bool CFilterNetReceiver::DeliverBuffer(const unsigned char * pData, long nLen, unsigned int timestamp)
	if (pData == NULL || nLen <= 0) return false;

	PBYTE  pSampleBuffer = NULL;
	IMediaSample * pSample = NULL;
	// Receive media data
	BOOL pass = FALSE;
		pSample = GetMediaSample();
		if (pSample != NULL)
			if (pSampleBuffer != NULL)
				pass = TRUE;				
		if (m_bIsStoped)
	} while (!pass);

	if (m_bIsStoped) return false;

	//MessageBox(NULL, L"CFilterNetReceiver::doSampleBuffer memcpy()", L"test", MB_OK);
	memcpy(pSampleBuffer, pData, nLen);

	// Deliver this sample
	BOOL ret = DeliverHoldingSample(pSample, nLen, timestamp);

	return ret ? true : false;
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {

    Movie movie;
    Track track;
    Media media;
    short refNum;
    short resID = 0;
    Boolean wasChanged;
    OSErr err = noErr;
    FSSpec fsspec;
    AudioFormatAtomPtr outAudioAtom;
    CmpSoundHeader outSoundInfo;
    SoundComponentData theInputFormat,
    SoundConverter mySoundConverter = NULL;
//    SCFillBufferData scFillBufferData = { NULL };
    Ptr pDecomBuffer0 = NULL,
        pDecomBuffer1 = NULL;
    long kMaxOutputBuffer = 64 * 1024;
    long noFrames = 0,
                  niFrames = 0,
                  noBytes = 0,
                  noSamples = 0;
#define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 256 * 1024 * 1024

    /** Initialise MovieToolbox */

    /** Open the movie file from the first argument */
    printf( "opening audio file: '%s'\n", argv[1] );
    path2fss( &fsspec, argv[1] );
    err = OpenMovieFile( &fsspec, &refNum, fsRdPerm );
    if ( err != noErr ) {
        printf( "failed to open audio: %d\n", GetMoviesError() );
        exit( -1 );

    /** Instantiate the movie */
    err = NewMovieFromFile( &movie, refNum, &resID, NULL,
                            newMovieActive, &wasChanged );
    if ( err ) {
        printf( "failed to instantiate movie\n" );
        exit( -1 );

    CloseMovieFile( refNum );
    refNum = 0;

    /** Get the first sound track */
    track = GetMovieIndTrackType( movie, 1, SoundMediaType,
                                  movieTrackMediaType );
    if ( track == NULL ) {
        printf( "failed to get sound track\n" );
        exit( -1 );

    /** Get the sound track media */
    media = GetTrackMedia( track );
    if ( media == NULL ) {
        printf( "failed to get media from audio track\n" );
        exit( -1 );

    Size size;
    Handle extension;
    SoundDescriptionHandle sourceSoundDescription;

    sourceSoundDescription = (SoundDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(0);

    /** Get the description of the sample data */
    GetMediaSampleDescription( media, 1,
                               (SampleDescriptionHandle)sourceSoundDescription );
    err = GetMoviesError();
    if ( err ) {
        printf( "failed to get description of sample data\n" );
        exit( -1 );

    extension = NewHandle( 0 );

    // get the "magic" decompression atom
    // This extension to the SoundDescription information stores
    // data specific to a given audio decompressor. Some audio
    // decompression algorithms require a set of out-of-stream
    // values to configure the decompressor.
    err = 
        GetSoundDescriptionExtension( (SoundDescriptionHandle)sourceSoundDescription,
                                      &extension, siDecompressionParams );
    if ( noErr == err ) {
        size = GetHandleSize( extension );
        printf( "transferring data to audio buffer: %d bytes\n", size );
        HLock( extension );
        outAudioAtom = (AudioFormatAtom*)NewPtr( size );
        err = MemError();
        // copy the atom data to our buffer...
        BlockMoveData( *extension, outAudioAtom, size );
        HUnlock( extension );
      } else {
        // if it doesn't have an atom, that's ok
        outAudioAtom = NULL;
        err = noErr;

    /** Setup our sound header */
    outSoundInfo.format = (*sourceSoundDescription)->dataFormat;
    outSoundInfo.numChannels = (*sourceSoundDescription)->numChannels;
    outSoundInfo.sampleSize = (*sourceSoundDescription)->sampleSize;
    outSoundInfo.sampleRate = (*sourceSoundDescription)->sampleRate;
    outSoundInfo.compressionID = (*sourceSoundDescription)->compressionID;

    float db = ((float)outSoundInfo.sampleRate)/(1<<16);

    printf( "sample: %d\tchannels: %d\tsample size: %d\tsample rate: %f\tcompressionID: %d\n",
            outSoundInfo.format, outSoundInfo.numChannels, outSoundInfo.sampleSize,
            db, outSoundInfo.compressionID );

    DisposeHandle( extension );
    DisposeHandle( (Handle)sourceSoundDescription );

     * Now that we've figured out what the audio file is, allocate buffers
     * and so on for conversion and playback

    printf( "initialising input/output conversion buffers\n" );

    /** setup input/output format for sound converter */
    theInputFormat.flags = 0;
    theInputFormat.format = outSoundInfo.format;
    theInputFormat.numChannels = outSoundInfo.numChannels;
    theInputFormat.sampleSize = outSoundInfo.sampleSize;
    theInputFormat.sampleRate = outSoundInfo. sampleRate;
    theInputFormat.sampleCount = 0;
    theInputFormat.buffer = NULL;
    theInputFormat.reserved = 0;

    theOutputFormat.flags = 0;
    theOutputFormat.format = kSoundNotCompressed;
    theOutputFormat.numChannels = theInputFormat.numChannels;
    theOutputFormat.sampleSize = theInputFormat.sampleSize;
    theOutputFormat.sampleRate = theInputFormat.sampleRate;
    theOutputFormat.sampleCount = 0;
    theOutputFormat.buffer = NULL;
    theOutputFormat.reserved = 0;

    // variableCompression means we're going to use the commonFrameSize field and the kExtendedSoundCommonFrameSizeValid flag
//    scFillBufferData.isSourceVBR = (outSoundInfo.compressionID == variableCompression );

    err = SoundConverterOpen( &theInputFormat, &theOutputFormat, 
                              &mySoundConverter );
    if ( err != noErr ) {
        printf( "failed to open sound converter\n" );
        exit( -1 );
      } else {
        printf( "opened sound converter ok\n" );

    // this isn't crucial or even required for decompression only, but it does tell
    // the sound converter that we're cool with VBR audio
    Ptr tptr = NewPtr( 1 );
    tptr[0] = 1;
    SoundConverterSetInfo( mySoundConverter, siClientAcceptsVBR, tptr );
    free( tptr );

     * Set up the sound converters decompresson 'environment' by passing
     * in the 'magic' decompression atom
    err = 
        SoundConverterSetInfo( mySoundConverter, siDecompressionParams,
                               outAudioAtom );
    if ( err != noErr ) {
        printf( "failed to set sound converter info\n" );
        exit( -1 );
      } else {
        printf( "set sound converter info ok\n" );

    if ( outAudioAtom ) {
        DisposePtr( (Ptr)outAudioAtom );

    if ( siUnknownInfoType == err ) {
        // clear this error, the decompressor didn't
        // need the decompression atom and that's OK
        err = noErr;
      } else {
//        BailErr(err);

     * The input buffer has to be large enough so GetMediaSample isn't
     * going to fail, your mileage may vary
    Handle inputBuffer = NewHandle( MAX_BUFFER_SIZE );
//    HLock( inputBuffer );

    /** Start the sound conversion */
    err = SoundConverterBeginConversion(mySoundConverter);
//    BailErr(err);

    /** Extract compressed audio from media track */
    TimeValue tperSample = 0;
    err = 
        GetMediaSample( media, inputBuffer, 0, 
                        &noBytes, 0, NULL, &tperSample, NULL, NULL, 0, &noSamples, NULL );
    if ( err != noErr ) {
        printf( "failed to fetch media sample data: %d\n", GetMoviesError() );
        exit( -1 );
      } else {
        printf( "media sample: %d (%d) bytes / %ld samples / %d per sample\n", 
                noBytes, GetHandleSize( inputBuffer ), noSamples, tperSample );

    unsigned long niBytes = 0;
    SoundConverterGetBufferSizes( mySoundConverter, noBytes * noSamples,
                                  &niFrames, &niBytes, &noBytes );

    printf( "buffer sizes: frames: %d\tibytes: %d\tobytes: %d\n",
            niFrames, niBytes, noBytes );

    /** Convert into uncompressed audio */
    Ptr outputBuffer = NewPtr( noBytes * 1.2 );
    SoundConverterConvertBuffer( mySoundConverter, inputBuffer, noSamples /* niFrames */, 
                                 outputBuffer, &noFrames, &noBytes );

    printf( "converted: %d frames / %d bytes\n", noFrames, noBytes );

    /** Shutdown the sound converter */
    err = SoundConverterEndConversion( mySoundConverter, outputBuffer, &noFrames, &noBytes );

    printf( "converted final: %d frames / %d bytes\n", noFrames, noBytes );

//    HUnlock( inputBuffer );

    /** We now should have decompressed audio for the input file */
     * So, generate visuals using a sliding sample grid at the
     * given framerate

    /** Create a new movie clip with audio and video tracks */

    /** PROJECTM CRAP HERE -- stuff frames into QuickTime */

    /** Close movie file */

    /** Shutdown MovieToolbox */

    return 0;
static pascal Boolean
SoundConverterFillBufferCallback(SoundComponentDataPtr *outData, void *userData)
   CallbackData *pFillData = (CallbackData*)userData;

   OSErr err;

   // if after getting the last chunk of data the total time is over the duration, we're done
   if (pFillData->getMediaAtThisTime >= pFillData->sourceDuration)
      pFillData->isThereMoreSource = false;
      pFillData->compData.desc.buffer = NULL;
      pFillData->compData.desc.sampleCount = 0;
      pFillData->compData.bufferSize = 0;
      pFillData->compData.commonFrameSize = 0;

   if (pFillData->isThereMoreSource) {

      long    sourceBytesReturned;
      long    numberOfSamples;
      TimeValue sourceReturnedTime, durationPerSample;

      // in calling GetMediaSample, we'll get a buffer that consists of equal
      // sized frames - the degenerate case is only 1 frame -- for
      // non-self-framed vbr formats (like AAC in QT 6.0) we need to provide
      // some more framing information - either the frameCount, frameSizeArray
      // pair or commonFrameSize field must be valid -- because we always get
      // equal sized frames, we use commonFrameSize and set the
      // kExtendedSoundCommonFrameSizeValid flag -- if there is only 1 frame
      // then (common frame size == media sample size), if there are multiple
      // frames, then (common frame size == media sample size / number of
      // frames).


      err = GetMediaSample(
               pFillData->sourceMedia,   // media to retrieve data from
               pFillData->hSource,       // where to put the data
               pFillData->maxBufferSize, // maximum number of bytes to be returned
               &sourceBytesReturned,     // number of bytes actually returned
               pFillData->getMediaAtThisTime,  // starting time of the sample to be retrieved (must be in Media's TimeScale)
               &sourceReturnedTime,      // actual time of the returned sample data
               &durationPerSample,       // duration of each sample in the media
               NULL,                     // sample description of the returned data
               NULL,                     // index value to the sample description
               0,                        // maximum number of samples to be returned (0 to use a value that is appropriate for the media)
               &numberOfSamples,         // number of samples it actually returned
               NULL);                    // flags that describe the sample

      if ((noErr != err) || (sourceBytesReturned == 0)) {
         pFillData->isThereMoreSource = false;
         pFillData->compData.desc.buffer = NULL;
         pFillData->compData.desc.sampleCount = 0;
         pFillData->compData.bufferSize = 0;
         pFillData->compData.commonFrameSize = 0;

         if(sourceBytesReturned == 0)
            wxMessageBox(wxT("There were simply no bytes returned!"));
         if(err != noErr)
            wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxT("Error returned: %d"), err));
         if ((err != noErr) && (sourceBytesReturned > 0))
            wxMessageBox(wxT("GetMediaSample - Failed in FillBufferDataProc"));

      pFillData->getMediaAtThisTime = sourceReturnedTime + (durationPerSample * numberOfSamples);

      // (the following comment is out of the example code.  I would never call
      // a sound conversion routine "studly."  -JH
      // we've specified kExtendedSoundSampleCountNotValid and the 'studly'
      // Sound Converter will take care of sampleCount for us, so while this is
      // not required we fill out all the information we have to simply
      // demonstrate how this would be done sampleCount is the number of PCM
      // samples
      pFillData->compData.desc.sampleCount = numberOfSamples * durationPerSample;

      // kExtendedSoundBufferSizeValid was specified - make sure this field is
      // filled in correctly
      pFillData->compData.bufferSize = sourceBytesReturned;

      // for VBR audio we specified the kExtendedSoundCommonFrameSizeValid flag
      // - make sure this field is filled in correctly
      if (pFillData->isSourceVBR)
         pFillData->compData.commonFrameSize = sourceBytesReturned / numberOfSamples;

   // set outData to a properly filled out ExtendedSoundComponentData struct
   *outData = (SoundComponentDataPtr)&pFillData->compData;

   return (pFillData->isThereMoreSource);