 *  Check to see if the input CPU supports L3 dependent features.
 * @param[in]    L3FeatureServices   L3 Feature family services.
 * @param[in]    Socket              Processor socket to check.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader           Config Handle for library, services.
 * @param[in]    PlatformConfig      Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @retval       TRUE                L3 dependent features are supported.
 * @retval       FALSE               L3 dependent features are not supported.
F10IsL3FeatureSupported (
  IN       L3_FEATURE_FAMILY_SERVICES *L3FeatureServices,
  IN       UINT32 Socket,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader,
  UINT32       Module;
  UINT32       LocalPciRegister;
  BOOLEAN      IsSupported;
  PCI_ADDR     PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredStatus;

  IsSupported = FALSE;

  if (PlatformConfig->PlatformProfile.UseHtAssist) {
  for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredStatus)) {
      PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
      PciAddress.Address.Register = NB_CAPS_REG;
      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
      if (((NB_CAPS_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->L3Capable == 1) {
        IsSupported = TRUE;
  return IsSupported;
 * Multisocket call to determine if the BIOS is responsible for updating the
 * northbridge operating frequency and voltage.
 * This function loops through all possible socket locations, checking whether
 * any populated sockets require NB COF VID programming.
 * @param[in]  StdHeader         Config handle for library and services
 * @retval     TRUE    BIOS needs to set up NB frequency and voltage
 * @retval     FALSE   BIOS does not need to set up NB frequency and voltage
GetSystemNbCofVidUpdateMulti (
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT8    Module;
  UINT32   Socket;
  UINT32   NumberOfSockets;
  BOOLEAN  IgnoredBool;
  BOOLEAN  AtLeast1RequiresUpdate;
  PCI_ADDR PciAddress;
  CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices;

  NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

  AtLeast1RequiresUpdate = FALSE;
  for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
    if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
      GetCpuServicesOfSocket (Socket, (CONST CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
      for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
        if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, (UINT8) Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &Ignored)) {
      if (FamilySpecificServices->IsNbCofInitNeeded (FamilySpecificServices, &PciAddress, &IgnoredBool, StdHeader)) {
        AtLeast1RequiresUpdate = TRUE;
  return AtLeast1RequiresUpdate;
 *  Writes to all nodes on the executing core's socket.
 *  @param[in]     PciAddress    The Function and Register to update
 *  @param[in]     Mask          The bitwise AND mask to apply to the current register value
 *  @param[in]     Data          The bitwise OR mask to apply to the current register value
 *  @param[in]     StdHeader     Header for library and services.
ModifyCurrSocketPciMulti (
  IN       PCI_ADDR               *PciAddress,
  IN       UINT32                 Mask,
  IN       UINT32                 Data,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 Module;
  UINT32 Core;
  UINT32 LocalPciRegister;
  AGESA_STATUS AgesaStatus;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &AgesaStatus);

  for (Module = 0; Module < (UINT8)GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &Reg, &AgesaStatus)) {
      Reg.Address.Function = PciAddress->Address.Function;
      Reg.Address.Register = PciAddress->Address.Register;
      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, Reg, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
      LocalPciRegister &= Mask;
      LocalPciRegister |= Data;
      LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, Reg, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
 * Family 15h Kaveri core 0 entry point for performing the necessary steps after
 * a warm reset has occurred.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *   1.    Temp1=D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis].
 *   2.    Temp2=D18F5x170[NbPstateDisOnP0].
 *   3.    Temp3=D18F5x170[NbPstateThreshold].
 *   4.    Temp4=D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis].
 *   5.    If MSRC001_0070[NbPstate]=0, go to step 6. If MSRC001_0070[NbPstate]=1, go to step 11.
 *   6.    Write 1 to D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis].
 *   7.    Write 0 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis, NbPstateDisOnP0, NbPstateThreshold].
 *   8.    Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateLo] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateLo].
 *   9.    Set D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis]=1.
 *   10.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateHi] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateHi]. Go to step 15.
 *   11.   Write 1 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis].
 *   12.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateHi] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateHi].
 *   13.   Write 0 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis, NbPstateDisOnP0, NbPstateThreshold].
 *   14.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateLo] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateLo].
 *   15.   Set D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis]=Temp1, D18F5x170[NbPstateDisOnP0]=Temp2, D18F5x170[NbP-
 *         stateThreshold]=Temp3, and D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis]=Temp4.
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParamsPtr       Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F15KvPmNbAfterReset (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParamsPtr,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  UINT32    Socket;
  UINT32    Module;
  UINT32    Core;
  UINT32    TaskedCore;
  UINT32    Ignored;
  AP_TASK   TaskPtr;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  F15KvPmNbAfterReset\n");

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);

  ASSERT (Core == 0);

  // Launch one core per node.
  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTask = F15KvPmNbAfterResetOnCore;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 0;
  TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
  for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetGivenModuleCoreRange (Socket, Module, &TaskedCore, &Ignored, StdHeader)) {
      if (TaskedCore != 0) {
        ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8) Socket, (UINT8) TaskedCore, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);
  ApUtilTaskOnExecutingCore (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, (VOID *) CpuEarlyParamsPtr);
 *  Check to see if the input CPU supports HT Assist.
 * @param[in]    HtAssistServices    HT Assist family services.
 * @param[in]    Socket              Processor socket to check.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader           Config Handle for library, services.
 * @retval       TRUE               HT Assist is supported.
 * @retval       FALSE              HT Assist cannot be enabled.
F10IsHtAssistSupported (
  IN       HT_ASSIST_FAMILY_SERVICES *HtAssistServices,
  IN       UINT32 Socket,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32       Module;
  UINT32       PciRegister;
  BOOLEAN      IsSupported;
  PCI_ADDR     PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredStatus;

  IsSupported = FALSE;
  for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredStatus)) {
      PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
      PciAddress.Address.Register = NB_CAPS_REG;
      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
      if (((NB_CAPS_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->L3Capable == 1) {
        IsSupported = TRUE;
  return IsSupported;
 * Clear EnableCf8ExtCfg on all socket
 * Clear F3x8C bit 14 EnableCf8ExtCfg
 * @param[in]  StdHeader         Config handle for library and services
DisableCf8ExtCfg (
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS   *StdHeader
  AGESA_STATUS  AgesaStatus;
  PCI_ADDR PciAddress;
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 Module;
  UINT32 PciData;
  UINT32 LegacyPciAccess;

  ASSERT (IsBsp (StdHeader, &AgesaStatus));

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); Socket++) {
    for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
      if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &AgesaStatus)) {
        PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
        PciAddress.Address.Register = NB_CFG_HIGH_REG;
        LegacyPciAccess = ((1 << 31) + (PciAddress.Address.Register & 0xFC) + (PciAddress.Address.Function << 8) + (PciAddress.Address.Device << 11) + (PciAddress.Address.Bus << 16) + ((PciAddress.Address.Register & 0xF00) << (24 - 8)));
        // read from PCI register
        LibAmdIoWrite (AccessWidth32, IOCF8, &LegacyPciAccess, StdHeader);
        LibAmdIoRead (AccessWidth32, IOCFC, &PciData, StdHeader);
        // Disable Cf8ExtCfg
        PciData &= 0xFFFFBFFF;
        // write to PCI register
        LibAmdIoWrite (AccessWidth32, IOCF8, &LegacyPciAccess, StdHeader);
        LibAmdIoWrite (AccessWidth32, IOCFC, &PciData, StdHeader);
 * This routine checks whether any non-coherent links in the system
 * runs in HT1 mode; used to determine whether certain features
 * should be disabled when this routine returns TRUE.
 * @param[in]      StdHeader  Standard AMD configuration parameters.
 * @retval         TRUE       One of the non-coherent links in the
 *                            system runs in HT1 mode
 * @retval         FALSE      None of the non-coherent links in the
 *                            system is running in HT1 mode
IsNonCoherentHt1 (
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINTN                 Link;
  UINT32                Socket;
  UINT32                Module;
  PCI_ADDR              PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS          AgesaStatus;
  HT_HOST_FEATS         HtHostFeats;

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); Socket++) {
    if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
      GetCpuServicesOfSocket (Socket, &CpuServices, StdHeader);
      for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
        if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &AgesaStatus)) {
          HtHostFeats.HtHostValue = 0;
          Link = 0;
          while (CpuServices->GetNextHtLinkFeatures (CpuServices, &Link, &PciAddress, &HtHostFeats, StdHeader)) {
            // Return TRUE and exit routine once we find a non-coherent link in HT1
            if ((HtHostFeats.HtHostFeatures.NonCoherent == 1) && (HtHostFeats.HtHostFeatures.Ht1 == 1)) {
              return TRUE;

  return FALSE;
文件: IdsLib.c 项目: B-Rich/coreboot
 * Ids Write PCI register to All node
 * @param[in] PciAddress    Pci address
 * @param[in]   Highbit       High bit position of the field in DWORD
 * @param[in]   Lowbit        Low bit position of the field in DWORD
 * @param[in] Value         Pointer to input value
 * @param[in] StdHeader     Standard configuration header
IdsLibPciWriteBitsToAllNode (
  IN       PCI_ADDR PciAddress,
  IN       UINT8 Highbit,
  IN       UINT8 Lowbit,
  IN       UINT32 *Value,
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 Module;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoreStatus;
  PCI_ADDR PciAddr;

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); Socket++) {
    for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
      if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddr, &IgnoreStatus)) {
        PciAddr.Address.Function = PciAddress.Address.Function;
        PciAddr.Address.Register = PciAddress.Address.Register;
        LibAmdPciWriteBits (PciAddr, Highbit, Lowbit, Value, StdHeader);
 * A Family Specific Workaround method, to sync internal node 1 SbiAddr setting.
 * @param[in] Data      The table data value (unused in this routine)
 * @param[in] StdHeader Config handle for library and services
F10RevDSyncInternalNode1SbiAddr (
  IN       UINT32            Data,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32       Socket;
  UINT32       Module;
  UINT32       DataOr;
  UINT32       DataAnd;
  UINT32       ModuleType;
  PCI_ADDR     PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS AgesaStatus;
  UINT32       SyncToModule;
  AP_MAIL_INFO ApMailboxInfo;
  UINT32       LocalPciRegister;

  ApMailboxInfo.Info = 0;

  GetApMailbox (&ApMailboxInfo.Info, StdHeader);
  ASSERT (ApMailboxInfo.Fields.Socket < MAX_SOCKETS);
  ASSERT (ApMailboxInfo.Fields.Module < MAX_DIES);
  Socket = ApMailboxInfo.Fields.Socket;
  Module = ApMailboxInfo.Fields.Module;
  ModuleType = ApMailboxInfo.Fields.ModuleType;

  // sync is just needed on multinode cpu
  if (ModuleType != 0) {
    // check if it is internal node 0 of every socket
    if (Module == 0) {
      if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &AgesaStatus)) {
        PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
        PciAddress.Address.Register = 0x1E4;
        // read internal node 0 F3x1E4[6:4]
        LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
        DataOr = LocalPciRegister & ((UINT32) (7 << 4));
        DataAnd = ~(UINT32) (7 << 4);
        for (SyncToModule = 1; SyncToModule < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); SyncToModule++) {
          if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, SyncToModule, &PciAddress, &AgesaStatus)) {
            PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
            PciAddress.Address.Register = 0x1E4;
            // sync the other internal node F3x1E4[6:4]
            LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
            LocalPciRegister &= DataAnd;
            LocalPciRegister |= DataOr;
            LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
 *  InitializeCacheFlushOnHaltFeature
 *    CPU feature leveling. Enable Cpu Cache Flush On Halt Function
 *    @param[in]       EntryPoint       Timepoint designator.
 *    @param[in]       PlatformConfig   Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 *    @param[in,out]   StdHeader        Pointer to AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS struct.
 *    @return          The most severe status of any family specific service.
InitializeCacheFlushOnHaltFeature (
  IN       UINT64                 EntryPoint,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
  IN OUT   AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 Module;
  UINT32 AndMask;
  UINT32 OrMask;
  UINT32 PciRegister;
  PCI_ADDR PciAddress;
  PCI_ADDR CfohPciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS AgesaStatus;
  CPU_CFOH_FAMILY_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices;

  ASSERT (IsBsp (StdHeader, &AgesaStatus));

  FamilySpecificServices = NULL;
  AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  OrMask = 0x00000000;
  PciRegister = 0;
  AgesaStatus = AGESA_SUCCESS;

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); Socket++) {
    if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {

      // Get services for the socket
      GetFeatureServicesOfSocket (&CacheFlushOnHaltFamilyServiceTable, Socket, (CONST VOID **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
      if (FamilySpecificServices != NULL) {
        FamilySpecificServices->GetCacheFlushOnHaltRegister (FamilySpecificServices, &CfohPciAddress, &AndMask, &OrMask, StdHeader);

        // Get the Or Mask value from IDS
        IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_CACHE_FLUSH_HLT, &OrMask, StdHeader);

        // Set Cache Flush On Halt register
        for (Module = 0; Module < (UINT8)GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
          if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &AgesaStatus)) {
            PciAddress.Address.Function = CfohPciAddress.Address.Function;
            PciAddress.Address.Register = CfohPciAddress.Address.Register;
            LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
            PciRegister &= AndMask;
            PciRegister |= OrMask;
            LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
  return AgesaStatus;
 * Multisocket call to loop through all possible socket locations and Nb Pstates,
 * comparing the NB frequencies to determine the slowest system and P0 frequency
 * @param[in]  PlatformConfig      Platform profile/build option config structure.
 * @param[out] MinSysNbFreq        NB frequency numerator for the system in MHz
 * @param[out] MinP0NbFreq         NB frequency numerator for P0 in MHz
 * @param[in]  StdHeader           Config handle for library and services
GetMinNbCofMulti (
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
     OUT   UINT32                 *MinSysNbFreq,
     OUT   UINT32                 *MinP0NbFreq,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  UINT32                Socket;
  UINT32                Module;
  UINT32                CurrMinFreq;
  UINT32                CurrMaxFreq;
  PCI_ADDR              PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS          Ignored;
  CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices;
  AGESA_STATUS AgesaStatus;

  *MinSysNbFreq = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  *MinP0NbFreq  = 0xFFFFFFFF;

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); Socket++) {
    if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
      GetCpuServicesOfSocket (Socket, (CONST CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
      for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
        if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &Ignored )) {

      AgesaStatus = FamilySpecificServices->GetMinMaxNbFrequency (FamilySpecificServices,
      ASSERT (AgesaStatus == AGESA_SUCCESS);
      ASSERT ((CurrMinFreq != 0) && (CurrMaxFreq != 0));
      // Determine the slowest NB Pmin frequency
      if (CurrMinFreq < *MinSysNbFreq) {
        *MinSysNbFreq = CurrMinFreq;

      // Determine the slowest NB P0 frequency
      if (CurrMaxFreq < *MinP0NbFreq) {
        *MinP0NbFreq = CurrMaxFreq;
 *  Check to see if the input CPU is running in the optimal configuration.
 * @param[in]    HtAssistServices    HT Assist family services.
 * @param[in]    Socket              Processor socket to check.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader           Config Handle for library, services.
 * @retval       TRUE               HT Assist is running sub-optimally.
 * @retval       FALSE              HT Assist is running optimally.
F10IsNonOptimalConfig (
  IN       HT_ASSIST_FAMILY_SERVICES *HtAssistServices,
  IN       UINT32 Socket,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  BOOLEAN      IsNonOptimal;
  BOOLEAN      IsMemoryPresent;
  UINT32       Module;
  UINT32       PciRegister;
  PCI_ADDR     PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredStatus;

  IsNonOptimal = FALSE;
  for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredStatus)) {
      IsMemoryPresent = FALSE;
      PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_2;
      PciAddress.Address.Register = DRAM_CFG_HI_REG0;

      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
      if (((DRAM_CFG_HI_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->MemClkFreqVal == 1) {
        IsMemoryPresent = TRUE;
        if (((DRAM_CFG_HI_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->MemClkFreq < 4) {
          IsNonOptimal = TRUE;

      PciAddress.Address.Register = DRAM_CFG_HI_REG1;

      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
      if (((DRAM_CFG_HI_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->MemClkFreqVal == 1) {
        IsMemoryPresent = TRUE;
        if (((DRAM_CFG_HI_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->MemClkFreq < 4) {
          IsNonOptimal = TRUE;
      if (!IsMemoryPresent) {
        IsNonOptimal = TRUE;
  return IsNonOptimal;
 * Family 15h Trinity core 0 entry point for performing the necessary steps after
 * a warm reset has occurred.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *   1.    Temp1=D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis].
 *   2.    Temp2=D18F5x170[NbPstateDisOnP0].
 *   3.    Temp3=D18F5x170[NbPstateThreshold].
 *   4.    Temp4=D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis].
 *   5.    If MSRC001_0070[NbPstate]=0, go to step 6. If MSRC001_0070[NbPstate]=1, go to step 11.
 *   6.    Write 1 to D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis].
 *   7.    Write 0 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis, NbPstateDisOnP0, NbPstateThreshold].
 *   8.    Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateLo] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateLo].
 *   9.    Set D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis]=1.
 *   10.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateHi] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateHi]. Go to step 15.
 *   11.   Write 1 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis].
 *   12.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateHi] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateHi].
 *   13.   Write 0 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis, NbPstateDisOnP0, NbPstateThreshold].
 *   14.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateLo] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateLo].
 *   15.   Set D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis]=Temp1, D18F5x170[NbPstateDisOnP0]=Temp2, D18F5x170[NbP-
 *         stateThreshold]=Temp3, and D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis]=Temp4.
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParamsPtr       Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F15TnPmNbAfterReset (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParamsPtr,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  UINT32    Socket;
  UINT32    Module;
  UINT32    Core;
  UINT32    TaskedCore;
  UINT32    Ignored;
  AP_TASK   TaskPtr;
  PCI_ADDR  PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  F15TnPmNbAfterReset\n");

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);

  ASSERT (Core == 0);

  if (FamilySpecificServices->IsNbPstateEnabled (FamilySpecificServices, &CpuEarlyParamsPtr->PlatformConfig, StdHeader)) {
    PciAddress.AddressValue = NB_PSTATE_CTRL_PCI_ADDR;
    Locate.BufferHandle = AMD_CPU_NB_PSTATE_FIXUP_HANDLE;
    if (HeapLocateBuffer (&Locate, StdHeader) == AGESA_SUCCESS) {
      LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, Locate.BufferPtr, StdHeader);
    } else {

  // Launch one core per node.
  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTask = F15TnPmNbAfterResetOnCore;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 0;
  TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
  for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetGivenModuleCoreRange (Socket, Module, &TaskedCore, &Ignored, StdHeader)) {
      if (TaskedCore != 0) {
        ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8) Socket, (UINT8) TaskedCore, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);
  ApUtilTaskOnExecutingCore (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, (VOID *) CpuEarlyParamsPtr);
 *  Hook before the probe filter initialization sequence.
 * @param[in]    HtAssistServices    HT Assist family services.
 * @param[in]    Socket              Processor socket to check.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader           Config Handle for library, services.
F10HookBeforeInit (
  IN       HT_ASSIST_FAMILY_SERVICES *HtAssistServices,
  IN       UINT32 Socket,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32          Module;
  UINT32          PciRegister;
  UINT32          PfCtrlRegister;
  PCI_ADDR        PciAddress;
  CPU_LOGICAL_ID  LogicalId;
  AGESA_STATUS    IgnoredStatus;
  UINT32          PackageType;

  GetLogicalIdOfSocket (Socket, &LogicalId, StdHeader);
  PackageType = LibAmdGetPackageType (StdHeader);

  PciRegister = 0;
  ((PROBE_FILTER_CTRL_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PFWayNum = 2;
  ((PROBE_FILTER_CTRL_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PFSubCacheEn = 15;
  ((PROBE_FILTER_CTRL_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PFLoIndexHashEn = 1;
  for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredStatus)) {
      PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
      PciAddress.Address.Register = PROBE_FILTER_CTRL_REG;
      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PfCtrlRegister, StdHeader);
      ((PROBE_FILTER_CTRL_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PFPreferredSORepl =
        ((PROBE_FILTER_CTRL_REGISTER *) &PfCtrlRegister)->PFPreferredSORepl;
      LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);

      // Assumption: all socket use the same CPU package.
      if (((LogicalId.Revision & AMD_F10_D0) != 0) && (PackageType == PACKAGE_TYPE_C32)) {
        // Apply erratum #384
        // Set F2x11C[13:12] = 11b
        PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_2;
        PciAddress.Address.Register = 0x11C;
        LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
        PciRegister |= 0x3000;
        LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
文件: IdsLib.c 项目: B-Rich/coreboot
 *     This function get start end Module according to input ModuleId
 *     @param[in]   ModuleId   - 0xFF means all nodes, other value Specifies real NodeId
 *     @param[in,out]   StartModule    - Point to start Node
 *     @param[in,out]   EndModule   - Point to end Node
IdsGetStartEndModule (
  IN       UINT8  ModuleId,
  IN OUT   UINT8 *StartModule,
  IN OUT   UINT8 *EndModule
  if (ModuleId == 0xFF) {
    *StartModule = 0;
    *EndModule = (UINT8) (GetPlatformNumberOfSockets () * GetPlatformNumberOfModules () - 1);
    if (*EndModule > 7) {
      *EndModule = 7;
  } else {
    *StartModule = ModuleId;
    *EndModule = ModuleId;
 *  Save the current settings of the scrubbers, and disabled them.
 * @param[in]    HtAssistServices    HT Assist family services.
 * @param[in]    Socket              Processor socket to check.
 * @param[in]    ScrubSettings       Location to store current L3 scrubber settings.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader           Config Handle for library, services.
F10GetL3ScrubCtrl (
  IN       HT_ASSIST_FAMILY_SERVICES *HtAssistServices,
  IN       UINT32 Socket,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32       Module;
  UINT32       ScrubCtrl;
  UINT32       ScrubAddr;
  PCI_ADDR     PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredStatus;

  for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredStatus)) {


      PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
      PciAddress.Address.Register = DRAM_SCRUB_ADDR_LOW_REG;
      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &ScrubAddr, StdHeader);

      PciAddress.Address.Register = SCRUB_RATE_CTRL_REG;
      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &ScrubCtrl, StdHeader);

      ((F10_SCRUB_CONTEXT *) &ScrubSettings[Module])->DramScrub =
        ((SCRUB_RATE_CTRL_REGISTER *) &ScrubCtrl)->DramScrub;
      ((F10_SCRUB_CONTEXT *) &ScrubSettings[Module])->L3Scrub =
        ((SCRUB_RATE_CTRL_REGISTER *) &ScrubCtrl)->L3Scrub;
      ((F10_SCRUB_CONTEXT *) &ScrubSettings[Module])->Redirect =
        ((DRAM_SCRUB_ADDR_LOW_REGISTER *) &ScrubAddr)->ScrubReDirEn;

      ((SCRUB_RATE_CTRL_REGISTER *) &ScrubCtrl)->DramScrub = 0;
      ((SCRUB_RATE_CTRL_REGISTER *) &ScrubCtrl)->L3Scrub = 0;
      ((DRAM_SCRUB_ADDR_LOW_REGISTER *) &ScrubAddr)->ScrubReDirEn = 0;
      LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &ScrubCtrl, StdHeader);
      PciAddress.Address.Register = DRAM_SCRUB_ADDR_LOW_REG;
      LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &ScrubAddr, StdHeader);
 *  Enable the Probe filter feature.
 * @param[in]    HtAssistServices    HT Assist family services.
 * @param[in]    Socket              Processor socket to check.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader           Config Handle for library, services.
F10HtAssistInit (
  IN       HT_ASSIST_FAMILY_SERVICES  *HtAssistServices,
  IN       UINT32  Socket,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  UINT32                     Module;
  UINT32                     PciRegister;
  PCI_ADDR                   PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS               IgnoredStatus;

  for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredStatus)) {
      PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
      PciAddress.Address.Register = L3_CACHE_PARAM_REG;
      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
      ((L3_CACHE_PARAM_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->L3TagInit = 1;
      LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
      do {
        LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
      } while (((L3_CACHE_PARAM_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->L3TagInit != 0);

      PciAddress.Address.Register = PROBE_FILTER_CTRL_REG;
      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
      ((PROBE_FILTER_CTRL_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PFMode = 0;
      LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);

      F10RevDProbeFilterCritical (PciAddress, PciRegister);

      do {
        LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
      } while (((PROBE_FILTER_CTRL_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PFInitDone != 1);
      IDS_OPTION_HOOK (IDS_HT_ASSIST, &PciAddress, StdHeader);
 * Multisocket call to determine the frequency that the northbridges must run.
 * This function loops through all possible socket locations, comparing the
 * maximum NB frequencies to determine the slowest.  This function also
 * determines if all coherent NB frequencies are equivalent.
 * @param[in]  NbPstate                    NB P-state number to check (0 = fastest)
 * @param[in]  PlatformConfig              Platform profile/build option config structure.
 * @param[out] SystemNbCofNumerator        NB frequency numerator for the system in MHz
 * @param[out] SystemNbCofDenominator      NB frequency denominator for the system
 * @param[out] SystemNbCofsMatch           Whether or not all NB frequencies are equivalent
 * @param[out] NbPstateIsEnabledOnAllCPUs  Whether or not NbPstate is valid on all CPUs
 * @param[in]  StdHeader                   Config handle for library and services
 * @retval     TRUE                        At least one processor has NbPstate enabled.
 * @retval     FALSE                       NbPstate is disabled on all CPUs
GetSystemNbCofMulti (
  IN       UINT32 NbPstate,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
     OUT   UINT32 *SystemNbCofNumerator,
     OUT   UINT32 *SystemNbCofDenominator,
     OUT   BOOLEAN *SystemNbCofsMatch,
     OUT   BOOLEAN *NbPstateIsEnabledOnAllCPUs,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32   Socket;
  UINT8    Module;
  UINT32   CurrentNbCof;
  UINT32   CurrentDivisor;
  UINT32   CurrentFreq;
  UINT32   LowFrequency;
  UINT32   Ignored32;
  BOOLEAN  FirstCofNotFound;
  BOOLEAN  NbPstateDisabled;
  BOOLEAN  IsNbPstateEnabledOnAny;
  PCI_ADDR PciAddress;
  CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices;

  // Find the slowest NB COF in the system & whether or not all are equivalent
  LowFrequency = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  *SystemNbCofsMatch = TRUE;
  *NbPstateIsEnabledOnAllCPUs = FALSE;
  IsNbPstateEnabledOnAny = FALSE;
  FirstCofNotFound = TRUE;
  NbPstateDisabled = FALSE;
  for (Socket = 0; Socket < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); Socket++) {
    if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
      GetCpuServicesOfSocket (Socket, (CONST CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
      for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
        if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &Ignored)) {
      if (FamilySpecificServices->GetNbPstateInfo (FamilySpecificServices,
                                                   StdHeader)) {
        ASSERT (CurrentDivisor != 0);
        CurrentFreq = (CurrentNbCof / CurrentDivisor);
        if (FirstCofNotFound) {
          *SystemNbCofNumerator = CurrentNbCof;
          *SystemNbCofDenominator = CurrentDivisor;
          LowFrequency = CurrentFreq;
          IsNbPstateEnabledOnAny = TRUE;
          if (!NbPstateDisabled) {
            *NbPstateIsEnabledOnAllCPUs = TRUE;
          FirstCofNotFound = FALSE;
        } else {
          if (CurrentFreq != LowFrequency) {
            *SystemNbCofsMatch = FALSE;
            if (CurrentFreq < LowFrequency) {
              LowFrequency = CurrentFreq;
              *SystemNbCofNumerator = CurrentNbCof;
              *SystemNbCofDenominator = CurrentDivisor;
      } else {
        NbPstateDisabled = TRUE;
        *NbPstateIsEnabledOnAllCPUs = FALSE;
  return IsNbPstateEnabledOnAny;
 *  Should message-based C1e be enabled
 * @param[in]    PlatformConfig     Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader          Config Handle for library, services.
 * @retval       TRUE               Message-based C1e is supported.
 * @retval       FALSE              Message-based C1e cannot be enabled.
IsMsgBasedC1eFeatureEnabled (
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  UINTN                         Link;
  UINTN                         LinkCount;
  UINT32                        Socket;
  UINT32                        Module;
  BOOLEAN                       IsEnabled;
  PCI_ADDR                      PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS                  AgesaStatus;
  HT_HOST_FEATS                 HtHostFeats;
  CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES         *CpuServices;

  ASSERT (PlatformConfig->C1eMode < MaxC1eMode);

  IsEnabled = FALSE;
  if (PlatformConfig->C1eMode == C1eModeMsgBased) {
    ASSERT (PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData < 0x10000);
    ASSERT (PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData != 0);
    if ((PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData != 0) && (PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData < 0xFFFE)) {
      IsEnabled = TRUE;
      for (Socket = 0; Socket < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); Socket++) {
        if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
          GetFeatureServicesOfSocket (&MsgBasedC1eFamilyServiceTable, Socket, (CONST VOID **)&FamilyServices, StdHeader);
          if ((FamilyServices == NULL) || !FamilyServices->IsMsgBasedC1eSupported (FamilyServices, Socket, StdHeader)) {
            IsEnabled = FALSE;
          } else {
            // If the CPU revision supports message-based C1e, check whether the feature should
            // be disabled based on the speed of ncHT links (HT1).
            GetCpuServicesOfSocket (Socket, &CpuServices, StdHeader);
            for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
              if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &AgesaStatus)) {
                HtHostFeats.HtHostValue = 0;
                for (LinkCount = 0; LinkCount < 8; LinkCount++) {
                  if (FindHtHostCapability (LinkCount, &PciAddress, StdHeader)) {
                    CpuServices->GetHtLinkFeatures (CpuServices, &Link, &PciAddress, &HtHostFeats, StdHeader);
                    if ((HtHostFeats.HtHostFeatures.NonCoherent == 1) && (HtHostFeats.HtHostFeatures.Ht1 == 1)) {
                      IsEnabled = FALSE;
              // Exit for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules; Module++)
              if (!IsEnabled) {
        // Exit for (Socket = 0; Socket < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); Socket++)
        if (!IsEnabled) {
  return IsEnabled;
 *  PStateLevelingMain
 *  Description:
 *     This is the common routine for creating the ACPI information tables.
 *  Parameters:
 *    @param[in,out]    *PStateStrucPtr
 *    @param[in]        *StdHeader
 *    @retval         AGESA_STATUS
PStateLevelingMain (
  IN OUT   S_CPU_AMD_PSTATE   *PStateStrucPtr,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS  *StdHeader
  UINT32                   i;
  UINT32                   k;
  UINT32                   m;
  UINT32                   TotalIterations;
  UINT32                   LogicalSocketCount;
  UINT32                   TempVar_a;
  UINT32                   TempVar_b;
  UINT32                   TempVar_c;
  UINT32                   TempVar_d;
  UINT32                   TempVar_e;
  UINT32                   TempVar_f;
  PCI_ADDR                 PciAddress;

  UINT32                   TempFreqArray[20];
  UINT32                   TempPowerArray[20];
  UINT32                   TempIddValueArray[20];
  UINT32                   TempIddDivArray[20];
  UINT32                   TempSocketPiArray[20];
  UINT32                   TempSwP0Array[MAX_SOCKETS_SUPPORTED];

  BOOLEAN                  TempFlag1;
  BOOLEAN                  TempFlag2;
  BOOLEAN                  TempFlag3;
  BOOLEAN                  TempFlag4;
  BOOLEAN                  AllCoresHaveHtcCapEquToZeroFlag;
  BOOLEAN                  AllCoreHaveMaxOnePStateFlag;
  BOOLEAN                  PstateMaxValEquToPstateHtcLimitFlag;
  BOOLEAN                  AtLeastOneCoreHasPstateHtcLimitEquToOneFlag;
  BOOLEAN                  PstateMaxValMinusHtcPstateLimitLessThan2Flag;
  PSTATE_LEVELING          *PStateBufferPtr;
  PSTATE_LEVELING          *PStateBufferPtrTmp;
  UINT32                   MaxPstateInNode;
  AGESA_STATUS             Status;

  TempFlag1 = FALSE;
  TempFlag2 = FALSE;
  TempFlag3 = FALSE;
  TempFlag4 = FALSE;
  AllCoresHaveHtcCapEquToZeroFlag = FALSE;
  AllCoreHaveMaxOnePStateFlag = FALSE;
  PstateMaxValEquToPstateHtcLimitFlag = FALSE;
  AtLeastOneCoreHasPstateHtcLimitEquToOneFlag = FALSE;
  PstateMaxValMinusHtcPstateLimitLessThan2Flag = FALSE;
  PStateBufferPtr = PStateStrucPtr->PStateLevelingStruc;

  if (PStateBufferPtr[0].SetPState0 == PSTATE_FLAG_1) {
    PStateBufferPtr[0].AllCpusHaveIdenticalPStates = TRUE;
    PStateBufferPtr[0].InitStruct = 1;

  LogicalSocketCount = PStateStrucPtr->TotalSocketInSystem;

  // This section of code will execute only for "core 0" i.e. BSP
  // Read P-States of all the cores.
  if (PStateBufferPtr[0].InitStruct == 0) {
    // Determine 'software' P0 indices for each socket
    for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
      CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
      TempSwP0Array[i] = (UINT32) (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].NumberOfBoostedStates);

    // Check if core frequency and power are same across all sockets.
    TempFlag1 = FALSE;
    m = TempSwP0Array[0];
    for (i = 1; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
      CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
      if ((PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue != PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue)) {
        TempFlag1 = TRUE;
      MaxPstateInNode = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue;
      for (k = TempSwP0Array[i]; k <= MaxPstateInNode; k++, m++) {
        if ((PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[m].CoreFreq !=
             PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[k].CoreFreq) ||
            (PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[m].Power !=
             PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[k].Power)) {
          TempFlag1 = TRUE;
          break; // Come out of the inner FOR loop
      if (TempFlag1) {
        break; // Come out of the outer FOR loop

    if (!TempFlag1) {
      // No need to do pStateLeveling, or writing to pState MSR registers
      // if all CPUs have Identical PStates
      PStateBufferPtr[0].AllCpusHaveIdenticalPStates = TRUE;
      PStateBufferPtr[0].InitStruct = 1;
      PutAllCoreInPState0 (PStateBufferPtr, StdHeader);
    } else {
      PStateBufferPtr[0].AllCpusHaveIdenticalPStates = FALSE;

    // 1_b) & 1_c)
    TempFlag1 = FALSE;
    TempFlag2 = FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
      CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
      if (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue == TempSwP0Array[i]) {
        TempFlag1 = TRUE;
      } else {
        TempFlag2 = TRUE;
      if (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcCapable == 0) {
        TempFlag3 = TRUE;
      } else {
        TempFlag4 = TRUE;

      if ((PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue -
           PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit) < 2) {
        PstateMaxValMinusHtcPstateLimitLessThan2Flag = TRUE;

      if (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue ==
          PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit) {
        PstateMaxValEquToPstateHtcLimitFlag = TRUE;

      if (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit == 1) {
        AtLeastOneCoreHasPstateHtcLimitEquToOneFlag = TRUE;

    // Do general setup of flags, that we may use later
    // Implementation of (1_b)
    if (TempFlag1 && TempFlag2) {
      //Processors with only one enabled P-state (F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]=000b) cannot be mixed in a system with
      //processors with more than one enabled P-state (F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]!=000b).
      PStateBufferPtr[0].InitStruct = 1;
      PStateBufferPtr[0].CreateAcpiTables = 0;
      PutAllCoreInPState0 (PStateBufferPtr, StdHeader);
    } else if (TempFlag1 && !TempFlag2) {
      //all processors have only 1 enabled P-state
      AllCoreHaveMaxOnePStateFlag = TRUE;
      PStateBufferPtr[0].OnlyOneEnabledPState = TRUE;

    // Processors with F3xE8[HTC_CAPABLE] = 1 can not be
    // mixed in system with processors with F3xE8[HTC_CAPABLE] = 0.
    if (TempFlag3 && TempFlag4) {
      PStateBufferPtr[0].InitStruct = 1;
      for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
        CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
        PStateBufferPtrTmp[0].CreateAcpiTables = 0;
      PutAllCoreInPState0 (PStateBufferPtr, StdHeader);

    if (TempFlag3) {
      //If code run to here means that all processors do not have HTC_CAPABLE.
      AllCoresHaveHtcCapEquToZeroFlag = TRUE;

    // S T E P - 2
    // Now run the PState Leveling Algorithm which will create mixed CPU P-State
    // Tables.
    // Follow the algorithm in the latest BKDG
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Match P0 CPU COF for all CPU cores to the lowest P0 CPU COF value in the
    // coherent fabric, and match P0 power for all CPU cores to the highest P0 power
    // value in the coherent fabric.
    // 2_a) If all processors have only 1 enabled P-State BIOS must write the
    //      appropriate CpuFid value resulting from the matched CPU COF to all
    //      copies of MSRC001_0070[CpuFid], and exit the sequence (No further
    //      steps are executed)
    // Identify the lowest P0 Frequency and maximum P0 Power
    TempVar_d = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[0]].CoreFreq;
    TempVar_e = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[0]].Power;
    TempVar_a = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[0]].IddValue;
    TempVar_b = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[0]].IddDiv;

    for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
      CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
      if (TempVar_d > PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[i]].CoreFreq) {
        TempVar_d = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[i]].CoreFreq;

      if (TempVar_e < PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[i]].Power) {
        TempVar_e = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[i]].Power;
        TempVar_a = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[i]].IddValue;
        TempVar_b = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[i]].IddDiv;

    // Set P0 Frequency and Power for all CPUs
    for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
      CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
      PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[i]].CoreFreq = TempVar_d;
      PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[i]].Power = TempVar_e;
      PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[i]].IddValue = TempVar_a;
      PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSwP0Array[i]].IddDiv = TempVar_b;

    // 2_a)
    if (!AllCoreHaveMaxOnePStateFlag) {
      // STEP - 3
      // Match the CPU COF and power for P-states used by HTC. Skip to step 4
      // is any processor reports F3xE8[HTC_Capable] = 0;
      // 3_a) Set F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] = 001b and F3x68[StcPstateLimit] = 001b for
      //      processors with F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] = 000b.
      // 3_b) Identify the lowest CPU COF for all processors in the P-state
      //      pointed to by [The Hardware Thermal Control (HTC) Register]
      //      F3x64[HtcPstateLimit]
      // 3_c) Modify the CPU COF pointed to by [The Hardware Thermal Control
      //      (HTC) Register] F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] for all processors to the
      //      previously identified lowest CPU COF value.
      // 3_d) Identify the highest power for all processors in the P-state
      //      pointed to by [The Hardware Thermal Control (HTC) Register]
      //      F3x64[HtcPstateLimit].
      // 3_e) Modify the power pointed to by [The Hardware Thermal Control (HTC)
      //      Register] F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] to the previously identified
      //      highest power value.
      if (!AllCoresHaveHtcCapEquToZeroFlag) {
        // 3_a)
        for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
          CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
          if (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit == 0) {
            // To Be Done (Set Htc and Stc PstateLimit values)
            // for this CPU (using PCI address space)
            for (k = 0; k < (UINT8)GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); k++) {
              if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, PStateBufferPtrTmp->SocketNumber, k, &PciAddress, &Status)) {
                // Set F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] = 001b
                PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
                PciAddress.Address.Register = HARDWARE_THERMAL_CTRL_REG;
                LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &TempVar_d, StdHeader);
                // Bits 30:28
                TempVar_d = (TempVar_d & 0x8FFFFFFF) | 0x10000000;
                LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &TempVar_d, StdHeader);

                // Set F3x68[StcPstateLimit] = 001b
                PciAddress.Address.Register = SOFTWARE_THERMAL_CTRL_REG;
                LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &TempVar_d, StdHeader);
                // Bits 28:30
                TempVar_d = (TempVar_d & 0x8FFFFFFF) | 0x10000000;
                LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &TempVar_d, StdHeader);
            // Set LocalBuffer
            PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit = 1;
            if ((PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue - 1) < 2) {
              PstateMaxValMinusHtcPstateLimitLessThan2Flag = TRUE;

            if (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue == 1) {
              PstateMaxValEquToPstateHtcLimitFlag = TRUE;

          if (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit == 1) {
            AtLeastOneCoreHasPstateHtcLimitEquToOneFlag = TRUE;

        // 3_b) and 3_d)
        TempVar_a = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit;
        TempVar_d = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].CoreFreq;
        TempVar_e = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].Power;
        TempVar_f = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].IddValue;
        TempVar_c = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].IddDiv;
        for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
          CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
          for (k = 0; k < 1; k++) {
            TempVar_b = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit;
            if (TempVar_d > PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_b].CoreFreq) {
              TempVar_d = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_b].CoreFreq;

            if (TempVar_e < PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_b].Power) {
              TempVar_e = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_b].Power;
              TempVar_f = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_b].IddValue;
              TempVar_c = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_b].IddDiv;

        // 3_c) and 3_e)
        for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
          CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
          TempVar_a = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit;
          PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].CoreFreq = TempVar_d;
          PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].Power = TempVar_e;
          PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].IddValue = TempVar_f;
          PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].IddDiv = TempVar_c;
      } // if(AllCoresHaveHtcCapEquToZeroFlag)

      // STEP - 4
      // Match the CPU COF and power for the lowest performance P-state:
      // 4_a) If F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] = F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] for any processor,
      //      set PstateEn = 0 for all the P-states greater than
      //      F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] for all processors.
      // 4_b) Identify the lowest CPU COF for all processors in the P-state
      //      pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal].
      // 4_c) Modify the CPU COF for all processors in the P-state pointed to by
      //      F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to the previously identified lowest CPU COF
      //      value.
      // 4_d) Identify the highest power for all processors in the P-state
      //      pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal].
      // 4_e) Modify the power for all processors in the P-state pointed to by
      //      F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to the previously identified highest power
      //      value.

      // 4_a)
      if (PstateMaxValEquToPstateHtcLimitFlag) {
        for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
          CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
          TempVar_b = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit + 1;
          for (k = TempVar_b; k <= PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue; k++) {
            PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[k].PStateEnable = 0;
          // STEP - 5
          // 5_a) Modify F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to indicate the lowest performance
          //      P-state with PstateEn set for each processor (Step 4 can disable
          //      P-states pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal])

          // Use this value of HtcPstateLimit to program the
          // F3xDC[pStateMaxValue]
          TempVar_e = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit;
          TempVar_e <<= 8;
          // Bits 10:8

          for (m = 0; m < (UINT8)GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); m++) {
            if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, PStateBufferPtrTmp->SocketNumber, m, &PciAddress, &Status)) {
              PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
              PciAddress.Address.Register = CLOCK_POWER_TIMING_CTRL2_REG;
              LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &TempVar_d, StdHeader);
              TempVar_d = (TempVar_d & 0xFFFFF8FF) | TempVar_e;
              LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &TempVar_d, StdHeader);
          }//End of step 5
      }// End of 4_a)

      // 4_b) and 4_d)
      TempVar_a = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue;
      TempVar_d = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].CoreFreq;
      TempVar_e = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].Power;
      TempVar_f = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].IddValue;
      TempVar_c = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].IddDiv;

      for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
        CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
        TempVar_b = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue;
        if (TempVar_d >
            PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_b].CoreFreq) {
          TempVar_d =

        if (TempVar_e < PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_b].Power) {
          TempVar_e = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_b].Power;
          TempVar_f = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_b].IddValue;
          TempVar_c = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_b].IddDiv;

      // 4_c) and 4_e)
      for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
        CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
        TempVar_a = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue;
        PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].CoreFreq = TempVar_d;
        PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].Power = TempVar_e;
        PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].IddValue = TempVar_f;
        PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempVar_a].IddDiv = TempVar_c;

      // STEP - 6
      // Match the CPU COF and power for upper intermediate performance
      // P-state(s):
      // Upper intermediate PStates = PStates between (Not including) P0 and
      // F3x64[HtcPstateLimit]
      // 6_a) If F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] = 001b for any processor, set PstateEn = 0
      //      for enabled upper intermediate P-states for all processors with
      //      F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] > 001b and skip the remaining actions for
      //      this numbered step.
      // 6_b) Define each of the available upper intermediate P-states; for each
      //      processor concurrently evaluate the following loop; when any
      //      processor falls out of the loop (runs out of available upper
      //      intermediate Pstates) all other processors have their remaining
      //      upper intermediate P-states invalidated (PstateEn = 0);
      //      for (i = F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] - 1; i > 0; i--)
      //         - Identify the lowest CPU COF for P(i).
      //         - Identify the highest power for P(i).
      //         - Modify P(i) CPU COF for all processors to the previously
      //           identified lowest CPU COF value.
      //         - Modify P(i) power for all processors to the previously
      //           identified highest power value.

      // 6_a)
      if (AtLeastOneCoreHasPstateHtcLimitEquToOneFlag) {
        for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
          CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
          for (k = TempSwP0Array[i] + 1; k < (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit); k++) {
            if (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit > 1) {
              // Make a function call to clear the
              // structure values
              PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[k].PStateEnable = 0;
      // 6_b)
      else {
        // Identify Lowest Frequency and Highest Power
        TotalIterations = 0;
        TempFlag1 = TRUE;

        for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
          CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
          TempSocketPiArray[i] = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit - 1;

        do {
          //For first socket, try to find a candidate
          if (TempSocketPiArray[0] != TempSwP0Array[0]) {
            while (PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[0]].PStateEnable == 0) {
              TempSocketPiArray[0] = TempSocketPiArray[0] - 1;
              if (TempSocketPiArray[0] == TempSwP0Array[0]) {
                TempFlag1 = FALSE;
          } else {
            TempFlag1 = FALSE;
          if (TempFlag1) {
            TempFreqArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[0]].CoreFreq;
            TempPowerArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[0]].Power;
            TempIddValueArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[0]].IddValue;
            TempIddDivArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[0]].IddDiv;

            //Try to find next candidate
            for (i = 1; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
              CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
              if (TempSocketPiArray[i] != TempSwP0Array[i]) {
                while (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].PStateEnable == 0) {
                  if (TempSocketPiArray[i] == TempSwP0Array[i]) {
                    TempFlag1 = FALSE;
                }//end while
              } else {
                TempFlag1 = FALSE;

            } //end for LogicalSocketCount

          if (TempFlag1) {
            for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
              CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
              if (TempFreqArray[TotalIterations] > PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].CoreFreq) {
                TempFreqArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].CoreFreq;

              if (TempPowerArray[TotalIterations] < PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].Power) {
                TempPowerArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].Power;
                TempIddValueArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].IddValue;
                TempIddDivArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].IddDiv;
            // Modify (Pi) CPU COF and Power for all the CPUs
            for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
              CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
              PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].CoreFreq = TempFreqArray[TotalIterations];
              PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].Power    = TempPowerArray[TotalIterations];
              PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].IddValue = TempIddValueArray[TotalIterations];
              PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].IddDiv   = TempIddDivArray[TotalIterations];
              TempSocketPiArray[i] = TempSocketPiArray[i] - 1;
          } else {
            for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
              CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
              for (m = TempSocketPiArray[i]; m > TempSwP0Array[i]; m--) {
                PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[m].PStateEnable = 0;

        } while (TempFlag1);

      } // else

      // STEP - 7
      // Match the CPU COF and power for lower intermediate performance P - state(s)
      // Lower Intermediate Pstates = Pstates between (not including)
      // F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] and F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
      // 7_a) If F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] - F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] < 2 for any
      //      processor, set PstateEn = 0 for enabled lower intermediate P - states
      //      for all processors with (F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] -
      //      F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] > 1) and skip the remaining actions for this
      //      numbered step.
      // 7_b) Define each of the available lower intermediate P-states; for each
      //      processor concurrently evaluate the following loop; when any
      //      processor falls out of the loop (runs out of available lower
      //      intermediate Pstates) all other processors have their remaining
      //      lower intermediate P-states invalidated (PstateEn = 0);
      //      for (i = F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1; i > F3x64[HtcPstateLimit]; i--)
      //         - Identify the lowest CPU COF for P-states between
      //           (not including) F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] and P(i).
      //         - Identify the highest power for P-states between
      //           (not including) F3x64[HtcPstateLimit] and P(i).
      //         - Modify P(i) CPU COF for all processors to the previously
      //           identified lowest CPU COF value.
      //         - Modify P(i) power for all processors to the previously
      //           identified highest power value.

      // 7_a)
      if (PstateMaxValMinusHtcPstateLimitLessThan2Flag) {
        for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
          CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);

          for (k = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue - 1;
              k > PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit;
              k--) {
            if ((PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue -
                 PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit) > 1) {
              PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[k].PStateEnable = 0;

      // 7_b)
      else {
        // Identify Lowest Frequency and Highest Power

        TotalIterations = 0;
        TempFlag1 = TRUE;

        for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
          CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
          TempSocketPiArray[i] = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateMaxValue - 1;

        do {
          //For first socket, try to find a candidate
          if (TempSocketPiArray[0] != PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit) {
            while (PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[0]].PStateEnable == 0) {
              TempSocketPiArray[0] = TempSocketPiArray[0] - 1;
              if (TempSocketPiArray[0] == PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit) {
                TempFlag1 = FALSE;
          } else {
            TempFlag1 = FALSE;
          if (TempFlag1) {
            TempFreqArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[0]].CoreFreq;
            TempPowerArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[0]].Power;
            TempIddValueArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[0]].IddValue;
            TempIddDivArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtr[0].PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[0]].IddDiv;

            //Try to find next candidate
            for (i = 1; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
              CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
              if (TempSocketPiArray[i] != PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit) {
                while (PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].PStateEnable == 0) {
                  if (TempSocketPiArray[i] == PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit) {
                    TempFlag1 = FALSE;
                }//end while
              } else {
                TempFlag1 = FALSE;
            } //end for LogicalSocketCount

          if (TempFlag1) {
            for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
              CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
              if (TempFreqArray[TotalIterations] > PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].CoreFreq) {
                TempFreqArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].CoreFreq;
              if (TempPowerArray[TotalIterations] < PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].Power) {
                TempPowerArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].Power;
                TempIddValueArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].IddValue;
                TempIddDivArray[TotalIterations] = PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].IddDiv;
            // Modify (Pi) CPU COF and Power for all the CPUs
            for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
              CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
              PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].CoreFreq = TempFreqArray[TotalIterations];
              PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].Power    = TempPowerArray[TotalIterations];
              PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].IddValue = TempIddValueArray[TotalIterations];
              PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[TempSocketPiArray[i]].IddDiv   = TempIddDivArray[TotalIterations];
              TempSocketPiArray[i] = TempSocketPiArray[i] - 1;
          } else {
            for (i = 0; i < LogicalSocketCount; i++) {
              CpuGetPStateLevelStructure (&PStateBufferPtrTmp, PStateStrucPtr, i, StdHeader);
              for (m = TempSocketPiArray[i]; m > PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].HtcPstateLimit; m--) {
                PStateBufferPtrTmp->PStateCoreStruct[0].PStateStruct[m].PStateEnable = 0;
        } while (TempFlag1);
      } // else
    } // if(!AllCoreHaveMaxOnePStateFlag)

    PStateBufferPtr[0].InitStruct = 1;
  } // CurrentCore

  // Update the pState MSRs
  // This can be done only by individual core
  StartPstateMsrModify (PStateStrucPtr, StdHeader);

  // STEP - 8
  // Place all cores into a valid COF and VID configuration corresponding to an
  // enabled P-state:
  // 8_a) Select an enabled P-state != to the P-state pointed to by
  //      MSRC001_0063[CurPstate] for each core.
  // 8_b) Transition all cores to the selected P-states by writing the Control value
  //      from the_PSS object corresponding to the selected P-state to
  //      MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd].
  // 8_c) Wait for all cores to report the Status value from the _PSS object
  //      corresponding to the selected P-state in MSRC001_0063[CurPstate].
  PutAllCoreInPState0 (PStateBufferPtr, StdHeader);

 * Family 15h core 0 entry point for performing the family 15h Processor-
 * Systemboard Power Delivery Check.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *    1. Starting with P0, loop through all P-states until a passing state is
 *       found.  A passing state is one in which the current required by the
 *       CPU is less than the maximum amount of current that the system can
 *       provide to the CPU.  If P0 is under the limit, no further action is
 *       necessary.
 *    2. If at least one P-State is under the limit & at least one P-State is
 *       over the limit, the BIOS must:
 *       a. If the processor's current P-State is disabled by the power check,
 *          then the BIOS must request a transition to an enabled P-state
 *          using MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd] and wait for MSRC001_0063[CurPstate]
 *          to reflect the new value.
 *       b. Copy the contents of the enabled P-state MSRs to the highest
 *          performance P-state locations.
 *       c. Request a P-state transition to the P-state MSR containing the
 *          COF/VID values currently applied.
 *       d. If a subset of boosted P-states are disabled, then copy the contents
 *          of the highest performance boosted P-state still enabled to the
 *          boosted P-states that have been disabled.
 *       e. If all boosted P-states are disabled, then program D18F4x15C[BoostSrc]
 *          to zero.
 *       f. Adjust the following P-state parameters affected by the P-state
 *          MSR copy by subtracting the number of P-states that are disabled
 *          by the power check.
 *          1. F3x64[HtcPstateLimit]
 *          2. F3x68[SwPstateLimit]
 *          3. F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
 *    3. If all P-States are over the limit, the BIOS must:
 *       a. If the processor's current P-State is !=F3xDC[PstateMaxVal], then
 *          write F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd] and wait for
 *          MSRC001_0063[CurPstate] to reflect the new value.
 *       b. If MSRC001_0061[PstateMaxVal]!=000b, copy the contents of the P-state
 *          MSR pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to the software P0 MSR.
 *          Write 000b to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd] and wait for MSRC001_0063
 *          [CurPstate] to reflect the new value.
 *       c. Adjust the following P-state parameters to zero:
 *          1. F3x64[HtcPstateLimit]
 *          2. F3x68[SwPstateLimit]
 *          3. F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
 *       d. Program D18F4x15C[BoostSrc] to zero.
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParams          Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F15PmPwrCheck (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParams,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  UINT8       DisPsNum;
  UINT8       PsMaxVal;
  UINT8       Pstate;
  UINT32      ProcIddMax;
  UINT32      LocalPciRegister;
  UINT32      Socket;
  UINT32      Module;
  UINT32      Core;
  UINT32      AndMask;
  UINT32      OrMask;
  UINT32      PstateLimit;
  PCI_ADDR    PciAddress;
  UINT64      LocalMsrRegister;
  AP_TASK     TaskPtr;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;
  UINT32      NumModules;
  UINT32      HighCore;
  UINT32      LowCore;
  UINT32      ModuleIndex;

  // get the socket number
  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);
  ErrorData.SocketNumber = (UINT8) Socket;

  ASSERT (Core == 0);

  // get the Max P-state value
  for (PsMaxVal = NM_PS_REG - 1; PsMaxVal != 0; --PsMaxVal) {
    LibAmdMsrRead (PS_REG_BASE + PsMaxVal, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
    if (((F15_PSTATE_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->PsEnable == 1) {

  ErrorData.HwPstateNumber = (UINT8) (PsMaxVal + 1);

 // Starting with P0, loop through all P-states until a passing state is
 // found.  A passing state is one in which the current required by the
 // CPU is less than the maximum amount of current that the system can
 // provide to the CPU.  If P0 is under the limit, no further action is
 // necessary.
  DisPsNum = 0;
  for (Pstate = 0; Pstate < ErrorData.HwPstateNumber; Pstate++) {
    if (FamilySpecificServices->GetProcIddMax (FamilySpecificServices, Pstate, &ProcIddMax, StdHeader)) {
      if (ProcIddMax > CpuEarlyParams->PlatformConfig.VrmProperties[CoreVrm].CurrentLimit) {
        // Add to event log the Pstate that exceeded the current limit
        PutEventLog (AGESA_WARNING,
                     Socket, Pstate, 0, 0, StdHeader);
      } else {

  ErrorData.AllowablePstateNumber = ((PsMaxVal + 1) - DisPsNum);

  if (ErrorData.AllowablePstateNumber == 0) {
    PutEventLog (AGESA_FATAL,
                 Socket, 0, 0, 0, StdHeader);

  if (DisPsNum != 0) {
    GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts);
    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_4;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPB_CTRL_REG;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader); // F4x15C
    ErrorData.NumberOfBoostStates = (UINT8) ((F15_CPB_CTRL_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->NumBoostStates;

    if (DisPsNum >= ErrorData.NumberOfBoostStates) {
      // If all boosted P-states are disabled, then program D18F4x15C[BoostSrc] to zero.
      AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      ((F15_CPB_CTRL_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->BoostSrc = 0;
      OrMask = 0x00000000;
      OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.ModifyCurrSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F4x15C
      // Update the result of isFeatureEnabled in heap.
      UpdateFeatureStatusInHeap (CoreBoost, FALSE, StdHeader);

      ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled = DisPsNum - ErrorData.NumberOfBoostStates;
    } else {
      ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled = 0;

    NumModules = GetPlatformNumberOfModules ();

    // Only execute this loop if this is an MCM.
    if (NumModules > 1) {

      // Since the P-State MSRs are shared across a
      // node, we only need to set one core in the node for the modified number of supported p-states
      // to be reported across all of the cores in the module.
      TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = F15PmPwrCheckCore;
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = SIZE_IN_DWORDS (PWRCHK_ERROR_DATA);
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = &ErrorData;
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
      TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;

      for (ModuleIndex = 0; ModuleIndex < NumModules; ModuleIndex++) {
        // Execute the P-State reduction code on the module's primary core only.
        // Skip this code for the BSC's module.
        if (ModuleIndex != Module) {
          if (GetGivenModuleCoreRange (Socket, ModuleIndex, &LowCore, &HighCore, StdHeader)) {
            ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8)Socket, (UINT8)LowCore, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);

    // Path for SCM and the BSC
    F15PmPwrCheckCore (&ErrorData, StdHeader);

    // Final Step
    //    F3x64[HtPstatelimit] -= disPsNum
    //    F3x68[SwPstateLimit] -= disPsNum
    //    F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] -= disPsNum

    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = HTC_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((HTC_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->HtcPstateLimit = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader); // F3x64
    PstateLimit = ((HTC_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->HtcPstateLimit;
    if (PstateLimit > ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled) {
      PstateLimit -= ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled;
      ((HTC_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->HtcPstateLimit = PstateLimit;
    OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.ModifyCurrSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3x64

    PciAddress.Address.Register = SW_PS_LIMIT_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((SW_PS_LIMIT_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->SwPstateLimit = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader); // F3x68
    PstateLimit = ((SW_PS_LIMIT_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->SwPstateLimit;
    if (PstateLimit > ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled) {
      PstateLimit -= ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled;
      ((SW_PS_LIMIT_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->SwPstateLimit = PstateLimit;
    OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.ModifyCurrSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3x68

    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC2_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PstateMaxVal = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader); // F3xDC
    PstateLimit = ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->PstateMaxVal;
    if (PstateLimit > ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled) {
      PstateLimit -= ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled;
      ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PstateMaxVal = PstateLimit;
    OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.ModifyCurrSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3xDC
 *  Save and Restore or Initialize the content of the mailbox registers.
 * The registers used for AP mailbox should have the content related to their function
 * preserved.
 * @param[in]    EntryPoint         Timepoint designator.
 * @param[in]    PlatformConfig     Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader          Config Handle for library, services.
 * @return       AGESA_SUCCESS      Always succeeds.
PreserveMailboxes (
  IN       UINT64                 EntryPoint,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 Module;
  PCI_ADDR BaseAddress;
  PCI_ADDR MailboxRegister;
  PCI_ADDR *NextRegister;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredStatus;
  AGESA_STATUS HeapStatus;
  UINT32 Value;
  LOCATE_HEAP_PTR LocateParams;
  UINT32 RegisterEntryIndex;

  BaseAddress.AddressValue = ILLEGAL_SBDFO;

    // The save step.  Save either the register content or zero (for cold boot, if family specifies that).
    AllocateParams.BufferHandle = PRESERVE_MAIL_BOX_HANDLE;
    AllocateParams.RequestedBufferSize = (sizeof (UINT32) * (MAX_PRESERVE_REGISTER_ENTRIES * (MAX_SOCKETS * MAX_DIES)));
    AllocateParams.Persist = HEAP_SYSTEM_MEM;
    HeapStatus = HeapAllocateBuffer (&AllocateParams, StdHeader);
    ASSERT ((HeapStatus == AGESA_SUCCESS) && (AllocateParams.BufferPtr != NULL));
    LibAmdMemFill (AllocateParams.BufferPtr, 0xFF, AllocateParams.RequestedBufferSize, StdHeader);
    RegisterEntryIndex = 0;
    for (Socket = 0; Socket < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); Socket++) {
      for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
        if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &BaseAddress, &IgnoredStatus)) {
          GetFeatureServicesOfSocket (&PreserveMailboxFamilyServiceTable, Socket, (const VOID **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
          ASSERT (FamilySpecificServices != NULL);
          NextRegister = FamilySpecificServices->RegisterList;
          while (NextRegister->AddressValue != ILLEGAL_SBDFO) {
            ASSERT (RegisterEntryIndex <
                    (MAX_PRESERVE_REGISTER_ENTRIES * GetPlatformNumberOfSockets () * GetPlatformNumberOfModules ()));
            if (FamilySpecificServices->IsZeroOnCold && (!IsWarmReset (StdHeader))) {
              Value = 0;
            } else {
              MailboxRegister = BaseAddress;
              MailboxRegister.Address.Function = NextRegister->Address.Function;
              MailboxRegister.Address.Register = NextRegister->Address.Register;
              LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, MailboxRegister, &Value, StdHeader);
            (* (MAILBOX_REGISTER_SAVE_ENTRY) AllocateParams.BufferPtr) [RegisterEntryIndex] = Value;
  } else if ((EntryPoint == CPU_FEAT_INIT_LATE_END) || (EntryPoint == CPU_FEAT_AFTER_RESUME_MTRR_SYNC)) {
    // The restore step.  Just write out the saved content in the buffer.
    LocateParams.BufferHandle = PRESERVE_MAIL_BOX_HANDLE;
    HeapStatus = HeapLocateBuffer (&LocateParams, StdHeader);
    ASSERT ((HeapStatus == AGESA_SUCCESS) && (LocateParams.BufferPtr != NULL));
    RegisterEntryIndex = 0;
    for (Socket = 0; Socket < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); Socket++) {
      for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
        if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &BaseAddress, &IgnoredStatus)) {
          GetFeatureServicesOfSocket (&PreserveMailboxFamilyServiceTable, Socket, (const VOID **)&FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
          NextRegister = FamilySpecificServices->RegisterList;
          while (NextRegister->AddressValue != ILLEGAL_SBDFO) {
            ASSERT (RegisterEntryIndex <
                    (MAX_PRESERVE_REGISTER_ENTRIES * GetPlatformNumberOfSockets () * GetPlatformNumberOfModules ()));
            MailboxRegister = BaseAddress;
            MailboxRegister.Address.Function = NextRegister->Address.Function;
            MailboxRegister.Address.Register = NextRegister->Address.Register;
            Value = (* (MAILBOX_REGISTER_SAVE_ENTRY) LocateParams.BufferPtr) [RegisterEntryIndex];
            LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, MailboxRegister, &Value, StdHeader);
    HeapStatus = HeapDeallocateBuffer (PRESERVE_MAIL_BOX_HANDLE, StdHeader);
 *  Core 0 task to enable message-based C1e on a family 10h CPU.
 * @param[in]    MsgBasedC1eServices Pointer to this CPU's HW C1e family services.
 * @param[in]    EntryPoint          Timepoint designator.
 * @param[in]    PlatformConfig      Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader           Config Handle for library, services.
 * @return       AGESA_SUCCESS      Always succeeds.
F10InitializeMsgBasedC1e (
  IN       MSG_BASED_C1E_FAMILY_SERVICES *MsgBasedC1eServices,
  IN       UINT64 EntryPoint,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32       AndMask;
  UINT32       Core;
  UINT32       Module;
  UINT32       OrMask;
  UINT32       PciRegister;
  UINT32       Socket;
  AP_TASK      TaskPtr;
  PCI_ADDR     PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

    // Note that this core 0 does NOT have the ability to launch
    // any of its cores.  Attempting to do so could lead to a system
    // hang.

    // Set F3xA0[IdleExitEn] = 1
    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = PW_CTL_MISC_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    OrMask = 0;
    ((POWER_CTRL_MISC_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->IdleExitEn = 1;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3xA0

    // Set F3x188[EnStpGntOnFlushMaskWakeup] = 1
    PciAddress.Address.Register = NB_EXT_CFG_LO_REG;
    OrMask = 0;
    ((NB_EXT_CFG_LO_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->EnStpGntOnFlushMaskWakeup = 1;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3x188

    // Set F3xD4[MTC1eEn] = 1, F3xD4[CacheFlushImmOnAllHalt] = 1
    // Set F3xD4[StutterScrubEn] = 1 if scrubbing is enabled
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->StutterScrubEn = 0;
    OrMask = 0;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->MTC1eEn = 1;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->CacheFlushImmOnAllHalt = 1;

    IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);

    for (Module = 0; Module < (UINT8)GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
      if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts)) {
        PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
        PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC0_REG;
        if (IsDramScrubberEnabled (PciAddress, StdHeader)) {
          ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->StutterScrubEn = 1;
        } else {
          ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->StutterScrubEn = 0;
        LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
        PciRegister &= AndMask;
        PciRegister |= OrMask;
        LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);

  } else if (EntryPoint == CPU_FEAT_AFTER_PM_INIT) {
    // At early, this core 0 can launch its subordinate cores.
    TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = F10InitializeMsgBasedC1eOnCore;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 1;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = &PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
    TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
    ApUtilRunCodeOnAllLocalCoresAtEarly (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, NULL);
