size_t CEnvCanGribForecast::GetLatestHH(CHttpConnectionPtr& pConnection)const
		ERMsg msg;

		size_t HH = NOT_INIT;

		vector<pair<CTRef, size_t>> latest;
		for (size_t h = 0; h < 24; h += 6)
			string remotePath = GetRemoteFilePath(h, 0, (m_type == GT_HRDPS) ? "*P000-00.grib2":"*P000.grib2");

			CFileInfoVector fileListTmp;
			if (FindFiles(pConnection, remotePath, fileListTmp) && !fileListTmp.empty())
				string fileTitle = GetFileName(fileListTmp.front().m_filePath);
				latest.push_back(make_pair(GetTRef(fileTitle), h));

		sort(latest.begin(), latest.end());
		if (!latest.empty())
			HH = latest.back().second;

		return HH;
// Generate
bool ToolManifest::Generate( const Node * mainExecutable, const Dependencies & dependencies )
	m_TimeStamp = 0;
	m_Files.SetCapacity( 1 + dependencies.GetSize() );

	// unify "main executable" and "extra files"
	// (loads contents of file into memory, and creates hashes)
    if ( !AddFile( mainExecutable ) )
        return false; // AddFile will have emitted error
	for ( size_t i=0; i<dependencies.GetSize(); ++i )
		const FileNode & n = *( dependencies[ i ].GetNode()->CastTo< FileNode >() );
		if ( !AddFile( &n ) )
			return false; // AddFile will have emitted error

	// create a hash for the whole tool chain
	const size_t numFiles( m_Files.GetSize() );
	const size_t memSize( numFiles * sizeof( uint32_t ) * 2 );
	uint32_t * mem = (uint32_t *)ALLOC( memSize );
	uint32_t * pos = mem;
	for ( size_t i=0; i<numFiles; ++i )
		const File & f = m_Files[ i ];

		// file contents
		*pos = f.m_Hash;

		// file name & sub-path (relative to remote folder)
		AStackString<> relativePath;
		GetRemoteFilePath( (uint32_t)i, relativePath, false ); // false = don't use full path
		*pos = xxHash::Calc32( relativePath );
	m_ToolId = xxHash::Calc64( mem, memSize );
	FREE( mem );

	// update time stamp (most recent file in manifest)
	for ( size_t i=0; i<numFiles; ++i )
		const File & f = m_Files[ i ];
		ASSERT( f.m_TimeStamp ); // should have had an error before if the file was missing
		m_TimeStamp = Math::Max( m_TimeStamp, f.m_TimeStamp );

	return true;
// ReceiveFileData
bool ToolManifest::ReceiveFileData( uint32_t fileId, const void * data, size_t & dataSize )
	MutexHolder mh( m_Mutex );

	File & f = m_Files[ fileId ];

	// gracefully handle multiple receipts of the same data
	if ( f.m_Content )
		ASSERT( f.m_SyncState == File::SYNCHRONIZED );
		return true;

	ASSERT( f.m_SyncState == File::SYNCHRONIZING );

	// prepare name for this file
	AStackString<> fileName;
	GetRemoteFilePath( fileId, fileName );

	// prepare destination
	AStackString<> pathOnly( fileName.Get(), fileName.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH ) );
	if ( !FileIO::EnsurePathExists( pathOnly ) )
		return false; // FAILED

	// write to disk
	FileStream fs;
	if ( !fs.Open( fileName.Get(), FileStream::WRITE_ONLY ) )
		return false; // FAILED
	if ( fs.Write( data, dataSize ) != dataSize )
		return false; // FAILED

	// open read-only 
	AutoPtr< FileStream > fileStream( FNEW( FileStream ) );
	if ( fileStream.Get()->Open( fileName.Get(), FileStream::READ_ONLY ) == false )
		return false; // FAILED

	// This file is now synchronized
	f.m_FileLock = fileStream.Release(); // NOTE: Keep file open to prevent deletion
	f.m_SyncState = File::SYNCHRONIZED;

	// is completely synchronized?
	const File * const end = m_Files.End();
	for ( const File * it = m_Files.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
		if ( it->m_SyncState != File::SYNCHRONIZED )
			// still some files to be received
			return true; // file stored ok

	// all files received
	m_Synchronized = true;
	return true; // file stored ok
// Deserialize
void ToolManifest::Deserialize( IOStream & ms )
	ms.Read( m_ToolId );

	ASSERT( m_Files.IsEmpty() );

	uint32_t numFiles( 0 );
	ms.Read( numFiles );
	m_Files.SetCapacity( numFiles );

	for ( size_t i=0; i<(size_t)numFiles; ++i )
		AStackString<> name;
		uint64_t timeStamp( 0 );
		uint32_t hash( 0 );
		uint32_t contentSize( 0 );
		ms.Read( name );
		ms.Read( timeStamp );
		ms.Read( hash );
		ms.Read( contentSize );
		m_Files.Append( File( name, timeStamp, hash, nullptr, contentSize ) );

	// determine if any files are remaining from a previous run
	size_t numFilesAlreadySynchronized = 0;
	for ( size_t i=0; i<(size_t)numFiles; ++i )
		AStackString<> localFile;
		GetRemoteFilePath( (uint32_t)i, localFile );

		// is this file already present?
		AutoPtr< FileStream > fileStream( FNEW( FileStream ) );
		FileStream & f = *( fileStream.Get() );
		if ( f.Open( localFile.Get() ) == false )
			continue; // file not found
		if ( f.GetFileSize() != m_Files[ i ].m_ContentSize )
			continue; // file is not complete
		AutoPtr< char > mem( (char *)ALLOC( (size_t)f.GetFileSize() ) );
		if ( f.Read( mem.Get(), (size_t)f.GetFileSize() ) != f.GetFileSize() )
			continue; // problem reading file
		if( Murmur3::Calc32( mem.Get(), (size_t)f.GetFileSize() ) != m_Files[ i ].m_Hash )
			continue; // file contents unexpected

		// file present and ok
		m_Files[ i ].m_FileLock = fileStream.Release(); // NOTE: keep file open to prevent deletions
		m_Files[ i ].m_SyncState = File::SYNCHRONIZED;

	// Generate Environment
	ASSERT( m_RemoteEnvironmentString == nullptr );

	// PATH=
	AStackString<> basePath;
	GetRemotePath( basePath );
	AStackString<> paths;
	paths.Format( "PATH=%s", basePath.Get() );

	// TMP=
	AStackString<> normalTmp;
	Env::GetEnvVariable( "TMP", normalTmp );
	AStackString<> tmp;
	tmp.Format( "TMP=%s", normalTmp.Get() );

	// SystemRoot=
	AStackString<> sysRoot( "SystemRoot=C:\\Windows" );

	char * mem = (char *)ALLOC( paths.GetLength() + 1 +
								  tmp.GetLength() + 1 +
								  sysRoot.GetLength() + 1 +
								  1 );
	m_RemoteEnvironmentString = mem;

	AString::Copy( paths.Get(), mem, paths.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null
	mem += ( paths.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null

	AString::Copy( tmp.Get(), mem, tmp.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null
	mem += ( tmp.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null

	AString::Copy( sysRoot.Get(), mem, sysRoot.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null
	mem += ( sysRoot.GetLength() + 1 ); // including null

	*mem = 0; ++mem; // double null

	// are all files already present?
	if ( numFilesAlreadySynchronized == m_Files.GetSize() )
		m_Synchronized = true;		