bool GUI_TextField::HandleEvent(const char *action) { if (!strcmp(action, "accept")) { GUI_Page *page = GetPage(); if (page) { page->UpdateFocusWidget(1); page->DecRef(); } return true; } else if (!strcmp(action, "prev")) { SetCursorPos(GetCursorPos() - 1); InputDigit(-1); return true; } else if (!strcmp(action, "next")) { SetCursorPos(GetCursorPos() + 1); InputDigit(-1); return true; } else if ((GetFlags() & WIDGET_FOCUSED && (!strcmp(action, "stop") || !strcmp(action, "cancel"))) || !strcmp(action, "clear") || !strcmp(action, "backspace")) { Backspace(); InputDigit(-1); return true; } else if (!strcmp(action, "delete")) { DeleteCurrChar(); InputDigit(-1); return true; } else if (!strcmp(action, "home") || !strcmp(action, "first")) { SetCursorPos(0); InputDigit(-1); return true; } else if (!strcmp(action, "end") || !strcmp(action, "last")) { SetCursorPos(GetTextLength()); InputDigit(-1); return true; } else if (!strncmp(action, "key", 3) && strlen(action) == 4) { SendChar(action[3], true); InputDigit(-1); return true; } else if (!strncmp(action, "number", 6) && strlen(action) == 7 && isdigit(action[6])) { InputDigit(atoi(action + 6)); return true; } return GUI_Widget::HandleEvent(action); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Write(Real x, Real y, Real z, unsigned int color, const char *text, int count, FONT_ALIGN mode) { if (!mInitialized) return; auto& renderer = Renderer::GetInstance(); if (renderer.GetRendererOptions()->r_noText) return; // if (count < 0) count = GetTextLength(text); if (mode == FONT_ALIGN_CENTER) { Real w = GetTextWidth(text, count); x -= w / 2; } else if (mode == FONT_ALIGN_RIGHT) { Real w = GetTextWidth(text, count); x -= w; } mColor = color; renderer.UpdateObjectConstantsBuffer(&mObjectConstants); InternalWrite(Round(x), Round(y), z, text, count); }
/* ================ CSyntaxRichEditCtrl::BracedSectionEnd ================ */ bool CSyntaxRichEditCtrl::BracedSectionEnd(char braceStartChar, char braceEndChar) { long selStart, selEnd; int brace, i; idStr text; GetSel(selStart, selEnd); GetText(text, 0, GetTextLength()); for (brace = 1, i = Min(selStart-2, (long)text.Length()-1); i >= 0; i--) { if (text[i] == braceStartChar) { brace--; if (brace == 0) { break; } } else if (text[i] == braceEndChar) { brace++; } } if (brace == 0) { bracedSection[0] = i; bracedSection[1] = selStart - 1; BracedSectionAdjustEndTabs(); BracedSectionShow(); } return (brace == 0); }
/* ================ CSyntaxRichEditCtrl::BracedSectionStart ================ */ bool CSyntaxRichEditCtrl::BracedSectionStart(char braceStartChar, char braceEndChar) { long selStart, selEnd; int brace, i; idStr text; GetSel(selStart, selEnd); GetText(text, 0, GetTextLength()); for (brace = 1, i = selStart; i < text.Length(); i++) { if (text[i] == braceStartChar) { brace++; } else if (text[i] == braceEndChar) { brace--; if (brace == 0) { break; } } } if (brace == 0) { bracedSection[0] = selStart - 1; bracedSection[1] = i; BracedSectionShow(); } return (brace == 0); }
void Key_GetWord(uint8 KeyValue,char *D,uint8 InType) { uint8 Index,Length; char CodeBuf[200],*Data=D; BufferFill(&CodeBuf[0],0,sizeof(CodeBuf)); if(InType&IT_Dot)StringEndingAppend(".",&CodeBuf[0]); if(InType&IT_Minus)StringEndingAppend("-",&CodeBuf[0]); if(InType&IT_Num)StringEndingAppend("0123456789",&CodeBuf[0]); if(InType&IT_ASCIIS)StringEndingAppend("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",&CodeBuf[0]); if(InType&IT_ASCIIB)StringEndingAppend("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",&CodeBuf[0]); if(InType&IT_CurCLiB)StringEndingAppend((void *)(Tos_GetFontHandle()->P_CIndex),&CodeBuf[0]); Length=GetTextLength(&CodeBuf[0]); Length++; Index=Index_Word(CodeBuf,Data,Length); if(Index==0xff)Index=0; if(KeyValue==Key_Up) { if(CodeBuf[Index]<0x80)Index++;else Index+=2;if(Index>=Length)Index=0; if(CodeBuf[Index]<0x80){*Data=CodeBuf[Index];}else {*(uint16 *)Data=*(uint16 *)&CodeBuf[Index];} } if(KeyValue==Key_Down) { if(CodeBuf[Index-2]<0x80)Index--;else Index-=2;if(Index==0xff)Index=(Length); if(CodeBuf[Index]<0x80){*Data=CodeBuf[Index];}else {*(uint16 *)Data=*(uint16 *)&CodeBuf[Index];} } Index=Index_Word(CodeBuf,Data,Length); if(Index==0xff)Index=0; }
void Key_GetASCII(uint8 KeyValue,uint8 *Data,uint8 InType) { uint8 Index,Length; char CodeBuf[200]; BufferFill(&CodeBuf[0],0,sizeof(CodeBuf)); if(InType&IT_Dot)StringEndingAppend(".",&CodeBuf[0]); if(InType&IT_Minus)StringEndingAppend("-",&CodeBuf[0]); if(InType&IT_Num)StringEndingAppend("0123456789",&CodeBuf[0]); if(InType&IT_ASCIIS)StringEndingAppend("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",&CodeBuf[0]); if(InType&IT_ASCIIB)StringEndingAppend("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",&CodeBuf[0]); if(InType&IT_CurCLiB)StringEndingAppend((void *)(Tos_GetFontHandle()->P_CIndex),&CodeBuf[0]); if(InType&IT_End)StringEndingAppend("\r\n",&CodeBuf[0]); StringEndingAppend("\n",&CodeBuf[0]); Length=GetTextLength(&CodeBuf[0]); if(KeyValue==Key_Up) { Index=Index_Uchar(CodeBuf,*Data); Index++; if(Index>=(Length-1))Index=0; *Data=CodeBuf[Index]; } if(KeyValue==Key_Down) { Index=Index_Uchar(CodeBuf,*Data); if(Index==0)Index=(Length-1); Index--; *Data=CodeBuf[Index]; } }
/* ================ CSyntaxRichEditCtrl::GetNameForMousePosition ================ */ bool CSyntaxRichEditCtrl::GetNameForMousePosition(idStr &name) const { int charIndex, startCharIndex, endCharIndex, type; idStr text; charIndex = CharFromPos(mousePoint); for (startCharIndex = charIndex; startCharIndex > 0; startCharIndex--) { GetText(text, startCharIndex - 1, startCharIndex); type = charType[text[0]]; if (type != CT_NAME && type != CT_NUMBER) { break; } } for (endCharIndex = charIndex; endCharIndex < GetTextLength(); endCharIndex++) { GetText(text, endCharIndex, endCharIndex + 1); type = charType[text[0]]; if (type != CT_NAME && type != CT_NUMBER) { break; } } GetText(name, startCharIndex, endCharIndex); return (endCharIndex > startCharIndex); }
LONG CRchTxtPtr::GetCchLeftRunPF() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSBACK, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRchTxtPtr::GetCchLeftRunPF"); return _rpPF.IsValid() ? _rpPF.GetCchLeft() : GetTextLength() - GetCp(); }
LONG AwtTextComponent::getWin32SelPos(LONG orgPos) { long wlen; long pos = 0; long cur = 0; LPTSTR wbuf; if ((wlen = GetTextLength()) == 0) return 0; wbuf = new TCHAR[wlen + 1]; GetText(wbuf, wlen + 1); if (m_isLFonly == TRUE) { RemoveCR(wbuf); } while (cur < orgPos && pos < wlen) { if (wbuf[pos] == _T('\r') && wbuf[pos + 1] == _T('\n')) { pos++; } pos++; cur++; } delete[] wbuf; return pos; }
void AwtTextComponent::CheckLineSeparator(WCHAR *pStr) { if (pStr == NULL) { return; } if (GetTextLength() == 0) { m_EOLchecked = FALSE; } // check to see if there are any LF's if (m_EOLchecked == TRUE || wcschr(pStr, L'\n') == NULL) { return; } for (int i=0; pStr[i] != 0; i++) { if (pStr[i] == L'\n') { if (i > 0 && pStr[i-1] == L'\r') { m_isLFonly = FALSE; } else { m_isLFonly = TRUE; } m_EOLchecked = TRUE; return; } } }
void GUITextBox::OnKeyDown(UCHAR key) { SetShift(keys[VK_SHIFT]); if(GetText()) { if((IsAlpabetic(key) || key == VK_SPACE) && GetTextLength() < GetMaxTextLength()) { char* new_text = new char[strlen(GetText())+2]; if(GetShift()) sprintf(new_text, "%s%c\0", GetText(), key); else sprintf(new_text, "%s%c\0", GetText(), tolower(key)); try { delete[] GetText(); } catch(...) { WriteToLog("Exception in GUITextBox::OnKeyDown()"); } SetText(new_text); SetTextLength(strlen(GetText())); } else if(key == VK_BACK) { UINT len = strlen(GetText()); if(len > 0) { string s = string(GetText()); char* new_text = new char[len]; sprintf(new_text, "%s\0", s.substr(0, s.length()-1).c_str()); try { delete[] GetText(); } catch(...) { WriteToLog("Exception in GUITextBox::OnKeyDown()"); } SetText(new_text); SetTextLength(strlen(GetText())); } } } else { char* new_text = new char[1]; if(GetShift()) new_text[0] = key; else new_text[0] = tolower(key); SetText(new_text); } }
void CTextEditor::Render(HDC hdc, const LOGFONT *plf) { HFONT hFont = CreateFontIndirect(plf); if (hFont) { HFONT hFontOrg = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, hFont); _layout.Layout(hdc, GetTextBuffer(), GetTextLength()); _layout.Render(hdc, GetTextBuffer(), GetTextLength(), _nSelStart, _nSelEnd, _nCompStart, _nCompEnd, _prgAttr, _lAttr, _prgClauseInfo, _lClauseInfo); SelectObject(hdc, hFontOrg); DeleteObject(hFont); } }
/******************************************************************************* Func:菜单项回传 Date:2016-3-25 Note: *******************************************************************************/ uint8 COM_Menu_Load(uint8 Index,uint8 *Menu) { uint8 Length; if(Index>=Menu_OptionLength(MenuList))return 0; MUI_GetOptionString((char *)Menu,&MenuList[Index]); Length=GetTextLength(Menu); return Length; }
int GUI_TextField::OnGotFocus(void) { if (!GUI_Widget::OnGotFocus()) { return 0; } SetCursorPos(GetTextLength()); return 1; }
NS_IMETHODIMP HTMLTextAreaElement::GetTextLength(int32_t *aTextLength) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aTextLength); *aTextLength = GetTextLength(); return NS_OK; }
bool wxTextDataObject::GetDataHere(void *buf) const { // NOTE: use wxTmemcpy() instead of wxStrncpy() to allow // retrieval of strings with embedded NULLs wxTmemcpy( (wxChar*)buf, GetText().c_str(), GetTextLength() ); return true; }
//右键消息 VOID CRichEditTrace::OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { CMenu menu; ClientToScreen(&point); menu.CreatePopupMenu(); CHARRANGE sl; GetSel(sl); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | (sl.cpMax != sl.cpMin) ? 0 : MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED, IDM_MENU0, "复制(&C)\tCtrl+C"); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | (GetTextLength() > 0 && sl.cpMax - sl.cpMin < GetTextLength()) ? 0 : MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED, IDM_MENU1, "全选(&A)\tCtrl+A"); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | (false) ? 0 : MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED, IDM_MENU2, "删除(&D)"); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | (GetTextLength() > 0) ? 0 : MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED, IDM_MENU3, "清除信息"); menu.AppendMenu(MF_SEPARATOR, 0); menu.AppendMenu(MF_STRING | (GetTextLength() > 0) ? 0 : MF_DISABLED | MF_GRAYED, IDM_MENU4, "保存信息..."); TrackPopupMenu(menu.m_hMenu, nFlags, point.x, point.y, 0, m_hWnd, NULL); }
int SciEdit::GetText(LPTSTR szText) { if (szText == NULL) return 0; *szText = '\0'; long lLen = GetTextLength(); Call(SCI_GETTEXT, lLen+1, (LPARAM)szText); return lLen; }
bool SearchableEditor::find(bool newSearch) { if (!fd) fd = new FindDialog(this, ::wxGetTopLevelParent(this)); if (newSearch || findTextM.empty()) { if (newSearch) { // find selected text wxString findText(GetSelectedText()); // failing that initialize with the word at the caret if (findText.empty()) { int pos = GetCurrentPos(); int start = WordStartPosition(pos, true); int end = WordEndPosition(pos, true); if (end > start) findText = GetTextRange(start, end); } fd->SetFindText(findText); } // do not re-center dialog if it is already visible if (!fd->IsShown()) fd->Show(); fd->SetFocus(); return false; // <- caller shouldn't care about this } int start = GetSelectionEnd(); if (findFlagsM.has(se::FROM_TOP)) { start = 0; findFlagsM.remove(se::ALERT); // remove flag after first find } int end = GetTextLength(); int p = FindText(start, end, findTextM, findFlagsM.asStc()); if (p == -1) { if (findFlagsM.has(se::WRAP)) p = FindText(0, end, findTextM, findFlagsM.asStc()); if (p == -1) { if (findFlagsM.has(se::ALERT)) wxMessageBox(_("No more matches"), _("Search complete"), wxICON_INFORMATION|wxOK); return false; } } centerCaret(true); GotoPos(p); GotoPos(p + findTextM.Length()); SetSelectionStart(p); SetSelectionEnd(p + findTextM.Length()); centerCaret(false); return true; }
/* ================ CSyntaxRichEditCtrl::FindNext ================ */ bool CSyntaxRichEditCtrl::FindNext(const char *find, bool matchCase, bool matchWholeWords, bool searchForward) { long selStart, selEnd, flags, search, length, start; tom::ITextRange *range; if (find[0] == '\0') { return false; } GetSel(selStart, selEnd); flags = 0; flags |= matchCase ? tom::tomMatchCase : 0; flags |= matchWholeWords ? tom::tomMatchWord : 0; if (searchForward) { m_TextDoc->Range(selEnd, GetTextLength(), &range); search = GetTextLength() - selEnd; } else { m_TextDoc->Range(0, selStart, &range); search = -selStart; } if (range->FindShit(A2BSTR(find), search, flags, &length) == S_OK) { m_TextDoc->Freeze(NULL); range->get_Start(&start); range->Release(); SetSel(start, start + length); int line = Max((int) LineFromChar(start) - 5, 0); LineScroll(line - GetFirstVisibleLine(), 0); UpdateVisibleRange(); m_TextDoc->Unfreeze(NULL); return true; } else { range->Release(); return false; } }
/* * CTxtEdit::GetClipboardData * * @mfunc return an data transfer object for the indicated * range * * @rdesc * HRESULT Success code. */ STDMETHODIMP CTxtEdit::GetClipboardData( CHARRANGE *lpchrg, //@parm the range of text to use DWORD reco, //@parm operation the data is for LPDATAOBJECT *lplpdataobj) //@parm where to put the data object { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSOLE, TRCSCOPEEXTERN, "CTxtEdit::GetClipboardData"); CCallMgr callmgr(this); HRESULT hr; LONG cpMin, cpMost; CLightDTEngine * pldte = GetDTE(); //Make sure cpMin and cpMost are within the current text limits. //Interpret neg. value for cpMin as the beginning of the text, //and neg. value for cpMax as the end of the text. If a char range //is not given use the current selection. if(lpchrg) { LONG cchText; cchText = (LONG)GetTextLength(); cpMin = max(0, lpchrg->cpMin); cpMin = min(cchText, lpchrg->cpMin); cpMost = lpchrg->cpMost; if(lpchrg->cpMost < 0 || lpchrg->cpMost > cchText) cpMost = cchText; } else { CTxtSelection * psel = GetSel(); psel->GetRange(cpMin, cpMost); } //Make sure this is a valid range. if(cpMin >= cpMost) { *lplpdataobj = NULL; return cpMin == cpMost ? NOERROR : ResultFromScode(E_INVALIDARG); } CTxtRange rg(this, cpMin, cpMin-cpMost); //We don't use reco for anything. hr = pldte->RangeToDataObject(&rg, SF_RTF, lplpdataobj); #ifdef DEBUG if(hr != NOERROR) TRACEERRSZSC("GetClipboardData", E_OUTOFMEMORY); #endif return hr; }
void DaCai_TextBox(uint16 ScreenID,uint16 ControlID,char *fmt,...) { va_list ap; char String[256]; va_start(ap,fmt); vsprintf(String,fmt,ap); DaCai_SetTextBox(ScreenID,ControlID,(uint8 *)String,GetTextLength(String)); va_end(ap); }
void DaCai_Printf(char *fmt,...) { va_list ap; char String[256]; va_start(ap,fmt); vsprintf(String,fmt,ap); DaCai_SetTextBox(0x00,0x11,(uint8 *)String,GetTextLength(String)); va_end(ap); }
/* * CRchTxtPtr::ValidateCp(&cp) * * @mfunc * If <p cp> <lt> 0, set it to 0; if it's <gt> text length, set it to * text length. */ void CRchTxtPtr::ValidateCp( LONG &cp) const // @parm new cp for this text ptr { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSBACK, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CRchTxtPtr::ValidateCp"); LONG cchT = GetTextLength(); cp = min(cp, cchT); // Be sure cp is valid cp = max(cp, 0); }
void CTextEditor::MoveSelectionNext() { UINT nTextLength = GetTextLength(); if (_nSelEnd < nTextLength) _nSelEnd++; _nSelStart = _nSelEnd; _pTextStore->OnSelectionChange(); }
void CFulEditCtrl::ScrollToEnd() { SetRedraw(FALSE); SetSel(0, 0); ScrollCaret(); int l = GetTextLength(); SetSel(l, l); SendMessage(EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0); SetRedraw(TRUE); Invalidate(); }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Real GetTextWidth(const char *text, int count = -1, Real *outMinY = 0, Real *outMaxY = 0) { if (count < 0) count = GetTextLength(text); Real x = 0; Real minY = 10000; Real maxY = -10000; for (int n = 0; n < count;) { TextTags::Enum tag; int imgLen; int skiplen = SkipTags(&text[n], &tag, &imgLen); if (skiplen>0) { if (tag == TextTags::Img) { x += imgLen; } do { n += skiplen; skiplen = SkipTags(&text[n], &tag, &imgLen); if (tag == TextTags::Img) { x += imgLen; } } while (skiplen > 0); } if (n >= count) break; int charId = GetTextChar(text, n, &n); SCharDescr *ch = GetChar(charId); if (ch == 0) ch = &mDefChar; x += mScale * (ch->xAdv); Real h = mScale * Real(ch->srcH); Real y = mScale * (Real(mBase) - Real(ch->yOff)); if (minY > y - h) minY = y - h; if (maxY < y) maxY = y; if (n < count) x += AdjustForKerningPairs(charId, GetTextChar(text, n)); } if (outMinY) *outMinY = minY; if (outMaxY) *outMaxY = maxY; return x; }
void NativeTextfieldWin::OnMouseMove(UINT keys, const gfx::Point& point) { SetContainsMouse(true); // Clamp the selection to the visible text so the user can't drag to select // the "phantom newline". In theory we could achieve this by clipping the X // coordinate, but in practice the edit seems to behave nondeterministically // with similar sequences of clipped input coordinates fed to it. Maybe it's // reading the mouse cursor position directly? // // This solution has a minor visual flaw, however: if there's a visible // cursor at the edge of the text (only true when there's no selection), // dragging the mouse around outside that edge repaints the cursor on every // WM_MOUSEMOVE instead of allowing it to blink normally. To fix this, we // special-case this exact case and discard the WM_MOUSEMOVE messages instead // of passing them along. // // But even this solution has a flaw! (Argh.) In the case where the user // has a selection that starts at the edge of the edit, and proceeds to the // middle of the edit, and the user is dragging back past the start edge to // remove the selection, there's a redraw problem where the change between // having the last few bits of text still selected and having nothing // selected can be slow to repaint (which feels noticeably strange). This // occurs if you only let the edit receive a single WM_MOUSEMOVE past the // edge of the text. I think on each WM_MOUSEMOVE the edit is repainting its // previous state, then updating its internal variables to the new state but // not repainting. To fix this, we allow one more WM_MOUSEMOVE through after // the selection has supposedly been shrunk to nothing; this makes the edit // redraw the selection quickly so it feels smooth. CHARRANGE selection; GetSel(selection); const bool possibly_can_discard_mousemove = (selection.cpMin==selection.cpMax) && (((selection.cpMin==0) && (ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x(), false)>point.x())) || ((selection.cpMin==GetTextLength()) && (ClipXCoordToVisibleText(point.x(), false)<point.x()))); if(!can_discard_mousemove_ || !possibly_can_discard_mousemove) { can_discard_mousemove_ = possibly_can_discard_mousemove; ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel()); OnBeforePossibleChange(); // Force the Y coordinate to the center of the clip rect. The edit // behaves strangely when the cursor is dragged vertically: if the cursor // is in the middle of the text, drags inside the clip rect do nothing, // and drags outside the clip rect act as if the cursor jumped to the // left edge of the text. When the cursor is at the right edge, drags of // just a few pixels vertically end up selecting the "phantom newline"... // sometimes. RECT r; GetRect(&r); DefWindowProc(WM_MOUSEMOVE, keys, MAKELPARAM(point.x(), (; OnAfterPossibleChange(true); } }
void CTextEditor::MoveSelectionNext() { UINT nTextLength = GetTextLength(); if (_nSelEnd < nTextLength) _nSelEnd++; _nSelStart = _nSelEnd; SetCompositionForm(); FlushCompositionString(); }
HRESULT touchmind::control::DWriteEditControlTextStoreACP::MoveACPToEnd() { if (_IsLocked(TS_LF_READ)) { return S_OK; } _LockDocument(TS_LF_READWRITE); LONG textLength = static_cast<LONG>(GetTextLength()); HRESULT hr = ChangeACPWithoutLock(textLength, textLength, TS_AE_START); _UnlockDocument(); m_AdviseSink.pTextStoreACPSink->OnLayoutChange(TS_LC_CHANGE, EDIT_VIEW_COOKIE); return hr; }