        const SCHLIB_FILTER*                aFilter,
        std::vector<COMPONENT_SELECTION>&   aHistoryList,
        bool                                aAllowBrowser,
        int                                 aUnit,
        int                                 aConvert,
        bool                                aShowFootprints,
        const LIB_ID*                       aHighlight,
        bool                                aAllowFields )
    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> dialogLock( DIALOG_CHOOSE_COMPONENT::g_Mutex, std::defer_lock );
    wxString                     dialogTitle;
    SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE*            libs = Prj().SchSymbolLibTable();

    // One CHOOSE_COMPONENT dialog at a time.  User probaby can't handle more anyway.
    if( !dialogLock.try_lock() )
        return COMPONENT_SELECTION();

    auto adapterPtr( SYMBOL_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER::Create( libs ) );
    auto adapter = static_cast<SYMBOL_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER*>( adapterPtr.get() );
    bool loaded = false;

    if( aFilter )
        const wxArrayString& liblist = aFilter->GetAllowedLibList();

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < liblist.GetCount(); ii++ )
            if( libs->HasLibrary( liblist[ii], true ) )
                loaded = true;
                adapter->AddLibrary( liblist[ii] );


        if( aFilter->GetFilterPowerParts() )
            adapter->SetFilter( SYMBOL_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER::CMP_FILTER_POWER );

    std::vector< LIB_TREE_ITEM* > history_list;

    for( auto const& i : aHistoryList )
        LIB_ALIAS* alias = GetLibAlias( i.LibId );

        if( alias )
            history_list.push_back( alias );

    adapter->DoAddLibrary( "-- " + _( "Recently Used" ) + " --", wxEmptyString, history_list, true );

    if( !aHistoryList.empty() )
        adapter->SetPreselectNode( aHistoryList[0].LibId, aHistoryList[0].Unit );

    const std::vector< wxString > libNicknames = libs->GetLogicalLibs();

    if( !loaded )
        adapter->AddLibraries( libNicknames, this );

    if( aHighlight && aHighlight->IsValid() )
        adapter->SetPreselectNode( *aHighlight, /* aUnit */ 0 );

    if( adapter->GetFilter() == SYMBOL_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER::CMP_FILTER_POWER )
        dialogTitle.Printf( _( "Choose Power Symbol (%d items loaded)" ), adapter->GetItemCount() );
        dialogTitle.Printf( _( "Choose Symbol (%d items loaded)" ), adapter->GetItemCount() );

    DIALOG_CHOOSE_COMPONENT dlg( this, dialogTitle, adapterPtr, aConvert,
                                 aAllowFields, aShowFootprints, aAllowBrowser );

    if( dlg.ShowQuasiModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
        return COMPONENT_SELECTION();

    LIB_ID id = dlg.GetSelectedLibId( &sel.Unit );

    if( dlg.IsExternalBrowserSelected() )   // User requested component browser.
        sel = SelectComponentFromLibBrowser( this, aFilter, id, sel.Unit, sel.Convert );
        id = sel.LibId;

    if( !id.IsValid() )     // Dialog closed by OK button,
                            // or the selection by lib browser was requested,
                            // but no symbol selected
        return COMPONENT_SELECTION();

    if( sel.Unit == 0 )
        sel.Unit = 1;

    sel.Fields = dlg.GetFields();
    sel.LibId = id;

    if( sel.LibId.IsValid() )
                [ &sel ]( COMPONENT_SELECTION const& i ){ return i.LibId == sel.LibId; } ),
            aHistoryList.end() );

        aHistoryList.insert( aHistoryList.begin(), sel );

    return sel;
SCH_COMPONENT* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::Load_Component( wxDC*                          aDC,
                                               const SCHLIB_FILTER*           aFilter,
                                               SCH_BASE_FRAME::HISTORY_LIST&  aHistoryList,
                                               bool                           aUseLibBrowser )
    wxString msg;

    SetRepeatItem( NULL );
    m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( true );

    auto sel = SelectComponentFromLibrary( aFilter, aHistoryList, aUseLibBrowser, 1, 1,
                                           m_footprintPreview );

    if( !sel.LibId.IsValid() )
        m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( false );
        return NULL;

    m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( false );

    wxString libsource;     // the library name to use. If empty, load from any lib

    if( aFilter )
        libsource = aFilter->GetLibSource();

    LIB_ID libId = sel.LibId;

    LIB_PART* part = GetLibPart( libId, true );

    if( !part )
        return NULL;

    SCH_COMPONENT* component = new SCH_COMPONENT( *part, m_CurrentSheet, sel.Unit, sel.Convert,
                                                  GetCrossHairPosition(), true );

    // Set the m_ChipName value, from component name in lib, for aliases
    // Note if part is found, and if name is an alias of a component,
    // alias exists because its root component was found
    component->SetLibId( libId );

    // Be sure the link to the corresponding LIB_PART is OK:
    component->Resolve( *Prj().SchSymbolLibTable() );

    // Set any fields that have been modified
    for( auto const& i : sel.Fields )
        auto field = component->GetField( i.first );

        if( field )
            field->SetText( i.second );

    // Set the component value that can differ from component name in lib, for aliases
    component->GetField( VALUE )->SetText( sel.LibId.GetLibItemName() );

    // If there is no field defined in the component, copy one over from the library
    // ( from the .dcm file )
    // This way the Datasheet field will not be empty and can be changed from the schematic
    if( component->GetField( DATASHEET )->GetText().IsEmpty() )
        LIB_ALIAS* entry = GetLibAlias( component->GetLibId(), true, true );

        if( entry && !!entry->GetDocFileName() )
            component->GetField( DATASHEET )->SetText( entry->GetDocFileName() );

    MSG_PANEL_ITEMS items;

    component->SetCurrentSheetPath( &GetCurrentSheet() );
    component->GetMsgPanelInfo( items );

    SetMsgPanel( items );
    component->Draw( m_canvas, aDC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), g_XorMode );
    component->SetFlags( IS_NEW );

    if( m_autoplaceFields )
        component->AutoplaceFields( /* aScreen */ NULL, /* aManual */ false );

    PrepareMoveItem( (SCH_ITEM*) component, aDC );

    return component;