1 == 0)
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 0;
        return 0;

    if (nbInputArgument(pvApiCtx) >= 3)
        /*     third argument can be a matrix z or a list list(z,zcol) */
        sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 3, &piAddr3);
        if (sciErr.iErr)
            printError(&sciErr, 0);
            return 1;

        switch (getInputArgumentType(pvApiCtx, 3))
            case sci_matrix :
                //get variable address
                sciErr = getVarAddressFromPosition(pvApiCtx, 3, &piAddr3);
                if (sciErr.iErr)
                    printError(&sciErr, 0);
                    return 1;

                // Retrieve a matrix of double at position 3.
                sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &m3, &n3, &l3);
                if (sciErr.iErr)
                    Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument %d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 3);
                    printError(&sciErr, 0);
                    return 1;

                izcol = 0;
            case sci_list :
                izcol = 1;
                /* z = list(z,colors) */
                sciErr = getListItemNumber(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, &m3l);
                if (sciErr.iErr)
                    Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument %d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 3);
                    printError(&sciErr, 0);
                    return 1;

                if (m3l != 2)
                    Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: List of size %d expected.\n"),
                             fname, 2, m3l, 2);
                    return 1;

                sciErr = getListItemAddress(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, 1, &piAddr31);
                if (sciErr.iErr)
                    printError(&sciErr, 0);
                    return 1;

                sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr31, &m3, &n3, &l3); /* z */
                if (sciErr.iErr)
                    Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument %d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 3);
                    printError(&sciErr, 0);
                    return 1;

                sciErr = getListItemAddress(pvApiCtx, piAddr3, 2, &piAddr32);
                if (sciErr.iErr)
                    printError(&sciErr, 0);
                    return 1;

                sciErr = getMatrixOfDouble(pvApiCtx, piAddr32, &m3n, &n3n, &l3n); /* z */
                if (sciErr.iErr)
                    Scierror(202, _("%s: Wrong type for argument %d: A real expected.\n"), fname, 3);
                    printError(&sciErr, 0);
                    return 1;

                zcol  = (l3n);
                if (m3n * n3n != n3 &&  m3n * n3n != m3 * n3)
                    Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input argument #%d: %d or %d expected.\n"), fname, 3, n3, m3 * n3);
                    return 1;
                *   Added by E Segre 4/5/2000. In the case where zcol is a
                *   matrix of the same size as z, we set izcol to 2. This
                *   value is later transmitted to the C2F(fac3dg) routine,
                *   which has been modified to do the interpolated shading
                *    (see the file SCI/modules/graphics/src/c/Plo3d.c
                if (m3n * n3n == m3 * n3)
                    izcol = 2 ;
            default :
                return 0;
    iflag_def[1] = 8;

    GetOptionalDoubleArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 4, "theta", &theta, 1, opts);
    GetOptionalDoubleArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 5, "alpha", &alpha, 1, opts);
    GetLabels(pvApiCtx, fname, 6, opts, &legend);
    GetOptionalIntArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 7, "flag", &iflag, 3, opts);
    GetOptionalDoubleArg(pvApiCtx, fname, 8, "ebox", &ebox, 6, opts);

    if (m1 * n1 == m3 * n3 && m1 * n1 == m2 * n2 && m1 * n1 != 1)
        if (! (m1 == m2 && m2 == m3 && n1 == n2 && n2 == n3))
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input arguments #%d, #%d and #%d: Incompatible length.\n"), fname, 1, 2, 3);
            return 1;
        if (m2 * n2 != n3)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input arguments #%d and #%d: Incompatible length.\n"), fname, 2, 3);
            return 1;

        if (m1 * n1 != m3)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong value for input arguments #%d and #%d: Incompatible length.\n"), fname, 1, 3);
            return 1;

        if (m1 * n1 <= 1 || m2 * n2 <= 1)
            Scierror(999, _("%s: Wrong size for input arguments #%d and #%d: %s expected.\n"), fname, 2, 3, ">= 2");
            return 1;

    if (m1 * n1 == 0 || m2 * n2 == 0 || m3 * n3 == 0)
        AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 0;
        return 0;


    /******************** 24/05/2002 ********************/
    if (m1 * n1 == m3 * n3 && m1 * n1 == m2 * n2 && m1 * n1 != 1) /* NG beg */
        isfac = 1;
        isfac = 0;

    Objplot3d (fname, &isfac, &izcol, (l1), (l2), (l3), zcol, &m3, &n3, theta, alpha, legend, iflag, ebox, &m1, &n1, &m2, &n2, &m3, &n3, &m3n, &n3n); /*Adding F.Leray 12.03.04 and 19.03.04*/

    AssignOutputVariable(pvApiCtx, 1) = 0;
    return 0;

void pgType::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	wxString query;
	wxString collation;

	if (!expandedKids)
		expandedKids = true;
		if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_COMPOSITE)
			query = wxT("SELECT attname, format_type(t.oid,NULL) AS typname, attndims, atttypmod, nsp.nspname,\n")
			        wxT("       (SELECT COUNT(1) from pg_type t2 WHERE t2.typname=t.typname) > 1 AS isdup");
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
				query += wxT(",\n       collname, nspc.nspname as collnspname");
			query += wxT("\n  FROM pg_attribute att\n")
			         wxT("  JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid=atttypid\n")
			         wxT("  JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON t.typnamespace=nsp.oid\n")
			         wxT("  LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_type b ON t.typelem=b.oid\n");
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
				query += wxT("  LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_collation c ON att.attcollation=c.oid\n")
				         wxT("  LEFT OUTER JOIN pg_namespace nspc ON c.collnamespace=nspc.oid\n");
			query += wxT(" WHERE att.attrelid=") + NumToStr(relOid) + wxT("\n")
			         wxT(" ORDER by attnum");
			pgSet *set = ExecuteSet(query);
			if (set)
				int anzvar = 0;
				while (!set->Eof())
					wxString element;
					if (anzvar++)
						typesList += wxT(", ");
						quotedTypesList += wxT(",\n    ");
					typesList += set->GetVal(wxT("attname")) + wxT(" ");
					quotedTypesList += qtIdent(set->GetVal(wxT("attname"))) + wxT(" ");

					pgDatatype dt(set->GetVal(wxT("nspname")), set->GetVal(wxT("typname")),
					              set->GetBool(wxT("isdup")), set->GetLong(wxT("attndims")) > 0, set->GetLong(wxT("atttypmod")));

					wxString nspname = set->GetVal(wxT("nspname"));

					typesList += dt.GetSchemaPrefix(GetDatabase()) + dt.FullName();
					typesArray.Add(dt.GetSchemaPrefix(GetDatabase()) + dt.FullName());
					quotedTypesList += dt.GetQuotedSchemaPrefix(GetDatabase()) + dt.QuotedFullName();

					if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
						if (set->GetVal(wxT("collname")).IsEmpty() || (set->GetVal(wxT("collname")) == wxT("default") && set->GetVal(wxT("collnspname")) == wxT("pg_catalog")))
							collation = wxEmptyString;
							collation = qtIdent(set->GetVal(wxT("collnspname"))) + wxT(".") + qtIdent(set->GetVal(wxT("collname")));
							quotedTypesList += wxT(" COLLATE ") + collation;

				delete set;
		else if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_ENUM)
			query = wxT("SELECT enumlabel\n")
			        wxT("  FROM pg_enum\n")
			        wxT(" WHERE enumtypid=") + GetOidStr() + wxT("\n");
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
				query += wxT(" ORDER by enumsortorder");
				query += wxT(" ORDER by oid");
			pgSet *set = ExecuteSet(query);
			if (set)
				int anzvar = 0;
				while (!set->Eof())
					wxString element;
					if (anzvar++)
						labelList += wxT(", ");
						quotedLabelList += wxT(",\n    ");
					labelList += set->GetVal(wxT("enumlabel"));
					quotedLabelList += GetDatabase()->connection()->qtDbString(set->GetVal(wxT("enumlabel")));

				delete set;

	if (properties)

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Alias"), GetAlias());
		if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_COMPOSITE)
			properties->AppendItem(_("Members"), GetTypesList());
		if (GetTypeClass() == TYPE_ENUM)
			properties->AppendItem(_("Labels"), GetLabelList());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Alignment"), GetAlignment());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Internal length"), GetInternalLength());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Default"), GetDefault());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Passed by Value?"), BoolToYesNo(GetPassedByValue()));
			if (!GetElement().IsEmpty())
				properties->AppendItem(_("Element"), GetElement());
				properties->AppendItem(_("Delimiter"), GetDelimiter());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Input function"), GetInputFunction());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Output function"), GetOutputFunction());
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(7, 4))
				properties->AppendItem(_("Receive function"), GetReceiveFunction());
				properties->AppendItem(_("Send function"), GetSendFunction());
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 3))
				if (GetTypmodinFunction().Length() > 0)
					properties->AppendItem(_("Typmod in function"), GetTypmodinFunction());
				if (GetTypmodoutFunction().Length() > 0)
					properties->AppendItem(_("Typmod out function"), GetTypmodoutFunction());
			properties->AppendItem(_("Storage"), GetStorage());
			if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
				properties->AppendItem(_("Collatable?"), BoolToYesNo(GetCollatable()));
		properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("System type?"), GetSystemObject());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));
void pgRole::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane)
	if (!expandedKids)
		expandedKids = true;
		wxString rolesquery;

		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 2))
			rolesquery = wxT("SELECT rolname, admin_option,\n")
			             wxT(" pg_catalog.shobj_description(r.oid, 'pg_authid') AS description\n");
			rolesquery = wxT("SELECT rolname, admin_option\n");

		rolesquery += wxT("  FROM pg_roles r\n")
		              wxT("  JOIN pg_auth_members ON r.oid=roleid\n")
		              wxT(" WHERE member=") + GetOidStr() + wxT("\n")
		              wxT(" ORDER BY rolname");

		pgSetIterator roles(GetConnection(), rolesquery);

		while (roles.RowsLeft())
			wxString role = roles.GetVal(wxT("rolname"));
			if (roles.GetBool(wxT("admin_option")))


		// Get configuration
		wxString query;
		if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 0))
			query = wxT("WITH configs AS ")
			        wxT("(SELECT datname, unnest(setconfig) AS config")
			        wxT(" FROM pg_db_role_setting s")
			        wxT(" LEFT JOIN pg_database d ON d.oid=s.setdatabase")
			        wxT(" WHERE s.setrole=") + NumToStr(GetOid()) + wxT(")\n")
			        wxT("SELECT datname, split_part(config, '=', 1) AS variable, replace(config, split_part(config, '=', 1) || '=', '') AS value\n")
			        wxT("FROM configs");
			wxString query_myrole = wxT("SELECT rolconfig FROM pg_roles WHERE oid=") + NumToStr(GetOid());
			query = wxT("SELECT '' AS datname, split_part(config, '=', 1) AS variable,\n")
			        wxT("       replace(config,split_part(config, '=', 1) || '=', '') AS value\n")
			        wxT("FROM (\n")
			        wxT("    SELECT\n")
			        wxT("      (\n")
			        wxT("      SELECT rolconfig[i]\n")
			        wxT("      FROM pg_roles\n")
			        wxT("      WHERE oid=") + NumToStr(GetOid()) + wxT("\n")
			        wxT("      ) AS config\n")
			        wxT("    FROM generate_series(array_lower((") + query_myrole + wxT("),1), array_upper((") + query_myrole + wxT("),1)) AS i\n")
			        wxT("     ) configs");
		pgSet *configs = GetConnection()->ExecuteSet(query);
		if (configs)
			while (!configs->Eof())
			delete configs;
	if (properties)

		properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName());
		properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Account expires"), DateToAnsiStr(GetAccountExpires()));
		properties->AppendItem(_("Can login?"), BoolToYesNo(GetCanLogin()));
		properties->AppendItem(_("Superuser?"), BoolToYesNo(GetSuperuser()));
		properties->AppendItem(_("Create databases?"), BoolToYesNo(GetCreateDatabase()));
		properties->AppendItem(_("Create roles?"), BoolToYesNo(GetCreateRole()));

		if (!server->GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 5))
			properties->AppendItem(_("Update catalogs?"), BoolToYesNo(GetUpdateCatalog()));
		properties->AppendItem(_("Inherits?"), BoolToYesNo(GetInherits()));
		if (server->GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1))
			properties->AppendItem(_("Replication?"), BoolToYesNo(GetReplication()));

		wxString strConnLimit;
		strConnLimit.Printf(wxT("%ld"), GetConnectionLimit());
		properties->AppendItem(_("Connection Limit"), strConnLimit);

		properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment()));

		wxString roleList;

		size_t index;
		for (index = 0 ; index < rolesIn.GetCount() ; index++)
			if (!roleList.IsEmpty())
				roleList += wxT(", ");
			roleList += rolesIn.Item(index);
		properties->AppendItem(_("Member of"), roleList);

		wxString dbname;
		wxString parameter;
		wxString value;
		for (index = 0; index < variables.GetCount() ; index += 3)
			dbname = variables.Item(index);
			parameter = variables.Item(index + 1);
			value = variables.Item(index + 2);

			if (dbname.Length() == 0)
				properties->AppendItem(parameter, value);
				properties->AppendItem(parameter + wxT(" (database ") + dbname + wxT(")"), value);

		if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty())
			wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray();
			if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0)
				for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2)
					properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1));