void XnSensorIRGenerator::OnResChanged()
	// we calculate the size because the IR stream actually gives out a bigger buffer, but
	// we want the buffer we return to be with the right size.
	XnMapOutputMode outputMode;

	XnUInt32 nPixels = outputMode.nXRes * outputMode.nYRes;

	XnCropping cropping;

	if (cropping.bEnabled)
		nPixels = cropping.nXSize * cropping.nYSize;

	m_nBufferSize = nPixels * sizeof(XnIRPixel);
XnStatus XnSensorDepthGenerator::GetUserPosition(XnUInt32 nIndex, XnBoundingBox3D& Position)
    XnStatus nRetVal = XN_STATUS_OK;

    // get
    XnDepthAGCBin bin;
    bin.nBin = nIndex;
    nRetVal =  m_pSensor->GetProperty(m_strModule, XN_STREAM_PROPERTY_AGC_BIN, XN_PACK_GENERAL_BUFFER(bin));

    XnMapOutputMode MapOutputMode;
    nRetVal = GetMapOutputMode(MapOutputMode);

    // we only support Z position for now
    Position.LeftBottomNear.Z = bin.nMin;
    Position.RightTopFar.Z = bin.nMax;
    Position.LeftBottomNear.X = 0;
    Position.RightTopFar.X = MapOutputMode.nXRes - 1;
    Position.LeftBottomNear.Y = 0;
    Position.RightTopFar.Y = MapOutputMode.nYRes - 1;

    return (XN_STATUS_OK);
XnUInt32 XnSensorImageGenerator::FindSupportedInputFormat(XnUInt32* anAllowedInputFormats, XnUInt32 nAllowedInputFormats)
	// first check if current one is allowed
	XnUInt64 nCurrentInputFormat;
	GetIntProperty(XN_STREAM_PROPERTY_INPUT_FORMAT, nCurrentInputFormat);

	for (XnUInt32 i = 0; i < nAllowedInputFormats; ++i)
		if (anAllowedInputFormats[i] == nCurrentInputFormat)
			return (XnUInt32)nCurrentInputFormat;

	// current one is not allowed. find a matching mode and take its input format
	XnMapOutputMode outputMode;

	// the order in the allowed input formats is the preferred one
	for (XnUInt32 iInput = 0; iInput < nAllowedInputFormats; ++iInput)
		// see if such a mode exists
		for (XnUInt32 iMode = 0; iMode < m_nSupportedModesCount; ++iMode)
			if (m_aSupportedModes[iMode].nInputFormat == anAllowedInputFormats[iInput] &&
				m_aSupportedModes[iMode].OutputMode.nXRes == outputMode.nXRes &&
				m_aSupportedModes[iMode].OutputMode.nYRes == outputMode.nYRes &&
				m_aSupportedModes[iMode].OutputMode.nFPS == outputMode.nFPS)
				return anAllowedInputFormats[iInput];
