double Gaussian::Cdf(size_t dim_, double val_) const{ double nDevs = (val_ - GetMean(dim_))/GetStDev(dim_); if (nDevs > fCdfCutOff) return 1; if(nDevs < -1 * fCdfCutOff) return 0; return gsl_cdf_gaussian_P(val_ - GetMean(dim_), GetStDev(dim_)); }
//circle equation |(x,y)-(a,b)|^2 = c^2 //f(a,b,c) = x^2+y^2-2ax-2yb+a^2+b^2-c^2 = 0 //let u=-2a, v=-2b, w = a^2+b^2-c^2 //f(u,v,w) = x^2+y^2+ux+vy+w //min g(u,v,w) = 1/2 sum_(x,y) f(u,v,w)^2 //dg/du = sum_(x,y) df/du(u,v,w) f(u,v,w) // = sum_(x,y) x f(u,v,w) //dg/dv = sum_(x,y) y f(u,v,w) //dg/dw = sum_(x,y) f(u,v,w) //dg/dparams = [sum x^2, sum xy, sum x] *params + [sum x(x^2+y^2)] = 0 // [sum xy, sum y^2, sum y] [sum y(x^2+y^2)] // [sum x, sum y, sum 1] [sum (x^2+y^2) ] //least squares fit //A = matrix of (x,y,1) //b = matrix of (x^2+y^2) bool FitCircle(const std::vector<Vector2>& pts,Circle2D& c) { Vector2 mean=GetMean(pts); Matrix3 A(Zero); Vector3 b(Zero); for(size_t i=0;i<pts.size();i++) { Vector3 v(pts[i].x-mean.x,pts[i].y-mean.x,1.0); Rank1Update(A,v,v); Real n = pts[i].distanceSquared(mean); b.x += (pts[i].x-mean.x)*n; b.y += (pts[i].y-mean.x)*n; b.z += n; } Matrix3 Ainv; if(!Ainv.setInverse(A)) return false; Vector3 params = Ainv*b; //recover circle from params = -params.x*0.5; = -params.y*0.5; c.radius =; if(c.radius < 0) return false; c.radius = Sqrt(c.radius); += mean; return true; }
void DataSignal :: WriteSmartPeakInfoToXML (RGTextOutput& text, const RGString& indent, const RGString& bracketTag, const RGString& locationTag) { int peak; Endl endLine; RGString suffix; // if (HasCrossChannelSignalLink ()) { if (HasAlleleName () && (!mDoNotCall)) { peak = (int) floor (Peak () + 0.5); if (mOffGrid) suffix = " OL"; text << indent << "<" << bracketTag << ">" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<mean>" << GetMean () << "</mean>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<height>" << peak << "</height>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<BPS>" << GetBioID () << "</BPS>" << endLine; // text << indent << "\t<" << locationTag << ">" << (int) floor (GetApproximateBioID () + 0.5) << "</" << locationTag << ">" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<" << locationTag << ">" << GetApproximateBioID () << "</" << locationTag << ">" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<PeakArea>" << TheoreticalArea () << "</PeakArea>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<allele>" << GetAlleleName () << suffix << "</allele>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<width>" << 4.0 * GetStandardDeviation () << "</width>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<fit>" << GetCurveFit () << "</fit>" << endLine; text << indent << "</" + bracketTag << ">" << endLine; } // } }
bool DataSignal :: ReportSmartNoticeObjects (RGTextOutput& text, const RGString& indent, const RGString& delim) { if (NumberOfSmartNoticeObjects () > 0) { int msgLevel = GetHighestMessageLevelWithRestrictionSM (); RGDListIterator it (*mSmartMessageReporters); SmartMessageReporter* nextNotice; text.SetOutputLevel (msgLevel); if (!text.TestCurrentLevel ()) { text.ResetOutputLevel (); return false; } Endl endLine; text << endLine; text << indent << "Notices for curve with (Mean, Sigma, Peak, 2Content, Fit) = " << delim << delim << delim << delim << delim << delim; text << GetMean () << delim << GetStandardDeviation () << delim << Peak () << delim << GetScale (2) << delim << Fit << endLine; while (nextNotice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) text << indent << nextNotice->GetMessage () << nextNotice->GetMessageData () << endLine; text.ResetOutputLevel (); text.Write (1, "\n"); } else return false; return true; }
void GetCovariance(const vector<Vector3>& pts,Matrix3& C) { C.setZero(); Vector3 mean=GetMean(pts); for(size_t i=0;i<pts.size();i++) { Vector3 p = pts[i]-mean; Rank1Update(C,p,p); } }
//****************************************************************************** // Main //****************************************************************************** int main(int argc, char **argv) { args::ArgumentParser parser("Checks if images are different within a tolerance.\n" "Intended for use with library tests.\n" ""); args::HelpFlag help(parser, "HELP", "Show this help message", {'h', "help"}); args::Flag verbose(parser, "VERBOSE", "Print more information", {'v', "verbose"}); args::ValueFlag<std::string> input_path(parser, "INPUT", "Input file for difference", {"input"}); args::ValueFlag<std::string> baseline_path(parser, "BASELINE", "Baseline file for difference", {"baseline"}); args::ValueFlag<double> tolerance(parser, "TOLERANCE", "Tolerance (mean percent difference)", {"tolerance"}, 0); args::ValueFlag<double> noise(parser, "NOISE", "Added noise level, tolerance is relative to this", {"noise"}, 0); args::Flag absolute(parser, "ABSOLUTE", "Use absolute difference, not relative (avoids 0/0 problems)", {'a', "abs"}); QI::ParseArgs(parser, argc, argv, verbose); auto input = QI::ReadImage(QI::CheckValue(input_path), verbose); auto baseline = QI::ReadImage(QI::CheckValue(baseline_path), verbose); auto diff = itk::SubtractImageFilter<QI::VolumeF>::New(); diff->SetInput1(input); diff->SetInput2(baseline); auto sqr_norm = itk::SquareImageFilter<QI::VolumeF, QI::VolumeF>::New(); if (absolute) { sqr_norm->SetInput(diff->GetOutput()); } else { auto diff_norm = itk::DivideImageFilter<QI::VolumeF, QI::VolumeF, QI::VolumeF>::New(); diff_norm->SetInput1(diff->GetOutput()); diff_norm->SetInput2(baseline); diff_norm->Update(); sqr_norm->SetInput(diff_norm->GetOutput()); } auto stats = itk::StatisticsImageFilter<QI::VolumeF>::New(); stats->SetInput(sqr_norm->GetOutput()); stats->Update(); const double mean_sqr_diff = stats->GetMean(); const double root_mean_sqr_diff = sqrt(mean_sqr_diff); const double rel_diff = (noise.Get() > 0) ? root_mean_sqr_diff / noise.Get() : root_mean_sqr_diff; const bool passed = rel_diff <= tolerance.Get(); QI::Log(verbose, "Mean Square Diff: {}\nRelative noise: {}\nSquare-root mean square diff: {}\nRelative Diff: {}\nTolerance: {}\nResult: ", mean_sqr_diff ,noise.Get() , root_mean_sqr_diff , rel_diff , tolerance.Get() , (passed ? "Passed" : "Failed")); if (passed) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else { return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
float VarianceAccumulator<T>::GetNStdDev(T value) { T variance = GetVariance(); T mean = GetMean(); if (variance > 0) { return std::fabs(value - mean) / (std::sqrt(variance)); } else { return 0; } }
void CSamplePeak::FixAmel(int nStart, int nEnd) { int nMean = GetMean(); if( (nMean >= nStart) && (nMean <= nEnd) ) { wxString s(m_sAllele); s.Trim(true); s.Trim(false); if(s.Len() == 1) { m_sAllele.Replace("1","X"); m_sAllele.Replace("2","Y"); } } }
bool FitGaussian(const vector<Vector3>& pts,Vector3& mean,Matrix3& R,Vector3& axes) { mean = GetMean(pts); Matrix A(pts.size(),3); for(size_t i=0;i<pts.size();i++) (pts[i]-mean).get(A(i,0),A(i,1),A(i,2)); SVDecomposition<Real> svd; if(!svd.set(A)) { return false; } svd.sortSVs(); axes.set(svd.W(0),svd.W(1),svd.W(2)); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) for(int j=0;j<3;j++) R(i,j) = svd.V(i,j); return true; }
bool FitLine(const vector<Vector3>& pts,Line3D& l) { Vector3 mean = GetMean(pts); Matrix A(pts.size(),3); for(size_t i=0;i<pts.size();i++) (pts[i]-mean).get(A(i,0),A(i,1),A(i,2)); SVDecomposition<Real> svd; if(!svd.set(A)) { return false; } svd.sortSVs(); //take the first singular value Vector sv; svd.V.getColRef(0,sv); l.direction.set(sv(0),sv(1),sv(2)); l.direction.inplaceNormalize(); l.source = mean; return true; }
bool FitPlane(const vector<Vector3>& pts,Plane3D& p) { Vector3 mean = GetMean(pts); Matrix A(pts.size(),3); for(size_t i=0;i<pts.size();i++) (pts[i]-mean).get(A(i,0),A(i,1),A(i,2)); SVDecomposition<Real> svd; if(!svd.set(A)) { return false; } svd.sortSVs(); //take the last singular value Vector sv; svd.V.getColRef(2,sv); p.normal.set(sv(0),sv(1),sv(2)); p.normal.inplaceNormalize(); p.offset = dot(p.normal,mean); return true; }
/* smooth and normalize the input pitch vector */ void SProcessQuery(float* fPitchArray,int& Len){ int i; float MeanVal; for (i=1;i<Len-1;i++){ if (fPitchArray[i-1]<2 && fPitchArray[i]>2 && fPitchArray[i+1]<2) fPitchArray[i]=0; } int nCountFrm=0; for (i=0;i<Len-5;i++){ if (i%5==0){ fPitchArray[i/5]=GetMean(fPitchArray+i,5); nCountFrm++; } } Len=nCountFrm; float LastVal=0.0; for (i=1;i<Len-1;i++){ if (fPitchArray[i-1]<2 && fabs(fPitchArray[i]-LastVal)>0.3*LastVal && fPitchArray[i+1]<2) fPitchArray[i]=0; if (fPitchArray[i]>2) LastVal=fPitchArray[i]; } /* remove the silence frame*/ float temppitch=0; int vadCount=0; int nStartTag=0; int nStart=0; for (i=0;i<Len;i++){ if(nStartTag==0){ if(fPitchArray[i]<2) nStart=i; else nStartTag=1; } if (fPitchArray[i]>2){ fPitchArray[i]=(float)(log10(fPitchArray[i])/log10(2.0f)); if(i>3) temppitch=GetMean(fPitchArray+i-3,3); else temppitch=fPitchArray[i]; vadCount=0; }else{ vadCount++; if (temppitch>0) fPitchArray[i]=temppitch; } } for(i=0;i<Len-nStart-1;i++){ fPitchArray[i]=fPitchArray[i+nStart+1]; } Len-=(nStart+1); MeanVal=0; int VadSize=0; for (i=0;i<Len;i++){ if (fPitchArray[i]>6.3){ MeanVal+=fPitchArray[i]; VadSize++; } } float me=0.0f; if(VadSize<1){ Len=0; return ; } else me=MeanVal/VadSize; for (i=0; i<Len; i++){ fPitchArray[i]=fPitchArray[i]-me+PITCH_NORMALIZE_VALUE; if (fPitchArray[i]>8) fPitchArray[i]=fPitchArray[i]-1; if (fPitchArray[i]<6.35) fPitchArray[i]=fPitchArray[i]+1; } }
void findtruthPbPb(int binMin, int binMax) { TFile *fmc = new TFile(config.getFileName_djt("mcPbbfa")); buildNamesuffix = TString::Format("_bin_%d_%d",binMin, binMax); // buildTitlesuffix = TString::Format("%d-%d %%",binMin/2, binMax/2); seth(10,0,1); auto hmcPbPbxJTrue = geth("hmcPbPbxJTrue","PbPb true;x_{J};Event fractions"); auto hmcPbPbxJTrueTag = geth("hmcPbPbxJTrueTag","PbPb true tagged;x_{J};Event fractions"); auto hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorr = geth("hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorr","PbPb true tagged corrected;x_{J};Event fractions"); auto hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrPt = geth("hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrPt","PbPb true tagged corrected pt;x_{J};Event fractions"); auto hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrEta = geth("hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrEta","PbPb true tagged corrected eta;x_{J};Event fractions"); auto hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrBin = geth("hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrBin","PbPb true tagged corrected bin;x_{J};Event fractions"); seth(12,20,140);//10,40,100); auto hpt2true = geth("hpt2true","true;p_{T,2} GeV"); auto hpt2truetag = geth("hpt2truetag","true tagged;p_{T,2} GeV"); auto hpt2truetagovertrue = geth("hpt2truetagovertrue","true tagged/true;p_{T,2} GeV"); auto hpt2truetagcorr = geth("hpt2truetagcorr","true tagged corrected;p_{T,2} GeV"); auto hpt2truetagcorrovertrue = geth("hpt2truetagcorrovertrue","true tagged corrected/true;p_{T,2} GeV"); seth(10,100,200); auto hpt1true = geth("hpt1true","true;p_{T,1} GeV"); auto hpt1truetag = geth("hpt1truetag","true tagged;p_{T,1} GeV"); auto hpt1truetagovertrue = geth("hpt1truetagovertrue","true tagged/true;p_{T,1} GeV"); auto hpt1truetagcorr = geth("hpt1truetagcorr","true tagged corrected;p_{T,1} GeV"); auto hpt1truetagcorrovertrue = geth("hpt1truetagcorrovertrue","true tagged corrected/true;p_{T,1} GeV"); seth(10,0,200); auto hbintrue = geth("hbintrue","true;bin"); auto hbintruetag = geth("hbintruetag","true tagged;bin"); auto hbintruetagovertrue = geth("hbintruetagovertrue","true tagged/true;bin"); auto hbintruetagcorr = geth("hbintruetagcorr","true tagged corrected;bin"); auto hbintruetagcorrovertrue = geth("hbintruetagcorrovertrue","true tagged corrected/true;bin"); seth(20,-2,2); auto heta2true = geth("heta2true","true;#eta_{2}"); auto heta2truetag = geth("heta2truetag","true tagged;#eta_{2}"); auto heta2truetagovertrue = geth("heta2truetagovertrue","true tagged/true;#eta_{2}"); auto heta2truetagcorr = geth("heta2truetagcorr","true tagged corrected;#eta_{2}"); auto heta2truetagcorrovertrue = geth("heta2truetagcorrovertrue","true tagged corrected/true;#eta_{2}"); auto heta1true = geth("heta1true","true;#eta_{1}"); auto heta1truetag = geth("heta1truetag","true tagged;#eta_{1}"); auto heta1truetagovertrue = geth("heta1truetagovertrue","true tagged/true;#eta_{1}"); auto heta1truetagcorr = geth("heta1truetagcorr","true tagged corrected;#eta_{1}"); auto heta1truetagcorrovertrue = geth("heta1truetagcorrovertrue","true tagged corrected/true;#eta_{1}"); unordered_set<int> eventstodiscard = {1805770,1116573,1084397};//, // 5755734,1599758,395810, // 1363321,211625,3195128}; // Fill(fmc,[&] (dict &m) { if (m["bin"]<binMin || m["bin"]>=binMax) return; if (m["pthat"]<pthatcut) return; if (m[pairCodeSB1]!=0) return; // if (m["bProdCode"]>1) return; if (eventstodiscard.find(m["event"])!=eventstodiscard.end()) return; //kill large-weight GSP event float w = m["weight"]*processweight((int)m["bProdCode"]); //because we have only b-dijets float corr = tageffcorrectionPbPb(m["jtpt1"],m["jteta1"],m[jtptSB],m[jtetaSB],m["bin"]); // float corrpt = getPbPbcorrectionPt(m["jtpt1"],m[jtptSB]); // float correta = getPbPbcorrectionEta(m["jteta1"],m[jtetaSB]); // float corrbin = getPbPbcorrectionBin(m["bin"]); float wb = w*corr; if (m["jtpt1"]>pt1cut && m["refpt1"]>50 && abs(m["refparton_flavorForB1"])==5 && m[jtptSB]>pt2cut && m[refptSB]>20 && m[dphiSB1]>PI23) { hmcPbPbxJTrue->Fill(m[jtptSB]/m["jtpt1"],w); hpt2true->Fill(m[jtptSB],w); hpt1true->Fill(m["jtpt1"],w); heta2true->Fill(m[jtetaSB],w); heta1true->Fill(m["jteta1"],w); hbintrue->Fill(m["bin"],w); } if (m["jtpt1"]>pt1cut && m["refpt1"]>50 && abs(m["refparton_flavorForB1"])==5 && m[jtptSB]>pt2cut && m[refptSB]>20 && m[dphiSB1]>PI23 && m["discr_csvV1_1"]>0.9 && m[discr_csvV1_SB]>0.9) { // //corrpt *= m[jtptSB] < 60 ? 1./0.7 : 1; //wb *= m[jtptSB] < 60 ? 1./0.7 : 1; hmcPbPbxJTrueTag->Fill(m[jtptSB]/m["jtpt1"],w); hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorr->Fill(m[jtptSB]/m["jtpt1"],wb); // hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrPt->Fill(m[jtptSB]/m["jtpt1"],w*corrpt); // hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrEta->Fill(m[jtptSB]/m["jtpt1"],w*corrpt*correta); // hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrBin->Fill(m[jtptSB]/m["jtpt1"],w*corrpt*correta*corrbin); hpt2truetag->Fill(m[jtptSB],w); hpt1truetag->Fill(m["jtpt1"],w); heta2truetag->Fill(m[jtetaSB],w); heta1truetag->Fill(m["jteta1"],w); hbintruetag->Fill(m["bin"],w); hpt2truetagcorr->Fill(m[jtptSB],wb); hpt1truetagcorr->Fill(m["jtpt1"],wb); heta2truetagcorr->Fill(m[jtetaSB],wb); heta1truetagcorr->Fill(m["jteta1"],wb); hbintruetagcorr->Fill(m["bin"],wb); } }); NormalizeAllHists(); //plotymax = 9999; aktstring = TString::Format("PbPb %d-%d %%",binMin/2, binMax/2);//TString::Format("PbPb#Delta#phi>2/3#pi %d-%d %%",binMin/2, binMax/2); SetMC({hmcPbPbxJTrue,hmcPbPbxJTrueTag,hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorr}); SetData({hmcPbPbxJTrue}); hmcPbPbxJTrue->SetMinimum(0); hmcPbPbxJTrue->SetMaximum(0.3); hmcPbPbxJTrue->SetLineWidth(2); hmcPbPbxJTrue->SetMarkerStyle(kNone); hmcPbPbxJTrue->SetFillStyle(0); hmcPbPbxJTrueTag->SetMarkerStyle(kOpenCircle); hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorr->SetMarkerStyle(kOpenSquare); plotymax = 0.3; Draw({hmcPbPbxJTrue,hmcPbPbxJTrueTag,hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorr}); SetB({hmcPbPbxJTrue,hmcPbPbxJTrueTag,hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorr}); float xjtrue = hmcPbPbxJTrue->GetMean(); float xjtruetag = hmcPbPbxJTrueTag->GetMean(); float xjtruetagcorr = hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorr->GetMean(); float exjtrue = hmcPbPbxJTrue->GetMeanError(); float exjtruetag = hmcPbPbxJTrueTag->GetMeanError(); float exjtruetagcorr = hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorr->GetMeanError(); auto c = getc(); hmcPbPbxJTrue->Draw("hist"); hmcPbPbxJTrueTag->Draw("E1,same"); hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorr->Draw("E1,same"); plotlegendpos = TopLeft; auto l = getLegend(); l->AddEntry(hmcPbPbxJTrue,Form("b-dijets, #LTx_{J}#GT=%.3f#pm%.3f",xjtrue,exjtrue),"L"); l->AddEntry(hmcPbPbxJTrueTag,Form("uncorrected, #LTx_{J}#GT=%.3f#pm%.3f",xjtruetag,exjtruetag),"P"); l->AddEntry(hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorr,Form("corrected, #LTx_{J}#GT=%.3f#pm%.3f",xjtruetagcorr,exjtruetagcorr),"P"); l->Draw(); TLatex *Tl = new TLatex(); Tl->DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.8, aktstring); SavePlot(c,Form("closure%d%d",binMin,binMax)); // //if (binMin==0 && binMax==200) { // Draw({hmcPbPbxJTrueTag,hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrPt,hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrEta,hmcPbPbxJTrueTagCorrBin}); // SetMC({hpt2truetag,hpt1truetag,heta2truetag,heta1truetag,hbintruetag}); // plotputmean = false; // plotymax = 0.2; // Draw({hpt2true,hpt2truetag,hpt2truetagcorr}); // plotymax = 0.3; // Draw({hpt1true,hpt1truetag,hpt1truetagcorr}); // plotymax = 0.2; // Draw({heta2true,heta2truetag,heta2truetagcorr}); // Draw({heta1true,heta1truetag,heta1truetagcorr}); // plotymax = 1; // Draw({hbintrue,hbintruetag,hbintruetagcorr}); plotymin = 0; plotymax = 0.2; Draw({hpt2truetag,hpt2true}); Draw({hpt2truetagcorr,hpt2true}); hpt2truetagovertrue->Divide(hpt2truetag,hpt2true,1,1); //"B" hpt1truetagovertrue->Divide(hpt1truetag,hpt1true,1,1); //"B" heta2truetagovertrue->Divide(heta2truetag,heta2true,1,1); //"B" heta1truetagovertrue->Divide(heta1truetag,heta1true,1,1); //"B" hbintruetagovertrue->Divide(hbintruetag,hbintrue,1,1); //"B" hpt2truetagcorrovertrue->Divide(hpt2truetagcorr,hpt2true,1,1); //"B" hpt1truetagcorrovertrue->Divide(hpt1truetagcorr,hpt1true,1,1); //"B" heta2truetagcorrovertrue->Divide(heta2truetagcorr,heta2true,1,1); //"B" heta1truetagcorrovertrue->Divide(heta1truetagcorr,heta1true,1,1); //"B" hbintruetagcorrovertrue->Divide(hbintruetagcorr,hbintrue,1,1); //"B" NormalizeAllHists(); Draw({hpt2truetagovertrue,hpt2truetagcorrovertrue}); Draw({hpt1truetagovertrue,hpt1truetagcorrovertrue}); Draw({heta2truetagovertrue,heta2truetagcorrovertrue}); Draw({heta1truetagovertrue,heta1truetagcorrovertrue}); Draw({hbintruetagovertrue,hbintruetagcorrovertrue}); // } }
mitk::Quaternion mitk::NavigationDataEvaluationFilter::GetQuaternionMean(int input) { return GetMean(m_LoggedQuaternions[input]); }
T VarianceAccumulator<T>:: GetVariance() { return (1.0*sumSqVal)/nSamples - GetMean()*GetMean(); }
void findtruthpp() { seth(10,0,1); auto hmcppxJTrue = geth("hmcppxJTrue","true;x_{J};Event fractions"); auto hmcppxJTrueTag = geth("hmcppxJTrueTag","true tagged;x_{J};Event fractions"); auto hmcppxJTrueTagCorr = geth("hmcppxJTrueTagCorr","true tagged corrected;x_{J};Event fractions"); TFile *fmcpp = new TFile(config.getFileName_djt("mcppbfa")); Fill(fmcpp,[&] (dict &m) { if (m["pthat"]<pthatcut) return; if (m[pairCodeSB1]!=0) return; // if (m["pthat"]<80) return; // if (m["bProdCode"]!=1) return; float w = m["weight"]*processweight((int)m["bProdCode"]); // float w = m["weight"]; // if (m["bProdCode"]==2) return; float corr = tageffcorrectionpp(m["jtpt1"],m["jteta1"],m[jtptSB],m[jtetaSB]); float wb = w*corr; if (m["jtpt1"]>pt1cut && m["refpt1"]>50 && abs(m["refparton_flavorForB1"])==5 && m[jtptSB]>pt2cut && m[dphiSB1]>PI23) hmcppxJTrue->Fill(m[jtptSB]/m["jtpt1"],w); if (m["jtpt1"]>pt1cut && m["refpt1"]>50 && abs(m["refparton_flavorForB1"])==5 && m[jtptSB]>pt2cut && m[dphiSB1]>PI23 && m["discr_csvV1_1"]>0.9 && m[discr_csvV1_SB]>0.9) { hmcppxJTrueTag->Fill(m[jtptSB]/m["jtpt1"],w); hmcppxJTrueTagCorr->Fill(m[jtptSB]/m["jtpt1"],wb); } }); NormalizeAllHists(); plotputmean = true; plotytitle = "Event fractions"; plotdivide = false; // aktstring += "R=0.4 |#eta|<2.0"; // plotsecondline = Form("p_{T,1}>%d GeV, p_{T,2}>%d GeV", (int)pt1cut, (int)pt2cut); // plotthirdline = "#Delta#phi>2/3#pi"; plottextposy = 0.8; plottextposx = 0.2; plotmeanposy = 0.43; plotymax = 0.2; plotymin = 0; plotlegendpos = BottomRight;//TopLeft; aktstring = "pp"; SetMC({hmcppxJTrue,hmcppxJTrueTag,hmcppxJTrueTagCorr}); SetData({hmcppxJTrue}); Draw({hmcppxJTrue,hmcppxJTrueTag,hmcppxJTrueTagCorr}); hmcppxJTrue->SetMinimum(0); hmcppxJTrue->SetMaximum(0.3); hmcppxJTrue->SetLineWidth(2); hmcppxJTrue->SetMarkerStyle(kNone); hmcppxJTrue->SetFillStyle(0); hmcppxJTrueTag->SetMarkerStyle(kOpenCircle); hmcppxJTrueTagCorr->SetMarkerStyle(kOpenSquare); plotymax = 0.3; SetB({hmcppxJTrue,hmcppxJTrueTag,hmcppxJTrueTagCorr}); float xjtrue = hmcppxJTrue->GetMean(); float xjtruetag = hmcppxJTrueTag->GetMean(); float xjtruetagcorr = hmcppxJTrueTagCorr->GetMean(); float exjtrue = hmcppxJTrue->GetMeanError(); float exjtruetag = hmcppxJTrueTag->GetMeanError(); float exjtruetagcorr = hmcppxJTrueTagCorr->GetMeanError(); auto c = getc(); hmcppxJTrue->Draw("hist"); hmcppxJTrueTag->Draw("E1,same"); hmcppxJTrueTagCorr->Draw("E1,same"); plotlegendpos = TopLeft; auto l = getLegend(); l->AddEntry(hmcppxJTrue,Form("b-dijets, #LTx_{J}#GT=%.3f#pm%.3f",xjtrue,exjtrue),"L"); l->AddEntry(hmcppxJTrueTag,Form("uncorrected, #LTx_{J}#GT=%.3f#pm%.3f",xjtruetag,exjtruetag),"P"); l->AddEntry(hmcppxJTrueTagCorr,Form("corrected, #LTx_{J}#GT=%.3f#pm%.3f",xjtruetagcorr,exjtruetagcorr),"P"); l->Draw(); TLatex *Tl = new TLatex(); Tl->DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.8, aktstring); SavePlot(c,"closurepp"); }
// Transforms each nominal feature into one of more real features, // imputes missing values, scales data. static vector< vector<double> > PreprocessFeatures(const IDataSet *data) { vector<int> offsets(1, 0); for (int j = 0; j < data->GetFeatureCount(); j++) { FeatureInfo info = data->GetMetaData().GetFeatureInfo(j); assert(info.Type == Numeric || info.Type == Nominal); int expansion = (info.Type == Nominal && info.NominalValues.size() >= 3) ? info.NominalValues.size() : 1; offsets.push_back(offsets.back() + expansion); } vector< vector<double> > nonmissing_values(data->GetFeatureCount()); for (int i = 0; i < data->GetObjectCount(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < data->GetFeatureCount(); j++) { if (data->HasFeature(i, j)) { double feature = data->GetFeature(i, j); nonmissing_values[j].push_back(feature); } } } vector<double> imputed_value(data->GetFeatureCount(), 0.0); for (int j = 0; j < data->GetFeatureCount(); j++) { FeatureInfo info = data->GetMetaData().GetFeatureInfo(j); if (nonmissing_values[j].size() == 0) { imputed_value[j] = 0; continue; } sort(nonmissing_values[j].begin(), nonmissing_values[j].end()); if (info.Type == Nominal && info.NominalValues.size() >= 3) { imputed_value[j] = GetMode(nonmissing_values[j]); } else if (info.Type == Nominal) { imputed_value[j] = 0; } else { imputed_value[j] = GetMean(nonmissing_values[j]); } } vector< vector<double> > result(data->GetObjectCount(), vector<double>(offsets.back(), 0.0)); for (int i = 0; i < data->GetObjectCount(); ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < data->GetFeatureCount(); ++j) { FeatureInfo info = data->GetMetaData().GetFeatureInfo(j); double feature = data->HasFeature(i, j) ? data->GetFeature(i, j) : imputed_value[j]; if (info.Type == Nominal && info.NominalValues.size() >= 3) { int val = (int)feature; assert(0 <= val && val < info.NominalValues.size()); result[i][offsets[j] + val] = 1; } else if (info.Type == Nominal) { // binary if (!data->HasFeature(i, j)) result[i][offsets[j]] = 0; else if (fabs(feature) < 0.5) result[i][offsets[j]] = -1.0; else result[i][offsets[j]] = 1.0; } else { // real if (nonmissing_values[j].size() != 0) { // scale to [-1, 1] double fmin = nonmissing_values[j][0]; double fmax = nonmissing_values[j].back(); if (fmax > fmin) feature = (feature - fmin) / (fmax - fmin); else feature = 0; } result[i][offsets[j]] = feature; } } } return result; }
void derivefromNS(bool data = false) { // float shift = mode == 2 ? -2 : mode*2; //mode = 0,1,2 shift = 0,2,-2 // cout<<"shift = "<<shift<<endl; auto file = config.getfile_djt(data ? "dtPbjcl" : "mcPbqcd"); auto nt = (TTree *)file->Get("nt"); for (unsigned i=1;i<binbounds.size();i++) { int b1 = binbounds[i-1]; int b2 = binbounds[i]; seth(71,38,180); //71,38 auto h = geth(Form("h%d%d",b1,b2)); //allowing one more bin for overflow seth(b2-b1,b1,b2); auto hb = geth(Form("hb%d%d",b1,b2)); TString mcappendix = data ? "" : "&& pthat>50";//"&& subid2!=0 && pthat>50"; //"&& pthat>50";//"&& !(subid2==0 && refpt2>20) && pthat>50"; //"&& pthat>80";// //Form("jtpt2+%f",shift) nt->Project(h->GetName(),"jtpt2", Form("weight*(jtpt1>100&&bin>=%d && bin<%d && dphi21<1.05 %s)",b1,b2,mcappendix.Data())); nt->Project(hb->GetName(),"bin", Form("weight*(jtpt1>100&&bin>=%d && bin<%d && dphi21<1.05 %s)",b1,b2,mcappendix.Data())); ScaleVisibleBins(h,NSfrac[i-1]); h->SetBinContent(1,h->GetBinContent(0)+h->GetBinContent(1)); // auto p = new TProfile(Form("p%d%d",b1,b2),Form("prof"),71,38,180); // nt->Project(p->GetName(),"(subid2 == 0 && refpt2 > 20):jtptSignal2",Form("weight*(jtpt1>100&&bin>=%d && bin<%d && dphiSignal21<1.05 && !(subid2==0 && refpt2>20) && pthat>80)",b1,b2)); auto g = getCDFgraph(h); g->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T,2} threshold [GeV]"); g->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("found fraction"); auto gtemp = getCDFgraph(h); meanb.push_back(hb->GetMean()); prob.push_back(gtemp->Eval(pt)); float c0=g->Eval(50); cout<<"prob at 50: "<<c0<<endl; auto gf = new TFile("graph.root","recreate"); gtemp->Write(); gf->Close(); // auto f = new TF1(Form("f%d%d",b1,b2),"1-[0]*exp(-[1]*(x-40))",40,180); // f->SetParameters(0.1,0.1); // // f->FixParameter(1,0.08); // auto f = new TF1(Form("f%d%d",b1,b2),"TMath::Erf((x-[0])/[1])",40,180); // f->SetParameters(40,10); // f->FixParameter(1,25); auto f = new TF1(Form("f%d%d",b1,b2),"exp(-[0]*exp(-[1]*x))",40,180); f->SetParameters(100,0.1); // f->FixParameter(1,0.11); //!!!!!!!!!! f->SetLineColor(kRed); f->SetLineWidth(2); g->Fit(f,"RM"); fs.push_back(f); binmean.push_back(hb->GetMean()); float median = -1/f->GetParameter(1)*log(-1/f->GetParameter(0)*log(0.5)); Draw({h}); // h->Rebin(2); auto gcoarse = getCDFgraph(h); auto c = getc(); TLatex *Tl = new TLatex(); gcoarse->SetMinimum(0);g->SetMaximum(1); gcoarse->Draw("AP"); f->Draw("same"); Tl->DrawLatexNDC(0.6,0.55,"y=e^{-a e^{-b x} }"); Tl->DrawLatexNDC(0.6,0.50,Form("a = %.1f",f->GetParameter(0))); Tl->DrawLatexNDC(0.6,0.45,Form("b = %.2f",f->GetParameter(1))); Tl->DrawLatexNDC(0.6,0.4,Form("PbPb bin %d-%d",b1,b2)); Tl->DrawLatexNDC(0.6,0.35,Form("median = %.2f",median)); TLine *l1 = new TLine(median,0,median, f->Eval(median)); l1->Draw(); TLine *l2 = new TLine(0,0.5,median, f->Eval(median)); l2->Draw(); // p->SetMarkerColor(kRed); // p->SetMarkerSize(1); // p->Draw("same"); SavePlot(c,Form("fit%d%d",b1,b2));//return; } }
void drawMakeCorrelationSummariesTimePlots(){ gStyle->SetOptStat("mre"); // TFile* f = TFile::Open("makeCorrelationSummariesTimePlots_352_2016-02-26_18-02-20.root"); auto corTree = new TChain("corTree"); corTree->Add("makeCorrelationSummariesTimePlots/*.root"); // TTree* corTree = (TTree*) f->Get("corTree"); cout << corTree << endl; auto cc = new CrossCorrelator(); auto h = new TH1D("h", "", 128, -2, 2); // Book histogram and set x, y axis labels to antenna names TString name = "h2"; TString polLetter = "H"; // TString polLetter = pol == AnitaPol::kHorizontal ? "H" : "V"; // name += polLetter; // name += TString::Format("%u", eventNumber[pol]); TString title = TString::Format("Mean #deltat_{measured} - #deltat_{expected} for all used antenna pairs; Antenna 1; Antenna 2; Mean #Delta#deltat (ns)"); int binShift = 0; // title += pol==AnitaPol::kHorizontal ? "HPOL" : "VPOL"; // title += "; ; ; Correlation coefficient"; TH2D* h2 = new TH2D(name, title, NUM_SEAVEYS, 0, NUM_SEAVEYS, NUM_SEAVEYS, 0, NUM_SEAVEYS); for(int ant=0; ant<NUM_SEAVEYS; ant++){ TString lab = TString::Format("%d", 1 + (ant/NUM_RING)); if(ant%NUM_RING==0){ lab += "T"+polLetter; } else if((ant%NUM_RING)==1){ lab += "M"+polLetter; } else{ lab += "B"+polLetter; } int binInd = ant + binShift; // binInd = binInd < 0 ? binInd + NUM_SEAVEYS : binInd; binInd = binInd >= NUM_SEAVEYS ? binInd - NUM_SEAVEYS : binInd; h2->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(binInd+1, lab.Data()); h2->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(binInd+1, lab.Data()); } std::vector<TH1D*> hs; for(int combo=0; combo < NUM_COMBOS; combo++){ int ant1 = cc->; int ant2 = cc->; auto command = TString::Format("deltaTMeasured[%d]-deltaTExpected[%d]>>h", combo, combo); auto cuts = TString::Format("deltaTMeasured[%d]>-999 && TMath::Abs(deltaTMeasured[%d]-deltaTExpected[%d]) < 0.7", combo, combo, combo); // cout << command << "\t" << cuts << endl; corTree->Draw(command, cuts, "goff"); std::cout << ant1 << "\t" << ant2<< "\t" << h->GetMean() << std::endl; // auto h3 = ((TH1D*)h->Clone()); // h3->SetTitle(TString::Format("antennas %d and %d; #Delta#deltat (ns); Events / bin", ant1, ant2)); // hs.push_back(h3); Int_t phi1 = ant1%NUM_PHI; Int_t phi2 = ant2%NUM_PHI; Int_t ring1 = ant1/NUM_PHI; Int_t ring2 = ant2/NUM_PHI; Int_t theBinX = phi1*NUM_RING + ring1 + 1; Int_t theBinY = phi2*NUM_RING + ring2 + 1; theBinX += binShift; theBinY += binShift; theBinX = theBinX >= NUM_SEAVEYS ? theBinX - NUM_SEAVEYS : theBinX; theBinY = theBinY >= NUM_SEAVEYS ? theBinY - NUM_SEAVEYS : theBinY; h2->SetBinContent(theBinX, theBinY, h->GetMean()); h2->SetBinContent(theBinY, theBinX, h->GetMean()); // if(combo >= 5){ // break; // } } // TCanvas* c1 = RootTools::drawArrayOfHistosPrettily(&hs[0], (Int_t) hs.size()); // TCanvas* c2 = RootTools::drawHistsWithStatsBoxes((Int_t) hs.size(), &hs[0], // "", "mre"); // TLegend* l = c2->BuildLegend(); // hs[0]->SetTitle("#deltat_{measured} - #deltat_{expected} for a selection of antenna pairs; #Delta#deltat (ns); Events / bin"); auto c3 = new TCanvas(); h2->Draw("colz"); }
void DataSignal :: WriteSmartArtifactInfoToXML (RGTextOutput& text, const RGString& indent, const RGString& bracketTag, const RGString& locationTag) { int peak; Endl endLine; RGString suffix; RGString label; SmartMessageReporter* notice; int i; RGString virtualAllele; int reportedMessageLevel; reportedMessageLevel = GetHighestMessageLevelWithRestrictionSM (); bool thisIsFirstNotice = true; if ((!DontLook ()) && (NumberOfSmartNoticeObjects () != 0)) { peak = (int) floor (Peak () + 0.5); if (mOffGrid) suffix = " OL"; virtualAllele = GetVirtualAlleleName (); RGDListIterator it (*mSmartMessageReporters); i = 0; while (notice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) { if (!notice->GetDisplayOsirisInfo ()) continue; if (thisIsFirstNotice) { text << indent << "<" << bracketTag << ">" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<level>" << reportedMessageLevel << "</level>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<mean>" << GetMean () << "</mean>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<height>" << peak << "</height>" << endLine; // text << indent << "\t<" << locationTag << ">" << (int) floor (GetApproximateBioID () + 0.5) << "</" << locationTag << ">" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<" << locationTag << ">" << GetApproximateBioID () << "</" << locationTag << ">" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<PeakArea>" << TheoreticalArea () << "</PeakArea>" << endLine; if (virtualAllele.Length () > 0) text << indent << "\t<equivAllele>" << virtualAllele << suffix << "</equivAllele>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<width>" << 4.0 * GetStandardDeviation () << "</width>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<fit>" << GetCurveFit () << "</fit>" << endLine; label = indent + "\t<label>"; thisIsFirstNotice = false; } if (i > 0) label << " "; label += notice->GetMessage (); label += notice->GetMessageData (); i++; } RGString temp = GetVirtualAlleleName () + suffix; if (temp.Length () > 0) { if (i > 0) label << " "; label += "Allele " + temp; } if (i > 0) { label << "</label>"; text << label << endLine; text << indent << "</" + bracketTag << ">" << endLine; } /*if ((signalLink != NULL) && (!signalLink->xmlArtifactInfoWritten)) { signalLink->xmlArtifactInfoWritten = true; peak = signalLink->height; text << indent << "<" << bracketTag << ">" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<mean>" << signalLink->mean << "</mean>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<height>" << peak << "</height>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<" << locationTag << ">" << signalLink->bioID << "</" << locationTag << ">" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<fit>" << GetCurveFit () << "</fit>" << endLine; label = indent + "\t<label>"; mNoticeObjectIterator.Reset (); i = 0; while (notice = (Notice*) mNoticeObjectIterator ()) { if (i > 0) label << " "; label += notice->GetLabel (); i++; } if (temp.Length () > 0) { if (i > 0) label << " "; label += "Allele " + temp; } label << "</label>"; text << label << endLine; text << indent << "</" + bracketTag << ">" << endLine; }*/ } }
void DataSignal :: WriteSmartTableArtifactInfoToXML (RGTextOutput& text, RGTextOutput& tempText, const RGString& indent, const RGString& bracketTag, const RGString& locationTag) { int peak; Endl endLine; RGString suffix; RGString label; SmartMessageReporter* notice; int i; RGString virtualAllele; SmartMessageReporter* nextNotice; text.SetOutputLevel (1); int msgNum; smAcceptedOLLeft acceptedOLLeft; smAcceptedOLRight acceptedOLRight; int reportedMessageLevel = GetHighestMessageLevelWithRestrictionSM (); //bool hasThreeLoci; //bool needLocus0; if ((!DontLook ()) && (NumberOfSmartNoticeObjects () != 0)) { bool firstNotice = true; peak = (int) floor (Peak () + 0.5); virtualAllele = GetVirtualAlleleName (); text << indent << "<" << bracketTag << ">" << endLine; // Should be <Artifact> text << indent << "\t<Id>" << GetSignalID () << "</Id>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<Level>" << reportedMessageLevel << "</Level>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<RFU>" << peak << "</RFU>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<" << locationTag << ">" << GetApproximateBioID () << "</" << locationTag << ">" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<PeakArea>" << TheoreticalArea () << "</PeakArea>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<Time>" << GetMean () << "</Time>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t<Fit>" << GetCurveFit () << "</Fit>" << endLine; if (!mAllowPeakEdit) text << indent << "\t<AllowPeakEdit>false</AllowPeakEdit>" << endLine; RGDListIterator it (*mSmartMessageReporters); i = 0; while (notice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) { if (!notice->GetDisplayOsirisInfo ()) continue; if (firstNotice) { label = indent + "\t<Label>"; firstNotice = false; } if (i > 0) label << " "; label += notice->GetMessage (); label += notice->GetMessageData (); i++; } if (i > 0) { label << "</Label>"; text << label << endLine; } // Now add list of notices... it.Reset (); while (nextNotice = (SmartMessageReporter*) it ()) { msgNum = Notice::GetNextMessageNumber (); nextNotice->SetMessageCount (msgNum); text << indent << "\t<MessageNumber>" << msgNum << "</MessageNumber>" << endLine; tempText << "\t\t<Message>\n"; tempText << "\t\t\t<MessageNumber>" << msgNum << "</MessageNumber>\n"; tempText << "\t\t\t<Text>" << nextNotice->GetMessage () << nextNotice->GetMessageData () << "</Text>\n"; if (nextNotice->HasViableExportInfo ()) { if (nextNotice->IsEnabled ()) tempText << "\t\t\t<Hidden>false</Hidden>\n"; else tempText << "\t\t\t<Hidden>true</Hidden>\n"; if (!nextNotice->IsCritical ()) tempText << "\t\t\t<Critical>false</Critical>\n"; if (nextNotice->IsEnabled ()) tempText << "\t\t\t<Enabled>true</Enabled>\n"; else tempText << "\t\t\t<Enabled>false</Enabled>\n"; if (!nextNotice->IsEditable ()) tempText << "\t\t\t<Editable>false</Editable>\n"; if (nextNotice->GetDisplayExportInfo ()) tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayExportInfo>true</DisplayExportInfo>\n"; else tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayExportInfo>false</DisplayExportInfo>\n"; if (!nextNotice->GetDisplayOsirisInfo ()) tempText << "\t\t\t<DisplayOsirisInfo>false</DisplayOsirisInfo>\n"; tempText << "\t\t\t<MsgName>" << nextNotice->GetMessageName () << "</MsgName>\n"; //tempText << "\t\t\t<ExportProtocolList>"; //tempText << "\t\t\t" << nextNotice->GetExportProtocolInformation (); //tempText << "\t\t\t</ExportProtocolList>\n"; } tempText << "\t\t</Message>\n"; } // Now add list of alleles //hasThreeLoci = (mLocus != NULL) && (mLeftLocus != NULL) && (mRightLocus != NULL); //if (mLocus != NULL) { // if ((mLeftLocus == NULL) && (mRightLocus == NULL)) // needLocus0 = true; // else // needLocus0 = false; //} //else // needLocus0 = false; //needLocus0 = (!hasThreeLoci) && ((mLocus != mLeftLocus) || (mLocus != mRightLocus)); if (mLocus != NULL) { //testing RGString locusName = mLocus->GetLocusName (); suffix = GetAlleleName (0); if ((suffix.Length () > 0) || (virtualAllele.Length () > 0)) { text << indent << "\t<Allele>" << endLine; if (suffix.Length () > 0) text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << suffix << "</Name>" << endLine; else text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << virtualAllele << "</Name>" << endLine; if (mOffGrid) suffix = "true"; else if (mAcceptedOffGrid) suffix = "accepted"; else suffix = "false"; text << indent << "\t\t<OffLadder>" << suffix << "</OffLadder>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t\t<BPS>" << GetBioID (0) << "</BPS>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t\t<Locus>" << mLocus->GetLocusName () << "</Locus>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t\t<Location>0</Location>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t</Allele>" << endLine; } } if ((mLeftLocus != NULL) && (mLeftLocus != mLocus)) { if (mAlleleNameLeft.Length () > 0) { text << indent << "\t<Allele>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << mAlleleNameLeft << "</Name>" << endLine; if (mIsOffGridLeft) suffix = "true"; else if (GetMessageValue (acceptedOLLeft)) suffix = "accepted"; else suffix = "false"; text << indent << "\t\t<OffLadder>" << suffix << "</OffLadder>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t\t<BPS>" << GetBioID (-1) << "</BPS>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t\t<Locus>" << mLeftLocus->GetLocusName () << "</Locus>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t\t<Location>-1</Location>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t</Allele>" << endLine; } } if ((mRightLocus != NULL) && (mRightLocus != mLocus)) { if (mAlleleNameRight.Length () > 0) { text << indent << "\t<Allele>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t\t<Name>" << mAlleleNameRight << "</Name>" << endLine; if (mIsOffGridRight) suffix = "true"; else if (GetMessageValue (acceptedOLRight)) suffix = "accepted"; else suffix = "false"; text << indent << "\t\t<OffLadder>" << suffix << "</OffLadder>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t\t<BPS>" << GetBioID (1) << "</BPS>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t\t<Locus>" << mRightLocus->GetLocusName () << "</Locus>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t\t<Location>1</Location>" << endLine; text << indent << "\t</Allele>" << endLine; } } text << indent << "</" + bracketTag << ">" << endLine; } text.ResetOutputLevel (); }
void zScan(){ double sf = 1.; double ppm = 1E-6; double ppb = 1E-9; int units = 0; // 0 = ppm, 1 = ppb TString Units = "ND"; if(units==0){ sf = ppm; Units = Form("ppm"); }else if(units==1){ sf = ppb; Units = Form("ppb"); } TString prefix = Form("./probe/"); TString inpath = prefix + Form("probe-1.dat"); // double r = 5; // TString inpath = Form("./probe/probe-1_r-%.0f-cm.dat",r); vector<double> x,y,z,th,B,dB; vector<double> z1,z2,z3,z4; vector<double> b1,b2,b3,b4; vector<double> db1,db2,db3,db4; vector<double> BR,dBR; ImportScanData(inpath,z,B,dB); // ImportScanDataAlt(inpath,x,y,z,th,B,dB); double mean_b = GetMean(B); double arg=0,err=0; cout << "B AVG = " << Form("%.15lf",mean_b) << endl; int TH=0; FieldData myData; TTree *myTree = new TTree("T","Field Data"); myTree->Branch("field",&myData.x,"x/D:y/D:z/D:phi/D:B/D:dB/D:B_rel/D:dB_rel/D"); const int N = z.size(); for(int i=0;i<N;i++){ // TH = (int)th[i]; arg = (B[i]-mean_b)/mean_b/sf; err = dB[i]/mean_b/sf; // if(TH==0){ // z1.push_back(z[i]); // b1.push_back(arg); // db1.push_back(err); // }else if(TH==90){ // z2.push_back(z[i]); // b2.push_back(arg); // db2.push_back(err); // }else if(TH==180){ // z3.push_back(z[i]); // b3.push_back(arg); // db3.push_back(err); // }else if(TH==270){ // z4.push_back(z[i]); // b4.push_back(arg); // db4.push_back(err); // } cout // << Form("%10.3f",x[i]) << "\t" // << Form("%10.3f",y[i]) << "\t" << Form("%10.3f",z[i]) << "\t" // << Form("%10.3f",th[i]) << "\t" << Form("%10.3f",arg ) << "\t" << Form("%10.3f",err ) << endl; // myData.x = x[i]; // myData.y = y[i]; // myData.z = z[i]; // myData.B_rel = arg; // myData.dB_rel = err; // myTree->Fill(); BR.push_back(arg); dBR.push_back(err); } TGraphErrors *g = GetTGraphErrors(z,BR,dBR); SetGraphParameters(g,20,kBlack); double MarkerSize = 1.5; // TGraphErrors *g1 = GetTGraphErrors(z1,b1,db1); // SetGraphParameters(g1,20,kBlack); // g1->SetMarkerSize(MarkerSize); // TGraphErrors *g2 = GetTGraphErrors(z2,b2,db2); // SetGraphParameters(g2,21,kBlue); // g2->SetMarkerSize(MarkerSize); // TGraphErrors *g3 = GetTGraphErrors(z3,b3,db3); // SetGraphParameters(g3,22,kRed); // g3->SetMarkerSize(MarkerSize); // TGraphErrors *g4 = GetTGraphErrors(z4,b4,db4); // SetGraphParameters(g4,23,kMagenta); // g4->SetMarkerSize(MarkerSize); // TLegend *L = new TLegend(0.6,0.6,0.8,0.8); // L->SetFillStyle(0); // L->AddEntry(g1,"#theta = 0#circ" ,"p"); // L->AddEntry(g2,"#theta = 90#circ" ,"p"); // L->AddEntry(g3,"#theta = 180#circ","p"); // L->AddEntry(g4,"#theta = 270#circ","p"); // TMultiGraph *mg = new TMultiGraph(); // mg->Add(g1,"p"); // mg->Add(g2,"p"); // mg->Add(g3,"p"); // mg->Add(g4,"p"); double xMin = -350; double xMax = 350; // double yMin = -2; // double yMax = 2; TLine *xAxisLine = new TLine(xMin,0,xMax,0); TLine *xAxisLine2 = new TLine(-150,0, 150,0); TString Title = Form("Magnetic Field Map Along z Axis (x = 0, y = 0) "); // TString Title2 = Form("Magnetic Field Map (r = %.0f cm)",r); TString xAxisTitle = Form("z (mm)"); TString yAxisTitle = Form("B (%s)",Units.Data()); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1","z Scan (1)",1200,800); c1->SetFillColor(kWhite); c1->cd(); gStyle->SetOptFit(111); g->Draw("ap"); g->SetTitle(Title); g->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xAxisTitle); g->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); g->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yAxisTitle); g->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); g->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(xMin,xMax); g->Draw("ap"); xAxisLine->Draw("same"); c1->Update(); // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2","z Scan (2)",1200,800); // c2->SetFillColor(kWhite); // c2->cd(); // gStyle->SetOptFit(111); // mg->Draw("a"); // mg->SetTitle(Title2); // mg->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z (mm)"); // mg->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); // mg->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(yAxisTitle); // mg->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(); // mg->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(-150,150); // mg->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(yMin,yMax); // mg->Draw("a"); // xAxisLine2->Draw("same"); // L->Draw("same"); // c2->Update(); // myTree->SetMarkerStyle(20); // myTree->SetMarkerSize(1.6); // TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3","3D Field Map",1200,800); // c3->SetFillColor(kWhite); // c3->cd(); // myTree->Draw("y:x:z:B_rel","","colz"); // c3->Update(); }