void CPatchPageDlg::OnPaint() 
	if (theApp.GetMain()->IsMidiLearn()) {	// if learning MIDI assignments
		CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting
		CWnd	*pFocusWnd = GetFocus();
		// if focus window is one of our controls
		if (pFocusWnd != NULL && IsChild(pFocusWnd)) {
			int	iPart;	// find MIDI target corresponding to control, if any
			int	iTarget = theApp.GetMain()->GetCtrlMidiTarget(pFocusWnd, iPart);
			if (iTarget < 0) {	// if target not found
				int	nID = pFocusWnd->GetDlgCtrlID();
					iTarget = INT_MAX;	// input port/channel are special targets
			if (iTarget >= 0) {	// if control mapped to MIDI target
				COLORREF	cSel = RGB(0, 255, 0);
				CRect	rSel;
				GetSelectionRect(pFocusWnd, rSel);
				dc.FillSolidRect(rSel, cSel);	// highlight control
	} else {	// not learning MIDI assignments
void FormView::Paint(Draw& w)
	if (!IsLayout())
		w.DrawRect(GetRect(), White());

	Rect r = Zoom(GetPageRect());

	DrawRect(w, r, 1, LtBlue());

	w.DrawRect(0, 0, r.left, 3000, White());
	w.DrawRect(r.right + 1, 0, 3000, 3000, White());
	w.DrawRect(r.left, 0, 5000, r.top, White());
	w.DrawRect(r.left, r.bottom + 1, 3000, 3000, White());

//	if (_showInfo)
//	{
//		r.SetSize( Zoom(Size(804, 604)) );
//		DrawRect(w, r.Offseted( Zoom(Size(-2, -2)) ), 1, LtMagenta());
//		r = Zoom(GetPageRect());
//	}

	if (GetObjectCount() > 0 && _showInfo == 2)
		Rect b = Zoom(GetObjectsRect()).Offseted(1, 1);
		b.SetSize( b.GetSize() + Size(-2, -2) );
		DrawRect(w, b, 1, Yellow());

	Vector<int> sel = GetSelected();

	bool coloring = GetBool("View.Coloring");
	int ci = 0;
	if (sel.GetCount() > 0)
		if (sel.GetCount() == 1)
			for (int i = 0; i < GetObjectCount(); ++i)
				if (ci++ == _colors.GetCount() - 1) ci = 0;

				if (coloring && i != sel[0])
					DrawObject(w, i, _colors[ci], false);
					DrawObject(w, i, (!coloring && (i == sel[0])) ? _colors[ci] : LtGray(),
						i == sel[0]);
			for (int i = 0; i < GetObjectCount(); ++i)
				if (ci++ == _colors.GetCount() - 1) ci = 0;

				bool found = false;
				for (int j = 0; j < sel.GetCount(); ++j)
					if ( i == sel[j])
						found = true;
				if (coloring && !found)
					DrawObject(w, i, _colors[ci], false);
					DrawObject(w, i, (!coloring && found) ? _colors[ci] : LtGray(), false);

			Size g = GetGridSize();
			Rect s = GetSelectionRect().Offseted(-g.cx / 2, -g.cy / 2);
			s.SetSize(s.GetSize() + Size(g.cx, g.cy));

			Vector<int> sel = GetSelected();

			bool a1 = true;	// allow horz align
			bool a2 = true;	// allow vert align
			dword f1;		// first horz align
			dword f2;		// first vert align
			for (int i = 0; i < sel.GetCount(); ++i)
				FormObject *pI = GetObject(sel[i]);
				if (!pI) continue;

				if (i == 0) { f1 = pI->GetHAlign(); f2 = pI->GetVAlign(); }

				if (f1 != pI->GetHAlign()) { a1 = false; }
				if (f2 != pI->GetVAlign()) { a2 = false; }

			DrawSprings(w, Zoom(s), f1, f2, a1, a2, a1, a2, false);
			DrawRect(w, Zoom(s), 1, LtRed());

			s = GetSelectionRect().Offseted(-g.cx, -g.cy);
			s.SetSize(s.GetSize() + Size(g.cx * 2, g.cy * 2));

			DrawGroupTools(w, Zoom(s));

	for (int i = 0; i < GetObjectCount(); ++i)
		if (ci++ == _colors.GetCount() - 1) ci = 0;
		DrawObject(w, i, coloring ? _colors[ci] : LtGray());

	if (sel.GetCount() == 0)
		w.DrawImage(r.right, r.bottom, FormViewImg::SizerBR());
void CPatchPageDlg::UpdateMidiLearn(CWnd *pChild)
	CRect	rSel;
	GetSelectionRect(pChild, rSel);