- adding instance into manager
- called from DungeonMap::Add, _LoadBoundInstances, LoadGroups
MapPersistentState* MapPersistentStateManager::AddPersistentState(MapEntry const* mapEntry, uint32 instanceId, Difficulty difficulty, time_t resetTime, bool canReset, bool load /*=false*/, bool initPools /*= true*/, uint32 completedEncountersMask /*= 0*/)
    if (MapPersistentState *old_save = GetPersistentState(mapEntry->MapID, instanceId))
        return old_save;

    if (mapEntry->IsDungeon())
        if (!resetTime || resetTime < time(NULL))
            // initialize reset time
            // for normal instances if no creatures are killed the instance will reset in two hours
            if (mapEntry->map_type == MAP_RAID || difficulty > DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL)
                resetTime = m_Scheduler.GetResetTimeFor(mapEntry->MapID, difficulty);
                resetTime = time(NULL) + 2 * HOUR;
                // normally this will be removed soon after in DungeonMap::Add, prevent error
                m_Scheduler.ScheduleReset(true, resetTime, DungeonResetEvent(RESET_EVENT_NORMAL_DUNGEON, mapEntry->MapID, difficulty, instanceId));

    DEBUG_LOG("MapPersistentStateManager::AddPersistentState: mapid = %d, instanceid = %d, reset time = '" UI64FMTD "', canRset = %u", mapEntry->MapID, instanceId, uint64(resetTime), canReset ? 1 : 0);

    MapPersistentState* state = NULL;
    if (mapEntry->IsDungeon() && instanceId)
        DungeonPersistentState* dungeonState = new DungeonPersistentState(mapEntry->MapID, instanceId, difficulty, resetTime, canReset, completedEncountersMask);
        if (!load)
        state = dungeonState;
    else if (mapEntry->IsBattleGroundOrArena())
        state = new BattleGroundPersistentState(mapEntry->MapID, instanceId, difficulty);
    else if (!instanceId)
        state = new WorldPersistentState(mapEntry->MapID);
        sLog.outError("MapPersistentStateManager::AddPersistentState cannot create persistent state for mapid = %d, instanceid = %d, reset time = %ld, canReset = %u", mapEntry->MapID, instanceId, resetTime, canReset ? 1 : 0);
        return state;

    if (state && instanceId)
        m_instanceSaveByInstanceId[instanceId] = state;
    else if (state && !instanceId)
        m_instanceSaveByMapId[mapEntry->MapID] = state;

    if (state && initPools)

    if (state)
        sWorldStateMgr.CreateInstanceState(mapEntry->MapID, instanceId);

    return state;
- adding instance into manager
- called from DungeonMap::Add, _LoadBoundInstances, LoadGroups
MapPersistentState* MapPersistentStateManager::AddPersistentState(MapEntry const* mapEntry, uint32 instanceId, time_t resetTime, bool canReset, bool load /*=false*/, bool initPools /*= true*/)
    if (MapPersistentState *old_save = GetPersistentState(mapEntry->MapID, instanceId))
        return old_save;

    if (mapEntry->IsDungeon())
        if (!resetTime)
            // initialize reset time
            // for normal instances if no creatures are killed the instance will reset in two hours
            if(mapEntry->map_type == MAP_RAID)
                resetTime = m_Scheduler.GetResetTimeFor(mapEntry->MapID);
                resetTime = time(NULL) + 2 * HOUR;
                // normally this will be removed soon after in DungeonMap::Add, prevent error
                m_Scheduler.ScheduleReset(true, resetTime, DungeonResetEvent(RESET_EVENT_NORMAL_DUNGEON, mapEntry->MapID, instanceId));

    DEBUG_LOG("MapPersistentStateManager::AddPersistentState: mapid = %d, instanceid = %d, reset time = %u, canRset = %u", mapEntry->MapID, instanceId, resetTime, canReset ? 1 : 0);

    MapPersistentState *state;
    if (mapEntry->IsDungeon())
        DungeonPersistentState* dungeonState = new DungeonPersistentState(mapEntry->MapID, instanceId, resetTime, canReset);
        if (!load)
        state = dungeonState;
    else if (mapEntry->IsBattleGround())
        state = new BattleGroundPersistentState(mapEntry->MapID, instanceId);
        state = new WorldPersistentState(mapEntry->MapID);

    if (instanceId)
        m_instanceSaveByInstanceId[instanceId] = state;
        m_instanceSaveByMapId[mapEntry->MapID] = state;

    if (initPools)

    return state;