cv::Mat ZipByteReader::Read(size_t seqId, const std::string& path, bool grayscale) { // Find index of the file in .zip file. auto r = m_seqIdToIndex.find(seqId); if (r == m_seqIdToIndex.end()) RuntimeError("Could not find file %s in the zip file, sequence id = %lu", path.c_str(), (long)seqId); zip_uint64_t index = std::get<0>((*r).second); zip_uint64_t size = std::get<1>((*r).second); auto contents = m_workspace.pop_or_create([size]() { return vector<unsigned char>(size); }); if (contents.size() < size) contents.resize(size); auto zipFile = m_zips.pop_or_create([this]() { return OpenZip(); }); { std::unique_ptr<zip_file_t, void(*)(zip_file_t*)> file( zip_fopen_index(zipFile.get(), index, 0), [](zip_file_t* f) { assert(f != nullptr); int err = zip_fclose(f); assert(ZIP_ER_OK == err); #ifdef NDEBUG UNUSED(err); #endif }); assert(nullptr != file); if (nullptr == file) { RuntimeError("Could not open file %s in the zip file, sequence id = %lu, zip library error: %s", path.c_str(), (long)seqId, GetZipError(zip_error_code_zip(zip_get_error(zipFile.get()))).c_str()); } assert(contents.size() >= size); zip_uint64_t bytesRead = zip_fread(file.get(),, size); assert(bytesRead == size); if (bytesRead != size) { RuntimeError("Bytes read %lu != expected %lu while reading file %s", (long)bytesRead, (long)size, path.c_str()); } } m_zips.push(std::move(zipFile)); cv::Mat img; if (grayscale) img = cv::imdecode(cv::Mat(1, (int)size, CV_8UC1,, cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); else img = cv::imdecode(cv::Mat(1, (int)size, CV_8UC1,, cv::IMREAD_COLOR); assert(nullptr !=; m_workspace.push(std::move(contents)); return img; }
ZipByteReader::ZipPtr ZipByteReader::OpenZip() { int err = ZIP_ER_OK; auto zip = zip_open(m_zipPath.c_str(), 0, &err); if (ZIP_ER_OK != err) RuntimeError("Failed to open %s, zip library error: %s", m_zipPath.c_str(), GetZipError(err).c_str()); return ZipPtr(zip, [](zip_t* z) { assert(z != nullptr); int err = zip_close(z); assert(ZIP_ER_OK == err); #ifdef NDEBUG UNUSED(err); #endif }); }
void ZipByteReader::Register(size_t seqId, const std::string& path) { auto zipFile = m_zips.pop_or_create([this]() { return OpenZip(); }); zip_stat_t stat; zip_stat_init(&stat); int err = zip_stat(zipFile.get(), path.c_str(), 0, &stat); if (ZIP_ER_OK != err) RuntimeError("Failed to get file info of %s, zip library error: %s", path.c_str(), GetZipError(err).c_str()); m_seqIdToIndex[seqId] = std::make_pair(stat.index, stat.size); m_zips.push(std::move(zipFile)); }
void ZipByteReader::Register(const std::map<std::string, size_t>& sequences) { auto zipFile = m_zips.pop_or_create([this]() { return OpenZip(); }); zip_stat_t stat; zip_stat_init(&stat); size_t numberOfEntries = 0; size_t numEntries = zip_get_num_entries(zipFile.get(), 0); for (size_t i = 0; i < numEntries; ++i) { int err = zip_stat_index(zipFile.get(), i, 0, &stat); if (ZIP_ER_OK != err) RuntimeError("Failed to get file info for index %d, zip library error: %s", (int)i, GetZipError(err).c_str()); auto sequenceId = sequences.find(std::string(; if (sequenceId == sequences.end()) { continue; } else { m_seqIdToIndex[sequenceId->second] = std::make_pair(stat.index, stat.size); numberOfEntries++; } } m_zips.push(std::move(zipFile)); if (numberOfEntries != sequences.size()) { // Not all sequences have been found. Let's print them out and throw. for (const auto& s : sequences) { auto index = m_seqIdToIndex.find(s.second); if (index == m_seqIdToIndex.end()) { fprintf(stderr, "Sequence %s is not found in container %s.\n", s.first.c_str(), m_zipPath.c_str()); } } RuntimeError("Cannot retrieve image data for some sequences. For more detail, please see the log file."); } }