SString SharedUtil::GetReportLogContents ( void )
    SString strReportFilename = PathJoin ( GetMTADataPath (), "report.log" );
    // Load file into a string
    std::vector < char > buffer;
    FileLoad ( strReportFilename, buffer );
    buffer.push_back ( 0 );
    return &buffer[0];
void SharedUtil::AddReportLog ( uint uiId, const SString& strText )
    SString strPathFilename = PathJoin ( GetMTADataPath (), "report.log" );
    MakeSureDirExists ( strPathFilename );

    SString strMessage ( "%u: %s %s - %s\n", uiId, GetTimeString ( true, false ).c_str (), GetReportLogHeaderText ().c_str (), strText.c_str () );
    FileAppend ( strPathFilename, &strMessage.at ( 0 ), strMessage.length () );
    OutputDebugLine ( SStringX ( "[ReportLog] " ) + strMessage );
// CInstallManager::_InstallNewsItems
SString CInstallManager::_InstallNewsItems ( void )
    // Get install news queue
    CArgMap queue;
    queue.SetFromString ( GetApplicationSetting ( "news-install" ) );
    SetApplicationSetting ( "news-install", "" );

    std::vector < SString > keyList;
    queue.GetKeys ( keyList );
    for ( uint i = 0 ; i < keyList.size () ; i++ )
        // Install each file
        SString strDate = keyList[i];
        SString strFileLocation = queue.Get ( strDate );

        // Save cwd
        SString strSavedDir = GetSystemCurrentDirectory ();

        // Calc and make target dir
        SString strTargetDir = PathJoin ( GetMTADataPath (), "news", strDate );
        MkDir ( strTargetDir );

        // Extract into target dir
        SetCurrentDirectory ( strTargetDir );

        // Try to extract the files
        if ( !ExtractFiles ( strFileLocation ) )
            // If extract failed and update file is an exe, try to run it
            if ( ExtractExtension ( strFileLocation ).CompareI ( "exe" ) )
                ShellExecuteBlocking ( "open", strFileLocation, "-s" );

        // Restore cwd
        SetCurrentDirectory ( strSavedDir );

        // Check result
        if ( FileExists ( PathJoin ( strTargetDir, "files.xml" ) ) )
            SetApplicationSettingInt ( "news-updated", 1 );
            AddReportLog ( 2051, SString ( "InstallNewsItems ok for '%s'", *strDate ) );
            AddReportLog ( 4048, SString ( "InstallNewsItems failed with '%s' '%s' '%s'", *strDate, *strFileLocation, *strTargetDir ) );
    return "ok";
void CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump ( _EXCEPTION_POINTERS* pException, CExceptionInformation* pExceptionInformation )
    WriteDebugEvent ( "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump" );

    // Try to load the DLL in our directory
    HMODULE hDll = NULL;
    char szDbgHelpPath [MAX_PATH];
    if ( GetModuleFileNameA ( NULL, szDbgHelpPath, MAX_PATH ) )
        char* pSlash = _tcsrchr ( szDbgHelpPath, '\\' );
        if ( pSlash )
            _tcscpy ( pSlash + 1, "DBGHELP.DLL" );
            hDll = LoadLibrary ( szDbgHelpPath );

    // If we couldn't load the one in our dir, load any version available
    if ( !hDll )
        hDll = LoadLibrary( "DBGHELP.DLL" );

    if ( !hDll )
        AddReportLog( 9201, "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump - Could not load DBGHELP.DLL" );

    // We could load a dll?
    if ( hDll )
        // Grab the MiniDumpWriteDump proc address
        MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP pDump = reinterpret_cast < MINIDUMPWRITEDUMP > ( GetProcAddress( hDll, "MiniDumpWriteDump" ) );
        if ( !pDump )
            AddReportLog( 9202, "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump - Could not find MiniDumpWriteDump" );

        if ( pDump )
            // Create the file
            if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
                AddReportLog( 9203, SString( "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump - Could not create '%s'", *CalcMTASAPath ( "mta\\core.dmp" ) ) );

            if ( hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
                // Create an exception information struct
                ExInfo.ThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId ();
                ExInfo.ExceptionPointers = pException;
                ExInfo.ClientPointers = FALSE;

                // Write the dump
                BOOL bResult = pDump ( GetCurrentProcess(), GetCurrentProcessId(), hFile, (MINIDUMP_TYPE)( MiniDumpNormal | MiniDumpWithIndirectlyReferencedMemory ), &ExInfo, NULL, NULL );

                if ( !bResult )
                    AddReportLog( 9204, SString( "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump - MiniDumpWriteDump failed (%08x)", GetLastError() ) );
                    WriteDebugEvent ( "CCrashDumpWriter::DumpMiniDump - MiniDumpWriteDump succeeded" );

                // Close the dumpfile
                CloseHandle ( hFile );

                // Grab the current time
                // Ask windows for the system time.
                SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
                GetLocalTime ( &SystemTime );

                // Create the dump directory
                CreateDirectory ( CalcMTASAPath ( "mta\\dumps" ), 0 );
                CreateDirectory ( CalcMTASAPath ( "mta\\dumps\\private" ), 0 );

                SString strModuleName = pExceptionInformation->GetModuleBaseName ();
                strModuleName = strModuleName.ReplaceI ( ".dll", "" ).Replace ( ".exe", "" ).Replace ( "_", "" ).Replace ( ".", "" ).Replace ( "-", "" );
                if ( strModuleName.length () == 0 )
                    strModuleName = "unknown";

                SString strMTAVersionFull = SString ( "%s.%s", MTA_DM_BUILDTAG_LONG, *GetApplicationSetting ( "mta-version-ext" ).SplitRight ( ".", NULL, -2 ) );
                SString strSerialPart = GetApplicationSetting ( "serial" ).substr ( 0, 5 );
                uint uiServerIP = GetApplicationSettingInt ( "last-server-ip" );
                uint uiServerPort = GetApplicationSettingInt ( "last-server-port" );
                int uiServerTime = GetApplicationSettingInt ( "last-server-time" );
                int uiServerDuration = _time32 ( NULL ) - uiServerTime;
                uiServerDuration = Clamp ( 0, uiServerDuration + 1, 0xfff );

                // Get path to mta dir
                SString strPathCode;
                    std::vector < SString > parts;
                    PathConform ( CalcMTASAPath ( "" ) ).Split ( PATH_SEPERATOR, parts );
                    for ( uint i = 0 ; i < parts.size () ; i++ )
                        if ( parts[i].CompareI ( "Program Files" ) )
                            strPathCode += "Pr";
                        if ( parts[i].CompareI ( "Program Files (x86)" ) )
                            strPathCode += "Px";
                        if ( parts[i].CompareI ( "MTA San Andreas" ) )
                            strPathCode += "Mt";
                        if ( parts[i].BeginsWithI ( "MTA San Andreas" ) )
                            strPathCode += "Mb";
                            strPathCode += parts[i].Left ( 1 ).ToUpper ();

                // Ensure filename parts match up with EDumpFileNameParts
                SString strFilename ( "mta\\dumps\\private\\client_%s_%s_%08x_%x_%s_%08X_%04X_%03X_%s_%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d.dmp",
                                             strMTAVersionFull.c_str (),
                                             strModuleName.c_str (),
                                             pExceptionInformation->GetAddressModuleOffset (),
                                             pExceptionInformation->GetCode () & 0xffff,
                                             strPathCode.c_str (),
                                             strSerialPart.c_str (),

                SString strPathFilename = CalcMTASAPath ( strFilename );

                // Copy the file
                CopyFile ( CalcMTASAPath ( "mta\\core.dmp" ), strPathFilename, false );

                // For the dump uploader
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "none" );
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-save", strPathFilename );

                // Try to append pool sizes info to dump file
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-pools" );
                CBuffer poolInfo;
                GetPoolInfo ( poolInfo );
                AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, poolInfo, 'POLs', 'POLe' );
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-pools" );

                // Try to append d3d state info to dump file
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-d3d" );
                CBuffer d3dInfo;
                GetD3DInfo ( d3dInfo );
                AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, d3dInfo, 'D3Ds', 'D3De' );
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-d3d" );

                // Try to append crash averted stats to dump file
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-crash-averted" );
                CBuffer crashAvertedStats;
                GetCrashAvertedStats ( crashAvertedStats );
                AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, crashAvertedStats, 'CASs', 'CASe' );
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-crash-averted" );

                // Try to append log info to dump file
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-log" );
                CBuffer logInfo;
                GetLogInfo ( logInfo );
                AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, logInfo, 'LOGs', 'LOGe' );
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-log" );

                // Try to append dx info to dump file
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-misc" );
                CBuffer dxInfo;
                GetDxInfo ( dxInfo );
                AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, dxInfo, 'DXIs', 'DXIe' );
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-misc" );

                // Try to append misc info to dump file
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-misc" );
                CBuffer miscInfo;
                GetMiscInfo ( miscInfo );
                AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, miscInfo, 'MSCs', 'MSCe' );
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-misc" );

                // Try to append memory info to dump file
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-mem" );
                CBuffer memInfo;
                GetMemoryInfo ( memInfo );
                AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, memInfo, 'MEMs', 'MEMe' );
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-mem" );

                // Try to logfile.txt to dump file
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-logfile" );
                CBuffer logfileContent;
                logfileContent.LoadFromFile( CalcMTASAPath( PathJoin( "mta", "logs", "logfile.txt" ) ) );
                AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, logfileContent, 'LOGs', 'LOGe' );
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-logfile" );

                // Try to report.log to dump file
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "try-report" );
                CBuffer reportLogContent;
                reportLogContent.LoadFromFile( PathJoin( GetMTADataPath(), "report.log" ) );
                AppendToDumpFile ( strPathFilename, reportLogContent, 'REPs', 'REPe' );
                SetApplicationSetting ( "diagnostics", "last-dump-extra", "added-report" );

        // Free the DLL again
        FreeLibrary ( hDll );

    // Auto-fixes

    // Check if crash was in volumetric shadow code
    if ( ms_uiInCrashZone == 1 || ms_uiInCrashZone == 2 )
        CVARS_SET( "volumetric_shadows", false );
        AddReportLog( 9205, "Disabled volumetric shadows" );

    CNet* pNet = CCore::GetSingleton().GetNetwork();
    if ( pNet )
//  CNewsBrowser::InitNewsItemList
void CNewsBrowser::InitNewsItemList(void)

    // Find all sub-directories in 'news' directory
    SString              strAllNewsDir = PathJoin(GetMTADataPath(), "news");
    std::vector<SString> directoryList = FindFiles(strAllNewsDir + "\\*", false, true);
    std::sort(directoryList.begin(), directoryList.end());

    // Get news settings
    SString strOldestPost;
    uint    uiMaxHistoryLength;
    GetVersionUpdater()->GetNewsSettings(strOldestPost, uiMaxHistoryLength);

    // Process each sub-directory
    for (uint i = 0; i < directoryList.size(); i++)
        SString strItemDir = directoryList[directoryList.size() - 1 - i];
        if (strItemDir < strOldestPost)
            continue;            // Post too old
        if (m_NewsitemList.size() >= uiMaxHistoryLength)
            continue;            // Post count too high

        SNewsItem newsItem;
        newsItem.strContentFullDir = PathJoin(strAllNewsDir, strItemDir);

        // Get filenames from XML file
        CXMLFile* pFile = g_pCore->GetXML()->CreateXML(PathJoin(newsItem.strContentFullDir, "files.xml"));
        if (pFile)
            CXMLNode* pRoot = pFile->GetRootNode();

            if (pRoot)
                // Headline text
                CXMLNode* pHeadline = pRoot->FindSubNode("headline", 0);
                if (pHeadline)
                    newsItem.strHeadline = pHeadline->GetTagContent();

                // Date text
                CXMLNode* pDate = pRoot->FindSubNode("date", 0);
                if (pDate)
                    newsItem.strDate = pDate->GetTagContent();
                    newsItem.strHeadline.Split(" - ", &newsItem.strHeadline, &newsItem.strDate, true);

                // Layout filename
                CXMLNode* pLayout = pRoot->FindSubNode("layout", 0);
                if (pLayout)
                    newsItem.strLayoutFilename = pLayout->GetTagContent();

                // Imageset filenames
                CXMLNode* pImages = pRoot->FindSubNode("imagesetlist", 0);
                if (pImages)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < pImages->GetSubNodeCount(); i++)

            delete pFile;

        // Add to news item list if valid
        if (!newsItem.strHeadline.empty() && !newsItem.strLayoutFilename.empty())
// CInstallManager::_ProcessLayoutChecks
// Make sure new reg/dir structure is ok
SString CInstallManager::_ProcessLayoutChecks ( void )
    // Validation

    // Check data dir exists
        if ( !DirectoryExists ( GetMTADataPath () ) )
            ShowLayoutError ( "[Data directory not present]" );   // Can't find directory

    // Check reg key exists
    //    if ( GetRegistryValue ( "", "Last Install Location" ).empty () )
    //        ShowLayoutError ( "[Registry key not present]" );   // Can't find reg key

    // Check data dir writable
        SString strTestFilePath = PathJoin ( GetMTADataPath (), "testdir", "testfile.txt" );

        FileDelete ( strTestFilePath );
        RemoveDirectory ( ExtractPath ( strTestFilePath ) );

        SString strContent = "test";
        if ( !FileSave ( strTestFilePath, strContent ) )
            ShowLayoutError ( "[Data directory not writable]" );   // Can't save file

        FileDelete ( strTestFilePath );
        RemoveDirectory ( ExtractPath ( strTestFilePath ) );

    // Check reg key writable
        RemoveRegistryKey ( "testkeypath" );

        SString strValue = GetTimeString( true, true );
        SetRegistryValue ( "testkeypath", "testname", strValue );
        SString strValueCheck = GetRegistryValue ( "testkeypath", "testname" );
        if ( strValueCheck != strValue )
            ShowLayoutError ( "[Registry key not writable]" );   // Can't write reg key

        RemoveRegistryKey ( "testkeypath" );

    // Check install dir writable
        SString strTestFilePath = CalcMTASAPath ( PathJoin ( "mta", "writetest.txt" ) );

        FileDelete ( strTestFilePath );

        SString strContent = "test";
        if ( !FileSave ( strTestFilePath, strContent ) )
            ShowLayoutError ( "[Install directory not writable]" );   // Can't save file

        FileDelete ( strTestFilePath );

    // Migration

    // If news/temp/upcache folder doesn't exist in new, but does in old place, move it
        const char* folders[] = { "news", "temp", "upcache" };
        for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( folders ) ; i++ )
            SString strSrc = PathJoin ( GetSystemLocalAppDataPath (), "MTA San Andreas " + GetMajorVersionString (), folders[i] );
            SString strDest = PathJoin ( GetMTADataPath (), folders[i] );
            if ( !DirectoryExists ( strDest ) && DirectoryExists ( strSrc ) )
                MoveFile ( strSrc, strDest );

    // If aero option reg entry doesn't exist in new, but does in old place, move it
        if ( GetApplicationSetting ( "aero-enabled" ).empty () )
            SString strLegacyValue = GetVersionRegistryValueLegacy ( GetMajorVersionString (), PathJoin ( "Settings", "general" ), "aero-enabled" );
            if ( !strLegacyValue.empty () )
                SetApplicationSettingInt ( "aero-enabled", atoi ( strLegacyValue ) );
                SetApplicationSettingInt ( "aero-enabled", 1 );

    return "ok";
void SharedUtil::SetReportLogContents ( const SString& strText )
    SString strPathFilename = PathJoin ( GetMTADataPath (), "report.log" );
    MakeSureDirExists ( strPathFilename );
    FileSave ( strPathFilename, strText.length () ? &strText.at ( 0 ) : NULL, strText.length () );