bool Open(V4V_CONTEXT& ctx, domid_t partner, uint32_t port) { ATLTRACE(__FUNCTION__ " Entry\n"); DWORD error(0); DWORD bytes(0); OVERLAPPED ov = { 0 }; ov.hEvent = ::CreateEvent(0, true, false, 0); ::memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(V4V_CONTEXT)); ctx.flags = V4V_FLAG_OVERLAPPED; ATLTRACE(__FUNCTION__ " V4vOpen\n"); if (!V4vOpen(&ctx, RingSize, &ov)) { error = ::GetLastError(); } else { error = GetResult(ctx, &ov, bytes); } if (error) { ATLTRACE(__FUNCTION__ " V4vOpen Error:%d\n", error); } else { v4v_ring_id_t v4vid = { 0 }; v4vid.addr.domain = V4V_DOMID_NONE; v4vid.addr.port = port; v4vid.partner = partner; ATLTRACE(__FUNCTION__ " V4vBind\n"); if (!V4vBind(&ctx, &v4vid, &ov)) { error = ::GetLastError(); } else { error = GetResult(ctx, &ov, bytes); } if (error) { ATLTRACE(__FUNCTION__ " V4vBind Error:%d\n", error); } } ::CloseHandle(ov.hEvent); ATLTRACE(__FUNCTION__ " Exit Result:%d\n", error); return (0 == error); }
/** * Lists all iam policies */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { Aws::SDKOptions options; Aws::InitAPI(options); { Aws::IAM::IAMClient iam; Aws::IAM::Model::ListPoliciesRequest request; bool done = false; bool header = false; while (!done) { auto outcome = iam.ListPolicies(request); if (!outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "Failed to list iam policies: " << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; break; } if (!header) { std::cout << std::left << std::setw(55) << "Name" << std::setw(30) << "ID" << std::setw(80) << "Arn" << std::setw(64) << "Description" << std::setw(12) << "CreateDate" << std::endl; header = true; } const auto &policies = outcome.GetResult().GetPolicies(); for (const auto &policy : policies) { std::cout << std::left << std::setw(55) << policy.GetPolicyName() << std::setw(30) << policy.GetPolicyId() << std::setw(80) << policy.GetArn() << std::setw(64) << policy.GetDescription() << std::setw(12) << policy.GetCreateDate().ToGmtString(DATE_FORMAT) << std::endl; } if (outcome.GetResult().GetIsTruncated()) { request.SetMarker(outcome.GetResult().GetMarker()); } else { done = true; } } } Aws::ShutdownAPI(options); return 0; }
void GraffitiTab::handleIterateFinished () { auto recIterator = qobject_cast<RecIterator*> (sender ()); recIterator->deleteLater (); const auto& files = recIterator->GetResult (); FilesWatcher_->AddFiles (files); FilesModel_->AddFiles (files); auto resolver = LMPProxy_->GetTagResolver (); auto worker = [resolver, files] () -> QList<MediaInfo> { QList<MediaInfo> infos; for (const auto& file : files) try { infos << resolver->ResolveInfo (file.absoluteFilePath ()); } catch (const std::exception& e) { qWarning () << Q_FUNC_INFO << e.what (); } return infos; }; auto scanWatcher = new QFutureWatcher<QList<MediaInfo>> (); connect (scanWatcher, SIGNAL (finished ()), this, SLOT (handleScanFinished ())); scanWatcher->setProperty ("LMP/Graffiti/Filename", recIterator->property ("LMP/Graffiti/Filename")); scanWatcher->setFuture (QtConcurrent::run (std::function<QList<MediaInfo> ()> (worker))); }
void AllocateAndAssociateAddress(const Aws::String& instance_id) { Aws::EC2::EC2Client ec2; Aws::EC2::Model::AllocateAddressRequest request; request.SetDomain(Aws::EC2::Model::DomainType::vpc); auto outcome = ec2.AllocateAddress(request); if(!outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "Failed to allocate elastic ip address:" << outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; return; } Aws::String allocation_id = outcome.GetResult().GetAllocationId(); Aws::EC2::Model::AssociateAddressRequest associate_request; associate_request.SetInstanceId(instance_id); associate_request.SetAllocationId(allocation_id); auto associate_outcome = ec2.AssociateAddress(associate_request); if(!associate_outcome.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << "Failed to associate elastic ip address" << allocation_id << " with instance " << instance_id << ":" << associate_outcome.GetError().GetMessage() << std::endl; return; } std::cout << "Successfully associated elastic ip address " << allocation_id << " with instance " << instance_id << std::endl; }
/// @brief 添加一个TestCase到一个TestSuite\n /// TEST(TestICalc, ExceptionData)将测试所有异常的数据 TEST(TestICalc, ExceptionData) { for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { EXPECT_EQ( ExceptionResult[i], GetResult(ExceptionData[i]) ) << "Error at index :" << i; } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C_NStrOutf::operator nstring () const { bool bFormat = false; nstring szResult; nstring szFormat; std::vector<nstring>::size_type Pos = 0; for(const nstring::value_type &Itor : m_szFormat) { if(Itor == __T('{')) { bFormat = true; continue; }//if if(Itor == __T('}')) { bFormat = false; szResult += GetResult(szFormat, m_Data.size() > Pos ? m_Data[Pos] : __T('')); szFormat.clear(); ++Pos; continue; }//if if(bFormat) szFormat += Itor; else szResult += Itor; }//for return szResult; }
/// @brief 添加一个TestCase到一个TestSuite\n /// TEST(TestICalc, NormalData)将测试所有正常的数据 TEST(TestICalc, NormalData) { for (int i=0; i<42; i++) { EXPECT_EQ( NormalResult[i], GetResult(NormalData[i]) ) << "Error at index :" << i; } }
bool ResourceShader::Load( ResourceMemoryAllocator &inAllocator, ResourceDirectory &inDir ) { allocator = &inAllocator; auto res = ResourceDirectory::instance->Open(GetLocation(), ResourceDirectory::PERMISSION_ReadOnly); auto resIo = res.GetResult(); if(!resIo) return false; Int size = 0; Int realSize = 0; Int bytesRead; const Int increment = 1024; do { size += increment; string = (char*)allocator->Reallocate(string, size+1); bytesRead = resIo->Read(string+size-increment, increment).GetResult(); realSize += bytesRead; if(bytesRead < increment) break; } while(true); string = (char*)allocator->Reallocate(string, realSize+1); string[realSize] = 0; return true; }
void MakeCallback(uv_work_t* req) { Nan::HandleScope scope; Nan::TryCatch try_catch; sass_context_wrapper* ctx_w = static_cast<sass_context_wrapper*>(req->data); struct Sass_Context* ctx; if (ctx_w->dctx) { ctx = sass_data_context_get_context(ctx_w->dctx); } else { ctx = sass_file_context_get_context(ctx_w->fctx); } int status = GetResult(ctx_w, ctx); if (status == 0 && ctx_w->success_callback) { // if no error, do callback(null, result) ctx_w->success_callback->Call(0, 0); } else if (ctx_w->error_callback) { // if error, do callback(error) const char* err = sass_context_get_error_json(ctx); v8::Local<v8::Value> argv[] = { Nan::New<v8::String>(err).ToLocalChecked() }; ctx_w->error_callback->Call(1, argv); } if (try_catch.HasCaught()) { Nan::FatalException(try_catch); } sass_free_context_wrapper(ctx_w); }
void ExecuteCommandDialog::handleCurrentChanged (int id) { if (!dynamic_cast<WaitPage*> (currentPage ())) return; const auto& ids = pageIds (); const int pos = ids.indexOf (id); if (pos <= 0) return; const auto prevPage = page ( (pos - 1)); if (dynamic_cast<CommandsListPage*> (prevPage)) { const AdHocCommand& cmd = dynamic_cast<CommandsListPage*> (prevPage)->GetSelectedCommand (); if (cmd.GetName ().isEmpty ()) deleteLater (); else ExecuteCommand (cmd); } else if (dynamic_cast<CommandResultPage*> (prevPage)) { const auto crp = dynamic_cast<CommandResultPage*> (prevPage); const auto& action = crp->GetSelectedAction (); if (action.isEmpty ()) return; auto result = crp->GetResult (); result.SetDataForm (crp->GetForm ()); ProceedExecuting (result, action); } }
void SetPyException(const std::exception& ex) { const char* message = ex.what(); if (dynamic_cast<const MI::TypeConversionException*>(&ex)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, message); } else { PyObject* d = PyDict_New(); PyObject* pyEx = nullptr; if (dynamic_cast<const MI::MITimeoutException*>(&ex)) { pyEx = PyMITimeoutError; } else { pyEx = PyMIError; } if (dynamic_cast<const MI::MIException*>(&ex)) { auto miex = static_cast<const MI::MIException*>(&ex); PyDict_SetItemString(d, "error_code", PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(miex->GetErrorCode())); PyDict_SetItemString(d, "mi_result", PyLong_FromUnsignedLong(miex->GetResult())); } PyDict_SetItemString(d, "message", PyUnicode_FromString(message)); PyErr_SetObject(pyEx, d); Py_DECREF(d); } }
void rangeObject(ClientPtrType client, String bucketName, String key, String path, size_t min, size_t max) { String base = "=== Range Object [" + bucketName + "/" + key; std::cout << base << "]: Start ===\n"; std::cout << "Reading from " << path << "\n"; String range(("byte=" + std::to_string(min) + "-" + std::to_string(max)).c_str()); auto inpData = Aws::MakeShared<Aws::FStream>("GetObjectInputStream", path.c_str(), std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary); auto objReq = Aws::S3::Model::GetObjectRequest(); objReq.WithBucket(bucketName).WithKey(key).WithRange(range); auto objRes = client->GetObject(objReq); if (!objRes.IsSuccess()) { std::cout << base << "]: Client Side failure ===\n"; std::cout << objRes.GetError().GetExceptionName() << "\t" << objRes.GetError().GetMessage() << "\n"; std::cout << base << "]: Failed ===\n"; } else { Aws::IOStream& file = objRes.GetResult().GetBody(); if (!doFilesMatch(inpData.get(), file, min, max)) { std::cout << base << "]: Content not equal ===\n"; } } std::cout << base << "]: End ===\n\n"; }
void CExampleTest::TestCase02() { char *input[] = {"10 10 10 10 10 10 9 xiaoyuanwang","0 0 0 0 0 0 0 beast"}; char result[100] = {0}; GetResult(input, 2, result); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(result, "xiaoyuanwang 10.00\nbeast 0.00") ); }
int main() { char input[20] = {0}; int len = 0; int res = 0; int i = 0; int j = 0; ElementType infix[20] = {0}; ElementType suffix[20] = {0}; //StackNode* infix_head; //StackNode* top; fgets(input,20,stdin); len = ArrayToInfix(input,infix); //PrintFormula(infix, len); len = InfixToSuffix(infix,suffix,len); //PrintFormula(suffix, len); res = GetResult(suffix,len); printf("= %d\n", res); //PrintInfix(infix,len); /*InitStack(&infix_head, &top); for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { StackPush(infix_head,&top,infix[i]); } PrintStack(infix_head);*/ }
// Виконааня команди cmd з параметрами params int XLibraLP::DoCmd(unsigned char cmd, char *params) { SendLibraNum(); Write(&cmd, 1); switch (cmd) { case 0x82: Write(params, 83); break; case 0x8a: Write(params, 9); break; case 0x8d: Write(params, 4); break; case 0x81: Write(params, 4); unsigned char ch; for (int i(0); i < 100; i++) Read(&ch, 1); break; }; Listen(); return GetResult()->error; }
/**************************************************************** ** 功 能:应答报文组包 ** 输入参数: ** ptApp app结构指针 ** 输出参数: ** szRspBuf 交易应答报文 ** 返 回 值: ** >0 报文长度 ** FAIL 失败 ** 作 者: ** fengwei ** 日 期: ** 2012/12/18 ** 调用说明: ** ** 修改日志: ****************************************************************/ int PackWebRsp(T_App *ptApp, char *szRspBuf) { int iIndex; /* buf索引 */ int iMsgCount; /* 短信记录数 */ int iRetDescLen; /* 响应信息长度 */ iIndex = 0; /* 交易代码 */ memcpy(szRspBuf+iIndex, ptApp->szTransCode, 8); iIndex += 8; /* 响应码 */ memcpy(szRspBuf+iIndex, ptApp->szRetCode, 2); iIndex += 2; /* 根据返回码取返回信息 */ if(strlen(ptApp->szRetDesc) == 0) { GetResult(ptApp->szRetCode, ptApp->szRetDesc); } /* 响应信息长度 */ iRetDescLen = strlen(ptApp->szRetDesc); szRspBuf[iIndex] = iRetDescLen; iIndex += 1; /* 响应信息 */ memcpy(szRspBuf+iIndex, ptApp->szRetDesc, iRetDescLen); iIndex += iRetDescLen; return iIndex; }
BOOL CMatrixDoc::ProcOneString(const CString & sData) { CString temp=sData; CString sName=_T(""); bool IsExisted=false; CArrayMatrix *PtrNew=NULL; if(!CArrayMatrix::SetStringName(temp,sName)) return FALSE; CArrayMatrix::ProcString(temp); POSITION pos=m_VariablePtrList.GetHeadPosition(); for(int i=0;i<m_VariablePtrList.GetCount();i++) { CArrayMatrix *Ptr=(CArrayMatrix *)m_VariablePtrList.GetAt(pos); if(Ptr->GetName()==sName) {IsExisted=true;PtrNew=Ptr;break;} m_VariablePtrList.GetNext(pos); } if(!IsExisted) { PtrNew=new CArrayMatrix; pos=m_VariablePtrList.AddTail(PtrNew); } //现在PtrNew指向新的目标变量 CArrayMatrix tpMatrix; if(!GetResult(temp,tpMatrix)) { if(!IsExisted) { delete PtrNew; m_VariablePtrList.RemoveAt(pos); return FALSE; } } *PtrNew=tpMatrix; return true; }
void CWndToolbox::DoModal() { BIOS::SYS::Beep(100); /* #ifdef _WIN32 // no enough ram for this on ARM M3 :( ui16 buffer[Width*Height]; BIOS::LCD::GetImage( m_rcClient, buffer ); #endif */ m_bRunning = true; m_bFirst = true; m_bAdcEnabled = BIOS::ADC::Enabled(); BIOS::ADC::Enable(false); if ( MainWnd.m_wndMenuInput.m_wndListTrigger.IsVisible() ) MainWnd.m_wndMenuInput.m_wndListTrigger.Invalidate(); if ( MainWnd.m_wndMenuInput.m_itmTrig.IsVisible() ) MainWnd.m_wndMenuInput.m_itmTrig.Invalidate(); CWnd* pSafeFocus = GetFocus(); SetFocus(); ShowWindow( CWnd::SwShow ); Invalidate(); while ( IsRunning() ) { Sleep(20); } ShowWindow( CWnd::SwHide ); /* #ifdef _WIN32 BIOS::LCD::PutImage( m_rcClient, buffer ); #endif*/ switch ( GetResult() ) { case MenuPauseResume: // Resume / Pause m_bAdcEnabled = !m_bAdcEnabled; break; case MenuManager: m_bAdcEnabled = FALSE; // Load wave BIN break; case MenuReset: Settings.Reset(); break; case -1: break; } UpdateAdc(); pSafeFocus->SetFocus(); CRect rcSafe = m_rcOverlay; m_rcOverlay.Invalidate(); MainWnd.Invalidate(); // to redraw the graph m_rcOverlay = rcSafe; }
void Report::Flush() { if(pagei >= 0) { Drawing dw = GetResult(); page.At(pagei).Append(dw); Create(GetSize()); } }
std::string FootballMatch::GetLoser() const { Result res = GetResult(); if (res.home < res.guest) return m_homeTeam; return m_guestTeam; }
//프로그램의 전체적 흐름. int main(void) { int nResult = 0; nResult = GetResult(); printf("당신의 학점은 '%c'(%d)입니다.\n", GetGrade(nResult), nResult); return 0; }
QJfqDlg::QJfqDlg(QWidget *parent){ ui=new Ui_JFQDlg(); ui->setupUi(this); this->setVisible(true); connect(ui->btnEqual,SIGNAL(clicked()), this,SLOT(GetResult())); }
std::string BasketballMatch::GetWinner() const { Result res = GetResult(); if (res.home > res.guest) return m_homeTeam; return m_guestTeam; }
void DrawingPageDraw__::Flush() { if(pagei >= 0) { Drawing dw = GetResult(); page.At(pagei).Append(dw); Create(size); } }
void OnSuccess() { // Find out who took damage, display in HUD // TODO std::cout << GetResult().GetString() << "\n"; m_opponent->ShowAttacked(); CheckCollects(); }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsIDBDatabaseException::GetCode(PRUint16* aCode) { NS_ASSERTION(aCode, "Null pointer!"); nsresult result; GetResult(&result); *aCode = NS_ERROR_GET_CODE(result); return NS_OK; }
SmplMatrixDialog::~SmplMatrixDialog() { if (GetResult()) // exit dialog with "OK"? { preview.FinishDocumentUpdate(); // wait until the effect has been applied BfpSetDocumentPreviewFlag(document_preview); BfpSetTextureModeFlag(settings->tile_flags == TILE_REPEAT_TILING); } }
void nuiDialogSelectFile::OnDialogDone(const nuiEvent& rEvent) { nuiDialog::DialogResult result = GetResult(); if (result == nuiDialog::eDialogAccepted) { OnSelectorOK(rEvent); rEvent.Cancel(); } }
int main() { int Num = 0; scanf("%d", &Num); int sum_Num = (Num + 1) * Num / 2; int *pResult = (int *)calloc(sum_Num, sizeof(int)); GetResult(Num, pResult); free(pResult); return 0; }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDOMFileException::GetCode(PRUint16* aCode) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aCode); nsresult result; GetResult(&result); *aCode = NS_ERROR_GET_CODE(result); return NS_OK; }