bool SCH_SCREEN::Save( FILE* aFile ) const
    // Creates header
    if( fprintf( aFile, "%s %s %d\n", EESCHEMA_FILE_STAMP,
        return false;

    BOOST_FOREACH( const PART_LIB& lib, *Prj().SchLibs() )
        if( fprintf( aFile, "LIBS:%s\n", TO_UTF8( lib.GetName() ) ) < 0 )
            return false;

    // This section is not used, but written for file compatibility
    if( fprintf( aFile, "EELAYER %d %d\n", LAYERSCH_ID_COUNT, 0 ) < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "EELAYER END\n" ) < 0 )
        return false;

    /* Write page info, ScreenNumber and NumberOfScreen; not very meaningful for
     * SheetNumber and Sheet Count in a complex hierarchy, but useful in
     * simple hierarchy and flat hierarchy.  Used also to search the root
     * sheet ( ScreenNumber = 1 ) within the files
    const TITLE_BLOCK& tb = GetTitleBlock();

    if( fprintf( aFile, "$Descr %s %d %d%s\n", TO_UTF8( m_paper.GetType() ),
                 !m_paper.IsCustom() && m_paper.IsPortrait() ?
                    " portrait" : ""
                 ) < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "encoding utf-8\n") < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "Sheet %d %d\n", m_ScreenNumber, m_NumberOfScreens ) < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "Title %s\n",    EscapedUTF8( tb.GetTitle() ).c_str() ) < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "Date %s\n",     EscapedUTF8( tb.GetDate() ).c_str() ) < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "Rev %s\n",      EscapedUTF8( tb.GetRevision() ).c_str() ) < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "Comp %s\n",     EscapedUTF8( tb.GetCompany() ).c_str() ) < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "Comment1 %s\n", EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment1() ).c_str() ) < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "Comment2 %s\n", EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment2() ).c_str() ) < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "Comment3 %s\n", EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment3() ).c_str() ) < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "Comment4 %s\n", EscapedUTF8( tb.GetComment4() ).c_str() ) < 0
        || fprintf( aFile, "$EndDescr\n" ) < 0 )
        return false;

    for( SCH_ITEM* item = m_drawList.begin(); item; item = item->Next() )
        if( !item->Save( aFile ) )
            return false;

    if( fprintf( aFile, "$EndSCHEMATC\n" ) < 0 )
        return false;

    return true;
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::DrawWorkSheet( wxDC* aDC, BASE_SCREEN* aScreen, int aLineWidth,
                                    double aScalar, const wxString &aFilename,
                                    const wxString &aSheetLayer, COLOR4D aColor )
    if( !m_showBorderAndTitleBlock )

    const PAGE_INFO&  pageInfo = GetPageSettings();
    wxSize  pageSize = pageInfo.GetSizeMils();

    // if not printing, draw the page limits:
    if( !aScreen->m_IsPrinting && m_showPageLimits )
        GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY );
        GRRect( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), aDC, 0, 0,
                pageSize.x * aScalar, pageSize.y * aScalar, aLineWidth,
                m_drawBgColor == WHITE ? LIGHTGRAY : DARKDARKGRAY );

    TITLE_BLOCK t_block = GetTitleBlock();
    COLOR4D color = ( aColor != COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED ) ? aColor : COLOR4D( RED );

    wxPoint origin = aDC->GetDeviceOrigin();

    if( aScreen->m_IsPrinting && origin.y > 0 )
        aDC->SetDeviceOrigin( 0, 0 );
        aDC->SetAxisOrientation( true, false );

    DrawPageLayout( aDC, m_canvas->GetClipBox(), pageInfo,
                    GetScreenDesc(), aFilename, t_block,
                    aScreen->m_NumberOfScreens, aScreen->m_ScreenNumber,
                    aLineWidth, aScalar, color, aSheetLayer );

    if( aScreen->m_IsPrinting && origin.y > 0 )
        aDC->SetDeviceOrigin( origin.x, origin.y );
        aDC->SetAxisOrientation( true, true );
void EDA_DRAW_FRAME::TraceWorkSheet( wxDC* DC, BASE_SCREEN* screen, int line_width )
    if( !m_showBorderAndTitleBlock )

    const PAGE_INFO&  pageInfo = GetPageSettings();
    wxSize  pageSize = pageInfo.GetSizeMils();

    int ii, jj, xg, yg, ipas, gxpas, gypas;
    wxPoint pos;
    int refx, refy;
    EDA_Colors Color;
    wxString Line;
    Ki_WorkSheetData* WsItem;
    int scale = m_internalUnits / 1000;
    wxSize size( SIZETEXT * scale, SIZETEXT * scale );
#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
    wxSize size2( SIZETEXT * scale * 2, SIZETEXT * scale * 2);
    wxSize size3( SIZETEXT * scale * 3, SIZETEXT * scale * 3);
    wxSize size1_5( SIZETEXT * scale * 1.5, SIZETEXT * scale * 1.5);
    wxSize size_ref( SIZETEXT_REF * scale, SIZETEXT_REF * scale );

    wxString msg;
    int width = line_width;

    Color = RED;

    // if not printing, draw the page limits:
    if( !screen->m_IsPrinting && g_ShowPageLimits )
        GRSetDrawMode( DC, GR_COPY );
        GRRect( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, 0, 0,
                pageSize.x * scale, pageSize.y * scale, width,
                g_DrawBgColor == WHITE ? LIGHTGRAY : DARKDARKGRAY );

    GRSetDrawMode( DC, GR_COPY );

    // Draw the border.

    // Upper left corner
    refx = pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils();
    refy = pageInfo.GetTopMarginMils();

    // lower right corner
    xg   = pageSize.x - pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils();
    yg   = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils();

#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
    GRRect( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, refx * scale, refy * scale,
            xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );

    for( ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++ )
        GRRect( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, refx * scale, refy * scale,
                xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );

        refx += GRID_REF_W; refy += GRID_REF_W;
        xg   -= GRID_REF_W; yg -= GRID_REF_W;


    // Draw the reference legends.
    refx = pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils();

#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
    refy = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils(); // Lower left corner
    for( WsItem = &WS_Segm1_LU; WsItem != NULL; WsItem = WsItem->Pnext )
        pos.x = ( refx - WsItem->m_Posx ) * scale;
        pos.y = ( refy - WsItem->m_Posy ) * scale;
        switch( WsItem->m_Type )
        case WS_CADRE:

        case WS_PODPIS_LU:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_VERT, size,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_SEGMENT_LU:
            xg = pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endx;
            yg = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endy;
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, pos.x, pos.y,
                    xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );

    refy = pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils(); // Left Top corner
    for( WsItem = &WS_Segm1_LT; WsItem != NULL; WsItem = WsItem->Pnext )
        pos.x = ( refx + WsItem->m_Posx ) * scale;
        pos.y = ( refy + WsItem->m_Posy ) * scale;
        switch( WsItem->m_Type )
        case WS_SEGMENT_LT:
            xg = pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils() + WsItem->m_Endx;
            yg = pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() + WsItem->m_Endy;
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, pos.x, pos.y,
                    xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );


    // Upper left corner
    refy = pageInfo.GetTopMarginMils();

    // lower right corner
    xg   = pageSize.x - pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils();
    yg   = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils();

    ipas  = ( xg - refx ) / PAS_REF;
    gxpas = ( xg - refx ) / ipas;
    for( ii = refx + gxpas, jj = 1; ipas > 0; ii += gxpas, jj++, ipas-- )
        Line.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), jj );

        if( ii < xg - PAS_REF / 2 )
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, ii * scale, refy * scale,
                    ii * scale, ( refy + GRID_REF_W ) * scale, width, Color );
        DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC,
                         wxPoint( ( ii - gxpas / 2 ) * scale,
                                  ( refy + GRID_REF_W / 2 ) * scale ),
                         Color, Line, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size_ref,
                         width, false, false );

        if( ii < xg - PAS_REF / 2 )
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, ii * scale, yg * scale,
                    ii * scale, ( yg - GRID_REF_W ) * scale, width, Color );
        DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC,
                         wxPoint( ( ii - gxpas / 2 ) * scale,
                                  ( yg - GRID_REF_W / 2) * scale ),
                         Color, Line, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size_ref,
                         width, false, false );

    ipas  = ( yg - refy ) / PAS_REF;
    gypas = ( yg - refy ) / ipas;

    for( ii = refy + gypas, jj = 0; ipas > 0; ii += gypas, jj++, ipas-- )
        if( jj < 26 )
            Line.Printf( wxT( "%c" ), jj + 'A' );
        else    // I hope 52 identifiers are enought...
            Line.Printf( wxT( "%c" ), 'a' + jj - 26 );

        if( ii < yg - PAS_REF / 2 )
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, refx * scale, ii * scale,
                    ( refx + GRID_REF_W ) * scale, ii * scale, width, Color );

        DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC,
                         wxPoint( ( refx + GRID_REF_W / 2 ) * scale,
                                  ( ii - gypas / 2 ) * scale ),
                         Color, Line, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size_ref,
                         width, false, false );

        if( ii < yg - PAS_REF / 2 )
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, xg * scale, ii * scale,
                    ( xg - GRID_REF_W ) * scale, ii * scale, width, Color );
        DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC,
                         wxPoint( ( xg - GRID_REF_W / 2 ) * scale,
                                  ( ii - gxpas / 2 ) * scale ),
                         Color, Line, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size_ref,
                         width, false, false );


#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
    // lower right corner
    refx = pageSize.x - pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils();
    refy = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils();

    if( screen->m_ScreenNumber == 1 )
        for( WsItem = &WS_Date; WsItem != NULL; WsItem = WsItem->Pnext )
            pos.x = (refx - WsItem->m_Posx) * scale;
            pos.y = (refy - WsItem->m_Posy) * scale;
            switch( WsItem->m_Type )
            case WS_DATE:

            case WS_REV:

            case WS_KICAD_VERSION:

            case WS_PODPIS:
                if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                    msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );

            case WS_SIZESHEET:

            case WS_IDENTSHEET:
                if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                    msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
                if( screen->m_NumberOfScreen > 1 )
                    msg << screen->m_ScreenNumber;
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color, msg,
                                 TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT,
                                 GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, width, false, false );

            case WS_SHEETS:
                if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                    msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
                msg << screen->m_NumberOfScreen;
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color, msg,
                                 TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size, GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT,
                                 GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, width, false, false );

            case WS_COMPANY_NAME:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetCompany();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size1_5,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );

            case WS_TITLE:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetTitle();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size1_5,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );

            case WS_COMMENT1:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetComment1();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size3,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );
                    pos.x = (pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils() + 1260) * scale;
                    pos.y = (pageInfo.GetTopMarginMils() + 270) * scale;
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, 1800, size2,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );

            case WS_COMMENT2:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetComment2();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     width, false, false );

            case WS_COMMENT3:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetComment3();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     width, false, false );

            case WS_COMMENT4:
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetComment4();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     width, false, false );

            case WS_UPPER_SEGMENT:
            case WS_LEFT_SEGMENT:
                WS_MostUpperLine.m_Posy = WS_MostUpperLine.m_Endy =
                    WS_MostLeftLine.m_Posy = STAMP_OY;
                pos.y = ( refy - WsItem->m_Posy ) * scale;

            case WS_SEGMENT:
                xg = pageSize.x -
                     pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endx;
                yg = pageSize.y -
                     pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endy;
                GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, pos.x, pos.y,
                        xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );
        for( WsItem = &WS_CADRE_D; WsItem != NULL; WsItem = WsItem->Pnext )
            pos.x = ( refx - WsItem->m_Posx ) * scale;
            pos.y = ( refy - WsItem->m_Posy ) * scale;

            switch( WsItem->m_Type )
            case WS_CADRE:
            // Begin list number > 1
            msg = GetTitleBlock().GetComment1();
                if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size3,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );
                    pos.x = (pageInfo.GetLeftMarginMils() + 1260) * scale;
                    pos.y = (pageInfo.GetTopMarginMils() + 270) * scale;
                    DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                     msg, 1800, size2,
                                     GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                     false, false );

            case WS_PODPIS_D:
                if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                    msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 false, false );

            case WS_IDENTSHEET_D:
                if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                    msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
                msg << screen->m_ScreenNumber;
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );

            case WS_LEFT_SEGMENT_D:
                pos.y = ( refy - WsItem->m_Posy ) * scale;

            case WS_SEGMENT_D:
                xg = pageSize.x -
                     pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endx;
                yg = pageSize.y -
                     pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endy;
                GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, pos.x, pos.y,
                        xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );


    refx = pageSize.x - pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils()  - GRID_REF_W;
    refy = pageSize.y - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() - GRID_REF_W;

    for( WsItem = &WS_Date; WsItem != NULL; WsItem = WsItem->Pnext )
        pos.x = (refx - WsItem->m_Posx) * scale;
        pos.y = (refy - WsItem->m_Posy) * scale;

        switch( WsItem->m_Type )
        case WS_DATE:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetDate();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, true );

        case WS_REV:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetRevision();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             GetPenSizeForBold( MIN( size.x, size.y ) ),
                             false, true );

        case WS_KICAD_VERSION:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += g_ProductName + wxGetApp().GetAppName();
            msg += wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_SIZESHEET:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += pageInfo.GetType();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_IDENTSHEET:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg << screen->m_ScreenNumber << wxT( "/" ) << screen->m_NumberOfScreen;
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_FILENAME:
            wxString fname, fext;
            wxFileName::SplitPath( screen->GetFileName(), (wxString*) NULL, &fname, &fext );

            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;

            msg << fname << wxT( "." ) << fext;
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_FULLSHEETNAME:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetScreenDesc();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             width, false, false );

        case WS_COMPANY_NAME:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetCompany();
            if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 GetPenSizeForBold( MIN( size.x, size.y ) ),
                                 false, true );
                UpperLimit = MAX( UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy + SIZETEXT );

        case WS_TITLE:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetTitle();
            DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                             msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                             GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                             GetPenSizeForBold( MIN( size.x, size.y ) ),
                             false, true );

        case WS_COMMENT1:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetComment1();
            if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );
                UpperLimit = MAX( UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy + SIZETEXT );

        case WS_COMMENT2:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetComment2();
            if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );
                UpperLimit = MAX( UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy + SIZETEXT );

        case WS_COMMENT3:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetComment3();
            if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );
                UpperLimit = MAX( UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy + SIZETEXT );

        case WS_COMMENT4:
            if( WsItem->m_Legende )
                msg = WsItem->m_Legende;
            msg += GetTitleBlock().GetComment4();
            if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
                DrawGraphicText( m_canvas, DC, pos, Color,
                                 msg, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, size,
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 width, false, false );
                UpperLimit = MAX( UpperLimit, WsItem->m_Posy + SIZETEXT );

        case WS_UPPER_SEGMENT:
            if( UpperLimit == 0 )

        case WS_LEFT_SEGMENT:
            WS_MostUpperLine.m_Posy =
                WS_MostUpperLine.m_Endy    =
                    WS_MostLeftLine.m_Posy = UpperLimit;
            pos.y = (refy - WsItem->m_Posy) * scale;

        case WS_SEGMENT:
            xg = pageSize.x -
                 GRID_REF_W - pageInfo.GetRightMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endx;
            yg = pageSize.y -
                 GRID_REF_W - pageInfo.GetBottomMarginMils() - WsItem->m_Endy;
            GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC, pos.x, pos.y,
                    xg * scale, yg * scale, width, Color );

/* return the page layout item found at position aPosition
 * aPosition = the position (in user units) of the reference point
WORKSHEET_DATAITEM* PL_EDITOR_FRAME::Locate( const wxPoint& aPosition )
    const PAGE_INFO&    pageInfo = GetPageSettings();
    TITLE_BLOCK         t_block = GetTitleBlock();
    EDA_COLOR_T         color = RED;    // Needed, not used
    PL_EDITOR_SCREEN*   screen = (PL_EDITOR_SCREEN*) GetScreen();

    screen-> m_ScreenNumber = GetPageNumberOption() ? 1 : 2;

    WS_DRAW_ITEM_LIST drawList;
    drawList.SetPenSize( 0 );
    drawList.SetMilsToIUfactor( IU_PER_MILS );
    drawList.SetSheetNumber( screen->m_ScreenNumber );
    drawList.SetSheetCount( screen->m_NumberOfScreens );
    drawList.SetFileName( GetCurrFileName() );
    // GetScreenDesc() returns a temporary string. Store it to avoid issues.
    wxString descr = GetScreenDesc();
    drawList.SetSheetName( descr );

    drawList.BuildWorkSheetGraphicList( pageInfo, t_block, color, color );

    // locate items.
    // We do not use here the COLLECTOR classes in use in pcbnew and eeschema
    // because the locate requirements are very basic.
    std::vector <WS_DRAW_ITEM_BASE*> list;
    drawList.Locate( list, aPosition );

    if( list.size() == 0 )
        return NULL;

    WS_DRAW_ITEM_BASE* drawitem = list[0];

    // Choose item in list if more than 1 item
    if( list.size() > 1 )
        wxArrayString choices;
        wxString text;
        wxPoint cursPos = GetCrossHairPosition();

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < list.size(); ++ii )
            drawitem = list[ii];
            text = drawitem->GetParent()->m_Name;

            if( (drawitem->m_Flags & (LOCATE_STARTPOINT|LOCATE_ENDPOINT))
                text << wxT(" ") << _("(start or end point)");
                if( (drawitem->m_Flags & LOCATE_STARTPOINT) )
                    text << wxT(" ") << _("(start point)");

                if( (drawitem->m_Flags & LOCATE_ENDPOINT) )
                    text << wxT(" ") << _("(end point)");

            if( ! drawitem->GetParent()->m_Info.IsEmpty() )
                text << wxT(" \"") << drawitem->GetParent()->m_Info << wxT("\"");

            choices.Add( text );
        int selection = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex ( wxEmptyString,
                                                _( "Selection Clarification" ),
                                                choices, this );
        if( selection < 0 )
            return NULL;

        SetCrossHairPosition( cursPos );
        drawitem = list[selection];

    WORKSHEET_DATAITEM* item = drawitem->GetParent();

    if( (drawitem->m_Flags & LOCATE_STARTPOINT) )
        item->SetFlags( LOCATE_STARTPOINT );

    if( (drawitem->m_Flags & LOCATE_ENDPOINT) )
        item->SetFlags( LOCATE_ENDPOINT );

    return item;
文件: pcbframe.cpp 项目: jerkey/kicad
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ViewReloadBoard( const BOARD* aBoard ) const
    KIGFX::VIEW* view = GetGalCanvas()->GetView();

    // All of PCB drawing elements should be added to the VIEW
    // in order to be displayed

    // Load zones
    for( int i = 0; i < aBoard->GetAreaCount(); ++i )
        view->Add( (KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM*) ( aBoard->GetArea( i ) ) );

    // Load drawings
    for( BOARD_ITEM* drawing = aBoard->m_Drawings; drawing; drawing = drawing->Next() )
        view->Add( drawing );

    // Load tracks
    for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        view->Add( track );

    // Load modules and its additional elements
    for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
        // Load module's pads
        for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads().GetFirst(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
            view->Add( pad );

        // Load module's drawing (mostly silkscreen)
        for( BOARD_ITEM* drawing = module->GraphicalItems().GetFirst(); drawing;
                drawing = drawing->Next() )
            view->Add( drawing );

        // Load module's texts (name and value)
        view->Add( &module->Reference() );
        view->Add( &module->Value() );

        // Add the module itself
        view->Add( module );

    // Segzones (equivalent of ZONE_CONTAINER for legacy boards)
    for( SEGZONE* zone = aBoard->m_Zone; zone; zone = zone->Next() )
        view->Add( zone );

    // Add an entry for the worksheet layout
        std::string( aBoard->GetFileName().mb_str() ),
        std::string( GetScreenDesc().mb_str() ),
        &GetPageSettings(), &GetTitleBlock() );
    BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
    if( screen != NULL )
        worksheet->SetSheetNumber( GetScreen()->m_ScreenNumber );
        worksheet->SetSheetCount( GetScreen()->m_NumberOfScreens );

    view->Add( worksheet );

    // Add an entry for the ratsnest
    RN_DATA* ratsnest = aBoard->GetRatsnest();
    view->Add( new KIGFX::RATSNEST_VIEWITEM( ratsnest ) );

    view->SetPanBoundary( worksheet->ViewBBox() );
    view->RecacheAllItems( true );

    if( IsGalCanvasActive() )