void ShimmerEffect::Render(Effect *effect, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {
    float oset = buffer.GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition();
    int Duty_Factor = GetValueCurveInt("Shimmer_Duty_Factor", 50, SettingsMap, oset);
    bool Use_All_Colors = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Shimmer_Use_All_Colors", false);
    float cycles = GetValueCurveDouble("Shimmer_Cycles", 1.0, SettingsMap, oset);
    int colorcnt=buffer.GetColorCount();
    double position = buffer.GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(cycles);
    double ColorIdx = round(position * 0.999 * (double)colorcnt);
    double pos2 = position * colorcnt;
    while (pos2 > 1.0) {
        pos2 -= 1.0;
    if (pos2 * 100 > Duty_Factor) {
    xlColor color;
    buffer.palette.GetColor(ColorIdx, color);
    for (int y=0; y<buffer.BufferHt; y++) {
        for (int x=0; x<buffer.BufferWi; x++) {
            if(Use_All_Colors) { // Should we randomly assign colors from palette or cycle thru sequentially?
                ColorIdx=rand() % colorcnt; // Select random numbers from 0 up to number of colors the user has checked. 0-5 if 6 boxes checked
                buffer.palette.GetColor(ColorIdx, color); // Now go and get the hsv value for this ColorIdx
            buffer.SetPixel(x,y,color); // Turn pixel
void OnEffect::Render(Effect *eff, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {
    int start = SettingsMap.GetInt(TEXTCTRL_Eff_On_Start, 100);
    int end = SettingsMap.GetInt(TEXTCTRL_Eff_On_End, 100);
    bool shimmer = SettingsMap.GetInt(CHECKBOX_On_Shimmer, 0) > 0;
    float cycles = SettingsMap.GetDouble(TEXTCTRL_On_Cycles, 1.0);
    int x,y;
    int cidx = 0;
    if (shimmer) {
        int tot = buffer.curPeriod - buffer.curEffStartPer;
        if (tot % 2) {
            if (buffer.palette.Size() <= 1) {
            cidx = 1;

    bool spatialcolour = buffer.palette.IsSpatial(cidx);

    double adjust = buffer.GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition(cycles);

    xlColor color;
    if (start == 100 && end == 100) {
        buffer.palette.GetColor(cidx, color);
    } else {
        HSVValue hsv;
        double d = adjust;
        d = start + (end - start) * d;
        d = d / 100.0;
        hsv.value = hsv.value * d;
        color = hsv;
    int transparency = GetValueCurveInt("On_Transparency", 0, SettingsMap, adjust);
    if (transparency) {
        transparency *= 255;
        transparency /= 100;
        color.alpha = 255 - transparency;

    ///////////////////////// DMX Support ////////////////////////
    // if the model is a DMX model this will write the color into
    // the proper red, green, and blue channels.
    if (buffer.cur_model != "") {
        Model* model_info = buffer.frame->AllModels[buffer.cur_model];
        if (model_info != nullptr) {
            if( model_info->GetDisplayAs() == "DMX" ) {
                xlColor c;
                DmxModel* dmx = (DmxModel*)model_info;
                int red_channel = dmx->GetRedChannel();
                int grn_channel = dmx->GetGreenChannel();
                int blu_channel = dmx->GetBlueChannel();
                if( red_channel != 0 ) {
                    c.red = color.red;
                    c.green = color.red;
                    c.blue = color.red;
                    buffer.SetPixel(red_channel-1, 0, c);
                if( grn_channel != 0 ) {
                    c.red = color.green;
                    c.green = color.green;
                    c.blue = color.green;
                    buffer.SetPixel(grn_channel-1, 0, c);
                if( blu_channel != 0 ) {
                    c.red = color.blue;
                    c.green = color.blue;
                    c.blue = color.blue;
                    buffer.SetPixel(blu_channel-1, 0, c);
    ///////////////////// End DMX Support ////////////////////////

    //Every Node set to selected color
    for (x=0; x<buffer.BufferWi; x++)
        for (y=0; y<buffer.BufferHt; y++)
            if (spatialcolour)
                buffer.palette.GetSpatialColor(cidx, (float)x / (float)buffer.BufferWi, (float)y / (float)buffer.BufferHt, color);
                if (start == 100 && end == 100) {
                else {
                    HSVValue hsv = color.asHSV();
                    double d = adjust;
                    d = start + (end - start) * d;
                    d = d / 100.0;
                    hsv.value = hsv.value * d;
                    color = hsv;
                if (transparency) {
                    color.alpha = 255 - transparency;


    if (shimmer || cycles != 1.0) {
        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(eff->GetBackgroundDisplayList().lock);
        eff->GetBackgroundDisplayList().resize((buffer.curEffEndPer - buffer.curEffStartPer + 1) * 6);
        buffer.CopyPixelsToDisplayListX(eff, 0, 0, 0);
    } else if (buffer.needToInit) {
        std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(eff->GetBackgroundDisplayList().lock);
        if (start == 100 && end == 100) {
            buffer.palette.GetColor(0, color);
            buffer.SetDisplayListHRect(eff, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, color, color);
        } else {
            HSVValue hsv;
            hsv.value = hsv.value * start / 100.0;
            color = hsv;

            hsv.value = hsv.value * end / 100.0;
            buffer.SetDisplayListHRect(eff, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, color, xlColor(hsv));
        buffer.needToInit = false;
void PinwheelEffect::Render(Effect *effect, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {

    float oset = buffer.GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition();

    int pinwheel_arms = SettingsMap.GetInt("SLIDER_Pinwheel_Arms", 3);
    int pinwheel_twist = GetValueCurveInt("Pinwheel_Twist", 0, SettingsMap, oset);
    int pinwheel_thickness = GetValueCurveInt("Pinwheel_Thickness", 0, SettingsMap, oset);
    bool pinwheel_rotation = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Pinwheel_Rotation");
    const std::string &pinwheel_3d = SettingsMap["CHOICE_Pinwheel_3D"];
    int xc_adj = GetValueCurveInt("PinwheelXC", 0, SettingsMap, oset);
    int yc_adj = GetValueCurveInt("PinwheelYC", 0, SettingsMap, oset);
    int pinwheel_armsize = GetValueCurveInt("Pinwheel_ArmSize", 100, SettingsMap, oset);
    int pspeed = GetValueCurveInt("Pinwheel_Speed", 10, SettingsMap, oset);
    const std::string &pinwheel_style = SettingsMap["CHOICE_Pinwheel_Style"];

    int xc;
    float tmax;
    HSVValue hsv, hsv1;
    double pos = (buffer.curPeriod - buffer.curEffStartPer) * pspeed * buffer.frameTimeInMs / 50;
    int degrees_per_arm = 1;
    if (pinwheel_arms > 0) degrees_per_arm = 360 / pinwheel_arms;
    float armsize = (pinwheel_armsize / 100.0);

    if (pinwheel_style == "New Render Method")
        std::vector<size_t> colorarray;
        for (int i = 0; i < pinwheel_arms; i++) { colorarray[i] = i%buffer.GetColorCount(); }

        xc = (int)(ceil(std::hypot(buffer.BufferWi, buffer.BufferHt) / 2));
        xc_adj = xc_adj*buffer.BufferWi / 200;
        yc_adj = yc_adj*buffer.BufferHt / 200;

        int max_radius = xc * armsize;
        if (pinwheel_thickness == 0) pinwheel_thickness = 1;
        tmax = (pinwheel_thickness / 100.0)*degrees_per_arm;

        // Force single visible line in case width is narrower than visible
        float pi_180 = M_PI/180;
        for(int a=0; a<pinwheel_arms; a++)
            int ColorIdx = a%pinwheel_arms;
            xlColor color;
            buffer.palette.GetHSV(colorarray[ColorIdx], hsv);
            color = xlColor(hsv);

            int angle = (a*degrees_per_arm);
            if (pinwheel_rotation == 1) // do we have CW rotation
                angle = (270 - angle) + pos;
            } else {
                angle = angle - 90 - pos;
            int x,y, degrees_twist;
            for (float r=0; r<=max_radius; r+=0.5)
                degrees_twist = (r/max_radius) * pinwheel_twist;
                int t2 = (int)angle%degrees_per_arm;
                double round = (float)t2 / (float)tmax;
                x = floor((int)(r * buffer.cos((angle + degrees_twist) * pi_180)) + xc_adj + buffer.BufferWi / 2);
                y = floor((int)(r * buffer.sin((angle + degrees_twist) * pi_180)) + yc_adj + buffer.BufferHt / 2);
                if (buffer.palette.IsSpatial(colorarray[ColorIdx]))
                    buffer.palette.GetSpatialColor(colorarray[ColorIdx], xc_adj + buffer.BufferWi / 2, yc_adj + buffer.BufferHt / 2, x, y, round, max_radius, color);

        // Draw actual pinwheel arms
        for (int x = 0; x < buffer.BufferWi; x++)
            int x1 = x - xc_adj - (buffer.BufferWi / 2);
            for (int y = 0; y < buffer.BufferHt; y++)
                int y1 = y - yc_adj - (buffer.BufferHt / 2);
                double r = std::hypot(x1, y1);
                if (r <= max_radius) {
                    double degrees_twist = (r / max_radius)*pinwheel_twist;
                    double theta = (std::atan2(x1, y1) * 180 / 3.14159) + degrees_twist;
                    if (pinwheel_rotation == 1) // do we have CW rotation
                        theta = pos + theta + (tmax/2);
                    } else {
                        theta = pos - theta + (tmax/2);
                    theta = theta + 540.0;
                    int t2 = (int)theta%degrees_per_arm;
                    if (t2 <= tmax) {
                        double round = (float)t2 / (float)tmax;
                        t2 = std::abs(t2 - (tmax/2)) * 2;
                        xlColor color;
                        int ColorIdx2 = ((int)((theta/degrees_per_arm)))%pinwheel_arms;
                        if (buffer.palette.IsSpatial(colorarray[ColorIdx2]))
                            buffer.palette.GetSpatialColor(colorarray[ColorIdx2], xc_adj + buffer.BufferWi / 2, yc_adj + buffer.BufferHt / 2, x, y, round, max_radius, color);
                            hsv = color.asHSV();
                        } else {
                            buffer.palette.GetHSV(colorarray[ColorIdx2], hsv);
                        color = xlColor(hsv1);
                            if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
                                color.alpha = 255.0 * ((tmax - t2) / tmax);
                            else {
                                hsv1.value = hsv.value * ((tmax - t2) / tmax);
                                color = hsv1;
                        else if (pinwheel_3d == "3D Inverted")
                            if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
                                color.alpha = 255.0 * ((t2) / tmax);
                            else {
                                hsv1.value = hsv.value * ((t2) / tmax);
                                color = hsv1;
                        buffer.SetPixel(x, y, color);
    } else { // Old Render Method
        int a,xc,ColorIdx,base_degrees;
        float t,tmax;
        float radius;
        HSVValue hsv,hsv0,hsv1;
        size_t colorcnt=buffer.GetColorCount();

        xc= (int)(std::max(buffer.BufferWi, buffer.BufferHt)/2);
        radius = xc/100.0;

        for(a=1; a<=pinwheel_arms; a++)
            buffer.palette.GetHSV(ColorIdx, hsv); // Now go and get the hsv value for this ColorIdx
            if(pinwheel_rotation==1) // do we have CW rotation
                base_degrees = (a-1)*degrees_per_arm + pos; // yes
                base_degrees = (a-1)*degrees_per_arm - pos; // no, we are CCW
            Draw_arm(buffer, base_degrees, xc*armsize, pinwheel_twist,hsv,xc_adj,yc_adj);
                tmax= (pinwheel_thickness/100.0)*degrees_per_arm/2.0;
                xlColor color(hsv1);
                for (t=1; t<=tmax; t++)
                        if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
                            color.alpha = 255.0 * ((tmax-t)/tmax);
                        } else {
                            hsv1.value = hsv.value * ((tmax-t)/tmax);
                            color = hsv1;
                    else if(pinwheel_3d=="3D Inverted")
                        if (buffer.allowAlpha) {
                            color.alpha = 255.0 * ((t)/tmax);
                        } else {
                            hsv1.value = hsv.value * ((t)/tmax);
                            color = hsv1;
                    Draw_arm(buffer, base_degrees-t, xc*armsize, pinwheel_twist,color,xc_adj,yc_adj);
                    Draw_arm(buffer, base_degrees+t, xc*armsize, pinwheel_twist,color,xc_adj,yc_adj);
void MorphEffect::Render(Effect *effect, const SettingsMap &SettingsMap, RenderBuffer &buffer) {

    double eff_pos = buffer.GetEffectTimeIntervalPosition();
    int start_x1 = GetValueCurveInt("Morph_Start_X1", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int start_y1 = GetValueCurveInt("Morph_Start_Y1", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int start_x2 = GetValueCurveInt("Morph_Start_X2", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int start_y2 = GetValueCurveInt("Morph_Start_Y2", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int end_x1 = GetValueCurveInt("Morph_End_X1", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int end_y1 = GetValueCurveInt("Morph_End_Y1", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int end_x2 = GetValueCurveInt("Morph_End_X2", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int end_y2 = GetValueCurveInt("Morph_End_Y2", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int start_length = GetValueCurveInt("MorphStartLength", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int end_length = GetValueCurveInt("MorphEndLength", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int duration = GetValueCurveInt("MorphDuration", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int acceleration = GetValueCurveInt("MorphAccel", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int repeat_count = GetValueCurveInt("Morph_Repeat_Count", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int repeat_skip = GetValueCurveInt("Morph_Repeat_Skip", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    int stagger = GetValueCurveInt("Morph_Stagger", 0, SettingsMap, eff_pos);
    bool start_linked = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Morph_Start_Link");
    bool end_linked = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_Morph_End_Link");
    bool showEntireHeadAtStart = SettingsMap.GetBool("CHECKBOX_ShowHeadAtStart");

    double step_size = 0.1;

    int hcols = 0, hcole = 1;
    int tcols = 2, tcole = 3;
    int num_tail_colors = 2;
    switch (buffer.palette.Size()) {
        case 1:  //one color selected, use it for all
            hcols = hcole = tcols = tcole = 0;
        case 2: //two colors, head/tail
            hcols = hcole = 0;
            tcols = tcole = 1;
        case 3: //three colors, head /tail start/end
            hcols = hcole = 0;
            tcols = 1;
            tcole = 2;
            num_tail_colors = buffer.palette.Size() - 2;

    int x1a = calcPosition(start_x1, buffer.BufferWi);
    int y1a = calcPosition(start_y1, buffer.BufferHt);
    int x2a = calcPosition(end_x1, buffer.BufferWi);
    int y2a = calcPosition(end_y1, buffer.BufferHt);

    int x1b, x2b, y1b, y2b;

    if( start_linked )
        x1b = x1a;
        y1b = y1a;
        x1b = calcPosition(start_x2, buffer.BufferWi);
        y1b = calcPosition(start_y2, buffer.BufferHt);

    if( end_linked )
        x2b = x2a;
        y2b = y2a;
        x2b = calcPosition(end_x2, buffer.BufferWi);
        y2b = calcPosition(end_y2, buffer.BufferHt);

    xlColor head_color, tail_color, test_color;

    // compute direction
    int delta_xa = x2a - x1a;
    int delta_xb = x2b - x1b;
    int delta_ya = y2a - y1a;
    int delta_yb = y2b - y1b;
    int direction = delta_xa + delta_xb + delta_ya + delta_yb;
    int repeat_x = 0;
    int repeat_y = 0;
    double effect_pct = 1.0;
    double stagger_pct = 0.0;
    if( repeat_count > 0 )
        if( (std::abs((float)delta_xa) + std::abs((float)delta_xb)) < (std::abs((float)delta_ya) + std::abs((float)delta_yb)) )
            repeat_x = repeat_skip;
            repeat_y = repeat_skip;
        double stagger_val = (double)(std::abs((double)stagger))/200.0;
        effect_pct = 1.0 / (1 + stagger_val * repeat_count);
        stagger_pct = effect_pct * stagger_val;

    std::vector<int> v_ax;
    std::vector<int> v_ay;
    std::vector<int> v_bx;
    std::vector<int> v_by;

    StoreLine(x1a, y1a, x2a, y2a, &v_ax, &v_ay);  // store side a
    StoreLine(x1b, y1b, x2b, y2b, &v_bx, &v_by);  // store side b

    int size_a = v_ax.size();
    int size_b = v_bx.size();

    std::vector<int> *v_lngx;  // pointer to longest vector x
    std::vector<int> *v_lngy;  // pointer to longest vector y
    std::vector<int> *v_shtx;  // pointer to shorter vector x
    std::vector<int> *v_shty;  // pointer to shorter vector y

    if( size_a > size_b )
        v_lngx = &v_ax;
        v_lngy = &v_ay;
        v_shtx = &v_bx;
        v_shty = &v_by;
        v_lngx = &v_bx;
        v_lngy = &v_by;
        v_shtx = &v_ax;
        v_shty = &v_ay;

    double pos_a, pos_b;
    double total_tail_length, alpha_pct;
    double total_length = v_lngx->size();     // total length of longest vector
    double head_duration = duration/100.0;    // time the head is in the frame
    double head_end_of_head_pos = total_length + 1;
    double tail_end_of_head_pos = total_length + 1;
    double head_end_of_tail_pos = -1;
    double tail_end_of_tail_pos = -1;

    for( int repeat = 0; repeat <= repeat_count; repeat++ )
        double eff_pos_adj = buffer.calcAccel(eff_pos, acceleration);
        double eff_start_pct = (stagger >= 0) ? stagger_pct*repeat : stagger_pct*(repeat_count-repeat);
        double eff_end_pct = eff_start_pct + effect_pct;
        eff_pos_adj = (eff_pos_adj - eff_start_pct) / (eff_end_pct - eff_start_pct);
        if( eff_pos_adj < 0.0 )
            head_end_of_head_pos = -1;
            tail_end_of_head_pos = -1;
            head_end_of_tail_pos = -1;
            tail_end_of_tail_pos = -1;
            total_tail_length = 1.0;
            if( showEntireHeadAtStart )
                head_end_of_head_pos = start_length;
            if( head_duration > 0.0 )
                double head_loc_pct = eff_pos_adj / head_duration;
                head_end_of_head_pos = total_length * head_loc_pct;
                double current_total_head_length = end_length * head_loc_pct + start_length * (1.0 - head_loc_pct);  // adjusted head length excluding clipping
                head_end_of_head_pos += current_total_head_length * head_loc_pct * head_duration;
                total_tail_length = total_length * ( 1 / head_duration - 1.0);
                if( showEntireHeadAtStart )
                    head_end_of_head_pos += current_total_head_length * (1.0 - eff_pos_adj);
                tail_end_of_head_pos = head_end_of_head_pos - current_total_head_length;
                head_end_of_tail_pos = tail_end_of_head_pos - step_size;
                tail_end_of_tail_pos = head_end_of_tail_pos - total_tail_length;
                buffer.Get2ColorBlend(hcols, hcole, std::min( head_loc_pct, 1.0), head_color);
                total_tail_length = total_length;
                head_end_of_tail_pos = total_length * 2 * eff_pos_adj;
                tail_end_of_tail_pos = head_end_of_tail_pos - total_tail_length;

        // draw the tail
        for( double i = std::min(head_end_of_tail_pos, total_length-1); i >= tail_end_of_tail_pos && i >= 0.0; i -= step_size )
            double pct = ((total_length == 0) ? 0.0 : i / total_length);
            pos_a = i;
            pos_b = v_shtx->size() * pct;
            double tail_color_pct = (i-tail_end_of_tail_pos) / total_tail_length;
            if( num_tail_colors > 2 )
                double color_index = ((double)num_tail_colors - 1.0) * (1.0 - tail_color_pct);
                tail_color_pct = color_index - (double)((int)color_index);
                tcols = (int)color_index + 2;
                tcole = tcols + 1;
                if( tcole == num_tail_colors+1 )
                    alpha_pct = (1.0 - tail_color_pct);
                    alpha_pct = 1.0;
                buffer.Get2ColorBlend(tcols, tcole, tail_color_pct, tail_color);
                if( tail_color_pct > 0.5 )
                    alpha_pct = 1.0;
                    alpha_pct = tail_color_pct / 0.5;
                buffer.Get2ColorBlend(tcole, tcols, tail_color_pct, tail_color);
            if( buffer.allowAlpha ) {
                tail_color.alpha = 255 * alpha_pct;
            buffer.DrawThickLine( (*v_lngx)[pos_a]+(repeat_x*repeat), (*v_lngy)[pos_a]+(repeat_y*repeat), (*v_shtx)[pos_b]+(repeat_x*repeat), (*v_shty)[pos_b]+(repeat_y*repeat), tail_color, direction >= 0);

        // draw the head
        for( double i = std::max(tail_end_of_head_pos, 0.0); i <= head_end_of_head_pos && i < total_length; i += step_size )
            double pct = ((total_length == 0) ? 0.0 : i / total_length);
            pos_a = i;
            pos_b = v_shtx->size() * pct;
            buffer.DrawThickLine( (*v_lngx)[pos_a]+(repeat_x*repeat), (*v_lngy)[pos_a]+(repeat_y*repeat), (*v_shtx)[pos_b]+(repeat_x*repeat), (*v_shty)[pos_b]+(repeat_y*repeat), head_color, direction >= 0);