static void AnnotateClsidRegistrationForHive(JSONWriter& aJson, HKEY aHive, const nsAString& aClsid, const JSONWriter::CollectionStyle aStyle) { nsAutoString clsidSubkey; clsidSubkey.AppendLiteral(kSoftwareClasses); clsidSubkey.AppendLiteral(kClsid); clsidSubkey.Append(aClsid); nsAutoString className; if (GetStringValue(aHive, clsidSubkey, kDefaultValue, className)) { aJson.StringProperty("ClassName", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(className).get()); } nsAutoString inprocServerSubkey(clsidSubkey); inprocServerSubkey.AppendLiteral(kInprocServer32); nsAutoString pathToServerDll; if (GetStringValue(aHive, inprocServerSubkey, kDefaultValue, pathToServerDll)) { aJson.StringProperty("Path", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(pathToServerDll).get()); if (GetLoadedPath(pathToServerDll)) { aJson.StringProperty("LoadedPath", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(pathToServerDll).get()); } } nsAutoString apartment; if (GetStringValue(aHive, inprocServerSubkey, kThreadingModel, apartment)) { aJson.StringProperty("ThreadingModel", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(apartment).get()); } }
static void AnnotateInterfaceRegistrationForHive(JSONWriter& aJson, HKEY aHive, REFIID aIid, const JSONWriter::CollectionStyle aStyle) { nsAutoString interfaceSubKey; interfaceSubKey.AppendLiteral(kSoftwareClasses); interfaceSubKey.AppendLiteral(kInterface); nsAutoString iid; GUIDToString(aIid, iid); interfaceSubKey.Append(iid); nsAutoString interfaceName; if (GetStringValue(aHive, interfaceSubKey, kDefaultValue, interfaceName)) { aJson.StringProperty("InterfaceName", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(interfaceName).get()); } nsAutoString psSubKey(interfaceSubKey); psSubKey.AppendLiteral(kProxyStubClsid32); nsAutoString psClsid; if (GetStringValue(aHive, psSubKey, kDefaultValue, psClsid)) { aJson.StartObjectProperty("ProxyStub", aStyle); aJson.StringProperty("CLSID", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(psClsid).get()); AnnotateClsidRegistrationForHive(aJson, aHive, psClsid, aStyle); aJson.EndObject(); } nsAutoString typelibSubKey(interfaceSubKey); typelibSubKey.AppendLiteral(kTypeLib); nsAutoString typelibId; bool haveTypelibId = GetStringValue(aHive, typelibSubKey, kDefaultValue, typelibId); nsAutoString typelibVersion; bool haveTypelibVersion = GetStringValue(aHive, typelibSubKey, kVersion, typelibVersion); if (haveTypelibId || haveTypelibVersion) { aJson.StartObjectProperty("TypeLib", aStyle); } if (haveTypelibId) { aJson.StringProperty("ID", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(typelibId).get()); } if (haveTypelibVersion) { aJson.StringProperty("Version", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(typelibVersion).get()); } if (haveTypelibId && haveTypelibVersion) { AnnotateTypelibRegistrationForHive(aJson, aHive, typelibId, typelibVersion, aStyle); } if (haveTypelibId || haveTypelibVersion) { aJson.EndObject(); } }
static void AnnotateTypelibRegistrationForHive(JSONWriter& aJson, HKEY aHive, const nsAString& aTypelibId, const nsAString& aTypelibVersion, const JSONWriter::CollectionStyle aStyle) { nsAutoString typelibSubKey; typelibSubKey.AppendLiteral(kSoftwareClasses); typelibSubKey.AppendLiteral(kTypeLib); typelibSubKey.AppendLiteral(kBackslash); typelibSubKey.Append(aTypelibId); typelibSubKey.AppendLiteral(kBackslash); typelibSubKey.Append(aTypelibVersion); nsAutoString typelibDesc; if (GetStringValue(aHive, typelibSubKey, kDefaultValue, typelibDesc)) { aJson.StringProperty("Description", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(typelibDesc).get()); } nsAutoString flagsSubKey(typelibSubKey); flagsSubKey.AppendLiteral(kBackslash); flagsSubKey.AppendLiteral(kFlags); nsAutoString typelibFlags; if (GetStringValue(aHive, flagsSubKey, kDefaultValue, typelibFlags)) { aJson.StringProperty("Flags", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(typelibFlags).get()); } HKEY rawTypelibKey; LONG result = RegOpenKeyEx(aHive, typelibSubKey.get(), 0, KEY_READ, &rawTypelibKey); if (result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return; } nsAutoRegKey typelibKey(rawTypelibKey); const size_t kMaxLcidCharLen = 9; WCHAR keyName[kMaxLcidCharLen]; for (DWORD index = 0; result == ERROR_SUCCESS; ++index) { DWORD keyNameLength = ArrayLength(keyName); result = RegEnumKeyEx(typelibKey, index, keyName, &keyNameLength, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); unsigned long lcid; if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS && ConvertLCID(keyName, WrapNotNull(&lcid))) { nsDependentString strLcid(keyName, keyNameLength); aJson.StartObjectProperty(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(strLcid).get(), aStyle); AnnotateTypelibPlatform(aJson, typelibKey, strLcid, kWin32, aStyle); #if defined(HAVE_64BIT_BUILD) AnnotateTypelibPlatform(aJson, typelibKey, strLcid, kWin64, aStyle); #endif aJson.EndObject(); } } }
void QProcessResultThread::ParseSpResult( QByteArray& byJson, bool& bSuccess, QString& strUUID ) { strUUID = ""; bSuccess = false; QJsonParseError jsonError; QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson( byJson, &jsonError ); if ( QJsonParseError::NoError != jsonError.error ) { qDebug( ) << jsonError.errorString( ) << endl; return; } if ( jsonDoc.isNull( ) || jsonDoc.isEmpty( ) ) { return; } QJsonObject jsonObj = jsonDoc.object( ); if ( jsonObj.isEmpty( ) ) { return; } QJsonValue jsonVal = jsonObj.value( "Flag" ); if ( jsonVal.isDouble( ) ) { bSuccess = jsonVal.toInt( ); } GetStringValue( strUUID, "UUID", jsonObj ); if ( !bSuccess ) { return; } QString strDateTime = ""; GetStringValue( strDateTime, "DateTime", jsonObj ); QString strPlate = ""; GetStringValue( strPlate, "Plate", jsonObj ); QString strMobile = ""; GetStringValue( strMobile, "MobilePhone", jsonObj ); QString strName = ""; GetStringValue( strName, "Name", jsonObj ); if ( strMobile.isEmpty( ) ) { return; } SendShortMessage( strPlate, strDateTime, strName, strMobile ); }
RDLog::LinkState RDLog::linkState(RDLog::Source src) const { if(linkQuantity(src)==0) { return RDLog::LinkNotPresent; } switch(src) { case RDLog::SourceMusic: return (RDLog::LinkState)RDBool(GetStringValue("MUSIC_LINKED")); case RDLog::SourceTraffic: return (RDLog::LinkState)RDBool(GetStringValue("TRAFFIC_LINKED")); } return RDLog::LinkNotPresent; }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsAbDirProperty::GetDirName(nsAString &aDirName) { if (m_DirPrefId.IsEmpty()) { aDirName = m_ListDirName; return NS_OK; } nsCString dirName; nsresult rv = GetLocalizedStringValue("description", EmptyCString(), dirName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // In TB 2 only some prefs had chrome:// URIs. We had code in place that would // only get the localized string pref for the particular address books that // were built-in. // Additionally, nsIPrefBranch::getComplexValue will only get a non-user-set, // non-locked pref value if it is a chrome:// URI and will get the string // value at that chrome URI. This breaks extensions/autoconfig that want to // set default pref values and allow users to change directory names. // // Now we have to support this, and so if for whatever reason we fail to get // the localized version, then we try and get the non-localized version // instead. If the string value is empty, then we'll just get the empty value // back here. if (dirName.IsEmpty()) { rv = GetStringValue("description", EmptyCString(), dirName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } CopyUTF8toUTF16(dirName, aDirName); return NS_OK; }
// Load/Save BOOL COptionsMisc::Load() { m_bParentFolder = GetBoolValue ("ParentFolder", TRUE) ? true : false; // Load Icons Info m_bShowIcons = GetBoolValue ("ShowIcons", TRUE) ? true : false; // Load Thumbnails Info m_bShowThumbnails = GetBoolValue ("ShowThumbnails", TRUE) ? true : false; SetAutoExtractIcons(GetBoolValue("AutoExtractIcons", TRUE) ? true : false); SetAutoExtractClassHelp(GetBoolValue("AutoExtractClassHelp", TRUE) ? true : false); m_bShowUndoWarnings = GetBoolValue ("ShowUndoWarnings", TRUE) ? true : false; m_bShowFullPath = GetBoolValue("ShowFullPathInTitle", FALSE) ? true : false; m_bAutoLoadProj = GetBoolValue("AutoLoadProj", TRUE) ? true : false; m_bDefaultCompressed = GetBoolValue("DefaultCompressed", TRUE) ? true : false; m_bLoadLYTFile = GetBoolValue("LoadLYTFile", TRUE) ? true : false; m_bUndoFreezeHide = GetBoolValue("UndoFreezeHide", FALSE) ? true : false; // Load undo data m_dwUndos = GetDWordValue("NumUndos", 40); SetVectorEditIncrement(atof(GetStringValue("VectorEditIncrement", "0.1"))); SetVectorEditAutoApply(GetBoolValue("VectorEditAutoApply", TRUE) ? true : false); SetRotationEditAutoApply(GetBoolValue("RotationEditAutoApply", TRUE) ? true : false); return TRUE; }
/** * Funcao para adicionar o aspas no caso de data e strings */ CString CField::GetQueryFormatValue() { CString s; if(m_type == FIELD_TYPE_STRING || m_type == FIELD_TYPE_DATE || m_type == FIELD_TYPE_BOOLCHAR ) { s.Format(_T("'%s'"), m_sValue); return s; } m_sValue.TrimLeft(); m_sValue.TrimRight(); if(m_sValue.IsEmpty() && ( m_type == FIELD_TYPE_NUMBER || m_type == FIELD_TYPE_CURRENCY) ) { return _T(""); } return GetStringValue(); }
bool Var::Equals(Var* rvalue) { switch(type) { case vtInt: { return GetIntValue() == rvalue->GetIntValue(); } case vtFloat: { return GetFloatValue() == rvalue->GetFloatValue(); } case vtString: { char* lvaluetext = GetStringValue(); char* rvaluetext = rvalue->GetStringValue(); bool result = !strcmp(lvaluetext,rvaluetext); delete[] lvaluetext; delete[] rvaluetext; return result; } case vtFloat3: { return float3value == rvalue->float3value; } case vtObject: { return objectvalue == rvalue->objectvalue; // compare pointers... } default: { return false; } } }
CString CTableBase::GetStringValueNoNULL(LPCTSTR _szLabel) { CString s = GetStringValue(_szLabel); if(s.CompareNoCase(_T("NULL")) == 0) return _T(""); return s; }
PRBool nsAttrValue::GetColorValue(nscolor& aColor) const { NS_PRECONDITION(Type() == eColor || Type() == eString, "wrong type"); switch (BaseType()) { case eString: { return GetPtr() && NS_ColorNameToRGB(GetStringValue(), &aColor); } case eOtherBase: { aColor = GetMiscContainer()->mColor; break; } case eIntegerBase: { aColor = static_cast<nscolor>(GetIntInternal()); break; } default: { NS_NOTREACHED("unexpected basetype"); break; } } return PR_TRUE; }
/** @brief Get a parsed value from the config file @param cName The name of the variable in the config file @param n The position of the value in a multivalue field. For "MyArray 10 56 38 52 46;", GetValue<int>("MyArray", 3) will return 52. (the first value is at n=0) **/ T GetValue(const char* cName, int n=0)const { std::string sValue(GetStringValue(cName)+" "); std::string sCurrValue; int nPos=0; for(unsigned int i=0 ; i<sValue.size() ; i++) { if(sValue[i]!=' ' && sValue[i]!='\t') { sCurrValue+=sValue[i]; } else { if(nPos==n) { std::stringstream ss(sCurrValue); T a; ss>>a; return a; } else { sCurrValue=""; nPos++; } }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsAbMDBDirectory::GetDatabaseFile(nsILocalFile **aResult) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aResult); nsCString fileName; nsresult rv = GetStringValue("filename", EmptyCString(), fileName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (fileName.IsEmpty()) return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> profileDir; rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR, getter_AddRefs(profileDir)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = profileDir->AppendNative(fileName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> dbFile = do_QueryInterface(profileDir, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); NS_ADDREF(*aResult = dbFile); return NS_OK; }
int wxTextWidgetImpl::GetLineLength(long lineNo) const { // TODO: change this if possible to reflect real lines wxString content = GetStringValue() ; // Find line first int count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < content.length() ; i++) { if (count == lineNo) { // Count chars in line then count = 0; for (size_t j = i; j < content.length(); j++) { if (content[j] == '\n') return count; count++; } return count; } if (content[i] == '\n') count++; } return 0 ; }
void wxTreeViewComboPopup::OnSelectionChanged(wxGxSelectionEvent& event) { if(event.GetInitiator() == GetId()) return; long nSelID = m_pSelection->GetLastSelectedObjectId(); wxTreeItemId ItemId = m_TreeMap[nSelID]; if(ItemId.IsOk()) { SelectItem(ItemId); } else { wxGxObject* pGxObject = m_pCatalog->GetRegisterObject(nSelID); wxGxObject* pParentGxObj = pGxObject->GetParent(); while(pParentGxObj) { wxTreeItemId ItemId = m_TreeMap[pParentGxObj->GetId()]; if(ItemId.IsOk()) { Expand(ItemId); break; } else pParentGxObj = pParentGxObj->GetParent(); } OnSelectionChanged(event); } //set combo text wxString sText = GetStringValue(); m_combo->SetText(sText); }
wxString wxTextWidgetImpl::GetLineText(long lineNo) const { // TODO: change this if possible to reflect real lines wxString content = GetStringValue() ; // Find line first int count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < content.length() ; i++) { if (count == lineNo) { // Add chars in line then wxString tmp; for (size_t j = i; j < content.length(); j++) { if (content[j] == '\n') return tmp; tmp += content[j]; } return tmp; } if (content[i] == '\n') count++; } return wxEmptyString ; }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsSampleImpl::WriteValue(const char* aPrefix) { NS_PRECONDITION(aPrefix != nsnull, "null ptr"); if (! aPrefix) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; printf("%s %s\n", aPrefix, mValue); // This next part illustrates the nsEmbedString: nsEmbedString foopy; foopy.Append(PRUnichar('f')); foopy.Append(PRUnichar('o')); foopy.Append(PRUnichar('o')); foopy.Append(PRUnichar('p')); foopy.Append(PRUnichar('y')); const PRUnichar* f = foopy.get(); PRUint32 l = foopy.Length(); printf("%c%c%c%c%c %d\n", char(f[0]), char(f[1]), char(f[2]), char(f[3]), char(f[4]), l); nsEmbedCString foopy2; GetStringValue(foopy2); //foopy2.AppendLiteral("foopy"); const char* f2 = foopy2.get(); PRUint32 l2 = foopy2.Length(); printf("%s %d\n", f2, l2); return NS_OK; }
/* ** Executes OnChangeAction if action is set. ** If execute parameter is set to false, only updates old value with current value. ** */ void Measure::DoChangeAction(bool execute) { if (!m_OnChangeAction.empty() && m_ValueAssigned) { double newValue = GetValue(); const WCHAR* newStringValue = GetStringValue(); if (!newStringValue) { newStringValue = L""; } if (!m_OldValue) { m_OldValue = new MeasureValueSet(newValue, newStringValue); } else if (execute) { if (m_OldValue->IsChanged(newValue, newStringValue)) { GetRainmeter().ExecuteCommand(m_OnChangeAction.c_str(), m_Skin); } } else { m_OldValue->Set(newValue, newStringValue); } } }
float Universal::GetFloat() const { switch (GetType()) { case TypeString: { register const char * str = GetStringValue(); if (str[0] == '0' && str[1] == 'x') { register float ret = 0; sscanf(str+2, "%x", &ret); return (float)ret; } else { register float ret = 0.f; sscanf(str, "%f", &ret); return ret; } } case TypeDecimal: return (float)value.l; case TypeUnsigned: return (float)value.ul; case TypeFloat: return value.f; case TypeBool: return value.b ? 1.f:0.f; //case TypeFloatVector: return vec_GetFloat(0); }; return 0; }
void Configuration::FillFromConnectString(const char* str, size_t len) { // Initializing map. arguments.clear(); // Initializing DSN to empty string. arguments[Key::dsn].clear(); // Ignoring terminating zero byte if present. // Some Driver Managers pass zero-terminated connection string // while others don't. if (len && !str[len - 1]) --len; ParseAttributeList(str, len, ';', arguments); ArgumentMap::const_iterator it = arguments.find(Key::address); if (it != arguments.end()) { // Parsing address. ParseAddress(it->second, endPoint); } else { = GetStringValue(Key::server, DefaultValue::server); endPoint.port = static_cast<uint16_t>(GetIntValue(Key::port, DefaultValue::port)); } }
void Configuration::FillFromConfigAttributes(const char * attributes) { // Initializing map. arguments.clear(); size_t len = 0; // Getting list length. List is terminated by two '\0'. while (attributes[len] || attributes[len + 1]) ++len; ++len; ParseAttributeList(attributes, len, '\0', arguments); ArgumentMap::const_iterator it = arguments.find(Key::address); if (it != arguments.end()) { // Parsing address. ParseAddress(it->second, endPoint); } else { = GetStringValue(Key::server, DefaultValue::server); endPoint.port = static_cast<uint16_t>(GetIntValue(Key::port, DefaultValue::port)); } }
inline static bool GetStringValue(HKEY aBaseKey, const nsAString& aStrSubKey, const char16_t (&aValueName)[N], nsAString& aOutput) { return GetStringValue(aBaseKey, aStrSubKey, nsLiteralString(aValueName), aOutput); }
IINField LoggingHandler::ProcessHeader(const RangeHeader& header, const ICollection<Indexed<Binary>>& values) { auto stringify = [](bool value) -> const char* { return GetStringValue(value); }; return this->PrintVQTStringify(header.enumeration, values, stringify); }
/* 获取section段第一个键为key的string值,成功返回获取的值,否则返回默认值 */ void IniFile::GetStringValueOrDefault(const string §ion, const string &key, string *value, const string &defaultValue) { if (GetStringValue(section, key, value) != 0) { *value = defaultValue; } return; }
void PersonnelResourceGetFamilyName (IAAFObject * pObj, aafCharacter * buf, aafUInt32 buflen) { assert (pObj); assert (buf); GetStringValue (pObj, kPropID_PersonnelResource_FamilyName, buf,buflen); }
float GetFloatValue(MYSQL_RES *pResult, char *pField) { char *pValue = GetStringValue(pResult, pField); if (pValue) { return (float)atof(pValue); } return 0; }
double GetDoubleValue(MYSQL_RES *pResult, char *pField) { char *pValue = GetStringValue(pResult, pField); if (pValue) { return atof(pValue); } return 0; }
int GetIntValue(MYSQL_RES *pResult, char *pField) { char *pValue = GetStringValue(pResult, pField); if (pValue) { return atoi(pValue); } return 0; }
QColor RDEvent::color() const { bool ok; QColor color; color=QColor(GetStringValue("COLOR",&ok)); if(!ok) { color=QColor(); } return color; }
bool nsCSSValue::IsNonTransparentColor() const { // We have the value in the form it was specified in at this point, so we // have to look for both the keyword 'transparent' and its equivalent in // rgba notation. nsDependentString buf; return (mUnit == eCSSUnit_Color && NS_GET_A(GetColorValue()) > 0) || (mUnit == eCSSUnit_Ident && !nsGkAtoms::transparent->Equals(GetStringValue(buf))) || (mUnit == eCSSUnit_EnumColor); }