 * @function planPath
 * @brief Main function
std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > JTFollower::PlanPath( const Eigen::VectorXd &_start,  
						     const std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> &_workspacePath ) {

  //-- Follow the path
  std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > configPath;
  Eigen::VectorXd q;
  int numPoints = _workspacePath.size();
  //-- Initialize	
  q = _start;
  for( size_t i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i ) { // start from 1 since 0 is the current start position
    if( GoToXYZ( q, _workspacePath[i], configPath ) == false ) {
      printf(" --(x) An error here, stop following path \n"); break;
  printf("End of Plan Path \n");
  return configPath;
 * @function planPath
 * @brief Main function
std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > JTFollower::PlanPath( int _robotId,
						     const Eigen::VectorXi &_links,
						     const Eigen::VectorXd &_start,  
						     std::string _EEName,
						     int _EEId,
						     double _res,
						     const std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> &_workspacePath ) {
  mRobotId = _robotId;
  mLinks = _links;

  mMaxIter = 100;
  mWorkspaceThresh = _res; // An error of half the resolution
  mEENode = mWorld->getRobot(mRobotId)->getNode( _EEName.c_str() );
  mEEId = _EEId;

  //-- Follow the path
  std::vector< Eigen::VectorXd > configPath;
  Eigen::VectorXd q;
  int numPoints = _workspacePath.size();
  //-- Initialize	
  q = _start;
  for( size_t i = 1; i < numPoints; ++i ) { // start from 1 since 0 is the current start position
    if( GoToXYZ( q, _workspacePath[i], configPath ) == false ) {
      printf(" --(x) An error here, stop following path \n"); break;
  printf("End of Plan Path \n");
  return configPath;