   purpose -- free the Graph object

   created -- 95sep27, cca
Graph_free (
   Graph   *g
) {
#if MYTRACE > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n just inside Graph_free(%p)", g) ;
fflush(stdout) ;

if ( g == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_free(%p)"
           "\n graph is NULL\n", g) ;

Graph_clearData(g) ;

FREE(g) ;

#if MYTRACE > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n leaving Graph_free(%p)", g) ;
fflush(stdout) ;

return ; }
文件: IO.c 项目: fransklaver/SPOOLES
   purpose -- to read in a Graph object from a CHACO file
   input --
      fn -- filename
   return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure
   created -- 98sep20, jjs
Graph_readFromChacoFile (
   Graph   *graph,
   char    *fn
) {
char    *rc ;
FILE    *fp;
int     nvtx, nedges, format;
char    string[BUFLEN], *s1, *s2;
int     k, v, vsize, w, vwghts, ewghts;
int     *adjncy, *weights, *vwghtsINT;
IVL     *adjIVL, *ewghtIVL;
   check the input
if ((graph == NULL) || (fn == NULL)) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromFile(%p,%s)"
           "\n bad input\n", graph, fn);
   clear the data fields
   open file and read in nvtx, nedges, and format
if ((fp = fopen(fn, "r")) == (FILE*)NULL) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromChacoFile(%p,%s)"
           "\n unable to open file %s", graph, fn, fn);
   skip comments
do {
   rc = fgets(string, BUFLEN, fp) ;
   if ( rc == NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromChacoFile()"
             "\n error skipping comments in file %s\n", fn) ;
      return(0) ;
} while ( string[0] == '%');
   read in # vertices, # edges and (optional) format
format = 0;
if (sscanf(string, "%d %d %d", &nvtx, &nedges, &format) < 2) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromChacoFile(%p,%s)"
           "\n unable to read header of file %s", graph, fn, fn);
ewghts = ((format % 10) > 0);
vwghts = (((format / 10) % 10) > 0);
if (format >= 100) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromChacoFile(%p,%s)"
           "\n unknown format", graph, fn);
   initialize vector(s) to hold adjacency and (optional) edge weights
adjncy = IVinit(nvtx, -1) ;
if ( ewghts ) {
   weights = IVinit(nvtx, -1) ;
} else {
   weights = NULL ;
   initialize the Graph object
nedges *= 2;
nedges += nvtx;
Graph_init1(graph, 2*ewghts+vwghts, nvtx, 0, nedges, 
adjIVL = graph->adjIVL;
if (ewghts) {
   ewghtIVL = graph->ewghtIVL;
   weights[0] = 0;                 /* self loops have no weight */
if (vwghts) vwghtsINT = graph->vwghts;
   read in all adjacency lists
k = 0;
for (v = 0; v < nvtx; v++) {
   skip comments
   do {
      rc = fgets(string, BUFLEN, fp);
      if ( rc == NULL ) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromChacoFile()"
                "\n error reading adjacency for vertex %d in file %s\n",
                v, fn) ;
         IVfree(adjncy) ;
         if ( weights != NULL ) {
            IVfree(weights) ;
         return(0) ;
   } while ( string[0] == '%');
   check for buffer overflow
   if (strlen(string) == BUFLEN-1) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromChacoFile(%p,%s)"
              "\n unable to read adjacency lists of file %s (line "
              "buffer too small)\n", graph, fn, fn);
      IVfree(adjncy) ;
      if ( weights != NULL ) {
         IVfree(weights) ;
   read in (optional) vertex weight, 
   adjacent vertices, and (optional) edge weights
   s1 = string;
   if (vwghts) vwghtsINT[v] = (int)strtol(string, &s1, 10);
   adjncy[0] = v;              /* insert self loop needed by spooles */
   if ( ewghts ) {
      weights[0] = 0;
   vsize = 1;
   while ((w = (int)strtol(s1, &s2, 10)) > 0) {
      adjncy[vsize] = --w;     /* node numbering starts with 0 */
      s1 = s2;
      if (ewghts)
       { weights[vsize] = (int)strtol(s1, &s2, 10);
         s1 = s2;
   sort the lists in ascending order
   if ( ewghts ) {
      IV2qsortUp(vsize, adjncy, weights) ;
   } else {
      IVqsortUp(vsize, adjncy) ;
   set the lists in the IVL objects
   IVL_setList(adjIVL, v, vsize, adjncy);
   if (ewghts) IVL_setList(ewghtIVL, v, vsize, weights);
   k += vsize;
   close the file and do a final check
   free the working storage
IVfree(adjncy) ;
if ( weights != NULL ) {
   IVfree(weights) ;
   check for errors
if ((k != nedges) || (v != nvtx)) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromChacoFile()"
           "\n number of nodes/edges does not match with header of %s"
           "\n k %d, nedges %d, v %d, nvtx %d\n", 
           fn, k, nedges, v, nvtx);
return(1); }
文件: IO.c 项目: fransklaver/SPOOLES
   purpose -- to read a Graph object from a binary file

   return value -- 1 if success, 0  if failure

   created -- 95sep29, cca
Graph_readFromBinaryFile ( 
   Graph   *graph, 
   FILE    *fp 
) {
int   nedges, nvbnd, nvtx, rc, totewght, totvwght, type ;
int   itemp[6] ;
int   *vwghts ;
IVL   *adjIVL, *ewghtIVL ;
   check the input
if ( graph == NULL || fp == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", graph, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
   clear the data fields
Graph_clearData(graph) ;
   read in the six scalar parameters
   type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght
if ( (rc = fread((void *) itemp, sizeof(int), 6, fp)) != 6 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n %d items of %d read\n", graph, fp, rc, 6) ;
   return(0) ;
type     = itemp[0] ;
nvtx     = itemp[1] ;
nvbnd    = itemp[2] ;
nedges   = itemp[3] ;
totvwght = itemp[4] ;
totewght = itemp[5] ;
   create the adjIVL IVL object, 
   set its type to IVL_CHUNKED, then read in its data
adjIVL = IVL_new() ;
IVL_setDefaultFields(adjIVL) ;
adjIVL->type = IVL_CHUNKED ;
rc = IVL_readFromBinaryFile(adjIVL, fp) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
           "\n trying to read in adjIVL"
           "\n return code %d from IVL_readBinaryFile(%p,%p)",
           graph, fp, rc, adjIVL, fp) ;
   return(0) ;
if ( type % 2 == 1 ) {
   int   nvtot, wght ;
   vertex weights are present
   nvtot  = nvtx + nvbnd ;
   vwghts = IVinit2(nvtot) ;
   if ( (rc = fread((void *) vwghts, sizeof(int), nvtot, fp)) != nvtot){
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n %d items of %d read\n", graph, fp, rc, nvtx+nvbnd) ;
      return(0) ;
   wght = IVsum(nvtot, vwghts) ;
   if ( wght != totvwght ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n totvwght = %d, IVsum(vwghts) = %d\n",
              graph, fp, totvwght, wght) ;
      return(0) ;
} else {
   vwghts = NULL ;
if ( type > 2 ) {
   int   wght ;
   edge weights are present, create the ewghtIVL object, 
   set its type to IVL_CHUNKED, then read in its data
   ewghtIVL = IVL_new() ;
   IVL_setDefaultFields(ewghtIVL) ;
   ewghtIVL->type = IVL_CHUNKED ;
   rc = IVL_readFromBinaryFile(ewghtIVL, fp) ;
   if ( rc != 1 ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n trying to read in ewghtIVL"
              "\n return code %d from IVL_readBinaryFile(%p,%p)",
              graph, fp, rc, ewghtIVL, fp) ;
      return(0) ;
   wght = IVL_sum(ewghtIVL) ;
   if ( wght != totewght ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n error in Graph_readFromBinaryFile(%p,%p)"
              "\n totewght = %d, IVL_sum(ewghtIVL) = %d\n",
              graph, fp, totewght, wght) ;
      return(0) ;
} else {
   ewghtIVL = NULL ;
   initialize the object
Graph_init2(graph, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
            adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL) ;

return(1) ; }
   purpose -- 

   if the elimination has halted before all the stages have been 
   eliminated, then create the schur complement graph and the map 
   from the original vertices those in the schur complement graph.

   schurGraph -- Graph object to contain the schur complement graph
   VtoPhi     -- IV object to contain the map from vertices in V
                 to schur complement vertices in Phi

   created -- 97feb01, cca
MSMD_makeSchurComplement (
   MSMD    *msmd,
   Graph   *schurGraph,
   IV      *VtoPhiIV
) {
int       nedge, nPhi, nvtx, totewght, totvwght ;
int       *mark, *rep, *VtoPhi, *vwghts ;
int       count, *list ;
int       ierr, ii, size, *adj ;
int       phi, psi, tag ;
IP        *ip ;
IVL       *adjIVL ;
MSMDvtx   *u, *v, *vertices, *vfirst, *vlast, *w ;
   check the input
if ( msmd == NULL || schurGraph == NULL || VtoPhiIV == NULL ) {
           "\n\n fatal error in MSMD_makeSchurComplement(%p,%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", msmd, schurGraph, VtoPhiIV) ;
   exit(-1) ;
vertices = msmd->vertices ;
nvtx     = msmd->nvtx     ;
   initialize the V-to-Phi map IV object
IV_clearData(VtoPhiIV) ;
IV_setSize(VtoPhiIV, nvtx) ;
IV_fill(VtoPhiIV, -2) ;
VtoPhi = IV_entries(VtoPhiIV) ;
   count the number of Schur complement vertices
vfirst = vertices ;
vlast  = vfirst + nvtx - 1 ;
nPhi   = 0 ;
for ( v = vfirst ; v <= vlast ; v++ ) {
#if MYDEBUG > 0
   fprintf(stdout, "\n v->id = %d, v->status = %c", v->id, v->status) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   switch ( v->status ) {
   case 'L' :
   case 'E' :
   case 'I' :
      break ;
   case 'B' :
      VtoPhi[v->id] = nPhi++ ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
      fprintf(stdout, ", VtoPhi[%d] = %d", v->id, VtoPhi[v->id]) ;
      fflush(stdout) ;
      break ;
   default :
      break ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n\n nPhi = %d", nPhi) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   get the representative vertex id for each Phi vertex
rep = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
for ( v = vfirst ; v <= vlast ; v++ ) {
   if ( (phi = VtoPhi[v->id]) >= 0 ) {
#if MYDEBUG > 0
      fprintf(stdout, "\n rep[%d] = %d", phi, v->id) ;
      fflush(stdout) ;
      rep[phi] = v->id ;
   set the map for indistinguishable vertices
for ( v = vfirst ; v <= vlast ; v++ ) {
   if ( v->status == 'I' ) {
      w = v ;
      while ( w->status == 'I' ) {
         w = w->par ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
      fprintf(stdout, "\n v = %d, status = %c, w = %d, status = %c", 
              v->id, v->status, w->id, w->status) ;
      fflush(stdout) ;
      VtoPhi[v->id] = VtoPhi[w->id] ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n\n VtoPhi") ;
IV_writeForHumanEye(VtoPhiIV, stdout) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   initialize the Graph object
Graph_clearData(schurGraph) ;
Graph_init1(schurGraph, 1, nPhi, 0, 0, IVL_CHUNKED, IVL_CHUNKED) ;
adjIVL = schurGraph->adjIVL ;
vwghts = schurGraph->vwghts ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n\n schurGraph initialized, nvtx = %d",
        schurGraph->nvtx) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   fill the vertex adjacency lists
mark = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
list = IVinit(nPhi, -1) ;
nedge = totvwght = totewght = 0 ;
for ( phi = 0 ; phi < nPhi ; phi++ ) {
   get the representative vertex
   v = vfirst + rep[phi] ; 
#if MYDEBUG > 0
   fprintf(stdout, "\n phi = %d, v = %d", phi, v->id) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   MSMDvtx_print(v, stdout) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   count = 0 ;
   tag   = v->id ;
   load self in adjacency list
   mark[phi] = tag ;
   totewght += v->wght * v->wght ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
   fprintf(stdout, "\n    mark[%d] = %d", phi, mark[phi]) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   list[count++] = phi ;
   load boundary lists of adjacent subtrees 
   for ( ip = v->subtrees ; ip != NULL ; ip = ip->next ) {
      u    = vertices + ip->val ;
      size = u->nadj ;
      adj  = u->adj  ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
      fprintf(stdout, "\n    subtree %d :", u->id) ;
      IVfp80(stdout, size, adj, 15, &ierr) ;
      fflush(stdout) ;
      for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
         w = vertices + adj[ii] ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
         fprintf(stdout, "\n       w %d, status %c, psi %d",
                 w->id, w->status, VtoPhi[w->id]) ;
         fflush(stdout) ;
         if ( (psi = VtoPhi[w->id]) != -2 && mark[psi] != tag ) {
            mark[psi] = tag ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
            fprintf(stdout, ", mark[%d] = %d", psi, mark[psi]) ;
            fflush(stdout) ;
            list[count++] = psi ;
            totewght += v->wght * w->wght ;
   load adjacent vertices 
   size = v->nadj ;
   adj  = v->adj  ;
   for ( ii = 0 ; ii < size ; ii++ ) {
      w = vertices + adj[ii] ;
      if ( (psi = VtoPhi[w->id]) != -2 && mark[psi] != tag ) {
         mark[psi] = tag ;
         list[count++] = psi ;
         totewght += v->wght * w->wght ;
   sort the list and inform adjacency IVL object
   IVqsortUp(count, list) ;
   IVL_setList(adjIVL, phi, count, list) ;
   set the vertex weight and increment 
   the total vertex weight and edge count
   vwghts[phi] =  v->wght ;
   totvwght    += v->wght ;
   nedge       += count   ;
schurGraph->totvwght = totvwght ;
schurGraph->nedges   = nedge    ;
schurGraph->totewght = totewght ;
   free the working storage
IVfree(list) ;
IVfree(mark) ;
IVfree(rep)  ;

return ; }
文件: init.c 项目: damiannz/spooles
   basic initializer for the Graph object

   type      -- graph type
   nvtx      -- # of vertices
   nvbnd     -- # of boundary vertices
   nedges    -- # of edges
   adjType   -- IVL type for adjacency object
   ewghtType -- IVL type for edge weights object

   created -- 95sep27, cca
Graph_init1 (
   Graph   *g,
   int     type,
   int     nvtx,
   int     nvbnd,
   int     nedges,
   int     adjType,
   int     ewghtType
) {
int   nvtot ;
#if MYTRACE > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n just inside Graph_init1(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, adjType, ewghtType) ;
fflush(stdout) ;
   check the input
if ( g == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_init1(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)"
           "\n graph is NULL\n",
           g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, adjType, ewghtType) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( type < 0 || type >= 4 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_init1(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)"
           "\n invalid type = %d, must be in [0,3]\n",
           g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, adjType, ewghtType, type) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( nvtx <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_init1(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)"
           "\n nvtx = %d, must be positive\n",
           g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, adjType, ewghtType, nvtx) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( nvbnd < 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_init1(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)"
           "\n nvbnd = %d, must be nonnegative\n",
           g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, adjType, ewghtType, nvbnd) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( nedges < 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_init1(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)"
           "\n nedges = %d, must be nonnegative\n",
           g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, adjType, ewghtType, nedges) ;
   exit(-1) ;
#if MYTRACE > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n input checks out") ;
fflush(stdout) ;
switch ( adjType ) {
case IVL_SOLO    :
   break ;
default :
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_init1(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)"
           "\n invalid adjType = %d\n",
           g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, adjType, ewghtType, adjType) ;
   exit(-1) ;
switch ( ewghtType ) {
case IVL_SOLO    :
   break ;
default :
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in Graph_init1(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)"
           "\n invalid ewghtType = %d\n",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, adjType, ewghtType, ewghtType) ;
   exit(-1) ;
   clear the data structures
Graph_clearData(g) ;
   set the scalar fields
g->type   = type   ;
g->nvtx   = nvtx   ;
g->nvbnd  = nvbnd  ;
g->nedges = nedges ;
nvtot     = nvtx + nvbnd ;
   set the adjacency IVL object
g->adjIVL = IVL_new() ;
if ( nedges == 0 || adjType == IVL_UNKNOWN ) {
   IVL_init1(g->adjIVL, adjType, nvtot) ;
} else {
   IVL_init2(g->adjIVL, adjType, nvtot, nedges) ;
if ( type % 2 == 1 ) {
   set the vertex weights vector
   g->vwghts = IVinit(nvtot, 0) ;
if ( type >= 2 ) {
   set the edge weights IVL object
   g->ewghtIVL = IVL_new() ;
   if ( nedges == 0 || ewghtType == IVL_UNKNOWN ) {
      IVL_init1(g->ewghtIVL, ewghtType, nvtot) ;
   } else {
      IVL_init2(g->ewghtIVL, ewghtType, nvtot, nedges) ;

#if MYTRACE > 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n leaving Graph_init1(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, adjType, ewghtType) ;
fflush(stdout) ;

return ; }
文件: init.c 项目: damiannz/spooles
   second initializer for the Graph object.
   this function is used in the I/O routines
   Graph_readFromFormattedFile(Graph *g, FILE *fp) and
   Graph_readFromBinaryFile(Graph *g, FILE *fp) where
   the IVL object(s) and vwghts[] vector are created

   type     -- graph type
   nvtx     -- # of vertices
   nvbnd    -- # of boundary vertices
   nedges   -- # of edges
   totvwght -- total vertex weight
   totewght -- total edge weight
   adjIVL   -- IVL object for adjacency structure
   vwghts   -- pointer to integer vector for vertex weights
   ewghtIVL -- IVL object for edge weights 

   created -- 95sep27, cca
Graph_init2 (
   Graph   *g,
   int     type,
   int     nvtx,
   int     nvbnd,
   int     nedges,
   int     totvwght,
   int     totewght,
   IVL     *adjIVL,
   int     *vwghts,
   IVL     *ewghtIVL
) {
#if MYTRACE > 0
        "\n just inside Graph_init2(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght, 
        adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   check the input
if ( g == NULL ) {
        "\n fatal error in Graph_init2(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
        "\n graph is NULL\n",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
        adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( type < 0 || type >= 4 ) {
        "\n fatal error in Graph_init2(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
        "\n invalid type = %d, must be in [0,3]\n",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
        adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL, type) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( nvtx <= 0 ) {
        "\n fatal error in Graph_init2(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
        "\n nvtx = %d, must be positive\n",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
        adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL, nvtx) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( nvbnd < 0 ) {
        "\n fatal error in Graph_init2(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
        "\n nvbnd = %d, must be nonnegative\n",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
        adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL, nvbnd) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( nedges < 0 ) {
        "\n fatal error in Graph_init2(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
        "\n nedges = %d, must be nonnegative\n",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
        adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL, nedges) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( adjIVL == NULL ) {
        "\n fatal error in Graph_init2(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
        "\n adjIVL is NULL\n",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
        adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( (type % 2 == 1) && (vwghts == NULL) ) {
        "\n fatal error in Graph_init2(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
        "\n type = %d, vwghts is NULL",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
        adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL, type) ;
   exit(-1) ;
if ( (type >= 2) && (ewghtIVL == NULL) ) {
        "\n fatal error in Graph_init2(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
        "\n type = %d, ewghtIVL is NULL",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
        adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL, type) ;
   exit(-1) ;
   clear the data structures
Graph_clearData(g) ;
   set the scalar fields
g->type     = type     ;
g->nvtx     = nvtx     ;
g->nvbnd    = nvbnd    ;
g->nedges   = nedges   ;
g->totvwght = totvwght ;
g->totewght = totewght ;
   set the IVL objects and vertex weights vector
g->adjIVL = adjIVL ;
if ( type % 2 == 1 ) {
   g->vwghts = vwghts ;
if ( type >= 2 ) {
   g->ewghtIVL = ewghtIVL ;

#if MYTRACE > 0
        "\n leaving Graph_init2(%p,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%p)"
        "\n type = %d, ewghtIVL is NULL",
        g, type, nvtx, nvbnd, nedges, totvwght, totewght,
        adjIVL, vwghts, ewghtIVL, type) ;
fflush(stdout) ;

return ; }