//Todo Support It //Don't Support D3D8 Game In Xp And Vista bool h3d::BeginD3D8CaptureHook() { wchar_t sD3D8Path[MAX_PATH]; SHGetFolderPathW(NULL, CSIDL_SYSTEM, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, sD3D8Path); wcscat_s(sD3D8Path, MAX_PATH, L"\\D3D8.dll"); HMODULE hD3D8Dll = GetModuleHandle(sD3D8Path); if (hD3D8Dll) { PTR addr = reinterpret_cast<PTR>(hD3D8Dll); PTR end_sceneoffset = 0; UINT version = GetOSVersion(); if (version == 7) end_sceneoffset = 0x44530; if (version >= 8) end_sceneoffset = 0x33540; if (end_sceneoffset) { d3d8end_scene.Do((WINAPIPROC)(addr + end_sceneoffset), (WINAPIPROC)EndScne); return true; } } return false; }
std::string PDFInfoObject::ObjectEntry() { unsigned long origLen = 128; unsigned long len = origLen; unsigned long retLen; char buf[128+1]; buffer += "<<\r"; buffer += "/CreationDate ("; retLen = GetCurrDateTime( buf, &len ); len = origLen; buffer += buf; buffer += ")\r"; buffer += "/Author ("; GetUserName( buf, &len ); len = origLen; buffer += buf; buffer += ")\r"; buffer += "/Creator ("; retLen = GetAppBuildDetails( buf ); len = origLen; buffer += buf; buffer += ")\r"; buffer += "/Producer (OS - "; GetOSVersion( buf, &len ); len = origLen; buffer += buf; buffer += ")\r"; buffer += "/Title ("; buffer += title; buffer += ")\r"; buffer += "/Subject (Web Server log file analysis.)\r"; buffer += ">>\r"; AddContents( buffer ); return PDFBodyObject::ObjectEntry(); }
int BBP_Init_Plugin(plugin_info *PI) { if (PI->broam_key) { const char *s; PI->broam_key_len = strlen(PI->broam_key); s = strchr(PI->broam_key, '.'); if (s) PI->broam_key_len_common = s - PI->broam_key + 1; } if (0 == class_info_register(PI->class_name, PI->hInstance)) return 0; //dbg_printf("creating window <%s>", PI->class_name); PI->hwnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, PI->class_name, NULL, WS_POPUP | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, PI->xpos, PI->ypos, PI->width, PI->height, NULL, // parent window NULL, // no menu PI->hInstance, // hInstance of .dll PI // init_data ); if (NULL == PI->hwnd) { class_info_decref(PI->class_name); return 0; } // Transparency is only supported under Windows 2000/XP... PI->usingWin2kPlus = GetOSVersion() >= 50; PI->is_alpha = *(BYTE *)GetSettingPtr(SN_MENUALPHA); PI->visible = true; BBP_set_window_modes(PI); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string vDNA; std::string vMAC_LAN; std::string vMAC_WIFI; std::string vIP_LAN; std::string vIP_WIFI; std::string vOS_VER; std::string vOS_BUILD; bool verbose = false; if (argc == 2) { std::string param(argv[1]); if (param == "-v" || param == "--verbose") verbose = true; } unsigned long long dna; char string_buffer[18]; int res; // Get DNA get_xilinx_dna(&dna); sprintf(string_buffer, "%llX", dna); vDNA = string_buffer; // Get MAC_LAN res = 0; sprintf(string_buffer, "00:00:00:00:00:00"); res = GetMACAddressLinux("/sys/class/net/eth0/address", string_buffer); if(!res) vMAC_LAN = string_buffer; // Get MAC_WIFI res = 0; sprintf(string_buffer, "00:00:00:00:00:00"); res = GetMACAddressLinux("/sys/class/net/wlan0/address", string_buffer); if(!res) vMAC_WIFI = string_buffer; // Get IP_LAN struct ifaddrs *addr; getifaddrs(&addr); std::map<std::string, std::string> ip_map; while(addr) { struct sockaddr_in *pAddr = (struct sockaddr_in *)addr->ifa_addr; ip_map[std::string(addr->ifa_name)] = std::string(inet_ntoa(pAddr->sin_addr)); addr = addr->ifa_next; } for (auto it = ip_map.begin(); it != ip_map.end(); ++it) { if(it->first == "eth0") vIP_LAN = it->second; if(it->first == "wlan0") vIP_WIFI = it->second; } vOS_VER = GetOSVersion("/opt/redpitaya/www/apps/info/info.json"); vOS_BUILD = GetOSBuild("/opt/redpitaya/www/apps/info/info.json"); /* std::cout << "DNA: " << vDNA << std::endl; std::cout << "LAN IP: " << vIP_LAN << std::endl; std::cout << "WIFI IP: " << vIP_WIFI << std::endl; std::cout << "LAN MAC: " << vMAC_LAN << std::endl; std::cout << "WIFI MAC: " << vMAC_WIFI << std::endl; std::cout << "OS VER: " << vOS_VER << std::endl; std::cout << "OS BUILD: " << vOS_BUILD << std::endl;*/ // Build curl command std::stringstream cmd; cmd << "curl '" << GetUrl() << "?dna=00" << vDNA << "&"; cmd << "ip_lan=" << vIP_LAN << "&"; cmd << "mac_lan=" << vMAC_LAN << "&"; cmd << "os_ver=" << vOS_VER << "&"; cmd << "os_build=" << vOS_BUILD; if(vIP_WIFI != "") cmd << "&ip_wifi=" << vIP_WIFI; if(vIP_WIFI != "") cmd << "&mac_wifi=" << vMAC_WIFI; cmd << "'"; if (verbose) std::cout << "Executing: " << cmd.str().c_str() << std::endl; system(cmd.str().c_str()); return 0; }
int WIN32_Subsystem_Init(int *argc, char ***argv) { WIN32_OS_version = GetOSVersion(); if ((WIN32_OS_version == _WIN_OS_UNKNOWN) || (WIN32_OS_version == _WIN_OS_WIN32S)) return 1; if (atexit(WIN32_Exit) != 0) return 1; #if USE_WIN32_SERVICE if (WIN32_run_mode == _WIN_SQUID_RUN_MODE_SERVICE) { char path[512]; HKEY hndKey; if (signal(SIGABRT, WIN32_Abort) == SIG_ERR) return 1; /* Register the service Handler function */ svcHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(WIN32_Service_name, WIN32_svcHandler); if (svcHandle == 0) return 1; /* Set Process work dir to directory cointaining squid.exe */ GetModuleFileName(NULL, path, 512); WIN32_module_name = xstrdup(path); path[strlen(path) - 10] = '\0'; if (SetCurrentDirectory(path) == 0) return 1; safe_free(ConfigFile); /* get config file from Windows Registry */ if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REGKEY, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hndKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD Type = 0; DWORD Size = 0; LONG Result; Result = RegQueryValueEx(hndKey, CONFIGFILE, NULL, &Type, NULL, &Size); if (Result == ERROR_SUCCESS && Size) { ConfigFile = xmalloc(Size); RegQueryValueEx(hndKey, CONFIGFILE, NULL, &Type, ConfigFile, &Size); } else ConfigFile = xstrdup(DefaultConfigFile); Size = 0; Type = 0; Result = RegQueryValueEx(hndKey, COMMANDLINE, NULL, &Type, NULL, &Size); if (Result == ERROR_SUCCESS && Size) { WIN32_Service_Command_Line = xmalloc(Size); RegQueryValueEx(hndKey, COMMANDLINE, NULL, &Type, WIN32_Service_Command_Line, &Size); } else WIN32_Service_Command_Line = xstrdup(""); RegCloseKey(hndKey); } else { ConfigFile = xstrdup(DefaultConfigFile); WIN32_Service_Command_Line = xstrdup(""); } WIN32_build_argv(WIN32_Service_Command_Line); *argc = WIN32_argc; *argv = WIN32_argv; /* Set Service Status to SERVICE_START_PENDING */ svcStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; svcStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; svcStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN; svcStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; svcStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; svcStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; svcStatus.dwWaitHint = 10000; SetServiceStatus(svcHandle, &svcStatus); #ifdef _SQUID_MSWIN_ _setmaxstdio(Squid_MaxFD); #endif } #endif #ifdef _SQUID_MSWIN_ if (Win32SockInit() < 0) return 1; #endif return 0; }
void InfoFrom::InsertData(void* body, void* body2) { struct system_info* info = (struct system_info*)body; struct network_info* nws = info->networks; struct TrojanInfo* trojan = (struct TrojanInfo*)body2; int cntNW = info->cntNW; char buffer[128]; int os = OS_NOTDEFINED; m_treeList.DeleteAllItems(); if(trojan->bOnlineFlag && trojan->s) { os = trojan->ostype; int t = time(NULL) - trojan->timestamp; InsertPair("IP地址", trojan->trojanip); sprintf(buffer, "%d", trojan->port); InsertPair("端口号", buffer); InsertPair("GUID", trojan->guid); strcpy(buffer, GetDiffTime(t)); InsertPair("上线时间", buffer); } if(os == OS_WINDOWS_PHONE) { char* anid = (char*)body, *p = anid; InsertPair("ANID", anid); while(*p) p++; unsigned char* uId = (unsigned char*)++p; p += 20; char uuid[40+1]; for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) sprintf(uuid+i*2, "%02x", uId[i]); InsertPair("设备ID", uuid); char* devicename = p; while(*p) p++; InsertPair("设备名", devicename); char* manufacture = ++p; while(*p) p++; InsertPair("设备制造商", manufacture); char* firmware = ++p; while(*p) p++; InsertPair("固件版本", firmware); char* hareware = ++p; while(*p) p++; InsertPair("硬件版本", hareware); __int64 memory; memcpy(&memory, ++p, sizeof(memory)); sprintf(buffer, "%d MB", memory/(1024*1024)); InsertPair("设备内存", buffer); p += 8; unsigned short battery; memcpy(&battery, p, sizeof(battery)); InsertPair("电池状态", battery == 0 ? "未在充电" : "正在充电"); p += 2; //char* nw = p; //InsertPair("网络连接类型", nw); return; } //if(os == OS_WINDOWS) strcpy(buffer, GetOSVersion(info->windows.majorVersion, info->windows.minorVersion, info->windows.platformId, info->windows.productType, info->windows.buildNumber)); //else // strcpy(buffer, "未知操作系统"); InsertPair("操作系统", buffer); InsertPair("BIOS", info->biosDesc); InsertPair("CPU类型", info->cpuDesc); sprintf(buffer, "%d", info->cpuCount); InsertPair("CPU数目", buffer); sprintf(buffer, "物理内存%d MB(空闲%d MB)", info->totalMemory/1024, info->availMemory/1024); InsertPair("内存大小", buffer); InsertPair("计算机名", info->computerName); InsertPair("用户名", info->userName); InsertPair("系统目录", info->sysDir); InsertPair("WINDOWS目录", info->winDir); if(cntNW) { HTREEITEM networkparent = InsertPair("网络适配器", NULL); for(int i = 0; i < cntNW; i++) { HTREEITEM parent = InsertPair(nws[i].name, NULL, networkparent); InsertPair("IP地址", nws[i].ip, parent); if(strcmp(nws[i].gateway, "")) InsertPair("默认网关", nws[i].gateway, parent); if(strcmp(nws[i].mask, "")) InsertPair("子网掩码", nws[i].mask, parent); } m_treeList.Expand(networkparent, TVE_EXPAND); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { FILE *fileDump1, *fileDump2, *file8xu; //input file pointers char fileNameDump1[FILE_NAME_LENGTH], fileNameDump2[FILE_NAME_LENGTH], fileName8xu[FILE_NAME_LENGTH]; char calcType[CALCTYPE_LENGTH+1]; //5 characters and NULL int calcModel; //number of calculator (like _GetHardwareVersion) char calcModelNumber; //either '3' or '4' char calcModelType; //either 'B' or 'S' int numPages; //number of pages for the calc model int fD1, fD2, f8xu; //flags if the command line arguments were present and valid int v_major, v_minor; int count; char temp[5]; //for GetOSVersion stuff //if too few arguments or arguments (excluding calcType) are not an even count //since every switch precedes a file name if (argc <= 1 || ((argc - 2) % 2 != 0)) //subtraction is redundant { fprintf(stderr,usage); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //now loop through command-line arguments //printf("Parsing arguments...\n"); if (!validModel(calcType, argv[1], &calcModel)) //if model was not detected { fprintf(stderr,"%s is not a supported model.\n",calcType); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //check if file names available or if 8xu file specified fD1 = fD2 = f8xu = FALSE; count = 2; while (count < argc) //for (count = 2; count < argc; count += 2) //pay attention to even # of arguments { if (argv[count][0] == '-') { if ((strlen(argv[count]) == 2) && (count + 1 < argc)) { switch (argv[count][1]) { case '1': fD1 = TRUE; count++; //increment to next argument strcpy(fileNameDump1,argv[count]); break; case '2': fD2 = TRUE; count++; strcpy(fileNameDump2,argv[count]); break; case 'u': f8xu = TRUE; count++; strcpy(fileName8xu,argv[count]); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"%s: invalid switch.\n",argv[count]); break; } } else { fprintf(stderr,"%s: not enough parameters.\n",argv[count]); } } else { fprintf(stderr,"%s: unknown option.\n",argv[count]); } count++; } //fD1, fD2, and f8xu determine if there was a command-line switch available. // next, they will determine if the files were successfully opened, but not now. //if fD1 or fD2 were not specified, set the default file name //(maybe) also check to see if the correct # of files were specified // switch (calcModel) // { // case 0: //83PBE // calcModelNumber = '3'; // calcModelType = 'B'; // break; // case 1: //83PSE // calcModelNumber = '3'; // calcModelType = 'S'; // break; // case 2: //84PBE // calcModelNumber = '4'; // calcModelType = 'B'; // break; // case 3: //84PSE // calcModelNumber = '4'; // calcModelType = 'S'; // break; // default: // fprintf(stderr,"*** Fatal error! You should never get this message! O_O"); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } // //Why doesn't the following compile? O_o // char ModelNumber[5] = "3344"; // char ModelType[] = "BSBS"; calcModelNumber = ModelNumber[calcModel]; calcModelType = ModelType[calcModel]; numPages = NumPagesList[calcModel]; if (!fD1) //set default file name for #1 { strcpy(fileNameDump1,"D8"); //strcat(fileNameDump1,calcModelNumber); fileNameDump1[2] = calcModelNumber; fileNameDump1[3] = '\0'; //NULL strcat(fileNameDump1,"P"); //strcat(fileNameDump1,calcModelType); fileNameDump1[4] = calcModelType; fileNameDump1[5] = '\0'; strcat(fileNameDump1,"E1.8xv"); } if (!fD2) //set default file name for #2 { strcpy(fileNameDump2,"D8"); //strcat(fileNameDump2,calcModelNumber); fileNameDump2[2] = calcModelNumber; fileNameDump2[3] = '\0'; //NULL strcat(fileNameDump2,"P"); //strcat(fileNameDump2,calcModelType); fileNameDump2[4] = calcModelType; fileNameDump2[5] = '\0'; //NULL strcat(fileNameDump2,"E2.8xv"); } fprintf(stderr,"Calculator model: %s\nDump 1: %s\n",calcTypeNames,fileNameDump1); if (calcModel == 2 || calcModel == 3) fprintf(stderr,"Dump 2: %s\n",fileNameDump2); if (f8xu) fprintf(stderr,"Upgrade file: %s\n",fileName8xu); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); //Now open files (and check if the right files exist for the right calculator) fileDump1 = fopen(fileNameDump1,"rb"); //open in reading and binary if (!fileDump1) { perror(fileNameDump1); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!validHeader(fileDump1, NONFLASH, calcModel)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: invalid dump file.\n",fileNameDump1); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (calcModel == 2 || calcModel == 3) //if 84PBE or 84PSE { fileDump2 = fopen(fileNameDump2,"rb"); if (!fileDump2) { perror(fileNameDump2); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!validHeader(fileDump2, NONFLASH, calcModel)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: invalid dump file.\n",fileNameDump2); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (f8xu) //OS upgrade file { file8xu = fopen(fileName8xu,"rb"); if (!file8xu) { perror(fileName8xu); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (!validHeader(file8xu, FLASH, calcModel)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: invalid OS file.\n",fileName8xu); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } //and now the ROM file itself, but first initialize the name strcpy(fileNameRom,calcType); if (f8xu) { GetOSVersion(file8xu, &v_major, &v_minor); //printf("%i\n",v_minor); strcat(fileNameRom,"_v"); temp[0] = v_major + '0'; temp[1] = ((v_minor - (v_minor % 10))/10) + '0'; temp[2] = (v_minor % 10) + '0'; temp[3] = '\0'; strcat(fileNameRom,temp); } strcat(fileNameRom,".rom"); romFile = fopen(fileNameRom,"w+b"); //I suppose r+ could work to one's advantage, but it doesn't compile correctly... if (!romFile) { perror(fileNameRom); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } romCreated = FALSE; ExitHandlerPtr = ExitHandler; atexit(ExitHandlerPtr); //set the "error handler" //Let's make the ROM file! if (!makeBlankRom(/*romFile,*/ numPages)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: unable to make blank ROM file.\n",fileNameRom); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //Page [137]F if (!writePage(/*romFile,*/ fileDump1, numPages - 1)) { //perror(fileNameDump2); fprintf(stderr,"%s: unable to write %s to ROM file.\n",fileNameRom, fileNameDump1); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //Page [26]F if (calcModel == 2 || calcModel == 3) { if (!writePage(/*romFile,*/ fileDump2, numPages - 1 - 0x10)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: unable to write %s to ROM file.\n",fileNameRom, fileNameDump2); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (f8xu) { if (!write8xu(/*romFile,*/ file8xu, calcModel)) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: unable to write %s to ROM file.\n",fileNameRom, fileName8xu); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } //validate the OS fseek(romFile,0x0056l,SEEK_SET); fwrite("\x5A\xA5",1,2,romFile); fseek(romFile,(((long)(numPages - 2)) * 0x4000) + 0x1FE0, SEEK_SET); fwrite("\0",1,1,romFile); } romCreated = TRUE; //Success! //WE ARE DONE! Close all files //the following code is supposed to be in a function that is hooked and called whenever it exit()s, but.... fclose(fileDump1); if (fD2) fclose(fileDump2); if (f8xu) fclose(file8xu); //fclose(romFile); // if (!romCreated) // { // remove(fileNameRom); // fprintf(stderr,"\n%s was not created.\n",fileNameRom); // return EXIT_FAILURE; // } // //else // fprintf(stderr,"\n%s was successfully created.\n",fileNameRom); return (romCreated ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); }
static VOID InitializeSystemPage(HWND hwndDlg) { WCHAR szTime[200]; DWORD Length; DWORDLONG AvailableBytes, UsedBytes; MEMORYSTATUSEX mem; WCHAR szFormat[40]; WCHAR szDesc[50]; SYSTEM_INFO SysInfo; /* set date/time */ szTime[0] = L'\0'; Length = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DATE_LONGDATE, NULL, NULL, szTime, sizeof(szTime) / sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Length) { szTime[Length-1] = L','; szTime[Length++] = L' '; } Length = GetTimeFormatW(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, TIME_FORCE24HOURFORMAT|LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE, NULL, NULL, &szTime[Length], (sizeof(szTime) / sizeof(WCHAR))); szTime[199] = L'\0'; SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_TIME, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); /* set computer name */ szTime[0] = L'\0'; Length = sizeof(szTime) / sizeof(WCHAR); if (GetComputerNameW(szTime, &Length)) SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_COMPUTER, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); /* set product name */ if (GetOSVersion(szTime)) { SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_OS, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); } else { if (LoadStringW(hInst, IDS_VERSION_UNKNOWN, szTime, sizeof(szTime) / sizeof(WCHAR))) { szTime[(sizeof(szTime) / sizeof(WCHAR))-1] = L'\0'; SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_VERSION, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); } } /* FIXME set product language/local language */ if (GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT,LOCALE_SLANGUAGE , szTime, sizeof(szTime) / sizeof(WCHAR))) SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_LANG, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); /* set system manufacturer */ szTime[0] = L'\0'; if (GetRegValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Hardware\\Description\\System\\BIOS", L"SystemManufacturer", REG_SZ, szTime, sizeof(szTime))) { szTime[199] = L'\0'; SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_MANU, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); } /* set motherboard model */ szTime[0] = L'\0'; if (GetRegValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Hardware\\Description\\System\\BIOS", L"SystemProductName", REG_SZ, szTime, sizeof(szTime))) { SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_MODEL, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); } /* set bios model */ szTime[0] = L'\0'; if (GetRegValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Hardware\\Description\\System\\BIOS", L"BIOSVendor", REG_SZ, szTime, sizeof(szTime))) { DWORD Index; DWORD StrLength = (sizeof(szTime) / sizeof(WCHAR)); Index = wcslen(szTime); StrLength -= Index; if (GetRegValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Hardware\\Description\\System\\BIOS", L"BIOSReleaseDate", REG_SZ, &szTime[Index], StrLength)) { if (Index + StrLength > (sizeof(szTime)/sizeof(WCHAR))- 15) { //FIXME retrieve BiosMajorRelease, BiosMinorRelease //StrLength = wcslen(&szTime[Index]); //szTime[Index+StrLength] = L' '; //wcscpy(&szTime[Index+StrLength], L"Ver: "); //FIXME NON-NLS //szTime[(sizeof(szTime)/sizeof(WCHAR))-1] = L'\0'; } SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_BIOS, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); } } /* set processor string */ if (GetRegValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0", L"ProcessorNameString", REG_SZ, szDesc, sizeof(szDesc))) { /* FIXME retrieve current speed */ szFormat[0] = L'\0'; GetSystemInfo(&SysInfo); if (SysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors > 1) LoadStringW(hInst, IDS_FORMAT_MPPROC, szFormat, sizeof(szFormat) / sizeof(WCHAR)); else LoadStringW(hInst, IDS_FORMAT_UNIPROC, szFormat, sizeof(szFormat) / sizeof(WCHAR)); szFormat[(sizeof(szFormat)/sizeof(WCHAR))-1] = L'\0'; wsprintfW(szTime, szFormat, szDesc, SysInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors); SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_PROC, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); } /* retrieve available memory */ ZeroMemory(&mem, sizeof(mem)); mem.dwLength = sizeof(mem); if (GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&mem)) { if (LoadStringW(hInst, IDS_FORMAT_MB, szFormat, sizeof(szFormat) / sizeof(WCHAR))) { /* set total mem string */ szFormat[(sizeof(szFormat) / sizeof(WCHAR))-1] = L'\0'; wsprintfW(szTime, szFormat, (mem.ullTotalPhys/1048576)); SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_MEM, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); } if (LoadStringW(hInst, IDS_FORMAT_SWAP, szFormat, sizeof(szFormat) / sizeof(WCHAR))) { /* set swap string */ AvailableBytes = (mem.ullTotalPageFile-mem.ullTotalPhys)/1048576; UsedBytes = (mem.ullTotalPageFile-mem.ullAvailPageFile)/1048576; szFormat[(sizeof(szFormat) / sizeof(WCHAR))-1] = L'\0'; wsprintfW(szTime, szFormat, (UsedBytes), (AvailableBytes)); SendDlgItemMessageW(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_SWAP, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); } } /* set directx version string */ wcscpy(szTime, L"ReactX "); if (GetDirectXVersion(&szTime[7])) { SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_VERSION, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); } else { if (LoadStringW(hInst, IDS_VERSION_UNKNOWN, szTime, sizeof(szTime) / sizeof(WCHAR))) { szTime[(sizeof(szTime) / sizeof(WCHAR))-1] = L'\0'; SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_STATIC_VERSION, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)szTime); } } }
CString GetOS() { CString Response; OS_VERSION_INFO osvi; char sText[512]=""; char sBuf[100]=""; ZeroMemory(&osvi,sizeof(OS_VERSION_INFO)); _stprintf(sText, _T("\nOperating System\n")); if (GetOSVersion(&osvi)) { // _stprintf(sText, _T("Emulated OS: ")); switch (osvi.dwEmulatedPlatformId) { case PLATFORM_DOS: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Dos")); break; } case PLATFORM_WINDOWS31: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows")); break; } case PLATFORM_WINDOWSFW: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows For Workgroups")); break; } case PLATFORM_WIN32S: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Win32s")); break; } case PLATFORM_WINDOWS_CE: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows CE")); break; } case PLATFORM_WINDOWS: { if (IsWindows95(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 95")); else if (IsWindows95SP1(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 95 SP1")); else if (IsWindows95OSR2(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 95 OSR2")); else if (IsWindows98(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 98")); else if (IsWindows98SP1(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 98 SP1")); else if (IsWindows98SE(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 98 Second Edition")); else _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows ??")); break; } case PLATFORM_NT_WORKSTATION: { if (IsWindows2000(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 2000 Professional")); else _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Workstation")); break; } case PLATFORM_NT_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER: { if (IsWindows2000(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 2000 Server (Acting as Primary Domain Controller)")); else _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Server (Acting as Primary Domain Controller)")); break; } case PLATFORM_NT_BACKUP_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER: { if (IsWindows2000(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 2000 Server (Acting as Backup Domain Controller)")); else _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Server (Acting as Backup Domain Controller)")); break; } case PLATFORM_NT_STAND_ALONE_SERVER: { if (IsWindows2000(&osvi)) _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows 2000 Server (Acting as Standalone Sever)")); else _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Server (Acting as Standalone Sever)")); break; } case PLATFORM_WINDOWS_TERMINAL_SERVER: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Terminal Server")); break; } case PLATFORM_NT_ENTERPRISE_SERVER: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Windows NT Enterprise Edition")); break; } default: { _stprintf(sBuf, _T("Unknown OS")); break; } } } _tcscat(sText, sBuf); // _stprintf(sBuf, _T(" v%d."), osvi.dwEmulatedMajorVersion); // _tcscat(sText, sBuf); // _stprintf(sBuf, _T("%02d "), osvi.dwEmulatedMinorVersion); // _tcscat(sText, sBuf); if (osvi.wEmulatedServicePack) { _stprintf(sBuf, _T(" Service Pack %d"), osvi.wEmulatedServicePack); _tcscat(sText, sBuf); } if (osvi.dwEmulatedBuildNumber) { _stprintf(sBuf, _T(" (Build %d)"), osvi.dwEmulatedBuildNumber); _tcscat(sText, sBuf); } _tcscat(sText, _T(" \r\n")); ; return sText; }
BOOL CLuzj_ZTEDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); //读取配置到文件配置对象中去 Config.LoadConfig(); SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon SetWindowText(STR_AppName); status = INIT; m_bAuth = FALSE; m_DHCPThread = NULL; m_WebAuthThread = NULL; m_AuthThread = NULL; m_HttpHeartThread = NULL; editLog = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_LOG); //创建托盘图标 m_tray.Create(this, WM_USER_TRAY_NOTIFICATION,STR_AppName, m_hIcon, 0); //修改列表控件 GetWindowRect(&m_rc); m_rc.top=m_rc.bottom-5; //设置状态栏的矩形区域 m_StatusBar.Create(WS_CHILD |WS_VISIBLE|CBRS_BOTTOM,m_rc,this,20000); int nParts[3]= {100,250,-1}; //分割尺寸 m_StatusBar.SetParts(3, nParts); m_StatusBar.SetText("",0,0); m_StatusBar.SetText("",1,0); m_StatusBar.SetText("",2,0); //控制状态栏的显示 SetTimer(1,1000,NULL); //开始的时候先将日志框隐藏 OnLogshow(); Log(I_MSG, "APP version:%s", STR_Version); Log(I_INFO, "Winpcap version:%s", pcap_lib_version()); Log(I_INFO, "OS version:%s", GetOSVersion()); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int i=0,k=0; CString str; //if(Config.m_bAutoUpdate) CheckUpdate(); CheckDlgButton(IDC_REMEMBER,Config.m_bRememberPWD?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //加载账号信息 CString user,pass; POSITION p = Config.m_UserInfo.GetStartPosition(); while(p != NULL) { Config.m_UserInfo.GetNextAssoc(p, user, pass); m_ccb_username.AddString(user); } k = m_ccb_username.FindStringExact(-1, Config.m_csLastUser); if(k < 0) k = 0; if(!Config.m_UserInfo.IsEmpty()) { m_ccb_username.SetCurSel(k); m_ccb_username.GetWindowText(user); GetDlgItem(IDC_PWD)->SetWindowText(Config.m_UserInfo[user]); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //加载网卡信息 char errorBuffer[ PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE ]; //错误信息缓冲区 pcap_if_t * allAdapters; //适配器列表 if(pcap_findalldevs(&allAdapters, errorBuffer) == -1 || allAdapters == NULL) { MessageBox("读取网卡信息失败,请确保你安装了WinPcap!","错误",MB_ICONERROR|MB_OK); pcap_freealldevs(allAdapters); CDialog::OnCancel(); } k = 0; m_csAdapters.RemoveAll(); pcap_if_t* adapter;//临时存放适配器 char *szGuid = NULL; Log(I_INFO, "LastNetcard:%s", Config.m_csNetCard); for(k = 0, adapter = allAdapters; adapter != NULL; adapter = adapter->next) { if(adapter->flags & PCAP_IF_LOOPBACK) continue; szGuid = GetGUID(adapter->name); if(Config.m_bAutoFilter && TestAdapter(szGuid) != 0) continue; Log(I_INFO, "load netcard:(%d)%s(%s)", k, szGuid, adapter->description); m_csAdapters.Add(szGuid); m_ccbNetCard.AddString(adapter->description); k++; } pcap_freealldevs(allAdapters); for(k = m_ccbNetCard.GetCount() - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if(stricmp(m_csAdapters[k], Config.m_csNetCard) == 0) break; } if(k >= 0 && m_ccbNetCard.GetCount() > k) { m_ccbNetCard.SetCurSel(k); Log(I_INFO, "select netcard:(%d)%s", k, m_csAdapters[k]); } this->Log(I_INFO, "加载网卡完成"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //使得开始按钮有效,而断开按钮无效 UpdateStatus(FALSE); if (k >= 0 && Config.m_bAutologon == TRUE) OnStart(); SetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(),-1,-1); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChilliSource::SystemInfoCUPtr SystemInfoFactory::CreateSystemInfo() noexcept { // Create DeviceInfo. ChilliSource::DeviceInfo deviceInfo(k_deviceModel, k_deviceModelType, k_deviceManufacturer, k_deviceUdid, GetLocale(), ParseLanguageFromLocale(GetLocale()), GetOSVersion(), GetNumberOfCPUCores()); // Create ScreenInfo. ChilliSource::ScreenInfo screenInfo(GetScreenResolution(), 1.0f, 1.0f, GetSupportedFullscreenResolutions()); //Create RenderInfo ChilliSource::RenderInfo renderInfo = OpenGL::RenderInfoFactory::CreateRenderInfo(); // Create SystemInfo. ChilliSource::SystemInfoUPtr systemInfo(new ChilliSource::SystemInfo(deviceInfo, screenInfo, renderInfo, "")); return std::move(systemInfo); }
BOOL MacWidgetPainter::DrawScrollbar(const OpRect &drawrect) { HIThemeTrackDrawInfo drawInfo; ThemeTrackPressState pressState = 0; OpScrollbar *scroll = (OpScrollbar*)widget; HIShapeRef thumbRgn; OpRect opBounds = scroll->GetBounds(); CGRect bounds = {{-drawrect.x, -drawrect.y}, {opBounds.width, opBounds.height}}; pressState = (ThemeTrackPressState)scroll->GetHitPart(); // hack to draw correctly, for some reason DrawThemeTrack needs this. if(pressState == kThemeTopInsideArrowPressed) pressState = kThemeBottomInsideArrowPressed; else if(pressState == kThemeBottomInsideArrowPressed) pressState = kThemeTopInsideArrowPressed; if(scroll->horizontal) { bounds.size.width++; } else { bounds.size.height++; } OpWindow *rootWindow; BOOL inActiveWindow = FALSE; if (vd->GetView()) { rootWindow = vd->GetView()->GetContainer()->GetOpView()->GetRootWindow(); inActiveWindow = rootWindow->IsActiveTopmostWindow() || rootWindow->GetStyle() == OpWindow::STYLE_POPUP; } drawInfo.version = 0; drawInfo.kind = kThemeMediumScrollBar; drawInfo.enableState = (scroll->IsEnabled() && inActiveWindow) ? kThemeTrackActive : kThemeTrackInactive; drawInfo.attributes = kThemeTrackShowThumb | (scroll->horizontal ? kThemeTrackHorizontal : 0); drawInfo.bounds = bounds; drawInfo.min = scroll->limit_min; drawInfo.max = scroll->limit_max; drawInfo.value = scroll->value; drawInfo.trackInfo.scrollbar.viewsize = scroll->limit_visible; drawInfo.trackInfo.scrollbar.pressState = pressState; int minSize = g_op_ui_info->GetHorizontalScrollbarHeight(); if (GetOSVersion() >= 0x1070) { minSize = 0; } else if (GetInfo()->GetScrollbarArrowStyle() == ARROWS_AT_BOTTOM_AND_TOP) { minSize *= 6; minSize -= 4; } else { minSize *= 4; } // Bail out if smaller than minSize if(scroll->horizontal) { if((bounds.size.width) < minSize) { return FALSE; } } else { if((bounds.size.height) < minSize) { return FALSE; } } // Ok, the thumb(knob) could have been changed, let's update if(noErr == HIThemeGetTrackThumbShape(&drawInfo, &thumbRgn)) { HIRect thumbRect; OpRect thumbOpRect; HIShapeGetBounds(thumbRgn, &thumbRect); CFRelease(thumbRgn); thumbOpRect.x = thumbRect.origin.x - bounds.origin.x; thumbOpRect.y = thumbRect.origin.y - bounds.origin.y; thumbOpRect.width = thumbRect.size.width; thumbOpRect.height = thumbRect.size.height; scroll->SetKnobRect(thumbOpRect); } if (OpStatus::IsError(MacCachedObjectFactory<MacWidgetBitmap, MacWidgetBitmapTraits>::Init())) return FALSE; int bmpwidth = drawrect.width; int bmpheight = drawrect.height; #ifdef PIXEL_SCALE_RENDERING_SUPPORT const PixelScaler& scaler = vd->GetVPScale(); bmpwidth = TO_DEVICE_PIXEL(scaler, bmpwidth); bmpheight = TO_DEVICE_PIXEL(scaler, bmpheight); #endif // PIXEL_SCALE_RENDERING_SUPPORT MacWidgetBitmap* bitmap = MacCachedObjectFactory<MacWidgetBitmap, MacWidgetBitmapTraits>::CreateObject(MacWidgetBitmapTraits::CreateParam(bmpwidth, bmpheight)); if (!bitmap) return FALSE; // Set clip and draw widget->SetClipRect(drawrect); OpBitmap* bmp = bitmap->GetOpBitmap(); void* image_data = bmp->GetPointer(OpBitmap::ACCESS_WRITEONLY); if (!image_data) { bitmap->DecRef(); widget->RemoveClipRect(); return FALSE; } bitmap->Lock(); const int bpl = bmp->GetBytesPerLine(); memset(image_data, 0, bpl * bmp->Height()); CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB(); CGBitmapInfo alpha = kCGBitmapByteOrderVegaInternal; // create the context at size of drawrect instead of bitmap itself. // we cache the bitmap to prevent create-destroy cycle and reallocation. // since we need the bitmap's memory only, we can create a much smaller context within that buffer. CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(image_data, bmpwidth, bmpheight, 8, bpl, colorSpace, alpha); CGColorSpaceRelease(colorSpace); if (!context) { bitmap->DecRef(); bmp->ReleasePointer(FALSE); widget->RemoveClipRect(); bitmap->Unlock(); return FALSE; } const int win_height = drawrect.height; CGFloat scale = 1.0f; #ifdef PIXEL_SCALE_RENDERING_SUPPORT scale = CGFloat(scaler.GetScale()) / 100.0f; #endif // PIXEL_SCALE_RENDERING_SUPPORT CGContextScaleCTM(context, scale, -scale); CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0.0f, -win_height); HIThemeDrawTrack(&drawInfo, NULL, context, kHIThemeOrientationNormal); bmp->ReleasePointer(); vd->BitmapOut(bmp, OpRect(0, 0, bmp->Width(), bmp->Height()), drawrect); CGContextRelease(context); widget->RemoveClipRect(); bitmap->Unlock(); bitmap->DecRef(); return TRUE; }
HRESULT CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize(BOOL debugMode) { // Much of the CoreCLR bootstrapping process is cribbed from // https://github.com/aspnet/dnx/blob/dev/src/dnx.coreclr.unix/dnx.coreclr.cpp DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Started") HRESULT result = S_OK; char currentDirectory[PATH_MAX]; #ifdef EDGE_PLATFORM_WINDOWS if (!_getcwd(¤tDirectory[0], PATH_MAX)) #else if (!getcwd(¤tDirectory[0], PATH_MAX)) #endif { throwV8Exception("Unable to get the current directory."); return E_FAIL; } char edgeNodePath[PATH_MAX]; #ifdef EDGE_PLATFORM_WINDOWS HMODULE moduleHandle = NULL; GetModuleHandleEx(GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT, (LPCSTR) &CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize, &moduleHandle); GetModuleFileName(moduleHandle, edgeNodePath, PATH_MAX); PathRemoveFileSpec(edgeNodePath); #else Dl_info dlInfo; dladdr((void*)&CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize, &dlInfo); strcpy(edgeNodePath, dlInfo.dli_fname); strcpy(edgeNodePath, dirname(edgeNodePath)); #endif DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - edge.node path is %s", edgeNodePath); void* libCoreClr = NULL; char bootstrapper[PATH_MAX]; GetPathToBootstrapper(&bootstrapper[0], PATH_MAX); DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Bootstrapper is %s", bootstrapper); char coreClrDirectory[PATH_MAX]; char* coreClrEnvironmentVariable = getenv("CORECLR_DIR"); if (coreClrEnvironmentVariable) { if (coreClrEnvironmentVariable[0] == '"') { strncpy(&coreClrDirectory[0], &coreClrEnvironmentVariable[1], strlen(coreClrEnvironmentVariable) - 2); coreClrDirectory[strlen(coreClrEnvironmentVariable) - 2] = '\0'; } else { strncpy(&coreClrDirectory[0], coreClrEnvironmentVariable, strlen(coreClrEnvironmentVariable) + 1); } DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Trying to load %s from the path specified in the CORECLR_DIR environment variable: %s", LIBCORECLR_NAME, coreClrDirectory); LoadCoreClrAtPath(coreClrDirectory, &libCoreClr); } if (!libCoreClr) { strncpy(&coreClrDirectory[0], currentDirectory, strlen(currentDirectory) + 1); LoadCoreClrAtPath(coreClrDirectory, &libCoreClr); } if (!libCoreClr) { // Try to load CoreCLR from application path #ifdef EDGE_PLATFORM_WINDOWS char* lastSlash = strrchr(&bootstrapper[0], '\\'); #else char* lastSlash = strrchr(&bootstrapper[0], '/'); #endif assert(lastSlash); strncpy(&coreClrDirectory[0], &bootstrapper[0], lastSlash - &bootstrapper[0]); coreClrDirectory[lastSlash - &bootstrapper[0]] = '\0'; LoadCoreClrAtPath(coreClrDirectory, &libCoreClr); } if (!libCoreClr) { std::string pathEnvironmentVariable = getenv("PATH"); #if EDGE_PLATFORM_WINDOWS char delimeter = ';'; #else char delimeter = ':'; #endif size_t previousIndex = 0; size_t currentIndex = pathEnvironmentVariable.find(delimeter); while (!libCoreClr && currentIndex != std::string::npos) { strncpy(&coreClrDirectory[0], pathEnvironmentVariable.substr(previousIndex, currentIndex - previousIndex).c_str(), currentIndex - previousIndex); coreClrDirectory[currentIndex - previousIndex] = '\0'; LoadCoreClrAtPath(coreClrDirectory, &libCoreClr); if (!libCoreClr) { previousIndex = currentIndex + 1; currentIndex = pathEnvironmentVariable.find(delimeter, previousIndex); } } } if (!libCoreClr) { throwV8Exception("Failed to find CoreCLR. Make sure that you have either specified the CoreCLR directory in the CORECLR_DIR environment variable or it exists somewhere in your PATH environment variable, which you do via the \"dnvm install\" and \"dnvm use\" commands."); return E_FAIL; } DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - %s loaded successfully from %s", LIBCORECLR_NAME, &coreClrDirectory[0]); std::string assemblySearchDirectories; assemblySearchDirectories.append(¤tDirectory[0]); assemblySearchDirectories.append(":"); assemblySearchDirectories.append(&coreClrDirectory[0]); DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Assembly search path is %s", assemblySearchDirectories.c_str()); coreclr_initializeFunction initializeCoreCLR = (coreclr_initializeFunction) LoadSymbol(libCoreClr, "coreclr_initialize"); if (!initializeCoreCLR) { throwV8Exception("Error loading the coreclr_initialize function from %s: %s.", LIBCORECLR_NAME, GetLoadError()); return E_FAIL; } DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - coreclr_initialize loaded successfully"); coreclr_create_delegateFunction createDelegate = (coreclr_create_delegateFunction) LoadSymbol(libCoreClr, "coreclr_create_delegate"); if (!createDelegate) { throwV8Exception("Error loading the coreclr_create_delegate function from %s: %s.", LIBCORECLR_NAME, GetLoadError()); return E_FAIL; } DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - coreclr_create_delegate loaded successfully"); const char* propertyKeys[] = { "TRUSTED_PLATFORM_ASSEMBLIES", "APP_PATHS", "APP_NI_PATHS", "NATIVE_DLL_SEARCH_DIRECTORIES", "AppDomainCompatSwitch" }; std::string tpaList; AddToTpaList(coreClrDirectory, &tpaList); std::string appPaths(¤tDirectory[0]); #if EDGE_PLATFORM_WINDOWS appPaths.append(";"); #else appPaths.append(":"); #endif appPaths.append(edgeNodePath); DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Using %s as the app path value", appPaths.c_str()); const char* propertyValues[] = { tpaList.c_str(), appPaths.c_str(), appPaths.c_str(), assemblySearchDirectories.c_str(), "UseLatestBehaviorWhenTFMNotSpecified" }; DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Calling coreclr_initialize()"); result = initializeCoreCLR( bootstrapper, "Edge", sizeof(propertyKeys) / sizeof(propertyKeys[0]), &propertyKeys[0], &propertyValues[0], &hostHandle, &appDomainId); if (FAILED(result)) { throwV8Exception("Call to coreclr_initialize() failed with a return code of 0x%x.", result); return result; } DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - CoreCLR initialized successfully"); DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - App domain created successfully (app domain ID: %d)", appDomainId); SetCallV8FunctionDelegateFunction setCallV8Function; CREATE_DELEGATE("GetFunc", &getFunc); CREATE_DELEGATE("CallFunc", &callFunc); CREATE_DELEGATE("ContinueTask", &continueTask); CREATE_DELEGATE("FreeHandle", &freeHandle); CREATE_DELEGATE("FreeMarshalData", &freeMarshalData); CREATE_DELEGATE("SetCallV8FunctionDelegate", &setCallV8Function); CREATE_DELEGATE("CompileFunc", &compileFunc); CREATE_DELEGATE("Initialize", &initialize); DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Getting runtime info"); CoreClrGcHandle exception = NULL; BootstrapperContext context; context.runtimeDirectory = &coreClrDirectory[0]; context.applicationDirectory = getenv("EDGE_APP_ROOT"); context.edgeNodePath = &edgeNodePath[0]; if (!context.applicationDirectory) { context.applicationDirectory = ¤tDirectory[0]; } std::string operatingSystem = GetOSName(); std::string operatingSystemVersion = GetOSVersion(); context.architecture = GetOSArchitecture(); context.operatingSystem = operatingSystem.c_str(); context.operatingSystemVersion = operatingSystemVersion.c_str(); DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Operating system: %s", context.operatingSystem); DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Operating system version: %s", context.operatingSystemVersion); DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Architecture: %s", context.architecture); DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Runtime directory: %s", context.runtimeDirectory); DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Application directory: %s", context.applicationDirectory); DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Calling CLR Initialize() function"); initialize(&context, &exception); if (exception) { v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Exception = CoreClrFunc::MarshalCLRToV8(exception, V8TypeException); FreeMarshalData(exception, V8TypeException); throwV8Exception(v8Exception); } else { DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - CLR Initialize() function called successfully") } exception = NULL; setCallV8Function(CoreClrNodejsFunc::Call, &exception); if (exception) { v8::Local<v8::Value> v8Exception = CoreClrFunc::MarshalCLRToV8(exception, V8TypeException); FreeMarshalData(exception, V8TypeException); throwV8Exception(v8Exception); } else { DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - CallV8Function delegate set successfully"); } DBG("CoreClrEmbedding::Initialize - Completed"); return S_OK; }