VOID ShowStatusLine( const HPS hps, const char Moves,
							const char Ships, const LONG Width,
							const LONG Height )
    RECTL Rect = { 0, Height, Width, Height + 30 };
    POINTL Point = { Width, Height };
    CHAR text[256];
    WinFillRect( hps, &Rect, CLR_WHITE ); //SYSCLR_WINDOW );	// clear background
    GpiSetColor( hps, CLR_BLACK );
    GpiSetLineType( hps, LINETYPE_SHORTDASH );
    GpiSetLineWidth( hps, LINEWIDTH_NORMAL );
    GpiSetMix( hps, FM_OVERPAINT );
    GpiMove( hps, &Point );
    Point.x = 0;
    GpiLine( hps, &Point );
    Point.x += 10;
    Point.y += 10;
    GpiMove( hps, &Point );
    if( Ships )
	sprintf( text, "%d %s made     %d %s still lost", Moves,
		 Moves == 1 ? "move" : "moves", Ships, Ships == 1 ? "ship" : "ships" );
	sprintf( text, "%d %s made     All ships found", Moves,
		 Moves == 1 ? "move" : "moves" );

    GpiCharString( hps, strlen(text), text );
    DosSleep( 1 );	// free time slice 
INT APIENTRY HdrPuts (HPS hps, PPOINTL pptl, PCHAR szText)
     INT iLength = strlen (szText) ;

     if (pptl == NULL)
          GpiCharString (hps, iLength, szText) ;
          GpiCharStringAt (hps, pptl, iLength, szText) ;

     return iLength ;
INT APIENTRY HdrPrintf (HPS hps, PPOINTL pptl, PCHAR szFormat, ...)
     static CHAR chBuffer [1024] ;
     INT         iLength ;
     va_list     pArguments ;

     va_start (pArguments, szFormat) ;
     iLength = vsprintf (chBuffer, szFormat, pArguments) ;

     if (pptl == NULL)
          GpiCharString (hps, iLength, chBuffer) ;
          GpiCharStringAt (hps, pptl, iLength, chBuffer) ;

     va_end (pArguments) ;
     return iLength ;
VOID MainPaint(HWND hwnd)
    RECTL  rclUpdate;
    RECTL  rclWnd;
    RECTL  rclDraw;

    HPS hps;
    POINTL pt;
    LONG        LineHeight;
    LONG        Descender;
    PCHAR  pText;
    LONG   ptTextStart;
    LONG   Inc[] = { 10, 10, 10,
                     12, 12, 12,
                     14, 14, 14,
                     16, 16, 16,
                     18, 18, 18,
                     20, 20, 20,
                     22, 22, 22,
                     24, 24, 24

    PCHAR   TextLines[] = {
            "~DrawText",             //0
            "CharString",            //1
            "CharStringAt",          //2
            "CharStringPos",         //3
            "CharStringPosAt",       //4
            "DrawText(QueryRect)",   //5
            "QueryCharStringPos",    //6
            "QueryCharStringPosAt",  //7
            "QueryTextBox"           //8

    PCHAR   TextLines_API[] = {
            "WinDrawText:",                 //0
            "GpiCharString:",               //1
            "GpiCharStringAt:",             //2
            "GpiCharStringPos:",            //3
            "GpiCharStringPosAt:",          //4
            "WinDrawText(QueryRect):",      //5
            "GpiQueryCharStringPos:",       //6
            "GpiQueryCharStringPosAt:",     //7
            "GpiQueryTextBox:",             //8
            "Current Clipboard TextBuffer:" //9

    ULONG   GpiBidiAttr;
    ULONG   NullBidiAttr = 0L;

    hps = WinBeginPaint(hwnd, NULLHANDLE, (PRECTL)&rclUpdate);

    // Get the bidi attribute of the presentation space, so that
    // we can flip/flip between a NULL bidiattribute and this one
    GpiBidiAttr = GpiQueryBidiAttr(hps);

    /* fill update rectangle with window color */
    WinFillRect(hps, (PRECTL)&rclUpdate, SYSCLR_PAGEBACKGROUND );

    CalcLineHeight(hps, &LineHeight, &Descender);

    GpiSetColor    ( hps, CLR_BLUE ) ;
    GpiSetBackColor( hps, CLR_RED  ) ;

    WinQueryWindowRect(hwnd, (PRECTL)&rclWnd);
    ptTextStart = rclWnd.xRight * 2/5  ;

    // -------------------------------------
    // WinDrawText!
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.x = 0;
    pt.y = rclWnd.yTop - LineHeight + Descender;

    rclDraw.xLeft   = rclWnd.xLeft;
    rclDraw.xRight  = rclWnd.xRight;
    rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender;
    rclDraw.yTop    = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ;

    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);

    pText = TextLines_API[0];
    WinDrawText ( hps, strlen(pText), pText, &rclDraw, 0L, 0L,

    rclDraw.xLeft = ptTextStart;

    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr);

    pText = TextLines[0];
    WinDrawText ( hps, strlen(pText), pText, &rclDraw, 0L, 0L,

    // -------------------------------------
    // GpiCharString
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.y -=  LineHeight;
    pt.x = 0;
    GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ;
    pText = TextLines_API[1];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);
    GpiCharString(hps, strlen(pText), pText);

    pt.x = ptTextStart;
    GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ;
    pText = TextLines[1];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr);
    GpiCharString(hps, strlen(pText), pText);

    // -------------------------------------
    //  GpiCharStringAt
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.y -=  LineHeight ;
    pt.x = 0;
    pText = TextLines_API[2];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText);

    pt.x = ptTextStart;
    pText = TextLines[2];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText);

    // -------------------------------------
    //  GpiCharStringPos
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.y -=  LineHeight ;
    pt.x = 0;
    GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ;

    rclDraw.xLeft   = rclWnd.xLeft;
    rclDraw.xRight  = ptTextStart - 4;
    rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender;
    rclDraw.yTop    = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ;

    pText = TextLines_API[3];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringPos(hps, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE,
                     strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0] );

    rclDraw.xLeft   = ptTextStart;
    rclDraw.xRight  = rclWnd.xRight;
    rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender  ;
    rclDraw.yTop    = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ;

    pt.x            = ptTextStart;
    GpiSetCurrentPosition( hps, &pt ) ;

    pText = TextLines[3];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringPos(hps, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE,
                     strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0]);

    // -------------------------------------
    //  GpiCharStringPosAt
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.y -=  LineHeight ;
    pt.x = 0;

    rclDraw.xLeft   = rclWnd.xLeft;
    rclDraw.xRight  = ptTextStart - 4;
    rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender  ;
    rclDraw.yTop    = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ;

    pText = TextLines_API[4];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringPosAt(hps, &pt, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE,
                       strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0] );

    rclDraw.xLeft   = ptTextStart;
    rclDraw.xRight  = rclWnd.xRight;
    rclDraw.yBottom = pt.y - Descender  ;
    rclDraw.yTop    = rclDraw.yBottom + LineHeight ;
    pt.x            = ptTextStart;

    pText = TextLines[4];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, GpiBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringPosAt(hps, &pt, &rclDraw, CHS_VECTOR | CHS_OPAQUE,
                       strlen(pText), pText, &Inc[0]);

    // -------------------------------------
    //  Current Clipboard TextBuffer
    //  This is used as a means of "looking inside" the
    //  clipbaord. (This is a clipboard viewer for the poor...)
    //  This part shows the text in szPasteText.
    //  To operate:
    //  - Copy/Cut text from anywhere to the clipbaord.
    //  - select:    Edit --> Paste --> No Conversion
    //  - The clipboard text will be shown (UNMODIFIED BUFFER)
    //    in our window.
    // -------------------------------------
    pt.y -=  LineHeight ;
    pt.x = 0;

    pText = TextLines_API[9];
    GpiSetBidiAttr(hps, NullBidiAttr);
    GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText);

    pt.x            = ptTextStart;
    pText           = szPasteText;
    GpiCharStringAt(hps, &pt, strlen(pText), pText);

//BIDI- end

     * Add painting routines here.  Hps is now the HPS for
     * the window and rclUpdate contains the update rectangle.


}   /* MainPaint() */