	void SetWindowSize(int zoom) {
		RECT rc, rcOuter;

		// Actually, auto mode should be more granular...
		if (g_Config.IsPortrait()) {
			GetWindowRectAtResolution(272 * (int)zoom, 480 * (int)zoom, rc, rcOuter);
		} else {
			GetWindowRectAtResolution(480 * (int)zoom, 272 * (int)zoom, rc, rcOuter);
		MoveWindow(hwndMain, rcOuter.left, rcOuter.top, rcOuter.right - rcOuter.left, rcOuter.bottom - rcOuter.top, TRUE);
	RECT DetermineWindowRectangle() {
		RECT rc;

		const int screenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN);
		const int screenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN);
		const int screenX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN);
		const int screenY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN);

		if (!g_Config.bFullScreen) {
			bool visibleHorizontally = ((g_Config.iWindowX + g_Config.iWindowWidth) >= screenX) &&
				((g_Config.iWindowX + g_Config.iWindowWidth) < (screenWidth + g_Config.iWindowWidth));

			bool visibleVertically = ((g_Config.iWindowY + g_Config.iWindowHeight) >= screenY) &&
				((g_Config.iWindowY + g_Config.iWindowHeight) < (screenHeight + g_Config.iWindowHeight));

			if (!visibleHorizontally)
				g_Config.iWindowX = -1;

			if (!visibleVertically)
				g_Config.iWindowY = -1;

		rc.left = g_Config.iWindowX;
		rc.top = g_Config.iWindowY;

		// First, get the w/h right.
		if (g_Config.iWindowWidth <= 0 || g_Config.iWindowHeight <= 0) {
			RECT rcInner = rc, rcOuter;
			bool portrait = g_Config.IsPortrait();
			GetWindowRectAtResolution(2 * (portrait ? 272 : 480), 2 * (portrait ? 480 : 272), rcInner, rcOuter);
			rc.right = rc.left + (rcOuter.right - rcOuter.left);
			rc.bottom = rc.top + (rcOuter.bottom - rcOuter.top);
			g_Config.iWindowWidth = rc.right - rc.left;
			g_Config.iWindowHeight = rc.bottom - rc.top;
		} else {
			rc.right = rc.left + g_Config.iWindowWidth;
			rc.bottom = rc.top + g_Config.iWindowHeight;

		// Then center if necessary.
		if (g_Config.iWindowX == -1 && g_Config.iWindowY == -1) {
			// Center the window.
			const int primaryScreenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
			const int primaryScreenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
			g_Config.iWindowX = (primaryScreenWidth - g_Config.iWindowWidth) / 2;
			g_Config.iWindowY = (primaryScreenHeight - g_Config.iWindowHeight) / 2;
			rc.left = g_Config.iWindowX;
			rc.top = g_Config.iWindowY;
			rc.right = rc.left + g_Config.iWindowWidth;
			rc.bottom = rc.top + g_Config.iWindowHeight;

		return rc;