文件: PolyOps.cpp 项目: 2asoft/xray
IOResult PolyOperation::SaveBasics (ISave *isave)
	isave->BeginChunk (kSelection);
	mSelection.Save (isave);
	isave->EndChunk ();

	ULONG nb;
	Tab<int> paramList;
	GetParameters (paramList);
	for (int i=0; i<paramList.Count (); i++)
		int id = paramList[i];
		isave->BeginChunk (kParameter);
		isave->Write (&id, sizeof(int), &nb);
		isave->Write (Parameter(id), ParameterSize(id), &nb);
		isave->EndChunk ();
	return IO_OK;
void CSearchParamsWnd::OnBnClickedStart()
	if (m_ctlOpts.GetEditCtrl()->GetSafeHwnd())

	SSearchParams* pParams = GetParameters();
	if (pParams)
		if (!pParams->strExpression.IsEmpty())
			if (m_pacSearchString && m_pacSearchString->IsBound())
				m_pacSearchString->AddItem(pParams->strExpression, 0);
			delete pParams;
MyFontDialog(LPLOGFONT lplfInitial /* = NULL */, DWORD dwFlags /* = 0 */,
    HDC hdcPrinter /* = 0 */)    					/*

	Create an object having the specified log font given in lplfInitial and
	having the attributes specified by dwFlags. If lplfInitial is NULL, use
	a default font.
    : CFontDialog(lplfInitial, dwFlags, hdcPrinter)
	if (!lplfInitial)
	{         // default font, 10pt Courier New
		m_Font.CreatePointFont(10, _T("Courier New"));
	CHOOSEFONT cf = GetParameters();
	cf.Flags |= dwFlags | CF_EFFECTS | CF_SHOWHELP;
    void GLTexture2D::Load()
        auto fileOptions = GetParameters();
        auto filename = application->GetConfig().resourceBase + "/" + fileOptions[0];
        if (!boost::filesystem::exists(filename)) {
            LOG(ERROR) << "File \"" << filename.c_str() << L"\" cannot be opened.";
            throw resource_loading_error() << ::boost::errinfo_file_name(filename) << resid_info(id)
                << errdesc_info("Cannot open include file.");

        auto format = FreeImage_GetFileType(filename.c_str());
        auto flags = 0;

        if (format == FIF_JPEG) {
            flags = JPEG_ACCURATE;
        } else if (format == FIF_TARGA) {
            flags = TARGA_LOAD_RGB888;

        auto bitmap = FreeImage_Load(format, filename.c_str(), flags);
        auto bitmap32 = FreeImage_ConvertTo32Bits(bitmap);
        auto width = FreeImage_GetWidth(bitmap32);
        auto height = FreeImage_GetHeight(bitmap32);
        auto redMask = FreeImage_GetRedMask(bitmap32);
        auto greenMask = FreeImage_GetGreenMask(bitmap32);
        auto blueMask = FreeImage_GetBlueMask(bitmap32);
        void* data = FreeImage_GetBits(bitmap32);
        GLenum fmt = GL_RGBA;
        if (redMask > greenMask && greenMask > blueMask) fmt = GL_BGRA;
        auto internalFmt = GL_RGBA8;
        for (unsigned int i = 1; i < fileOptions.size(); ++i) {
            if (fileOptions[i] == "sRGB" && application->GetConfig().useSRGB) internalFmt = GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8;
        TextureDescriptor texDesc(4, internalFmt, fmt, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
        texture = std::make_unique<GLTexture>(width, height, texDesc, data);
void CGUIIncludes::LoadIncludes(const TiXmlElement *node)
  if (!node)

  const TiXmlElement* child = node->FirstChildElement("include");
  while (child)
    const char *tagName = child->Attribute("name");
    if (tagName && child->FirstChild())
      // we'll parse and store parameter list with defaults when include definition is first encountered
      // if there's a <definition> tag only use its body as the actually included part
      const TiXmlElement *definitionTag = child->FirstChildElement("definition");
      const TiXmlElement *includeBody = definitionTag ? definitionTag : child;

      // if there's a <param> tag there also must be a <definition> tag
      Params defaultParams;
      bool haveParamTags = GetParameters(child, "default", defaultParams);
      if (haveParamTags && !definitionTag)
        CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "Skin has invalid include definition: %s", tagName);
        m_includes.insert({ tagName, { *includeBody, std::move(defaultParams) } });
    else if (child->Attribute("file"))
      std::string file = g_SkinInfo->GetSkinPath(child->Attribute("file"));
      const char *condition = child->Attribute("condition");

      if (condition)
      { // load include file if condition evals to true
        if (g_infoManager.Register(condition)->Get())
    child = child->NextSiblingElement("include");
double * wavread(char* filename, int *fs, int *nbit, int *wav_length) {
  FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
  if (NULL == fp) {
    printf("File not found.\n");
    return NULL;

  if (CheckHeader(fp) == false) {
    return NULL;

  if (GetParameters(fp, fs, nbit, wav_length) == false) {
    return NULL;

  double *waveform = calloc(*wav_length, sizeof(double));
  if (waveform == NULL) return NULL;

  int quantization_byte = *nbit / 8;
  double zero_line = pow(2.0, *nbit - 1);
  double tmp, sign_bias;
  unsigned char for_int_number[4];
  for (int i = 0; i < *wav_length; ++i) {
    sign_bias = tmp = 0.0;
    fread(for_int_number, 1, quantization_byte, fp);  // "data"
    if (for_int_number[quantization_byte-1] >= 128) {
      sign_bias = pow(2.0, *nbit - 1);
      for_int_number[quantization_byte - 1] =
        for_int_number[quantization_byte - 1] & 0x7F;
    for (int j = quantization_byte - 1; j >= 0; --j)
      tmp = tmp * 256.0 + for_int_number[j];
    waveform[i] = (tmp - sign_bias) / zero_line;
  return waveform;
文件: PolyOps.cpp 项目: 2asoft/xray
void PolyOperation::GetValues (IParamBlock2 *pBlock, TimeValue t, Interval & ivalid)
	Tab<int> paramList;
	GetParameters (paramList);
	for (int i=0; i<paramList.Count(); i++)
		int id = paramList[i];
		void *prmtr = Parameter(id);
		if (prmtr == NULL) continue;
		ParamType2 type = pBlock->GetParameterType (id);
		if (type == TYPE_INT)
			int *iparam = (int *) prmtr;
			pBlock->GetValue (paramList[i], t, *iparam, ivalid);
		else if (type == TYPE_FLOAT)
			float *fparam = (float *)prmtr;
			pBlock->GetValue (id, t, *fparam, ivalid);
	void SceneManager::SaveLevel(Ogre::String levelfile)
		Msg msg;
		msg.typeID = GlobalMessageIDs::SAVELEVEL_BEGIN;
		MessageSystem::Instance().MulticastMessage(msg, true);

		LoadSave::SaveSystem *ss=LoadSave::LoadSave::Instance().CreateSaveFile(levelfile, levelfile + ".xml");
		DataMap map;
		ss->SaveObject(&map, "LevelParams");
		std::vector<GameObjectPtr> objects;
		for (auto i = mGameObjects.begin(); i != mGameObjects.end(); i++)
		ss->SaveAtom("vector<GameObjectPtr>", &objects, "Objects");
		//ss->SaveObject(AIManager::Instance().GetNavigationMesh(), "WayMesh");

		msg.typeID = GlobalMessageIDs::SAVELEVEL_END;
		MessageSystem::Instance().MulticastMessage(msg, true);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   Parameters *parameters;
   ULONG FP = 0;
   ULONG FN = 0;
   ULONG TP = 0;
   ULONG TN = 0;
   double FPRate;
   double TPRate;
   double error;

   if (argc != 3) 
      fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s <subsfile> <graphfile>\n", argv[0]);

   parameters = GetParameters(argc, argv);

   Test(argv[1], argv[2], parameters, &TP, &TN, &FP, &FN);

   // compute and output stats
   FPRate = ((double) FP) / ((double) (TN+FP));
   TPRate = ((double) TP) / ((double) (FN+TP));
   error = ((double) (FP+FN)) / ((double) (TP+TN+FP+FN));
   fprintf(stdout, "TP = %lu\nTN = %lu\nFP = %lu\nFN = %lu\n",
           TP, TN, FP, FN);
   fprintf(stdout, "(TP+FN) = %lu\n(TN+FP) = %lu\n", (TP+FN), (TN+FP));
   fprintf(stdout, "(TP+TN+FP+FN) = %lu\n", (TP+TN+FP+FN));
   fprintf(stdout, "(FP/(TN+FP)) = %f\n", FPRate);
   fprintf(stdout, "(TP/(FN+TP)) = %f\n", TPRate);
   fprintf(stdout, "Error = %f\n", error);

   return 0;
void wavread(const char* filename, int *fs, int *nbit, double *x) {
  FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
  if (NULL == fp) {
    printf("File not found.\n");

  if (0 == CheckHeader(fp)) {

  int x_length;
  if (0 == GetParameters(fp, fs, nbit, &x_length)) {

  int quantization_byte = *nbit / 8;
  double zero_line = pow(2.0, *nbit - 1);
  double tmp, sign_bias;
  unsigned char for_int_number[4];
  for (int i = 0; i < x_length; ++i) {
    sign_bias = tmp = 0.0;
    fread(for_int_number, 1, quantization_byte, fp);  // "data"
    if (for_int_number[quantization_byte-1] >= 128) {
      sign_bias = pow(2.0, *nbit - 1);
      for_int_number[quantization_byte - 1] =
        for_int_number[quantization_byte - 1] & 0x7F;
    for (int j = quantization_byte - 1; j >= 0; --j)
      tmp = tmp * 256.0 + for_int_number[j];
    x[i] = (tmp - sign_bias) / zero_line;
  * Constructor.
  * @param shaderFilename the shaders file name
 Shader::Shader(const std::string& shaderFilename, ApplicationBase* app) :
     Resource(shaderFilename, app),
     auto shaderDefinition = GetParameters();
     if (boost::ends_with(shaderDefinition[0], ".fp")) {
         type = GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER;
         strType = "fragment";
     } else if (boost::ends_with(shaderDefinition[0], ".gp")) {
         type = GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER;
         strType = "geometry";
     } else if (boost::ends_with(shaderDefinition[0], ".tcp")) {
         type = GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER;
         strType = "tesselation control";
     } else if (boost::ends_with(shaderDefinition[0], ".tep")) {
         strType = "tesselation evaluation";
     } else if (boost::ends_with(shaderDefinition[0], ".cp")) {
         type = GL_COMPUTE_SHADER;
         strType = "compute";
void CLevel::SaveToFile()
	if (!m_sFile.length())
		TError("Can't find level file \'" + m_sFile + "\' to save.\n");

	std::basic_ofstream<tchar> f(m_sFile.c_str());

	tstring sMessage = "// Generated by the Tinker Engine\n// Feel free to modify\n\n";
	f.write(sMessage.data(), sMessage.length());

	tstring sName = "Name: " + m_sName + "\n";
	f.write(sName.data(), sName.length());

	tstring sGameMode = "GameMode: " + m_sGameMode + "\n\n";
	f.write(sGameMode.data(), sGameMode.length());

	for (size_t i = 0; i < m_aLevelEntities.size(); i++)
		auto pEntity = &m_aLevelEntities[i];

		tstring sEntity = "Entity: " + pEntity->GetClass() + "\n{\n";
		f.write(sEntity.data(), sEntity.length());

		if (pEntity->GetName().length())
			tstring sName = "\tName: " + pEntity->GetName() + "\n";
			f.write(sName.data(), sName.length());

		for (auto it = pEntity->GetParameters().begin(); it != pEntity->GetParameters().end(); it++)
			if (it->first == "Name")

			tstring sName = "\t" + it->first + ": " + it->second + "\n";
			f.write(sName.data(), sName.length());

		for (size_t j = 0; j < pEntity->GetOutputs().size(); j++)
			auto pOutput = &pEntity->GetOutputs()[j];
			tstring sOutput = "\n\tOutput: " + pOutput->m_sOutput + "\n\t{\n";
			f.write(sOutput.data(), sOutput.length());

			if (pOutput->m_sTargetName.length())
				tstring sTarget = "\t\tTarget: " + pOutput->m_sTargetName + "\n";
				f.write(sTarget.data(), sTarget.length());

			if (pOutput->m_sInput.length())
				tstring sInput = "\t\tInput: " + pOutput->m_sInput + "\n";
				f.write(sInput.data(), sInput.length());

			if (pOutput->m_sArgs.length())
				tstring sArgs = "\t\tArgs: " + pOutput->m_sArgs + "\n";
				f.write(sArgs.data(), sArgs.length());

			if (pOutput->m_bKill)
				tstring sKill = "\t\tKill: yes\n";
				f.write(sKill.data(), sKill.length());

			tstring sClose = "\t}\n";
			f.write(sClose.data(), sClose.length());

		tstring sClose = "}\n\n";
		f.write(sClose.data(), sClose.length());

	TMsg("Wrote level file '" + m_sFile + "'\n");
Rcpp::List CEnv::GetData() {
	return GetParameters(t->GetParameterList());
文件: swscale.c 项目: Tilka/vlc
static int Init( filter_t *p_filter )
    filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
    const video_format_t *p_fmti = &p_filter->fmt_in.video;
    video_format_t       *p_fmto = &p_filter->fmt_out.video;

    if( IsFmtSimilar( p_fmti, &p_sys->fmt_in ) &&
        IsFmtSimilar( p_fmto, &p_sys->fmt_out ) &&
        p_sys->ctx )
        return VLC_SUCCESS;
    Clean( p_filter );

    /* Init with new parameters */
    ScalerConfiguration cfg;
    if( GetParameters( &cfg, p_fmti, p_fmto, p_sys->i_sws_flags ) )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "format not supported" );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    if( p_fmti->i_width <= 0 || p_fmto->i_width <= 0 )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "0 width not supported" );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* swscale does not like too small width */
    p_sys->i_extend_factor = 1;
    while( __MIN( p_fmti->i_width, p_fmto->i_width ) * p_sys->i_extend_factor < MINIMUM_WIDTH)

    const unsigned i_fmti_width = p_fmti->i_width * p_sys->i_extend_factor;
    const unsigned i_fmto_width = p_fmto->i_width * p_sys->i_extend_factor;
    for( int n = 0; n < (cfg.b_has_a ? 2 : 1); n++ )
        const int i_fmti = n == 0 ? cfg.i_fmti : PIX_FMT_GRAY8;
        const int i_fmto = n == 0 ? cfg.i_fmto : PIX_FMT_GRAY8;
        struct SwsContext *ctx;

        ctx = sws_getContext( i_fmti_width, p_fmti->i_height, i_fmti,
                              i_fmto_width, p_fmto->i_height, i_fmto,
                              cfg.i_sws_flags | p_sys->i_cpu_mask,
                              p_sys->p_src_filter, p_sys->p_dst_filter, 0 );
        if( n == 0 )
            p_sys->ctx = ctx;
            p_sys->ctxA = ctx;
    if( p_sys->ctxA )
        p_sys->p_src_a = picture_New( VLC_CODEC_GREY, i_fmti_width, p_fmti->i_height, 0, 1 );
        p_sys->p_dst_a = picture_New( VLC_CODEC_GREY, i_fmto_width, p_fmto->i_height, 0, 1 );
    if( p_sys->i_extend_factor != 1 )
        p_sys->p_src_e = picture_New( p_fmti->i_chroma, i_fmti_width, p_fmti->i_height, 0, 1 );
        p_sys->p_dst_e = picture_New( p_fmto->i_chroma, i_fmto_width, p_fmto->i_height, 0, 1 );

        if( p_sys->p_src_e )
            memset( p_sys->p_src_e->p[0].p_pixels, 0, p_sys->p_src_e->p[0].i_pitch * p_sys->p_src_e->p[0].i_lines );
        if( p_sys->p_dst_e )
            memset( p_sys->p_dst_e->p[0].p_pixels, 0, p_sys->p_dst_e->p[0].i_pitch * p_sys->p_dst_e->p[0].i_lines );

    if( !p_sys->ctx ||
        ( cfg.b_has_a && ( !p_sys->ctxA || !p_sys->p_src_a || !p_sys->p_dst_a ) ) ||
        ( p_sys->i_extend_factor != 1 && ( !p_sys->p_src_e || !p_sys->p_dst_e ) ) )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "could not init SwScaler and/or allocate memory" );
        Clean( p_filter );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_sys->b_add_a = cfg.b_add_a;
    p_sys->b_copy = cfg.b_copy;
    p_sys->fmt_in  = *p_fmti;
    p_sys->fmt_out = *p_fmto;
    p_sys->b_swap_uvi = cfg.b_swap_uvi;
    p_sys->b_swap_uvo = cfg.b_swap_uvo;

    video_format_ScaleCropAr( p_fmto, p_fmti );
#if 0
    msg_Dbg( p_filter, "%ix%i chroma: %4.4s -> %ix%i chroma: %4.4s extend by %d",
             p_fmti->i_width, p_fmti->i_height, (char *)&p_fmti->i_chroma,
             p_fmto->i_width, p_fmto->i_height, (char *)&p_fmto->i_chroma,
             p_sys->i_extend_factor );
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
文件: swscale.c 项目: Tilka/vlc
 * OpenScaler: probe the filter and return score
static int OpenScaler( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    filter_t *p_filter = (filter_t*)p_this;
    filter_sys_t *p_sys;

    int i_sws_mode;

    if( GetParameters( NULL,
                       &p_filter->fmt_out.video, 0 ) )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* */
    p_filter->pf_video_filter = Filter;
    /* Allocate the memory needed to store the decoder's structure */
    if( ( p_filter->p_sys = p_sys = malloc(sizeof(filter_sys_t)) ) == NULL )
        return VLC_ENOMEM;

    /* Set CPU capabilities */
    p_sys->i_cpu_mask = GetSwsCpuMask();

    /* */
    i_sws_mode = var_CreateGetInteger( p_filter, "swscale-mode" );
    switch( i_sws_mode )
    case 0:  p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_FAST_BILINEAR; break;
    case 1:  p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_BILINEAR; break;
    case 2:  p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_BICUBIC; break;
    case 3:  p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_X; break;
    case 4:  p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_POINT; break;
    case 5:  p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_AREA; break;
    case 6:  p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_BICUBLIN; break;
    case 7:  p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_GAUSS; break;
    case 8:  p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_SINC; break;
    case 9:  p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_LANCZOS; break;
    case 10: p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_SPLINE; break;
    default: p_sys->i_sws_flags = SWS_BICUBIC; i_sws_mode = 2; break;

    p_sys->p_src_filter = NULL;
    p_sys->p_dst_filter = NULL;

    /* Misc init */
    p_sys->ctx = NULL;
    p_sys->ctxA = NULL;
    p_sys->p_src_a = NULL;
    p_sys->p_dst_a = NULL;
    p_sys->p_src_e = NULL;
    p_sys->p_dst_e = NULL;
    memset( &p_sys->fmt_in,  0, sizeof(p_sys->fmt_in) );
    memset( &p_sys->fmt_out, 0, sizeof(p_sys->fmt_out) );

    if( Init( p_filter ) )
        if( p_sys->p_src_filter )
            sws_freeFilter( p_sys->p_src_filter );
        free( p_sys );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    msg_Dbg( p_filter, "%ix%i chroma: %4.4s -> %ix%i chroma: %4.4s with scaling using %s",
             p_filter->fmt_in.video.i_width, p_filter->fmt_in.video.i_height,
             (char *)&p_filter->fmt_in.video.i_chroma,
             p_filter->fmt_out.video.i_width, p_filter->fmt_out.video.i_height,
             (char *)&p_filter->fmt_out.video.i_chroma,
             ppsz_mode_descriptions[i_sws_mode] );

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
extern int main(int argc, char **argv)
	//Variable Declaration
	pthread_t pthreads[640];
	int threadID[640];
	int i=0; 
	int j=0;
	int rtn=0;
	ULONGLONG startTicks = 0;

	/* Variables to capture the file name and the file pointer*/
    char fileName[MAX_PATH];
    FILE *hFile;
    struct statistics* buffer;
    int statisticsSize = 0;

	/*Variable to Captutre Information at the Application Level*/
	struct applicationStatistics appStats;
	char mainFileName[MAX_PATH];
    FILE *hMainFile;

	//Get perfCallibrationValue 

	callibrationValue = getPerfCallibrationValue();
	printf("Callibration Value for this Platform %llu \n", callibrationValue);

	//Get Parameters
	if(GetParameters(argc, argv))
     printf("Error in obtaining the parameters\n");

	//Assign Values to Application Statistics Members
	appStats.buildNumber = "999.99";
	appStats.processCount = USE_PROCESS_COUNT;
	appStats.threadCount = THREAD_COUNT;
	appStats.repeatCount = REPEAT_COUNT;

	printf("RELATION ID : %d\n", appStats.relationId);
	printf("Process Count : %d\n", appStats.processCount);
	printf("Thread Count : %d\n", appStats.threadCount);
	printf("Repeat Count : %d\n", appStats.repeatCount);

	//Open file for Application Statistics Collection 
	snprintf(mainFileName, MAX_PATH, "main_nativecriticalsection_%d_.txt",appStats.relationId);
	hMainFile = fopen(mainFileName, "w+");

	if(hMainFile == NULL)
	    printf("Error in opening main file for write\n");

	for (i=0;i<THREAD_COUNT;i++)
			threadID[i] = i;
	statisticsSize = sizeof(struct statistics);

	snprintf(fileName, MAX_PATH, "%d_thread_nativecriticalsection_%d_.txt", USE_PROCESS_COUNT, RELATION_ID);
	hFile = fopen(fileName, "w+");

	if(hFile == NULL)
	    printf("Error in opening file for write for process [%d]\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT);

	// For each thread we will log operations failed (int), passed (int), total (int)
	// and number of ticks (DWORD) for the operations
	resultBuffer = new ResultBuffer( THREAD_COUNT, statisticsSize);

	//Call Test Case Setup Routine
	if (0!=setuptest())
		//Error Condition
		printf("Error Initializing Test Case\n");

	//Accquire Lock
    if (0!=pthread_mutex_lock(&g_mutex))
       	//Error Condition
		printf("Error Accquiring Lock\n");

	startTicks = GetTicks();	
	/*Loop to create number THREAD_COUNT number of threads*/
	for (i=0;i< THREAD_COUNT;i++)
		//printf("Creating Thread Count %d\n", i);
		//printf("Thread arrary value = %d\n", threadID[i]);
		rtn=pthread_create(&pthreads[i], NULL, waitforworkerthreads, &threadID[i]);
		if (0 != rtn)
			{ /* ERROR Condition */
				printf("Error:  pthread Creat, %s \n", strerror(rtn));

	//printf("Main Thread waits to recevie signal when all threads are done\n");

	//printf("Main thread has received signal\n");

	/*Signal Threads to Start Working*/
	//printf("Raise signal for all threads to start working\n");

	if (0!=pthread_cond_broadcast(&g_cv))
			//Error Condition
			printf("Error Broadcasting Conditional Event\n");
	//Release the lock
	if (0!=pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_mutex))
			//Error Condition
			printf("Error Releasing Lock\n");

	/*Join Threads */
	while (j < THREAD_COUNT)
		if (0 != pthread_join(pthreads[j],NULL))
				//Error Condition
				printf("Error Joining Threads\n");

   /*Write Application Results to File*/
   appStats.operationTime = (DWORD)(GetTicks() - startTicks)/callibrationValue;

	/* Write Results to a file*/
    if(hFile!= NULL)
        for( i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++ )
            buffer = (struct statistics *)resultBuffer->getResultBuffer(i);
            fprintf(hFile, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%lu,%d\n", buffer->processId, buffer->operationsFailed, buffer->operationsPassed, buffer->operationsTotal, buffer->operationTime, buffer->relationId );
            //printf("Iteration %d over\n", i);


	//Call Test Case Cleanup Routine
	if (0!=cleanuptest())
			//Error Condition
			printf("Error Cleaning up Test Case");

   if(hMainFile!= NULL)
        printf("Writing to Main File \n");    
		fprintf(hMainFile, "%lu,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s\n", appStats.operationTime, appStats.relationId, appStats.processCount, appStats.threadCount, appStats.repeatCount, appStats.buildNumber);
	return 0;
文件: textver.c 项目: dimeyer/quat
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
    /* char getprm = 0, isfile = 0;*/
    int i;
    char command = 0, argument = -1;
    char file[256], file2[256], Error[256], *s;

#ifdef __unix__
    file[0] = 0;
    file2[0] = 0;
    ReturnVideoInfo = TEXTVER_ReturnVideoInfo;
    check_event = TEXTVER_check_event;
    Debug = TEXTVER_Debug;
    eol = TEXTVER_eol;
    QU_getline = TEXTVER_getline;
    putline = TEXTVER_putline;

    if( argc > 1 ) {
        if( strcmp( argv[1], "-z" ) == 0 ) {
            command = 1;    /* calc a ZBuffer */
        } else if( strcmp( argv[1], "-i" ) == 0 ) {
            command = 2;    /* calc an image */
        } else if( strcmp( argv[1], "-p" ) == 0 ) {
            command = 3;    /* write parameters */
        } else if( strcmp( argv[1], "-c" ) == 0 ) {
            command = 4;    /* continue calculation */
        } else if( strcmp( argv[1], "-h" ) == 0 ) {
            command = 5;    /* help */

    if( argc > 2 ) {
        strcpy( file, argv[2] );

        if( strrchr( file, '.' ) ) {
            for( i = 0; i < strlen( file ); i++ ) {
                file[i] = tolower( ( int )file[i] );

            if( strcmp( strrchr( file, '.' ), ".ini" ) == 0 ) {
                argument = 1;    /* ini file */
            } else if( strcmp( strrchr( file, '.' ), ".png" ) == 0 ) {
                argument = 2;    /* png file */
            } else if( strcmp( strrchr( file, '.' ), ".zpn" ) == 0 ) {
                argument = 3;    /* zpn file */
            } else if( file[0] == 0 ) {
                argument = 0;

            strcpy( file, argv[2] );

    if( argc > 3 ) {
        strcpy( file2, argv[3] );

    switch( command ) {
        case 1:
            if( argument == 0 ) {
                printf( "You didn´t specify an ini-file.\nUse -h for help.\n" );
                return( -1 );

            if( argument != 1 ) {
                printf( "The file you specified has not the suffix '.ini', but it will be assumed to\n" );
                printf( "be an ini file.\n" );

            ParseAndCalculate( file, Error, 1 );

        case 2:
            if( argument == 1 ) {
                ParseAndCalculate( file, Error, 0 );
            } else if( argument == 3 ) {
                ImgFromZBuf( file, file2, Error );
            } else {
                printf( "You didn´t specify an ini- or zpn-file.\nUse -h for help.\n" );
                return( -1 );


        case 3:
            if( argument == 0 ) {
                printf( "No file given. Use -h for help.\n" );
                return( -1 );

            GetParameters( file, Error );

        case 4:
            if( argument != 2 && argument != 3 ) {
                printf( "Given file is neither png nor zpn.\n" );
                return( -1 );

            if( argument == 2 ) {
                ParseAndCalculate( file, Error, 0 );

            if( argument == 3 ) {
                ParseAndCalculate( file, Error, 1 );


        case 5:
            strncpy( file, argv[0], 256 );
            s = strrchr( file, '/' );

            if( s == NULL ) {
                s = strrchr( file, '\\' );

            if( s == NULL ) {
                s = ( char* )&file[0];
            } else {

            printf( "\n%s %s%s%s\n%s", PROGNAME, PROGVERSION, PROGSUBVERSION, PROGSTATE,
                    "A 3d fractal generation program\n" );
            printf( "Copyright (C) 1997-2002 Dirk Meyer\n" );
            printf( "email: [email protected]\n" );
            printf( "WWW: http://www.physcip.uni-stuttgart.de/phy11733/index_e.html\n" );
            printf( "Mailing-List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/quat/\n" );
            printf( "\nThis program is distributed under the terms of the\n" );
            printf( "GNU General Public License Version 2 (See file 'COPYING' for details)\n\n" );
            printf( "-z <ini-file>           begin calculation of a ZBuffer\n" );
            printf( "-i [<ini-file> | <zpn-file> [& <ini-file>]]\n" );
            printf( "                        begin calculation of an image [using an ini-file | a\n" );
            printf( "                        ZBuffer [& replacing parameters from ini-file]]\n" );
            printf( "-p <png- or zpn-file>   read fractal parameters from image or ZBuffer and\n" );
            printf( "                        write them to raw data (ini)\n" );
            printf( "-c <png- or zpn-file>   continue calculation of image or ZBuffer\n" );
            printf( "-h                      Show help text\n" );
            return( 0 );

            printf( "Didn't understand the given parameters. For help use -h\n" );
            return( -1 );

    if( Error[0] != 0 ) {
        printf( "%s\n", Error );

    return( 0 );
int main(int argc, char **argv)
   Parameters *parameters;
   ULONG numLabels;
   Graph *g1;
   Graph *g2;
   Graph *g2compressed;
   InstanceList *instanceList;
   ULONG numInstances;
   ULONG subSize, graphSize, compressedSize;
   double subDL, graphDL, compressedDL;
   double value;
   Label label;

   parameters = GetParameters(argc, argv);
   g1 = ReadGraph(argv[argc - 2], parameters->labelList,
   g2 = ReadGraph(argv[argc - 1], parameters->labelList,
   instanceList = FindInstances(g1, g2, parameters);
   numInstances = CountInstances(instanceList);
   printf("Found %lu instances.\n\n", numInstances);
   g2compressed = CompressGraph(g2, instanceList, parameters);

   // Compute and print compression-based measures
   subSize = GraphSize(g1);
   graphSize = GraphSize(g2);
   compressedSize = GraphSize(g2compressed);
   value = ((double) graphSize) /
           (((double) subSize) + ((double) compressedSize));
   printf("Size of graph = %lu\n", graphSize);
   printf("Size of substructure = %lu\n", subSize);
   printf("Size of compressed graph = %lu\n", compressedSize);
   printf("Value = %f\n\n", value);

   // Compute and print MDL based measures
   numLabels = parameters->labelList->numLabels;
   subDL = MDL(g1, numLabels, parameters);
   graphDL = MDL(g2, numLabels, parameters);
   numLabels++; // add one for new "SUB" vertex label
   if ((parameters->allowInstanceOverlap) &&
      numLabels++; // add one for new "OVERLAP" edge label
   compressedDL = MDL(g2compressed, numLabels, parameters);
   // add extra bits to describe where external edges connect to instances
   compressedDL += ExternalEdgeBits(g2compressed, g1, numInstances);
   value = graphDL / (subDL + compressedDL);
   printf("DL of graph = %f\n", graphDL);
   printf("DL of substructure = %f\n", subDL);
   printf("DL of compressed graph = %f\n", compressedDL);
   printf("Value = %f\n\n", value);

   if (parameters->outputToFile)
      // first, actually add "SUB" and "OVERLAP" labels
      label.labelType = STRING_LABEL;
      label.labelValue.stringLabel = SUB_LABEL_STRING;
      StoreLabel(& label, parameters->labelList);
      label.labelValue.stringLabel = OVERLAP_LABEL_STRING;
      StoreLabel(& label, parameters->labelList);
      parameters->posGraph = g2compressed;
      WriteGraphToDotFile(parameters->outFileName, parameters);
      printf("Compressed graph written to dot file %s\n",


   return 0;
static int Init( filter_t *p_filter )
    filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys;
    const video_format_t *p_fmti = &p_filter->fmt_in.video;
    video_format_t       *p_fmto = &p_filter->fmt_out.video;

    if( p_fmti->orientation != p_fmto->orientation )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    if( video_format_IsSimilar( p_fmti, &p_sys->fmt_in ) &&
        video_format_IsSimilar( p_fmto, &p_sys->fmt_out ) &&
        p_sys->ctx )
        return VLC_SUCCESS;

    Clean( p_filter );

    /* Init with new parameters */
    ScalerConfiguration cfg;
    if( GetParameters( &cfg, p_fmti, p_fmto, p_sys->i_sws_flags ) )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "format not supported" );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;
    if( p_fmti->i_visible_width <= 0 || p_fmti->i_visible_height <= 0 ||
        p_fmto->i_visible_width <= 0 || p_fmto->i_visible_height <= 0 )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "invalid scaling: %ix%i -> %ix%i",
                 p_fmti->i_visible_width, p_fmti->i_visible_height,
                 p_fmto->i_visible_width, p_fmto->i_visible_height);
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    p_sys->desc_in = vlc_fourcc_GetChromaDescription( p_fmti->i_chroma );
    p_sys->desc_out = vlc_fourcc_GetChromaDescription( p_fmto->i_chroma );
    if( p_sys->desc_in == NULL || p_sys->desc_out == NULL )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    /* swscale does not like too small width */
    p_sys->i_extend_factor = 1;
    while( __MIN( p_fmti->i_visible_width, p_fmto->i_visible_width ) * p_sys->i_extend_factor < MINIMUM_WIDTH)

    const unsigned i_fmti_visible_width = p_fmti->i_visible_width * p_sys->i_extend_factor;
    const unsigned i_fmto_visible_width = p_fmto->i_visible_width * p_sys->i_extend_factor;
    for( int n = 0; n < (cfg.b_has_a ? 2 : 1); n++ )
        const int i_fmti = n == 0 ? cfg.i_fmti : PIX_FMT_GRAY8;
        const int i_fmto = n == 0 ? cfg.i_fmto : PIX_FMT_GRAY8;
        struct SwsContext *ctx;

        ctx = sws_getContext( i_fmti_visible_width, p_fmti->i_visible_height, i_fmti,
                              i_fmto_visible_width, p_fmto->i_visible_height, i_fmto,
                              cfg.i_sws_flags | p_sys->i_cpu_mask,
                              p_sys->p_src_filter, p_sys->p_dst_filter, 0 );
        if( n == 0 )
            p_sys->ctx = ctx;
            p_sys->ctxA = ctx;
    if( p_sys->ctxA )
        p_sys->p_src_a = picture_New( VLC_CODEC_GREY, i_fmti_visible_width, p_fmti->i_visible_height, 0, 1 );
        p_sys->p_dst_a = picture_New( VLC_CODEC_GREY, i_fmto_visible_width, p_fmto->i_visible_height, 0, 1 );
    if( p_sys->i_extend_factor != 1 )
        p_sys->p_src_e = picture_New( p_fmti->i_chroma, i_fmti_visible_width, p_fmti->i_visible_height, 0, 1 );
        p_sys->p_dst_e = picture_New( p_fmto->i_chroma, i_fmto_visible_width, p_fmto->i_visible_height, 0, 1 );

        if( p_sys->p_src_e )
            memset( p_sys->p_src_e->p[0].p_pixels, 0, p_sys->p_src_e->p[0].i_pitch * p_sys->p_src_e->p[0].i_lines );
        if( p_sys->p_dst_e )
            memset( p_sys->p_dst_e->p[0].p_pixels, 0, p_sys->p_dst_e->p[0].i_pitch * p_sys->p_dst_e->p[0].i_lines );

    if( !p_sys->ctx ||
        ( cfg.b_has_a && ( !p_sys->ctxA || !p_sys->p_src_a || !p_sys->p_dst_a ) ) ||
        ( p_sys->i_extend_factor != 1 && ( !p_sys->p_src_e || !p_sys->p_dst_e ) ) )
        msg_Err( p_filter, "could not init SwScaler and/or allocate memory" );
        Clean( p_filter );
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    if (p_filter->b_allow_fmt_out_change)
         * If the transformation is not homothetic we must modify the
         * aspect ratio of the output format in order to have the
         * output picture displayed correctly and not stretched
         * horizontally or vertically.
         * WARNING: this is a hack, ideally this should not be needed
         * and the vout should update its video format instead.
        unsigned i_sar_num = p_fmti->i_sar_num * p_fmti->i_visible_width;
        unsigned i_sar_den = p_fmti->i_sar_den * p_fmto->i_visible_width;
        vlc_ureduce(&i_sar_num, &i_sar_den, i_sar_num, i_sar_den, 65536);
        i_sar_num *= p_fmto->i_visible_height;
        i_sar_den *= p_fmti->i_visible_height;
        vlc_ureduce(&i_sar_num, &i_sar_den, i_sar_num, i_sar_den, 65536);
        p_fmto->i_sar_num = i_sar_num;
        p_fmto->i_sar_den = i_sar_den;

    p_sys->b_add_a = cfg.b_add_a;
    p_sys->b_copy = cfg.b_copy;
    p_sys->fmt_in  = *p_fmti;
    p_sys->fmt_out = *p_fmto;
    p_sys->b_swap_uvi = cfg.b_swap_uvi;
    p_sys->b_swap_uvo = cfg.b_swap_uvo;

#if 0
    msg_Dbg( p_filter, "%ix%i (%ix%i) chroma: %4.4s -> %ix%i (%ix%i) chroma: %4.4s extend by %d",
             p_fmti->i_visible_width, p_fmti->i_visible_height, p_fmti->i_width, p_fmti->i_height, (char *)&p_fmti->i_chroma,
             p_fmto->i_visible_width, p_fmto->i_visible_height, p_fmto->i_width, p_fmto->i_height, (char *)&p_fmto->i_chroma,
             p_sys->i_extend_factor );
    return VLC_SUCCESS;
int __cdecl main (int argc, char **argv) 

* 	Parameter to the threads that will be created
DWORD dwThrdParam = 0;
HANDLE hThread[64];
unsigned int i = 0;
DWORD dwStart;

/* Variables to capture the file name and the file pointer*/
char fileName[MAX_PATH_FNAME];
char processFileName[MAX_PATH_FNAME];
FILE *hFile,*hProcessFile;
struct processStatistics processStats;

struct statistics* buffer;
int statisticsSize = 0;

*	PAL Initialize
if(0 != (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv)))
	return FAIL;

if(GetParameters(argc, argv))
        Fail("Error in obtaining the parameters\n");

/*setup file for process result collection */
_snprintf(processFileName, MAX_PATH_FNAME, "%d_process_criticalsection_%d_.txt", USE_PROCESS_COUNT, RELATION_ID);
hProcessFile = fopen(processFileName, "w+");
if(hProcessFile == NULL)
        Fail("Error in opening file to write process results for process [%d]\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT);

//Initialize Process Stats Variables
processStats.operationTime = 0;
processStats.processId = USE_PROCESS_COUNT;
processStats.relationId = RELATION_ID;  //Will change later

//Start Process Time Capture
dwStart = GetTickCount();

//setup file for thread result collection 
statisticsSize = sizeof(struct statistics);
_snprintf(fileName, MAX_PATH_FNAME, "%d_thread_criticalsection_%d_.txt", USE_PROCESS_COUNT, RELATION_ID);
hFile = fopen(fileName, "w+");
if(hFile == NULL)
    Fail("Error in opening file for write for process [%d]\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT);

// For each thread we will log operations failed (int), passed (int), total (int)
// and number of ticks (DWORD) for the operations
resultBuffer = new ResultBuffer( THREAD_COUNT, statisticsSize);

*	Call the Setup Routine 

//Create Thread Count Worker Threads

while (i< THREAD_COUNT)
    dwThrdParam = i;
    hThread[i] = CreateThread(

    if ( NULL == hThread[i] ) 
	Fail ( "CreateThread() returned NULL.  Failing test.\n"
	       "GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());   

* Set Event to signal all threads to start using the CS

if (0==SetEvent(g_hEvent))
	Fail ( "SetEvent returned Zero.  Failing test.\n"
	       "GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());  

 * Wait for worker threads to complete
if ( WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForMultipleObjects (THREAD_COUNT,hThread,TRUE, INFINITE))
	Fail ( "WaitForMultipleObject Failed.  Failing test.\n"
	       "GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());  

//Get the end time of the process
processStats.operationTime = GetTickCount() - dwStart;

//Write Process Result Contents to File
if(hProcessFile!= NULL)
            fprintf(hProcessFile, "%d,%lu,%d\n", processStats.processId, processStats.operationTime, processStats.relationId );

if (0!=fclose(hProcessFile))
	Fail("Unable to write process results to file"
		"GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());

/*Write Threads Results to a file*/
if(hFile!= NULL)
    for( i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++ )
        buffer = (struct statistics *)resultBuffer->getResultBuffer(i);
        fprintf(hFile, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%lu,%d\n", buffer->processId, buffer->operationsFailed, buffer->operationsPassed, buffer->operationsTotal, buffer->operationTime, buffer->relationId );
        //Trace("Iteration %d over\n", i);

if (0!=fclose(hFile))
	Fail("Unable to write thread results to file"
		"GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());

    /* Logging for the test case over, clean up the handles */
    //Trace("Contents of the buffer are [%s]\n", resultBuffer->getResultBuffer());	

//Call Cleanup for Test Case

//Trace("Value of GLOBAL COUNTER %d \n", GLOBAL_COUNTER);
return (PASS);

DllExport bool GWFile::Deliver(char *stamp, void *data, long numOfBytes)

	char *trackName = CreateFullName(GetParameters(), "track.dat");

	FILE *trackFile = _fsopen(trackName, "r+", _SH_DENYRW);

	int fileNumber = 1;

	if(trackFile) {
		fscanf(trackFile, "%d", &fileNumber);

	} else { 
		trackFile = _fsopen(trackName, "w", _SH_DENYRW);

		if(!trackFile) {
			delete trackName; 

	char shortName[32];
	sprintf(shortName, "record%d.dat", fileNumber);

	char *fileName = CreateFullName(GetParameters(), shortName);

	FILE *dataFile = _fsopen(fileName, "wb", _SH_DENYRW);

	if(!dataFile) {
		fprintf(trackFile, "%d\n", fileNumber);


		delete trackName;
		delete fileName;

	size_t stampSize = strlen(stamp) + 1;  

	fwrite(&stampSize, sizeof(stampSize), 1, dataFile);

	fwrite(stamp, stampSize, 1, dataFile);

	fwrite(&numOfBytes, sizeof(numOfBytes), 1, dataFile);

	if(numOfBytes) fwrite(data, numOfBytes, 1, dataFile);



	fprintf(trackFile, "%d\n", fileNumber);


	delete trackName;
	delete fileName;

Material *Scene::CreateMaterial(const std::string &propName, const Properties &prop) {
	const std::string matType = Properties::ExtractField(propName, 2);
	if (matType == "")
		throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in " + propName);
	const std::string matName = Properties::ExtractField(propName, 3);
	if (matName == "")
		throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in " + propName);

	if (matType == "matte") {
		const std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(prop, propName, 3, "1.0 1.0 1.0");
		const Spectrum col(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));

		return new MatteMaterial(col);
	} else if (matType == "light") {
		const std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(prop, propName, 3, "1.0 1.0 1.0");
		const Spectrum gain(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));

		return new AreaLightMaterial(gain);
	} else if (matType == "mirror") {
		const std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(prop, propName, 4, "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0");
		const Spectrum col(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));

		return new MirrorMaterial(col, vf.at(3) != 0.f);
	} else if (matType == "mattemirror") {
		const std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(prop, propName, 7, "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0");
		const Spectrum Kd(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));
		const Spectrum Kr(vf.at(3), vf.at(4), vf.at(5));

		return new MatteMirrorMaterial(Kd, Kr, vf.at(6) != 0.f);
	} else if (matType == "glass") {
		const std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(prop, propName, 10, "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.0 1.0");
		const Spectrum Krfl(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));
		const Spectrum Ktrn(vf.at(3), vf.at(4), vf.at(5));

		return new GlassMaterial(Krfl, Ktrn, vf.at(6), vf.at(7), vf.at(8) != 0.f, vf.at(9) != 0.f);
	} else if (matType == "metal") {
		const std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(prop, propName, 5, "1.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 1.0");
		const Spectrum col(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));

		return new MetalMaterial(col, vf.at(3), vf.at(4) != 0.f);
	} else if (matType == "mattemetal") {
		const std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(prop, propName, 8, "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 1.0");
		const Spectrum Kd(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));
		const Spectrum Kr(vf.at(3), vf.at(4), vf.at(5));

		return new MatteMetalMaterial(Kd, Kr, vf.at(6), vf.at(7) != 0.f);
	} else if (matType == "archglass") {
		const std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(prop, propName, 8, "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0");
		const Spectrum Krfl(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));
		const Spectrum Ktrn(vf.at(3), vf.at(4), vf.at(5));

		return new ArchGlassMaterial(Krfl, Ktrn, vf.at(6) != 0.f, vf.at(7) != 0.f);
	} else if (matType == "alloy") {
		const std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(prop, propName, 9, "1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 0.8 1.0");
		const Spectrum Kdiff(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));
		const Spectrum Krfl(vf.at(3), vf.at(4), vf.at(5));

		return new AlloyMaterial(Kdiff, Krfl, vf.at(6), vf.at(7), vf.at(8) != 0.f);
	} else
		throw std::runtime_error("Unknown material type " + matType);
	return (Material*)0;
Scene::Scene(const std::string &fileName,uint width, uint height ,const int aType ) {
	accelType = aType;

	extMeshCache = new ExtMeshCache();
	texMapCache = new TextureMapCache();

	SDL_LOG("Reading scene: " << fileName);

	scnProp = new Properties(fileName);

	// Read camera position and target

	std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.camera.lookat", 6, "10.0 0.0 0.0  0.0 0.0 0.0");
	Point o(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));
	Point t(vf.at(3), vf.at(4), vf.at(5));

	SDL_LOG("Camera postion: " << o);
	SDL_LOG("Camera target: " << t);

	vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.camera.up", 3, "0.0 0.0 0.1");
	const Vector up(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));

	camera = new PerspectiveCamera(o, t, up);

	camera->lensRadius = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.camera.lensradius", 0.f);
	camera->focalDistance = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.camera.focaldistance", 10.f);
	camera->fieldOfView = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.camera.fieldofview", 45.f);
	// Check if camera motion blur is enabled
	if (scnProp->GetInt("scene.camera.motionblur.enable", 0)) {
		camera->motionBlur = true;

		vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.camera.motionblur.lookat", 6, "10.0 1.0 0.0  0.0 1.0 0.0");
		camera->mbOrig = Point(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));
		camera->mbTarget = Point(vf.at(3), vf.at(4), vf.at(5));

		vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.camera.motionblur.up", 3, "0.0 0.0 0.1");
		camera->mbUp = Vector(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2));

	// Read all materials

	std::vector<std::string> matKeys = scnProp->GetAllKeys("scene.materials.");
	if (matKeys.size() == 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("No material definition found");

	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator matKey = matKeys.begin(); matKey != matKeys.end(); ++matKey) {
		const std::string &key = *matKey;
		const std::string matType = Properties::ExtractField(key, 2);
		if (matType == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in " + key);
		const std::string matName = Properties::ExtractField(key, 3);
		if (matName == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in " + key);
		SDL_LOG("Material definition: " << matName << " [" << matType << "]");

		Material *mat = CreateMaterial(key, *scnProp);

		materialIndices[matName] = materials.size();

	// Read all objects .ply file

	std::vector<std::string> objKeys = scnProp->GetAllKeys("scene.objects.");
	if (objKeys.size() == 0)
		throw std::runtime_error("Unable to find object definitions");

	double lastPrint = WallClockTime();
	unsigned int objCount = 0;
	for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator objKey = objKeys.begin(); objKey != objKeys.end(); ++objKey) {
		const std::string &key = *objKey;

		// Check if it is the root of the definition of an object otherwise skip
		const size_t dot1 = key.find(".", std::string("scene.objects.").length());
		if (dot1 == std::string::npos)
		const size_t dot2 = key.find(".", dot1 + 1);
		if (dot2 != std::string::npos)

		const std::string objName = Properties::ExtractField(key, 3);
		if (objName == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in " + key);

		// Build the object
		const std::vector<std::string> args = scnProp->GetStringVector(key, "");
		const std::string plyFileName = args.at(0);
		const double now = WallClockTime();
		if (now - lastPrint > 2.0) {
			SDL_LOG("PLY object count: " << objCount);
			lastPrint = now;
		//SDL_LOG("PLY object [" << objName << "] file name: " << plyFileName);

		// Check if I have to calculate normal or not
		const bool usePlyNormals = (scnProp->GetInt(key + ".useplynormals", 0) != 0);

		// Check if I have to use an instance mesh or not
		ExtMesh *meshObject;
		if (scnProp->IsDefined(key + ".transformation")) {
			const std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, key + ".transformation", 16, "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0  0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0  0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0");
			const Matrix4x4 mat(
					vf.at(0), vf.at(4), vf.at(8), vf.at(12),
					vf.at(1), vf.at(5), vf.at(9), vf.at(13),
					vf.at(2), vf.at(6), vf.at(10), vf.at(14),
					vf.at(3), vf.at(7), vf.at(11), vf.at(15));
			const Transform trans(mat);

			meshObject = extMeshCache->GetExtMesh(plyFileName, usePlyNormals, trans);
		} else
			meshObject = extMeshCache->GetExtMesh(plyFileName, usePlyNormals);

		objectIndices[objName] = objects.size();

		// Get the material
		const std::string matName = Properties::ExtractField(key, 2);
		if (matName == "")
			throw std::runtime_error("Syntax error in material name: " + matName);
		if (materialIndices.count(matName) < 1)
			throw std::runtime_error("Unknown material: " + matName);
		Material *mat = materials[materialIndices[matName]];

		// Check if it is a light sources
		if (mat->IsLightSource()) {
			SDL_LOG("The " << objName << " object is a light sources with " << meshObject->GetTotalTriangleCount() << " triangles");

			AreaLightMaterial *light = (AreaLightMaterial *)mat;
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < meshObject->GetTotalTriangleCount(); ++i) {
				TriangleLight *tl = new TriangleLight(light, static_cast<unsigned int>(objects.size()) - 1, i, objects);
		} else {
			SurfaceMaterial *surfMat = (SurfaceMaterial *)mat;

		// [old deprecated syntax] Check if there is a texture map associated to the object
		if (args.size() > 1) {
			// Check if the object has UV coords
			if (!meshObject->HasUVs())
				throw std::runtime_error("PLY object " + plyFileName + " is missing UV coordinates for texture mapping");

			TexMapInstance *tm = texMapCache->GetTexMapInstance(args.at(1), 2.2f);
		} else {
			// Check for if there is a texture map associated to the object with the new syntax
			const std::string texMap = scnProp->GetString(key + ".texmap", "");
			if (texMap != "") {
				// Check if the object has UV coords
				if (!meshObject->HasUVs())
					throw std::runtime_error("PLY object " + plyFileName + " is missing UV coordinates for texture mapping");

				const float gamma = scnProp->GetFloat(key + ".texmap.gamma", 2.2f);
				TexMapInstance *tm = texMapCache->GetTexMapInstance(texMap, gamma);
			} else

			 * Check if there is an alpha map associated to the object
			 * If there is, the map is added to a previously added texturemap.
			 * If no texture map (diffuse map) is detected, a black texture
			 * is created and the alpha map is added to it. --PC
			const std::string alphaMap = scnProp->GetString(key + ".alphamap", "");
			if (alphaMap != "") {
				// Got an alpha map, retrieve the textureMap and add the alpha channel to it.
				const std::string texMap = scnProp->GetString(key + ".texmap", "");
				const float gamma = scnProp->GetFloat(key + ".texmap.gamma", 2.2f);
				TextureMap *tm;
				if (!(tm = texMapCache->FindTextureMap(texMap, gamma))) {
					SDL_LOG("Alpha map " << alphaMap << " is for a materials without texture. A black texture has been created for support!");
					// We have an alpha map without a diffuse texture. In this case we need to create
					// a texture map filled with black
					tm = new TextureMap(alphaMap, gamma, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
					TexMapInstance *tmi = texMapCache->AddTextureMap(alphaMap, tm);
					// Remove the NULL inserted above, when no texmap was found. Without doing this the whole thing will not work
					// Add the new texture to the chain
				} else {
					// Add an alpha map to the pre-existing diffuse texture
			// Check for if there is a bump map associated to the object
			const std::string bumpMap = scnProp->GetString(key + ".bumpmap", "");
			if (bumpMap != "") {
				// Check if the object has UV coords
				if (!meshObject->HasUVs())
					throw std::runtime_error("PLY object " + plyFileName + " is missing UV coordinates for bump mapping");

				const float scale = scnProp->GetFloat(key + ".bumpmap.scale", 1.f);

				BumpMapInstance *bm = texMapCache->GetBumpMapInstance(bumpMap, scale);
			} else

			// Check for if there is a normal map associated to the object
			const std::string normalMap = scnProp->GetString(key + ".normalmap", "");
			if (normalMap != "") {
				// Check if the object has UV coords
				if (!meshObject->HasUVs())
					throw std::runtime_error("PLY object " + plyFileName + " is missing UV coordinates for normal mapping");

				NormalMapInstance *nm = texMapCache->GetNormalMapInstance(normalMap);
			} else
	SDL_LOG("PLY object count: " << objCount);

	// Check if there is an infinitelight source defined

	const std::vector<std::string> ilParams = scnProp->GetStringVector("scene.infinitelight.file", "");
	if (ilParams.size() > 0) {
		const float gamma = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.infinitelight.gamma", 2.2f);
		TexMapInstance *tex = texMapCache->GetTexMapInstance(ilParams.at(0), gamma);

		// Check if I have to use InfiniteLightBF method
		if (scnProp->GetInt("scene.infinitelight.usebruteforce", 0)) {
			SDL_LOG("Using brute force infinite light sampling");
			infiniteLight = new InfiniteLightBF(tex);
			useInfiniteLightBruteForce = true;
		} else {
			if (ilParams.size() == 2)
				infiniteLight = new InfiniteLightPortal(tex, ilParams.at(1));
				infiniteLight = new InfiniteLightIS(tex);

			// Add the infinite light to the list of light sources

			useInfiniteLightBruteForce = false;

		std::vector<float> vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.infinitelight.gain", 3, "1.0 1.0 1.0");
		infiniteLight->SetGain(Spectrum(vf.at(0), vf.at(1), vf.at(2)));

		vf = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.infinitelight.shift", 2, "0.0 0.0");
		infiniteLight->SetShift(vf.at(0), vf.at(1));

	} else {
		infiniteLight = NULL;
		useInfiniteLightBruteForce = false;

	// Check if there is a SkyLight defined

	const std::vector<std::string> silParams = scnProp->GetStringVector("scene.skylight.dir", "");
	if (silParams.size() > 0) {
		if (infiniteLight)
			throw std::runtime_error("Can not define a skylight when there is already an infinitelight defined");

		std::vector<float> sdir = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.skylight.dir", 3, "0.0 0.0 1.0");
		const float turb = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.skylight.turbidity", 2.2f);
		std::vector<float> gain = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.skylight.gain", 3, "1.0 1.0 1.0");

		SkyLight *sl = new SkyLight(turb, Vector(sdir.at(0), sdir.at(1), sdir.at(2)));
		infiniteLight = sl;
		sl->SetGain(Spectrum(gain.at(0), gain.at(1), gain.at(2)));

		useInfiniteLightBruteForce = true;

	// Check if there is a SunLight defined

	const std::vector<std::string> sulParams = scnProp->GetStringVector("scene.sunlight.dir", "");
	if (sulParams.size() > 0) {
		std::vector<float> sdir = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.sunlight.dir", 3, "0.0 0.0 1.0");
		const float turb = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.sunlight.turbidity", 2.2f);
		const float relSize = scnProp->GetFloat("scene.sunlight.relsize", 1.0f);
		std::vector<float> gain = GetParameters(*scnProp, "scene.sunlight.gain", 3, "1.0 1.0 1.0");

		SunLight *sunLight = new SunLight(turb, relSize, Vector(sdir.at(0), sdir.at(1), sdir.at(2)));
		sunLight->SetGain(Spectrum(gain.at(0), gain.at(1), gain.at(2)));



	camera->Update(width, height);

            RAVELOG_WARN("there are no used bodies in this configuration\n");

        FOREACH(itbody, vusedbodies) {
            KinBody::KinBodyStateSaverPtr statesaver;
            if( (*itbody)->IsRobot() ) {
                statesaver.reset(new RobotBase::RobotStateSaver(RaveInterfaceCast<RobotBase>(*itbody), KinBody::Save_LinkTransformation|KinBody::Save_LinkEnable|KinBody::Save_ActiveDOF|KinBody::Save_ActiveManipulator|KinBody::Save_LinkVelocities));
            else {
                statesaver.reset(new KinBody::KinBodyStateSaver(*itbody, KinBody::Save_LinkTransformation|KinBody::Save_LinkEnable|KinBody::Save_ActiveDOF|KinBody::Save_ActiveManipulator|KinBody::Save_LinkVelocities));

        uint32_t basetime = utils::GetMilliTime();
        TrajectoryTimingParametersConstPtr parameters = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<TrajectoryTimingParameters const>(GetParameters());

        vector<ParabolicRamp::Vector> path;
        vector<dReal> vtrajpoints;
        ParabolicRamp::Vector q(_parameters->GetDOF());
        for(size_t i = 0; i < ptraj->GetNumWaypoints(); ++i) {
            if( path.size() >= 2 ) {
                // check if collinear by taking angle
                const ParabolicRamp::Vector& x0 = path[path.size()-2];
                const ParabolicRamp::Vector& x1 = path[path.size()-1];
                dReal dotproduct=0,x0length2=0,x1length2=0;
                for(size_t i = 0; i < q.size(); ++i) {
                    dReal dx0=x0[i]-q[i];
文件: event.c 项目: Afshintm/coreclr
 int __cdecl main(INT argc, CHAR **argv)
    unsigned int i = 0;

    WCHAR *wcObjName = NULL;

    char ObjName[MAX_PATH] = "SHARED_EVENT";
    DWORD dwParam = 0;

    int returnCode = 0;
    /* Variables to capture the file name and the file pointer at thread level*/
    char fileName[MAX_PATH];
    FILE *pFile = NULL;
    struct statistics* buffer = NULL;
    int statisticsSize = 0;

    /* Variables to capture the file name and the file pointer at process level*/
    char processFileName[MAX_PATH];
    FILE *pProcessFile = NULL;   
    struct ProcessStats processStats;
    DWORD dwStartTime;

    testStatus = PASS;

    if(0 != (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv)))
        return ( FAIL );

    ZeroMemory( objectSuffix, MAX_PATH );

    if(GetParameters(argc, argv))
        Fail("Error in obtaining the parameters\n");
//    Trace("Process created, value of process count is [%d]\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT);

    if(argc == 5)
        strncat(ObjName, objectSuffix, MAX_PATH - (sizeof(ObjName) + 1) );

     /* Register the start time */  
    dwStartTime = GetTickCount();
    processStats.relationId = RELATION_ID;
    processStats.processId  = USE_PROCESS_COUNT;

    _snprintf(processFileName, MAX_PATH, "%d_process_event_%d_.txt", USE_PROCESS_COUNT, RELATION_ID);
    pProcessFile = fopen(processFileName, "w+");
    if(pProcessFile == NULL)
        Fail("Error:%d: in opening Process File for write for process [%d]\n", GetLastError(), USE_PROCESS_COUNT);

    statisticsSize = sizeof(struct statistics);

    _snprintf(fileName, MAX_PATH, "%d_thread_event_%d_.txt", USE_PROCESS_COUNT, RELATION_ID);
    pFile = fopen(fileName, "w+");
    if(pFile == NULL)
        Fail("Error:%d: in opening thread file for write for process [%d]\n", GetLastError(), USE_PROCESS_COUNT);
    // For each thread we will log operations failed (int), passed (int), total (int)
    // and number of ticks (DWORD) for the operations
    resultBuffer = new ResultBuffer( THREAD_COUNT, statisticsSize);

    wcObjName = convert(ObjName);

    StartTestsEvHandle  = CreateEvent( NULL, /* lpEventAttributes*/
                                        TRUE,  /* bManualReset */
                                        FALSE,   /* bInitialState */
                                        NULL);  /* name of Event */

    if( StartTestsEvHandle  == NULL )
        Fail("Error:%d: Unexpected failure "
            "to create %s Event for process count %d\n", GetLastError(), sTmpEventName, USE_PROCESS_COUNT );

    /* Create StartTest Event */

    hEventHandle = OpenEventW(
                                EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, /* lpEventAttributes, inheritable to child processes*/
                                FALSE,  /* bAutomaticReset */
    if( hEventHandle == NULL)
        Fail("Unable to create Event handle for process id [%d], returned error [%d]\n", i, GetLastError());
    /* We already assume that the Event was created previously*/

    for( i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++ )
        dwParam = (int) i;
        //Create thread
        hThread[i] = CreateThread(
                                    NULL,                   /* no security attributes */
                                    0,                      /* use default stack size */
                                    (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)Run_Thread,/* thread function */
                                    (LPVOID)dwParam,  /* argument to thread function */
                                    0,                      /* use default creation flags  */
                                    &threadId[i]     /* returns the thread identifier*/                                  
        if(hThread[i] == NULL)
            Fail("Create Thread failed for %d process, and GetLastError value is %d\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT, GetLastError());

    if (!SetEvent(StartTestsEvHandle))
        Fail("Set Event for Start Tests failed for %d process, and GetLastError value is %d\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT, GetLastError());           

    /* Test running */
    returnCode = WaitForMultipleObjects( THREAD_COUNT, hThread, TRUE, INFINITE);  

    if( WAIT_OBJECT_0 != returnCode )
        Trace("Wait for Object(s) for %d process returned %d, and GetLastError value is %d\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT, returnCode, GetLastError());
        testStatus = FAIL;
    processStats.operationTime = GetTimeDiff(dwStartTime);  

    /* Write to a file*/
    if(pFile!= NULL)
        for( i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++ )
            buffer = (struct statistics *)resultBuffer->getResultBuffer(i);
            returnCode = fprintf(pFile, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%lu,%d\n", buffer->processId, buffer->operationsFailed, buffer->operationsPassed, buffer->operationsTotal, buffer->operationTime, buffer->relationId );
//            Trace("Iteration %d over\n", i);

        Trace("Error: fclose failed for pFile at Process %d\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT);
        testStatus = FAIL;

    fprintf(pProcessFile, "%d,%d,%d\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT, processStats.operationTime, processStats.relationId );
        Trace("Error: fclose failed for pProcessFile at Process %d\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT);
        testStatus = FAIL;
    /* Logging for the test case over, clean up the handles */

//    Trace("Test Thread %d done\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT);
    for( i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++ )
        if(!CloseHandle(hThread[i]) )
            Trace("Error:%d: CloseHandle failed for Process [%d] hThread[%d]\n", GetLastError(), USE_PROCESS_COUNT, i);
            testStatus = FAIL;

        Trace("Error:%d: CloseHandle failed for Process [%d] StartTestsEvHandle\n", GetLastError(), USE_PROCESS_COUNT);
        testStatus = FAIL;

        Trace("Error:%d: CloseHandle failed for Process [%d] hEventHandle\n", GetLastError(), USE_PROCESS_COUNT);
        testStatus = FAIL;

    return testStatus;
文件: main.c 项目: Afshintm/coreclr
 int __cdecl main(INT argc, CHAR **argv)
    unsigned int i = 0;

    char lpCommandLine[MAX_PATH] = "";

    int returnCode = 0;
    DWORD processReturnCode = 0;
    int testReturnCode = PASS;

    char fileName[MAX_PATH];
    FILE *pFile = NULL;
    DWORD dwStartTime;
    struct TestStats testStats;

    if(0 != (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv)))
        return ( FAIL );

    if(GetParameters(argc, argv))
        Fail("Error in obtaining the parameters\n");

     /* Register the start time */  
    dwStartTime = GetTickCount();
    testStats.relationId = 0;
    testStats.relationId   = RELATION_ID;
    testStats.processCount = PROCESS_COUNT;
    testStats.threadCount  = THREAD_COUNT;
    testStats.repeatCount  = REPEAT_COUNT;
    testStats.buildNumber  = getBuildNumber();

    _snprintf(fileName, MAX_PATH, "main_wfmo_%d_.txt",testStats.relationId);
    pFile = fopen(fileName, "w+");
    if(pFile == NULL)
        Fail("Error in opening main file for write\n");

    for( i = 0; i < PROCESS_COUNT; i++ )

        ZeroMemory( lpCommandLine, MAX_PATH );
        if ( _snprintf( lpCommandLine, MAX_PATH-1, "mutex %d %d %d %d %d", i, THREAD_COUNT, REPEAT_COUNT, SLEEP_LENGTH, RELATION_ID) < 0 )
            Trace ("Error: Insufficient commandline string length for for iteration [%d]\n", i);
        /* Zero the data structure space */
        ZeroMemory ( &pi[i], sizeof(pi[i]) );
        ZeroMemory ( &si[i], sizeof(si[i]) );

        /* Set the process flags and standard io handles */
        si[i].cb = sizeof(si[i]);
        //Create Process
        if(!CreateProcess( NULL, /* lpApplicationName*/
                          lpCommandLine, /* lpCommandLine */
                          NULL, /* lpProcessAttributes  */
                          NULL, /* lpThreadAttributes */
                          TRUE, /* bInheritHandles */
                          0, /* dwCreationFlags, */
                          NULL, /* lpEnvironment  */
                          NULL, /* pCurrentDirectory  */
                          &si[i], /* lpStartupInfo  */
                          &pi[i] /* lpProcessInformation  */
            Fail("Process Not created for [%d], the error code is [%d]\n", i, GetLastError());
            hProcess[i] = pi[i].hProcess;
            // Trace("Process created for [%d]\n", i);


    returnCode = WaitForMultipleObjects( PROCESS_COUNT, hProcess, TRUE, INFINITE);  
    if( WAIT_OBJECT_0 != returnCode )
        Trace("Wait for Object(s) @ Main thread for %d processes returned %d, and GetLastError value is %d\n", PROCESS_COUNT, returnCode, GetLastError());
    for( i = 0; i < PROCESS_COUNT; i++ )
        /* check the exit code from the process */
        if( ! GetExitCodeProcess( pi[i].hProcess, &processReturnCode ) )
            Trace( "GetExitCodeProcess call failed for iteration %d with error code %u\n", 
                i, GetLastError() ); 
            testReturnCode = FAIL;

        if(processReturnCode == FAIL)
            Trace( "Process [%d] failed and returned FAIL\n", i); 
            testReturnCode = FAIL;

            Trace("Error:%d: CloseHandle failed for Process [%d] hThread\n", GetLastError(), i);

        if(!CloseHandle(pi[i].hProcess) )
            Trace("Error:%d: CloseHandle failed for Process [%d] hProcess\n", GetLastError(), i);

    testStats.operationTime = GetTimeDiff(dwStartTime); 
    fprintf(pFile, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%s\n", testStats.operationTime, testStats.relationId, testStats.processCount, testStats.threadCount, testStats.repeatCount, testStats.buildNumber);
        Trace("Error: fclose failed for pFile\n");
        testReturnCode = FAIL;
    if( testReturnCode == PASS)
        Trace("Test Passed\n");
        Trace("Test Failed\n");
    return testReturnCode;
//Main Entry for the Thread Suspension Test Case
int __cdecl main (int argc, char **argv) 

* 	Parameter to the threads that will be created

DWORD dwThrdParam = 0;
DWORD dwStart;

/* Variables to capture the file name and the file pointer*/
char fileName[MAX_PATH];
char processFileName[MAX_PATH];

FILE *hFile, *hProcessFile;
struct statistics* buffer;
struct processStatistics *processBuffer;

struct processStatistics processStats;

struct statistics* tmpBuf = NULL;
int statisticsSize = 0;

DWORD dwThreadId=0; 
HANDLE hMainThread;
unsigned int i = 0;
int j = 0;

*	PAL Initialize

if(0 != (PAL_Initialize(argc, argv)))
	return FAIL;

//Get Parameters
if(GetParameters(argc, argv))
        Fail("Error in obtaining the parameters\n");

//Setup for Process Result Collection
statisticsSize = sizeof(struct statistics);
_snprintf(processFileName, MAX_PATH, "%d_process_threadsuspension_%d_.txt", USE_PROCESS_COUNT, RELATION_ID);
hProcessFile = fopen(processFileName, "w+");

if(hProcessFile == NULL)
       Fail("Error in opening file to write process results for process [%d]\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT);

//Initialize Process Stats Variables
processStats.operationTime = 0;
processStats.processId = USE_PROCESS_COUNT;
processStats.relationId = RELATION_ID;

//Start Process Time Capture
dwStart = GetTickCount();

//Setup for Thread Result Collection 
statisticsSize = sizeof(struct statistics);
_snprintf(fileName, MAX_PATH, "%d_thread_threadsuspension_%d_.txt", USE_PROCESS_COUNT,RELATION_ID);
hFile = fopen(fileName, "w+");

if(hFile == NULL)
        Fail("Error in opening file to write thread results for process [%d]\n", USE_PROCESS_COUNT);

// For each thread we will log relationid (int), processid (int), operations failed (int), passed (int), total (int)
// and number of ticks (DWORD) for the operations
resultBuffer = new ResultBuffer( 1, statisticsSize);

*	Call the Setup Routine 


//Create WORKER_THREAD_MULTIPLIER_COUNT Instances of each type of worker thread

	     * Create readfile thread
	    hThread[0][i] = CreateThread(

	    if ( NULL == hThread[0][i] ) 
		Fail ( "CreateThread() returned NULL.  Failing test.\n"
		       "GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());   

	     * Create Enter and Leave Critical Section Thread
	    hThread[1][i] = CreateThread(

	    if ( NULL == hThread[1][i] ) 
		Fail ( "CreateThread() returned NULL.  Failing test.\n"
		       "GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());   

	     * Create Allocate and Free Memory Thread
	    hThread[2][i] = CreateThread(

	    if ( NULL == hThread[2][i]) 
		Fail ( "CreateThread() returned NULL.  Failing test.\n"
		       "GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());   

	     * Create Work in tight Loop thread
	    hThread[3][i] = CreateThread(

	    if ( NULL == hThread[3][i]) 
		Fail ( "CreateThread() returned NULL.  Failing test.\n"
		       "GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());   


     * Create Main test case thread that Suspends and Resumes Threads
    hMainThread = CreateThread(

    if ( NULL == hMainThread ) 
	Fail ( "CreateThread() returned NULL.  Failing test.\n"
	       "GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());   

* Set Event to allow all threads to start 

if (0==SetEvent(g_hEvent))
	Fail ( "SetEvent returned Zero.  Failing test.\n"
	       "GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());  

 * Wait for main thread to complete
 if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject (hMainThread, INFINITE))
 		Fail ("Main: Wait for Single Object (mainThread) failed.  Failing test.\n"
	       "GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());  

//Get the end time of the process
processStats.operationTime = GetTickCount() - dwStart;

//Write Process Result Contents to File
if(hProcessFile!= NULL)
            fprintf(hProcessFile, "%d,%lu,%d\n", processStats.processId, processStats.operationTime, processStats.relationId );

if (0!=fclose(hProcessFile))
	Fail("Unable to write process results to file"
		"GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());

//Write to log file
//Trace("# of Read File Operations %d\n", g_readfileoperation);
//Trace("# of Enter and Leace CS Operations %d\n", g_enterleavecsoperation);
//Trace("# of Do Work In Tight Loop Operations %d\n", g_doworintightloop);
//Trace("# of Allocate and Free Operations %d\n", g_allocatefreeoperation);

//Write Thread Result Contents to File
if(hFile!= NULL)
        for( i = 0; i < 1; i++ )
            buffer = (struct statistics *)resultBuffer->getResultBuffer(i);
            fprintf(hFile, "%d,%d,%d,%d,%lu,%d\n", buffer->processId, buffer->operationsFailed, buffer->operationsPassed, buffer->operationsTotal, buffer->operationTime, buffer->relationId );

if (0!=fclose(hFile))
	Fail("Unable to write thread results to file"
		"GetLastError returned %d\n", GetLastError());


if (failFlag == TRUE)
	return FAIL;
	return PASS;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  int i, Sense;
  long lj;
  char s[513];

  GetParameters (ControllerNumber);
  Roll.CurrentAdjustedReading = 0;
  Roll.LastRawReading = 0;
  Pitch.CurrentAdjustedReading = 0;
  Pitch.LastRawReading = 0;
  Yaw.CurrentAdjustedReading = 0;
  Yaw.LastRawReading = 0;

  fprintf (stdout, "yaACA3 Apollo ACA simulation, ver " VER(NVER) ", built " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "Copyright 2009 by Ronald S. Burkey\n");
  fprintf (stdout, "Refer to http://www.ibiblio.org/apollo/index.html for more information.\n");
  Portnum = 19803;  
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
    if (1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--ip=%s", s))
	strcpy (NonDefaultHostname, s);
	Hostname = NonDefaultHostname;
    else if (1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--port=%ld", &lj))
	Portnum = lj;
	if (Portnum <= 0 || Portnum >= 0x10000)
	    fprintf (stdout, "The --port switch is out of range.  Must be 1-64K.\n");
	    goto Help;
    else if (1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--delay=%ld", &lj))
	StartupDelay = lj;
    else if (1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--controller=%ld", &lj))
	if (lj < 0 || lj > 1)
	    fprintf (stdout, "Only --controller=0 and --controller=1 are allowed.\n");
	    goto Help;
	  ControllerNumber = lj;
    else if (1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--pitch=-%ld", &lj))
         Pitch.PositiveSense = 0;
         Pitch.Axis = lj;
	 CfgExisted = 0;
    else if (1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--pitch=+%ld", &lj) ||
    	     1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--pitch=%ld", &lj))
         Pitch.PositiveSense = 1;
         Pitch.Axis = lj;
	 CfgExisted = 0;
    else if (1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--roll=-%ld", &lj))
         Roll.PositiveSense = 0;
         Roll.Axis = lj;
	 CfgExisted = 0;
    else if (1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--roll=+%ld", &lj) ||
    	     1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--roll=%ld", &lj))
         Roll.PositiveSense = 1;
         Roll.Axis = lj;
	 CfgExisted = 0;
    else if (1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--yaw=-%ld", &lj))
         Yaw.PositiveSense = 0;
         Yaw.Axis = lj;
	 CfgExisted = 0;
    else if (1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--yaw=+%ld", &lj) ||
    	     1 == sscanf (argv[i], "--yaw=%ld", &lj))
         Yaw.PositiveSense = 1;
         Yaw.Axis = lj;
	 CfgExisted = 0;
	fprintf (stdout, "USAGE:\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tyaACA3 [OPTIONS]\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "The available options are:\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "--ip=Hostname\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tThe yaACA2 program and the yaAGC Apollo Guidance Computer simulation\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\texist in a \"client/server\" relationship, in which the yaACA2 program\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tneeds to be aware of the IP address or symbolic name of the host \n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tcomputer running the yaAGC program.  By default, this is \"localhost\",\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tmeaning that both yaACA2 and yaAGC are running on the same computer.\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "--port=Portnumber\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tBy default, yaACA2 attempts to connect to the yaAGC program using port\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tnumber %d.  However, if more than one instance of yaACA2 is being\n",
	fprintf (stdout, "\trun, or if yaAGC has been configured to listen on different ports, then\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tdifferent port settings for yaACA2 are needed.  Note that by default,\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tyaAGC listens for new connections on ports %d-%d.\n",
		19697, 19697 + 10 - 1);
	fprintf (stdout, "--delay=N\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\t\"Start-up delay\", in ms.  Defaults to %d.  What the start-up\n", StartupDelay);
	fprintf (stdout, "\tdelay does is to prevent yaACA2 from attempting to communicate with\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tyaAGC for a brief time after power-up.  This option is really only\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tuseful in Win32, to work around a problem with race-conditions at\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tstart-up.\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "--roll=N\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "--pitch=N\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "--yaw=N\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tThese options allow you to relate the axis numbers (0, 1, ...) by\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\twhich the joystick controller works to physical axes (pitch, roll,\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tyaw) by which the spacecraft works.  In almost all cases --roll=0\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tand --pitch=1 (the defaultswill be correct, but the --yaw=N setting\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tvaries from target platform to target platform, and joystick model\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tto joystick model.  Once you use these command-line switches once,\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tthe settings are saved to a configuration file and you don't have\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tto use them again.  The axis-number N can optionally be preceded by\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\ta \'-\' to indicate that the sense of the axis is reversed from the\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tdefault expectation.  For example, if axis 5 was used for yaw, but\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tyou found you were getting yaw left where you expected yaw-right, you\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tshould use--yaw=-5 rather than --yaw=5.\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "--controller=N\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tIn case there are two joystick controllers attached, this allows\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tselection of just one of them.  The default is N=0, but N=1 is also\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tallowed.  If there are more than two attached, only the first two can\n");
	fprintf (stdout, "\tbe accessed.\n");
	return (1);
  if (!CfgExisted)
    WriteParameters (ControllerNumber);

  // Now we start polling the joystick from time to time.  The way Allegro works is to 
  // maintain an array containing info on each joystick.  This array is updated only when
  // poll_joystick is called (which you have to do explicitly).  To see what has changed,
  // we maintain a copy of the joy[] array.
  while (1)
      // Sleep for a while so that this job won't monopolize CPU cycles.
#ifdef WIN32
      Sleep (UPDATE_INTERVAL);	    
#else // WIN32
      struct timespec req, rem;
      req.tv_sec = 0;
      req.tv_nsec = 1000000 * UPDATE_INTERVAL;
      nanosleep (&req, &rem);
#endif // WIN32

      ServiceJoystick_sdl ();			// Get joystick physical values.
      if (Initialization >= 2)
	  UpdateJoystick ();			// Translate physical to logical values.
	  PrintJoy ();				// Display them locally.
      PulseACA ();				// Manage server connection.

#ifndef SOLARIS
  return (0);
DllExport bool GWFile::Receive(char **stamp, void **data, long *numOfBytes)
	char *trackName = CreateFullName(GetParameters(), "track.dat");

	FILE *trackFile = _fsopen(trackName, "r+", _SH_DENYRW);

	int fileNumber = 1;

	if(trackFile) {
		fscanf(trackFile, "%d", &fileNumber);

	} else { 
		delete trackName;


	char shortName[32];
	sprintf(shortName, "record%d.dat", fileNumber);

	char *fileName = CreateFullName(GetParameters(), shortName);

	FILE *dataFile = _fsopen(fileName, "rb", _SH_DENYRW);

	if(!dataFile) {
		fprintf(trackFile, "%d\n", fileNumber+1);


		delete trackName;
		delete fileName;

	size_t stampSize = 0;

	fread(&stampSize, sizeof(stampSize), 1, dataFile);

	*stamp = new char[stampSize];

	fread(*stamp, stampSize, 1, dataFile);

	fread(numOfBytes, sizeof(*numOfBytes), 1, dataFile);

	if(*numOfBytes) {
		*data = malloc(*numOfBytes);

		fread(*data, *numOfBytes, 1, dataFile);
	} else { 
		*data = NULL;



	fprintf(trackFile, "%d\n", fileNumber);


	delete trackName;
	delete fileName;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   struct tms tmsstart, tmsend;
   clock_t startTime, endTime;
   static long clktck = 0;
   time_t iterationStartTime;
   time_t iterationEndTime;
   SubList *subList;
   Substructure *normSub = NULL;
   Parameters *parameters;
   FILE *outputFile;
   ULONG iteration;
   BOOLEAN done;

   clktck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
   startTime = times(&tmsstart);
   printf("GBAD %s\n\n", GBAD_VERSION);
   parameters = GetParameters(argc, argv);

   // compress positive graphs with predefined subs, if given
   if (parameters->numPreSubs > 0)


   if (parameters->iterations > 1)
      printf("----- Iteration 1 -----\n\n");

   iteration = 1;
   parameters->currentIteration = iteration;
   done = FALSE;

   while ((iteration <= parameters->iterations) && (!done))
      iterationStartTime = time(NULL);
      if (iteration > 1)
         printf("----- Iteration %lu -----\n\n", iteration);

      printf("%lu positive graphs: %lu vertices, %lu edges",
             parameters->numPosEgs, parameters->posGraph->numVertices,

      if (parameters->evalMethod == EVAL_MDL)
         printf(", %.0f bits\n", parameters->posGraphDL);
      printf("%lu unique labels\n", parameters->labelList->numLabels);

      if ((parameters->prob) && (iteration > 1))
         // If GBAD-P option chosen, after the first iteration, we no longer
         // care about minsize of maxsize after the first iteration (if the
         // user specified these parameters), as we are just dealing with
         // single extensions from the normative - so set it to where we
         // just look at substructures that are composed of the normative
         // pattern (SUB_) and the single vertex extension.
         parameters->minVertices = 1;
         parameters->maxVertices = 2;
      // If the user has specified a normative pattern, on the first iteration
      // need to save the top-N substructures, where N is what the user
      // specified with the -norm parameter.
      ULONG saveNumBestSubs = parameters->numBestSubs;
      if ((iteration == 1) && (!parameters->noAnomalyDetection) &&
          (parameters->norm > parameters->numBestSubs))
         parameters->numBestSubs = parameters->norm;
      // -prune is useful to get to the initial normative pattern, but 
      // possibly detremental to discovering anomalies... so, turn off 
      // pruning (in case it was turned on), so that it is not used in 
      // future iterations.
      if ((parameters->prob) && (iteration > 1))
         parameters->prune = FALSE;
      subList = DiscoverSubs(parameters, iteration);

      // Now that we have the best substructure(s), return the user
      // specified number of best substructures to its original value.
      if (iteration == 1)
         parameters->numBestSubs = saveNumBestSubs;

      if (subList->head == NULL) 
         done = TRUE;
         printf("No substructures found.\n\n");
         // GBAD-MDL
         if (parameters->mdl)

         // GBAD-MPS
         if (parameters->mps)

         // GBAD-P
         if (parameters->prob)
            normSub = GBAD_P(subList,iteration,parameters);

         // write output to stdout
         if (parameters->outputLevel > 1) 
            printf("\nBest %lu substructures:\n\n", CountSubs (subList));
            PrintSubList(subList, parameters);
            printf("\nBest substructure: ");
            if ((CountSubs(subList) > 0) && (subList->head->sub != NULL))
               PrintSub(subList->head->sub, parameters);

         // write machine-readable output to file, if given
         if (parameters->outputToFile) 
            outputFile = fopen(parameters->outFileName, "a");
            if (outputFile == NULL) 
               printf("WARNING: unable to write to output file %s,",
               parameters->outputToFile = FALSE;
            WriteGraphToFile(outputFile, subList->head->sub->definition,
                             parameters->labelList, 0, 0,

         if (iteration < parameters->iterations) 
         {                                    // Another iteration?
            if (parameters->evalMethod == EVAL_SETCOVER) 
               printf("Removing positive examples covered by");
               printf(" best substructure.\n\n");
               RemovePosEgsCovered(subList->head->sub, parameters);
               // For the GBAD-P algorithm, multiple iterations will need
               // to be performed, and if it is the first iteration
	       // AND the user has specified a different normative
	       // pattern (other than the best one), we need to 
	       // use the substructure that was set above.
	       if ((iteration == 1) && (parameters->prob))
	          printf("Compressing graph by best substructure (%lu):\n",
                  CompressFinalGraphs(normSub, parameters, 
	                              iteration, FALSE);
               } else
                  CompressFinalGraphs(subList->head->sub, parameters, 
	                              iteration, FALSE);

            // check for stopping condition
            // if set-covering, then no more positive examples
            // if MDL or size, then positive graph contains no edges
            if (parameters->evalMethod == EVAL_SETCOVER) 
               if (parameters->numPosEgs == 0) 
                  done = TRUE;
                  printf("Ending iterations - ");
                  printf("all positive examples covered.\n\n");
               if (parameters->posGraph->numEdges == 0) 
                  done = TRUE;
                  printf("Ending iterations - graph fully compressed.\n\n");
         if ((iteration == parameters->iterations) && (parameters->compress))
            if (parameters->evalMethod == EVAL_SETCOVER)
               WriteUpdatedGraphToFile(subList->head->sub, parameters);
               WriteCompressedGraphToFile(subList->head->sub, parameters,

      // Need to store information regarding initial best substructure, for use
      // in future GBAD-P calculations
      if ((parameters->prob) && (iteration == 1) && (subList->head != NULL))
         parameters->numPreviousInstances = subList->head->sub->numInstances;
      if ((parameters->prob) && (iteration > 1) && (subList->head != NULL))
         parameters->numPreviousInstances = subList->head->sub->numInstances;

      if (parameters->iterations > 1) 
         iterationEndTime = time(NULL);
         printf("Elapsed time for iteration %lu = %lu seconds.\n\n",
         iteration, (iterationEndTime - iterationStartTime));
      parameters->currentIteration = iteration;
   endTime = times(&tmsend);
   printf("\nGBAD done (elapsed CPU time = %7.2f seconds).\n",
          (endTime - startTime) / (double) clktck);
   return 0;