// @pymethod <o PyRecord>|pythoncom|GetRecordFromGuids|Creates a new record object from the given GUIDs
PyObject *pythoncom_GetRecordFromGuids(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
	void *data = NULL;
	PyObject *obGuid, *obInfoGuid, *obdata=Py_None;
	int major, minor, lcid;
	int cb = 0;
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "OiiiO|O:GetRecordFromGuids", 
		&obGuid, // @pyparm <o PyIID>|iid||The GUID of the type library
		&major, // @pyparm int|verMajor||The major version number of the type lib.
		&minor, // @pyparm int|verMinor||The minor version number of the type lib.
		&lcid, // @pyparm int|lcid||The LCID of the type lib.
		&obInfoGuid, // @pyparm <o PyIID>|infoIID||The GUID of the record info in the library
		&obdata)) // @pyparm string or buffer|data|None|The raw data to initialize the record with.
		return NULL;
	if (!PyWinObject_AsReadBuffer(obdata, &data, &cb, TRUE))
		return NULL;
	GUID guid, infoGuid;
	if (!PyWinObject_AsIID(obGuid, &guid))
		return NULL;
	if (!PyWinObject_AsIID(obInfoGuid, &infoGuid))
		return NULL;
	IRecordInfo *i = NULL;
	HRESULT hr = GetRecordInfoFromGuids(guid, major, minor, lcid, infoGuid, &i);
	if (FAILED(hr))
		return PyCom_BuildPyException(hr);
	PyObject *ret = PyObject_FromRecordInfo(i, data, cb);
	return ret;
STDMETHODIMP Profile::get_ForwardingRules(SAFEARRAY ** pVal)
	try {
		WCHAR * pResult = gSkypeQueue.RetrieveProperty(L"PROFILE", L"", L"CALL_FORWARD_RULES");
		size_t sz = wcslen(pResult) + 1;
		WCHAR * pCopy = new WCHAR[sz];

		long lTotal=0, lCtr=0;
		ForwardingRule * pItems;

		for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
			wcscpy_s(pCopy, sz, pResult);
			WCHAR *next_token = NULL;
			WCHAR * pItem = wcstok_s(pCopy, L" ", &next_token);
			while(pItem != NULL) {
				size_t iLen = wcslen(pItem);
				if(iLen > 0) {
					LONG start;
					LONG end;
					WCHAR * name = new WCHAR[iLen];

					bool bValid = 
						swscanf_s(pItem, L"%d,%d,%s", & start, & end, name, iLen) == 3;

					if(bValid) {
						if(i == 0) {
						} else {
							pItems[lCtr].StartTime = start;
							pItems[lCtr].EndTime = end;
							pItems[lCtr].Handle = SysAllocString(name);

				pItem = wcstok_s(NULL, L" ", &next_token);

			if(i == 0) {
				sba.cElements = lTotal;
				sba.lLbound = 0;

				CComPtr<IRecordInfo> *ptrRecInfo;

				hr = GetRecordInfoFromGuids(CAtlModule::m_libid, 1, 0, 0x409,
					__uuidof(ForwardingRule), (IRecordInfo**) & ptrRecInfo);

				if(FAILED(hr)) {
					return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), L"Unable to retrieve structure info", GUID_NULL, E_FAIL);				
				*pVal = SafeArrayCreateEx(VT_RECORD, 1, & sba, ptrRecInfo);
				if((*pVal) == NULL) {
					return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), L"Unable to create array", GUID_NULL, E_FAIL);

				hr = SafeArrayLock(*pVal);
				if(FAILED(hr)) {
					return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), L"Unable to lock array", GUID_NULL, E_FAIL);

				pItems = (ForwardingRule *) (*pVal)->pvData;

			} else {
				hr = SafeArrayUnlock(*pVal);
				if(FAILED(hr)) {
					return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), L"Unable to unlock array", GUID_NULL, E_FAIL);

		return S_OK;
	} catch (const WCHAR * err) {
		return AtlReportError(GetObjectCLSID(), err, GUID_NULL, E_FAIL);

	return S_OK;